microbiology chapter 9

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The three basic categories of genes:

1. genes that code for proteins 2. genes that code for RNA 3. genes that control gene expression

The inducible operon is made of 3 segments:

1. regulator 2. control locus 3. structural locus

The science of genetics explores:

1. transmission of biological traits from parent to offspring 2. expression and variation of those traits 3. structure and function of genetic material 4. how this material changes

A DNA triplet encodes ________________ mRNA codon and ________________ amino acid

1; 1

Adenine binds to thymine with ___________ hydrogen bonds


In a chromosome, the DNA is composed of ________________ strand(s)


________________ replication forks are formed form opening a section of the parental DNA molecule during replication


Guanine binds to cytosine with ___________ hydrogen bonds


Nucleotides can only be added to the _______________ end of a growing chain


The mRNA chain is built in the ________________ direction

5' to 3'

________________ are transcribed from a DNA template

All types of RNA

The ________________ test is used to determine the carcinogenic potential of a chemical


Agricultural, industrial, and medicinal compounds are screened using the

Ames test

__________ are found on mRNA, and __________ are found on tRNA

Codons; anticodons

Which of the following is NOT a result of transposon activity in bacteria? Changes in traits such as colony morphology, pigmentation, and antigenic characteristics Replacement of damaged DNA Transfer of drug resistance in bacteria Correction of ultraviolet radiation mutations

Correction of ultraviolet radiation mutations

Genes are made up of ________________, a macromolecule made up of nucleotides


Genome of cells is


Genome of viruses is


What enzyme is responsible for building strands of DNA?

DNA polymerase

What proofreads nucleotides during DNA replication?

DNA polymerase

___________ removes the RNA primers and replaces them with DNA

DNA polymerase I

The enzymes responsible for building the DNA strand, proofreading newly produced DNA strands, and removing the RNA primer are

DNA polymerase I and II

___________ adds nucleotides in a 5' to 3' direction

DNA polymerase III

What determines the order of amino acids in the primary structure of a protein?

DNA sequence of a gene

In bacterial conjugation a ________________ refers to a donor cell with a fertility plasmid located in the cytoplasm


In bacterial conjugation, ________________ refers to a recipient cell that does not have a fertility plasmid


Addition or deletion of bases that changes the reading of mRNA codons

Frameshift mutation

What are the two types of transduction?

Generalized and specialized transduction

Random fragments of disintegrating host DNA are picked up by the phage during assembly; any gene can be transmitted this way. What type of transduction?

Generalized transduction

DNA polymerase ________________ is the enzyme responsible for building the DNA strand


The enzyme involved in replicating a new DNA strand is DNA polymerase ________________, and the DNA polymerase ________________ is involved in removing the RNA primer, closing gaps, and repairing mismatched bases.


What is the order of transcription?

Initiation, Elongation, Termination

Transcribed version of a structural gene or genes in DNA

Messenger RNA

DNA replication begins at an

ORI (origin of replication)

What can be shared between bacteria through conjugation to help them survive the effects of antibiotics?

R-factors or resistance factors

The large enzyme complex involved in synthesizing RNA from a DNA template is

RNA polymerase

The main enzyme responsible for transcription is

RNA polymerase

Please order the following to represent the stages from beginning to end of the transcription process: RNA polymerase dissociates from the DNA strand at a specific sequence. RNA polymerase builds the mRNA strand based on the DNA sequence. RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region on the DNA strand.

RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region on the DNA strand. RNA polymerase dissociates from the DNA strand at a specific sequence. RNA polymerase builds the mRNA strand based on the DNA sequence.

In the first step of transcription, ___________ binds to a ___________ region upstream of the gene

RNA polymerase; promoter

During transcription, RNA polymerase synthesizes ________________ from a ________________ template


___________ technique allows identification of mutants

Replica Plating

Random change in the DNA arising from errors in replication that occur without a known cause

Spontaneous mutation

Changing of single base in the DNA code that may result in the placement of a different amino acid

Substitution mutation

Can move from one chromosome site to another, from a chromosome to a plasmid, or from a plasmid to a chromosome


Special DNA segments that have the capability of moving from one location in the genome to another - "jumping genes"


What is the specific sequence of 3 mRNA nucleotides that encodes a particular amino acid?

a codon

The main effect of ultraviolet radiation on DNA is

abnormal bonding between adjacent pyrimidines

The ________________ of tRNA is complementary to the mRNA codon in translation


When a mutated gene reverses to its original base composition


In eukaryotic cells, what cellular structure is composed of a neatly packaged DNA molecule?


What is a discrete cellular structure composed of a neatly packaged DNA molecule?


Donor and recipient bacterial cells are connected by the sex pilus during


During ________________, bacterial cells are in direct contact


What is the transfer of a plasmid or chromosomal fragment from a donor cell to a recipient cell via a direct connection?


Composed of promoter and operator

control locus

When excess arginine is present, it binds to the repressor and changes it. Then the repressor binds to the operator and blocks arginine synthesis. Arginine is the


A nucleotide is oriented 5' to 3' depending on the location of the ________________ on the strand of DNA

deoxyribose carbons

What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide in DNA?

deoxyribose sugar, phosphate, and nitrogenous base

RNA viruses compared to DNA viruses:

enter host cell in RNA form virus cycle occurs in cytoplasm smaller genomes

Proteins contribute to the phenotype of an organism by functioning as:

enzymes and structural molecules

Proteins that remove incorrect bases and replace them with correct ones are termed ________________ repair enzymes


Gram-negative cell donor has a _______ that allows the synthesis of a conjugative pilus

fertility plasmid

Recipient cell is a related species or genus without a

fertility plasmid

________________ mutations are generally most harmful to cells because they cause the greatest change in the amino acid sequence of a protein


The segment of DNA that contains the necessary code to make a protein or RNA molecule


The site on the chromosome that provides information for a certain cell function


Chromosome is subdivided into ___________, the fundamental unit of heredity responsible for a given trait


What is the study of heredity?


What is the study of the inheritance of living things?


The ______ is the sum total of genetic material in a cell.


What is the sum total of genetic material of a cell? (chromosomes + mitochondria/chloroplasts and/or plasmids)


All types of genes constitute the genetic makeup


An organism's genetic makeup is referred to as its ________________, whereas the expression of those genes is referred to as the organism's ________________

genotype; phenotype

What are the purine nitrogenous bases found in DNA?

guanine and adenine

What unwinds and unzips the DNA double helix?


What is another term for genetics - the study of inheritance in living things?


When one bacterium donates DNA to another bacterium, a type of genetic recombination known as _________ has occurred.

horizontal gene transfer

________________ mutations occur as a consequence of exposure to chemical or physical mutagens


Results from exposure to known mutagens, physical (primarily radiation) or chemical agents that interact with DNA in a disruptive manner

induced mutations

Lactose turns on the operon on by acting as the


The lactose operon is an ___________ operon


When a operon is turned ON by a substrate; catabolic operons - enzymes needed to metabolize a nutrient are produced when needed


The three events of translation in the correct order are ________________, ________________, ________________, followed by protein folding and processing

initiation, elongation, termination

Translation occurs in five stages:

initiation, elongation, termination, protein folding, and processing

What are intervening sequences of noncoding DNA?


The __________ operon is normally in an off mode and does not initiate enzyme synthesis when the appropriate substrate is absent.


Binding of ___________ to the repressor protein changes its shape and causes it to fall off the operator. RNA polymerase can bind to the promoter. Structural genes are transcribed


The ___________ operon is normally off


A ________________ mutation results in a different amino acid being incorporated into a protein, with varying results


Eukaryotic chromosomes are

multiple and linear

A ________________ defines a chemical or physical agent that induces a change in DNA


A chemical or physical agent that induces a change in DNA is referred to as a


________________ refers to an organism that has a mutation


An organism that has a mutation is a ___________, showing variance in morphology, nutritional characteristics, genetic control mechanisms, resistance to chemicals, etc

mutant strain

A ________________ is a permanent inheritable alteration in the DNA sequence of a cell


A change in phenotype due to a change in genotype is called a


A small number of ________________ are considered beneficial in that they provide one cell with a useful change in structure or physiology


Genetic ______ and the variations they produce result in population changes and thus, evolution.


Mutations leading to _________ are harmful, possibly fatal

nonfunctional proteins

A ________________ mutation changes an amino acid producing codon into a stop codon, leafing to premature termination of a protein


A ________________ mutation results in early termination of the protein


Changes a normal codon into a stop codon

nonsense mutation

The result of a point mutation that changes a template gene sequence from 3'-TACGCCATATAT-5' to 5'-TACGCCATCTAT-5' is an example of a

nonsense mutation

The ________________ DNA strand is the strand that is not directly used for transcription into mRNA during protein synthesis


Basic unit of DNA structure is a


What is the basic unit of DNA structure?


Where does transcription occur in eukaryotic cells?


A(n) _______ is a section of prokaryotic DNA that contains one or more genes along with a corresponding operator to control transcription.


In prokaryotes the regulation of genes is coordinated by ___________, a set of genes, all of which are regulated as a single unit


Prokaryotic DNA is arranged into systems called


A ________________ serves as the vector for transduction in bacteria


The expression of the genotype creases traits referred to as the


The expression of the genotype creates observable traits


________________ repairs DNA that has been damaged by ultraviolet radiation using visible light


DNA ______________ is a light-sensitive enzyme able to repair DNA damaged by ultraviolet radiation.


In bacterial conjugation, a donor cell with a F (fertility) ________________ located in the cytoplasm is considered F+


What are found in fungi and bacteria, but not plants or viruses?


What are small circular segments of DNA found in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes that is capable of independent replication and usually contains nonessential genes?


The genome of a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell includes DNA found in:

plasmids, chromosomes, mitochondria, and chloroplasts

Mutations that involve the addition, deletion, or substitution of a single base are referred to as ________________ mutation


The addition, deletion, or substitution of a few bases

point mutation

What allows for the synthesis of many protein molecules simultaneously from the same mRNA molecule?

polyribosomal complex

Any change that confers an advantage during selection pressure will be retained by the


Gram-________________ cells conjugate and transfer genetic material through pores in their cell walls instead of pili


An RNA primer is synthesized at the origin of replication by


Splicing does not occur in


What are functional biomolecules in cells formed from one or more long chains of amino acids?


During posttranslational modification:

proteins join with other proteins to form quaternary structures cofactors are added to proteins destined to become enzymes

In DNA, a purine always combines with a


What compose ribosomal subunits?


What is a component of ribosomes where protein synthesis occurs?


________________ refers to the transfer of genes from donor to recipient microorganisms


During semiconservative ________________ the DNA is duplicated prior to binary fission


________________ of positive-strand ssRNA requires the synthesis of a negative strand which becomes a master template to create new daughter strands


Arginine operon is a ___________ operon


Retroviruses contain the enzyme

reverse transcriptase

The 5 carbon sugar in RNA is


What is the pentose sugar found in RNA?


All the elements needed to synthesize protein are brought together on the


DNA replication is said to be


Alters a base but does not change the amino acid

silent mutation

Bacterial chromosomes are a

single circular loop

RNA virus genomes are usually ________________ than DNA virus genomes


________________ mutations are due to random mistakes in replication


A random change in the DNA due to errors in replication that occur without known cause

spontaneous mutations

________________ genes encode a specific functional protein.


What are genes that code for proteins?

structural genes

What are the components of an operon in a sequence of DNA?

structural genes, operator, promoter

Made of 3 genes each coding for an enzyme needed to catabolize lactose

structural locus

What is made from DNA; secondary structure creates loops; bottom loop exposes a triplet of nucleotides called an anticodon which designates a specificity and complements mRNA; carries specific amino acids to ribosomes?


When RNA polymerase reaches the ________________ site on the DNA template, the newly formed mRNA sequence is relesased


What is the primary structure of a protein?

the chain of amino acids bound by peptide bonds

Both herpesvirus and Hepatitis B virus insert their DNA into the host genome increasing

the risk of cancer

Bacteriophage serves as a carrier of DNA from a donor cell to a recipient cell


What are the three types of RNA?

transfer RNA messenger RNA ribosomal RNA

The RNA type that transfers amino acids to the growing peptide chain in translation is

transfer RNA (tRNA)

Chromosome fragments from a lysed cell are accepted by a recipient cell; the genetic code of the DNA fragment is acquired by the recipient


During the process of ________________ a competent bacterial cell may accept soluble DNA from the surrounding environment.


Griffith's experiment using Streptococcus pneumoniae demonstrated the process of


The acceptance by a bacterial cell of small DNA fragments from the surrounding environment is termed ________.


What is a useful tool in recombinant DNA technology


________________ is the gene transfer method that involves the uptake of free DNA by competent bacterial cells


The ssRNA of positive-strand viruses come ready to be ________________ into proteins


During ________________, mRNA is converted into a protein


The two steps of protein synthesis are

translation and transcription

During translation elongation:

translocation of ribosome tRNA delivers amino acid to empty A site peptide bond forms between adjacent amino acids

________________ are able to shift from one part of the genome to another


Result from exposure to known mutagens, which are primarily physical or chemical agents that damage

DNA Induced mutation

What specifies how to make proteins?

DNA blueprint

What is the central dogma hypothesis of genetics?

DNA encodes RNA which encodes protein

Forms a complex cellular structure that contributes to the process of translation

Ribosomal RNA

A highly specific part of the host genome is regularly incorporated into the virus

Specialized transduction

Contains the anticodon and an amino acid binding site

Transfer RNA

Transduction occurs through a


Any nitrogen containing molecule found in DNA and RNA that provides the basis for the genetic code is a nitrogenous ________________


Organisms with mutations that are _________ in their environment can readily adapt, survive, and reproduce - these mutations are the basis of change in populations


Initiation of transcription involves:

binding of RNA polymerase to promoter region

DNA polymerases are responsible for:

building the DNA chain and proofreading/repair

DNA complexed with protein constitutes the genetic material as


Each mRNA ________________ codes for a particular amino acid which is the bonded with other amino acids during translation to form a protein


When _______ occurs, a portion of the chromosome and a portion of the fertility plasmid are transferred to the recipient


________________ in bacteria refers to horizontal gene exchange via pili


What are the 3 means for genetic recombination?

conjugation trasformation trasduction

Where does translation occur in eukaryotic cells?


What are the pyrimidine nitrogenous bases found in DNA?

cytosin and thymine

The purine guanine pairs with the pyrimidine ________________


In a repressible operon, excess product acts as a corepressor to __________ the transcription of the operon.


What is the pentose sugar found in DNA?


What locates and repairs incorrect sequence by removing a segment of the DNA and then adding the correct nucleotides?

excision repair

A ________________ mutation results from an insertion or deletion of nucleotides, leading to a shift of the triplet sequence from the point of mutation downstream


When the reading frame of the mRNA is altered

frameshift mutation

___________ are regulated to be active only when their products are required


What must be replicated before a cell can divide through binary fission?

genetic material

What occurs when an organism acquires and expresses genes that originated in another organisms?

genetic recombination

In the absence of ___________, the repressor binds with the operon locus and blocks transcription of downstream structural genes


Synthesized 5' to 3' in short segments; overall direction is 3' to 5'

lagging strand

Synthesized continuously in 5' to 3' direction

leading strand

When replication forks meet, ___________ link the DNA fragments along the lagging strang


What is used for UV light damage?

light repair

What carries DNA message through complementary copy; message is in triplets call codons


________________ contains the codons for the polypeptide


What is the RNA form that contains the transcribed code for a protein from the original DNA strand?

messenger RNA (mRNA)

What locates and repairs mismatched nitrogen bases that were not repaired by DNA polymerase?

mismatch repair

Causes change in a single amino acid

missense mutation

Several DNA viruses are known to be inhibitors of cancer and are thus termed


What type of bacterial cells conjugate?

only gram-negative

Gene that codes for repressor


What are genes that control gene expression?

regulatory genes

What is splicing?

removal of introns and connection of exons

Normally on and will be turned off when the product of the pathway is no longer required


When genes in a series are turned OFF by the product synthesized; anabolic operon - enzymes used to synthesis an amino acid stop being produced when they are not needed


Part of the lactose operon:

structural locus, control locus, regulator

Nucleotides covalently bond to form a

sugar-phosphate backbone

What are 2 functions of RNA polymerase?

synthesizes an RNA molecule from DNA template unwinds the DNA so that transcription can take place

Donor and recipient cells can be unrelated in


One reason protein synthesis is more efficient in bacteria that in eukaryotes because bacterial ________________ and ________________ are simultaneous.

transcription; translation

________________ involves transfer of DNA via bacteriophages


A ________________, synonymous with codon, describes a trinucleotide sequence coding an amino acid in mRNA


Griffith's experiment using Streptococcus pneumoniae demonstrated that:

two different strains of S. pneumoniae transformed into a third unique strain

The native or ________________ type strain describes cells that carry nonmutated DNA


A natural, nonmutated characteristic is known as a

wild type

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