Microbiology Unit 2 Lrnr Exam #2

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While the pre-mRNA is still being assembled, a _____________ is added to the 5' end of the growing transcript by a phosphate linkage in order to protect the newly made mRNA from being degraded.

7-methylguanosine cap

Recombinant DNA is best explained by which of the following statments?

A combination of DNA fragments generated by molecular cloning.

The genome of a typical prokaryotic organism consists of:

A singular circular chromosome composed of double stranded DNA

If the tRNA reads AUG CCU CAC AUC AUG, what was the original DNA template strand?


Why are subunit vaccines safer than other types?

All of the given reasons justify why subunit vaccines are safer than other vaccine types.

An unintended consequence of using viruses in gene therapy treatments is:

All of these could be unintended consequences in viruses in gene therapy treatments.

The process wherein the "sticky ends" of DNA strands (from cutting by a restriction enzyme) are joined together permanently by the enzyme DNA ligase is known as ______________.


The three nucleotides on tRNA that correspond to the three bases of the codon on the mRNA is referred to as a/an _____________.


In 1944, DNA was discovered to be the transforming principle by:

Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty

Which of the following is true regarding gene expression in bacteria?

Bacteria will produce proteins when they are not available in their environment.

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is predictive of prostate cancer recurrence, and is an example of a _________________.


The use of artificial methods to change the genetic material of organisms or cells to produce new compounds or to perform new functions and benefit humankind is referred to as _______________.


The basic sequencing technique used in all modern day sequencing projects and developed by Fred Sanger in the 1970s is the:

Chain termination method

Which of the following is currently under development in the field recombinant DNA technology?

Customized treatments for cancer

According to the Hershey and Chase experiments, radio labeled sulfur is to protein as radio labeled phosphorus is to __________.


Frederick Griffith reported in 1928 that information could somehow be transferred between different strains of bacteria, in what is known as the transforming principle. At that time, Griffith did not know what the transforming agent was but we now know that _______ was the transforming agent (Use abbreviation)


If a researcher wanted to measure the expression levels of large numbers of genes simultaneously, he/she would likely perform a:

DNA microarray

When the ribosome encounters a _________ codon, it triggers the end of translation and the dissociation of the newly formed protein.


Without the formation of replication forks, _______________ _____________ would not have space to sit down and begin adding nucleotides.

DNA polymerase

Which of the following depicts the correct order for organizing the genetic material of a cell from the smallest component to the largest component?

DNA, gene, chromosome

Which of the following is the correct organization of eukaryotic genetic material from the smallest to the largest, most visible component under a light microscope?

DNA, histones, chromatin, chromosome

Your traits, such as hair color, height, and the production of proteins such as hemoglobin are controlled by:

Deoxyribonucleic acid

(I cant add the photo) The replication method labeled III in the image is:

Dispersive replication method

Beadle and Tatum performed certain experiments and concluded that DNA contains information necessary in the production of __________.


Which of the following is the most widely used bacterial species in the field of genetic engineering and also used in the production of human insulin and human growth hormone?

Escherichia coli

An __________ is part of a gene that will become a part of the final mature RNA produced by that gene after completion of RNA splicing .


If your grandparents are P0, then your children would be __________.


According to the Meselson and Stahl's model of DNA replication, portions of both of the parental strands are found in the same daughter DNA molecule after replication occurs.


Genomics, including DNA analysis and genetic markers, have been used in criminal investigations to identify both victims and perpetrators, in the field of ____________.


A laboratory technique used to separate molecules using a differential based on size and charge is ______________.

Gel electrophoresis

The entire genetic content of a cell is known as its ______________.


The collection of all the chromosomal information of an individual is found in its ______________.

Genomic Library

Without the enzyme ____________, DNA replication cannot begin


In eukaryotes, DNA is tightly wrapped around a protein core known as ________________.


( I cannot add the image) Which of the depicted images support Meselson and Stahl's model of DNA replication?

Image II

( I cannot add the photo) During DNA replication, each of the two strands that make up the double helix serves as a template from which new strands are copied. This is supported by image:

Image II

Which of the following would best describe a genotype in bacteria?

Information for the production of catalase is encoded in the DNA of the bacterial chromosome.

Usually upstream of the genes it regulates, the DNA sequence onto which the transcription machinery binds and initiates transcription is known as the ___________.

Initiation site

A special component which interacts with the start codon and binds directly to the ribosome P site, linking to a special methionine to begin a polypeptide chain is known as the ____________.

Initiator tRNA.

Non-coding sequences of nucleotides which are removed by RNA splicing are referred to as __________.


Without ____________ ______________, the Okazaki fragments would remain separated and breaks would remain in the DNA molecule.

Ligase enzyme

The credit for the determination of the mechanism of replication in DNA goes to:

Meselson and Stahl

Genetic instruction is copied from the DNA inside the nucleus and carried to the ribosome by ________________ RNA.


There are neighboring bacterial species, one causing disease and the other being harmless. As the disease causing species begins to die, the cellular contents are released into the environment and are taken up by harmless bacteria. The harmless bacteria begins to exhibit features of the disease causing bacteria. What molecule is responsible for this phenomenon?

Nucleic Acid

Small fragments of DNA that are replicated discontinuously are known as _____________.

Okazaki fragments

In molecular cloning, a segment of DNA is inserted into a ____________, which acts as a vehicle to carry the segment into the bacterium where it will be copied along with the bacterial DNA.


Which of the following is the small circular DNA molecule that replicates independently of the chromosomal DNA in bacteria?


All of the following are involved in the packaging of DNA except:


Which of the following carries a gene from an organism into a bacteial cell?


Which of the following codes for virulence factors in bacterial cells?


As a research lab assistant, you are tasked with analyzing the hemoglobin protein from a variety of animal specimens. Which of the following techniques would you use?

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

When a DNA sample is available for analysis but is in an insufficient quantity for testing desired, a procedure known as ______________________________ may be performed to rapidly increase the available amount.

Polymerase chain reaction

Which of the underlisted is the small DNA fragment used to determine if the complementary sequence is present in a DNA sample?


What is the use of Polymerase chain reaction or PCR?

Produce many copies of a specific sequence of DNA using a special form of DNA polymerase.

Which of the given statements is TRUE about DNA replication in prokaryotes when compared to eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes have a single point of replication, while eukaryotes have many.

Eukaryotic cell division begins and ends with the diploid number of chromosomes while prokaryotic cell division begins and ends with the haploid number. This is because:

Prokaryotic cells have a single chromosome

A _________ is the entire set of proteins produced by a cell type


Cancerous tumors are resultant of uncontrolled cell growth due to increased expression of growth factors. Which of the following would be a method to stop the production of growth factors?

RNA interference

Silencing of genes could possibly be used in the treatment of some forms of cancer to stop the growth of tumors using:

RNA interference

During the elongation phase of transcription, the enzyme _____________ moves along the template DNA strand, adding complementary nucleotides to the growing RNA strand.

RNA polymerase

When bacterial plasmids have had foreign DNA inserted, it can then be referred to as _____________ DNA.


Two ___________ _____________ form in prokaryotes, allowing DNA replication to proceed bidirectionally.

Replication forks

Which of the following molecules are used to cut DNA molecules into section?

Restriction enzymes

A variation in the length of restriction fragments produced by a restriction enzyme in a sample of DNA, which may be used in forensic investigations and to map hereditary diseases is referred to a:

Restriction fragment length polymorphism

All of the following are true regarding rolling circle replication except:

Rolling circle replication occurs bidirectionally as it happens in bacteria.

In a double stranded DNA, one strand may have the nucleotide sequence of TGGCAAG, meaning that its complementary strand will have the sequence ACCGTTC. This follows:

Semiconservative replication method

DNA polymerase may not remain stable on the DNA molecule without (a) ________________ _________________.

Sliding clamp

The process of removing introns and reconnecting exons is called RNA __________.


The codon AUG specifies the amino acid methionine, but it also serves as the ____________ codon to initiate translation.


The initiator tRNA interacts with the ______________, which is AUG (or rarely, GUG), which always codes for methionine.

Start codon

Three of the 64 codons terminate protein synthesis, releasing the polypeptide from the ribosome. These triplets are called ___________ codons.


If the parental strand of DNA is known, the complementary strand can be determined, when the DNA has undergone semiconservative replication.


Some researchers in the field of gene therapy believe that governmental regulation of gene therapy is inhibiting the progress of gene therapy research.


Herman Cortes searched for the "Fountain of Youth" to no avail. Biologically speaking, ______________ could have the same effect if only we could activate it in aging somatic cells.


In the movie 'The Curious case of Benjamin Button', Brad Pitt's character became younger and younger. Basically, he was reversing the aging process. The enzyme ________ would be more active in his cells.


(I cant add the photo) Which of the following was verified from experiments shown in the image?

The DNA in the foot contained hereditary material that determined the properties of the cap for each species.

Which of the following must occur if a DNA probe is to function properly?

The DNA probe must be able to complementary base pair with the original DNA sequence that is being searched for.

All of the following governmental agencies are involved in the regulation of gene therapy except:

The Department of Health and Human Services

All of the following are applications of biotechnology except:

The conversion of pathogenic bacteria into harmless bacteria.

What is the primary factor that affects the rate of migration of DNA within an agarose gel in the gel electrophoresis technique?

The size of the DNA fragments

Why do DNA molecules from different bands in gel electrophoresis?

They have different sizes.

A mutation has occurred in an enzyme involved in replication causing the DNA to be supercoiled and resemble a mass of knotted thread. The enzyme ____________ is the mutated enzyme.


In prokaryotes, transcription requires the DNA double helix to partially unwind in the region of mRNA synthesis, which is known as the _____________.

Transcription bubble

Which of the following pairs of terms are similar in the manner by which recombinant DNA is introduced into prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, respectively?

Transduction and microinjection

An organism that receives DNA from a different species is known as a ____________ (write one word only) organism.


If genetically modified species is created by using DNA transplanted from another speices, it will be referred to as a ______________ organism.


One large difference with respect to transcription and translation between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that, in prokaryotes:

Translation occurs simultaneously with transcription.

The main difference between the template strand and the mRNA transcript is that the mRNA strand has _________________ instead of ____________.

Uracil, Thymine

A non-mutated gene may be introduced into diseased cells as part of a vector transmitted by a _________ to infect and deliver the foreign DNA into the genome of the targeted (diseased) cells as part of the gene therapy.


Marcia is involved in a clinical trial to treat cystic fibrosis. Her doctors are inserting the healthy chloride channel gene into a ________ in order to deliver the gene to her cells.


Which of the following statements is true regarding "junk DNA"?

"Junk DNA" helps to regulate gene expression packaging DNA.

To protect the new mRNA and to facilitate its export from the nucleus, a string of approximately 200 A residues known as the ___________ is added to the 3' end of pre-mRNAs.


Which of the given technology was used to produce large-scale quantities of the human hormone insulin in E. coli as early as 1978?

recombinant DNA

An enzyme that recognizes a specific nucleotide sequence in DNA and cuts the DNA double strand at that recognition site is referred to as a _____________ enzyme or endonuclease.


The splicing of pre-mRNA is performed by complexes of proteins and RNA molecules known as _______________.


The basic DNA sequencing technique also known as the dideoxy method or Sanger method is used to:

terminate DNA replication using labeled dideoxynucleotides

The characteristics that Mendel observed in his pea pods and flowers are known as _______________, which are carried by _______________, which are located on _______________.

traits, genes, chromosomes

mRNA provides the blueprint for protein assembly in a process known as _____________________.


The chain termination method is best described as the method that:

use labeled dideoxynucleotides to terminate DNA replication

Next generation sequencing techniques are a group of automated techniques that:

use low-cost sequencers and sophisticated software to generate sequences of hundreds of thousands or millions of short fragments in the span of one day.

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