Mid Term Continued Sociology

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A social position that a person attains through personal effort or assumes voluntarily : Person attains through personal effort or assumes voluntarily / college ,mother ,

Achieved Status

Norms that involve everyday customs , practices and interaction


The death penalty

Capital punishment

Not having enough money to afford the basic necessities of life such as food ,clothing , and shelter .

Absolute poverty

A social position a person is born into example : sex ,race,ethnicity , family relationships brother

Ascribed Status

Lack of any interest in or desire for sex


Young adults who move back in with their parents ,often with a spouse ,girlfriend or boyfriend

Boomerang children

Those who own and control capital and the means of production .


Movement from one social position to another is limited by ascribed status .

Closed stratification

Encourages workers exploitation and promotes interest of the rich / ignores a wealth of talent among the poor


Organizations promote inequality that benefits elites , not workers


Which theory believes in ethnocentrism


illegal's act committed by executives to benefit themselves and their companies

Corporate crimes

A group within society that openly opposes and or rejects some of the dominant culture norms , values, or laws .


Made up of government agencies, police ,courts, and prisons

Criminal justice system

Harriett Martinu

Criticized slavery

Refers to the gap that occurs when material culture changes faster than nonmaterial culture

Culture lag

The belief that no culture is better than another and should be judged by its own standards

Culture relativism

People that learn deviance through interaction , especially with significant others .

Differential association theory

Examines social interaction as if occurring on a stage where people play different roles and act out scenes for the audiences with whom they interact .

Dramatical analysis

Higher education promotes upper mobility


The belief that ones culture , society, or group is inherently superior to others .


Words or phrases that avoid a harsh, unpleasant , or distasteful, reality


Judge ,Student , Socialogist

Ex: of Statuses

According to George Mead where does the most critical social interaction occur



Father of Sociology

Motivates people to succeed and ensures that most qualified people will fill the most important positions


Groups and Organizations / Oranizatione are made up of interrelated parts and rules and regulations that produce cooperation in meeting a common goal


Roughly 6 years and older acquiring the ability to understand connections between roles . Baseball child plays one role at a time

Game Stage

Learned attitude and behavior that characterizes women and men


Unequal access to wealth ,power, status, prestige, and other valued resources because of one's sex .

Gender Stratification contributes to systemic inequality .

Perception of ones self of either masculine or feminine

Gender identity

Since of who you are and inneraction

Goerge Cooley

Impression management and dramatical analysis

Goffman Ervin

Criminal offense motivated by the fact or perception that the victims differ from the perpetrator

Hate crime

The most critical social interaction occurs in the family, the foundation of socialization .Learn to differentiate the me and I

Herbert Mead Family is where it all starts .

Often called straight attracted to people of the opposite sex


Sexually attracted to people of the same sex .


Hubbard House

Jane Adams

Society reaction to behavior is a major factor in defining oneself or others deviant

Labeling theory

Formally defined norms about what is legal or illegal


Those with new money which class Forbes list

Lower-upper class

Overrides other statuses and forms an important part of persons social identity. CEO Military officer family wealth , Doctorate

Master Status

The physical objects that people make ,use and share

Material culture

George Mead

Me and I theory

Electric shock / Obedient

Milligram Theorist

Norms that people consider very important because they maintain moral and ethical behavior


Refers to the coexistence of several cultures in the same geographic area without one culture dominating another


Three or more generations live together

Multigenerational house holds

Which report offers a more accurate picture of many offenses


The ideas that people create to interpret and understand the world

Nonmaterial culture

Specific rules of right and wrong behavior


Criticism regarding poverty

Old girls network

Allows movement up to or down because peoples achievements affect mobility

Open stratification

Roughly 2-6 years Child begins to use language and to use language and to understand that words have a meaning through play children begin to role taking ( Ill be mommy you be daddy)

Play Stage

The minimal income level that the federal government considers necessary for basic subsistence

Poverty line also( poverty threshold )

The ability to influence or control the behavior of others despite opposition .


Birth to 2 years / Could mimic daddy shaving or mommy angry tone of voice

Preparatory Stage

Children gradually acquire this ability early in the socialization process through three stages .

Preparatory stage , Play Stage , Game stage

A small group of people who engage in intimate face to face interaction over an extended period :

Primary Group : Ex Families close friends

A small group of people who engage in intimate face to face interaction over an extended period .

Primary Group EX: Family , Close Friends

Who are the people who shape an individual's self image ,behavior, values,and attitudes in different context.

Reference Groups

Approach to controlling deviance maintains that appropriate treatment can change offenders


Me forms as children engage in what ?

Role Taking

A large usually formal ,impersonal, and temporary , collection , of people who pursue a specific goal or activity .

Secondary Group : Ex Sociology Class

A large usually formal , impersonal and temporary collection of people who pursue a specific goal or activity .

Secondary Group Ex: Sociology Class , Sports teams ,labor unions , and a companies employees .

Refers to the biological characteristics with which they were born


An attitude or behavior that discriminates against one sex ,usually females , based on the assumed superiority of the other sex


Any unwanted sexual advance request for sexual favors ,or the other conduct of a sexual nature that makes a person uncomfortable and interferes with her or his work

Sexual harassment

Two or more people who share some attribute and interact with one another /sense of belonging , friends religious groups , athletic teams

Social Group

Two or more people who share some attribute and interact with one another .

Social Group Ex: Religous congregations, clubs, Veterens sinse of belonging.

Organized and established social system that meets one or more societys basic needs

Social institution

What is the lifelong process through which peolpe learn culture and become functioning members of society .


An overall ranking of persons position in society based on income , education, and occupation

Socioeconomic status

Who are the people that research and study human behavior


The study of human behaviors in society


A group within society that has distinctive norms, values, beliefs , lifestyles , or language .


A group within society that has distinctive norms, values, beliefs, lifestyle, or language


Data collection methods

Surveys , interviews

Shapes stratification through socialization everyday interaction and group membership /reflects social class identification through symbols

Symbolic Interaction

People are not puppets and can affect what goes on in a group or organization

Symbolic Interactionist

Anything that stands for something else and has a particular meaning for people who share a culture


behavior is regular and pattern


People whose gender identity and behavior do not correspond with their birth sex .


Women's poverties rates are higher than men


Crimes reported to the police and arrests made each year


Two of the most important sources of crime statistics are the FBI and Department of Justice


People who are persistently poor, residentially segregated and relatively isolated from the rest of the population .


People are the old rich who have been wealthy for generations

Upper-upper class

Refers to illegal activities committed by high status people in the course of their occupations

White -collar crime

Abortion is the most common among

Women who are young ,white and never married

People who work at least 27 weeks a year but those whose wages fall below the official poverty level .

Working poor

Experimented with prisoners


What is social research

know stages / read and review chapter 1

Which are considered as nonverbal communication

silence,touch,personal space.

Power diferential

what do conflict theorist believe in

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