Middle Ages Review

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Compare the Pax Mongolica to the Pax Romana

) Successfully integrated many cultures 2) Successfully spread over more than one continent 3) Successfully learned from those that they conquered 4) Successfully lasted centuries But the Mongolians under Ghenghis Khan and his progeny were FAR MORE BRUTAL than the Romans (who were also brutal).

Which was a major result of the Reformation? 1. new Christian denominations emerged 2. religious teachings were no longer allowed in the universities 3. the Crusades were organized 4. the power of the Pope was strengthened

1. new Christian denominations emerged The Protestant Reformation resulted in the formation of many new Christian denominations that disagreed with the teachings of the Catholic Church. These included the Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and many others.

In Spain, an effect of the Inquisition during the 16th century was to 1. prevent the introduction of Protestant religions 2. reintroduce Moorish culture to the Iberian Peninsula 3. encourage the development of the Industrial Revolution 4. implement the ideas of the Renaissance in major cities

1. prevent the introduction of Protestant religions Spain and the Catholic Church used the Inquisition, or Church Courts, to try, convict, and execute many Protestants for heresy. This eventually led to witch hunts and widespread anti-Semitism. Thousands of people died as a result and the spread of Protestantism was halted.

The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation were similar in that both were 1. stimulated by a spirit of inquiry 2. supported by the working class 3. limited to Italy, France, and Germany 4. encouraged by the successes of the French Revolution

1. stimulated by a spirit of inquiry Thinkers during both the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation refused to accept Church teachings as the only truth and instead sought answers based on their own observations and interpretations of the world around them.

Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses were a call for 1. religious revolt against the German princes 2. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church 3. greater papal authority 4. crusades to spread Christianity

2. reforms within the roman Catholic church In 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses, or statements, in Germany. Luther wrote the 95 Theses in opposition to the sale of indulgences being conducted by the Catholic Church in order to finance the Building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

The Justinian Code is considered a milestone because it (1) preserved many ancient Chinese legal decrees in writing (2) served as a model for European legal systems (3) became the first democratic constitution (4) united Muslim and Roman thought

2. served as a model for European legal systems

"All things were under its domain...its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny." Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement? 1. the Guild 2. Knighthood 3. the Church 4. the nation-state


What was one result of large armies traveling great distances during the Crusades? (1) Europe's population severely declined. (2) Democracy in the Middle East grew. (3) Cultural diffusion increased. (4) Slavery was eliminated.

3. Cultural diffusion increased

The Protestant Reformation represents a turning point in European history because it 1. allowed religious reformers to escape persecution 2. standardized all religious writings 3. ended religious unity in Western Europe 4. forced most of Europe's monarchs to become Protestants

3. ended religious unity in Western Europe The Protestant Reformation resulted in the formation of many new Christian denominations that disagreed with the teachings of the Catholic Church. These included the Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and many others which weakened the power of the Church by simply offering an alternative to it.

Which factor helped most to bring about the Protestant Reformation? 1. the Catholic clergy had lost faith in their religion 2. Islam was attracting many converts in Western Europe 3. kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church 4. the exploration of the Americas led to the introduction of new religious ideas

3. kings and princes in Northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church In addition to disagreement over the practices of the Catholic Church, such as the selling of indulgences, many members of royalty in Northern Europe were resentful of the vast lands owned by the Church, as well as the tithe demanded annually which only seemed to benefit far-off Rome.

Which economic system existed in Europe during the early Middle Ages? 1. free market 2. socialism 3. manorialism 4. command

3. manorialism The Manor System organized labor during the Middle Ages in Europe and provided those who lived on the manor with their basic economic needs.

During the Renaissance, which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation? 1. interest in Ancient Greece and Rome 2. advances in mathematics and science 3. questioning of traditional authority 4. attention to realism and detail

3. questioning of traditional authority The popularity of the philosophy of Humanism, or the emphasis on individuality, caused many to question traditional authority during the Renaissance. Of course, the most traditional source of authority at this time in Europe was the Catholic Church, which had engaged in practices that many found distasteful such as the selling of indulgences.

Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-Five Theses is considered by many to be a turning point in history because 1. the Pope's right to sell indulgences was strengthened 2. Luther soon became the leader of Germany 3. the power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened and royal power grew 4. the Roman Catholic Church unified the German states

3. the power of the Roman Catholic Church was lessened and royal power grew In addition to disagreement over the practices of the Catholic Church, such as the selling of indulgences, many members of royalty in Northern Europe were resentful of the vast lands owned by the Church, as well as the tithe demanded annually which only seemed to benefit far-off Rome.

What was the effect of the extensive Mongol Empire on the people who lived in Europe and Asia in the 1200s? (1) development of a common language (2) adoption of Confucian ideas and practices (3) expansion of Japanese cultural traditions (4) significant increases in trade and travel

4) significant increases in trade and travel

In Europe during the Middle Ages, increases in trade and commerce resulted in 1. lower living standards for industrial workers 2. decreased economic rivalry between kings 3. increased political power for the clergy 4. development of towns and cities


Which activity is the best example of cultural diffusion in Africa? 1. weaving kente cloth in Ghana 2. using masks in traditional African ceremonies 3. discovering bronze sculptures from Benin 4. practicing of Islam in Nigeria

4. Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia and was transmitted throughout the Middle East, India, and northern Africa.

Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades? 1. Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East 2. Islamic influence dominated Europe 3. Europeans developed tolerance of Non-Christian religions 4. trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded

4. While Europeans were unable to maintain control of the Holy Land in the Middle East, trade between the two areas increased as demand grew for the spices and other items brought back to Europe by the Crusaders.

"Christians should be taught that he who gives to a poor man or lends to a needy man does better than if he used the money to buy an indulgence." Which major movement in European history started with the idea expressed in this statement? 1. Commercial Revolution 2. Industrial Revolution 3. Renaissance 4. Protestant Reformation

4. Protestant Reformation In 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses, or statements, in Germany. Luther wrote the 95 Theses in opposition to the sale of indulgences being conducted by the Catholic Church in order to finance the Building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

In Western Europe, a major immediate effect of the Reformation was a 1. renewed domination of the Catholic Church over the German states 2. greater tolerance of religions other than Christianity 3. decrease in educational opportunities for the middle class 4. decline in religious unity and in the power of the Catholic Church

4. decline in religious unity and in the power of the Catholic Church The Protestant Reformation resulted in the formation of many new Christian denominations that disagreed with the teachings of the Catholic Church. These included the Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and many others

One of the major achievements of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was that he (1) established a direct trade route with Ghana (2) defended the empire against the spread of Islam (3) brought Roman Catholicism to his empire (4) preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture

4. preserved and transmitted Greek and Roman culture

One major result of the Crusades was the 1. permanent occupation of the Holy Land by the Europeans 2. long-term decrease in European trade 3. conversion of most Muslims to Christianity 4. spread of Middle Eastern culture and technology to Europe

4. spread of Middle Eastern culture and technology to Europe As European Crusaders returned to Europe from the Middle East, they brought with them ideas and technologies. These included the Hindu-Arabic numbering system, the concept of zero, and sailing technologies such as the astrolabe and compass.

Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the medieval church in western Europe was criticized for (1) sponsoring explorations to the Middle East (2) allowing the Bible to be printed and distributed to the people (3) being too concerned with worldly power and riches (4) refusing to sell indulgences to peasants

(3) being too concerned with worldly power and riches

•In less than 50 years, it was the largest unified land empire in history. •In 1279, it was the first foreign group to gain complete control of China. •It made the caravan routes across Asia safe for trade and travel. •When attempting to conquer Japan in 1274 and 1281, its fleets were destroyed by storms. Which empire is most closely associated with these statements? (1) Persian (2) Gupta (3) Ottoman (4) Mongol

(4) Mongol

". . . Therefore those preachers of indulgences are in error, who say that by the pope's indulgences a man is freed from every penalty, and saved; . . ." — Martin Luther Which period in European history is most directly related to this statement? (1) Age of Exploration (2) Scientific Revolution (3) Crusades (4) Protestant Reformation

(4) Protestant Reformation

One similarity between Martin Luther and Henry VIII is that they (1) argued against the establishment of a theocratic state (2) protested against the ideas of the Enlightenment (3) died during the Reign of Terror (4) challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church

(4) challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church

The Silk Road was important because it allowed for the (1) exploration of China by the Roman Army (2) development of agriculture by the nomadic people of Central Asia (3) movement of Chinese armies through Southeast Asia (4) exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East

(4) exchange of goods between Asia and the Middle East

Which was a result of the Protestant Reformation in Europe? 1. the Catholic Church accepted the dominance of the new Protestant religions in Italy, France, and Germany 2. Spain became a predominately Protestant nation 3. Catholic Church leaders refused to make any changes in church practices 4. the power of the Catholic Church in Europe was weakened

4. the power of the Catholic church in Europe was weakened The Protestant Reformation resulted in the formation of many new Christian denominations that disagreed with the teachings of the Catholic Church. These included the Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and many others which weakened the power of the Church by simply offering an alternative to it.

Where did church officials, such as bishops and archbishops fit into the feudal system?

Bishops were accepted in court and generally lived with the same luxuries as the lord/nobles in the Middle Ages

What was the official name of the disease associated with the Black Death

Bubonic plague

What was the role of the Catholic Church in the growth of the new European civilization

Its clear structure allows it to exert influence in Europe and Eastern Rome


During the Counter Reformation, the Spanish Inquisition served to prevent the introduction of Protestant religions.

Who called for the first Crusades? Why?

Pope Urban II called for a crusade to help the Byzantines and to free the city of Jerusalem. The official start date was set as August 15, 1096.

Describe the Silk Road and what happened on it

The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is a network of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time.[1] Extending 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometres), the Silk Road derives its name from the lucrative trade in Chinese silk carried out along its length, beginning during the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD Silk Road trade flourished as goods and ideas, such as gunpowder, porcelain, and the technology of papermaking were traded with the west.

What was the most powerful institution in Europe during the Middle Ages?

The Catholic Church

What are two results of the Black Death Epidemic

decline in economy--> people didn't work faith in religion decreased -- thought it was caused by the wrath of god; thought prayer failed; many clergy died end of feudalism


flogging or beating, often as a religious discipline

What did Charlemagne do and when did he do it?

he united most of Western Europe during the Middle Ages and laid the foundations for modern France and Germany. 8th century • Built empire greater than any since ancient Rome • Reunited western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire • Was crowned the Roman Emperor, signaling the joining of Germanic power, the Church, and heritage of the Roman Empire • Encouraged learning • Sent out royal agents to make sure counts (powerful landholders) governed their countries justly

What was the major theme of art and music in the Middle Ages?


What did Boccaccio write about in "The Decameron"

tells a story of men and women living in Italy during the bubonic plague.

What factor led to the development of the new social and political system called feudalism?

the collapse of the Roman Empire and its strong central government. People needed security.

What did the crowning of Charlemagne (in 800)symbolize?

this event demonstrated strength in the idea of an enduring Roman Empire; This coronation marked the 'coming together' of Roman, Christian, and Germanic elements -it marks the beginning of a new civilization in Europe

Where did knights fit into this system?

below all lords/nobles and above all peasants

• Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses. • Calvin preached the theory of predestination. • Henry VIII signed the Act of Supremacy. These events occurred during the (1) Crusades (2) Neolithic Revolution (3) Protestant Reformation (4) Glorious Revolution

(3) Protestant Reformation

What were some of the results of the Mongol's rule over Asia?

"The Mongol Empire controlled a large portion of Asia," "the Mongols controlled territory from eastern China to eastern Europe," "it was the largest unified land empire in history," "The Mongol Empire ruled peoples from China, Russia, eastern Europe, and India" • Kublai Khan and Genghis Khan extended Mongol influence to other parts of Asia • The Mongols employed superior military skills to create a vast empire • As a result of the Mongol invasions of Russia, the Russian people were cut off from most of western Europe • Russian leaders adopted the idea of strong, centralized control of the empire from the Mongols • The Mongols adapted to a difficult physical environment (the steppes) • The expansion of the Mongol empire resulted in significant increases in trade and travel between Europe and Asia

•Pope Leo authorizes the sale of indulgences, 1515 •Martin Luther posts the Ninety-five Theses, 1517 These events are most closely associated with the (1) Protestant Reformation (2) Crusades (3) Age of Reason (4) Puritan Revolution

(1) Protestant Reformation

In the early 1500s, Martin Luther's "Ninety-five Theses," Henry VIII's "Act of Supremacy," and John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion contributed to (1) a decline in the power of the Catholic Church (2) an increased sense of nationalism in Tudor England (3) the growing power of the feudal nobility in Europe (4) a major conflict among Eastern Orthodox Christians

(1) a decline in the power of the Catholic Church

An important effect of the Protestant Reformation in Europe was that it strengthened the (1) power of monarchies (2) power of the pope (3) belief in polytheism (4) unity of Europe

(1) power of monarchies

• Sale of indulgences authorized by Pope Leo X to raise money to build St. Peter's Basilica in Rome (1515) •Ninety-five Theses posted (1517) •Hearing held at Worms, Germany (1521) These events are most closely associated with (1) Charles V and absolutism (2) Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation (3) John Locke and the Enlightenment (4) Karl Marx and scientific socialism

(2) Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation

Which action could be considered an effect of the Protestant Reformation? (1) posting of the Ninety-five Theses (2) decline in the power of the Roman Catholic Church (3) sale of indulgences (4) end of religious warfare

(2) decline in the power of the Roman Catholic Church

the Mongol Empire stretched across (1) Africa and Southeast Asia (2) North America and Europe (3) Europe and Asia (4) South America and Asia

(3) Europe and Asia

Base your answers to the following two questions on the quotation below and on your knowledge of social studies. "Kings and Princes coin money only out of metals, but the Pope coins money out of everything, -- indulgences, ceremonies, dispensations, pardons; all fish come to his net." -- Martin Luther, 1519 The ideas presented in this passage led directly to the (1) Commercial Revolution (2) Spanish Inquisition (3) Protestant Reformation (4) French Revolution

(3) Protestant Reformation

Which statement best expresses an idea held by many Renaissance humanist philosophers? (1) People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters. (2) Governments should establish overseas empires. (3) Individuals should withdraw from the world and study religion. (4) Scholars should dedicate themselves to the study of life after death.

1) People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters.

An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the 1. Orthodox Christian religion 2. use of the Latin alphabet 3. beginning of democracy 4. factory system


Feudalism in Western Europe was similar to feudalism in Japan in that 1. power was based on class relationships 2. equality among the social classes 3. direct democracy 4. monotheism

1. Feudalism in Europe and Japan depended on a very rigid class structure in which the peasant labored for the upper class who provided them with land to live on and protection in times of warfare

What were a few of his major accomplishments?

1. Made the Hagia Sophia (1st cathedral) 2. Took back Spain, Italy, North Africa 3. The Justianian Code - a body of civil laws

"Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason... my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will hot recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise." —Martin Luther, Diet of Worms (1517) When Martin Luther said "my conscience is captive to the Word of God," he was referring to his belief in 1. the supremacy of the Bible over Church policies 2. imprisoning those who disagreed with Church teachings 3. maintaining the unity of the Church 4. the need for nepotism

1. the supremacy of the Bible over Church policies In 1517, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses, or statements, in Germany. Luther wrote the 95 Theses in opposition to the sale of indulgences being conducted by the Catholic Church in order to finance the Building of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. He also disagreed with the Church over theology. Luther preached that the true word of God came from the Bible, not from the Church.

Which action is linked to the spread of the Black Death (1340) to Europe during the 14th century? (1) trade with Asia (2) conquest of Japan (3) trade across the Sahara (4) exploration of the Western Hemisphere

1. trade with Asia

Peace of Augsburg

1555, ended religious civil war between roman catholic and lutherans in germany, each german prince power to choice religion of state, failed to provide recognition for calvinsts or other religious groups

Which empire introduced the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Cyrillic alphabet to Russia? 1. Mongol 2. Byzantine 3. British 4. Gupta

2. Byzantine

0. During the Middle Ages, Europeans did not eat potatoes or corn because these vegetables 1. were forbidden by the Catholic Church for religious reasons 2. had not yet been introduced to Europe from the New World 3. were believed to be poisonous 4. were too expensive to import from China

2. Had not yet been introduced to Europe from the New World Corn and potatoes were introduced to Europe after explorers returned with them from their voyages to the Americas.

A major goal of the Christian Church during the Crusades (1096-1291) was to 1. establish Christianity in western Europe 2. capture the Holy Land from Islamic rulers 3. unite warring Arab peoples 4. strengthen English dominance in the Arab world

2. capture the Holy Land from Islamic rulers The Europeans wanted to capture this area to protect Christian missionaries and pilgrims. Others reasons may include the hope for wealth and glory.

One major influence the Renaissance had on the Protestant Reformation was that the philosophers of the Renaissance 1. supported democratic forms of government 2. encouraged a questioning attitude 3. stressed the importance of life after death 4. denied the existence of God

2. encouraged a questioning attitude Thinkers during both the Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation refused to accept Church teachings as the only truth and instead sought answers based on their own observations and interpretations of the world around them.

The Protestant Reformation and the European Renaissance were similar in that both 1. discouraged the growth of strong monarchs 2. encouraged people to question tradition 3. were led by the military 4. supported the return of the Roman Empire

2. encouraged people to question tradition The popularity of the philosophy of Humanism, or the emphasis on individuality, caused many to question traditional authority during the Renaissance. Of course, the most traditional source of authority at this time in Europe was the Catholic Church, which had engaged in practices that many found distasteful such as the selling of indulgences.

What was the Concordat de Worms of 1122?

Compromise arranged in 1122 between Pope Calixtus II (1119-24) and the Holy Roman emperor Henry V (reigned 1106-25) settling the Investiture Controversy, a struggle between the empire and the papacy over the control of church offices.

What was the political and social system in Europe during the Middle Ages?


Know how the Christian Humanists, such as Erasmus, wanted to reform the Church

Humanism was an intellectual movement where people began to focus on life in the present, which was in contrast to the Middle Ages' focus on the after life. Humanism stressed the importance of education, with the study of ancient Greek and Roman texts becoming the learning standard. Humanism also stressed the importance of the individual. This movement was the driving force of the Renaissance and is reflected in the period's artistic, literary, and scientific achievements. During the second half of the fifteenth century, the new movement called Christian humanism (or Northern Renaissance humanism) developed. Christian humanists believed in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves. One of their major goals was the reform of the Catholic Church. Humanists believed that in order to change the Church and society, they needed to change individuals first. They thought that if people read the classics and the works of Christianity, they would become more pious. This would bring about a reform of the Church and society. The best known of the Christian humanists was Desiderius Erasmus. He called his view of religion "the philosophy of Christ." He believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives. To reform the Church, Erasmus wanted to spread the philosophy of Christ and provide education in the works of Christianity. He also criticized the abuses of the Catholic Church. He did not wish to break away from the Church, however. He sought reform within the Catholic Church. But his ideas prepared the way for the Reformation.

Ninety Five Theses

In 1517, Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses, which were 95 arguments against the sale of indulgences. He posted these on the door of the Wittenberg church in protest. The Catholic Church ordered Luther to recant, or take back his theses, but he refused. The Church excommunicated him, and would have executed him had they been able to capture him.

Who were the Calvanists and how are they related to the founding of the U.S.

John Calvin was another priest - turned reformer. Like Luther, he believed that faith in god provided the path to salvation, but he also promoted the idea of predestination. Predestination is the belief that certain people were chosen by god for salvation. Calvanists -- followers of Calvin all believed they were predestined for heaven. They setup religious communities throughout Europe and lived very strict, moral lives. They were among the Pilgrims who left Europe for America to escape religious persecution Most settlers in the American Mid-Atlantic and New England were Calvinists,


Letters of forgiveness for one's sins provided by the medieval Church, and one of the causes of the Reformation.

What was one influence of Mongol rule on the history of Russia? (1) Contact with kingdoms in western Europe greatly increased. (2) The Chinese writing system was introduced and adopted. (3) Most Russians converted from Orthodox Christianity to Islam. (4) Russian leaders adopted the idea of strong, centralized control of the empire.

Russian leaders adopted the idea of strong, centralized control of the empire.

The new Protestant religions included all of the following except: a. Presbyterian b. Lutheran c. Methodist d. Russian orthodox

Russian orthodox

What technological invention helped spur the Protestant Reformation?

The printing press

Define cultural diffusion

The spreading of ideas through contact such as trade or war.

How did Christianity spread to Russia?

Vladomir, Prince of Kiev,


a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own:


a professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church.


opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church or religious system.

In some European cities, who was blamed for the Bubonic Plague? What was done to them?

Jews and others blamed for plague resulting in their persecution

What was an unintended result of the Crusades?

an increase in trade Christian countries became rich

A major reason that the Renaissance began in Italy was that (1) Italian city-states had grown wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia (2) farmers produced great agricultural surpluses on vast plains (3) merchants supported the Green Revolution (4) many European scholars had migrated to this area

(1) Italian city-states had grown wealthy from trade between Europe and Asia

What were some of Justinaians major problems?

(1) Riots called the Nika Riots broke out in 532 and grew from political unrest of the governments fiscal (money) policies. Rival factions fought in the streets. Justinian wanted to leave the city during the riots

In western Europe, Martin Luther's Ninety-five Theses and Henry VIII's Act of Supremacy led to (1) an end to Christian unity (2) a strengthening of economic unity (3) better relations between peasants and merchants (4) fewer violent outbreaks between ethnic groups

(1) an end to Christian unity

The exchange of silks and spices and the spread of Buddhism along the Silk Roads are examples of (1) cultural diffusion (2) self-sufficiency (3) ethnocentrism (4) desertification

(1) cultural diffusion

Which innovation had the greatest impact on the Protestant Reformation? (1) movable-type printing press (2) Mercator map projection (3) magnetic compas

(1) movable-type printing press

A direct impact that the printing press had on 16th-century Europe was that it encouraged the (1) spread of ideas (2) beginnings of communism (3) establishment of democracy (4) development of industrialization

(1) spread of ideas

One way Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry VIII were similar is that they all were (1) Latin American revolutionary leaders (2) Reformation leaders (3) Impressionist painters (4) divine right monarchs

(2) Reformation leaders

Which circumstance best describes a long-term result of the Crusades? (1) Muslim control of Jerusalem ended. (2) Feudalism began in western Europe. (3) Cultural exchanges between the Middle East and Europe grew. (4) Christians and Muslims achieved a lasting peace.

(3) Cultural exchanges between the Middle East and Europe grew.

The technology of papermaking traveled from China to Baghdad along the (1) Saharan caravan trails (2) Trans-Siberian Railway (3) Silk Roads (4) Suez Canal

(3) Silk Roads

One major characteristic of the Renaissance period is that the (1) Catholic Church no longer had any influence in Europe (2) manor became the center of economic activity (3) classical cultures of Greece and Rome were revived and imitated (4) major language of the people became Latin 17 From the 15th to the 18th centuries, absolute monarchs of Europe and Asia sought to

(3) classical cultures of Greece and Rome were revived and imitated

The growth of maritime and overland trading routes led to (1) decreased interest in inventions and technology (2) the limited migration of peoples (3) increased cultural diffusion (4) the development of subsistence agriculture

(3) increased cultural diffusion

The revival of Greek and Roman culture, the economic growth of Italian city-states in the 1400s, and the development of humanism were aspects of the (1) Age of Revolutions (2) Protestant Reformation (3) spread of Islam (4) European Renaissance

(4) European Renaissance

Which factor contributed to the beginning of the Renaissance in Italian cities? (1) occupation by foreign powers (2) interaction with Latin America (3) surplus of porcelain from Japan (4) access to important trade routes

(4) access to important trade routes

The Renaissance in western Europe is best described as a period marked by (1) unquestioned reliance on the teachings of Aristotle (2) an advance of Muslim culture (3) Christian unity throughout the region (4) great intellectual and artistic creativity

(4) great intellectual and artistic creativity

The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by 1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership 2. absolute monarchies and strong central governments 3. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life 4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

1. Manorialism was the cornerstone of European society in the Middle Ages. Nobility who held land, the only thing of value during the period, ruled these manors.

Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle Ages? (1) Magna Carta (3) Justinian Code (2) Twelve Tables (4) Rig Veda

1. Magna Carta

An important contribution of the Byzantine Empire to Russia is the establishment in Russia of 1 Orthodox Christianity 2 representative democracy 3 a free-market

1. Orthodox Chrisitanity

An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the 1. Orthodox Christian religion 2. use of the Latin alphabet 3. beginning of democracy 4. factory system

1. Orthodox Christian religion Christianity continued to thrive in the Byzantine Empire after the schism with the Catholic Church. Eventually, it became known as the Eastern Orthodox Church and spread throughout Russia.

What was one of Justinian's (Byzantine Emperor in 500's) main goals?

1. Recover lands lost to invaders and reconstitute the Empire 2. Spread Christianity It was Justinian's desire to restore the Empire -- both East and West -- to all of its former glory. In fact, it has been said that his desire to restore the former Roman Empire was an obsession.

In Western Europe, feudalism developed after the (1) Roman Empire collapsed (2) Renaissance began (3) city of Constantinople fell (4) Mongols invaded

1. Roman Empire collapsed

The Crusades have been called "history's most successful failures." Which statement best explains this expression? 1. The Crusades did not achieve their original goals, but they brought about many desirable changes in Europe. 2. Although the Crusaders captured the Holy Land, they were unable to bring about democratic reforms. 3. The Crusades helped bring about the fall of the Roman Empire 4. The Crusaders prevented the Turks from capturing Constantinople for many centuries

1. The Crusades did not achieve their original goals, but they brought about many desirable changes in Europe. The Crusades provided new opportunities for the serfs living on medieval manors in Europe to travel to the Middle East to fight the Muslims. As the Crusades ended, Europeans brought back spices and other items which caused trade between the two areas to increase.

Geographic isolation of a people frequently reinforces 1. a traditional way of life 2. the development of scientific investigation 3. the need for higher education 4. a process of cultural diffusion

1. a traditional way of life Geographic isolation severely limits opportunities for cultural diffusion, so that a society that is isolated may maintain its traditional ways.

In European feudal society, an individual's social status was generally determined by 1. birth 2. education and training 3. individual abilities 4. marriage

1. birth

List the new technological inventions from China in the Middle Ages

1. gunpowder 2. block printing/printing machines 3. mechanical clocks

Revival of trade in western Europe, decline of feudalism, revival of interest in learning, and cultural interaction with the Middle East are associated with the (1) impact of the Crusades (2) effects of the barter system (3) growth of the Maya Empire (4) rise of Charlemagne

1. impact of the Crusades.

The bubonic plague affected economic development in medieval times by (1) encouraging the introduction of new types of crops (2) causing production to decline and prices to rise (3) sparking the ideas of socialism and reform (4) destroying the guild system

2. causing production to decline and prices to rise

One important effect of the Crusades on Western Europe was that they 1. led to a decline in the importance of the church in Western Europe 2. furthered cultural diffusion throughout Western Europe 3. introduced the Industrial Revolution to Western Europe 4. ended the western European quest for an overseas empire

2. cultural diffusion As the crusaders returned from the Middle East to Europe, they brought with them a sample of the exotic spices and goods available from that part of the world. This resulted in an increased demand for these luxury goods and fueled trade between Europe and the rest of the world. A direct result of this trade was cultural diffusion as contact between these areas became more frequent.

The Magna Carta (1215) can be described as a (1) journal about English feudal society (2) list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy (3) census of all tax-paying nobility in feudal England (4) statement of grievances of the middle class in England

2. list of feudal rights that limited the power of the English monarchy

What were two indirect results of the Crusades? 1. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was strengthened 2. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was strengthened 3. trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened 4. trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was weakened

3. The Crusades provided new opportunities for the serfs living on medieval manors in Europe to travel to the Middle East to fight the Muslims. As the Crusades ended, Europeans brought back spices and other items which caused trade between the two areas to increase.

"Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task." Which Empire is referred to in this quotation? 1. Hellenistic 2. Mongol 3. Byzantine 4. Ottoman

3. Byzantine Christianity continued to flourish in the Byzantine Empire, even after Rome fell in 476 CE.

In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was 1. the strengthening of the feudal system 2. the adoption of Islamic religious practices 3. an increased demand for goods from the East 4. increased European isolation

3. an increased demand for goods from the East

The Black Death was primarily spread by the actions of: 1. invading armies 2. nomadic people 3. merchants 4. explorers

3. merchants

The Twelve Tables, Justinian's Code, and the English Bill of Rights are similar in that each addresses the issue of (1) social mobility (2) economic development (3) the individual and the state (4) the importance of religion

3. the individual and the state

The growth of feudalism in Europe during the Middle Ages was primarily caused by the 1. rivalry between the colonial empires 2. suppression of internationalism 3. decline of the Roman Catholic Church 4. collapse of a strong central government

4. The collapse of the Roman Empire was finalized in 476 CE, when the city of Rome was sacked. For nearly 1,000 years afterward no single centralized government was able to maintain control of Europe. As a result, the region became dominated by feudalism in order to meet the basic need for protection which was necessary for survival.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, the force that provided unification and stability was the 1. central government in Rome 2. military alliance between France and Germany 3. federation of the craft guilds 4. Roman Catholic Church

4. Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church during the Middle Ages in Europe can best be described as a church that 1. favored separation from secular governments 2. avoided involvement in social and educational matters 3. was a strong force that divided many people 4. was a stabilizing influence during a period of weak central governments

4. The Catholic Church was at the center of life in Europe during the Middle Ages.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, increases in trade and commerce resulted in 1. lower living standards for industrial workers 2. decreased economic rivalry between kings 3. increased political power for the clergy 4. development of towns and cities

4. development of towns and cities Medieval cities were supported by trade, exchange, production, consumption, and moneymaking. Many of the businesses that exist today, such as banks and corporations, can trace their ancestry to the Middle Ages.

Which is a characteristic of a feudal society? 1. rapid social change 2. high literacy rate 3. industrial-based economy 4. rigid class structure

4. rigid class structure Feudalism in Europe depended on a very rigid class structure in which the peasant labored for the upper class who provided them with land to live on and protection in times of warfare.


A large collection of "holy" items (over 19,000 holy bones and 5,000 other items*) of saints that supposedly provided the basis for granting indulgences that could reduce stays in purgatory by over 1.9 million years. These treasures were made available to believers on All Saints Day, November 1. By viewing the relics and making the stipulated payment, the believer could reduce a stay in hell while providing much needed financial support for the Church.

What role did trade play in the Black Death epidemic

A result of the increased interaction between Europe and the Middle East was the spread of the Bubonic Plague, also known as, the Black Death. Starting in the 1100s, the plague was spread along trade routes and had an enormous impact on Europe, including the loss of 1/3 of the population, a decline in their economy, and a weakening of feudalism.

What was the feudal contract?

An oath of loyalty and protection between lords and vassals

Where did kings fit into this system

At the top: Give large land grants to Upper Lords called fiefs. Give Protection Receives money, military service, and advice

Describe Constantinople and its great church

Constantinope was a thriving city because of its location on a major trade route between Asia and eastern Europe The Hagia Sophia - the Church of the Holy Wisdom [rebuilt by Justinian]

Know all facts related to Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, Henry VIII

Following the Crusades, Europe entered into a period known as the Renaissance. The rebirth of thinking included ideas concerning religion. Power, territory, and riches obtained during feudalism had created an atmosphere of corruption within the Catholic Church. Some members of the clergy began calling for change. One protestant who demanded a reformation was Martin Luther. In his 95 Theses, Luther exposed the corrupt practices of the Catholic Church such as the selling of indulgences in which people could give money in exchange for a place in heaven. Luther and other protestants such as John Calvin were excommunicated from the Catholic Church and formed their own Protestant religions. Lutheranism and Calvinism are only two of many examples. The Church attempted a Counter-Reformation, but change came too late to bring all Christians back. Subsequently, many wars were fought between Catholic and Protestant lords and kings who used religion as a guise to gain more territory and power. England played a role in the Protestant Reformation when Henry VIII (King of England) broke away from the Roman Catholic Church to form his own Church of England. One reason behind this was selfish... he wanted to divorce his wife, but the Catholic Church refused.

Describe the early English parliament. How did it transform into a government similar to that of the U.S. today?

In 1295, bishops and abbots, peers, two knights from each shire, and two representatives from each town all met in modern format for the first time. Start of "representative government"

What was Joan of Arc's role in the war?

Joan of Arc (Jehanne Darc) was important to the history of France because she was a tremendous help in the Hundred Years War. Joan of Arc was born a peasant girl in Domremy, France on January 6, 1412. When Joan of Arc was 13 she began hearing the voices from God. They were telling her to disguise herself as a man and join the French army to fight against England. At first she was very afraid, but she did what she was told to do because she was loyal to God and she knew it was him speaking. Joan of Arc thought she saw and heard St. Michael and St. Catherine too. In 1429 the voices told her to go see the future ruler of France, Charles VII. She convinced him that it was her divine mission to help save France. He made her talk to his priests and they decided that she was telling the truth. She was given troops to fight England and dressed as a man to lead them. Joan won many military victories over England and saved France from English rule. Her biggest victory was winning back Orleans from the English in 1429 when she was 17 years old. Joan of Arc was captured and sold to the English during a battle near Paris in 1430. They put Joan on trial because the English thought she was hearing voices from the devil and they thought she was a witch. They also thought that she was wrong to dress like a man. She was burned at the stake in 1431.

What was Justinian's relationship to the church?

Justinian took a leading role in shaping church policy. As an adamant defender of Christian Orthodoxy, he fought to extinguish the last vestiges of Greco-Roman paganism, to root out Manichaeans and Samaritans, and to oppose competing Christian sects, including the Arians and the Monophysites. Justinian also came into direct conflict with the papacy in 543, further straining relations between the western and eastern territories of his empire.

What was the economic system in Europe during the Middle Ages?

Manorialism - Economic portion of feudalism where all aspects of life were centered on the lord's manor including peasant villages, a church, farm land, a mill, and the lord's castle or manor house.

What distinguished Renaissance art from earlier art of the Middle Ages, such as Byzantine?

Medieval art: Mostly religious; very focused on creating symbols of Christian concepts/values; not concerned with realism. Served a purpose: "Before a worshipper has even entered the church, he would find images of saints and sinners, of angelic beings and the punishment of the damned. All stood as a reminder of the importance of holding one's thoughts to God." Statues were shallow and flat. Bodies might be out of proportion. Renaissance art: Very focused on realism--on portraying things as they look. Used linear perspective in painting. Not as focused on religion. Often used to show the beauty in nature (including human beings). Often depicted everyday life. Used light and shadow.

Describe the "Fall of Rome" Include all important dates and invading peoples.

Rome fell in 476 AD. The fall was welcomed by the Senate. Visigoths rebelled and crushed Romans in Adrianople in 378AD. The Vandals took over Spain, North Africa, Sicily, and attack Rome in 410AD and win. In 493AD, the Ostrogoths defeat Odoacer (Roman general).

In Byzantine art, how are the Virgin Mary and Baby Jesus portrayed? Who is usually in the pictures with them?

The Byzantine art style of the Dark Ages or early Medieval Art was created largely for the Eastern Orthodox Church. The style of Byzantium Art was characterised by: ◾Byzantine Art was totally flat - one dimensional. There was no perspective ◾There were no shadows ◾Figures in Byzantine Art were generally depicted front-facing ◾Byzantine Art featured long, narrow and solemn faces ◾There was no attempt to portray realism in sombre Byzantine Art Jesus is sometimes depicted as having the features and proportions of an adult, but the overall body size of a child. These are features common of Byzantine art. The artist trys to make the viewer think about and understand the concept that Christ was God and man at the same time. By using symbols the artist of this painting was able to convey more without making his painting more complicated.

When and where did the European Renaissance begin? Why there?

The European Renaissance began in Northern Italy in the 14th century. The Tuscan city of Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance. One major reason the Renaissance began in Italy is linked to geography. The city-states of Italy, positioned on the Mediterranean Sea, were centers for trade and commerce, the first port of call for both goods and new ideas.

Who fought the Hundred Years War (1337-1453)?

The Hundred Years' War was a long struggle between England and France over succession to the French throne. It lasted from 1337 to 1453. It started because of the English king's claim to the French throne. The English won most of the battles, but the French won the war

What was the significance of the Magna Carta (1215)? What did it change in English society and politics?

The Magna Carta is one of the most important documents in history. It guaranteed the people certain rights, and bound the king to certain laws. It limited the power of the King. It ultimately helped shape the bill of rights,constitution,the amendments,declaration of independence etc. it influenced the type of government all nations have

What was the Pax Mongolica and how did it affect Europe during the Middle Ages?

The Pax Mongolia was a time of trade and cultural diffusion The Pax Mongolica or "Mongol Peace" is a phrase coined by Western scholars to describe the social, cultural, and economic outcome of the Mongol Empire's conquest of the territory from Southeast Asia to Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries. As a result of the Mongol conquest, much of the "Silk Road," which connected trade centers across Asia and Europe, came under the rule of the Mongol Empire. "Pax Mongolica" refers to the facilitation of communication and commerce that occurred as a result of this unified administration.

Describe the Italian Renaissance

The Renaissance was a time of creativity and change in Europe. It was a rebirth of cultural and intellectual pursuits after the stagnation of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance produced a golden age with many achievements in art, literature, and science, but most importantly, it produced a new concept of how people thought of themselves, each other, and the world around them. The Renaissance was centered in Italy during the 1300s, before spreading throughout Europe in the 1500 and 1600s.

Define: free market, socialism, manorialism, command economy

free market - an economic system in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses. socialism - a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies. manorialism- the economic system of the Middle Ages by which the peasants of medieval Europe were rendered dependent on their land and on their lord. command economy- An economy where supply and price are regulated by the government rather than market forces.

Define social mobility. Do we have it today in the United States? Did they have it in the Middle Ages?

the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society. It is a change in social status . Yes we have it in the US. But there was very little social mobility in the Middle Ages. You were born into your social class and stayed there. (Like in the caste system in India.)

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