Midterm Exam: Chapters 3-10

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Mood disorder is now depressive disorders and bipolar and related disorders OCD is placed on its own intellectual disability is the new name for mental retardation learning disorders renamed specific learning disorder Substance use disorder is two previous disorders in one now: substance abuse and substance dependency ADHD can have until age 12 to have symptom onset.

5 revisions to the disorders in the DSM

structured; unstructured

A ___ interview is a predetermined, planned sequences of questions that an interviewer asks a client. By contrast, an ____ interview is improvised and involves no predetermined questions.


A ___ model of intelligence proposes that specific abilities exist and are important, but they are all somewhat related to each other and to a global, overall, general, intelligence


A ____ interview is a special type of clinical interview designed not only to assess a problem demanding urgent attention but also to provide immediate intervention for the problem

generalized anxiety disorder

A client who scores very high on the clinical scale called "Psychasthenia" on the MMPI-2 is more like to receive a diagnosis of ___.

antisocial personality disorder

A client who scores very high on the clinical scale called "Psychopathic Deviate" on the MMPI-2 is most likely to receive a diagnosis of ___.

must obtain written permission to videotape an interview

A clinical psychologist must obtain what permissions?


A clinical psychologist who is sufficiently capable, skilled, experienced, and expert to adequately complete the professional tasks they undertake is fulfilling the ethical standard of ___.

People who report higher levels of exercise, also tend to report lower levels of depression

A study of the relationship between physical exercise and depression finds a negative correlation. What does that mean?

Principle E - respect Standard 2.01 - understand the depth of the client's culture Standard 3.01 - will not unjustly discriminate against a client Standard 9.06 - when interpreting test results, must take into account the cultural differences

APA principles and standards related to multiculturalism


According to Cattell, ___ intelligence includes the ability to solve novel problems.

exerted too much control over clinical decisions

According to surveys of psychologists in private practice, managed care companies have ____.

Multiple relationships are unethical only when they can be reasonably expected to cause impairment in the psychologist or risk exploitation or harm of the client.

According to the most recent edition of the APA ethical code, which of the following statements is TRUE regarding multiple relationships? - All multiple relationships are unethical - Multiple relationships are unethical only when the client is harmed by them - Multiple relationships are unethical only when they can be reasonably expected to cause impairment in the psychologist or risk exploitation or harm of the client - Multiple relationships are unethical only when they are sexual in nature.

the establishment of minimal levels of competence for the field

Advantages of the emergence of manualized therapies with empirical support include ____.

convenience for clients

Advocates for prescription privileges for clinical psychologists cite ____ as support for their argument.


All editions of the DSM have offered a ___ approach to diagnosis.


At the end of the interview, he ties together various topics that Megan discussed, connecting statements she made at various points, and identifies themes in the information she has provided. Which of the following techniques is Dr. Huckabee using?

about as well in-person forms of psychotherapy

Based on current reviews and meta-analyses, we can say that telepsychology generally appears to work ____.

Asperger's disorder was expanded and can now be diagnoses as mild, moderate, or severe Asperger's disorder

Based on the textbook, which of the following is NOT a revision to a mental disorder that was included in the DSM-5? - The "bereavement exclusion" included in the diagnostic criteria for a major depressive episode was dropped. - Asperger's disorder was expanded and can now be diagnoses as mild, moderate, or severe Asperger's disorder. - The age at which symptoms must first appear in individuals diagnosed with ADHD was changed from 7 to 12 years old. - The frequency of binges required for bulimia nervosa was decreased to once per week

facilitates easier communication between professionals

Categorical diagnosis of mental illness has many advantages, including that it ___.

researching assessment methods

Clinical psychologists may develop, validate, or expand the use of psychological instruments such as the MMPI-2 and the WAIS-IV. Such activity is an example of ___.

Etic is looking at differences in humans - first emerging perspective Emic is looking at them in their own culture specific lens

Compare and contrast etic and emic perspectives

weaker external validity

Compared to effectiveness studies, efficacy studies of psychotherapy outcome generally have ___.

greater internal validity

Compared to effectiveness studies, efficacy studies of psychotherapy outcome generally have ____.

- more disorders were added to it - guidelines for current disorders were given broader ranges of diagnostic leniency

Criticisms of DSM-5 with regard to the issue of overdiagnosis

prefer a smaller amount of personal space

Cultural variables are important in the context of a clinical interview. For example, compared to people from North American or Britain, people of Middle Eastern or Latino/Latina cultures tend to ___.

less physical touch

Cultural variables are important in the context of a clinical interview. For example, compared to traditional Western culture, Asian cultures tend to feature ___.

how much or how little to include parents in the child's therapy

Describe the main ethical dilemma when working with minor clients

directive: exact information they need, very direction questions and a simple answer - good information that may not have come up otherwise - sacrifices rapport nondirective: client talks about whatever they want - may learn crucial information that they may not have known enough to ask about - may not have gained enough information to diagnose the client

Directive vs nondirective interview styles

- relationship between client matters most - no room for modification

Disadvantages of manualized therapy

"I generally only preform personality assessments with children. I can refer you to a colleague who has a good deal of experience with adult personality assessment."

Dr. Goldfarb is contacted by Shannon, an adult seeking personality testing for herself. Dr. Goldfarb has extensive experience with child personality assessment, but it has been some years since he administered an adult personality instrument. Which of the following responses could Dr. Goldfarb give to Shannon and remain in compliance with the APA code of ethics?

intake interview

Dr. Harris, a clinical psychologist, is interviewing a client with the primary purpose of determining whether the agency where Dr. Harris works can provide the services required by this client. In other words, Dr. Harris is conducting an ____.

diagnostic interview

Dr. Murphy, a clinical neuropsychologist, is conducting a clinical interview in which the primary purpose is to assign a label from the current DSM to the patient. In other words, Dr. Murphy is conducting a ___.

therapeutic assessment

Dr. Richards uses psychological testing, including feedback about testing results, both to assess his patients and provide a brief therapeutic intervention. This practice is best described as ___.


Dr. Young, a clinical psychologist, is conducting an assessment of a client who experienced a head injury in a car accident. She uses the Halstead-Reitan battery to determine impairment of the functioning of specific components or structures of the brain. Dr. Young is conducting ___ testing.

third party increases diagnoses due to need of label but also allows people to get treatment when they couldn't otherwise afford it

Effect of payment methods on a diagnosis

verbal tracking

Effective interviewers are skilled at ___, or repeating key words and phrases back to their clients to ensure the clients that they have been accurately heard.

empirically supported treatments

Evidence-based practice has also been referred to as ____.

multiple abilities that vaguely relate to create a general overall intelligence in humans John Carrol has the three-stratum theory and has "g" for general intelligence and 8 broad topics, 60 more specific topics

Explain hierarchical models of intelligence

intent - measure the brain's cognitive function overall and specific structures purpose - issues that might arise from injuries, long-time substance abuse, create a rehab plan, and determine eligibility at school and work

Explain intent and purpose of neuropsychological testing

intelligence tests show what they are capable either now or in the future achievement tests are what they have already produced - certain grade level or age to being diagnosed with a specific learning disorder, must undergo achievement testing and compare to average expected scores of people the same age

Explain the difference between intelligence testing and achievement testing. How are these used in diagnosing learning disorders?

1. if the psychologist becomes impaired 2. exploitation or harm to the client involved.

Explain the two criteria that would make multiple relationships unethical

offer clients the option of using secure methods for conducting therapy sessions online

Guidelines regarding the use of new technologies by clinical psychologists include all the following EXCEPT ___.

Objective tests rely on the thought that people will reveal themselves through performance-based activities Projective are not restricted to True/False, not easily comparable, and scoring may vary

Highlight the main differences between objective and projective

demonic, natural

Hippocrates denied ____ causes in explaining abnormality, and instead promoted ____ causes.

the ability to prescribe medication

Historically, what has been the primary distinction between psychiatrists and psychologists?

specific learning disorder

Honore receives psychological testing. Althought her intelligence falls in the low average range, a discrepancy is still identified between her achievement and intelligence test scores (such that achievement falls significantly below expectations based on intelligence). This discrepancy will likely be the basis for a diagnosis of ___.

Hippocrates: being caused by physical factors Pinel: took detailed notes on in-patient facilities and would share with coworkers Kraepelin: founding father of the DSM system

How did Hippocrates, Pinel and Kraepelin influence the way we diagnose mental illness?

because there is no underlying issues to uncover. You are seeing the exact behaviors with no reason to dig deeper

How is behavioral assessment a "fundamentally different approach to assessment?


In a(n) ____ design, participants within a single condition are compared to themselves at various points in time.


In a(n) ____ design, the researcher cannot always assign people randomly to conditions, make particular manipulations, or test certain hypotheses due to ethical, practical, or other constraints.

dimensional; personality

In recent years, researchers have offered alternatives to the categorical approach to the diagnosis of mental disorders. Specifically, the ___ approach ahs received significant attention, especially regarding the ____ disorders.


In the ____ acculturation strategy, an individual rejects much of his new culture and retains much of his original culture.

Thematic Apperception Test

In the ____, the task of the client is to create a story to go along with the interpersonal scenes depicted in cards.

research; psychotherapy

Informed consent regarding ____ is best understood as a one-time event, but informed consent regarding ___ is best understood as an ongoing process

internal = efficacy; how variables relate to each other external = effectiveness; how well results can be generalized

Internal vs external validity

- use of evidence based techniques

List advantages of manualized therapy

- no universal training program - medication intervention could take over - influences from pharmaceutical could cloud judgement

List arguments against prescription privileges

- explicitly state a commitment to diversity - actively make an effort to recruit graduate students from diverse perspectives - actively make effort to recruit and retain a diverse faculty - make efforts to make the admission process fair and equitable - ensure that students gain awareness of their own cultural value and biases, knowledge of other groups, and skills to work with diverse populations - examine all courses for an infusion of a culture-centered approach throughout the curriculum - evaluate students on their cultural competence on a regular basis

List the 7 essential components of improving the multicultural competence of clinical psychologists.

- better communication - convenience for patients - revenue for their business

List the arguments for prescription privileges

acquiring awareness, knowledge, and skills to function in a pluralistic society

Multicultural counseling competence is _______.

1. gain knowledge on psych disorders 2. how to treat disorders 3. research assessment methods 4. diagnostic issues - "either or" situation or sliding scale 5. professional issues 6. teaching and training issues

Name and briefly explain the six main reasons why clinical psych do research

Verbal comprehension - verbal communication and reasoning Perceptual reasoning - fluid reasoning, virtual processing, and visual-motor integration Working memory - ability to store information and retain that info in short-term memory Processing speed - ability to process all kinds of information rapidly and accurately

Name and explain four indexes of the WAIS-IV

1. Beneficence and non-maleficence: always benefit and never do harm 2. fidelity and responsibility: strive to gain a trusting relationship with their clients and be aware of their responsibilities to the client and community 3. integrity: strive to be accurate and honest 4. professionals being fair and just 5. respect for people's rights and dignities

Name the APA Five General Ethical Priniciples

PMDD DMDD - disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: temper tantrums past appropriate age level Binge Eating Disorder Mild neurocognitive disorder: adults can live independently SSD - somatic symptom disorder: physical symptom that gets much worse to obsessively worrying about it Hoarding disorder

New disorders in the DSM-5

professional autonomy and identification for clinical psychologists

Opponents of prescription privileges for clinical psychologists cite all of the following EXCEPT ____ as support for their argument.

- more accessible to rural areas

Pros of using technology

Diagnoses such as premenstrual dysphoric disorder demonstrate a significant reduction in DSM gender bias.

Recent editions of the DSM, including DSM-5, have received numerous criticisms. Which of the following statements is inconsistent with the criticisms discussed in the textbook/ - the breadth of coverage of recent DSMs was expanded too much - The cutoffs that separate those who quality for disorders from those who do not are often arbitrary rather than empirically based - diagnoses such as premenstrual dysphoric disorder demonstrate a significant reduction in DSM gender bias. - nonempirical influences such as political and social forces, may have too much influence on the decisions made by DSM.

can be accomplished by asking the client how he would like to be addressed early in treatment

Referring to a client by the proper name ___.

reaches a deeper appreciation of his or her own cultural identity

Regardless of the methods used to train clinical psychologists to be culturally competent, as essential ingredient is that the trainee ___.

produce better client outcomes and are more successful in getting clients engaged in therapy

Some studies of manualized therapy have found that therapists who demonstrate flexibility while using manuals ____.


Spearman created the concept of ___, an individual's general intelligence or global, overall intellectual ability

quieting themselves (internally) being self-aware developing positive working relationships eye contact body language vocal qualities verbal tracking referring to client by proper name observing client behavior

Summarize key skills and behaviors for a psychologist to use conducting a clinical interview.

open-ended: gain more personal narrative closed-ended: used for diagnosing, to the point

Summarize open- and closed-ended questions

was a college student whose murder resulted in the creation of the duty to warn

Tatiana Tarasoff

case study

The ABAB design is an example of a(n)____.

normal personality traits

The NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-3) emphasizes ___.


The Psychasthenia scale on the MMPI-2 is a measure of ___.

four; five

The WAIS features ____ factors each of which yields an index score. The SB5 features ___ factors.

an individually administered test of language, reading, writing, and mathematics achievement

The WIAT is ____.


The WISC is an appropriate test for a client who is ____ years old.

Weschler-Memory Scale

The ___ is a memory test that can be used to assess individuals who are suspected to have memory problems due to brain injury, dementia, or substance abuse

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery

The ___ is a thorough and lengthy battery of eight standardized neuropsychological tests.

General Principles

The ___ section of the current ethical code includes aspirational ideals regarding the behavior of clinical psychologists, as opposed to enforceable rules of conduct.

Tripartite Model of Personal Identity

The ____ places importance on multiple perspectives, including those that recognize the uniqueness of each individual, as well as the similarities between each individual and other individuals.

General Principles; Ethical Standards

The current edition of the APA ethical code includes two distinct sections: ____ and ____.

bereavement exclusion

The diagnosis of major depression used to have a ____, which made it so those who had lost a loved one could not be diagnosed with a depressive disorder.

emphasizes similarities between all people

The etic perspective ____.

make a commitment to do with is ethically appropriate

The first step in Fischer's (2017) model for ethical decision-making is to ___.

beneficence and nonmaleficence

The idea that clinical psychologists strive to benefit the patients with whom they work, while at the same time ensuring they do not harm their patients, is best captured by which ethical principle?

Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Reasoning

The index scores of the Wechsler intelligence tests, which correspond to the underlying factors in the test, include ___.

rely more heavily on the psychologist's unique way of scoring and interpreting results than objective tests, which limited their reliability and validity

The most frequently cited shortcoming of projective personality tests centers on the fact that projective personality tests ___.

John Carroll

The three-stratum theory of intelligence is a contemporary theory that proposes a single, overall ability that contains eight broad factors, each of which contains many more specific abilities. This theory was proposed by ___.

the test-taking attitudes of the client

The validity scales of the MMP1-2 are a measure of ___.

gently correct the client when he uses metaphors incorrectly

To develop rapport during a clinical interview, an interviewer should do all of the following EXCEPT ___. - make an effort to put the client at ease - acknowledge the unique, unusual situation of the interview - notice how the client uses language and follow the client's lead - gently correct the client when he uses metaphors incorrectly

All of the above are potential threats: prescribing medications is more profitable than psychotherapy, took much emphasis on pharmacology rather than talk therapy, and patients will come to expect medications rather than participate in the difficult work of psychotherapy.

What "threat to psychotherapy" exists if psychologists receive prescription privileges?

structured: diagnose, reduce biasness, extremely reliable, standardized, not complicated - rigid, inhibit rapport, don't touch on personal topics, require more questions that lengthens the interview unstructured: aren't rigid, flexibility to go wherever the client wants it to go, great rapport, drive into personal topics - create bias, don't lead to diagnosis always, and can get complicated

What are the advantages and disadvantages of structured vs unstructured interviews?

Psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanistic psych, and multiculturalism

What are the four forces of clinical psych?

individual, group, and universal

What are the three levels of the tripartite model of personality identity?

awareness, knowledge, and skills

What are the three primary components of cultural competency?

duty to warn and protect

What ethical duties were born out of the Tarasoff case?

Standard 8.02: informed consent must be obtained. right to decline at any point Standard 8.06: should not coerce any participant including not offering inappropriate or money compensation Standard 8.07: should not lie to deceive the participants unless it calls for it. Then must tell at the first available moment 8.08: should min harm done 8.10: should never falsify data 8.12: should only add their name if they contributed a sig amount 8.14: share data when completed with other researchers to allow for their work to be tested and analyzed

What ethical standards are related to research in clinical psych?

participants randomly assigned to a control group or experimental group

What is meant by the term randomized clinical trial?

Overpathologizing - thinking something is abnormal because it isn't in your culture

What is the main danger of assessing personality without knowledge or sensitivity to culture?

NEO assessing personality traits like the Big Five

What is the main difference between tests like MMPI, PAI, MCMI when compared to the NEO?

culturally sound and fair intelligence test non-verbal test that uses 8 hand motions, pointing, and tactile manipulation no need for language

What is the purpose of a test like the UNIT-2?

a degree doesn't make someone competent; need to take courses to become educated in the matter; burnout issues; new improvements to the profession

What main issues were raised in the text regarding the ethical standard of competence?

engage in small talk about nerves empathize about the unique situation tell them they are appreciative of them being open offer opportunity to ask questions mimicking client's speech and matching energy

What specific efforts can interviewers make to enhance rapport?

empirical evidence, dropped a therapy affiliation, multi-axial system

What were the major changes introduced in the DSM-III in 1980?

consists if behaviors witnessed in less than 30% of the population

Which of the following is NOT a part of DSM-5's definition of a mental disorder? - clinically significant disturbance in cognition, emotion regulation, or behavior - dysfunction in mental functioning - usually associated with significant distress or disability - consists of behaviors witnessed in less than 30% of the population

implementation of a standardized diversity training program required for psychologists to maintain their licenses

Which of the following is NOT a recent professional effort to emphasize issues of culture that was discussed in the textbook?

altering data to fit the hypothesis

Which of the following is NOT a step in the experimental method? - observation of events - development of a hypothesis - empirical testing of the hypothesis - altering date to fit the hypothesis.

Therapists working with child clients often attempt to negotiate an arrangement in which parents will not be informed of what the child disclosed except under specified conditions.

Which of the following is TRUE? - An ethical clinical psychologist should never break a child client's confidentiality to report child abuse - Less than half of the states in the United States have laws requiring mental health professionals to break confidentiality to report known or suspected child abuse - A psychologist must abide by a child client's request to withhold information about treatment from parents - Therapists working with child clients often attempt to negotiate an arrangement in which parents will not be informed of what the child disclosed except under specified conditions.

Cultural self-awareness is generally important for all psychologists, regardless of their own cultural backgrounds.

Which of the following is TRUE? - It is generally unacceptable practice for a clinical psychologists to openly and directly acknowledge cultural differences with a client. - It is generally acceptable practice for a clinical psychologists to begin treating a culturally dissimilar client with no knowledge of that client's culture, and to require a client to explain all culturally relevant information to the psychologists. - Most research suggests that cultural self-awareness on the part of a clinical psychologists does little to improve treatment effectiveness. - Cultural self-awareness is generally important for all psychologists, regardless of their own cultural backgrounds.

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Which of the following is an example of an objective personality test? - MMPI - Inkblot Method - Thematic Apperception Test - Person-Tree-House Technique


Which of the following is not one of the APA's ethical principles? - integrity - justice -community -Respect for People's Rights and Dignity

to gain knowledge about psychological disorders, establishing a foundation for the field

Which of the following is the fundamental reason why clinical psychologists do research? - to prove that psychology is a science - to gain knowledge about psych disorders, establishing a foundation for the field - to show evidence that psychologists provide more effective therapy than other types of therapists - to find new ways to assess psych disorders

psychoanalysis, behaviorism, humanism, and multiculturalism

Which of the following lists the major "force" in psychology?

Although none have yet emerged, the American Psychological Association plans to introduce new divisions within its organization devoted to cultural issues such as gender, religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? - Currently, when the APA considers accrediting a graduate program in psychology, there are criteria related to multiculturalism that must be met. - Although none have yet emerged, the APA plans to introduce new divisions within its organization devoted to cultural issues such as gender, religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. - The APA ethical code instructs psychologists to work with cultural sensitivity and competence.

The PAI consists of 221 items and includes 21 different scales

Which of the following statements is NOT true? - the PAI emphasizes psychopathology and problem behaviors. - There is a version of the PAI that can be used for clients as young as 12. - THE PAI consists of 221 items and includes 21 different scales - The PAI offers four different responses: totally false, slightly true, mainly true, and very true.

some things that they want or need to study is unethical or impossible to design

Why do clinical psychologists often use quasi-experimental and correlation designs in their research?

- needs to be aware to provide the best treatment - create a working relationship - brings out and advances the other forces

Why is multiculturalism the "fourth force"?


___, which is more likely to take place when clinical psychologists are not culturally competent, involves viewing as abnormal although it is normal within the client's own culture.


____ designs examine changes in a participant or group across time, often over many years.

Disruptive Mood Regulation Disorder

____ is anew disorder to the DSM-5 that was created in response to the overdiagnosis of bipolar disorder in children.

Diagnostic overexpansion

____ is the primary criticism of the new DSM-5.


____ is the way a person responds to living in a new cultural environment, particularly regarding the balance between adopting elements of the new culture and retaining elements of the original culture.


____ refers to the success of a therapy in actual clinical settings in which client problems may be diagnostically complex.


____ significance is an efficacy or effectiveness study refers to a numerically significant difference between two groups. it is measured quantitatively.


_____, published in 1980 relied more heavily on empirical data, used specific diagnostic criteria, and introduced the multi-axial assessment system.

gain understanding of the client's information given


address contradictory information


may lead to detrimental consequences for clients

cultural incompetence ____.

efficacy - how a certain therapy is going to work in a clinical setting effectiveness - how well it works in normal therapy

efficacy vs effectiveness

used when they don't need to contradict but show they are listening


interpreting the body language and expressing it back to them

reflection of feelings

done all the end to show recurring themes


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