midterm review intro to human services

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-The Discharge of repressed emotions through the reenactment of highly emotional, previously repressed childhood memories and feelings, as they are remembered by the patient


-serves as the mediator between inner drives and outer reality functions include perception, memory, judgment, conscious thought, and action o deals with the dangerous id impulses and threats from the external environment, a major function is reality testing, or separating fact from fantasy

field instructor provides 3 major functions

1.administrative tasks such as linkage, accountability for the student's experience, and evaluation of the student 2.education of the student through a tutorial or mentoring role 3. actual observation and supervision of the student

two significant problems facing human services in the process of professionalization

1.insufficient recognition by the public for Human Services as a distinct profession 2. continues to be fragmentation in Human Services education

5 characteristics of the generalist human service worker

1.works with a limited number of clients or families (in consultation with other professionals) 2. provide across-the-board services as needed by the clients and their families • 3.able to work in a variety of agencies and organizations that provide Human Services able to work cooperatively with all the existing professions in the field rather than affiliating with any one of the existing professions 4 familiar with a number of therapeutic services and techniques 5.a human service professional who is expected to continue to learn and grow

assistant to specialist

A human service professional who works closely with a highly trained professional as an aid and helper in servicing clients.

tardive dyskinesia

A neurological disorder marked by chronic tremors and involuntary spastic movements.

what is a human service worker

A person who does not have traditional professional academic credentials but who, through experience, training, or education, provides helping services

the principle of reciprocal inhibition

A response (relaxation) that inhibits anxiety in the presence of the phobic stimulus will weaken the connection between the stimulus and the anxiety

3 pillars of human services

Advocacy, Research and Credentialing

pre scriptive psycho threapy

Approach based on the assumption that therapy is more effective if it is Tailored to the specific problem of the client a particular treatment is prescribed for a particular behavior based on the empirical evidence available in the research literature


Assesses client or community needs and problems, whether medical, psychiatric, social, or educational.

Learning Theory

Based on the idea that changes in behavior result more from experience and less from our personality or how we think or feel about a situation.

multi factored casuality

Behavior is the function of the life matrix in which people exist, a combination of physical, psychological, and environmental issues.

the cognitive learning model

Behaviors learned through reinforcement are influenced by the environment and influence cognition cognitions affect how people perceive the environment and behave

personal discomfort

Identification of the self as problematic relates to a subjective sense of personal discomfort or a belief that one's feelings, thoughts, or behaviors are not right and involves personal value judgments • May be manifested in outward behavior

secondary process thinking

In psychoanalytic theory, the term for rational and conscious processes of ordinary thought.

cultural incapacity

No intention to be destructive, but there are biases, belief in the superiority of the dominant culture, and a paternal posture toward supposedly lesser cultures (or races) There may be discriminatory hiring practices, and subtle messages to minorities that they are not valued

psychodnamic perspective (intrapersonal)

People who have problems in living or who behave deviantely are seen as sick They behave as they do because of unconscious motivation and are prisoners of early formative experiences

teacher eduactor

Performs a range of instructional activities from simple coaching and informing to teaching highly technical content directed to individuals and groups

comprehensive community mental health centers

Provide short term inpatient care, but most of their services are on an outpatient basis offer many services that are helpful to people who have not been traditionally seen as having mental disorders. offer crisis counseling, marital therapy, family therapy and consultation, and education services

mica or misa

Refers to an individual who suffers both from a mental illness and from chemical abuse (MICA) or substance abuse (MISA)

client self centered concept theory

Rogerian theory developed by Carl Rogers : Proposes that behavior is a function of how one sees one's self Develops out of interaction with the environment in the process of self-actualization the self may introject the values of others or perceive those values in a distorted fashion

community planner

Works with community boards, committees, and so on to ensure that community developments enhance self and social actualization or at least minimize emotional stress and strains on people

Worthy Poor

Young children, the sick, widows, the aged, and the disabled


a sentence that the offender is allowed to serve under supervision in the community

classical conditioning model

a stimulus (S) causes an unconditioned response (UCR) • A second stimulus is then paired with the original stimulus through closeness in time or distance and with great frequency. it then becomes associated with the original stimulus and with the unconditioned response, to the extent that the existence of the second stimulus elicits the response, which is then considered to be conditoned

token economies

a system for redesigning total environments to make them supportive of positive or socially desirable behaviors and capable of extinguishing negative, maladaptive, or socially undesirable behaviors.

unworthy poor

able bodied people who had no income supposedly do to laziness or character flaws

cultural competence

acceptance and respect for differences, continuing self-assessment regarding cultural differences, expansion of cultural knowledge and resources, and adaptation of service models to better serve minority clients

syntonic behaviors

accepted and valued

cultural pre-competence

agencies or workers realize their weaknesses and serving minorities and make attempts to improve services

self help programs

alcohol anonymous


an occupation or vocation requiring training in the liberal arts or sciences and advanced study in a specialized field or a body of qualified persons of one specific occupation or field

pheno mological field

an understanding of events as each individual person perceives them • a concept for understanding behavior includes one's self-concept, experiences, and perceptions, which are admitted to awareness

psychiatric approach

applies a medically oriented view to a wider spectrum of behavioral, emotional, or cognitive problems

stigma of fading worth

are often lonely, depressed, and frightened. Some have serious problems of mental deterioration leading to confusion, memory loss, and odd behavior

Intrapersonal Perspective

assumes that deviance is a function of biological structural formations or their functions involves the consideration of genetic abnormality as a possible underlying biological factor in the structure or function of a persons brain, with a corresponding impact on behavior

Treatment/ Planning

behavior changer, caregiver, assistant to specialist


behavior that varies so much from the norms of the group, that if it became known by others, it could be used as a basis for negative sanction in informal societal interaction or by official agencies of the society


behavior, affect, sensation, imagery, cognition, interpersonal relationship, drugs and psychological states

behavior changer

carries out a range of activities planned primarily to change behavior, ranging from coaching and counseling to casework, psychotherapy, and behavior therapy


carries out activities that are primarily agency of institution oriented

operant approach

change rewards and punishments to change behavior


combined special ed and mental illness


comparison with statistical norms comparison with cultural and societal standards of behavior

operant behavior model

concerned more with the consequences of a response than with the initial stimulus takes the approach that all behaviors have consequences on the environment and that the consequences reinforce the response (make it more likely to occur) maintain, or get rid of it


consist of subtle communication of tender, caring feelings

6 anchor points used to assess cultural competence on a coninum

cultural destructiveness, cultural incapacity, cultural blindness, cultural pre competence, cultural competence, advanced cultural competence

Advanced Cultural Competence

culture is held in much esteem , with continuing attempts to add to the knowledge base about it

endogenous depression

depression with no apparent cause

residual rule breaking

deviance that is not formally proscribed but that does violate societal norms

chemo threapy

drug treatment have the effect of modifying affective (emotional) states without significantly impairing cognitive functioning

human service workers respond to the need of for substance abuse services in 3 ways

education ,prevention, treatment

Social Security Act of 1935

established a system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped.

Settlement Houses

established to help people who were poor and had difficulty fitting into American culture


evaluator, consultant,community planner, ,data manager, administrator


experiencing the other's experience while simultaneously attending to one's own cognitive and affective associations to that experience


feeling with someone

level one, entry level

few weeks to a few months of instruction but with little experience

well child clinics

focus is on preventive health care for infants and children and on training mothers to provide adequate physical and emotional care for their children

Generic Human Services Concept

focuses on the issues of human services as a distinct field, identifiable by the attitudes of its practioners and the technologies it uses

super ego

function of the personality that introjects and internalize is the parental and societal moral teachings If effectively internalized, it becomes the personality's police officer or conscience and is self-critical and prohibitive, controlling sexual and aggressive impulses


generally hold individuals convicted of a crime and sentence to terms of one year or more

human services include formal systems such as

government well fare programs,education, special ed,mental health organizations,child care programs, physical health care establishments, and the correctional or legal system


helps get new resources for clients or communities


helps people get to existing services and helps the services relate more easily to clients

level four master or professional level

high competent, equivalent to masters degree or doctorate


how people selectively attend to certain aspects of their environment


human service workers provide a variety of remedial experiences to pre school and primary school children who need special help

human services

human services can be defined as a field that helps individuals cope with problems of social welfare,psychological, behavioral,and or legal nature ▪ Services for the purpose of assisting the individual and/or group to achieve the highest level of functioning they are capable of achieving within the context of the society in which they live

southern regional education bord

identified 13 functional roles and 4 levels of workers who could or would perform human services

multi model threapy

identifies 7 domains of experience in which problems might appear and recommends a set of treatment approaches for each domain

joint commission on mental illness and health

included a strong statement that society's special responsibility to people with special needs are to permit, and in fact , to foster the development of their maximum capacity and to bring them as close to normalcy and independency as possible

house keeping factors

includes things such as use of time the supervisor deals with such issues as worker absenteeism, tardiness, keeping appointments, and other factors that are important in any type of employment

four models of the human service intergration concept

information and referral center, diagnostic center, one step multi service center, a linked comprehensive network

the involvement deminsion

involvement in achieved roles is usually variable, depending on time and place; involvement in ascribed roles is usually high and consistent.


making the other's experience one's own via internalizing the other


may require some supervision and assistance but can usually live outside institutions may be able to live alone or may need a more structured group home setting

community mental retardation facilities and community health center act

moved patients from institutional settings back into the community and developing resources to support them after they've been moved


moving back from the merged inner relationship to a position of separate identity

two organization currently working on the issue or credentialing

national organization for human services and council for standards in human service education

status dimension

non performance of achieved roles (base ball player,musician)

the value dimension

non performance of prescribed or granted roles (husband, female, child) is given a strongly negative value, proper performance is neutral


often can live independently and work at unskilled jobs


often involves working with juvenile offenders to get them off the route of becoming adult offenders

2 basic assumptions underlie the ecological approach

organisms are independent with the environmet interaction patterns are dynamic,adaptive, and reciprocal


outreach worker, broker, advocate, mobilizer


paying attention to another and allowing oneself to become absorbed in contemplation of that person

Data Manager

performs all aspects of data handling, gathering, tabulating, analyzing, synthesizing, program evaluation, and planning

live a life of loss

physical stamina, health, friends, loved ones through death, and income


pleads and fights for services, policies, rules, regulations, and laws for the client's benefit

agencies have a dual role

preventing child abuse and providing services to maintain families

primary process thinking

primitive, illogical, irrational, and fantasy oriented

social policy

principles, guidelines, and concepts that guide a society's actions towards it members , usually formalized as government laws, regulations, and rules


process of a gradual breaking down of the personality and a re building of it in changed patterns at the same time

client self centered threapy

process of disorganization and reorganization of the self primary goal is to assist the client in developing a more accurate conception of a much wider range of sensory experiences based on his or her own system of values rather than on a system of values borrowed from parents or other significant figures

the organic (intrapersonal)

proposes that a person's behavior, particularly deviant or abnormal behavior, is a function of physical causes, such as genetic makeup, brain chemistry, infection, toxins, or brain trauma (e.g., a tumor, a blow to the head)

Abraham Maslow

proposes that differences in normal and abnormal people are in differences in degree only and that normality relates to cultural adaptation

mental health centers

provide treatment by a basic mental health team for acute mental illness, care for incompletely recovered mental patients, either short of admission to a hospital or following discharged from the hospital . and to provide a head quarters base for mental health counselors

herican poor laws (england 1536)

provided for the punishment of beggers and vagabonds but offered civil relief for the worthy poor

care giver

provides services for people who need ongoing support of some kind

out reach worker

reaches out to detect people with problems, to refer them to appropriate services, and to follow them up to make sure they continue to their max rehabilitation


refers to the attitudes, values, and feelings a human service worker holds that color his or her actions


refers to the observable skills or activities that enhance relationships

3 goals of imprisonment

rehabilitation-provided for the officer deterrence and punishment-provided for society

Education of the Handicapped Act 1975

requires services in public schools for children with special needs

Industrial Revolution

resulted in large concentrations of disadvantaged people in urban areas

social health generalist

roles includes a broader knowledge base of a variety of community resources, case management strategies, social policy, and political influence Concept implies a time when separate services subsystems no longer exist and individuals will be helped with all their problems through one comprehensive system based on solutions to problems, rather than many different and unrelated services


sexual desire

Elizabeth Poor Law (england 1601)

social welfare would be seen as having a dual role. provision for charitable relief, and a means towards correcting behavior


standard of behavior that are maintained by individuals and groups

protective services

state governments fund programs that specialize in detection of problems and provision of services for children and families in which the emotional and physical well being of the child is at risk.

level two apprentice level

substantial formal training or experience , equivalent to associates of arts degree

level three journey man

substantial formal training or experience, functioning at the baccalaureate level

cultural societal conception of causality

suggests that maladaptive behaviors are an aspect of achieved or granted social or cultural roles

for young people 15 to 24 years old

suicide is the third leading cause of death

therapeutic enviornemtal control

teacher educator

family homeostasis

the activities of families operating as a unit in order to maintain a balance in relationships the functioning of persons in need is intimately tied to family relationships An Individual's problem behaviors are often an acting out of interactional problems in the family


the condition of having great skill or experience in a particular field or activity

phallic stage

the genital area becomes sensitized and the child and parents must deal with the Oedipus complex

human service intergration concept

the integration of traditional services into a coordinated network at the local, state, or federal level (sometimes called the umbrella agency concept)

reciprocal determinism

the interacting influences between personality and environmental factors


the learning of different responses to 2 or more similar but distinct stimuli because of the different consequences associated with each one


the overall ability to function satisfactory in a given role or job


the pleasure oriented source of psychic energy, totally unconscious o consist of the instincts, drives, and libido or sexual energy of the personality

de facto policy

the policy in practice

official policy

the policy that is espoused by the majority, the experts, and the rule makers


the tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses

the role of settlement houses was two fold

to be help to the immediate family surrounding the house to change as much as possible, the social conditions that made living in a slum a wretched and demeaning existence


to grant a prisoner an early release from prison, with certain restrictions

cultural competency

to work effectively with individuals and groups of varied cultures , human service workers must develop cross cultural sensitivity and a multi cultural perspective, as well become aware of the prejudices and stereotypes they may hold toward other cultural groups and begin to work towards correcting their biases


use of biological norms, comparison to an optimal psychological state ,assessment of personal discomfort

5 qualites the culturally competent worker must posses

value diversity, be able to culturally self asses, become conscious of the dynamics inherit when culture interact, instituonalize oppurtunites for building and developing cultural knowledge, adapt strategies that gurantee policies and programs that will be culturally enriching

extra therapeutic affect

what happens outside of therapy


what outcomes people expect, in terms of both what their behaviors can achieve and what they expect to be a result of the events in their environment

genital stage

when a persons libido becomes channeled into love of others rather than love of self


works with other professions and agencies regarding their handling of problems, needs, and programs

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