Midterm (set 2)

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How did the evangelicals within the Church of England responds to the rise of Methodism? A. they sought to have Methodism outlawed and its practitioners arrested B. they copied Methodism's practices in order to appeal to more of the common people


What was the key demand of the Chartist movement? A. all women must be paid equally to men B. all men must be given the right to vote


What was the major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyzed the Industrial Revolution? A. Thomas Newcomen's 1705 steam engine B. the development of the internal combustion engine


The enlightened policies of Frederick the Great included A. freeing the Prussian serfs B. curtailing the privilege of the nobility C. simplifying Prussia's laws


Until at least 1750, the practice of late marriage did not lead to a large number of illegitimate children because A. sexual activity prior to marriage was extremely rare and harshly punished by the church B. poor nutrition dramatically diminished women's ability to become pregnant and to carry a child to term C. unmarried pregnant commonly aborted their fetuses D. of community pressure on a couple to marry when the woman became pregnant


In the eighteenth century, European public health measures A. improved water supply and sewage systems B. completely eradicated famine owin to increased supply lines


How did the industry grow in continental Europe? A. Belgium led continental Europe in adopting British technology for production B. Austria-Hungary made almost no progress in industrialization in the nineteenth century


In general, what was Voltaire's attitude toward government? A. he believed in democracy, like most philosophes B. he believed that a good monarch was the best one could hope for in government C. he saw the despot or autocrat as designated by God


In the eighteenth century, what did the strength of popular religion in Catholic countries reflect? A. the desire of secular authorities B. its importance in community life C. the decline of papal and clerical abuses D. the role of the parish clergy in the state bureaucracy


In Historical and Critical Dictionary, Pierre Bayle demonstrated that A. the Bible was a fraudulent document promoted by the Catholic Church B. the mind and body are united into one substance c. all knowledge can be questioned and doubted


Soft pastels, ornate interiors, and sentimental protraits are all characteristics of the style known as A. classicalism B. baroque c. rococo D. romanticism


What caused the life-and-death political struggle between the Girondists and the Mountain? A. the Girondist's rejection of war B. the Girondist's radical economic and social policies C. the Girondist's more moderate policies


What did James Watt gain from his partnership with Matthew Boulton? A. skilled workers B. precision parts C. contacts with government officials D. capital and skills in salesmanship


What place did prostitutes generally hold among the common people in towns? A. they were social outcasts condemned for their immoral behavior B. they were accepted members of the community of their laboring poor C. they were seen as spiritually corrupted members of their community who had to be eliminated when identified


What was Jethro Tull's contribution to English agriculture in the eighteenth century? A. He demonstrated that slow oxen that produced more manure were preferred for plowing than swifter-moving horses B. he critiqued accepted farming methods and developed better methods through empirical research


What was the key development in the eighteenth century that allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservative nature? A. Industrialization of the Continent B. Establishment of limited liability investment C. recruitment of bank deposits from the landed aristocracy D. influx of British investment


How did railroads affect the nature of production? A. the speed of rail travel required manufacturers to adopt more regularized work routines B. railroads permitted factories to be established anywhere, without concern for access to other resources C. markets became broader, encouraging manufacturers to create larger factories with more sophisticated machines


The industrious revolution was a result of A. the reduction of holidays and festivals by the state in order to create more work days during the year, combined with laws requiring the closing of taverns two hours past sunset B. efforts by Protestant and Catholic churches to combat sin by promoting a gospel of prosperity and industry that would keep workers productively at their labors C. poor families choosing to reduce leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to by consumer goods


What was the greatest achievement of eighteenth-century medical science? A. control of venereal disease B. elimination of the bubonic plague C. conquest of smallpox


Population growth in Europe in the eighteenth century occurred A. only in a few regions that were able to avoid warfare B. primarily in regions that saw substantial agricultural innovations C. primarily in prosperous regions that were establishing colonial lands in Asia and the Americas D. in all regions


To improve the rural economy and the lives of the peasants, Empress Maria Theresa of Austria A. increased church influence on the agricultural population B. ordered the adoption of scientific farming techniques C. abolished serfdom D. reduced nobles' power over their serfs


The men elected to represent the third estate at the Estates General were primarily A. provincial nobles B. businessmen C. lawyers and government officials


Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris? A. The peasants involved in the Great Fear B. several thousand Parisian women C. the rioters of the Bastille


Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Man (1790) and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792), the latter a founding text on the feminist movement? A. Olympe de Gouges B. Mary Wollstonecraft


Why did Great Britain seek to raise taxes on its American colonies in the 1760s? A. the rising cost of increasingly elaborate court ceremonies forced the government to seek tax increases on all its territories B. after doubling its national debt in the Seven Years' War, Great Britain sought to tax the American colonies to fund the further defense of the colonies


Which of the following characterizes eighteenth-century colonial trade in Europe? A. It becomes insignificant to the French after the loss of their colonies in New France (Canada) B. The Spanish empire collapsed, for Spain lacked the resources to sustain its military presence in the colonies C. Spanish landowners in the colonies instituted slavery among all the Indian populations in order to force them to work on their estates D. Britain's mercantilist system achieved remarkable success as trade with its colonies grew substantially


Owing to the Industrial Revolution, living and working conditions for the poor A. stagnated or even deteriorated until around 1850 B. improved only after 1820


What did Henry Cort develop? A. the first locomotive, after much experimentation B. the first commercial steamship, initially used in North America C. the puddling furnace, which allowed pig iron to be refined with coke


How did labor in British families change in the eighteenth century? A. family members increasingly adopted new machines that reduced the time of household labor significantly B. husbands became more involved in managing the household C. family members shifted labor away from unpaid work for household consumption and toward work for wages


In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on A. the military B. the royal court C. interest payments on the debt D. bread subsidies for the poor


Who predicted in Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790) that reform like that occurring in France would lead only to chaos and tyranny? A. Mary Wollstonecraft B. Thomas Paine C. Edmund Burke D. Abbe de Sieyes


Why was John Wesley's Methodism particularly appealing? A. he favored overthrowing abusive governments B. he advocated tender loving care for children C. he refuted the doctrine of predestination, insisting that anyone who earnestly sought salvation could gain it


In the wake of the Great Fear in the summer of 1789, the National Assembly restored order by A. calling up army and militia units to suppress the rebellious peasants B. promising to re-establish the control on bread prices C. reducing taxes on agricultural products D. abolishing all of the old noble and church privileges


Johannes Kepler believed that the elliptical orbit of planets A. caused each planet to move at a uniform speed B. demonstrated the presence of Satan's disruptive influence in the universe C. were interspersed with epicycles and deferents D. produced a musical harmony of heavenly bodies


Who was Denis Diderot's co-editor of the Encyclopedia? A. Voltaire B. Jean-Jacques Rousseau C. Pierre Bayle D. Jean le Rond d'Alembert


How did French armies during the French Revolution offer a mixed message to the people they conquered? A. they presented themselves as liberators to the peasants and middle class but seemed more like foreign invaders as they requisitioned food and supplies and plundered local treasure B. they promised to retain local tradition and institutions but removed all of the older nobility and eliminated the power of the Catholic Church


How did the diet of townspeople compare to that of the peasantry? A. the townspeople ate more varied diets, since markets provided choices of meats, vegetables, and fruits B. the townspeople ate diets with many more spices and flavor additives


In the eighteenth century, many liberal thinkers believed that representative institutions could defend the liberty and interests of the people. What did this mean in terms of political practice? A. voting for representatives would be restricted to men of property B. all adult males would be eligible to vote for representatives


Louis XV damaged the sense of his sacred authority by A. allowing his common-born mistress to exercise tremendous influence culturally and politically B. attempting to remove his rightful son as his successor and name one of his illegitimate children as heir to the throne


The attack on the Bastille had what political effect? A. the king's plans to reassert his authority were forestalled, permitting the National Assembly to continue its work B. the National Assembly dissolved the monarchy and arrested the king for treason against the nation


How did the delegates to the Legislative Assembly that convened in October 1791 differ from the delegates to the Estates General/ National Assembly? A. they were more experienced politicians with a strong commitment to reforming the nation B. they were younger and less cautious; many joined political clubs


The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also A. restricted English banks from making foreign Joans B. gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with British colonies


Why did Leopold II cancel his brother Joseph's radical edicts in the early 1790s? A. Leopold II was preparing Austria for war B. Leopold was attempting to restore order in Austria


How did governments respond to the new science? A. They viewed new scientific communities as a threat to their control of knowledge B. They rejected the new science as a threat to their religious foundations C. They established academies of science to support and sometimes direct scientific research D. They supported and defended the complete freedom of the scientist against religious officials


Rousseau's concept of the general will asserts that A. enlightened monarchs protect the interests of the entire society and should be relied on for reform B. the people's political wishes can be conveyed only by direct democracy the general will is not necessarily the will of the majority


What occurred during the Hundred Days in France? A. The sans-culottes committed the September Massacres B. Napoleon was driven from Russia C. Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly


What was Napoleon's Grand Empire? A. an enlarged France and several satellite kingdoms, on the thrones of which Napoleon placed members of his family B. an enlarged France and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia C. an enlarged France and several satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia


What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety? A. the build of coalition of provincial leaders in order to suppress rebellions in France B. to establish a secret police force in order to institute the Reign of Terror C. to use discorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within


Which of the following describes the enclosure movement of the eighteenth century? A. the land was divided into long, narrow strips that were not enclosed by fences or hedges B. the land was not divided but worked communally as villages labored in large fields side by side C. the land was divided into plots bounded by fences to farm more effectively


Although perhaps best known as the longtime companion of Voltaire, Gabriel-Emilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise de Chatelet, published A. the first translation of Newton's Principia into French B. The Persian Letters


As the Jacobins gained power, what was their reaction to women's political activity? A. they banned all women's political activity, which they believed to be disorderly and a distraction from women's proper domestic duties B. they permitted women to participate as passive citizens, without the right to vote but allowed to participate in public debate and gatherings


Europeans believed grain and bread should be available at A. a just price-one that was fair to both consumers and producers B. a price average people could pay, even if it meant producers took a loss


How did the origins of industrialists change as the Industrial Revolution progressed? A. more industrialists emerged from the working classes as they became familiar with the new machine technology B.more industrialists emerged from the working classes, as creditors recognized the vast profits in new enterprises and were willing to assume more risk in new ventures


Which of the following characterizes the regions to which slaves were carried from Africa to the Americas? A. About 90% of slaves were transported to Brazil or the Caribbean, with only 3% brought to North America B. Brazil received about 1/2 of the slaves carried across the Atlantic, while the Caribbean and NOrth America each received about 25%


Why did the Dutch fail to maintain their dominance in Asia? A. The Dutch East India Company failed to diversify its trade to meet changing consumption patterns in Europe B. The Dutch government found that sustaining the colonies in Asia cost more than the profits that could be made and withdrew military protection


A striking feature of the salons was that A. clerics were banned B. philiphes, nobles, and members of the upper middle class intermingled


As literacy expanded among the common people, what was a staple of popular literature other than the Bible? A. the almanac B. the chapbook containing Bible stories, prayers, and stories about the lives of the saints C. fairy tales, medieval romances, and fantastic adventures D. practical literature on rural crafts, household repairs, and useful plants


The string of French military victories after the winter of 1893-94 owed largely to A. superior generalship B. patriotism and the superior numbers supplied by the draft


The tendency to hire family units in the early factories was A. a government-sponsored response to urbanization B. usually a response to the wishes of the families


Which of the following describes the role of women in guilds in the eighteenth century? A. guilds dropped all restriction that forbade women from serving as masters or laborers B. masters began to hire more female workers, often in defiance of guild rules


Why were cottage workers, accustomed to the putting-out system, reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received good wages? A. working in a factory meant getting up very early every day B. in a factory, workers had to keep up with the machine and follows its relentless tempo


What helped to justify the growth of slavery in the eighteenth century? A. the defense of social inequalities between men and women by certain philosophes B. the bureaucratic reforms of practitioners of enlightened absolutism C. the emergence of scientific racism


In the eighteenth century, what was the focal point of community cohesion? A. the lord's manor B. the marketplace C. the tavern D. the parish church


Why did the French commissioners in Saint-Domingue abolish slavery in 1793? A. they were required by the Committe of Public Safety to apply the principles of liberty and equality to all French lands B. the British and Spanish had already outlawed slavery; the French commissionaires feared a rebellion if they did not do likewise C. they were captured by slave armies and forced to issue the edict abolishing slavery D. they were desperate to rally the rebel slaves to the French cause against the Spanish and English forces on the island


During a young man's period of apprenticeship, he would A. face the same sexual exploitation that threatened girls B. be permitted to marry while training C. earn little money and work hard D. become a master after seven years of training


Galileo was placed on trial for heresy owin to publication of A. The Sidereal Messenger B. On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres C. Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World


How did Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation bring the Scientific Revolution to maturity? A. It demonstrated that the biological and physical properties of nature operated by different principles B. It proved that the workings of nature could be understood without reference of God C. It synthesized mathematics with physics and astronomy to demonstrate that the entire unierse was unified into one coherent system


According to recent scholarship, during the eighteenth century, the guild system A. was in the process of collapse as new technologies made guild regulations obsolete B. inhibited the development of the economy through its rigid rules and their strict application C. provided the foundation for Great Britain's economic growth, since the guilds were strongly supported under British law D. remained flexible ass masters adopted new technologies and circumvented impractical rules


Why do many historians now believe that the continued concentration by the French on artisan production of luxury items made sense in an era of industrialization? A. France, after a generation of revolution and war, was not in a position to industrialize B. France had long dominated that sector of production; it allowed France to capitalize on its know-how and international reputation


What caused the pattern of late marriage in early modern Europe? A. the prevalence of the extended family structure B. the fear of overpopulation C. the availability of premarital sex D. it was necessary precondition of economic independence


How did the reaction of kings and nobles in continental Europe toward the French Revolution change over the revolution's first two years? A. initially pleased by the revolution's weakening of France, they came to feel threatened by its increasingly radical message B. initially confused by the claims of the revolutionaries, they came to embrace most of their ideas as representing solid Enlightenment thought


In his 1835 study of the cotton industry, what did Andrew Ure conclude about conditions in most factories? A. they were not harsh and even quite good B. they were terrible but gradually improving


According to Olympe de Gouges, A. women should enjoy special rights and privileges B. men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law


Arthur Young, an eighteenth-century agricultural experimentalist, advocated A. the retention of open-field farming with the addition of crop rotation and other innovations B. large-scale enclosure as a necessary means to achieve progress


Between 1650 and 1790, a crucial component of the global economy was established when European nations developed A. the African trade B. the Atlantic economy


David Ricardo's iron law of wages states that A. wages always move in proportin to productivity in the workplace B. population growth creates more highly talented people who produce greater profits


How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France in the Napoleonic era? A. the Catholic Church was again recognized as the state religion, which all citizens had to embrace or face prosecution under the law B. the Catholic Church reclaimed full authority over the appointment of church officials , while the French state gained the right to oversee church finances C. the Catholic Church gained the right to practice religion freely, while the French state gained greater control over the nomination of church officers and church activities


How did the Enlightenment affect attitudes toward popular culture? A. Enlightened authors embraces popular culture as an authentic expression of the human condition unaffected by Christian theology B. Governments sought to use the critical perspectives of the Enlightenment to control and manage popular culture C. As the educated public adopted the Enlightenment's critical worldview, they increasingly saw popular culture as superstitious and vulgar


In his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke claimed that A. sovereign authority rests in the hands of the people B. all people are born with certain ideas and way of thinking C. human development is determined by education and society D. governments are formed by contracts among free individuals


How were same-sex relations among women regarded in comparison to same-sex relations among men? A. same-sex relations among women were considered a youthful indiscretion that carried no particular stigma or condemnation, while those among men were harshly condemned as an attack on manly virtue B. same-sex relations were encouraged among unmarried women and men as a way to squelch sexual passions C. same-sex relations among men were accepted in imitation of Greek and Roman models, but those among women were harshly condemned as unnatural D. while considered unnatural, same-sex relations among women attracted less anxiety and condemnation than those among men


The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen guaranteed A. the abolition of monopolies, guilds, and workers' associations B. religious toleration to French Jews and Protestants C. elimination of all barriers to trade within France D. equality before the law


Madame du Chatelet, Voltaire's longtime companion, A. believed that women's limited contribution to science was the result of unequal education B. was the first woman admitted into the Royal Academy of Sciences


Some scholars have argued that the neglectful attitudes toward children in preindustrial Europe were conditioned mostly by A. high infant mortality rates B. church doctrine C. Enlightenment philosophy D. economic pressure on new migrants to the cities


The reformer Robert Owens sought to A create a single large national union for British workers B. free laborers from the restrictions of the Factory Acts


Why did the Antifederalists oppose the new American constitution proposed by the Constitutional Convention? A. they feared for the individual freedoms for which they had fought B. they worried that the individual states were too strong and the federal government too weak


Francis Bacon formalized the research methods of Tycho Brahe and Galileo into a theory of reasoning known as A. dualism B. empiricism


Holland's leadership in farming methodology can be attributed to A. the absence of marshes and swamps in the Netherlands B. the necessity to provide for a densely populated country C. the increased migration of peasants from cities to the country


The idea of a public sphere that emerged during the Enlightenment refers to A. a government bureau that regulated the work of the philosophes B. an idealized space where individuals gathered to discuss social and political issues


What major problem in the textile industry was solved by the inventions of James Hargreaves and Richard Arkwright? A. spinners were producing far more thread than weavers could use B. a weaver required several spinners to stay steadily employed


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