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The Second Quadrennial Homeland Security Review identified three factors that explained why cyberspace is particularly difficult to secure. Which of the following is not one of those factors?

The low cost of cyberterrorism

The Hebgen Lake Earthquake, which measured 7.3 on the Richter scale, brought attention to which of the following:

The nation's earthquake risk went beyond the California borders

In disaster situations, the Environmental Protection Agency is most concerned with which of the following?

The release, or threatened release, of oil, radioactive materials or hazardous chemicals

The actions of local first responders are driven by procedures and protocols developed by which of the following?

The responding agency agencies themselves

Most Americans tend to consider their risk from terrorism in the following manner:

They overstate their risk

Which of the following statements embodies the mission of an effective disaster communications strategy as identified in the chapter?

To provide timely and accurate information to the public in all four phases of emergency management

The three grant programs that had previously existed to address transportation security were consolidated within which of the following?

Transit Security Grant Program

Which of the following is a malicious program disguised to look like a useful program, which the user knowingly installs on their device, and that manipulates the manner in which a device's operating system functions?

Trojan Horse

A communications plan for the recovery phase should look very similar to the disaster response plan.


Actions taken in the aftermath of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing were credited with saving lives in the September 11th terrorist attacks.


Air freight is shipped on passenger airlines


An Emergency Declaration is defined by FEMA to be "any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in any part of the United States."


As of 2014, there were 58 international ports that take part in the CSI and those ports account for 90% of all transatlantic and transpacific cargo imported into the U.S. that is subject to prescreening prior to loading.


As of the end of 2014, no known act of cyberterrorism had ever occurred.


Biological Agents and Germ Agents are the same.


Businesses may qualify for assistance under FEMA's individual assistance recovery programs.


CERT is a citizen emergency response training program sponsored by Citizen Corps.


Commercial explosives in the United States are required to contain a chemical signature that can be used to trace their source should they be used for criminal means


Communities must participate in floodplain management to qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program.


Containers that have special devices that enable inspectors to tell if tampering has occurred are called "Smart Boxes."


Customs and Border Protection is considered the "Front Line" in protecting the nation against terrorist attacks.


Cybercrime is distinct from other forms of cyber-attacks in that the perpetrators seek personal gain or notoriety.


Cyberterrorism can result in injuries and/or deaths.


DHS Office of Intelligence & Analysis is not a member of the Intelligence Community


DHS has been given the primary responsibility for detecting and deterring attacks on the national information systems and critical infrastructures.


DHS infrastructure programs and policies are directed by the Office of Infrastructure Protection.


DHS is concerned with narcotics issues.


Despite the efforts of the FBI to establish policy on terrorism response in the years directly leading up to the September 11th attacks, the GAO felt that there were problems with established leadership and coordinating counterterrorism efforts among Federal agencies.


Disaster assistance may be obtained from the Federal Government without a Presidential Declaration.


During the 1950s Cold War years, there were few major natural disasters.


Enhanced border and transportation security were primary foci of the methodology behind creation of DHS.


FEMA estimates that almost 10 million households are at risk of flooding in the United States.


FEMA has shown evidence that it recognizes the importance of social media


Following the bombing of the USS Cole, the US Navy acted aggressively to protect their ships from future attacks that utilized the same means as had been used in the Port of Aden


For the majority of hazards, it is easier to determine consequence than likelihood.


Foreign ships must notify the Coast Guard 96 hours before arriving in a U.S. port and provide detailed information on the crew, passenger, cargo, and voyage history.


Government is considered a component of critical infrastructure.


HSARPA is a Department of Homeland Security think tank.


HUMINT activities include the use of recruited foreign nationals for the use of collecting intelligence information.


Half of the world's daily commercial airline flights either take off or land in the United States.


Hazard Mitigation Grant Program funds are available only to states affected by a disaster.


Humans often place themselves at risk of natural hazards in order to achieve some benefit or gain.


Hurricane Katrina is an example of a disaster where there existed poor situational awareness.


ICE helps to prevent money laundering.


In collecting this information, no potential source should be ignored


In terms of social media utilization, commitment and buy-in from senior leadership and political officials at the state level is more than double that at the county and local levels


In the 21st century, the average number of people granted permanent residency in the United States exceeds 1 million per year.


In the United States, 99% of imports and exports are conducted by ship through the nation's system of seaports.


In the United States, the greatest threat of exposure to radioactive materials comes from an accident or sabotage at one of the nation's many nuclear power plants.


In the mid-1990s, following the introduction of the Nunn-Lugar legislation, FEMA failed to claim the role as lead agency for terrorism events.


In times of war, the US Coast Guard serves under the Navy Department.


Infrastructure is considered a source of risk.


It is possible to mitigate the consequences of terrorism.


Lateral spreads are a form of mass movement that can occur in both rock and in fine-grained sensitive soils.


Local and state civil defense directors were the first recognized face of emergency management in the United States.


Malware is a catchall name for any program that seeks to compromise, disrupt, or steal from a device or system.


Many critics of homeland security S&T feel the push towards technologies is not necessarily decreasing vulnerabilities, but instead is increasing reliance on technologies that could fail.


Mitigation and preparedness can be performed both before AND after disasters occur.


Most communities in the United States have developed community-wide emergency plans.


New media communications paradigm can be described as a 'conversation between the many' rather than 'professionals broadcasting one message to many'.


Nobel Prizes have been awarded for discoveries made at Brookhaven National Laboratory.


Not all chemical weapons are designed to kill.


One of the principal foci of the PATRIOT Act is to provide law enforcement agencies with the proper legal authority to support their efforts to collect information on suspected terrorists.


People infected by biological weapons can infect others before symptoms appear.


Preparedness provides for the readiness and testing of all actions and plans before actual application occurs in response to a real event or disaster.


Research conducted at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory provides information about nuclear and radiological weapons.


Social media is an effective way for disaster victims to reunite with family and friends.


TSA officials assisted the air evacuation of 25,000 hurricane victims in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.


The 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments created immigration quotas related to specific nationalities.


The 24-Hour Advanced Manifest Rule only applies to cargo loaded at foreign ports.


The Armed Security Office Program operates at only one airport


The Biggert Waters Flood Insurance Act of 2012 was passed to control the cost of the National Flood Insurance Program.


The Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) utilizes intelligence gathered by Foreign Service Officers.


The Central Intelligence Agency began as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).


The Container Security Initiative was created to address the threat of containers being used as weapons.


The Corporation for National and Community Service is a government agency.


The DHS Customs and Border Protection Laboratories and Scientific Services provides forensic and scientific testing for trade enforcement.


The DHS Directorate for National Protection and Programs leads the nation's efforts to manage cyberterrorism threats.


The DHS Inspector General answers to both Congress and the DHS Secretary.


The DHS Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement is responsible for the detention and removal of illegal aliens.


The DNI Open Source Center was created to better exploit openly available information.


The DNI controls the intelligence budget in terms of dollar amounts and distributions among different intelligence agencies.


The Department of Housing and Urban Development is a Recovery Support Function primary agency under the National Disaster Recovery Framework.


The Department of State provides information that allows for assessment of potential chemical and biological weapons, and analyzes what resources are possessed by different countries and groups.


The Director of National Intelligence serves as head of the Intelligence Community.


The Directorate for National Protection and Programs is tasked with cybersecurity.


The ESFs are coordinated by FEMA through its National Response Coordination Center (NRCC)


The Federal Aviation Administration is charged with safely and efficiently operating and maintaining the nation's aviation system


The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center trains officials from agencies outside of DHS.


The Fujita-Pearson Scale measures tornado strength


The Immigration Act of 1882 levied a tax of fifty cents on each immigrant to the United States.


The Intelligence Community relies upon the National Intelligence Priorities Framework to articulate what issues are important.


The NRF addresses the role that private citizens play in disaster response.


The NRO has historically been one of the most clandestine intelligence organizations in the United States, but many parts of its operations have now been declassified.


The National Flood Insurance Program was established by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968.


The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency providing geospatial intelligence support for global world events, disasters and military actions.


The National Reconnaissance Office overseas satellite research and development.


The Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (ONCIX) is the office within the DNI that produces threat assessments for foreign counterintelligence efforts and damage assessments related to the counterintelligence activities of these other countries' governments.


The Research and Development function is the most important aspect of the S&T Directorate.


The S&T Directorate is responsible for setting the national agenda and giving direction and setting priorities for R&D efforts in other departments and agencies, regardless of their funding source.


The Secretary of Homeland Security is a cabinet level official.


The Secure Freight Initiative focuses on nuclear and radiological weapons detection.


The Teleforensic Center (TC) provides field personnel with "reach-back" access to scientific and technological resources.


The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) existed before the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security.


The U.S. Coast Guard maintains its own laboratory that is focused upon maritime research.


The United States Coast Guard is responsible for Maritime Search and Rescue.


The collection, analysis, and dissemination of information from the disaster site are the basis for an effective communications operation in a disaster response.


The concept of a federal-level Department of Homeland Security preceded the attacks which occurred on September 11, 2001.


The existence of a chemical attack may be hard to verify.


The failed federal government response to Hurricane Katrina was deemed to be primarily the result of a misguided focus on terrorism hazards by the newly formed Department of Homeland Security.


The failure or loss of just one CI system can rapidly cascade across multiple infrastructure sectors.


The freight rail network remains a vital component of the US economy


The insurance losses associated with the September 11th attacks were among the highest reached in a domestic disaster, despite that very little physical property was actually destroyed in relation to other natural disasters


The original border patrol function was concerned more with customs enforcement than illegal immigration.


The president has the authority to pre-deploy resources to a location where a disaster declaration is imminent due to an impending disaster.


The principal functions of the Directorate of Plans were clandestine collection and covert action.


The public information officer is typically responsible for rumor control.


The scope of the NRF includes domestic incidents of all sizes, regardless of state or federal involvement.


There are beneficial uses of cookies


There are more opportunities for local emergency managers to receive emergency management education than there were in the 1980s.


There are over 1 million firefighters in the United States, of which approximately 750,000 are volunteers.


Trains are a notable security threat because they often carry hazardous materials.


Twitter is an example of a microblog


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is the only agency responsible for protecting the sovereign borders of the United States at and between the official ports of entry


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) operates unmanned "drone" aircraft in their effort to interdict and prevent acts of terrorism and the unlawful movement of people across US borders.


Under the Cybersecurity Framework, there are four "tiers" that enable stakeholders in the public and private sectors to assess how they are managing their cyber risk and to better understand how those actions measure up to what is considered effective.


Border patrol was first maintained by which of the following entities?

US Immigration Service

The Federal Air Marshals program was removed from TSA and transferred to this office, before being returned to TSA in 2006.

US Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) are part of which DHS office?

United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Which of the following are associations of volunteer groups that respond to events ranging in size from everyday occurrences to Incidents of National Significance?


Which of the following is not a reason that news consumers typically turn to social media during disasters?

Verified information

In response to the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, Congress passed and President Clinton signed which of the following?

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994

Which of the following was introduced in 2011 to increase the participation of all stakeholders in emergency management activities?

Whole Community

Which of the following is a web page where people work together as a community to create and edit content?


The first known organized use of chemical weapons occurred during which of the following events?

World War I

In late 1992, when Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki struck within months of each other, FEMA performed outstandingly well in responding to the disasters.


The FY2012 Federal funding request for homeland security R&D efforts throughout the federal government was which of the following?

$876 million

Approximately how many tornadoes are spawned in the United States each year (including those that remain aloft)?


Approximately what percentage of homeland security R&D funding is handled by DHS


How many municipalities have Metropolitan Medical Response (MMRS) teams?


How many agencies are considered 'members' of the Intelligence Community?


How many critical infrastructure 'sectors' does the National Infrastructure Protection Plan recognize?


At present, what percent of the US national budget is supported by customs?


Which of the following constitutional amendments first placed finite limits on the number of people who could immigrate to the number of people who could immigrate to the US?


The 1921 Emergency Quota Act restricted the number of immigrants from any country to which of the following?

3% of the number of people from that country living in the United States

How many official ports of entry are there in the United States?


Approximately how many US companies experienced a cyber-breach as reported in 2014?


As of 2015, the number of TSA personnel had grown to a size represented by which of the following ranges?

49,000 - 51,000

In 1917, illegal immigration rates rose considerably due to which of the following?

A higher head tax

The primary barrier to emergency management agencies' use of social media is which of the following?

A lack of dedicated personnel

The first time the federal government became involved in a local disaster was following which of the following incidents?

A town in New Hampshire was destroyed by a fire in 1803

Which of the following is not one of the four research areas focused upon by DHS S&T?

Agricultural Research

Which of the following Federal agencies are involved in homeland security R&D?

All of the above

Which of the following Federal agencies provides information dedicated to preparing US citizens for terrorist attacks?

All of the above

Which of the following are components of the National Disaster Medical System?

All of the above

Which of the following describes information obtained through social media?

All of the above

Which of the following is a series of national-level exercise focused on cybersecurity?

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of a social media outlet?

All of the above

Which of the following is considered a source of critical infrastructure risk?

All of the above

Which of the following is defined as "the use or destruction of computing or information technology resources aimed at harming, coercing, or intimidating others in order to achieve a greater political or ideological goal."

All of the above

Which of the following laboratories is managed by the US Department of Energy?

All of the above

Which of the following officials showed leadership commitment to effective disaster communication following Hurricane Sandy in 2012?

All of the above

The DHS Office of the Inspector General is in charge of which of the following tasks?

Auditing and assessing the DHS and its programs

Which of the following has received the highest priority among TSA responsibilities?

Aviation Security

TSA was created as a result of which of the following?

Aviation and Transportation Security Act

Which of the following is a Department of Health and Human Services component that funds advanced research and development of new biodefense countermeasures?


The Severe Repetitive Loss Program was eliminated by which of the following?

Biggert Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012

A person who controls bots is called which of the following?

Bot herder

Which of the following is one of the four NEHRP agencies?

Both of the above

Which of the following is the often-neglected link in transportation security?

Bus Transportation

Which of the following is a Federally-supported program that aims to train citizens in basic emergency response and preparedness issues?


Which of the following NSA offices oversees the function of the military cryptologic system?

Central Security Service

FEMA is in charge of which of the following citizen participation programs?

Citizen Corps

Which of the following is coordinated nationally by FEMA

Citizen Corps

Which of the following is not a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service?

Citizen Corps

Which of the following officials was not a Secretary of Homeland Security?

Clark Kent Irvin

Which of the following is a reason that hazard risk has risen in the United States?

Climate Change

Which of the following is not a prevention measure that may be taken by the federal government before a terrorist attack occurs?

Conduct initial damage assessments to determine the full nature of attack consequences

HSPD-3 did which of the following?

Created the Homeland Security Advisory System

Which of the following estimates the impact of the drug trade on US National Security?

Crime and Narcotics Center

In 1835, which of the following was the largest Federal agency?


The CERT Coordination Center is concerned with which of the following?

Cyber Security

The Edward Snowden leaks exposed US programs to conduct which of the following?


Which of the following terms is defined by US-CERT to be, "The activity or process, ability or capability, or state whereby information and communications systems and the information contained therein are protected from and/or defended against damage, unauthorized use or modification, or exploitation"?


Which of the following is defined as "the global network of information technology infrastructure, inclusive of the internet, the telecom network, systems of servers and computers, electronic control mechanisms, and the embedded processes in microchips and other semiconductors"?


The Stuxnet Worm is most likely an example of which of the following?


The Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency was based upon which agency's existing model?


The Homeland Security Act of 2002 transferred the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms from the Department of the Treasury to where?


Prior to September 11th, which of the following pieces of legislation provided the primary authority and focus for domestic Federal preparedness activities for terrorism?hn

Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996

Which of the following was designated a Combat Support Agency?

Defense Intelligence Agency

Which of the following agencies performs R&D aimed at protecting the nation's food supply from acts of sabotage and terrorism?

Department of Agriculture

The National Institute for Standards and Technology is within which Federal agency?

Department of Commerce

During the 1930s, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Bureau of Public Roads were both given authority to do which of the following?

Design and build flood control projects

Which of the following is not one of the five cybersecurity functions identified under the Cybersecurity Framework?


The 9/11 Commission recommended that a National Intelligence Director be created, and that which of the following be replaced by this official?

Director of Central Intelligence

Which of the following is tasked with carrying out the 'risk-reduction mission' of DHS?

Directorate for National Protection and Programs

In its initial organization, DHS consolidated the various agencies responsible for the safety, security, and control of the borders under which of the following?

Directorate of Border and Transportation Security (BTS)

Which of the following is not a CBRNE agent?

Dirty Bomb Pipe bomb Anthrax Correct! None of the above

Local emergency planning was mandated by which of the following?

Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000

Which of the following generated almost all of the US Government's revenue during its first 125 years of existence?


Which of the following can be measured according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale?


Which of the following individual's released classified documents that provide intricate detail about US Government surveillance programs and tactics both within and outside the United States?

Edward Snowden

How many hours did it take to evacuate the World Trade Center after a truck bomb was detonated in its underground parking garage?

Eleven hours

Federally-funded emergency management courses are primarily administered through which of the following?

Emergency Management Institute

Which of the following laboratory's current programs focus on issues associated with environmental radiation and radioactivity?

Environmental Measurements Laboratory

Decontamination research is a priority at which of the following Federal agency's laboratories?

Environmental Protection Agency

Drinking water research is a priority for which of the following Federal agencies?

Environmental Protection Agency

Which of the following is not one of the three "clusters" of cyberterrorism?

Exploitive cyberterrorism

Which of the following weapons are the easiest to obtain?


In an emergency, for emergency management communicators the general public is an example of a(n):

External customer

US law forbids private ownership of dams.


Which of the following is not a primary area of Federal support to first responders?


"Disaster Recovery Loans" is one of the seven categories of assistance under FEMA's Public Assistance Program.


38. Nuclear and radiological weapons are those that involve the movement of incredible amounts of mass through space.


A Molotov cocktail is an example of a combined hazard.


A hazard is defined as an event that results in injuries, deaths, or destruction of property, no matter how minor the event.


A hospital is an example of a component in network-oriented infrastructure.


After 9/11, FEMA stopped employing the all-hazards approach.


All of FEMA's 14,800 (approximate) staff are funded by the Disaster Relief Fund.


An effective disaster communication program does not view its recipients as customers, but rather as victims.


Border security functions are limited to the perimeter of the country, including the international (land) borders and sea coasts.


Both chemical and biological attacks, in general, are recognized immediately.


Cooperating agencies are responsible for implementing the processes detailed in the NRF Support Annexes.


Despite the intense efforts of cybercriminals to exploit the internet for their own gain, less than 1 million people have been personally affected by cybercrime in the United States.


Despite the rise in social media, traditional media (newspaper, radio, and television) continue to grow in terms of consumption


During disasters, social media use generally decreases


Each year more than 500 million cross the borders nation's borders in order to enter the country, and the majority of these do so illegally.


Electrical transmission lines are considered a component of the US Transportation Infrastructure.


Explosives are effective at causing massive death and destruction, but are not considered effective weapons for causing terror.


FEMA was returned to its pre-DHS stature through the passage of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act.


HSPD-5 directed DHS to create the National Response Framework.


Hackers from China have attempted to access US NOAA weather satellites but as of yet have not been successful.


Historically, social media monopolized the dissemination of disaster information from public sources.


Homeland Security Centers of Excellence are entirely new universities, constructed through DHS grant funding, that study various aspects of homeland security defense.


Homeland security R&D efforts within the Department of Homeland Security have always been consolidated under the Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate.


ICE agents work in collaboration with inspection agents from the US Department of Agriculture to prevent the introduction of harmful pests into the United States.


IMINT (Imagery Intelligence) is a subset of SIGINT (Signals Intelligence).


Immediately after the September 11th attacks, other agencies throughout the Federal Government performing homeland security R&D lost significant amounts of their federal funding.


In a crisis, it is important to never make specific requests of the public, especially in terms of what they can do to help.


In the years just prior to the September 11th attacks, the US Attorney General had made significant progress in breaking down the walls that prevented information sharing between the FBI and the intelligence agencies.


Individual homeowners may apply directly to the HMGP.


John Bolton was selected as the first National Intelligence Director


Less than half of US adults have mobile connection to the internet


Most, but not all Federal agencies involved in homeland security R&D have a responsibility for the entire cycle of science and technology, from product research to bringing the product to the market and deploying it.


NIMA became the National Reconnaissance Office in 2003 according to the 2004 Defense Reauthorization Bill.


NRO intelligence gathering and analysis activities are conducted at the request of the Director of Central Intelligence.


Nations protect their economic interests through the levying of duties on domestic goods.


Nearly one half of air cargo in the United States is shipped on passenger planes


Once FEMA becomes involved in the response to a disaster, they assume full command of all resources at Federal, State, and local levels.


One of the problems that Hurricane Katrina exposed about the National Response Plan was that the document was too short in length.


President Clinton made climate-change adaptation the centerpiece of his administration's emergency management strategy, thereby changing the manner in which the nation viewed long-term risk.


Prevention activities are mainly geared toward natural hazard events.


Prior to the 2001 Anthrax attacks, a biological agent had never been successfully used for terrorism within the United States.


Qualitative risk measurements use numbers to describe a hazard's consequences or probability.


Ransomware is a method by which psychological or other non-technical means are used to trick victims into voluntarily or unwittingly handing over their personal information, including login information and passwords.


Scientists have begun to predict major earthquakes with greater and greater accuracy.


Security services provided by the Transportation Security Administration are limited to the airline industry.


Social media has had a negative impact on the ability of emergency managers to control the chaos of volunteers in disaster response.


Terrorism has always been the focus of emergency management in the United States, even before the creation of FEMA.


The 9/11 Commission did not refer specifically to prevention measures as they relate to terrorism


The 9/11 commission found that, despite the existence of structural barriers to joint intelligence work, Intelligence Community leadership were able to pool information gathered overseas with information gathered in the United States.


The Allied forces used chemical weapons against the Germans in World War II.


The Border Enforcement Security Task Force (BEST) mission includes only work along the US-Mexico border.


The C-TPAT program is a mandatory government-business initiative aimed at strengthening and improving the international supply chain and US border security.


The CIA's Information Assurance Directorate (IAD) is dedicated to providing information assurance solutions that serve to protect United States information systems from harm.


The Civil Defense directors of the 1950s ran local programs that were well funded by the federal government.


The Coast Guard has lost significant funding overall since being moved into DHS.


The DHS Inspector General is appointed by the Secretary of Homeland Security.


The Department of Commerce is responsible for research and diagnosis to protect the nation's animal industries and exports from catastrophic economic losses caused by foreign animal diseases.


The Department of State that maintains the final say on whether or not a person is able to enter the United States.


The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) is an agreement between cities to provide support to each other during times of disaster.


The FEMA Office of Public Affairs supercedes the DHS Office of Public Affairs as Lead Public Information Officer during national-level disasters.


The Federal Air Marshals program did not exist before TSA.


The GAO found that the Attorney General's Five Year Interagency Counterterrorism and Technology Crime Plan represented a comprehensive national strategy to address the terrorist threat.


The Gilmore Commission developed a series of reports that expanded current knowledge about the ongoing threat from the al Qaeda network.


The House of Representatives report on communication in Hurricane Katrina found that a strong government public communications strategy and a measured media response allayed public concerns and improved relief effectiveness and efficiency


The INS initiated a program called "Operation Hold The Line" in 1993 to begin to stave off the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants, but this program proved ineffective


The National Cyber Incident Response Plan is an annex to the National Response Framework.


The National Flood Insurance Program paid out more than $100 billion in claims after Hurricane Katrina.


The National Infrastructure Protection Center is the leading Federal laboratory studying cyber-threats.


The Office of Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon Analysis was originally created (in 2003) to address the collection and analysis of intelligence from Iran, but has since expanded to include the other countries listed in its title.


The S&T mission does very little to address local first responder capabilities


The Sarbanes-Oxley act mandates that businesses prepare for disasters by conducting "Business Continuity Planning."


The Stuxnet Worm was developed to disrupt Iran's chemical weapons production capabilities.


The Surgeon General of the United States leads the new DHS Office of Health Affairs.


The TSA is the lead Federal Agency for maritime safety and security.


The US Border Patrol was created in the late 21st century in response to increasing illegal immigration along the US-Mexico border


The US Department of Commerce is tasked with protecting the nation's food supply.


The US Government was criticized for being too aggressive in their military response to the attack on the USS Cole.


The USCG is the lead Federal agency for maritime homeland security efforts, but has no role in DHS's port and shipping security efforts.


The United States Border Patrol was dissolved in 2003 when the Department of Homeland Security was created, as stipulated in the Homeland Security Act of 2002.


The current freight rail system is wholly owned and operated by the Federal Government due to post-9/11 legislation.


The investigative actions of the intelligence community preceding the bombing of the Khobar Towers were considered to have been effective.


The largest share of the national homeland security R&D budget is managed by the Department of Homeland Security.


The majority of states maintain offices of emergency management within the office of the Governor.


The media and the emergency management community have long enjoyed a partnership marked by trust.


The mission of the United States Secret Service changed when it was absorbed into the Department of Homeland Security.


The only difference between cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism is the target.


The products of the Department of Defense research cannot be applied to the civilian domain because of their military affiliation.


The response to chemical and biological terrorism poses few additional challenges to responders because the response mechanisms employed are basically the same.


The roles and responsibilities of first responders are rarely detailed in the community emergency plan.


Today, the intelligence structure of the US Government is spread out across 25 individual organizations.


Tornadoes are cyclonic tropical storms.


Unlike other forms of infrastructure, critical infrastructure must be owned and operated by the government.


Unlike terrorism, it is generally easy to reduce both the likelihood and consequence of natural hazards.


Unlike viruses, worms require human action to replicate themselves.


Unlike with traditional media efforts, emergency management agencies do not need to plan for evaluation when it comes to their social media efforts


When a disaster response exceeds the capacity of local agencies, the local official can contact DHS to request a Federal Disaster Declaration.


When the NRP was replaced by the NRF, the word 'mitigation' was completely eliminated from the Federal plan.


Which of the following serves as a link between the Intelligence and Law Enforcement communities?

Federal Bureau of Investigation

President Carter sought to consolidate emergency preparedness, mitigation, and response activities into one government agency at the federal level. This plan, called Reorganization Plan Number 3, resulted in the creation of which of the following?

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Which of the following programs helps to increase flight safety by authorizing certain cockpit-based crew to be armed?

Federal Flight Deck Officers Program

Which of the following are defined as, "individuals in the disaster site with the wherewithal to collect information and images and to communicate information and images by cell phones, hand held devices, or laptops"?

First informers

Which of the following is the result of an intense storm dropping large quantities of rain within a brief time period?

Flash flood

Which of the following is the most frequent and widespread disaster in the United States?


With the passage of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, which federal agency possessed the most significant authority for natural disaster response and recovery?


Which is the best characterization of the news options available to the American news consumer today?

Has never had so many news and information options

Trucking is considered a priority of the TSA because of which of the following factors?

Hazardous Materials

The National Terrorism Advisory System replaced which of the following?

Homeland Security Advisory System

One of the greatest accomplishments of the Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP) was the consolidation of six individual grant programs into which of the following?

Homeland Security Grant Program

Which of the following disasters is credited with starting the discussions that eventually led to the creation of the National Flood Insurance Program?

Hurricane Betsy (1965)

Which of the following programs coordinates public and private sector partners for exercise, training, and information sharing, and to address transportation security issues focused on protecting travelers, commerce, and infrastructure?


A disaster response communication plan should include protocols for which of the following?

Identifying trusted messengers

Which of the following is not one of the five critical assumptions upon which effective disaster communication strategies are built?


Which of the following NRF components address contingency or hazard situations requiring specialized application of the NRF?

Incident Annexes

NIMS was based upon the concepts originally developed for which of the following?

Incident Command System

Combined hazards tend to do what to the individual components involved in the attack?

Increase their effects

Immigration in the United States increased around 1820 due to which of the following?

Industrialization in the United States

Soon after the release of the 9/11 Commission report, Congress passed which of the following in response:

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004

The primary difference between a chemical attack and an accidental chemical release is:


Which of the following is not a step in the intelligence cycle?


Which of the following FEMA directors was the first to have had prior emergency management experience?

James Lee Witt

Which of the following date ranges coincides with Hurricane Season?

June 1 - November 30

Which of the following established the border patrol?

Labor Appropriations Act of 1924

How many terrorist attacks involving explosives are preceded by a threat or warning?

Less than 5%

How many people are estimated to have migrated to the United States in its first two hundred years of existence?

Less than one million

As a group, which of the following trust social media more than the traditional media?

Local emergency managers

When a natural disaster such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane occurs, or when a technological incident or terrorist attack happens, who is generally the first official resource to respond?

Local first responders

Pete Hunt noted in his post on the website Mindjet that during a disaster, the best news is which of the following:

Local news

Which of the following could be considered an intangible loss?

Lost business opportunities

Which of the following communicates the assessed threat environment to maritime elements of the transportation system, and is closely aligned to the DHS National Terrorism Advisory System?


Which of the following is information produced by quantitative and qualitative analysis of physical attributes of targets and events in order to characterize and identify them?


Which of the following is not a DHS S&T Division?

Man-Portable Air Defense

Which of the following is described by "a sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate risk to people and property from hazards and their effects."


Which of the following within FEMA is responsible for creating "How-to" guidelines and best practice documents?

Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning Program

In order to carry out the coordinated response approach prescribed in the National Response Plan, the Federal Government created which of the following?


Which of the following regulates the Nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, to promote the common defense and security, and to protect the environment.


Which of the following was billed as an "all-discipline, all-hazards plan"?


Which of the following terrorist weapons is considered an incendiary device?

Napalm bomb

Which of the following, created in October of 2005, absorbed all of the functions of the CIA Directorate of Operations?

National Clandestine Service

Which of the following is one of the six core mission offices of the DNI?

National Counterproliferation Center Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive The Information Sharing Environment Correct! All of the above

The agency whose mission statement includes the verbiage, "Know the Earth, Show the Way, Understand the World" is which of the following?

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

The manner in which the Federal government views the the role of the various federal partners in protecting the transportation network is outlined in which of the following documents?

National Infrastructure Protection Plan

Which of the following laboratories funds R&D on cryptography and computer security?

National Institute of Standards and Technology

In FY2012, which of the following was considered the leader in Federal homeland security R&D efforts, as a measure of its budget allocation?

National Institutes of Health

Which of the following is not one of the five national frameworks?

National Preparedness Framework

Flood damage is reduced by how much each year because of communities implementing sound floodplain management requirements and property owners purchasing of flood insurance?

Nearly $1 billion

The National Response Plan (NRP) introduced a fifth term into the traditional cycle of emergency management. What was that term?

None of the above

Which of the following is not considered "Mass Transit?"

None of the above

Which of the following is not considered part of the motor carrier industry?

None of the above

Which of the following is not involved in the oversight of the Intelligence Community?

None of the above

The Civil Defense programs in the 1950s were established primarily to protect American communities from which of the following hazards?

Nuclear fallout brought on by a Soviet nuclear attack

Which of the following USCIS programs conducts tracking of foreign visitors to the United States?


Which of the following programs is responsible for enabling biometric data collection and analysis at US ports of entry?

Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM)

Which of the following offices within the Office of the DHS Secretary serves as the primary liaison between members of Congress and their staffs, the White House and Executive Branch, and other federal agencies and governmental entities that have national security roles and concerns?

Office of Legislative Affairs

Which of the following was disbanded by executive order from President Harry Truman?

Office of Strategic Services

Which of the following TSA offices is tasked with leading the national-level effort to protect and secure US transportation and transport systems?

Office of Transportation Sector Network Management

Which of the following DHS S&T offices establishes and administers the Homeland Security Centers of Excellence?

Office of University Programs

Which of the following is not a focus of TSA Transportation Security Grants?

Oil Pipelines

Which of the following DNI offices is the primary interface between the IC and external stakeholders?

Partner Engagement

The failed response to Hurricane Katrina resulted in which of the following?

Passage of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act

Which of the following was named as one of two major factors likely to change the structure of DHS beyond what has already occurred as a result of PKEMRA?

Physical consolidation of the Department into a single 'campus' location

Which of the following is not considered a transportation accident?

Plane crash Bridge Collapse Train Derailment Correct! None of the above

Which of the following sectors was added to the transportation network in 2013 as a result of Presidential Policy Directive 21?

Postal and Shipping Services

Evacuation drills are classified as which of the following?


Which of the following Presidents issued PDD 62 and 63 to combat terrorism and protect infrastructure?

President William Clinton

Which of the following is defined as the "creation, access, modification, and destruction of information"?


Which of the following is not a function of US Customs?

Processing persons, baggage, cargo and mail, and administering certain navigation laws. Interdicting and seizing contraband, including narcotics and illegal drugs. Detecting and apprehending persons engaged in fraudulent practices designed to circumvent Customs and related laws. Correct! None of the above

The primary functions of the Office of Defense Mobilization, which merged with the Federal Civil Defense Administration in 1958, were which of the following?

Production, stockpiling, and quick mobilization of critical materials in the event of war

Which of the following works to prevent WMD trafficking by illegal exporters?

Project Shield America

To simplify the difficulties associated with determining exact values for consequence and probability of risk, which of the following have been developed?

Qualitative Measurements

The NDRF has six of which of the following?


Which of the following is considered a Class I Railroad?

Railroads that operate over large areas, in multiple states, and concentrate on the long-haul, high-density, intercity traffic lines with annual revenues over $250 million.

Which of the following is not normally considered a component of risk?


In April of 2014, S&T Under Secretary Tara O'Toole was replaced by which of the following individuals who was formerly the Department of Defense Assistant Secretary for of Defense for Research and Engineering?

Reginald Brothers

In 2014, the Undersecretary of Homeland Security for Science and Technology tasked a working group from throughout the organization to generate goals. Which of the following is one of those goals?

Responder of the Future: Protected, Connected, and Fully Aware

Which of the following divisions is not part of the Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA)?

Risk Assessment Division

Risk matrices were developed to allow which of the following?

Risk Comparison

Which of the following is considered one of the most destructive and difficult cyberthreats to prevent?

Rogue Insider

In 2003, (then) Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services Claude Allen stated that which of the following was the next likely location for a terrorist attack?

Rural America

Which of the following tasked DHS with the responsibility of assuring maritime security and protecting the nation's ports?

SAFE Port Act of 2006

Which of the following hacking methods specifically targets databases?

SQL Injection

Which of the following is not a Wildfire category?

Scrub Fires

Which of the following is not one of the Coast Guard missions?

Search and rescue Living marine resources Drug interdiction Correct! None of the above

Which of the following is a "self-organized, self-run, and self-governed private sector council consisting of owners and operators and their representatives, which interact on a wide range of sector-specific strategies, policies, activities, and issues"?

Sector-Coordinating Council

Which of the following is not considered seasonal or climate-dependent?


NESIS values refer to which hazard?

Severe Winter Storms

Knowing the number of people killed and injured, the level of damage at the disaster site, the condition of homes and community infrastructure, and current response efforts, are components of which of the following?

Situational awareness

Which of the following is defined as, "internet-based tools, technologies and applications that enable interactive communications and content exchange between users who move back and forth easily between roles as content creators and consumers."

Social media

The attack on which of the following companies marked a change in the nature of cyberthreats against individuals and private sector organizations?


Which of the following involves making one's email appear like one that would be trusted by the target of a phishing scheme?


Which of the following is the most likely to actively use social media for some capacity?

State emergency managers

Biological weapons can be dispersed covertly.


The Department of Homeland Security is tasked with managing the national security threats posed by which of the following categories of hazards?

Terrorism Hazards Natural Hazards Technological Hazards Correct! All of the above

The National Security Agency began as which of the following in 1949?

The Armed Forces Security Agency

TSA was originally created within the Department of Transportation by the authority of which of the following?

The Aviation and Transportation Security Act

Which of the following commissions was most clearly focused on the international terrorist threat?

The Bremer Commission

The Office of Iraq Analysis falls under the direction of which of the following agencies?

The Central Intelligence Agency

Which of the following spurred the greatest increase in US Government intelligence activities?

The Cold War

CBP officials are deployed overseas at major international seaports through which of the following?

The Container Security Initiative (CSI)

The Murrah building helped to move along which of the following legislative efforts?

The Defense Against Weapons of Mass Destruction Act

Which Federal agency is tasked with developing international allies in the fight against terrorism?

The Department of State

What Federal agency is tasked with developing policies and procedures for emergencies that impact Federal lands?

The Department of the Interior

Which of the following facilitated the entry of people who otherwise did not qualify for immigration into the US?

The Displaced Persons Act of 1948 The Refugee Relief Act of 1953 The Refugee-Escapee Act of 1957 Correct! All of the above

The Office of Air and Radiation is part of which Federal agency?

The Environmental Protection Agency

Which of the following serves as the primary law enforcement entity within TSA?

The Federal Air Marshals

The Citizen Corps Program is funded by which of the following agencies?

The Federal Emergency Management Agency

Which of the following provides law enforcement services to Federally owned and leased buildings?

The Federal Protective Service

Which of the following is responsible for transporting a majority of the goods and commodities Americans depend on?

The Freight Railroad Network

Which of the following has jurisdiction over the National Guard during disaster response?

The Governor

Which of the following was formerly known as FIRESAT?

The Integrated Hazard Information System

After the 1980's increase in Federal intelligence activities reversed, which of the following saw the greatest losses in terms of budgetary cuts?

The Military

Which of the following Federal laboratories will replace the Plum Island Animal Disease Center?

The National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility

Which of the following was transferred from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) into DHS per the Homeland Security Act of 2002, and returned to HHS from DHS per the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act?

The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

Which of the following agency's primary function has been to oversee the research and development, procurement, deployment, and operation of imaging, signals intelligence, and ocean surveillance satellites.

The National Reconnaissance Office

Which of the following events first raised the issue of America's preparedness for terrorism events?

The Oklahoma City bombing

According to the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which of the following "verifies, coordinates and disseminates accurate, accessible, and timely information on the incident's cause, size, and current situation; resources committed; and other matters of general interest for both internal and external use"?


Which of the following offices within DHS was the first that was 'statutorily-required' at the Federal level?

The Privacy Office

Which of the following laboratories houses the Internet Storm Center?

The SANS Institute

The CBP Office of Technology Innovation and Acquisition is the present-day manifestation of which of the following programs?

The Secure Border Initiative (SBI)

Which of the following ensures that the removal of criminal aliens, namely those who pose a threat to public safety, and repeat immigration violators, are given priority attention?

The Secure Communities Program

Which of the following is focused on utilizing radiation detection and imaging equipment?

The Secure Freight Initiative

Which event is considered the turning point for social media, as well as the event where the traditional media were the primary source of information?

The September 11th attacks

12-hour 'Push Packages' are a component of which of the following?

The Strategic National Stockpile

The Immigration Act of 1891 created the Office of the Superintendent of Immigration in which of the following?

The Treasury

The United States Secret Service is not responsible for protecting which of the following?

The United States Capitol Building

The first large-scale terrorist attack on American soil was which of the following?

The bombing of the World Trade Center

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