MIS 220 Exam 1

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- 8-bit combination - computer memories are divided into 8-bit groupings

Logical Operators

-&, &&, |, ||, and ! -the operands to logical operators must be Boolean expressions

Binary Number System

-2 base numbering system -only two symbols 0 and 1 -represent language of the computer ex: 01101001

Predefined Methods

-WriteLine() method is a predefined member method of the Console class

Optional Parameter

-ability to omit arguments to method invocations -when you assign a default value to a parameter -you do not have to send in a value every time you call a method -must be placed last in the list of parameters, after any required parameters

Named Parameter

-allow you to specify the arguments by name instead of position

Relational Operators

-allow you to test variables to see if one is greater or less than another variable or value - <, >, <=, and >= produce a straightforward result

Object-Oriented Programming

-applications can be organized around object rather than processes. -focus is on determining the object you want to manipulate rather than the processes or logic required to manipulate the date

Web Applications

-applications that run on the Web for end users to view through browser-neutral user interfaces -Web forms, ASP.NET(programming framework that lets you create applications that run on a Web server and delivers functionality through a browser, MICRO INTERNET EXPLORER)

Boolean Variables

-are central to both selection and iteration control constructs -their values can be tested and used to determine alternate paths

Boolean Variable

-based on true/false, on/off logic

Boolean Flags

-boolean data types are often used as flags to signal when a condition exists or when a condition changes

Floating-Point Type

-can be specified in scientific notation with an exponent or in standard decimal notation -double is the default type

What is included within curly braces for a class

-class members(performs some behavior of the class) -data member(contains a value associated with the state of the class)

Escape character

-combined with one or more characters to create a special escape sequence


-constructs to handle unexpected types of -conditions -the code that might create a problem is placed in the try block. -the code to deal with the problem (the exception handler) is placed in catch blocks, which are also called catch clauses. -the code that you want executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown is placed in the finally block

Precedence of the Operators(order of operations)

-controls the order in which the individual operators are evaluated 1. Unary operators 2. Binary operators 2.1 Arithmetic operators (* / % in front of + -) 2.2 relational operators (<<= >>= in front of == !=) 2.3 logical operators (&& in front of ||) 3. Ternary operator (? :) 4. Assignment operators (=, *= /= %= += -=)

Compile using build

-create a new project -PA'S we do in class

Formatting Output

-currency format is specified using C or c which id included in the curly braces -fixed point is F or f


-defined as a person, place, or thing. It is normally a noun


-defined inside a class -members of a class that perform an action, and through writing methods you describe the behavior of data -allow program statements to be grouped together based on the functionality of the statements and to be called on one or more times when needed

Windows Applications

-designed for desktop use and for a single platform(PC) -GUIs can be developed by dragging and dropping controls such as buttons, text boxes, and labels on the screen

High-level programming languages

-designed to be accessible to humans, easy to read and write, and close to the English language ex: C, C++, Basic, Java, and now C#

Two Way if Statement

-either the true statement(s) is (are) executed or the false statement(s), but not both -control always transfers to the statement following the if block

ApplicationException Class

-enable a distinction to be made between user-defined exceptions and exceptions defined by the system -thrown by user program not CLR -can create your own

Filter Multiple Catch Clauses

-enables you to write code specific to the thrown exception. -when you do this, the order of placement of these clauses is important. **-they should be placed from the most specific to the most generic**

Value-Returning Methods

-every method that has a return type other than void must have a return statement in the body -Write and WriteLine methods used

Exception Handling Techniques

-for serious errors that occur infrequently


-looks like a data field but it does not directly represent a storage location -provide a way to change or retrieve private member data

Run-time Errors

-much more difficult to detect than syntax errors -might compile without any problems, run, and produce results

Switch Statements

-multiple selection structure - also goes by the name case statement -the switch or case statement allows you to perform a large number of alternatives based on the value of a single variable -integral or string value only

Custom Exceptions

-must derive from the ApplicationException Class

Decimal Types

-new to modern programming languages -appropriate for storing monetary data items because it allows both whole numbers and a fractional portion

Console Applications

-normally send requests to the operating system to display text on the command console display or to retrieve data from the keyboard - do not have to be concerned with the side issues associated with building GUIs

Start Without Debugging

-not necessary to add the additional ReadKey(); -user is prompted to "Press any key to continue."


-observe the run-time behavior of your program and help locate logic errors. -lets you break, or halt, the execution of the program to examine the code, evaluate variables in the program, and view the memory space used by your application

Structure Procedural Programming

-process-oriented focusing on the processes that data undergoes from input until meaningful output is produced -effective for small stand-alone applications -five steps for software development work well with this procedure

Ternary Operator

-provides another way to express a simple if...else selection statement -the operator consists of a question mark and a colon -the general format for this conditional expression is: expression 1? expression 2: expression 3; -AKA conditional operator

Integral Data Types

-represent whole numbers -the primary difference in integral types is how much storage is needed and whether a negative value can be placed in the data item

String Type

-represents a string of Unicode characters -object is the most important type of all because every type inherits characteristics from it

SystemException Class

-run-time exceptions derive mainly from the SystemException class. -SystemException adds no functionality to classes. -Except for its constructor, the SystemException class has no additional properties or methods other than those derived from the Exception and Object classes


-shortening of the words Binary digIT -can hold one of two values: 0 or 1 ex: circuit switch turned on or turned off and the number 1 being turned on


-special types of methods used to create objects -do not return a value but void is not included -use the same identifier as the class name -creates object instance of a class*

Assignment Statements

-takes the form of variable = expression; -the value of the expression on the right side of the assignment operator is determined and then that value is assigned to the variable on the left side of the operator

Namespace Classes

-the building block of an object-oriented program -define a category, or type, of object.


-the items that are inside the parentheses of the method heading


-to change the current state or value of an object member's data -AKA set -normally written to include one parameter that represents the new value a data member should have


-to read the current state or value of an object member's data -AKA get -send back value of a data member without changing it

Equality Operators

-two equal symbol characters == -can use an assignment operator unlike a selection statement -not equal means !=

Low-level programming languages

-types of instructions are not easy to read or understand -they are not considered close to the English language

Syntax Errors

-typing errors by misspelling a name or forgetting to end a statement with a semicolon -caught by the compiler


-used by programmers of C# -universal character encoding schema -provide a unique number for every character -representation of characters for writing in many different languages in addition to English


-used to check the grammar(symbols or words used to write the computer instructions) -make sure that there are no rule violations in the program statements or source code -after the code is successfully compiled, the compiler usually generate a file that ends with an .exe extension

One Way Selection Statement

-used when an expression needs to be tested -when the result of the expression is true, additional processing is performed


-what types are implemented through -class and type

Exception Object

-when an exception is raised with .NET languages, an object is created to represent the exception -all exception objects inherit from the base class for exceptions, named Exception(message class) -it is part of the System namespace -an exception object, like other objects, has properties and behaviors (methods)

Instance Methods

-when you define the methods of a class -an object must be instantiated and associated with the method -do not use static keyword in the heading

Nested if...else Statement

-when you place an if within an if, also referred to as a nested if statement. -with a nested if statement, multiple expressions can be tested. -as long as the expressions evaluate to true,the true statements continue to be evaluated.

Memory Locations for Data

1. Identifiers(names of elements that appear in a program, such as data items) 2. Variable(represents an area in the computer memory where a value of a particular data type can be stored) 3.Literal Values(cannot be changed unlike variable value's, are the numbers, characters, and combinations of characters used in your program)

5 Steps of Program Development to Create an Application

1. analyze the program 2. design a solution 3. code the solution 4. implement the code(source code is compiled to check for rule violations) 5. test and debug(output should match prototype)

Basic Programming Constructs

1.simple sequence 2.selection 3.itieration

Order of Operations

1.unary(+,-,++,--) 2.mulitiplicative(*,/,%) 3.additive(+,-) 4.assignment(=,*=,/=,%=,+=,-=)

Step Over

F10(execute the next line of code and give you no opportunity to examine it)

Step Into

F11(execute the next line of code and look inside a method)


One of the .Net managed programming languages, object-oriented, 2001 EMCA standardized, provides rapid GUI development of Visual Basic, provides number-crunching power of C++, provides large library of classes similar to Java

Step Out

Shift + F11( encounters a line that contains a call to a method, the call is executed—then the program halts at the first line of code inside the called method)


a kind of group that can be differentiated from the other kinds of groups by a particular set of characteristics


advance to next line


convenient for assigning a value to an identifier



Unhandled exception thrown

dividing by 0 and program can not recover


enables you to write instructions that can be repeated

Unhandled Exception

if the CLR handles the exception by halting your application


instance of a class


line in your program that you select and when it is reached, the program is suspended or placed in break mode

What is the error called when a program compiles and executes without errors but does not preform as expected?

logic error

Start Debugging

necessary to have ReadKey();

Simple Sequence

once execution begins in Main() it continues a linear fashion one statement after the next until the end of your program is encountered

Class Diagram

one of the primary modeling tools used by object-oriented programmers


processes on the data

Conditional Expressions

produce a Boolean result -the result is either true or false


simply a description of the essential, relevant properties of an entity

Stepping Through the Code

step through your code line by line, see the execution path, and examine variable and expression values as they change

A student has these attributes or characteristics

student ID, name, age, GPA, major and hometown


tab indention

Overloaded Method

there are multiple methods with the same name, but each has a different number or type of parameter

Pascal case style

used for class and method identifiers

Selection Statement

used for decision making and allows your program statements to deviate from the sequential path and perform different statements based on the value of an expression

If Selection Statement

used in combination with a conditional expression. The if statement facilitates specifying alternate paths based on the result of the conditional expression.The expressions might involve values entered at run time or calculations made using data


used to declare storage to hold a single Unicode character

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