MIS-3450 Exam 1 - Pam Dupin-Bryant

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How do you validate your html

Check each page using the W3C HTML validator, vS code - W3C validation extension, Red squiggly line, view/problems, go to http://validator.w3.org/, validate by direct input, copy and paste your markup or validate by file upload, check

what does FTP stand for

File Transfer Protocol


JavaScript, Dom

what is symmetrical balance

formal balance, occurs when the elements are the same on either side of an axis line, mirror image


having only one color

what is the definition of bandwidth

the length of the metaphorical pipe that connects the client to the server, where the data travels, measure in mb or gb per month

standard doc type

<!DOCTYPE html>

Closing brackets in HTML


4 common methods for creating placeholder links

<a>Midterm</a> <a href=" ">Midterm</a> <a href="#">Midterm</a><a href="/">Midterm</a>

common elements in footer blocks

<footer> tag, includes some or all of the following: copyright, contact info, legal info, a few links to the man section, site map, social media links

What is the html markup that links to an external stylesheet

<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylename.css">

characte encoding markup in html

<meta charset="utf-8">

which tags are block level?

<p>, <div>, <ul>, <ol>, <dl>, <blockquote>, <span>, <table>, <nav>, <main>, <header>, <footer>

Opening brackets in HTML


what are multiple declarations separated with?

A Semi colon

Advantage of Web Standards

Accessibility Forward Compatibility Simpler and Faster Development Faster Download and Display

selector type: descendant

Aka contextual, example: #fun p

embedded style sheet

Aka internal styles are defined within a style element in the head section of a web page, there style instructions apply to the entire webpage document

who coined the phrase "less is more"

Architect ludwig mies van der rohe



external style sheet

Coded in a separate text file, this text file is associated with the web page by configuring a link element in the head section

Inline style sheet

Coded in the body of the webpage as an attribute of HTML tags, the style applies only to the specific element that contains it as an attribute

Field of study that is devoted to analyzing the emotional and behavioral effects produced by color and color combination

Color Psychology

What are meta documents

Data about data, self referencing provide info not displayed on screen, keywords, descriptions, authors name, redirect to new page, self contained tag. no ending necessary

7 parts of the user expierence

Desirable, delightful, useful, learnable, memorable, efficient, effective



Requirements of HTML

HTML, Head, Title, and Body elements

Where are Meta Elements

Head of the Doc

what is a you are here indicator

Highlight the current location in the menu or showing bread crumbs, make it prominent

HTML stands for

Hypertext Markup Language

what does isp stand for

Internet Service Provider

Required elements in document head

Meta charset, meta name and content, title MUST INCLUDE TITLE

what are the 3 traits of pages with clear visual hierarchy

Prominence, group, nesting

what does qr code stand for

Quick Response Code


Script and programming, adds interactivity and dynamic effects, dom, java, etc

imported style sheet

Similar to external styles, they connect styles coded in a separate text file with a web page document. An external style sheet can be imported into embedded styles or into another external style sheet by using the @ import directive


Specified with CSS sheets, how the doc should look

Correct markup to insert a comment into a CSS document

Starts with /* and ends with */

What group has maintained HTML sine 2004 and makes living standards for HTML5

WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group)

Role of W3C in development of Web Standard

Works on a more static snapshot of HTML5, Organization that creates and oversees web tech efforts of experts to develop technologies, come up with proposals for how markup languages should be written, not official

3 ingredients of responsive design described by ethan marcotte

a flexible grid based layout, flexible images media and media queries, a module form the css3 specifications, create a design that can adapt to the constraints of the browser windows or any device that redners

what is the definition of web usability

a person of average or below average ability and expierence can figure out how to use the thing (learnable), to achomplosh something (effective), without it being more trouble than its worth (efficient)

who benefits from increased accessibility

a person with physical disabiltites, slow internet connection, old outdated computer, mobile device/smart phone

what is emmet?

a plugin for text editors which greatly improves html and css flow

what is a high fidelity prototype

a prototype that is close to the final product, lots of details and functionality, from a user testing point of view - close enough to the final product to examine usabiltiy, question in detail and make strong conclusions

What is happy talk?

a self congragulatory promotional writing that you find in badly written brochures, unlike good promotional copy it convyes no useful information and focuses on saying how great we are as opposed to delineating what makes us great.

what is a storyboard, when it comes to website structure

a series of wireframes

what is the different between serif and sans-serif

a serif is the decorative stroke at the end of a letter, the feet of the letter. Sans-serif does not have the serif.

the rule of thirds is?

a simplified version of the golden ratio, one twice the size of the other, draw a grid and divide it into thirds, 6 horizontal 3 vertical

what is an attribute

a word or symbol placed within an opening tag that affect the behavior of an element (a characteristic of an element) <img src="img_girl.jpg"> its the src part

what is the base font size used in responsive design?

about 16px or 12 point

correct markup for linking to an external URL

absolute hyperlink, <a href=http://www.usu.edu/>USU</a>


across the color wheel from each other

what are the benefits of the grid layout

add order, creativity, harmony in presentation of information, allow an audience to predict where to find information, allow an audience to predict where to find information, which aids in the communication information, make it easier to add new content in a more consistent overall vision of the presentation, facilitate collaboration of design of a single solution without compromisiong the overall vision


an id is a unique identifier for the page elements such as #wrapper

inline styles

an inline style is attached directly to the element to be styles

parts of an HTML link

anchor element <a> is used to identify strong of text or an image that serves as a hypertext link to another document, the href refrers to the url to which you are linking, link is the relationship between documents

what is a focal point

any element fo the page that draws the viewers attention

block level

begins a new line, might insert a space before or after, takes up full width

what are cool colors

blue, green, purple

what is wide site hierarchies

broken into more categories, fewer levels, fewer clicks to get to the bottom


certain css properties are passed down to elements nested within a container element such as <div> or <body> element, which properties are inherited by default and which are not largely common sense, if you want to be sure you can consult the css refrence each seperate proprety page contains a summary table inclduing various details about that element including whether it is inherited or not

Selector Types

class and id selectors, descendant selectors, pseudo classes, pseudo elements


closer on the colorwheel to each other

Many cultures have different associations with and interpretations of _____


8 steps in website development

conceptualization, analysis, design, production, testing, launch, maintenance, evaluation

what is the span element used for in web design?

configure a specially formatted area displayed in line with other elements such as, within a paragraph. used to make inline elements, almost always used with a class attribute, apply a style to a small section of text, <span class="resort">text</span>, .resort {color:red;}

components of a typical element

container of the webpage, everything is kept in the container, <html lang="en"> </html>

various parts of common webpage anatomy

container or containing block, logo, navigation, content, footer, whitespace


contains a section of navigation hyperlinks


contains the footer content of a webpage, section, article, paragraph, or blockquote element


contains the headings of either webpage document or an area in the document such as section or article


contains the main content of a web page document, there should be only one main element per webpage

6 important things you can do to make sure users see and understand your site

create a visual hierarchy, use conventions, break up pages, make obvious what can't be clicked, minimize business and noise

How do you validate your css

cssvalidation serves as a quality assurance tool, code written incorrectly may render pages more slowly, strangely, or not at all. must validate your makrup before you publish the content on the web, w3c has a free markup validation service that will validate your css and check it for syntax errors

correct markup for linking to a page within a document

default top of page, used id attribute for all fragment identifiers. In headers <hi id="top">pacific trails, <a href="#top">return to top</a>

What are the steps for choosing the right font for your website?

define the feeling you are trying to evoke in your target audience (attitude and identity), narrow the field to a few good candidates, limit your selection, use at least two fonts but no more than 4, avoid combining 2 different serif fonts, or 2 san-serif fonts

what is the <div> element used for?

divide up webpages, provide structure, vitally important for CSS sheet, contains no styling except for adding a break before and after the text, defines divisions/sections, block level, can have many <p> tags in the div element, can not place a div inside paragraphs

Standard HTML element used in HTML5

doc type (<!DOCTYPE html>), HTML Element (<html lang="en">), meta element (<meta charset="utf-8">)

krugs first law of usability

dont make users think

why are HTML5 placeholder link used

during developments, when you write the <a> tag without any attributes (minus href)

what is white space

empty space between visual elements

attribute names

enclosed in quotes, the thing you are pulling in, the attribute name is what it actually is

what is the definition of a domain name

established web presence for your business or organization, chose domain name when selecting a company name, chose a domain name that relates to your established business presence

functions of web design

every page needs a name, the name should be prominent, located in the right place, and need to match the link and navigation system

selector type: id

example: #fun, name can only be used once on a page, <div id="wrapper">this is some text</p>

selector type: class

example: .fun, class=classification, <p class="fun">this is some text</p>, <blockquote class="fun">text</blockquote>

Selector type: element (type)

example: h1, id attribute and class attribute, both assign a name to the element

absolute hyperlink

external, indicate the absolute location of a resource on the web, protocol identifiers, host name, path to filename, <a href=http://www.usu.edu/>USU</a>

fixed width web page layouts

fixed at a particular size, giving more control of the page dimensions, wrapped in a div with a pixel based width and centered wtihin the body tag using margin:0, auto;

when approaching a project from a progressive enhancement perspective, what is the core focus of the content that everything builds upon

fostering the exchange of info is the primary focus when constructing any web interface, fundamentally about accessibility, ensures all content is available to anyone

Structural Layer

foundation of other layers, structure for the document, no instructions for the look, HTML5

how do you add and apply google web fonts

go to google fonts, select and appropriate font, click +select this font, click on one family selected, scroll down and locate the necessary html markup and css style, copy the html link into your head section on each of your pages, add the font family declaration (property and values) within the appropriate block

css format for a type font family

h2 { color:orange; font-family: impact, charcoal, sans-serif; } font-family:"1stchoice";"2ndchoice";"3rdchoice";

what is co located hosting

hosting a domain through another server

what are web font services

hostt= the fonts and keep up with the embedding nuances for you, pick up a font and grab a snippet of code and drip it into your site, no embeddings, like googlefonts

id attributes

identification, assignes a unique name to the element, can be paired with any tag element, but to idenfity and define an area on your page - use with div tag. name (value) can only be used once on a page


if there are two or more conflicting css rules that point to the same element the browser follows some rules to determine which one is most specific and therefore wind out, think the specificity as a score/rank that determines which style declarations are ultimately applied to an element, use the rule set with the highest specificity, specificity is a common reason why your css-rules do not apply to some element although you think they should

what are there legal ramifications for?

if you are required to have an accessable website but do not have an accessible website

relative hyperlinks

internal, used with pointing to antoher document withing our own site, <a href="index.html">

What is asymmetrical balance?

involves objects of differing size, shapes, tones, or placement. despite differences they are reorganized so they they equalize the weight of the page, used often in web design, visually interesting

what is krugs second law of usability

it doesnt matter how many times i have to click, as long as each click is a mindless choice, following the scent of information

what is alignment

items on a page that are lined up with one another, chose alignment and use it on the whole page, type sits on an invisible line called the baseline

what is a wireframe used from?

its the blueprint of a single page of the website

Fluid webpage layout

liquid width, resizing and adapting to various window sizes, designed with percentage based widths

what is emphasis

make important element into a focal point, placement, continuance, isolation, contrast, proportion

class attributes

may be applied any number of elements on a page, whereas id is a unique attribute and should appear only once per page

what are the 6 classic color schemes

monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, triadic, tetradic

what is deep site hierarchies

more levels, requires more clicks, fewer options

What is the development philosophy of graceful degradation

newest browser approach, focus - making sure sites work with modern browsers, assumed old browsers will have inferior expirence, image over substance, undermines both content availability and accessibility

what is the development philosophy of progressive enhancement

not about the browser or version of html/css, a philosophy aimed at crafting experiences for users by giving access to content without technological restrictions

what is krugs 3rd law of usability

omit needless words get rid of half the words on each page, then get rid of whats left

what are the 4 principles used for content accessibility

percieveable, openable (interface components must be operatable), understandable, robust (works with current and future tech)

How do you group elements, if you want the same style of different elements on a webpage?

period followed by a class name without a space (.big), define a style that can be used over and over again to style many different elements, can assign more than one class element, can be used multiple times on a page, .big [font-size:120%:], <pclass="big">lorem ipsum...</p>, <li class="big">headted outdoor...</li>

in line

places within block level tags, context and meaning between tags

what is proximity

placing an object close together within a layer to create a focal point, relationship that items develop when they are close together, group items together that belong in a group

correct markup to clickable email link

point of contact link, <a href=mailto:[email protected]>

What are warm colors

red, orange, yellow

correct markup for linking to an internal file

relative hyperlink <a href="index.html">

what do the <body> </body> tags contain

required elements, almost all elements of a normal document flow, contains almost everything you see on screen

what is the name of the design theory that provides optimal viewing across a wide range of devices that is fluid, adaptive, reactive, and flexible

responsive web design

various items in a css rule set

selector, declaration block, declaration, property, value

if you are unable to make a page self-evident you should seek to make it

self explanatory

what is absolute size

sets the text to a specified size, does not allow user to change text size in browsers, bad for accessibility, useful when the physical size of the output is known

5 elements of persistent (global) navigation

site Id (this is going to be the company logo), sections (these are the main overall categories or pages of your site), utilities (utilities are quick links to important pages that may not exist in the overall flow of the regular site) a way home (a dedicated link in either the main navigation or subsequent utilities to ensure users can reset their journey if they need to), search (a means to search your website in case the user does not want to use the navigation)

what is relative size

size relative to surrounding elements, allows a user to change the text size in browser, larger or smaller relative to parent object

embracing the fluidity of the web means starting by flexibily ______, use a combination of percent and em for the most responsive approach

sizing fonts

what does it mean to design a self evident site

so that just by looking at it the averagve user will know what it is and how to use it. in other, they'll "get it" without having to think about it.

what is an ftp client used for in web publishing?

software that allows you to access and explore the server where your website is hosted directly on your computer

class attributes

specified on or more class names for an element, point to class in a style sheet, can be sued to make changes to html elements with a specified class

what is the <hr> element used for?

stand alone tag, horiziontal rule, used to seperate content in html page

what is the <br> element used for>

stand alone tag, replicated what happens when you hit the carriage return tab on a typewriter, if you want to signify the start of a new like rather than a new paragraph

correct markup used to insert a comment

starts with an <! and ends with a -->

how do you calculate relative type size? (Marcotte formula)

target / context = result, base font size = 100% (body=12px or 12pt), if you want 40px h l (40/16=2.5em)

know the various functions of web navigation

tell a user what's on your site and how to use it, but good navigation gives the user the confidence in the people who built the site itself, which translated to a positive image of your brand

An External Style Sheet is a

text document, separate from HTML

what grid uses the golden ratio

the grid theory, composition divided by lines proportionate to this ratio are considered to be aesthetically pleasing

what part of the html doc includes the external stylesheet

the head section

what does the term fault tolerance mean?

the systems ability to continue to operate when it encounters an unexpected error, has been basic component of html and css from the beginning, as prescribed by the specifications of the languages, browsers must ignore anything they do not understand, makes it possible to ensure all content delivered on the web is accessable and availible to everyone at all times

what is the cascade rule of precendence

the term cascading style sheet refers to more than one style sheer can be applied to a single web page, if two or more rules for the same property are applied to the same element, the cascade order and other rules determine which rules take precedence

the definition of html semantics

the various elements and attributes used on a page that provide additional meaning and context to the written words

what is unity

the way in which different elements of a composition interact with one another, a unified layout is on that works as a whole rather than being identifies as seperate pieces, unity must exist on each page throughout the site, proximity and repititoin help achieve unity

classes, attribute selector, or pseudo-class selector

this category includes .classes, [attributes] and pseudo-classes such as :hover, :focus, etc

an element or pseudo element

this category includes element name and pseudo-elements, such as h l, div, :before, and :after

what is the definition of a qr code

two dimensional matrix barcodes that can hold thousands of alphanumerical characters

what is the definition of a url

uniform resource locator, the actual location of a resource on the web

when using embedded fonts...

use only free commerical-use fonts and always read the license agreement on the fonts you employ

what is repetition

visual elements that have the same purpose or level of importance should look the same, rhythm and consistency, repeating colors, style, illustrations, format, layout, navigation

what is contrast

visual elements with a different purpose or level of importance should appear different, more important elements should be more prominent than less important elements, contrasting elements guide your eyes, create a hierarchy of info, enable skimming of info

3 facts about real-world web use

we don't read web pages, we scan them. since most of us are in a hurry, we don't make optimal choices - we just satisfice, we don't figure things out we muddle

what questions do you ask when creating a statement of website purpose and scope

who is the target audience, how can i tailor the site to reach the audience, what are the goals for the site, how will i gather the information, what are my sources for media content, what is my budget, what is my timeline, who is my project team, how often should the site be updated, who will upadte the site, additional questions

what is a link dominant user

will almost always browse first, searching only when they've run out of likely links to click or when they have gotten sufficiently frustrated by the site

what is a search dominant user

will almost always look for a search box as soon as they enter a site

what are embedded fonts

with css3, web designers can use whatever font the like, including the font file on your webserver and it will automatically download to the user when needed

how do you identify the domain name

www.yoursite.com, its the your site part

what is dedicated hosting?

you buy and make and host the domain yourself

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