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Twitter is a(n) ________. A) microblog B) retail Web site C) advertising Web site D) e-commerce site E) online store


Amazon.com took crowdsourcing mainstream with its micro-task marketplace called ________. A) Mechanical Turk B) Citizen Science C) Smart Mob D) Click Workers E) Crowd Fixing


Cloud-based collaboration tools ________. A) allow for easy transferability of documents from one person to another B) have well-documented procedures for system complexities C) reduce the risk of exposing sensitive corporate data D) require users to frequently upgrade their software E) are complex and time-consuming


Many ________ systems used by organizations combine a variety of tools supporting both synchronous and asynchronous communication and collaboration. A) groupware B) firmware C) spyware D) malware E) mashup


Some people see ________ as the "contextual Web," where the immense amounts of content available to users will be filtered by contextual factors such as time, location, social activities, and so on. A) Web 3.0 B) Web 2.0 C) Web 4.0 D) Web 5.0 E) Web 1.0


The ________ Web, originally envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee, one of the founders of the Internet, is a set of design principles that will allow computers to be able to better index Web sites, topics, and subjects. A) semantic B) affiliate C) folksonomy D) collaborative E) phishing


The term ________ refers to a class of software that enables people to work together more effectively. A) groupware B) firmware C) spyware D) malware E) mashup


The term ________ was coined by Harvard business professor Jeffrey Rayport to describe how good business techniques can be driven by word-of-mouth or person-to-person communication. A) viral marketing B) e-business C) stealth market D) affiliate business E) blog marketing


Which of the following Web 2.0 applications has been classified by noted technology journalist Nicholas Carr as the "amateurization" of journalism? A) blogs B) discussion forums C) message boards D) instant messaging E) chat rooms


Which of the following facilitate(s) real-time written conversations? A) instant messaging B) discussion forums C) status updates D) blogging E) tagging


Which of the following is a reason for the development of the semantic Web? A) Web pages were designed to be understood by people but not by computers. B) Users are able to use any device in any network for any service. C) Users provide a lot of unnecessary personal information on social networking sites. D) Widgets cannot be integrated into Web pages. E) Users are skeptical while making purchases online due to the fear of getting cheated.


Which of the following is a shifting perspective from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0? A) Web 1.0 - Read, Web 2.0 - Read, write B) Web 1.0 - Read, Web 2.0 - Write C) Web 1.0 - Me, Web 2.0 - You D) Web 1.0 - Write, Web 2.0 - Read E) Web 1.0 - You, Web 2.0 - Me


Which of the following is an example of asynchronous communication? A) e-mail B) videoconferencing C) online chat D) shared whiteboards E) electronic meeting support systems


Which of the following statements is true about viral marketing? A) It uses the network effect to increase brand awareness. B) It uses everyday people as a cheap labor force. C) It is the dissemination of information to a narrow audience. D) It enables people to work on a variety of Internet related projects in more flexible ways. E) It is used to market a product without the audience realizing it.


________ attempts to increase the relevance of search results by including content from blogs and microblogging services. A) Social search B) OpenSearch C) Enterprise search D) Metasearch E) Netsearch


________ is a cooperative social media application making use of the network effect. A) Media sharing B) Rich site summary C) Media tagging D) Instant messaging E) A discussion forum


________ is an example of an electronic communication tool. A) Microsoft Outlook B) Google Docs C) Apple FaceTime D) MS SharePoint E) Google Talk


________ is the creation of a categorization system by users. A) Social cataloging B) Podcasting C) Social blogging D) Webcasting E) Crowdsourcing


________ is the creation of goods or services by self-organizing communities. A) Peer production B) A folksonomy C) A journal D) Groupware E) Crowdsourcing


Dynamic Web applications are often referred to as ________ applications. A) user B) Web 2.0 C) service D) static interaction E) Web blog


In addition to being used for communication and collaboration, organizational intranets are widely used for enabling employee self-service for administering benefits, managing retirement plans, or other human resources-based applications through employee ________. A) plans B) portals C) tools D) entities E) channels


The network effect refers to the notion that the value of a network is dependent on ________. A) the speed of the network B) the number of other users C) the knowledge of the users D) the commitment of the users E) the technical expertise of the moderators


Which of the following conditions is essential for successful Enterprise 2.0 implementation? A) Enterprise 2.0 should avoid involvement of senior management members of an organization. B) Enterprise 2.0 should be driven by a specific usage context. C) Enterprise 2.0 should appeal to future end users of the application and not the organization's members. D) Enterprise 2.0 should be independent of the organization's workforce. E) Enterprise 2.0 should be independent of the organization's culture.


Which of the following is a basic concept associated with Web 2.0? A) shift in users' preference from online sites to encyclopedias as sources of unbiased information B) shift in users' role from the passive consumer of content to its creator C) shift in users' interest from sharing information to finding information D) shift in users' lifestyle due to increased purchasing power E) shift in users' preference to environment-oriented products


________ are comprised of members from different geographic areas assembled as needed to collaborate on a certain project. A) Work groups B) Virtual teams C) Non-core teams D) Task forces E) Command groups


________ can be used to visualize user-generated content on a site. A) Crowdsourcing B) Tag clouds C) Phishing D) Podcasts E) Pharming


________ is an example of a collaboration management tool. A) MS Outlook B) MS SharePoint C) Google Talk D) Apple FaceTime E) Wikipedia


________ is an example of an electronic conferencing tool. A) MS Outlook B) Apple FaceTime C) Wikipedia D) Google Docs E) MS SharePoint


________ refers to manually adding metadata to media or other content. A) Phishing B) Tagging C) Crowdsourcing D) Podcasting E) Netcasting


________ refers to the process of integrating external stakeholders into the innovation process. A) Nearshoring B) Open innovation C) Media sharing D) Crowdsourcing E) Social cataloging


According to Thomas Baekdal, which of the following is a critical factor for the success of a viral marketing campaign? A) restricting access to viral content B) doing what the audience expects C) making sequels D) restricting easy distribution E) distributing products for free


Social bookmarking allows users to share Internet bookmarks and to create categorization systems. These categorization systems are referred to as ________. A) tag clouds B) podcasts C) folksonomies D) geospatial metadata E) microblogs


Social presence tools are also known as ________ tools. A) social bookmarking B) instant chatting C) microblogging D) videoconferencing E) geotagging


The WhatsApp application was created in 2009, and has quickly risen to broad popularity. WhatsApp is a(n) ________ application. A) blogging B) social networking C) instant messaging D) microblogging E) e-commerce


The concept of ________ is based on the notion that distributed groups of people with a divergent range of information and expertise will be able to outperform the capabilities of individual experts. A) cognitive dissonance B) creative commons C) collective intelligence D) consensus democracy E) preference elicitation


The use of ________ within a company's boundaries or between a company and its customers or stakeholders is referred to as Enterprise 2.0. A) Web 1.0 techniques B) extranet C) social media D) extranet and Web 1.0 techniques E) Web 3.0 techniques and extranet


Which of the following statements is a use of geotagging? A) to use avatars while chatting online B) to create categorization systems for social cataloging C) to know the location of a person sending out a breaking news update on Twitter D) to create folksonomies for social bookmarking E) to use syndicated feeds while sharing media


WordPress is a(n) ________. A) social networking Web site B) microblog C) content management system D) instant messaging application E) e-commerce Web site


________ is a phenomenon in which companies use everyday people as a cheap labor force. A) Nearshoring B) Phishing C) Crowdsourcing D) Narrowcasting E) Pharming


________ is data about data. A) Multi data B) Data house C) Metadata D) Data system E) Pointer data


________ sites create social online communities where individuals with a broad and diverse set of interests meet and collaborate. A) Crowdsourcing B) Social cataloging C) Social networking D) Social bookmarking E) Media sharing


A(n) ________ system allows users to publish, edit, version track, and retrieve digital content, such as documents, images, audio files, videos, or anything else that can be digitized. A) social presence B) collective intelligence C) application sharing D) content management E) peer production


An electronic ________ is essentially a collection of personal computers networked together with sophisticated software tools to help group members solve problems and make decisions through interactive electronic idea generation, evaluation, and voting. A) folksonomy B) fund transfer C) data interchange D) meeting system E) tag cloud


Which of the following is a consequence of the use of social software? A) People are using encyclopedias as sources of unbiased information. B) People are using environmental-friendly products. C) People have increased purchasing power. D) People are sharing more personal information online. E) People have become passive consumers of content


Which of the following is an example of synchronous communication? A) online reviews B) work flow automation systems C) bulletin board systems D) videoconferencing E) e-mail


Which of the following statements is true about a discussion forum? A) It started out as a novice's way of expressing themselves using very simple Web pages. B) It is the process of creating an online text diary made up of chronological entries that comment on everything. C) It is a widely used synchronous groupware tool. D) It is dedicated to a specific topic, and users can start new threads. E) It enables a person to voice his or her thoughts through short "status updates."


Which of the following statements is true about peer production? A) The creator is responsible for publishing new information. B) Only editors have the right to develop new content. C) It is also known as an enterprise content system. D) Anyone can help in producing or improving the final outcome. E) A guest is a person who can only view the digital information.


Which of the following statements is true about social bookmarking? A) It is the distribution of digital media. B) It allows podcasters to publish and push current shows to the viewers or listeners. C) It allows people to communicate using avatars. D) It allows users to create folksonomies. E) It allows users to post short "status updates."


_______ emulate traditional bulletin boards and allow for threaded discussions between participants. A) Instant messages B) Online document systems C) Blogs D) Discussion forums E) Wikis


________ is the distribution of digital media, such as audio or video files, via syndication feeds for on-demand playback on digital media players. A) Narrowcasting B) Crowdsourcing C) Blogging D) Webcasting E) Phishing


A major benefit of social software is the ability to harness the "wisdom of crowds" that is also referred to as ________. A) collaborative filtering B) preference elicitation C) creative commons D) consensus democracy E) collective intelligence


People who maintain blogs are called ________. A) analysts B) testers C) developers D) readers E) bloggers


The term "podcasting" is a misnomer because podcasts ________. A) are concerned with the dissemination of information to a narrow audience B) cannot be played on Apple's iPods C) are not related to distribution of digital media for digital devices D) are concerned with outsourcing tasks to a large group of people or community E) can be played on a variety of devices in addition to Apple's iPods


Which of the following is a collaboration management tool that is used to facilitate virtual or collocated meetings? A) Internet forums B) video conferencing C) blogs D) fax E) intranets


Which of the following occurs during wiki wars? A) Editors do not agree with the creators of the content. B) Editors agree with the creators of the content. C) Administrators refuse to publish a creator's content. D) Guests edit a creator's content without permission. E) Contributors continuously edit or delete each other's posts.


Which of the following statements is true about a Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feed? A) It is used to increase brand awareness through the network effect. B) It is used to disseminate information to a narrow audience. C) It is used to market the product without the audience realizing it. D) It is used to enable people to work on a variety of Internet related projects in more flexible ways. E) It is used to access the most current blogs, podcasts, videos, and news stories.


Which of the following statements is true about a mashup? A) It is a small interactive tool used for a single purpose. B) It is used to increase brand awareness through the network effect. C) It is the process of allowing companies to use everyday people as a cheap labor force. D) It is used to disseminate information to a narrow audience. E) It is an application or a Web site that uses data from one or more service providers


________ is an example of an online office suite comprised of a spreadsheet application, a word processor, and a presentation application. A) Google Mail B) Google Talk C) Google Maps D) Google Calendar E) Google Docs


________ is the process of creating an online text diary made up of chronological entries that comment on everything from one's everyday life to wine and food, or even computer problems. A) Crowdsourcing B) Keylogging C) Pharming D) Phishing E) Blogging


________ take(s) the concept of real-time communication a step further by allowing people to communicate using avatars. A) Blogging B) Microblogging C) Instant messaging D) Discussion forums E) Virtual worlds


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