MISC 211 Final
Go to the next record.
You clicked the Next Record Button.
Use the Search box to begin searching for a student with the last name beginning with Car.
You clicked the Search Box, typed Car in the Search Box.
Type Justin Fine in cell D2 and press Enter. Begin typing Julie...
Type Justin Fine and press Enter. Type Jul and press Enter.
Center the content in the selected cells horizontally.
You answered the question correctly. Click "OK" to continue.
Move the Description field so it is the last field in the table.
In the Access Table, you clicked on Description.
Add the Profit-Sharing field to the PivotTable.
In the PivotTable Fields pane, click the Profit-Sharing check box to add the field to the Pivot Table.
Sort this data by values in the Cost column so the most expensive item...
On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort Z to A button.
Rename Sheet1: Dec 26
Right-click the sheet1 worksheet tab, and click Rename. Type Dec 26 and press enter
Enable active content in this database.
You clicked the Enable Content button.
Add the image UniversityLogo to the form header as a logo. Do not switch views.
in the Design Ribbon Tab in the Header/Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Logo button. You clicked UniversityLogo, clicked UniversityLogo. Inside the Insert Picture dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Filter the chart so the lines for Dr.Patella and John Patterson are hidden.
Click the Chart Filters button. Click the checkboxes in front of Dr.Patella and John Patterson to remove the check marks. Click Apply.
Apply the Style 7 Quick Style to the chart.
Click the Chart Tools Design tab. In the Chart Styles group, click Style 7. it is the seventh option in the Quick Styles gallery.
Export this worksheet as a tab-delimited text file.
Click the File tab. Click Save As. On the Save As page, click the Save as type arrow and select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) Click Save.
Add slicers to filter the data in this table by Date.
Click the Table Tools Design tab. In the Tools group, click the Insert Slicer button. Click the Date checkbox. Click OK.
Add another data series to the chart to represent gross profit.
On the Charts Tools Design tab, in the Data group, click the Select Data button. In the Select Data Source dialog, click the Add button. Click cell A2 to enter it in the Series name box. Click in the series values box and delete the default entry. Click and drag cells B2:D2. Click OK to add the new series. Click OK to accept the change to the chart data source.
The Anne Cole data point has been selected for you. Rotate..
On the Charts Tools Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the Format Selection button to open the Format Data Point task pane. In the Angle of first slice box, type the 200 and press Enter.
Enter a formula in cell D2 to calculate C2/C14 rounded down to 3 decimal places
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Math & Trig button. Click ROUNDDOWN, In the Number argument box, type C2/C12. In the Num_digits argument box, type 3. Click OK.
Add the image UniversityLogo to the form header as a logo. Do not switch views.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Header/Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Logo button. You double-clicked the UniversityLogo item.
Add a title to the form header and change the text to: Review Press Enter when you are finished. Do not switch views.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Header/Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Title button. You updated the header title to Review.
Enter the number 530 in cell C7
Type 530. Press Enter
From Design view, modify the field properties to display the message Asset accounts must be in the 1000s when the field validation rule is violated.
Type Asset account must be in the 1000s in the Validation Text box in the Field Properties pane. Press Enter
Use Flash Fill to autofill the cells in this column. Start by entering the...
Type ECN Department in cell B2 and press Enter. Type ENG in cell B3 and press Enter to accept Flash Fill.
Enter a formula in the selected cell using the SUM function to calculate the total of cells B2 through B6
Type the formulas =SUM(B2:B6) in the cell or the formula bar and press Enter.
Apply bold and italic formatting to the selected cell.
On the Home tab in the Font group, click the Bold button and the italic button.
Use AutoSum to enter a formula in the selected cell to calculate the sum.
On the Home tab, In editing group, click the AutoSum button. Press Enter.
Filter the Category column so only rows with Coffee are shown.
On the Home tab, In the Editing group, click the Sort and Filter button and select Filter. Click the arrow at the top of the Category column. Click the (Select All) check box to remove all the checkmarks. Click the check box in front of Coffee. Click OK.
Insert a clustered column-line combination chart based on the selector...
On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Combo Chart button. Click the first chart type in the gallery.
Insert an Up Arrow block arrow shape on top of the 2020 column..
On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Shapes button and select the Up Arrow shape from the Block Arrows section. Click on the 2020 column in the chart.
Apply the present margin option that will add the least amount of white space around the edges of the printed page
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Margins button. Click Narrow.
Clear the print area
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Print Area button. Click Clear Print Area.
Apply the Ion theme to the worksheet.
On the Page Layout tab, in the Themes group, click the Themes button. Click the Ion theme.
Modify the Bonus field to use the MAX function instead of the SUM function.
On the PivotTable Tools Analyze tab, in the Active Field group, click the Field Settings button. Select Max. Click OK.
Refresh the PivotTable data
On the PivotTable Tools Analyze tab, in the Data group, click the Refresh button.
Convert the table to a normal range
On the Table Tools Design tab, Tools group, click the Convert to Range button. Click Yes.
This worksheet is linked to an Access database. Update the worksheet..
On the Table Tools Design tab, in the External Table Data group, click the Refresh button.
Use a slicer to filter the data in this table to show only rows where the category...
On the Tables Tools Design tab, in the Tools group, click the Insert Slicer button. Click the Category check box. Click OK. in the Category slicer, click the Coffee button.
Modify the worksheet so the first row is always visible when you scroll the worksheet down.
On the View tab, in the Windows group, click the Freeze Panes button. Click Freeze top Row.
Go to the last record.
You clicked the Last Record Button.
Change the Navigation Pane grouping option so all database objects of the same type are grouped together (all tables together, all forms together, etc.)
You clicked the Navigation Pane Header. In the Category/Group menu, you clicked the Object Type menu item.
Add a new record to the table with the student ID 6412 and advance to the second field.
You clicked the New Record Button. In the Access Table, you typed 6412, typed 6412 and pressed Tab.
Resize the selected chart so it is approximately 11 rows tall.
Click and drag a resize handle up or down toward the center of the chart to make it smaller.
Move the selected chart to empty are of the worksheet...
Click and drag the chart so it appears below the Total Salaries row.
Select cells A5:D8
Click cell A5 and drag to cell D8. Release the mouse button.
Cell F4 has been copied. Paste the formula only into the selected cell ( cell F5). Do not include the cell formatting.
Click the Paste button arrow, and then click the Formulas button
Delete this row.
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button arrow and select Delete
Open the Navigation Pane.
You clicked the Shutter Bar Open/Close button.
Select Column B
Click the column selector at the top of column B
Hide the formulas in this worksheet and display the values instead
On the Formulas tab in the Formula Auditing group, click the Show Formulas button.
Delete the Description field.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Records Ribbon Group, you clicked the Delete button. Inside the Spa : Database dialog, you clicked the Yes button
Use the Flash Fill command to autofill the remaining cells..
On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click the Flash Fill button.
Import data from the StudentGPA text file into a table in a new worksheet
On the Data tab, in the Get & Transform Data group, click the From Text/CSV button. In the Import Data dialog, click StudentGPA, and click the Import button. Click the Load button.
The Gross Profit data series is already selected. Select just the 2019 data point.
Click the 2019 column in the Gross Profit data series once to select it. On the Chart Tools Format tab, Shape Styles group, click the Shape Outline button, and click Black, Text 1.
Set the print area so only the selected cells will print.
Click the Back button. On the page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Print Area button. Click Set Print Area.
Hide the chart title.
Click the Chart Elements button and click the Chart Titles check box.
Display the data table, including the legend keys.
Click the Chart Elements button and click the Data Tables check box.
Display the data labels on this chart above the data markers.
Click the Chart Elements button. Click the Data Labels arrow and select Above.
Create a 3-D pie chart from the selected data
Click the Insert tab. In the Charts group, click the Insert Pie Chart button. Select the 3-D Pie chart type.
Use the Quick Analysis tool to apply the Data Bars conditional formatting...
Click the Quick Analysis tool button at the lower-right corner of the selection. On the Formatting tab, click the Data Bars button.
Use the spelling checker to find and change all instances of any misspelled words.
Click the Review tab and click the Spelling button. click the Change All button. Click OK.
Change the zoom level for the worksheet to be 110%
Click the Zoom In bottom on the zoom slider
Hide the column showing 2016 data and the bonus rate.
Click the column selector for Column B. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button. Point to Hide & Unhide, and click Hide Columns.
Delete this student record.
Click the record selector to select the entire record. On the Home tab, in the Records group, click the Delete button. Click Yes
Edit the formula in cell B9 so the references to cell E2 will update when the formula is copied, and the reference to cell B8 will remain constant. Use Auto fill to copy the formula to cells B10:B12
Double-click cell B9 to edit the formula. Change the formula to be =E2*$B$8). Press Enter Click the Fill Handle tool and drag down to cell B12. release the mouse button.
From Layout view, add automatic totals to the GPA column to calculate the average GPA.
In the Access Report, you clicked on 2.8(Cell 5-1) in the GPA column. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Grouping & Totals Ribbon Group, you clicked the Totals button. In the Totals menu, you clicked the Average menu item.
From Layout view, change the width of the DeptName column, so the department names do not wrap to two lines (approximately 2.3 inches).
In the Access Report, you clicked on OrderedMap { "DeptName": "DeptName" }(Cell 0-0) in the DeptName column, clicked on OrderedMap { "CourseNumber": "CourseNumber" }(Cell 1-0) in the CourseNumber column, clicked on OrderedMap { "DeptName": "DeptName" }(Cell 0-0) in the DeptName column, and resized the DeptName column to 216 px by dragging cell 0-0's right border.
Create a filter using the Custom Filter dialog to show only records where the value in the CourseDescription field contains the word Foundation.
In the Access Table, you clicked the arrow at the top of the CourseDescription column. In the Table Column Filter Right-Click menu in the Text Filters menu, you clicked the Contains... menu item. Inside the Custom Filter dialog, you typed Foundation in the CourseDescription contains input, clicked the OK button.
Create a new blank form that will open in Layout view.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the Blank Form button.
Create a new blank report that will open in Layout view.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Reports Ribbon Group, you clicked the Blank Report button.
Add a new table in Design view.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Tables Ribbon Group, you clicked the Table Design button.
Create a new table in Datasheet view. Save it with the name: Degrees
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Tables Ribbon Group, you clicked the Table button. In the application header, you clicked the Save button. Inside the Save As dialog, you typed Degrees in the Table Name: input, clicked the OK button.
Add a new conditional formatting to the selected field to display data bars. Use the default data bars settings.
In the Format Ribbon Tab in the Control Formatting Ribbon Group, you clicked the Conditional Formatting button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the New Rule... item. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog from the Select a rule type: list, you selected Compare to other records. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Replace all instances of the first name julie with Julie. Be sure to match the case exactly.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Find Ribbon Group, you clicked the Replace button. Inside the Find and Replace dialog, you typed julie in the Find What input, typed Julie in the Replace With input, checked the Match Case check box, and clicked the Replace All button. Inside the Appointments dialog, you clicked the Yes button.
Clear the sorting from this table.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Sort & Filter Ribbon Group, you clicked the Remove Sort button.
The 2019 data point in the Gross Profit data series has been selected...
On the Chart Tools Format tab, Shape Styles group, click the Shape Outline button, point to Weight, and select 2 1/4 pt.
The Anne Cole data point has been selected for you. Explode the Annie Cole..
On the Chart Tools Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the Format Selection button to open the Format Data Point task pane. In the Point Explosion box, type 50 and press Enter.
The chart area is selected. Apply the Linear Down gradient...
On the Chart Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill button. Point to Gradient to expand the gallery and click the second gradient in the light variations section. (Liner Down).
Enable filtering
On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Sort & Filter button and select Filter.
Use the Find and Replace dialog to find the record with the text julie, matching the case exactly.
On the Home tab, in the Find group, click the Find button to open the Find and Replace dialog. Type julie in the Find What box. Click the Match Case check box. Click Find Next.
Change the font for the selected cell to Cambria
On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font arrow, and select Cambria.
Apply the Accounting Number Format to the selected cells.
On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the Accounting Number Format button.
Apply conditional Formatting to the selected cells so cells with the 10 items...
On the Home tab, in the Styles group , click the Conditional Formatting button. Point to Top/Bottom Rules, and click Bottom 10 Items. Expand the format selector box and select Green FIll wth Dark green Text. Click OK.
Apply conditional formatting to the selected cells using the red gradient...
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Conditional Formatting button. From the Menu, point to Data Bars, in the Gradient Fill section, click Red Data Bar.
Clear the conditional formatting rules from the worksheet.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Conditional Formatting button. point to Clear Rules. Click Clear Rules from Entire Worksheet.
Insert a Waterfall chart based on cells A1:B10
On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Insert Waterfall or Stock Chart button. Select Waterfall.
Go to the first record
You clicked the First Record Button.
Create a new blank desktop database named Accounting.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the New navigation button, clicked the Blank desktop database template, typed Accounting in the File Name box, and clicked the Create button.
Create a new desktop database from the Updated: Students template. Do not change the location. Name the database: Students.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the New navigation button, clicked the Updated: Students template, typed Students in the File Name box, and clicked the Create button.
Preview how the results of this query will look when printed.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the Print navigation button, and clicked the Print Preview button.
Change the chart typw to the first stacked bar option..
Click the Chart Tools Design tab. In the Type group, click the Change Chart Type button. Click Bar category at the left side of the Change Chart Type dialog. Click Stacked Bar... Click OK.
Sort the Date column so the oldest dates are listed first.
Click the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort A to Z button.
Sort this data alphabetically from A-Z by values in the Category...
Click the Data tab. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort A-Z button.
Insert a Line chart based on the first recommended chart type.
Click the Quick Analysis tool button, and then click the Charts tab. Click Line.
Modify the width of the CourseDescription column to best fit the data.
Double-click the column boarder between the CourseDescription field and the Credits field.
Using the current view, delete the Major field from the table.
In the Access Table, you clicked in the Major Cell. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Delete Rows button. Inside the Spa : Database dialog, you clicked the Yes button.
Set the Default Value property for the Classification field to Fr.
In the Access Table, you clicked on Classification. In the Fields Ribbon Tab in the Properties Ribbon Group, you clicked the Default Value button. Inside the Expression Builder dialog, you typed Fr. in the Expression Default Value Input input, clicked the Ok button.
Use Filter by Selection to filter the table to show only records where the student's DOB is 10/25/1998 or later.
In the Access Table, you clicked on DOB, clicked in the 10/25/1998 Cell. In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Sort & Filter Ribbon Group, you clicked the Selection button. In the Selection menu, you clicked the On or After "10/25/1998" menu item.
Sort the records in this table by the values in the DOB field, so students with the newest birth dates appear first.
In the Access Table, you clicked on DOB, clicked the arrow at the top of the DOB column. In the Table Column Filter Right-Click menu, you clicked the Sort Newest to Oldest menu item.
Clear the filter from the Department field.
In the Access Table, you clicked on Department, clicked the arrow at the top of the Department column. In the Table Column Filter Right-Click menu, you clicked the Clear Filter menu item.
From Design view, apply the Medium Time format to the StartTime field. 1/1
In the Access Table, you clicked the Format property box, clicked the Format property box, clicked the Format property box, clicked the Drop-Down Button, and clicked the Medium Time Item.
Apply the Short Date input mask format to the selected field (StartDate). Do not change default format or placeholder characters. 1/1
In the Access Table, you clicked the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask property box. You right-clicked the report area. In the Access Table, you clicked the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask property box, typed in the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask property box, and clicked the Input Mask Build... Button. Inside the Input Mask Wizard dialog from the Input Mask list, you selected Short Date. Inside the Input Mask Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finish button.
From Design view, add a field validation rule to the AccountID field to require that values are less than 2000.
In the Access Table, you clicked the Validation Rule property box, typed <2000 in the Validation Rule property box, and pressed the Enter key.
From Design view, modify the field properties to display the message Asset accounts must be in the 1000s when the field validation rule is violated.
In the Access Table, you clicked the Validation Text property box, typed Asset accounts must be in the 1000s in the Validation Text property box, and pressed the Enter key.
Start a new query without using one of the query wizards.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Design button.
Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a select query for a single table. Include these fields in this order: LastName, FirstName, Classification, and Credits fields from the Students table. Include every record in the results. Select the option to open the query to view information. Name the query Tuition and view the query results.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Wizard button. Inside the New Query dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Simple Query Wizard dialog in the Table: Students drop-down, you clicked the Table: Students list item. Inside the Simple Query Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the LastName list item, double-clicked the FirstName list item, double-clicked the Classification list item, and double-clicked the Credits list item. Inside the Simple Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, typed Tuition in the What title do you want for your query? input, and clicked the Finish button.
Modify the table relationships so that when a record is updated in the Department table, the related records in the Professor table will also be updated.
In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Relationships Ribbon Group, you clicked the Relationships button. You double-clicked the connection between the department and professor tables. Inside the Edit Relationships dialog, you checked the Cascade Update Related Fields check box, clicked the OK button.
Run the Compact & Repair tool to optimize database efficiency by compacting unused space and deleting unnecessary temporary objects.
In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Compact and Repair Database button.
Modify this query so results are grouped by values in the DeptName field and values in the Credits field are summarized with the Sum function. Run the query.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Show/Hide Ribbon Group, you clicked the Totals button. You clicked the Credits field's Total row, expanded the Total row's Group by list, and selected the Sum option. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Using the current view, insert a new Date/Time field named StartDate between the DegreeName and Status fields. Save the table when you are finished. 1/1
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Rows button. In the Access Table, you typed StartDate, typed StartDate and pressed Tab, clicked in the Cell, clicked in the Date/Time Cell, clicked the Drop-Down Button, and clicked the Date/Time Item. In the application header, you clicked the Save button.
From Design view, display the Property Sheet for this form.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button.
Show the tracer arrow from cell B5 to the cell(s) that are dependent on it.
On the Formulas tab, in the Formulas Auditing group, click the Trace Dependents button.
Enter a formula in cell D2 to calculate C2/C14 rounded to 3 decimal places.
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Math and Trig button. Click Round. In the Number argument box, type 3. Click OK.
Change the color of the sheet tab for the Dec 18 worksheet to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 80%
Right-click the worksheet tab and point to Tab Color. Click Green, Accent 6, Lighter 80%
Add the text 21% to the shape. Click outside the shape when you..
Type 21% and then click outside the shape
Enter a formula in the selected cell to display the value of cell E3
Type =E3. Press Enter.
Add criteria to this query to return only the records where the value in the Credits field is less than 90 and the value in the Classification field is Jr or Sr. Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the Credits field's criteria row, changed the Credits field's criteria to <90, clicked the credits field's or row, changed the credits field's or row to <90, clicked the Classification field's criteria row, changed the Classification field's criteria to Jr, clicked the classification field's or row, and changed the classification field's or row to SR. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Set the sort order so the results will display records with the highest number of credits first. Run the query and review the results.
You clicked the Credits field's sort row, expanded the Credits field's sort options list, and selected the Descending option. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Go to record number 20.
You clicked the Current Record Box, typed 20 in the Current Record Box, and pressed the Enter key.
Create a parameter query where the user will enter a value to use as the criterion for the DeptCode field. Use the prompt Enter Department Code. Run the query using the Department Code FIN.
You clicked the DeptCode field's criteria row, changed the DeptCode field's criteria to [Enter Department Code]. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button. Inside the Enter Parameter Value dialog, you typed FIN in the Enter last name input, clicked the OK button. History
Add criteria to this query to return records where the student LastName field begins with the letter A. Run the query.
You clicked the LastName field's criteria row, changed the LastName field's criteria to Like "A*". In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Create a new table in Design view. Name the first field: RA ID Make the field data type: AutoNumber Add the description: Unique RA ID Set the field as the primary key. Save the table with the Name: Resident Advisors
You clicked the Shutter Bar Open/Close button, clicked the Nav Pane Open/Close button. In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Tables Ribbon Group, you clicked the Table Design button. In the Access Table, you typed RA ID, clicked in the AutoNumber Cell, clicked the Drop-Down Button, clicked the AutoNumber Item, clicked in the Unique RA ID Cell, typed Unique RA ID, clicked the Field Size property box, and typed in the Field Size property box. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Primary Key button. In the application header, you clicked the Save button. Inside the Save As dialog, you typed Resident Advisors in the Table Name: input, clicked the OK button.
Preview how the results of this query will look when printed when the page orientation is changed to landscape.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the Print navigation button, and clicked the Print Preview button. In the Print Preview Ribbon Tab in the Page Layout Ribbon Group, you clicked the Landscape button.
Create a backup of the database. You do not need to change the backup location.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the Save As navigation button, clicked the Back Up Database button, and clicked the Save As button. Inside the Save As dialog, you clicked the Save button.
Enter a formula in the selected cell to calculate the value of cell E9 time 3
Type =E9*3 Press Enter
Modify this query to show only students who are freshmen. Add criteria to the Classification field to return only records where the classification is FR. Run the query.
You clicked the Classification field's criteria row, changed the Classification field's criteria to FR. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Close the Course table.
You clicked the Course Tab Header, clicked the close table button.
Display the details for just the Office Expenses group.
Click the + symbol next to row 23.
Collapse the entire outline to show just the subtotals
Click the 2 outlines symbol at the left of the column headings.
Move Salaries worksheet so it is positioned before the working data worksheet
Click the Salaries worksheet tab and hold down the left mouse button. Drag the mouse pointer to a point just in front of the Working Data worksheet tab, and release the mouse button.
Remove duplicate rows where data in all the columns are identical
Click the Table Tools Design tab. In the Tools group, click the Remove Duplicates button. Click OK. Click OK.
Modify this worksheet so you see four different areas of the worksheet at the same time and scroll each area independently of the others.
On the View tab, in the Window group, click the Split button.
Display the formulas in the worksheet.
On the formulas tab, in the Formulas Auditing group, click the Remove Arrows button.
Replace all instances of the first name julie with Julie. Be sure to match the case exactly.
On the home tab, in the Find group, click the Replace button to open the Find and Replace dialog. Type julie in the Find What box. Type Julie in the Replace with box. Click the Match Case check box. Click the Replace All. Click Yes
Insert a PivotChart using the first pie chart type.
on the PivotTable Tools Analyze tab, in the Tools group, click the PivoChart button. Click Pie in the list of chart types at the left side of the Insert chart dialog. Click OK.
In Cell H12, Enter a formula to find the highest percentage of items received in the ...
ON the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the AutoSum arrow, and click Max. Press Enter.
Without adjusting the column widths, guarantee that all columns will print on one page.
On Page Layout tab, in the scale to fit group, click the width arrow. click 1 page.
The 2019 data point in the Gross Profit data series has been selected...
On the Chart Tools Format tab, Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill button, and select Green, Accent 6.
Modify the chart so the Owner Draw data series is plotted along the..
On the Charts Tools Design tab, in the Type group, click the Change Chart Type button. IN the Change Chart Type dialog, click the Secondary Axis check box next to the Owner Draw series.
Select the Gross Profit data series and apply the Intense Effect...
Click any data point in the Gross Profit series to select the series. On the Chart Tools Format tab, Shape Styles group, click the More button to expand the Shape Styles gallery. Select Intense-Effect-Green, Accent 6 shape style.
There is an error in cell D6. Accept Excel's suggestion for fixing the error.
Click cell D6. Click the Smart Tag. Click Copy Formula from Above.
Add a liner trendline to this chart. Use the default trendline formatting.
Click the Chart Elements button that appears near the upper right corner of the chart. Click the Trendline check box to add a checkmark.
Switch the rows and columns in the chart, so the data points are grouped..
Click the Chart Tools Design tab, in the Data group, click the Switch Row/Column button.
Mov the selected chart to a new chart sheet
Click the Chart Tools Design tab. In the Location group, click the Move Chart button. Click OK.
Print this worksheet.
Click the File tab to open Backstage view. Click Print. Click the Print button.
Print the entire workbook.
Click the File tab to open Backstage. Click Print. Click the Print Active Sheets button. Click Print Entire Workbook. Click the Print button.
Autofit column D to best fit the data
Double-click the right column boundary for column D.
Apply the Offset Diagonal Button Right shadow effect to the shape...
On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Effects button. Point to Shadow, and click Offset Diagonal Bottom Right.
Enter a formula in cell E1 using SUMIF to calculate the total quantity in stock for items from the company "ColorFab". Use the range name Company for the Range argument , the text string "ColorFab" for the Criteria argument, and InStock for the Sum_range argument.
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Math & Trig button. click SUMIF. in the Range argument box, type Company. In the Criteria box, type "ColorFab". In the Sum_range argument box, type InStock. Click OK.
Add a footer that displays the page number in the center section.
On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Header and Footer Elements group, click the Page Number button.
Add criteria to this summary query to include only records where the value in the Days field is TTh. Do not include the Days field in the query groups. Run the query.
You clicked the Days field's Total row, expanded the Total row's Group by list, selected the Where option, clicked the Days field's criteria row, and changed the Days field's criteria to TTh. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Modify this query so the DeptCode field is hidden in the query results, and then run the query.
You clicked the DeptCode column's Show box. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Add criteria to this query to return only the records where the value in the DeptCode field is ENG or CIS. Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the DeptCode field's criteria row, changed the DeptCode field's criteria to ENG, clicked the deptCode field's or row, and changed the deptCode field's or row to CIS. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Add a new calculated field named Tuition in the first empty column to the right of the Credits field. The new field should calculate the value in the Credits field multiplied by 150. Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the Drop-Down Menu. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Query Setup Ribbon Group, you clicked the Builder button. Inside the Expression Builder dialog from the Expression Categories list, you double-clicked the Credits list item. Inside the Expression Builder dialog, you typed [Credits]*150 in the Expression Default Value Input input, clicked the Ok button. You clicked the Drop-Down Menu, changed the Drop-Down Menu. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Insert a new row into the form layout above the TuitionPaid and GPA controls.
You clicked the FirstName control, clicked the TuitionPaid control. In the Arrange Ribbon Tab in the Rows & Columns Ribbon Group, you clicked the Insert Above button.
Use the Report Wizard to create a new report. Include fields in this order: DeptName from the Departments table, CourseNumber and CourseDescription from the Courses table, and ClassCode and Time from the Classes table. View the report data by the Departments table. Add grouping by CourseNumber. Sort records by the Time field. Use the Stepped layout and Portrait orientation. Name the report CoursesByDepartment and allow Access to display the report in Print Preview view when you finish. 1/1
[...] Inside the Report Wizard dialog in the Table: Classes drop-down, you selected Table: Departments. Inside the Report Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the DeptName list item. Inside the Report Wizard dialog in the Table: Classes drop-down, you selected Table: Courses. Inside the Report Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the CourseNumber list item, double-clicked the CourseDescription list item. Inside the Report Wizard dialog in the Table: Classes drop-down, you selected Table: Classes. Inside the Report Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the ClassCode list item, double-clicked the Time list item. Inside the Report Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button. Inside the Report Wizard dialog from the reportWizardGroupingSelectList list, you selected CourseNumber. Inside the Report Wizard dialog, you clicked the > button, clicked the Next > button. Inside the Report Wizard dialog in the 1 drop-down, you selected Time. Inside the Report Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, typed CoursesByDepartment in the What title do you want for your report? input, and clicked the Finish button.
Use AutoFilter to filter the query results first to show only records where value in the Department field is Economics and the value in the Credits field is 4
Click the arrow at the top of the Department column and click the (Select All) check box to remove all the checkmarks. CLick the Economics check box to add a checkmark. click OK. Click the arrow at the top of the Credits column and click the (Select All) check box to remove all the checkmarks. Click the 4 check box to add a checkmark. Click OK
Rename the ID field to: DegreeName
In the Access Table, you clicked on ID. In the Fields Ribbon Tab in the Properties Ribbon Group, you clicked the Name & Caption button. Inside the Enter Field Properties dialog, you typed DegreeName in the Name: input, clicked the OK button.
Change the Field Size property for the RAStudentID field to 4. 1/1
In the Access Table, you clicked on RAStudentID. In the Fields Ribbon Tab in the Properties Ribbon Group, you typed 4 in the Field Size input, pressed the Enter key. Inside the Spa : Database dialog, you clicked the Yes button.
From Design view, apply the Medium Time format to the StartTime field.
In the Access Table, you clicked the Format property box, clicked the Drop-Down Button, and clicked the Medium Time Item.
Apply the Short Date input mask format to the selected field (StartDate). Do not change default format or placeholder characters.
In the Access Table, you clicked the Input Mask property box, clicked the Input Mask Build... Button. Inside the Input Mask Wizard dialog from the Input Mask list, you selected Short Date. Inside the Input Mask Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finish button.
Sort the records in this table so they are grouped by the value in the Classification field from A to Z and then grouped within each classification by the value in the DOB field from newest to oldest. Don't forget that when sorting by multiple fields, start with the innermost sort and work your way out.
In the Access Table, you clicked the arrow at the top of the DOB column. In the Table Column Filter Right-Click menu, you clicked the Sort Z to A menu item. In the Access Table, you clicked the arrow at the top of the Classification column. In the Table Column Filter Right-Click menu, you clicked the Sort A to Z menu item.
Use AutoFilter to filter the query results to show only records where the value in the Department field is Accounting or Finance.
In the Access Table, you clicked the arrow at the top of the Department column. In the Table Column Filter Right-Click menu, you clicked the (Select All) checkbox, clicked the Accounting checkbox, clicked the Finance checkbox, and clicked the OK button.
Add the Status Quick Start fields to the right of the DegreeName field.
In the Access Table, you clicked the arrow at the top of the Description column. In the Fields Ribbon Tab in the Add & Delete Ribbon Group, you clicked the More Fields button. In the More Fields menu, you clicked the Status menu item.
Use the Form Wizard to create a new form. Include these fields in this order from the Departments table: DeptCode and DeptName fields and then add these fields from the Courses table: CourseNumber and CourseDescription. Organize the form by the Departments table with data from the Courses table as a datasheet subform. Accept the suggested names for the form and subform. Allow Access to open the form in Form view when you are finished.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the Form Wizard button. Inside the Form Wizard dialog in the Table: Courses drop-down, you clicked the Table: Departments list item. Inside the Form Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you double-clicked the DeptCode list item, double-clicked the DeptName list item. Inside the Form Wizard dialog in the Table: Courses drop-down, you selected Table: Courses. Inside the Form Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you clicked the DeptCode list item, double-clicked the CourseNumber list item, and double-clicked the CourseDescription list item. Inside the Form Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, typed Departments in the formWizardTitleInput input, and clicked the Finish button.
Create a Single Record form from the Classes table.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the Form button.
Create a Split form from the Classes table.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Forms Ribbon Group, you clicked the More Forms button. In the More Forms menu, you clicked the Split Form menu item.
Create a new query in Design view using the following fields in this order: From the Students table, add the LastName, FirstName, Classification, and ResidenceHall fields. From the ResidenceHalls table, add the ResidenceName and FreshmenOnly fields. Run the query.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Design button. Inside the Show Table dialog from the Table list, you double-clicked the Students list item, double-clicked the ResidenceHalls list item. Inside the Show Table dialog, you clicked the Close button. You double-clicked the LastName field in the Students table, double-clicked the FirstName field in the Students table, double-clicked the Classification field in the Students table, clicked a , double-clicked the ResidenceHall field in the Students table, double-clicked the ResidenceName field in the ResidenceHalls table, and double-clicked the FreshmenOnly field in the ResidenceHalls table. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Create a new query in Design view using the following fields in this order: From the Students table, add the LastName, FirstName, Classification, and ResidenceHall fields. From the ResidenceHalls table, add the ResidenceName and FreshmenOnly fields. Run the query.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Design button. Inside the Show Table dialog from the Table list, you double-clicked the Students list item, double-clicked the ResidenceHalls list item. Inside the Show Table dialog, you clicked the Close button. You double-clicked the LastName field in the Students table, double-clicked the FirstName field in the Students table, double-clicked the Classification field in the Students table, double-clicked the ResidenceHall field in the Students table, double-clicked the ResidenceName field in the ResidenceHalls table, and double-clicked the FreshmenOnly field in the ResidenceHalls table. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a select query for a single table. Include these fields in this order: LastName, FirstName, Classification, and Credits fields from the Students table. Include every record in the results. Select the option to open the query to view information. Name the query Tuition and view the query results.
In the Create Ribbon Tab in the Queries Ribbon Group, you clicked the Query Wizard button. Inside the New Query dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Simple Query Wizard dialog in the Table: Students drop-down, you selected Table: Students. Inside the Simple Query Wizard dialog from the Available Fields list, you selected DOB, double-clicked the LastName list item, double-clicked the FirstName list item, double-clicked the Classification list item, and double-clicked the Credits list item. Inside the Simple Query Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, typed Tuition in the What title do you want for your query? input, and clicked the Finish button.
Create a new relationship between the EmployeeID field in the Professor table and the Advisor field in the Student table. Ensure that values in the Advisor field have a corresponding value in the EmployeeID field. 1/1
In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Relationships Ribbon Group, you clicked the Relationships button. You clicked the relationships Database, dragged the object onto the advisor in the student Database. Inside the Edit Relationships dialog, you checked the Enforce Referential Integrity check box, clicked the Create button.
Modify the table relationships so that when a record is deleted in the Department table, the related records in the Professor table will also be deleted.
In the Database Tools Ribbon Tab in the Relationships Ribbon Group, you clicked the Relationships button. You double-clicked the connection between the department and professor tables. Inside the Edit Relationships dialog, you checked the Cascade Delete Related Records check box, clicked the OK button.
From Design view, modify the form's property to restrict data entry to new records only.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. You clicked Cell 9x0, clicked the Data Entry option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Data Entry drop-down, you clicked the Yes list item.
From Design view, modify this form's properties to not allow new records.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. You clicked the Allow Additions option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Allow Additions drop-down, you clicked the No list item.
From Design view, modify this form's properties to not allow new records.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. You clicked the Allow Additions option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Allow Additions drop-down, you selected No.
From Design view, modify the form's property to restrict data entry to new records only.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. You clicked the Data Entry option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog in the Data Entry drop-down, you clicked the Yes list item.
Import all of the fields from the Assets worksheet in the Accounting Excel file to a new table. Use the first row as column headings. Do not change any field information. Use the AccountID field as the primary key. Accept the new table Assets. Do not save the import steps.
In the External Data Ribbon Tab in the Import & Link Ribbon Group, you clicked the New Data Source button. In the New Data Source menu in the From File menu, you clicked the Excel menu item. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the Browse... button. You clicked Cell 2x1. Inside the File Open dialog, you clicked the Open button. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Import Spreadsheet Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next > button, checked the First Row Contains Column Headings check box, clicked the Next > button, clicked the Next > button, selected the Choose my own primary key. Radio Button, clicked the Next > button, and clicked the Finish button. Inside the Get External Data - Excel Spreadsheet dialog, you clicked the Close button.
Add a new Short Text field to the far right side of the table. Name the field: Description
In the Fields Ribbon Tab in the Add & Delete Ribbon Group, you clicked the More Fields button, clicked the Short Text button. In the Access Table, you typed Description and pressed Enter.
Add the Status Quick Start fields to the right of the DegreeName field.
In the Fields Ribbon Tab in the Add & Delete Ribbon Group, you clicked the More Fields button. In the More Fields menu, you clicked the Status menu item.
From Layout view, delete the conditional formatting rule for the selected field.
In the Format Ribbon Tab in the Control Formatting Ribbon Group, you clicked the Conditional Formatting button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the Delete Rule... button, clicked the OK button.
Add a new conditional formatting to the selected field to display data bars. Use the default data bars settings.
In the Format Ribbon Tab in the Control Formatting Ribbon Group, you clicked the Conditional Formatting button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the New Rule... button. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog from the Select a rule type: list, you selected Compare to other records. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the OK button.
From Layout view, delete the conditional formatting rule for the selected field.
In the Format Ribbon Tab in the Control Formatting Ribbon Group, you clicked the Conditional Formatting button. You clicked Cell 0x0, clicked Cell 0x1. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the Delete Rule... button, clicked the OK button.
Switch to the view where you can modify the structure of the report without viewing any live data.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Views Ribbon Group, you clicked the View button arrow. In the View menu, you clicked the Design View menu item.
Switch to the view where you can see live data while modifying the report layout.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Views Ribbon Group, you clicked the View button arrow. In the View menu, you clicked the Layout View menu item.
Import data from ClassSchedule table in the Registration Access database into a new worksheet.
On the Data tab, in the Get & Transform group, click the Get Data button. Point to From Database and click From Microsoft Access Database. Click the Registration database file, and then click the Import button. Click ClassSchedule, and then click the Load button.
The total row for each expense category uses a SUM function to total the costs...
On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Group button arrow, and click Auto Outline.
Create automatic subtotals to sum the cost for each change in the Category...
On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the Subtotal button. Expand the At each change in list and select Category. Click OK.
Manually create groups of rows that can be expanded or collapsed.
On the Data tab, in the Outline group, click the group button. In the Group dialog, Rows is selected by default. Click OK.
Filter the data in place so that only rows where the Category value is ...
On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Advanced button. Enter A1:C2 in the Criteria range box. Click OK.
Use a custom text filter to show only rows where the expense category...
On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Filter button to display the AutoFilter arrow at the top of the Category column, and the point to Text Filters. Click Contains... Type Server in the box next to contains. Click OK.
Sort the data so cells with the red down arrow icon in the Cost level...
On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Filter button to display the AutoFilter arrows at the top of each column. Click the AutoFilter arrow at the top of the column. Point to Sort by Color and click the red down arrow icon.
Sort the date first Alphabetically by the values in the Category column and then...
On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click the Sort button. Expand the Sort by list and select Category. Click the Add Level button. Expand the Then by list and select Date. Click OK.
Change the shape outline color to Orange, Accent 2.
On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shapes Styles group, click the Shape Outline button. Click Orange, Accent 2.
Apply conditional formatting to the selected cells so cells with a value greater...
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Conditional Formatting button. Point to Highlight Cell Rules, and click Greater than... Type 400 in the Format cells that are GREATER THAN box. Expand the format selector box and select Light Red Fill. Click OK.
Convert the cell range to a table using style...
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Format as a Table button. Click Table Style Light 8. Verify that the My table has headers checkbox checked. Click OK.
Insert a recommended PivotTable, using the SUM of Bonus by Employees...
On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click the Recommended PivotTables button, Click the Sum of Bonus by Employee option. Click OK.
Apply the Table Style Light 14 Quick Style...
On the Table Tools Design tab, in the Table Styles group, click the Quick Styles button or click the More button to expand the Table Styles gallery. Click Table Style Light 14.
Add criteria to this query to return records where the student LastName field begins with the letter A. Run the query.
You changed the LastName field's criteria to Like "A*". In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Add criteria to this query to return only the records where the value in the Credits field is greater than 120 and less than 130. Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the Credits field's criteria row, changed the Credits field's criteria to >120 and <130. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Limit the query results to records where the value in the Credits field is greater than 120. Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the Credits field's criteria row, changed the Credits field's criteria to >120. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Add criteria to this query to return only the records where the value in the Credits field is >124 and the value in the Classification field is Sr Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the Credits field's criteria row, changed the Credits field's criteria to >124, clicked the Classification field's criteria row, and changed the Classification field's criteria to Sr. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
Open the Course table.
You double-clicked the Course table.
Create a new desktop database from the Updated: Students template. Do not change the location. Name the database: Students.
You opened the backstage view, clicked the New navigation button, clicked the Blank desktop database template, clicked the Blank desktop database close button, clicked the Updated: Asset tracking template, typed Students in the File Name box, clicked the Create button, opened the backstage view, clicked the Updated: Students template, typed Students in the File Name box, and clicked the Create button.
In cell C12, enter a formula using a counting function to count the number of items in the ..
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the MoreFunctions button. Point to Statistical and select COUNTA from the list. Click and drag to select cells C2:C11. Click OK.
Enter a formula in cell C2 to return a value of yes if the value in cell E8 is greater than or equal to value B2 or no if it is not.
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the logic button. Select IF. Enter E8>=B2
Merge the cells so the text appears centered across the merged cells
On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the Marge & Center button.
Delete the Timesheets worksheet
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Delete button arrow, select Delete Sheet. Click Delete.
Change the width of the selected columns to 14
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Format button. select Column width... Type 14, and click OK.
This workbook will be used by people with Excel 2003 only. Save it in the best format for those users. Allow the compatibility issues.
Click the File tab. Click Save As. On the Save As page, click the Save as type arrow and select Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls). Click Save. Click continue.
Change the gridliness to use the Dash style.
On the Chart Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Outline button. Point to Dashes, and select the fourth dash style in the gallery. (Dash)
Use AutoFill to copy the formula and the formatting in cell E2 to cels E3:E6
Click the Fill Handle tool in the selected cell and drag across to cell E6. Release the mouse button.
Switch the view that shows all the worksheet elements as they will print, including headers and footers.
Click the Page Layout button at the lower right corner of the status bar, to the left of the zoom slider.
Add an element to the center section of the header to display the current date.
Click the Page Layout button on the status bar. Click in the center section of the header area above the worksheet grid. On the Header and Footer Tools Design tab, In the Header & Footer Elements group, click the Current Date button.
Add column Sparklines to cells F2:F11 to represent the values in..
Click the Quick Analysis Tool button and click the Sparklines tab. Click Column.
Arrange all open workbooks in a single window so the overlap in a staggered, diagonal pattern.
Click the View tab, In the Window group, click the Arrange All button. Select the Cascade option. Click OK.
The chart title is selected. Apply the Fill: Blue, Accent color 1...
On the Chart Tools Format tab, in the WordArt Styles group, click the WordArt Quick Styles button to expand the gallery. Click the second style in the first row.
Change the shape fill color to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 40%.
On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill button. Click Green, Accent 6, Lighter 40%
Apply the Colored Fill Green, Accent 6 Quick Styles to the shape...
On the Drawing tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the More button to display the gallery. Click the Colored Fill - Green, Accent 6 Quick Style.
Use the Create from the Selection command to create named ranges for the data table B8:E11 using the labels in row 1 as the basis for the names.
On the Formulas tab, In the Defined Names group, click the Create from Selection button. The top row check box is checked by default. Click OK.
Enter a formula in cell B2 using VLOOKUP function to find the total sales for the date in cell B1.
On the Formulas tab, In the Function Library group click the Lookup & Reference button, and select VLOOKUP. Type B1 in the Lookup_value B1 in the Look_value argument box. Type DailySales in the Table_array argument box. Type 5 in the Col_num argument box. Type false in the Range_lookup box. Click OK.
Show the tracer arrows from the precedent cells to cell B5
On the Formulas tab, in the Formula Auditing group, click the Trace Precedents button.
In cell H12, enter a formula to find the lowest percentage of items of items received in the order.
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group click the AutoSum arrow, and click Min. Press Enter.
Insert the current date in the selected cell. Do not include the current time
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, Click the Date & Time button. Click TODAY. Click OK.
Insert the current date and time in the selected cell
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Date & Time button. Click NOW Click OK.
Using cell references, enter a formula in cell B7 to calculate monthly payments for the loan described in this worksheet. Use a negative value for the Pv argument.
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Financial button, and click PMT. Enter B5/12 in the Rate argument box. Enter B6 in the Nper argument box. Enter -B4 in the Pv argument box. Click OK.
Enter a formula in cell D2 to calculate C2/C14 rounded up to 3 decimal places.
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the Math & Trig button. Click the RoundUp. in the Number argument box. type C2/C14. In the Num_digitsargument box, type 3. Click OK.
In cell G2, enter a formula using a counting function to count the number of blank cells in the received column G2:G11
On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library group, click the More Functions button. Point to Statistics and Select COUNTBLANK from the list. Click and drag to select cells G2:G11. Click OK.
Add a new worksheet to the left of the Dec. 18 sheet
On the Home tab, in Cells group, click the Insert button arrow, and select Insert Sheet.
Apply the Top and Bottom Border to the selected cells with a single command.
On the Home tab, in Font group, click the Boarders button arrow, and select Top and Bottom Border.
Insert a column to the left of the selected cell.
On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the Insert button arrow and select Insert Sheet Column.
Use Format Painter to copy the formatting from cell D1 and apply it to cell E1
On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Format Painter button, Click cell E1.
Use a single command to clear everything from the selected cell.
On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Clear button. Select Clear All.
Add a Blue, Accent 5.. bottom border to the selected cells. Use the thickest single line style available
On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Boarders button arrow, and select More Borders... In the Format Cells dialog. Border tab, click the thickest line available in the style section. Expand the Color palette and select Blue, Accent 5. In the border section, click the button representing a bottom border.
Change font size for the selected cells to 18.
On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Size arrow, and select 18.
Modify the number format do no decimal places are visible after the decimal point.
On the Home tab, in the Number group, click the Decrease Decimal button twice.
Wrap the text in the selected cell
On the Home tab, in the alignment group, click the Wrap Text button.
Cut cell B7 and paste it to cell E12
On the Home tab, in the clipboard group on the Home tab, click the cut button. Click cell E12, and click the paste button.
Copy cell F3 , and paste to cell F2
On the Home tab, in the clipboard group, click the Copy button. Click cell F2, and click the Paste button.
Insert a sunburst chart based on the selected cells.
On the Insert tab, in the Charts group, click the Insert Hierarchy Chart button. Select Sunburst.
From Page Break Preview view, insert a page break immediately above the selected cell.
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Set up group click the Breaks button. Click Insert Page Break.
Set row 1 to print on every page
On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Print Titles button. In the Page Setup dialog, on the Sheet tab, click the Rows to repeat at the top box. Click the row selector for row 1. click OK in the dialog.
Modify the Dec 18 worksheet so gridlines will print
On the Page Layout tab, in the Sheet Options group, click the Print check box under Gridlines
Apply the light orange Pivot Style Medium 3 Quick Style...
On the PivotTable Tools Design tab, in the PivotTable Styles group, click the More button to expand the Quick Styles gallery, and select Pivot Style Medium 3. it is the third option in the first row under the Medium styles.
Clear the selected Sparklines from the worksheet.
On the Sparkline Tools Design tab in the Group group, click the Clear button.
Add markers for just the highest values in the Sparkline group.
On the Sparkline Tools Design tab, in the Show group, click the High Point check box.
Add a total row to this table and display the average for the Cost column..
On the Table Tools Design tab, in the Table Style Options group, click the Total Row check box. In the total row at thee bottom of thee table, click in the Cost Column. Click the arrow and select Average.
Move the Description field so it is the last field in the table.
In the Access Table, you dragged Description after Status.
Use the Field List pane to add the following fields to the report: From the Departments table, add the DeptName field. From the Faculty table, add the LastName and FirstName fields. Do not switch views.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Add Existing Fields button. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list, you expanded the Departments field. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list from the Departments list, you double-clicked the DeptName list item. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list, you expanded the Faculty field. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list from the Faculty list, you double-clicked the LastName list item, double-clicked the FirstName list item.
From Design view, add a Command Button control to the form.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Controls Ribbon Group in the Controls menu, you clicked the Button gallery option, clicked the Button gallery option. You clicked the control.
From Layout view, group this report by values in the Classification field.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Grouping & Totals Ribbon Group, you clicked the Group & Sort button. You clicked the Add a Group button. In the Field Name menu, you clicked the Classification menu item.
From Layout view, group this report by values in the DOB field. Change the grouping to group by year instead of by quarter.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Grouping & Totals Ribbon Group, you clicked the Group & Sort button. You clicked the Add a Group button. In the Field Name menu, you clicked the DOB menu item. You clicked the from oldest to newest arrow, clicked the from oldest to newest arrow, clicked the DOB arrow, clicked the DOB arrow, clicked the DOB arrow, clicked the from oldest to newest arrow, and clicked the by quarter arrow. In the Sort By menu, you clicked the by year menu radio button.
From Layout view, add the date and time to the report header using the date format similar to 31-May-16 and the time format similar to 1:12 PM.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Header/Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Date and Time button. Inside the Date and Time dialog, you selected the 28-Apr-19 Radio Button, selected the 7:38 AM Radio Button, and clicked the OK button.
Add automatic page numbers centered at the bottom of the page footer on every page. Use the format that includes the current page number and the total number of pages. Do not change views.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Header/Footer Ribbon Group, you clicked the Page Numbers button. Inside the Page Numbers dialog, you selected the Page N of M Radio Button, selected the Bottom of Page [Footer] Radio Button, and clicked the OK button.
Enter a validation rule for the table to require values in the DueDate field to be greater than the values in the Date field. Remember to enclose the field names in square brackets. 1/1
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Show/Hide Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. You clicked the Validation Rule option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog, you typed [DueDate]>[Date] in the Validation Rule input, pressed the Enter key.
Modify the table properties to display the message Due date cannot be before invoice date if the table validation rule is violated.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Show/Hide Ribbon Group, you clicked the Property Sheet button. You clicked the Validation Text option. Inside the Property Sheet dialog, you typed Due date cannot be before invoice date in the Validation Text input, pressed the Enter key.
Display the Total row for this query.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Show/Hide Ribbon Group, you clicked the Totals button.
Change the font color of the selected cells to the Blue-Gray, Text 2 color.
On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font Color arrow, and select Blue_Gray Text 2
Apply the Accent1 cell style to the selected cell.
On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the Cell Styles button. Click the Accent1 style.
Use a slicer to filter the data in this table t show only rows where the Catergory...
On the Table Tools Design tab, in the Tools group, click the Insert Slicer button. Click the Category check box. Click OK. in the category slicer, click the Multi-Select button. Click all the buttons except Coffee and Meals.
Add a total row to this table
On the Table Tools Design tab, in the table Style Options group, click the Total Row check box.
Enter a formula in cell C3 using the SUMPRODUCT function to calculate the total value.... SpecialPrice... MembershipsSold
On the formulas tab, in the Functions Library group. click the Math & Trig button. Click SUMPRODUCT. In the Array1 Augment box, type SpecialPrice. In the Array2 argument box, type MembershipSold. Click OK.
Close the Navigation Pane.
You clicked the Nav Pane Open/Close button.
Change the Navigation Pane grouping option so tables and dependent database objects are grouped together.
You clicked the Navigation Pane Header. In the Category/Group menu, you clicked the Tables and Related Views menu item
Go to the previous record.
You clicked the Previous Record Button.
Apply the Monochromatic Palette 1 color scheme...
Click the Chart Tools Design tab. In the Chart Styles group, click the Change Colors button. Click the Monochromatic Palette 1, it is the first option in the Monochromatic section.
Use the Field List pane to add the DOB field to the form immediately to the right of the LastName controls. Do not switch views.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Add Existing Fields button. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list, you expanded the Students field. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list from the Students list, you clicked the DOB list item. You clicked the undefined view.
Use the Field List pane to add the LastName field from the Students table to the form. Do not switch views.
In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Tools Ribbon Group, you clicked the Add Existing Fields button. Inside the Field List dialog, you clicked the Show all tables item. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list, you expanded the Students field. Inside the Field List dialog from the Tables list from the Fields available for this view: list from the Students list, you double-clicked the LastName list item.
From Layout view, create a new conditional formatting rule for the selected field. If the field value is greater than or equal to the value in the RequiredCredits field, apply bold, dark blue formatting. Dark blue is the second color from the right in the last row of the color palette.
In the Format Ribbon Tab in the Control Formatting Ribbon Group, you clicked the Conditional Formatting button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the New Rule... button. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog in the Comparison Type drop-down, you selected greater than or equal to. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you typed [RequiredCredits] in the Comparison Value input, clicked the Bold item, and clicked the Font color item. In the Color menu, you selected the Dark Blue color option. Inside the New Formatting Rule dialog, you clicked the OK button. Inside the Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog, you clicked the OK button.
Modify the width of the Time column to exactly 22
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Records Ribbon Group, you clicked the More button. In the Access Table, you clicked on Time. In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Records Ribbon Group, you clicked the More button. In the More menu, you clicked the Field Width menu item. Inside the Column Width dialog, you typed 22 in the Column width: input, clicked the OK button.
Delete this student record.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Sort & Filter Ribbon Group, you clicked the Selection button, clicked the Selection button. In the Access Table, you clicked the row selector, right-clicked the Row Selector. In the Right-Click menu, you clicked the Delete Record menu item. Inside the Spa : Database dialog, you clicked the Yes button
Preview how this report will look when printed.
In the Home Ribbon Tab in the Views Ribbon Group, you clicked the View button arrow. In the View menu, you clicked the Print Preview menu item.
Add criteria to this query to return only the records where the value in the Credits field is less than 90 and the value in the Classification field is Jr or Sr. Run the query to view the results.
You clicked the Credits field's criteria row, changed the Credits field's criteria to <90, clicked the credits field's or row, changed the credits field's or row to <90, clicked the Classification field's criteria row, changed the Classification field's criteria to Jr, clicked the classification field's or row, and changed the classification field's or row to Sr. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the Results Ribbon Group, you clicked the Run button.
From Design view, modify the Gender field to use a lookup list with Male and Female in a single column. Limit the field to values in the list only.
n the Access Table, you clicked in the Gender Cell, clicked in the Gender Cell, clicked in the Lookup Wizard Cell, clicked the Drop-Down Button, and clicked the Lookup Wizard Item. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog, you selected the I will type in the values that I want Radio Button, clicked the Next button. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog in the Access Table, you typed Male, typed Male and pressed Tab, and typed Female. Inside the Lookup Wizard dialog, you clicked the Next button, checked the Limit To List check box, and clicked the Finish button.