mkt 310

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Which of the following statements adequately reflects the concept of attitude component consistency in headers balance theory?

A change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other components.

T/F - The evaluation of alternatives is the third stage of the consumer decision-making process.


Which type of advertisement or sales presentation presents both good and bad points?

two sided message

Consumer researchers have adapted some of Sigmund Freud's ideas. In particular, his work highlights the potential importance of ________ that influence(s) our purchases.

unconscious motives

Which type of reference group influence occurs when an individual fulfills group expectations to gain a direct reward or to avoid a sanction?

utilitarian influence

An advertiser that uses its website to attract consumers classified as Innovators, Achievers, and Experiencers most likely uses the ________ segmentation system?


Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.

value expressive

Which of the following is not a noncompensatory strategy?

weighted additive

The ideal self is a person's conception of how she ________.

would like to be

Based on the Ted Talk by Barry Schwartz, and what we have discussed in class, consumers respond to choice-overload by:

although we are interested in having choices, we become paralyzed by too many choices

Need recognition derives from which of the following changes in a consumer's state?

an imbalance between actual and desired states

Matt can name more US states, because he lives in the US, than he can name African countries, even though there are more African countries than US states. This is an example of what kind of decision heuristic.

avaliability heuristic

Alex is a brand manager and wants consumers to form attitudes that are strong, resistant to counter persuasion attempts, more accessible from memory, and more predictive of behavior. Which route of the elaboration likelihood model should he encourage consumers to take?


The elaboration likelihood model posits two routes to persuasion, which are the _____.

central and peripheral

Which of the following is an individual factor that can influence attitude change

consumer knowledge gender

Which of the following is considered a postpurchase process?

consumer satisfaction

The source of a message has an impact on whether the message will be accepted or not. Two particularly important source characteristics are ________.

credibility and attractiveness

Opinion leaders are sources of valuable information and can influence the attitudes and behaviors of others through their knowledge power, referent power, and high technical competence, also known as ____ power.


There are many props and settings consumers use to define their social roles which then become parts of their selves. Those external objects that we consider a part of us constitute the ________.

extended self

________ refers to a person's unique psychological makeup and how it consistently influences the way a person responds to his/her environment.


Kim recently bought an expensive new chandelier for her house. She is starting to regret it because of how expensive it was. Which decision is Kim facing?

purchase regret

T/F - "To reduce cognitive dissonance post-purchase a consumer can act in a number of ways.


T/F - If a consumer is following the lexicographic rule in her decision making, then she would select a brand that is the best on the most important attribute.


The ________ refers to our more realistic appraisal of the qualities we have and don't have.

actual self

In an attempt to alter consumers' cognitive component of their attitude toward the Pepsi brand of cola, a freshness date was added on the cans. Pepsi wanted consumers to consider this attribute that was never a consideration before. Pepsi was using which strategy to alter the cognitive structure of a consumer's attitude?

add beliefs

A component of the ABC model of attitude is ________.

affect behavior cognition

Bob is somewhat of a loner in high school. He really despises the school "jocks" who seem to be involved in every sport. He doesn't want anything to do with them or be like them in any way. To Bob, the group of students who represent the school athletes is a(n) _____.

dissociative reference group

A recruiter at Pepsi-Cola stated they would only interview college graduates for their marketing positions. Once in the interview process, they tend to reject applicants that did not have the necessary interpersonal skills. What type of decision rule was Pepsi-Cola most likely applying in her search for a employees?

elimination by aspects

Which of the following characterizes opinion leaders?

enduring involvement in the product or activity

The alternatives actively measured during a consumer's choice process are the ________ set.

evoked set

T/F - Cedric runs out of gas on the way to work. He thinks to himself-"How stupid I am!" Cedric has experienced a form of a problem recognition that is being dominated by a downward movement in his actual state.


Which of the following can be a component of a multiattribute model?

- a consumer's attitude toward a particular brand - a consumer's belief about how a brand performs on a given attribute - the importance the consumer attaches to an attribute - a consumer's ideal level of performance on an attribute

Consumers may not feel the need to complain when they:

Are only mildly dissatisfied, do not hold the product responsible, and/or don't think it's worth the time and effort to complain

________ is when the person tries to evaluate their appearance by comparing it to the people depicted in real or artificial images.

social comparison

A communicator's expertise, objectivity and trustworthiness refer to ________.

source credibility

Dr. Rosenfeld is the doctor on Sunday House Call, a Sunday morning health program on the Fox News channel. Dr. Rosenfeld is highly esteemed in his field and provides up-todate medical information for viewers. Sometimes, he recommends specific products, and Valerie, a regular viewer of the program, trusts what he says or recommends because he doesn't seem to have an apparent motive to mislead viewers. Which characteristic does Dr. Rosenfeld possess?

source credibility

Which component of attitudes consists of a consumer's beliefs about an object?

cognitive component

Joanne is considering the purchase of a microwave oven and has four evaluative criteria. For each criterion, she has attached an importance weight ("W"), and each brand is evaluated on its performance on that criterion ("B"). Then a rating is calculated by summing the product of the B's and W's on a criterion for each brand, and the brand with the highest overall rating is chosen. Which type of decision rule is Joanne using?


Duane is attempting to determine consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by asking them their beliefs about how his restaurant performs on several attributes, such as price, ambience, quality of the food, and friendliness of service. Consumers can rate his restaurant with a score of 1 to 7 for each of these attributes, with 7 being the highest. Duane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that a higher total is better. At a basic level, which type of model is Duane using?

multiattribute model

Equity theory deals with consumers' perceptions of ______________.

their own inputs and outputs of the salesperson, dealer, or company.

Businesses are able to encourage need recognition by:

- Changing consumers' desired states -changing consumers' perceptions of their actual states -reminding consumers of their needs

factors that may account for inconsistencies between attitudes and behavior

-lack of need -failure to consider relative attitudes -failure to consider impersonal influence - failure to consider situational factors

Hannah was embarrassed when her friends teased her about the bright colors of her dress on Friday night. She tried to tell her friends that she really is quite introverted and shy. Her friends observed that Hannah does not appear shy when she is out on a weekend evening. Which of the following statements is most applicable in understanding Hannah's personality?

Hannah's personality is a unique psychological makeup that consistently influences behavior within a certain environmental situation. Although behavior will be consistent within consistent environments, it does not have to be consistent between environments.

Casinos make their interiors very plush and expensive looking, knowing that gamblers who would be reluctant to make a $10 bet in average surroundings would gladly make $100 wagers in luxurious surroundings. Which of the following best explains gamblers' behavior?

Mental accounting emphasizes the extraneous characteristics of the choice environment even if the results are not rational.

Problem Recognition Stage

Occurs when a buyer becomes aware of a difference between a desired state and an actual condition

The silver lining effect refers to the fact that:

Separate out small gain from big loss ($500 cash back when you buy Nissan, gift with purchase) *little nice boost

________ is the first element in the traditional communications model


The owner of a local restaurant wants to enhance consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by changing the affective component of their attitude. Which of the following is an appropriate approach to achieve this objective?

Use positive music in their advertisements so that over time consumers will transfer the positive affect associated with the music to the restaurant.

Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

central route

Feelings or emotional reactions to an object reflect the _____ component of an attitude


Janice and her mother were visiting an art gallery, and they were looking at modern art. When they came to one painting, Janice said, "I like that." When her mother asked her why she liked it, all she could say was, "I don't know, I just like it." Which component of attitude does this represent?


Kimberly-Clark is interested in mothers' emotional reactions to its Huggies brand of disposable diapers, which usually have popular characters or cute designs printed on them. Which component of attitude is Kimberly-Clark interested in?


What experimenter showed that the power of groups can influence an individual to agree with the incorrect judgment of the others.

asch conformity

Source ________ refers to the perceived social value of a message source.


Elements of multi attribute model

attributes beliefs importance weights

Gemma believes that pitbulls are aggressive animals because she sees videos/social media posts that highlight aggressive pitbulls, and never sees the other side. What kind of bias is Gemma portraying?

availability heuristic

If I am working at ______ and trying to increase my overall attitude score relative to my competition, I can use marketing communications to try to enhance the importance of one attribute (see table above) in consumers list of important factors. Which factor would be most beneficial?

importance weights

________ considers how people perceive relations among different attitude objects, and how they alter their attitudes to remain consistent

balance theory

If I am working at ______ and trying to increase my overall attitude score relative to my competition, which factor would be the most beneficial to invest in to increase the market's belief that my business is perceived well on that attribute.


For years, American automobiles did not have the level of quality that foreign, particularly Japanese, automobiles had. However, that has changed, and most automobiles built in the United States have comparable or superior quality compared with imports. Consumers' attitudes are slow to change, however, and marketers must use which strategy to change the cognitive component of consumers' attitudes?

change beliefs

The danger of exceeding consumers' cognitive capacity is that they will:

experiencing information overload

Someone that is always searching for and collecting information about a topic they are interested in exemplifies what?

confirmatory bias

When using the ________ rule of decision making, a consumer evaluates brands on the most important attribute, but specific cutoffs are imposed.


A politician attempts to gain support for her campaign for mayor by releasing a poll showing that almost 70 percent of the city's voters support her position on property taxes. What basic psychological principle is the politician using to persuade voters that she should be the next mayor?


Lee is young and enjoys risky activities such as skydiving, bungee jumping, and snowboarding. To which of the following VALS2‚ groups would Lee most likely belong?


T/F - Jonesy will buy only the lowest-priced spark plug when he goes shopping for auto supplies. Because his car is very old, he really doesn't care about any other qualities. Jonesy is using the conjunctive decision rule.


T/F: Steps in the buyer decision process are never skipped.


TT/F - Searching inside magazine and within websites are good examples of internal search.


People often make decisions on the basis of mental accounting. One facet of this accounting is making a decision based on the way a problem was posed. This is called ________.


Mary Jane is a very conservative businesswoman by day. However, when she decides to "go out on the town," she likes to party and "kick up her heels." This would be an example of a reaction due to the fact that many consumers ________.

have multiple selves

A mental or problem-solving shortcut to make a decision is called a(n) ________.


Shortcuts are considered heuristics, or "mental rules-of-thumb" in decision making.


Jamie wants to purchase a notebook computer, but she has limited product knowledge about computers other than how to turn one on and use it. She expects to pay more than $1,000 for this computer, so this is an important decision for her and she wants to make the right choice. For Jamie, this represents a(n) _____.

high involvement purchase

Freud's theory of personality includes the ________.

id ego superego

College student Jeff Barnes sees himself as a rich banker who drives a top of the line BMW. This fantasy is an expression of the ________.

ideal self

Jim Smith thinks he should be more outgoing. He is looking at his ________.

ideal self

All multiattribute attitude models specify the importance of attributes, beliefs, and ________.

importance weights

An advertisement emphasizes that if a consumer uses a certain deodorant, he or she will not offend other people and will not cause problems in the workplace because of "bad body odor." What part of the Freudian system is this ad appealing to?

the super ego

________ is the process by which the consumer surveys the environment for appropriate data to make a reasonable decision.


According to this view, people calmly and carefully integrate as much information as possible with what they already know about a product, painstakingly weigh the pluses and minuses of each alternative, and arrive at a satisfactory decision.

information processing perspective

According to this descriptive decision perspective, people calmly and carefully integrate as much information as possible with what they already know about a product, painstakingly weigh the pluses and minuses of each alternative, and arrive at a satisfactory decision.

information-processing perspective

Jamarcus was his collegiate chapter's delegate at a national conference of a professional business fraternity, Phi Chi Theta, in which he is a member. When the business meeting was conducted, parliamentary procedure was used, and Jamarcus was not familiar with this. Thus, he looked to the others to learn how he should behave in this situation. What type of influence does this reference group exhibit?


Joe modeled his behavior after other members of the team because he takes others' behavior as evidence of the correct way to act. Joe is conforming because of ________.

informational social influence

Retrieving knowledge from memory is known as ____. Collecting information from peers, family, and the marketplace is known as ____.

internal search; external search

The problem with setting consumers expectations as high as possible is that ______

it increases the chances of customers being dissatisfied

If Bob's Plumbing inflates the time it will take for a plumber to visit, then has the plumber arrive a day earlier, the customer will be suitably impressed. This is a technique that emphasizes the use of ________.

managing expectations

Jeffrey Quills is seen by his friends as a somewhat strange person. At times he is lovable, warm, and friendly. At other times he can be mean-spirited, uncaring, and hostile to all who know him. Which of the following general statements about personality most closely matches what friends observe about Jeffrey?

many studies have found that people do not seem to exhibit stable personalities

Rayna provides a significant amount of information to others across a wide array of products, including durables and nondurables, services, and store type. She can provide information on product quality, sales, usual prices, product availability, store personnel characteristics, and other features of relevance to consumers. Rayna is best described as a(n) _____.

market maven

If a consumer's ideal state is very near or identical to his or her actual state, which of the following best describes the type of problem recognition the consumer would most likely have?

no problem recognized

According to the ________ rule, a product with a low standing on one attribute cannot make up for this position by being better on another attribute.


Chen Lo uses a decision rule that says "Only buy well-known brand names" when selecting a set of golf clubs. He does not look at price, the store, or even discounts when purchasing clubs. Chen Lo's purchasing pattern is an example of a consumer using a ________.

noncompensatory rule

Mitch seems to know everything about cars‚ at least that's what his friends and family think. He has been involved with cars since he was a child and even took an engine apart and put it back together again by the time he was 16 years old. He reads several publications related to cars, visits websites, and hangs out with others who are interested in cars as well. Due to his enduring involvement with this product category, Mitch would be considered a(n) _____.

opinion leader

Dana is watching television when a commercial for a brand of toothpaste comes on. She is not very interested in the product category, but the ad was entertaining and made her laugh. As a result, she had a positive attitude toward the brand of cleaner advertised. According to the elaboration likelihood model, which route to persuasion influenced Dana?


The ________ route to persuasion is taken when the receiver is not really motivated to think about the arguments made in a communication message.


The balance theory perspective involves relations among three elements (a triad). Which of the following is one of the elements of the triad?

person and his or her perceptions and measure identifiable personal characteristics called ________.

personality traits

When a pre-teen consumer relies on their mom or dad for recommendations about all types of purchases, he is treating the parent as a ________ opinion leader.


When a product performance exceeds consumers' expectations, then ____ is said to occur.

positive disconfimration

The final stage in the Consumer Decision Making model is ______

post purchase evaluation

Which of the following occurs when a consumer uses a selected product and decides whether it merits his or her expectations?

post purchase evaluation

Olivia and John just got engaged and are looking to purchase a house in a nice neighborhood soon. What type of search are they engaging in?


________ occurs whenever the consumer sees a significant difference between his or her current state of affairs and some desired state.

problem recognition

According to ________, utility is defined in terms of gains and losses.

prospect theory

When the ego tries to balance opposing forces, it uses the ________.

reality principle

For which product category would a reference group's influence be strongest?

running shoes

________ summarizes the beliefs a person holds about his or her own attributes and how he or she evaluates the self on these qualities

self concept

________ refers to the positivity of a person's self-concept.

self esteem

When considering what to get my mom for mother's day, I should do what in order to maximize her happiness (according to Prospect theory).

send 12 flowers on mothers day

According to the sociological tradition of ________, relationships with other people play a large part in forming the self.

symbolic interaction

According to Freud, the system that acts as a referee in the fight between temptation and virtue is called ________

the ego

According to Freud, the part of the personality that seeks immediate gratification is called the ________.

the id

Instead of spending the weekend working on the research paper due at the end of next week, Andrew decided to spend the weekend going out with friends. According to Freudian theory, which system dominated in Adam's decision?

the id

Les just bought a megaphone of root beer. As he drinks from the giant cup, he eventually becomes full. One of his friend's comments, "If you don't stop drinking that stuff, you will get sick." Les replies, "Hey, I bought it, and I am not going to waste one drop of it." Les's behavior best illustrates ________.

the sunk-cost fallacy

Which of the following general attitude functions is most closely related to the basic principles of reward and punishment?

utilitarian function

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