MKT201_Chap 7

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18. The balance theory perspective involves relations among three elements (a triad). Which of the following is one of the elements of the triad? a. a person and his or her perceptions b. the marketer and their strategy of image building c. advertising agencies d. sub-conscious motives

a. a person and his or her perceptions

39. Kenneth is using a multiattribute attitude model to make a decision on which college to attend. Scholarly reputation, friendliness of students, and the adequacy of the college placement service are the most important areas that Kenneth is using to measure his list of colleges. Which of the following elements is Kenneth primarily using in his multiattribute attitude model to make his decision? a. attributes b. beliefs c. importance weights d. goals

a. attributes

31. A person may eat Snickers candy bars because this brand is sold in the company cafeteria, and it is too much trouble to go elsewhere for a preferred bar. This would be an example of which kind of attitude involvement, based on degree of commitment? a. compliance b. identification c. information acquisition d. internalization

a. compliance

49. A research company studied high school student beverage preferences. Research results showed a high degree of purchase of Pepsi products versus those of rival Coca-Cola. When asked about this endorsement, students indicated that Pepsi was all that was available so they just drank Coca-Cola off-campus. Which of the following levels of attitude commitment would be most closely matched to the scenario above? a. compliance b. identification c. internalization d. globalism

a. compliance

10. In the ________, the consumer considers purchasing based on an attitude of hedonic consumption (such as how the product makes him or her feel or the fun its use will provide). a. experiential hierarchy b. habit hierarchy c. low-involvement hierarchy d. standard learning hierarchy

a. experiential hierarchy

13. Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The highest level of involvement is ________. a. internalization b. identification c. compliance d. bonding

a. internalization

4. Ads that stress straightforward product benefits (e.g., you should drink Diet Coke "just for the taste of it.") appeal to the ________ function of attitudes. a. knowledge b. utilitarian c. value-expressive d. ego-defensive

a. knowledge

20. According to the Fishbein model, one of the components of attitude is the ________ people have about an Ao (i.e., those beliefs about the object a person considers during evaluation). a. salient beliefs b. sub-conscious beliefs c. subliminal beliefs d. segmented beliefs

a. salient beliefs

43. Despite improvements to the Fishbein model, all of the following are considered to be obstacles to predicting behavior using this model except _________. a. the model has relatively weak theorems about attitudes b. the model was developed to deal with actual behavior, not with the outcomes of behavior c. some outcomes are beyond the consumer's control d. measures of attitude often do not really correspond to the behavior they are supposed to predict

a. the model has relatively weak theorems about attitudes

15. Which theory of attitudes states that people are motivated to take action to resolve inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors? a. the theory of cognitive dissonance b. the theory of affective disjunction c. social judgment theory d. self-perception theory

a. the theory of cognitive dissonance

34. A study was conducted among respondents who claimed to know about the dangers of smoking. Each respondent was asked to estimate how long he or she would live. On average, smokers estimated that they would live longer than nonsmokers for each age group tested. Which theory of attitudes would most correctly explain this behavior on the part of smokers? a. theory of cognitive dissonance b. self-perception theory c. social judgment theory d. balance theory

a. theory of cognitive dissonance

36. Mary has always had a good relationship with her mother. At the university she met a friend whom she grew very fond of. Mary brought her new friend home to visit her family. Mary's mother really disliked her new friend. According to the balance theory, what will Mary be motivated to do? a. Mary will assimilate her mother's feelings, thereby understanding her mother without changing her attitude toward her or her new friend. b. She will try to get her mother to change her attitude. If that is unsuccessful Mary will change her attitude toward her mother, or toward her new friend. c. Mary will begin to believe her own judgment is flawed and compensate by persuading herself that she really does make good judgments in her relationships. d. Mary will notice how her own behavior was influenced by her mother and conclude that she really likes her friend better than she at first believed.

b. She will try to get her mother to change her attitude. If that is unsuccessful Mary will change her attitude toward her mother, or toward her new friend.

25. Ruby believes that ice cream is fattening and therefore tries to avoid the temptation of eating it. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Ruby and ice cream? a. The ice cream is purely a product (P1). b. The ice cream is an attitude object (Ao) because of Ruby's feelings toward the product. c. The ice cream is a fantasy (F1) for Ruby. d. The ice cream is matched to a personality trait (Pt) of Ruby and this is what causes her difficulties in rejecting the product.

b. The ice cream is an attitude object (Ao) because of Ruby's feelings toward the product.

24. Craig complained to his friend Jess that a class was too hard and he believed that the teacher was not being fair with his grading standards. Jess replied, "Craig, you really have an attitude problem." What is the relationship between the manner that the term attitude is used in common conversation and the how it is defined in consumer behavior? a. There is no relationship. Common usage is not the same as attitudes as seen by the researchers who study consumer behavior. b. The term attitude is widely used in popular culture in much the same way it is used in studying consumer behavior. c. They are different in that popular culture does not recognize that attitudes are temporary. Otherwise the usage is the same. d. They are similar except that popular culture assumes that attitudes are related to beliefs, and research scientists have shown that there is no such relationship.

b. The term attitude is widely used in popular culture in much the same way it is used in studying consumer behavior.

6. What do the "A, B, Cs" of the ABC model of attitudes stand for? a. attitudes, business, and cohabitation b. affect, behavior, and cognition c. assumptions, best practices, conditions d. approval, behavior, context

b. affect, behavior, and cognition

11. A predisposition to respond to an advertisement in a favorable or unfavorable manner is referred to as a(n) ________. a. advertisement potential b. attitude toward the advertisement c. promotional synergism d. promotional influence

b. attitude toward the advertisement

3. The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed to explain how ________. a. people identify products b. attitudes facilitate social behavior c. people reject certain classes of products without rational reasons d. global marketing can deal with cultural changes around the world

b. attitudes facilitate social behavior

14. The theory of cognitive dissonance is based on the ________ principle. a. knowledge b. cognitive consistency c. cognitive affect conflict d. self-identification

b. cognitive consistency

41. Ben wanted to use the Fishbein model to measure attitudes toward a professional hockey team. What would be best for Ben to do first? a. determine what people think about local hockey players b. determine the important attributes that would pertain to a professional hockey team c. determine first what intensions customers have toward the professional hockey team d. determine whether some fans were more loyal than others

b. determine the important attributes that would pertain to a professional hockey team

30. Samuel buys a new brand of cologne based on the fact that it proves customers with a "unique sensory experience." Samuel's decision, based on emotional response and intangible attributes, is most closely associated with which of the following hierarchies? a. standard learning hierarchy b. experiential hierarchy c. low-involvement hierarchy d. habit hierarchy

b. experiential hierarchy

48. If a customer choosing among paper towels remembers that "Bounty is the quicker picker-upper" rather than bothering to systematically compare all of the brands on the shelf, this customer could best be described as following the ________ hierarchy in attitude formation. a. standard learning b. low-involvement c. experiential d. cost driver

b. low-involvement

28. Acme Company reviews each potential supplier extensively before contracts are awarded. Which of the attitude hierarchies is most consistent with the approach taken by Acme Company? a. standard learning hierarchy b. low-involvement hierarchy c. experiential hierarchy d. awareness hierarchy

b. low-involvement hierarchy

45. The extended Fishbein model was used to predict consumers' reaction to new diet foods. The attempt proved to be lacking. If you were a marketing consultant called in to provide assistance, what new element provided by the theory of trying should be investigated first to improve the research provided by the extended Fishbein model? a. the social class of the customers b. the potential customers' attitudes toward the process of trying to diet c. the general health situation in America d. the customers ability to understand common messages

b. the potential customers' attitudes toward the process of trying to diet

46. Which of the following best expresses what marketers mean by attitude? a. how hard Jane will work to obtain a goal b. the preference that Sam holds for Chinese food over Mexican food c. how fast Kim learns to find her way around a new neighborhood d. the unease that Kyle feels every time he is forced to stay in a small confined space

b. the preference that Sam holds for Chinese food over Mexican food

44. Consumers can love a commercial yet still not buy the product. This illustrates ________. a. the power of the mass media b. the questionable linkage between attitudes and behavior c. the failure to produce quality products and services d. the lack of assistance by retailers in stimulating customer sales

b. the questionable linkage between attitudes and behavior

21. Researchers have added to the original Fishbein multi-attribute model. The name of this extended-Fishbein model is ________. a. the linked Fishbein model b. the theory of reasoned action c. the Phillips approach d. the Saundra parallel dimension

b. the theory of reasoned action

22. Which of the following theoretical models measures attitude toward the act of buying (Aact), rather than only the attitude toward the product itself? a. the theory of cognitive dissonance b. the theory of reasoned action c. the balance theory d. the Saundra parallel dimension

b. the theory of reasoned action

50. Some theorists have proposed a model that focuses on studying consumer goals as a way to explore attitude formation. What consumers believe they have to do to attain their goals would also be part of any evaluation of attitudes according to this model. Which of the following theories would be most closely linked the statements above? a. theory of reasoned action b. theory of trying c. theory of direct response d. rejection theory

b. theory of trying

5. Which of the following attitude functions is associated with a focus on particular social identities and lifestyles (e.g., "What sort of man reads Playboy?")? a. utilitarian function b. value-expressive function c. ego-defensive function d. knowledge function

b. value-expressive function

8. What is the first step in the standard learning theory hierarchy approach (e.g., one where attitudes are based on cognitive processing information)? a. affinity b. intentions c. cognition (e.g., forms beliefs) d. behavior

c. cognition (e.g., forms beliefs)

47. According to Daniel Katz, why do people develop and hold attitudes, even though some, like bigotry, can be negative? a. People have genetic tendencies to create hierarchies to reaffirm their own place in any social order. b. People simply learn the values of their culture and social groups. c. Attitudes serve some pragmatic utilization in the lives of people. d. Attitudes allow the subconscious to express a person's true motivation.

c. Attitudes serve some pragmatic utilization in the lives of people.

42. Sandra is considering going to Northland College. According to the multiattribute attitude model, how can the promotion office at Northland increase the chances that Sandra will form a positive attitude toward the college? a. They can make sure that Sandra gets information about the college every day. b. They could create cognitive dissonance by suggesting that Sandra really isn't qualified to attend Northland. c. They could distinguish and emphasize some unique attributes that Northland has that its competition lacks. d. They could emphasize that Northland has all the same attributes as other colleges.

c. They could distinguish and emphasize some unique attributes that Northland has that its competition lacks.

2. When a person says that she really likes the color of a new fashion, she is expressing a(n) ________. a. belief b. personality function c. attitude d. physical feature

c. attitude

26. Kanisha is confronted with a strange set of products during her most recent visit to the cosmetics counter at her favorite department store. Urban Grunge nail polish is "hot, hot, hot" according to recent ads. Kanisha likes the idea of a new nail polish but is unsure about the image that might be projected by the dull colors of the nail polish line. With such names as Street Slime, Garbage Goo, and Trash Can, caution might be the right move. Which of the following attitude functions most closely matches with Kanisha's purchase decision? a. utilitarian function b. value-expressive function c. ego-defensive function d. knowledge function

c. ego-defensive function

27. Sarah sees an ad for a popular deodorant. In the ad, a young girl is embarrassed on prom night because of a perspiration stain on her pink prom dress. The punch line of the ad says, "Is yours strong enough when you really need it?" Sarah thinks about the brand she uses, an upcoming date with a new guy, and decides to switch to the advertised brand. Which of the following attitude functions most closely matches the decision made by Sarah? a. utilitarian function b. value-expressive function c. ego-defensive function d. knowledge function

c. ego-defensive function

23. Attitude tracking helps to increase the predictability of behavior by allowing researchers to analyze trends over an extended period of time. All of the following are changes that researchers look for over time except for _________. a. changes in different age groups b. changes about the future c. heredity versus the environment d. identification of change agents

c. heredity versus the environment

40. Samantha is using a multiattribute attitude model to make a decision on which college to attend. She has decided that scholarly reputation is more important than whether the college has a good sports program. Which of the following elements is Samantha primarily using in her multiattribute attitude model to make her decision? a. attributes b. beliefs c. importance weights d. goals

c. importance weights

29. Simi Ghandi is never quite sure which brand of gum to buy. She tries some, likes some, and rejects some. However, through a process of behavioral learning she does remember those brands that taste good and make her mouth feel fresh. The problem is that she cannot often remember the brands that are not so good and often repeats purchasing mistakes. "Oh well," says Simi, "gum buying is not that big of a deal anyway." Which of the following hierarchies would most appropriately describe Simi's situation? a. standard learning hierarchy b. experiential hierarchy c. low-involvement hierarchy d. habit hierarchy

c. low-involvement hierarchy

9. In the ________, the consumer does not initially have a strong preference for one brand over another. Instead, he acts on the basis of limited knowledge and then forms an evaluation only after the product has been purchased or used. a. experiential hierarchy b. habit hierarchy c. low-involvement hierarchy d. standard learning hierarchy

c. low-involvement hierarchy

17. Which theory of attitudes assumes that people assimilate new information about attitude objects in light of what they already know and feel? a. the theory of cognitive dissonance b. the theory of affective disjunction c. social judgment theory d. self-perception theory

c. social judgment theory

35. Sally considered herself to be relatively liberal in her political and social views. Her best friend introduced her to an environmental activist group. At the first meeting she attended, Sally agreed with everything that was presented and decided to join the group. At the second meeting, however, a group member presented an argument that Sally thought was "extreme." Sally later told her friend that she could never join this group because their ideas were "crazy." Which theory would best explain Sally's change of attitude? a. theory of cognitive dissonance b. self-perception theory c. social judgment theory d. balance theory

c. social judgment theory

1. A(n) ________ is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues. a. principle b. belief c. personality trait d. attitude

d. attitude

37. Henry would like to have Phil for a roommate. They seem to get along fine and have many common interests. However, Phil smokes and Henry does not. The eventual solution to this problem is that Phil agrees to smoke outside the apartment and tries to quit by using nicotine patches. Henry agrees not to complain about the smell on Phil's clothes and to be supportive of his attempts to quit smoking. This illustration is an example of which of the following? a. theory of cognitive dissonance b. self-perception theory c. social Judgment theory d. balance theory

d. balance theory

38. Sometimes consumers are just not sure about a purchase and need a "nudge" to move forward and complete a transaction. Marketers often use a celebrity pitch-person to provide the needed "nudge." By using this technique, marketers are hoping that the star's popularity will transfer to the product. Which of the following theories is most closely associated with the above illustration? a. theory of cognitive dissonance b. self-perception theory c. social Judgment theory d. balance theory

d. balance theory

7. According to the basic ABC model of attitude components, the component that refers to the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object is called ________. a. affect b. behavior c. affinity d. cognition

d. cognition

33. A company that sells a hemorrhoid medicine looked at a study which identified what types of TV ads were the most irritating to customers. High on the list were ads for hemorrhoid suffers. Which of the following would be the best approach for the company to take with respect to the design of their ads? a. emphasize packaging b. emphasize a graphic demonstration of the physical discomforts, creating a need for their product c. emphasize how not using the product could result in problems for the afflicted person in his or her social life d. emphasize how their product would allow a customer to keep active and continue their daily activities

d. emphasize how their product would allow a customer to keep active and continue their daily activities

19. All multi-attribute attitude models specify the importance of three elements. Two of those elements are attributes and beliefs. What is the third element? a. action variables b. motivations c. recency of events d. importance weights

d. importance weights

32. Roger was really angry when Coca-Cola attempted to switch from its older formula to New Coke. He wrote letters to Coca-Cola, talked to friends, called the local bottler, attempted to hoard "old Coke," and complained to the local grocery store manager. In this example, which of the following kinds of attitude involvement (based on degree of commitment) would be most closely associated with Roger and his attitudes? a. compliance b. identification c. information acquisition d. internalization

d. internalization

12. Research has shown that at least three emotional dimensions have been identified in commercials. Two of these emotional dimensions are pleasure and arousal. What is the third emotional dimension? a. pain b. pride c. social connection d. intimidation

d. intimidation

16. Which theory of attitudes assumes that people use observations of their own behavior to determine what their attitudes are? a. the theory of cognitive dissonance b. the theory of affective disjunction c. social judgment theory d. self-perception theory

d. self-perception theory

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