MKTG 3320 - Consumer Behavior - Exam 2 Practice Questions

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A reference group is a set of people _____.

A set of people with whom individuals compare themselves for guidance in developing their own attitudes, knowledge and/or behaviors.

Which of the following constitutes popular culture?

A teen using Twitter or Facebook to inform her friends about an upcoming concert.

Religion affects consumer culture because religious beliefs, even for the non-devout, can affect daily life. Which of the following can be influenced by religious subculture? a. Weekend days b. Material acquisitions c. Food and beverage consumption d. Budget allocations e. Clothing choices f. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following provides learning experiences that affect the type of lifestyle people seek and the products they consume? a. culture b. family c. friends d. mass media e. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is (are) an example(s) of choice architecture? a. Designing the order of choices presented. b. Designing the manner in which product attributes are described. c. Designing the presence or absence of a default option. d. All of the responses are examples of choice architecture.

All of the responses are examples of choice architecture.

Which of the following families consists of three or more generations of family members?

An extended family

Neer, a second-generation Asian immigrant, has had a close-knit upbringing. He is not as orthodox as his family and has adopted the American culture to some extent. He often has to deal with situations where he has to form preferences based on his Asian culture or American culture. Which of the following terms best describes Neer in this situation?


Neer, a second-generation Asian immigrant, has had a close-knit upbringing. He is not as orthodox as his family and has adopted the American culture to some extent. He often has to deal with situations where he has to form preferences based on his Asian culture or American culture. Which of the following terms best describes Neer's situation?


Which of the following types of social power is based on a group's power to sanction group members for breaking rules or failing to follow expectations?

Coercive power

Eve is a brand of jeans named after a style journal for women. The brand conducted a survey recently and found out that men avoided buying Eve jeans as they associated the brand exclusively with women. Which of the following is illustrated through this scenario?

Cognitive structuring

Which of the following refers to the extent to which an individual's life is intertwined with a large cohesive group?


Which of the following occurs when an individual yields to the attitudes and behaviors of other consumers?


Which of the following represents the commonly held societal beliefs that define what is socially gratifying within a specific society?

Consumer culture

_____ represents the commonly held societal beliefs that define what is socially gratifying within a specific society.

Consumer culture

Which of the following statements is true of ethnic microculture in the United States?

Consumption of products is affected by heritage.

Greg is part of a fraternity whose members wear only Polo shirts to college. Greg and his friends have chosen to join it as they wanted to define themselves from other students on campus, and wearing a certain brand of clothing helps them achieve that. Which of the following phenomena best describes the students' decision to join a fraternity to define themselves?


Which of the following represents the way a person learns his or her native culture?


Which of the following statements is true of micro cultures?

Even a small group is substantially significant in terms of the potential influence on consumer behavior.

Janice wants to throw a big party to celebrate her 21st birthday. As her sister Melanie is a professional event planner, she asks Melanie to do all the arrangements for the party. Which of the following types of social power does Janice's sister exercise over her?

Expert power

Businesses dealing with planned retirement communities have become profitable as the baby boomer population becomes older. Identify the trend affecting consumer behavior in this scenario.

Increasing life expectancy and the aging consumer

Harold is the president of a local tennis club. The club's rules dictate that the club members devote a required number of hours per day to practice. The club members also have to follow a strict uniform code. Any form of nonconformity with the rules would lead to the suspension of membership. Which of the following types of social power does Harold, as the president of the club, exercise over the members of the club?

Legitimate power

Which of the following CSV dimensions captures distinctions existing in societies based on mannerisms typically associated with Western male traits over traditional feminine traits?


_____ word-of-mouth occurs naturally when consumers truly enjoy a product or service and they want to share their experiences with others.


Which of the following is a BRIC country?


Which of the following is used to compare average scores for consumer attitudes from one culture to the next?

Scalar equivalence

A word, image, or object that stands for cultural beliefs or sentiments is a _____.


Which of the following is NOT an example of reference group influence? a. The higher consumers' need to conform, the more likely it is that reference groups will influence them. b. Salespeople can serve as referents with similar needs as consumers. c. The lower the level of product conspicuousness, the more likely it is that reference groups will influence consumer behavior. d. The higher the credibility of a group, the more the group influences consumers. e. Opinion leaders serve as sources of informational influence on consumers.

The lower the level of product conspicuousness, the more likely it is that reference groups will influence consumer behavior.

_____ refers to customs and accepted ways of structuring society.


_____ equivalence exists when two phrases share the same precise meaning in two different cultures.


Which of the following reference group influences is related to referent power?

Value-expressive influence

A culture that feels loyalties and obligations to an in-group such as one's extended family, community, or even the organization one works for is a. an individualistic culture. b. an in-group. c. a collectivist culture. d. an out-group.

a collectivist culture.

Clark is 9 years old and wants to be a professional football player when he grows up. he tries to emulate the behavior of National Football League (NFL) stars and pays attention to advertisements that use NFL players as spokespersons. in this example, NFL players are a/an _____ to Clark. a. a reference group b. a lifestyle emulator c. a motivational icon d. a subculture e. really, really cool

a reference group

John, an American, works for a U.S. law firm that transferred him to their office in Brazil for three years. During his stay there, John also learnt the Brazilian culture. This is an example of _____.


John, an American, works for a U.S. law firm that transferred him to their office in Brazil for three years. During his stay there, John incorporated the Brazilian culture in his lifestyle. This is an example of _____.


The process by which consumers come to learn a culture other than their natural, native culture is called _____.


The social class into which a consumer works his/her way into is referred to as his/her _____ status.


Everyone thinks that Rachel is a lucky girl as she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She is the heir-apparent to one of the largest conglomerates in the world. This description of Rachel corresponds best with her _____ status.


The social class into which a consumer is born into is referred to as his/her _____ status.


Families consisting of previously married spouses and their children are known as _____.

blended families

Patrick graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in business administration. He decides to stay with his parents in order to save money and pay off his student loan. In the given scenario, Patrick is an example of a _____.

boomerang kid

Young adults, aged 18 to 34, who graduate from college and move back home with their parents are referred to as _____.

boomerang kids

Derrick, an active member of Animal Lovers Club, is against the killing of animals for food. He does not want to be part of either a meat-lovers' club or any group with a history of cruelty toward animals. In the given scenario, meat-lovers' clubs are an example of a(n) _____.

dissociative group

Pi Sigma Epsilon (PSE) is a professional marketing fraternity that has an official initiation ceremony for all its new members. The national association has a Chapter Efficiency Index outlining the activities that the chapter members are expected to do. PSE is an example of a(n) _____ group.


Most young consumers who were born between 1995 and 2010 belong to _____.

generation Z

Consumers born between 1965 and 1980, long thought to be a group that was marked by alienation and cynicism, belong to the _____.

generation x

Americans who were born before 1928, and whose lives and values were shaped very much by World War II and post-war experiences, belong to the _____.

greatest generation

In sociology, a marriage that is comprised of people from similar classes is referred to as _____.


When Charles married Candace, everyone agreed that it was a match made in heaven. They were both doctors who grew up in the countryside with strong traditional values. Such marriages between people belonging to identical social classes are known as _____.


In the core societal values (CSV) dimension, the extent to which people expect each other to take responsibility for themselves and their immediate family is referred to as _____.


The American society places a high value on being independent as well as attaining personal milestones. According to the CSV dimension, the American society is most likely to be high in _____.


Jen makes handmade soaps and sells them at farmers' markets every Sunday. She wants her business to grow, so her husband decides to help her. They start a website to showcase the soaps. Jen's husband also praises her products using a fake identity on various online forums. In the given scenario, Jen's husband is using the tactic of _____.


Ruth has taken up the responsibility of maintaining her joint family's expenses. She keeps track of the entire family's needs and discusses with the other family members about the purchases to be made. Ruth plays the role of a(n) _____ in her household purchase process.


Ruth keeps account of her family's expenses. She keeps track of the entire family's needs and discusses with other family members about what products need to be bought. She realizes that the family requires a bigger refrigerator and discusses this with her parents. She collects information about refrigerators from various brands so that her parents can make an informed decision. In the given scenario, Ruth plays the role of the _____ in the household purchase process.


The person in the household who recognizes a need and provides information about a potential purchase to others is known as a(n) _____.


The person in the household who recognizes a need and provides information about a potential purchase to others is known as the _____.


Kelly goes for a walk every morning in the park near her apartment. She is acquainted with the other people who also walk in the park at the same time. She greets them whenever they meet and sometimes goes for an impromptu breakfast with them. This group is an example of a(n) _____ group.


The process of learning by imitating others' behavior is known as _____.


A rule that specifies the appropriate behavior in a given situation within a specific culture is referred to as cultural _____.


Daniel's workplace has no structured hierarchy, and all employees are treated equally regardless of their designations or roles in the organization. According to the CSV dimension, this is an example of an organization low in _____.

power distance

Mark is preparing Thanksgiving dinner. He is worried that his parents will be disappointed that he is serving store-bought pumpkin pies rather than making his own pies from scratch. In terms of social influences on his behavior, mark is most concerned with a _____. a. primary reference group b. subculture influence c. secondary reference group d. family life cycle

primary reference group

In early childhood, family members are generally responsible for the process of _____. a. primary socialization. b. secondary socialization. c. subculture socialization. d. adult socialization.

primary socialization

Gayard Ballet, a ballet group, has both experienced and inexperienced dancers. New members often emulate the attitudes and behaviors of the experienced members as they consider them their role models. This strengthens the bond between the group members. The given scenario illustrates _____.

referent power

Southerners are distinguished from others by their hospitality as well as their love for tradition. This is an example of difference based on _____ microcultures.


Timothy is planning to attend a concert of his favorite rock band with his friends. However, he is not comfortable wearing jeans and heavy boots to the show like his friends had planned, instead he prefers putting on a loose t-shirt and boxer shorts. In this scenario, Timothy is most likely experiencing _____.

role conflict

In some tribal cultures, commercial exploitation of nature is a serious offence that sometimes calls for expulsion from the community. Such measures aimed at making people conform to rules are known as cultural _____.


Stan is a member of the Association for Consumer Research, but when he attends the conferences, he doesn't identify with the group. Even though his research is received favorably, he often feels detached and perceives himself as different from the other members. Stan can best be described as having a(n) _____ self-schema with respect to this group.


Rodeo, a popular animal-riding sport in Texas, draws huge crowds every time it is organized. However, there are others among them who view the sport as encouraging animal cruelty and hence they stage protests to ban this sport. These people come together and form groups to further the cause of safeguarding animals. Such groups are an example of a(n) _____.


A consumer who is hired by another to provide input into a purchase decision is known as a(n) _____.

surrogate consumer

Harriet just moved into a new neighborhood. She buys a new car and adopts a sense of fashion that will make her "fit in" with the rest in the neighborhood. The individual difference variable that Harriet is most likely to score high is _____.

susceptibility to interpersonal influence

The degree to which an individual behaves in a manner corresponding to a particular subculture depends on _____. A. the extent to which the individual identifies with that subculture B. how long the individual has been in this country C. the age of the individual D. the education of the individual E. the extent to which others in that subculture accept that individual

the extent to which the individual identifies with that subculture

A culture high in _____ is uncomfortable with things that are ambiguous or unknown.

uncertainty avoidance

Families with a traditional sex role orientation believe in a democratic approach to making purchase decisions.


_____ occurs naturally when consumers truly enjoy a product or service and they want to share their experiences with others.

Organic word-of-mouth

Which of the following is a geodemographic tool that assists consumer behavior analysis?


Carla is a 75-year-old woman. Her life's choices have been influenced by her experiences of the Great Depression as well as World War II. She spends sparingly and buys only what is of practical use to her. Which of the following generational microcultures is Carla most likely to belong?

Silent generation

Age Care, a not-for-profit organization that focuses on caring for the elderly, encourages its members to do as much as possible for the welfare of old people. At the end of each year, one individual is voted as the "Age Care Member of the Year," who also receives a free holiday package for two. Which of the following types of group influence most likely motivates members of Age Care to do good deeds?

Utilitarian influence

Cuidado, a nonprofit organization that focuses on caring for the elderly, encourages its members to do as much as possible for the welfare of old people. At the end of each year, one individual is voted as the "Care Member of the Year." The member also receives a free holiday package for two. Which of the following types of group influence most likely motivates the members of Cuidado to care for the elderly?

Utilitarian influence

Andy has always wanted to be a part of the college football team for as long as he can remember. He attends all the trials and works hard to maintain his athletic fitness. Being a part of the team appeals to Andy's ________ self.


Aspirational group membership often appeals to a consumer's _____.

ideal self

Standards or rules about what is acceptable behavior are referred to by social scientist as _____.


Highly individualistic societies differ from highly collectivist societies in that highly individualistic societies:

Place high value on self-reliance.

The Seminal Ballet Dancers is a group of experienced as well as aspiring dancers. New members often subconsciously mirror the attitudes and behaviors of other members as they look up to them as role models. This strengthens the bond between the group members. Which of the following is being illustrated in this scenario?

Referent power

Which of the following is an example of observational learning?

Teaching yourself yoga by watching a yoga group in the park.

Many Muslim women are seen wearing burkas in public. Other people can recognize these women as followers of the Islamic religion from their attire. This clothing is an example of _____.


When a consumer is marked in some way that indicates their place in society, it is referred to as _____.


The division of society into classes that have unequal access to scarce and valuable resources is known as social _____.


Members of The Harley Owners Group come together for members-only rides and other events. This is an example of a(n) _____ community.


_____ involves learning through observation and the active processing of information about lived, everyday experience.


Jayla's Houston-based law firm transferred her to the company's office in Beijing, China, for three years. During that time, she came to learn the Chinese culture. What is the process by which individuals come to learn a culture other than their native culture?


Which of the following is FALSE about the definition of culture? a. Commonly held societal beliefs. b. The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. c. A set of values, ideas, artifacts, and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate, interpret, and evaluate as members of society. d. Blueprint of human activity, determining coordinates of social action and productive activity. e. All of the above are correct.

All of the above are correct.

Which of the following are examples of material elements of culture? a. politics b. books c. buildings d. music CDs e. All of the responses are material elements of culture.

All of the responses are material elements of culture.

Culture refers to _____. a. Commonly held societal beliefs. b. The sum total of ways of living built up by a group of human beings and transmitted from one generation to another. c. A set of values, ideas, artifacts, and other meaningful symbols that help individuals communicate, interpret, and evaluate as members of society. d. Blueprint of human activity, determining coordinates of social action and productive activity. e. All of these refer to culture.

All of these refer to culture.

_____ word-of-mouth (WOM) occurs when marketers attempt to accelerate WOM in existing customer circles, or when they develop entirely new WOM forums.


Which of the following ethnic groups is highly educated and highly affluent compared to the other minority groups?

Asian Americans

Which of the following terms is used to describe immigrants as they face decisions and form preferences based on their old or new cultures?


Which of the following is an example of dissociative reference group influence? a. Caleb tries to avoid hanging out with the kids at school who drink alcohol. b. Jessie wants to win on the TV game show "Britain's Got Talent" one day. c. Being a professional chef is a primary life goal for Chris. d. Andres dreams of being a pro soccer player in the future. e. All of the responses are examples of dissociative reference group influence.

Caleb tries to avoid hanging out with the kids at school who drink alcohol.

Which of the following represents how disparate one nation is from another in terms of their CSVs?

Cultural distance

_____ represent a commonly agreed upon consensus about the most preferable ways of living within a society.

Cultural values

_____ represent the commonly agreed-upon consensus about the most preferable ways of living within a society.

Cultural values

Samantha's job at an international building supply company is to learn as much as possible about the knowledge, beliefs, laws, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by people in a given country and which her company intends to expand. Her job, then, is to understand each country's _____.


Robert Kohls, an expert on international students states that personal control over the environment and personal responsibility are defining characteristics of American values. He states, "Everyone should have control over whatever in the environment might potentially affect him or her." Which aspect of cultural best explains how this value of personal control becomes embedded in American culture? a. Culture is a simple concept. b. Culture is something one is born with. c. Culture is unique to each individual in a society. d. Culture is acquired, that is, it is learned e. All of the responses are aspects of culture that explain how the value of personal control becomes embedded in American culture.

Culture is acquired, that is, it is learned

Many young, working couples choose to have just one kid or none at all. These couples hardly have any responsibilities like saving up for children's education or securing children's future. This leaves them with more than enough money to spend on luxury goods. Most of them enjoy high spending power and splurge on a lot of luxurious goods. In this scenario, which of the following is a trend that is most likely to influence the consumer behavior?

Declining birthrates

Many young, working couples choose to have just one kid or none at all. These couples hardly have any responsibilities like saving up for children's education or securing children's future. This leaves them with more than enough money to spend on luxury goods. Most of them enjoy high spending power and splurge on a lot of luxurious goods. Which of the following trends is reflected in this scenario?

Declining birthrates

Which of the following types of analysis develops a profile of a consumer group based on relatively tangible human characteristics such as age, ethnicity, sex, occupation, income, region, religion, and gender?

Demographic analysis

Greg, a high school student, is a part of a fraternity whose members have taken to smoking and drinking. Greg decided to join the group to distinguish himself from the rest of the people of his age. Which of the following phenomena best describes Greg's decision to join a fraternity to define himself?


The American Heart Association (AHA) is an organization that promotes cardiac care. It organizes various awareness programs for the public, where reputed cardiologists and cardiac surgeons provide information on how to prevent cardiac ailments. Which of the following does AHA have in the domain of cardiac care?

Expert power

Who controls information flow into the household in the household purchase process?


Which of the following generational microcultures is also referred to as the "latchkey" kids?

Generation x

Louis was born in 1920 and spent four years in the Navy during World War II. He doesn't understand his grandchildren's spending habits because he was always thrifty. Which of the following generational microcultures is Louis most likely to belong?

Greatest generation

Which of the following is the largest ethnic group in the United States?


Which of the following statements is true about the ethnic microculture in the United States?

Hispanics in the U.S. place a high value on social intimacy.

Businesses dealing with planned retirement communities have become profitable as the Baby Boomer population becomes older. Identify the trend affecting consumer behavior in this scenario.

Increasing life expectancy and the aging consumer.

Sarah is a member of a book club. The members meet every Saturday for book reading sessions. All the members except Sarah, drink Coke as they read. During one such session, Sarah was offered a bottle of Coke by a member. Instead of refusing, she gladly accepted it and enjoyed the drink. Which type of reference group influence is most likely to account for Sarah's consumption of coke?

Informational influence

Sarah is a member of a book club. The members of the club meet every Saturday for book reading sessions. All the members, except Sarah, drink coffee while they read. During one such session, Sarah is offered a cup of coffee by a member. Instead of refusing it, she accepts the coffee and enjoys it. Which of the following is most likely responsible for Sarah's change in behavior?

Informational influence

Fred has an analog television without cable or satellite. He will not switch to a digital TV until the old one breaks down. Which of the following adopter categories best describes Fred?


Which of the following CSV dimension reflects values consistent with Confucian philosophy and a prioritization of future rewards over short-term benefits?

Long-term orientation

Which of the following statements is FALSE about material elements of culture? a. Material elements of culture provide symbols of meaning. b. Material elements of culture may be used in ritual behavior such as food on certain holidays. c. Material elements of culture may become icons such as McDonald's arches. d. Material elements of culture include values, attitudes, religion, and politics. e. All of the responses are TRUE about material elements of culture.

Material elements of culture include values, attitudes, religion, and politics.

Which of the following is true about gender differences in making consumer decisions?

Men tend to be more heuristic/intuitive in their processing.

Which of the following generational microcultures is also referred to as Generation Y?


Randy and Cindy, a married couple who are professionals in the same field, were planning to attend a conference together. However, when their two-year-old daughter fell ill, Randy stayed home to take care of her, while Cindy attended the conference. When Cindy told fellow attendees why her husband could not make it for the conference, they were surprised that she was not the one who stayed back at home as she was the mother. Which of the following is Cindy most likely to have experienced due to the conflicting expectations between being a mother and being a professional?

Role conflict

Which of the following statements is true about the social class microculture in the U.S.?

Social class tends to be a better predictor of purchases that involve symbolic products.

Seth is a little boy who is learning his culture from observations in his everyday experiences. He acts the way he sees his parents, siblings, and friends at school act. What is this process of learning through observation and the active processing of information about lived, everyday experience is called?


Prisoners are often seen in public picking up trash along interstate highways. Other people can recognize these prisoners because of the green and white striped clothing they wear. This clothing is an example of _____ because it indicates that they are incarcerated individuals who have performed some illegal act in society.


Which of the following is true about the microcultures around the world?

Street microcultures like sports and fashion exist around the world.

One of the core values that differentiates Hispanic teens is Familismo, or a strong family orientation. Brand managers at Tommy Hilfiger, a famous brand of clothing, are increasing their efforts to reach the Hispanic teen market. Which of the following themes would have the greatest impact on this market? A) Stress how this brand of clothing will make them appear "hip and cool." B) Stress how this expensive brand will communicate to others that they are "Americanized." C) Stress family values. D) Stress the quality of the brand. E) Stress how American teens will follow their sense of style.

Stress family values

Which of the following individual difference variable assesses the individual's need to enhance his or her image in terms of others by acquiring and using products, conforming to the expectations of others, and learning about products by observing others?

Susceptibility to interpersonal influence

Which of the following is true about uncertainty avoidance?

The price-quality relationship is not as strong among cultures with high uncertainty avoidance.

Which of the following generation consists of consumers who must take care of both their own children and their aging parents?

The sandwich generation.

Carla is a 75-year-old woman. Her life's choices have been influenced by her experiences of the Great Depression as well as World War II. She spends sparingly and buys only what is of practical use to her. To which of the following generational microcultures is Carla most likely to belong?

The silent generation

Which of the following is true of the Millennials?

They are referred to as the first "always connected" generation.

Which of the following statements is true about Generation Z?

They tend to embody the "kids growing older, younger" concept.

Why is it a good idea for Sam Houston State University to focus on the personal attention students receive -- as one part of the university marketing efforts? a. This focus highlights the difference between consumers actual state and desired state. b. This focus helps consumers search for information on SH5U and other universities that have the competitive advantage of personal attention. c. This focus encourages consumers to use personal attention as an evaluation criterion and SHSU compares very favorably to other universities on this criterion. d. This focus helps consumers at the point of decision for SHSU. e. This focus helps consumers to reduce cognitive dissonance about SHSU.

This focus encourages consumers to use personal attention as an evaluation criterion and SHSU compares very favorably to other universities on this criterion.

Abigail joined PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) as she strongly believes in the group's cause of helping animals. She even chose to become a vegetarian because of her belief in the group's vision for animal welfare. Which of the following types of group influence does PETA exert on Abigail?


Abigail joins Unite for Animals, a nonprofit organization that works for the welfare and ethical treatment of animals. She joins the organization because she strongly believes in the group's cause of helping animals. She even chooses to become a vegetarian because of her belief in the group's vision for animal welfare. Which of the following types of group influence does Unite for Animals exert on Abigail?

Value-expressive influence

_____ uses online technologies to facilitate word-of-mouth by having consumers spread marketing messages through their online connections.

Viral marketing

Miles, whose mother is a homemaker, was born into a traditional, middle-class family. Miles worked hard as a student and graduated from Harvard Law School. Today, he is considered as one among the elite of Manhattan. This description of Miles corresponds best with his _____ status.


Miles was born into a traditional, middle-class family. Miles worked hard as a student and graduated from Harvard Law School. Today, he is considered one among the elite of Manhattan. In the given scenario, Miles worked his way into the social class called _____.

achieved status

Majority of teenagers in developed nations are seen either browsing the Internet or listening to music on their smartphones or other electronic gadgets. It can be said that teenagers pretty much have the same preferences throughout the developed world. This phenomenon labeled as world teen culture is an example of a(n) _____ microculture.


Teenagers around the world are more similar to each other than to people from other generations in the same culture. This is an example of a(n) _____ microculture.


Majority of teenagers in developed nations are seen either browsing the Internet or listening to music on their smartphones or other electronic gadgets. It can be said that teenagers throughout the developed world generally have the same preferences. This phenomenon labeled as world teen culture is an example of a(n) _____.

age-based microculture

Mom & Baby Inc., a firm specializing in mother and childcare products, gives free samples of their latest products to new mothers. They also encourage mothers to provide feedback on their product samples on a company blog created for this purpose. The company's goal is to stimulate positive word-of-mouth communications about their products. This is an example of _____.

amplified word-of-mouth

New Beginnings, a firm specializing in mother and childcare products, gives free samples of its latest products to new mothers. It also encourages mothers to share their feedback on the samples on a company blog created for this purpose. The company's goal is to stimulate positive word-of-mouth about its products. The given scenario is an example of _____.

amplified word-of-mouth

Everyone thinks that Rachel is a lucky girl as she was born into a very rich family. She is the heir to one of the largest conglomerates in the world. The social class to which Rachel belongs is her _____.

ascribed status

Richard, a tennis player, has dreams of winning all four Grand Slam titles so that he can be a member of the exclusive club of players with a Career Grand Slam. This is an example of a(n) _____ group.


Richard is a famous tennis player. He dreams of winning all four major worldwide tennis tournaments so that he can be one of the few players who have achieved this record. This group of record holders is an example of a(n) _____.

aspirational group

Consumers who score high on the _________ variable are concerned about how other people react to their behavior.

attention to social comparison information

Jane does not believe in spending on high-end brands. However, when she is out shopping with her colleagues who regularly splurge on luxury brands, she ends up buying expensive brands to impress them. Jane is most likely to score high on the _____ variable.

attention to social comparison information

Jane does not believe in spending on high-end fashion brands. However, when she is out shopping with her colleagues who regularly splurge on luxury brands, she ends up buying expensive apparels to impress them. Jane is most likely to score high on the _____ variable.

attention to social comparison information

Americans born between 1946 and 1964, during a time in the United States that was marked by optimism and relative economic security, belong to the _____.

baby boomers

Carl turned 55-years old in 2012. He retired early from his job as he had enough savings for a good life. Carl belongs to the _____ group.

baby boomers

Barrum Owners is a group that consists of people who own Barrum motorbikes. The members of the group meet every month for members-only rides and other events. The group also has online forums where the members hold discussions. Given the information, Barrum Owners is an example of a(n) _____.

brand community

Marve is a socialite who is known for her expertise on handbags. Some upcoming designers use Marve's expertise on handbags to promote their new handbag collection in her social circle. They give her handbags to carry to parties and other social events. Marve also uses social networking sites to write about the bags. She thus creates excitement about them among her friends. The given scenario exemplifies _____.

buzz marketing

A culturally defined group to which a consumer belongs based on resources like prestige, income, occupation, and education is known as a social _____.


Traffic Followers, a group promoting road safety, has a strict code of sanctioning members found flouting traffic rules. In some cases, nonconformity can result in expulsion from the group. This is an example of a group exercising _____ power over its members.


Most men hate shopping for clothes and use product price as an indicator for quality. Many believe expensive products as a guarantee for good quality. In making a buying decision based on price-quality heuristic, a consumer makes use of _____.

cognitive structuring

Most men hate shopping for clothes and use product price as an indicator for quality. Many believe expensive products as a guarantee for good quality. In making a buying decision based on price-quality heuristic, the consumer is making use of _____.

cognitive structuring

A group of people who have lived the same major experiences in their life with the experiences shaping their core values is referred to as a(n) _____.


A group of students from different parts of the country started elementary school together. They graduated high school at a time when higher education costs made it very difficult for parents to finance college education. Most of them took loans to complete college. This experience made them financially responsible and they started saving up early in life. This collective group of individuals can best be described as belonging to the same _____.


A group of students from different parts of the country started elementary school together. They graduated high school at a time when higher education costs made it very difficult for parents to finance college education. Most of them took loans to complete college. This experience made them financially responsible, and they started saving up early in life. This collective group of individuals can best be described as belonging to the same _____.


Kamal lives with his extended family consisting of his grandparents and parents. In his country, people value faithfulness to one's family to the extent that a person's identity is closely associated to the family's identity. According to the CSV dimension, Kamal's culture is most likely to be high in _____.


Barbara is an active member of her church. She is the choir director and the head of youth activities. Barbara can best be associated with the _____ self-schema.


Barbara is an active member of her church. She is the choir director and the youth program director. Barbara loves both roles and relates with almost all the other members. She is also the spokesperson of the church's social welfare group. The given scenario illustrates _____.

connected self-schema

Ascribed status differs from achieved status in that ascribed status refers to _____.

consumers born into social class

Theo is looking for nations which are similar to his, in terms of core societal values. He uses the squared differences method to compute statistical variation. Theo is using the _____ approach.

cultural distance

The term _____ refers to a rule that specifies the appropriate behavior in a given situation within a specific culture.

cultural norm

Hannah lives in place where rice is the staple diet of the people and eating wheat or potatoes is associated with poverty and inferior status. This association that favors the consumption of rice to wheat or potatoes is an example of consumer _____.


Sharonna recently moved from Germany to Canada in order to study for her undergraduate degree. She is experiencing some disorientation in adjusting. This disorientation she feels is called _____.

culture shock

Consumers from high-uncertainty-avoidance cultures tend to _____.

demand greater amount of product information than in other cultures

Wen, a consumer researcher, is conducting a research on the buying behavior of the Hispanics. As part of her study, she calculates a consumer's buying power by relating it to the consumer's income. The consumer attributes that Wen employs in her research can best be described as _____.


Almost every language is spoken slightly differently from place to place. These variations in how languages are spoken are referred to as _____.


The diffusion of jeans is a good example of A) adoption of unique folk culture. B) diffusion of popular culture. C) impact of high income on clothing habits. D) opposition to globalization. E) synthetic textiles replacing natural fibers.

diffusion of popular culture.

Derrick is an active member of Humane Farm Animal Care and abhors killing of animals for food. He does not want to be part of meat-lovers clubs and does not want to be associated with any group that has a history of cruelty toward animals. In this case, meat-lovers clubs are examples of _____ groups.


A group to which a consumer does not want to belong is called a _____.

dissociative group

Theo is looking at how distinct one nation is from another in terms of their cultural values. In doing so, he learns that the United States is very similar to Australia and the United Kingdom. The approach Theo is using to know the distinctness of countries according to their cultural values is based on the concept of cultural _____.


The phenomenon in which consumers often choose membership in microcultures in an effort to stand out or define themselves from the crowd is called _____.


Jonah lives in a place where summers are unheard of and temperatures hardly rise above sub-zero. As a result, people living in that region rarely take daily showers, unlike people living in tropical regions. This difference in the frequency of showers between cultures can be attributed to the difference in _____ factors.


The physical characteristics that describe the physical environment and habitat of a particular place are known as _____ factors.


The physical characteristics that describe the physical environment and habitat of a particular place are known as _____.

ecological factors

Most people grow up imbibing the culture they are born into. They generally do not contemplate about why they have a preference for certain foods. This is mainly because everyone else in the family or in their culture seems to share the same preference. The process by which people imbibe the ways of the culture they are born into is referred to as _____.


Wei's parents are first-generation Chinese immigrants to the United States. Unlike Wei, her parents never learned English and always preferred products made in China to the ones made in their adopted country. Wei attributes this to the sense of attachment and loyalty they have for their native country. Wei's parents are most likely to have strong _____.

ethnic identification

A belief among consumers that their ethnic group is superior to others and that the products that come from their native land are superior to other products is called consumer _____.


The French believe that their wine is superior to wine produced elsewhere in the world. This is an example of consumer _____.


Maria is educating her children on culture-appropriate manners of addressing adults as "sir" or "ma'am." These accepted ways of addressing people represents _____.


Felicity is a 15-year-old girl. She lives in a big house with her parents and her two younger siblings. Her aunt, her paternal grandparents, and her great-grandmother also live with her family. Family chores are divided among the members of the family so that everybody can contribute to the household. The given scenario exemplifies a(n) _____.

extended family

Carbund is a professional medical fraternity. Individuals have to meet certain criteria to become a member of the group. The national association outlines the activities that the members are expected to perform. Given the information, Carbund is an example of a(n) _____.

formal group

Richard was born in 1976. His parents divorced when he was five years old. Since then he has been a cynicist, but now he is a strong believer of traditional family values. The generational microculture Richard belongs to is _____.

generation x

The idea that a marketing strategy may be global but the implementation of that strategy at the marketing tactics level should be local is referred to as _____.


Thirst, a beverage manufacturer, markets its products using the same strategy worldwide. However, changes are made when implementing the strategy to reflect an essence of the local culture, such as the ethnicity of the people in their ads and the music used in jingles. This is an example of _____.


Jane had very few friends in school until she joined Techno-buzz, a group for technology enthusiasts. She felt a sense of belongingness with the group and met other members with whom she shared many common interests. This is an example of belonging to a _____.


Stacy had signed up her daughters for Brownie Girl Scouts a few months back. Since then, she has noticed a positive attitudinal change in them. They are now much more disciplined and responsible. According to Stacy, this change has been brought about by the Girl Scouts group. The change in Stacy's daughters can be attributed to ________.

group influence

Stacy had signed up her daughters for Brownie Girl Scouts few months back. Since then, she had noticed a positive attitudinal change in them. They are now much more disciplined and responsible. According to Stacy, this change has been brought about by the Girl Scouts group. The change in Stacy's daughters can be attributed to _____.

group influence

The ways in which a cluster of members have an impact on the attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of others within that cluster is known as _____.

group influence

_____ refers to ways in which a cluster of members have an impact on the attitudes, opinions, and behaviors of others within that cluster.

group influence

Mitch is a sales representative for Caterpillar, the world's largest manufacturer of heavy equipment. Caterpillar decides to send Mitch to China to help with the sales operation in its newly established unit in Beijing. Mitch undergoes extensive training to understand the way business is conducted in China. During his training, Mitch learns about a practice called _____ according to which people in China expect a salesperson to devote his resources in developing an acquaintance with the customer before they even discuss business.


Mental and cognitive structures through which individuals perceive the world based largely on their standing in a social class is referred to as _____.


When Charles married Candace, everyone agreed that it was a match made in heaven. They were both doctors with strong traditional values, and both grew up in the countryside. Charles and Candace's marriage best illustrates an instance of _____.


Andy has always wanted to be a part of the college football team for as long as he can remember. He attends all the trials and works hard to maintain his athletic fitness. Being a part of the team appeals to Andy's _____ self.


Andy aspires to play for his college football team. He attends the team's trials and works hard to maintain his fitness and stamina. In this case, being a part of the team appeals to Andy's _____.

ideal self

The degree to which consumers feel a sense of belonging to the culture of their ethnic origins is known as ethnic _____.


Many aspiring artists identify themselves with various bohemian groups which are seen as unconventional and liberating. Such groups are an example of a(n) _____.


Rodeo, a popular animal-riding sport in Texas, draws huge crowds every time it is organized. However, there are certain groups who believe that the sport encourages animal cruelty and hence, they stage protests to ban this sport. These people come together and form groups to further the cause of safeguarding animals. Such groups are an example of a(n) _____.


Stana is a 24-year-old working woman. She is very technologically savvy and believes in staying connected with her friends online, at all times. She loves visiting coffee shops that provide WiFi accessibility. She does not own a car as she prefers to walk than drive. She owns a small apartment in an urban area. Stana belongs to the _____ group.


Every morning, Kelly goes for a walk in a park near her apartment. She is acquainted with some of the regular walkers in the park. She greets them whenever they meet and sometimes goes for breakfast with them to a nearby diner. This group is an example of a(n) _____.

informal group

Looks of disgust directed at someone who has spit on the sidewalk would be an example of _____ social control, while being arrested for spitting on the sidewalk would be an example of _____ social control.

informal; formal

In China, business deals focus on building lasting and enduring relationships between the parties involved. This illustrates that China is a country high in _____.

long-term orientation

In Jack's home country, business negotiations focus primarily on immediate profits and quick temporary solutions. According to the CSV dimension, this is an example of a culture low in _____.

long-term orientation

Wei lives in Beijing where most consumers value thriftiness and perseverance, and relationships are gradually established with the intention of making them last for a lifetime. This is an example of a culture high in _____.

long-term orientation

Consumers who spread information about all types of products and services that are available in the marketplace are called _____.

market mavens

Men tend to share some feminine traits in a culture with low _____.


Abigail tells two of her friends, Bianca and Cherinna, "You look tired." Although both friends understand the words, Bianca takes the statement as a comforting message and Cherinna believes she has been criticized. These two women have heard the same words, but they attach different _____ to these words. a. symbols b. settings c. goals d. meanings


The state in which consumers are shown to use numbers to represent quantities the same way across cultures is called _____ equivalence.


A group of people who share similar values and tastes that are subsumed within a larger culture is defined as a _____.


Alex was invited to a formal dinner by his manager. As he had never been a part of a formal six-course meal, he was not sure about the use of the different cutleries for each course. He watched the other diners seated beside him and followed their use of knives and forks. He learned that the really small fork was for the shrimp cocktail, and that the bread plate on the left as well as the glass of water on the right were for him. This kind of learning is an example of _____.


In the United States, people attend funerals in black-colored clothes while in Japan, people wear white-colored clothes. This expectation of dressing in appropriate color of clothes according to the situation is an example of cultural _____.


Consumers who have great influence on other consumers' behaviors relating to product adoption and purchase are known as _____.

opinion leaders

Beth had been searching for the right foundation for her skin type. She had tried a few brands before, however, none of them suited her sensitive skin. When Beth finally found what she was looking for, she made it a point to tell all her close friends about how good the product was for her skin. This is an example of _____ word-of-mouth.


Beth has been searching for the right sunscreen lotion for her skin type. She tries a few brands, but none of them suit her sensitive skin. When Beth finally finds the right sunscreen, she makes it a point to tell all her close friends about how good the product is. The given scenario is an example of _____.

organic word-of-mouth

The pressure an individual feels to behave in accordance with group expectations is known as _____ pressure.


The stress an individual feels to behave in accordance with group expectations is known as _____.

peer pressure

In Dave's home country, most restaurants and public places have separate seating arrangements to segregate customers based on to their "status and position" in society. According to the CSV dimension, this is an example of a nation high in _____.

power distance

In the CSV dimension, the extent to which people accept as fact the principle of the division of authority and privilege among different groups within the society is referred to as _____.

power distance

When Sylvia completed high school and started applying to various colleges, she kept Michigan State University at the top of her priority list as her parents wanted her to attend college there. This scenario illustrates the influence of a(n) _____ on Sylvia's choice.

primary group

When applying for admission to various colleges, Meg considers Corter State University her first choice. She does this because her parents hold this institution in high regard. The given scenario illustrates the influence of a(n) _____.

primary group

Chicago is famous for its mouth-watering hot dogs where the hot dog is either steamed or simmered in water. This hot dog is unlike any other found in the rest of the country. This is an example of culinary difference arising out of different _____ microcultures.


Chicago is famous for its mouth-watering hot dogs where the hot dog is either steamed or simmered in water. These hot dogs are unlike any other found in the rest of the country. This is an example of a culinary difference arising out of different _____.

regional microcultures

In Venvuzea, the people of its southern parts are distinguished from others by their hospitality as well as their love for tradition. This is an example of difference based on _____.

regional microcultures

The idea that when someone does a good deed for another, he or she is expected to return that good deed is known as _____.


The idea that when someone does a good deed for you, you are expected to return that good deed is known as _____.


The customary greetings people exchange when they meet, which differ from culture to culture are an example of _____.


The customary greetings people exchange when they meet, which differ from culture to culture, are an example of _____.


Every year, The Sprinters' Club, a club for athletes, chooses one athlete among its members and declares him or her the "Outstanding Athlete of the Year." The title is based solely on performance, and all members vie for it. The power of the club to bestow this title on one of its members is an example of _____.

reward power

In the context of social power, for _____ to work, it is necessary that the desirability of the benefit being offered is high.

reward power

In most countries, the Head of State is expected to act with diplomatic strength. This is an example of _____ expectations.


The specific expectations that are associated with each type of person are referred to as _____ expectations.


When a consumer faces a situation involving conflicting expectations based on cultural expectations, he or she is said to be experiencing _____ conflict.


Penalties associated with performing a non-gratifying or culturally inconsistent behavior are known as cultural ______.


Penalties associated with performing a nongratifying or culturally inconsistent behavior are known as cultural ______.


Stan is a member of the Council of Consumer Research, but when he attends conferences, he does not identify with the members of the council. Even though his research is received favorably, he often feels detached and perceives himself as different from the other members. The given scenario illustrates _____.

separated self-schema

The societal expectations for men and women among members of a cultural group are referred to as _____.

sex roles

Traditional advertisements for cookware have always focused on appealing to women consumers. Such advertisements make use of consumer differences arising out of microcultures based on different _____.

sex roles

Most children learn appropriate ways to behave in different situations through parental appreciation for proper behavior and punishment for improper behavior. Such kind of learning is an example of _____.


Most parents teach their children the perceived appropriate ways to behave in different situations through appreciation for proper behavior and punishment for improper behavior. Such kind of learning is an example of _____.


The socialization process by which consumers' behaviors slowly adapt to a culture through a series of rewards and sanctions is known as _____.


The marketing tactic that involves compensating consumers to talk about or promote products without disclosing that they are working for the company is referred to as _____.


Americans born between 1928 and 1945 tend to be frugal and follow largely utilitarian motivations with their purchases. The generational microculture group illustrated here is the _____.

silent generation

Jane is a little girl who is learning culture-appropriate behavior from her observations in daily life. She keenly watches and analyzes the way people around her act. This type of learning is referred to as _____.


World of Warcraft has a rather large number of dedicated players online. These gamers come from different ethnic, demographic, and geographic backgrounds, but they all share the same passion for the game. This microculture of gamers can be referred to as a(n) _____ microculture.


David and Shia are heavily influenced by Japanese anime culture even though they live in Canada. They participate in various activities surrounding the anime culture like seminars, cosplay events, fan clubs, and games. In this scenario, David and Shia most likely are members of a(n) _____.

street microculture

Wizard Battles has a rather large number of dedicated players online. These gamers are from different ethnic, demographic, and geographic backgrounds, but they all share the same passion for the game. This microculture of gamers can be referred to as a(n) _____.

street microculture

The reliance on schema-based heuristics in making decisions is known as cognitive _____.


Harriet recently moved to a posh neighborhood. She buys an expensive car and starts wearing designer clothes so that she fits in with the residents of the neighborhood. The given scenario illustrates the individual difference variable of _____.

susceptibility to interpersonal influence

The individual difference variable of _____ assesses an individual's need to enhance the image others hold of him or her by acquiring and using products, conforming to the expectations of others, and learning about products by observing others.

susceptibility to interpersonal influence

Patrick graduated from college this year, however, he decided to stay with his parents in order to save money and pay off his college debts. Patrick is most likely to be described as being a part of _____.

the boomerang kids generation

In an individualistic culture, members often believe a. people should care for extended family before themselves. b. their primary responsibility is helping themselves. c. age, group security, tradition, and hierarchy are most important. d. in an emphasis on belonging to a very few permanent in-groups.

their primary responsibility is helping themselves.

A researcher conducts a survey in the United States and Brazil. She wants to publish the survey findings in each country's native language. She hires a bilingual Brazilian to translate the findings into English and gets another person to translate it back to the native language. This technique known as back translation is done to ensure that _____ equivalence exists between the publications of the findings in two different languages.


Aaron is proud of the traits associated with his countrymen. They are generally perceived as adventurous with a pronounced inclination toward risk-taking and an aversion for the structured routine life. According to the CSV dimension, this is an example of a culture low in _____.

uncertainty avoidance

Aaron's community is generally perceived as adventurous with a pronounced inclination toward risk-taking and an aversion for the structured routine life. According to the core societal values (CSV) dimension, his community is low in _____.

uncertainty avoidance

According to the CSV dimension, a culture uncomfortable with ambiguous or unknown things is high in _____.

uncertainty avoidance

In the Chinese calendar, 2012 is the year of the Dragon. Chinese consumers are purchasing various consumer products adorned with dragon motifs as they believe that it will bring good luck and prosperity. According to the CSV dimension, cultures in which superstitions and myths are given high value tend to be high in _____.

uncertainty avoidance

Nations that are high in _____ are most likely to be slower to adopt product innovations.

uncertainty avoidance

The study of consumer behaviour is mainly concerned with _____.

understanding how individuals or groups acquire, use, and dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences.

Jeremy is a ten-year-old boy. His parents drop him to school every day. They now feel that he is old enough to go to school by himself and decide to buy him a bicycle. His parents take him to various bicycle stores to choose a bicycle for him. In the context of household purchase roles, Jeremy is the _____.


The _____ of groups refers to the ways in which consumers internalize a group's beliefs or the extent to which consumers join groups to convey their own closely held beliefs.

value-expressive influence

Using online technologies to facilitate word-of-mouth by having consumers spread marketing messages through their online connections is known as _____ marketing.


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