MKTG R - Exam 2

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Suppose that the relationship between sales (Y, in $000) and number of salespeople (X) is represented by the following regression equation: Y = 105.2 + 35.8X. What will be the average contribution to sales of one additional salesperson?


Suppose that the relationship between sales (Y, in$000) and number of salespeople (X) is represented by the following regression equation: Y = 105.2+ 35.8X. What will average sales be equal to when 10 salespeople are used?


Which of the following is needed before a confidence interval can be established for a population mean?

- A confidence level - A point estimate of the population mean - An estimate of the sampling error associated with the sample mean All of these are correct.

Which of the following are advantages of stratified over simple random sampling?

- Ensures adequate representation from each stratum of interest - Can produce more precise sample statistics - Allows for the comparison of variables between strata - Takes advantage of homogeneity within groups All of these are correct.

For a scale to have ordinal properties, which of the following must be established?

- If "a" is greater than "b", then "b" is not greater than "a". - If "a" is greater than "b", and "b" is greater than "c", then "a" is greater than "c". - If "a" is equal to "b", and "b" is equal to "c", then "a" is equal to "c". All of these are correct.

Which of the following are valid population elements?

- People - Businesses - Financial transactions All of these could be used as population elements.

Which of the following are potential causes of item nonreponse?

- Poorly worded questions - Questions that are misunderstood - Sensitive questions - Questions that are misinterpreted All of these are correct.

Which of the following factors affect the size of a sample needed when working with a probabilistic sample?

- The amount of diversity or variation of the parameter in question within the population - How precise the estimate must be - The degree of confidence you'd like to have All of these are correct.

Which of the following does NOT affect a respondent's willingness to produce a response?

- The amount of work involved. - The person's ability to articulate an answer. - The sensitivity of the issue. - The individual's ability to remember the event. All of these affect a respondent's willingness to provide a response.

The distinguishing features of a simple random sample are that

- each population element has a known chance of being selected. - each population element has an equal chance of being selected. - every combination of a population elements is a sample possibility. All of these are correct.

When determining the method of administration, it's important to remember that choice of method will influence

- the number and type of questions. - question sequencing. - the wording of questions. - response categories. All of these are correct.

The value of the product-moment coefficient of correlation ranges from

-1.0 to 1.0.

Cramer's V is scaled to range between

0.0 and 1.0.

In the following data set, what is the median? 12, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 6, 10, 11.


A random sample of 5,000 households are selected for interviews with the following results: "1,010 completed interviews; 864 refusals by the respondent; 3,126 no answer/not at home". The response rate is


The population mean is hypothesized to be 200. The sample mean (x-bar) is 220. The sample size (n) is 25. The sample standard deviation (s) is 15. The degrees of freedom would equal


Which of the following is TRUE?

A "filter" question can be used to determine if a questionnaire respondent is familiar with a certain topic.

Which of the following would NOT be an example of a situation involving univariate analysis?

A car dealership is particularly interested in whether or not people who own vans are more or less likely to finance auto purchases compared with people who don't own vans.

Which of the following is TRUE about hypothesis testing?

A hypothesis may be rejected but can never be accepted completely.

Which of the following statements about nominal data is TRUE?

A nominal scale is associated with the concept of identification and categorization.

During the editing process, the analyst must

All of these are correct - ensure units used for open-ended question are consistent, decide how to deal with cases that have incomplete answers, determine what to do about cases with obviously wrong answers.

The three key decisions to make when collecting data by communication include which of the following? a. The degree of structure to use. b. Whether to disguise the questionnaire. c. Which method of questionnaire administration to use. d. All of these are correct. e. None of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

The use of disguised communication to gather primary research data can a. involve active deception. b. help eliminate response bias. c. hide the purpose or sponsor of the study. d. create a more natural environment in which to collect data from individuals. e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Low response rates may indicate

All of these are correct. Lack of interest among respondents, failure to gain the intended respondent's attention, poor questionnaire design.

Response error can be caused by

All of these are correct. Poorly written items, respondent's attitudes and emotions, interviewer bias.

If the null hypothesis of no differences across groups is true,

All of these are correct. Total variation should be equal to between-group variation, between-group variation should be equal to within-group variation, within-group variation should be equal to total variation.

The results of a study based on a sample are a combination of

All of these are correct. Truth and office error, sampling error and noncoverage error, response and nonresponse error.

They key consideration to preparing a successful oral report include

All of these are correct: advance knowledge of the audience, determining how the report will be organized, and developed effective visual aids.

Accuracy in a report refers to

All of these are correct: mathematical accuracy, grammatical accuracy, correct terminology, and mathematical and grammatical accuracy.

The research's recommendations

All of these are correct: should follow the conclusions in the report, are straightforward for strategy-oriented research, are less straightforward for discovery-oriented research.

When preparing for an oral research report, it is important to know which of the following things about the audience?

All of these are correct: their technical level of sophistication, their involvement in the project, and their interest level in the research problem.

Nonsampling errors occur because of errors in

All of these are nonsampling errors. Conceptionalization of the response project, reporting the results of a project, arithmetic, interpreting respondent replies.

Which of the following is problematic when conducting telephone interviews in the U.S.? a. Caller ID b. Answering machines/Voicemail c. Do not call lists d. Unlisted numbers e. All of these are problematic.

All of these are problematic. (Caller ID, Answering machines/Voicemail, Do not call lists, Unlisted numbers)

The following items should be included in the sampling section of the body of the report EXCEPT

All of these should be included in the sampling section: the definition of the population, what was done, how the sample was chosen, why the procedure chosen was used.

In which of the following situations would it be useful to test for differences between two groups?

All of these situations would benefit from tests for differences between two groups: A retailer wishes to know if customer satisfaction is different between in-store vs. online shoppers, a beverage company wants to know if a new beverage concept differs between users vs. nonusers of the current brand, a department store wishes to know the differences between online catalogs vs. mail order catalog shoppers, a state university wants to know is there is a significant difference in GPA between undergraduate and graduate students.

A written report may be considered incomplete because it

All of these sources of report incompleteness: is too brief, includes interesting but not vital information, is too long, and includes statistical calculations unfamiliar to the reader.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

All of these statements are true: A research project is a failure if you can't communicate the results effectively. The written report has a huge impact on whether the information generated by the research is actually used. Reports are all that most executives will see of the project. A solid written report sends an important signal about the likely quality of the overall project.

If a respondent indicates that he drives a foreign car, the later, in the same questionnaire, identifies it as a Ford, the editor should

Any of these may be correct - change the "Ford" identification to "unknown foreign", change the "foreign" identification to "domestic", throw out both responses, determine which of the responses is correct

Which of the following is an accurate statement with regard to personal interviews?

As the number of interviewers increases, so do problems of interviewer-related variations in responses.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Because the research report is all that most executives will see of a project, it is the basis for their evaluation of the research project.

Which of the following is (are) permissible measure(s) of central tendency with ratio scales?

Both geometric mean as well as arithmetic mean, median, and mode.

Which statistical technique should you use to answer the question: "Is there a significant relation-ship between education level (a four category ordinal variable) and whether or not consumers are aware that Firestone is a brand of tires?"

Chi-square test

Which of the following is typically NOT included in the body of a research report?


Which of the following is a technique that measures the degree of association between two continuous variables?

Correlation analysis

A popular approach to measuring the strength of the relationship between two categorical variables is

Cramer's V.

Which of the following is an important tool for studying the relationships between two or more categorical variables and emphasizes the division of the sample into subgroups so as to learn how the dependent variable varies from subgroup to subgroup?

Cross tabulation

Office errors tend to occur during which stages of a project?

Editing and coding

Which of the following questionnaires administration methods is the LEAST expensive?

Email/Wel-based surveys

You should use the lowest level of measurement possible when developing a measure for some attribute.


What type of scale is the following? "Indicate your opinion about services Delta Airlines provides, by placing an "X" at the appropriate position on the lines to the right of the services below. Services - Very Bad/Very Good: Frequent flyer program/Continental magazine/On flight food service"

Graphic-rating scale

Which of the following questions do you think would be the easiest to code?

Have you ever used product X? __________ Yes _________ No

A brand product manager needs to know if men and women hold different attitudes about her product. What test should the brand product manager use?

Independent samples t-test for means

Which of the following is NOT one of the steps that must happen before data can be analyzed?

Interpreting the data

You have been assigned the task of evaluating consumer acceptance of and favorability toward a new product that a company has just test marketed in your area. In other to determine the degree to which consumers hold favorable attitudes toward the product, what is the lowest level of scale that you can use?


The magnitude of the differences in objects is shown when which types of scales are used?

Interval or ratio

Which of the following is (are) permissible measure(s) of central tendency with ordinal scales?

Median and mode

Which types of measurement are used to group respondents or objects into groups or categories and are thus referred to as categorical measures?

Nominal and ordinal

Which of the following methods provides descriptive primary data the fastest?

Online survey

Which of the following data collection methods is best for including pictures and/or graphics with the survey while minimizing interviewer bias in the way questions are asked?

Online surveys

"How do you feel about the Apple, Inc.?" is an example of what type of question? a. Fixed-alternative b. Structured c. Open-ended d. Close-ended e. a, b, and c are correct


For which of the following types of measures does the mean NOT provide a meaningful value?


Which method of obtaining a response is best for questions that may need explaining or when respondents need to explain their answers?

Personal interviews

A researcher wants to be able to assess the amount of "sampling error" associated with an estimate. Which of the following sampling methods would you recommend she use?


What factor determines which level of measurement is possible?

Properties of the attribute

______________ scales possess an absolute zero.


Which of the following is NOT an aid in the crafting of a research report that meets the writing criterion of clairy?

Re-stating an important point in different words

Which of the following is a technique that measures the association between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables?

Regression analysis

A researcher calculates a chi-square test statistic of 8.56. At a = .05 and n = 3, the critical value of the chi-square statistic is 7.81. What is the appropriate statistical conclusion?

Reject the null hypothesis

Which section usually makes up the bulk of the report?


Which attitude rating scale uses pair of bipolar words or phrases and is particularly useful in corporate, brand, and product-images studies?

Semantic-differential scale

Which of the following is NOT a non-probability sampling technique?

Simple random sample

An analyst wishes to combine the information illustrated by six annual pie charts of market share for four categories of automobile manufacturers. Which of the following is the most appropriate chart for this purpose?

Stacked line chart

Which of the following statements concerning the sample standard deviation is FALSE?

Standard deviation is meaningful and appropriate only for interval- and nominal-level measures.

Which sampling plan takes advantage of the fact that, all else equal, smaller samples are required to estimate a population parameter if there is little variation on the characteristic in the group being sampled?


A researcher is seeking representative sample (of size n=50) of Fortune magazine's list of the 500 largest industrial corporations. She randomly decides to being at company number 4 and then select every 10th company until 50 have been selected. The researcher is using what type of sampling plan?

Systematic sampling

What is wrong with this question? "What is your annual income?" (please check): ___ $10,000-$25,000/___ $25,000-$40,000/___$40,000-$55,000/___$55,000-$70,000

The categories are not mutually exclusive.

Which of the following statement is(are) TRUE regarding coding?

The classes should always be mutually exclusive and exhaustive.

Which of the following statements is INCORRECT with respect to a nominally classified variable?

The median is a permissible measure of central tendency.

Which of the following statements about nominal scales is TRUE?

The numbers identify the objects.

Which of the following statements is NOT true of fixed-alternative questions? a. Everyone receives the same questions. b. The questions are open-ended. c. They are commonly used to collect primary data. d. Everyone responds by choosing from among the same set of possible answers. e. All of these statements are true.

The questions are open-ended.

Which statement does not accurately describe a good pie chart?

The sections should be arrayed clockwise increasing oder of magnitude.

Which of the following is TRUE about the technical aspects of a research report?

The technical sophistication of the report reader should act as a guide for the technical sophistication of the report.

Which of the following is NOT true of a questionnaire with a high degree of structure?

They are difficult to code.

Which of the following statement is TRUE about nonsampling errors?

They may increase with sample size.

In general, it is ideal to capture the needed data using as few questions as possible.


On most projects, frequencies should initially be run on all variables to help identify blunders.


One of the biggest advantages of mail questionnaires is the anonymity offered to the respondent. True or False?


What is the best way to code data from a survey that contains many open-ended, exploratory questions in order to reduce bias?

Use two researchers to do the coding and have them compare their results

Which of the following statements about the interpretation of correlations is NOT true?

When you obtain a statistically significant correlation coefficient between two variables, you can safely assume that one variable caused another.

Population variance is

a measure of the spread of values from their mean.

An analyst has a set of data resulting from two observations on the same sample of people, and he wishes to investigate if there is any difference in these two means. The appropriate statistical procedure is

a paired samples t-test.

Univariate analysis refers to analyzing

a variable in isolation.

A gum manufacturer wants to determine whether blue packaging or red packaging is preferred. The company performs a sales test by introducing red packaging into a random sample of ten stores, and blue packages are introduced in an independent, random sample of ten stores. The technique most appropriate for analyzing the data is

an independent samples t-test for means.

If s/he wanted to use the highest level of measurement possible, the researcher measuring respondent age would most likely suggest using _____________ and a(n) _____________ scale.

an open-ended item; ratio

It is impossible to produce frequencies for

any variable in a study.

The most technically oriented material in the report will usually be found in the


Convenience samples

are nonprobability samples and are typically not representative of the entire population.

When determining content of individual questions, in general you want to capture the needed data using

as few questions as possible.

A series of cross-tabulation between an outcome variable and several possible casual variables presented in a single table on a single page is known as a(n)

banner table.

A complete canvass of a population is called a


A researcher is interested in analyzing a set of nominal data to determine if the observed pattern of frequencies corresponds to the expected pattern. The appropriate statistical technique is

chi-square goodness-of-fit.

The research report writing standards are

clarity, accuracy, and completeness.

With unstructured-undisguised questionnaires, the purpose of the study is a. open to interpretation. b. not communicated to the respondents. c. clear, but the responses to the questions are open-ended. d. clear, but the responses to the questions are dichotomous. e. to define the responses that are open-ended.

clear, but the responses to the questions are open-ended.

Area of sampling is a form of

cluster sampling.

The location of each variable in the data array and the way in which it was coded are contained in a


In a multiple-column record of a data file, ________________ represent different variables and _________________ represent different respondents.

codes, symbols

Validity is

concerned with the extent to which differences in scores reflect true differences in the characteristic.

The researcher told his client that the data indicated a relationship between the weight of dogs and the consumption of low-calorie dog biscuits. The researcher's remarks were a


The range within which to population parameter is likely to fall in the population based on the sample statistic is known as the

confidence interval.

Descriptive statistics include all of the following measures EXCEPT

confidence intervals.

In marketing research, all of the following are levels of measurement EXCEPT


A respondent indicated she redeemed a coupon at Walmart last week but later indicated that she had not visited a Walmart in over two weeks. This type of response poses a problem of


The most used multivariate data analysis technique in applied marketing research is

cross tabulation.

Pie charts are useful for

depicting relative size.

Histograms are used to

determine the empirical distribution of a variable.

The first step in measuring an attribute is to

determine the properties of the attribute.

A frequency analysis is NOT used to

determine the relationship between two variables.

When preparing an oral/verbal presentation, the first task of the presenter should be to

determine who will be in the audience.

In a stratum chart, the vertical distance between two lines represents the

difference of the upper and lower line variables.

Questions that give the respondent no indication of the true purpose of the research project are known as a. disguised questions. b. confounded questions. c. structured questions. d. undisguised questions. e. unstructured questions.

disguised questions.

The number provided by the calculation, "number of completed interviews" divided by the sum of "number of completed interviews" and "number of ineligibles", is called the

eligibility percentage

The chi-square test is an approximate test. The approximation is relatively good if the

expected number of cases in each category is 5 or more.

A parameter represents

fixed characteristics of a population.

Categorical measures are most commonly used to

group respondents or objects into groups.

A bar chart where the values of a variable are placed along the X-axis and the absolute or relative frequency along the Y-axis is called a ______________ and can be developed from the _________________.

histogram, one-way frequency tabulation

The best way to reduce nonsampling errors is to

improve data collection techniques.

A research report is NOT

incomplete when it is brief.

Sampling errors can be decreased by

increasing the sample size.

The notion that equal differences among scores represent equal differences in the amount of the at-tribute possessed by the object applies to _____________ scales.

interval and ratio

Because _____________ and _____________ measures are similar when it comes to analysis, many researchers refer to both types as continuous measures.

interval, ratio

Definitions of unfamiliar terms used in the report should be defined in the


A sampling frame

is a list of population elements from which the sample will be drawn.

"Please indicate your opinion on congressional spending and tax reform." This question

is double-barralled.

The question, "Do you feel the government should be forced to stop picking out pockets with excessive taxes and return of the taxes collected to taxpayers?"

is leading and double-barrelled.

One advantage of the bar chart over the pie chart is

it can be used to indicate magnitude of the variable categories.

Snowball samples are an example of

judgement sampling.

In probability samples, the probabilities of each element being included must be

known and nonzero

A question that cues the respondent to the desired answer is


An analyst wishing to present the monthly fluctuations in coffee consumption over the past two years should probably use a _________ chart.


A television network sponsors a survey that contains the question, "How often do you watch television?" This question is an example of a a. low-structured question. b. disguised question. c. high-structured question. d. close-ended question. e. fixed-alternative response question.

low-structured question.

When comparing the independent samples t-test for means and the paired sample t-test for means, one is for

measures from separate groups while the other is for measures from the same group.

Multiple regression analysis is useful when there are ________________ independent variable(s) and _________________ dependent variable(s).

more than one, one

A research effort requires the researcher to use numbers to identify or categorize particular objects. The type of scale the researcher will use is


Failure to include units, or entire sections, of the defined survey population in the actual operational sampling frame represents

noncoverage error.

One of the major problems with mail surveys is nonresponse bias. In an effort to minimize this, a researcher decides to limit the sample to his personal friends from whom he is sure to get replies. This is an example of a

nonprobability sample.

The potential problem in any project for which data is not collected from ALL respondents selected for the sample is

nonresponse error.

Hypothesis testing involves two mutually exclusive hypotheses that are known as

null and alternative.

A problem with nonprobability samples is

one cannot assess the amount of sampling error likely to occur.

An observation that is very different in magnitude from the rest of the observation for a particular variable is a(n)


Duplication in the list of sampling units results in

overcoverage error.

A chart that uses symbols instead of a bar to indicate length is a variation of bar chart called a


"Order bias" refers to the

potential for responses to be affected by the sequence in which the response alternatives are presented.

When it comes to discussing the limitations of the study, the writer should

provide a balanced account of the specific problems.

All of the following are probability sampling plans EXCEPT


The sample distribution of a statistic refers to the

range of all possible sample values of the statistic that could be drawn from the parent population under the specified sampling plan.

It is reasonable to state that one object has twice as much of the attribute property when it has a score of 60, and the other object has a score of 30 measurement is on a(n) ________________ score.


To improve your writing,

read it aloud.

Information that the respondent has forgotten creates a type of error called

recall loss.

One hundred sports writers are given a survey and asked to rank basketball players on categories such as rebounding, points scored, and assists. The results of the survey indicate that most sports writers agree on the top ten players within the given categories. This is evidence of


An important consideration for assessing the overall quality of a data collection effort is the

response rate

Sampling error is reflected in the

sample distribution of the statistic.

The difference between the results obtained for a sample, and the results we would have obtained had we gathered information from the entire population is (the)

sampling error.

The purpose of a dummy table is to

show how the results of the analysis will be presented.

A sample where the respondent provides the names of other potential respondents is called a(n)

snowball sample.

An analyst wishing to compare the monthly consumption of ABC ice cream against the four other leading brands during the last three years should probably use a

stratum chart.

After John purchased his new car, the car dealer sent him a new owner satisfaction survey, which consisted of several statements about his car, which John was to indicate agreement or disagreement with by checking the appropriate boxes. This survey is a. unstructured-undisguised. b. structured-disguised. c. sentence completion. d. structured-undisguised. e. word association.


The responses, as well as the questions, are standardized in a(n) a. unstructured-disguised questionnaire. b. unstructured-undisguised questionnaire. c. structured-undisguised questionnaire. d. depth interview. e. focus group.

structured-undisguised questionnaire.

The "funnel approach" refers to

successively narrowing the focus of related questions.

The most important part of a written research report is the


Coding transforms raw data into ________________ that may be _________________.

symbols, manipulated

A good summary should NOT contain

tables of data.

To determine the degree to which the variables in a cross-tabulation analysis are independent of one another, a researcher should use

the Pearson chi-square test of independence.

The major problem with using the mall intercept method to conduct personal interviews concerns

the ability to direct the inquiry to a randomly determined respondent.

The ordinal scale represents a higher level of measurement than the nominal scale in that

the assigned numerals represent the order as well as identifying the object.

As defined in the text, measurement consists of

the assignment of numbers (representing quantities of attributes) to objects or events according to rules.

In general, the simpler the definition of the target population

the easier and less costly it will be to find the sample.

The editing process involes

the inspection and correction of the data received from each sample element.

Item nonresponse refers to

the respondent refusing to answer a question.

At a minimum, a codebook should include all of the following EXCEPT

the results of the study.

Judgment samples are distinguished by the fact that

the sample elements are hand-picked by the investigator because it is expected they can offer the contributions sought.

The attitude ratings scale with which we might use a snake diagram is

the semantic-differential scale.

The most widely used attitude-scaling technique in marketing research is

the summated-rating (Likert) scale.

In a typical stratum chart, the X-axis represents __________, and the Y-axis represents ________________.

time, values of the variable

The error a researcher should work most to minimize is

total error.

The purpose of the coding process is to

transform raw data into symbols.

The reporting technique for rating scale questions that presents the percentage of respondent who checked one of the top two positions on a rating scales is known as the

two-box technique.

Depth interviews are best classified as an example of the ____________________ method of communication.


Which of the following is NOT a recommended coding convention?

use alphabetic codes if possible

In testing a multiple regression equation for statistical significance, the first step involves

using an F-test to examine the significance of the overall equation.

When it comes to standard deviations, if everyone were basically the same on some characteristic or felt the same way about some topic or object, the standard deviation would be

very small.

Methods of questionnaires administration rank as follows in terms of time required to collect the data (quickest to slowest):

wed-based survey, telephone surveys, personal interviews, mail surveys.

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