MLA quiz English

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How do you select appropriate sources

1. Ask yourself what is essential to prove my thesis? 2. Using the divisions of the preliminary outline, adjusted if necessary to match the revised thesis, arrange your note cards in groups which support each point. 3. Be sure each section of the outline can be supported from both the novel (rough-ly 2/3) and the critics (roughly 1/3). 4. If there is not enough material to support one of your major points, be prepared to revise both thesis and outline. 5. Select credible, scholarly sources (No Cliffs encyclopedias, chat room "experts'') Include both printed and electronic sources.

Publication Date

1. Dates are listed in the order of day, month, and year. 2. For some sources, only the year is available. FOLLOW THE DATE WITH A COMMA a) The same source may have more than one publication date. Choose the date that is most relevant to your use of the work. Usually, the earliest date is most pertinent.

What are the 5 sources of information

1. Encyclopedia 2. Catalog 3. Subscription databases 4. Gale Literary index 5. Internet

How do you use documentation

1. Footnote any direct quote and any use of an author's ideas. 2. Incorporate quotes into a sen-tence or paragraph with lead-in phrases or comments. 3. Document the author and page num-ber in parenthesis- no comma in between author and page number. 4. Follow MLA Format!

How do you use the Gale Literary Index

1. Google: Gale Literary Index 2. Click on the java link THIS ALLOWS YOU TO SEARCH BY: 1. Author a) occasionally use 2. Title (exact title) a) always use this 3. Custom a) do not use this

How to use the encyclopedia

1. Look on infohio or 2. if on Columbus library: a) need a library card b) go to BSCOhost (for newspaper and magazine articles) c) World Book Advance (encyclopedia for infohio and columbus library )


1. THIS TERM REFERS TO WHERE YOU FOUND THE SOURCE, not the location of the publishing company. Be as specific as possible in including a work's location. a) For example, a short story or essay in a collection should include page numbers. b) The location of an online work should include a URL. c) A physical object or source you experienced firsthand should be identified by place. 2. To indicate page numbers, use "p." for one page and "pp." for a range of pages.


1. The entry should begin with the author's last name, followed by a comma and the rest of the name. End with a period. 2. If there is no author listed, check for a corporate author (i.e. Rand Corp.). If there is no author whatsoever, move to the next element. 3. If there are two authors, the first author is listed as usual and the second author is listed beginning with his/her first name. 4. If there are three or more authors, use et al. after the first author's name.

What is the point of the note cards (4 x 6)

1. The purpose of these cards is to list citations that you would like to use in your paper; these cards keep you from plagiarizing in your paper. 2. You will use these cards to help you type your end notes page for your research paper.

Title of Container

1. The title of the container is italicized and followed by a comma. 2. A source's container might be found within an EVEN LARGER CONTAINER 3. A collection of poems could be found on an online database a) for example. It is important to include these containers as well. b) In that case, finish including the CORE ELEMENTS for the FIRST CONTAINER (elements 4-9) before listing the SECOND CONTAINER

Other Contributors

1. There may be others who contributed to the work you are citing. 2. These include editors, illustrators, and translators. FOLLOW THESE WITH A COMMA a) Terms like editor and translator are no longer abbreviated.


1. This is the company or organization responsible for distributing the work. If there is more than one publisher, you may ONLY LIST THE FIRST ONE 2. FOLLOW THE PUBLISHED WITH A COMMA a) You do NOT have to include the publisher's name for sources whose title or author is the SAME as the publisher. b) You do NOT have to include the publisher's name for periodicals, such as journals or newspapers.

What are the 6 things you need to know for pre-research

1. Title a) exact title 2. Author a) exact name or pseudonym 3. Genre 4. Birth and death dates a) writers are affected by the times they lived 5. Gender 6. Nationality 7. Literary movement

What should you do if you are having a hard time finding sources

1. Try using synonyms 2. Examine book for extra knowledge or citation 3. Experiment with different terms

How do you draft the body paragraphs

1. Use transitions to move from one point to the next 2. Using the topic sentences from your out-line, develop the paragraphs. 3. Explain your point, your position. 4. Use quotations from author and critics to support your position.

What are examples of different types of genre

1. horror 2.fantasy 3. science fiction 4. mystery 5. nonfiction a) history 6. Comedy 7. Romance 8. Drama 9. Realistic fiction 10. Biography 11. Novelists/writer (no genre)

What does reflecting and thinking equal

A better job on the project

What is the citation formula for a book with two authors

Author's Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. Title. (<italicized/underline) Publisher, Date Published. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES (underline title is a book)

What is the citation formula for a book with three or more authors

Author's Last Name, First Name, et al. Title. (<italicized/underline) Publisher, Date Published. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES (underline title is a book)

What is the citation formula for an article in an newspaper

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Periodical (<italicized/underline), Date Published, Pages. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES (title has quotation marks)

What is the citation formula for a webpage

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Page." Title of Site (<italicized/underline), Date Published, URL. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES

What is the citation formula for a selection from a collection of essays, articles, or stories

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Source." Title of Collection (<italicized/underline), Version, Number, Publisher, Date Published, Pages. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES (title has quotation marks)

What is the citation formula for a selection from a scholarly journal found on an online database

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Source." Title of Journal (italicized/underline), Version, Number, Date Published, Pages. Title of Online Database (<italicized/underline), URL. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES

What is the citation formula for a book with an editor

Author's Last Name, First Name. Title. (<italicized/underline) Edited by First Name Last Name. Publisher, Date Published. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES (underline title is a book)

What is the citation formula for a book with one author

Author's Last Name, First Name. Title. (<italicized/underline) Publisher, Date Published. REMEMBER TO INDENT ON THE SECOND AND FOLLOWING LINES (underline title is a book)

How do you use the Internet

Author's name + Association/society

Put the information into an article in a newspaper citation: Author: Brooks Barnes Title of Article: "Crucial Job at Disney: Competing with Netflix." Publisher: New York Times Date Printed: August 6, 2018 Pages: B1.

Barnes, Brooks. "Crucial Job at Disney: Competing with Netflix." New York Times (<italicized/underline), 6 Aug 2018, p. B1.

How is citation in MLA style simplified

Citation in MLA Style is simplified, so that a similar process can be followed for any type of source.

What is pre-research

Every good research starts out tying to figure out what I need to know to help me find what I want to know

Out of the 6 things to know, which is the most important

Gender (for woman)

Put the information into a book with three or more authors citation: Author: Ernest Hook (others) Title: Studying Popular Media and Culture. Publisher: St. Martin's Date Published: 1995.

Hook, Ernest, et al. Studying Popular Media and Culture. (<italicized/ underline)St. Martin's, 1995.

How do you use the subscription database

INFOHIO.ORG 1. k-12 information that provides databases for free a) only can use ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER (academic journals from professors articles)


If the source is listed as an edition or version, include the information in the citation, followed by a comma.


If the source is part of a numbered sequence, such as a book or journal with volume or issue numbers,those must be listed in the citation, followed by a comma.

Put this information into a Book with two authors citation: Author: Greg Johnson and Thomas R. Arp. Publisher: Cengage Learning Title: Perrine's Story and Structure: An Introduction to Fiction Date Published: 2009 .

Johnson, Greg and Thomas R. Arp. Perrine's Story and Structure: An Introduction to Fiction (<italicized/underlined). Cengage Learning, 2009.


Know exactly where the paper is going, know the conclusion the paper will reach

What are containers

Larger works in which a source is located ex: a song could be found on an album and a short story could be found in a collection THE TITLE OF THE CONTAINER IS ITALICIZED AND FOLLOWED BY A COMMA

How do you write the introduction

Name the work and author. Gradually narrow your focus until you arrive at the the-sis. 5-6 sentences.

Put the information into a selection from a collection of essays, articles, or stories citation Title of Source: "Anthem for Doomed Youth: Title of Collection: Perrine's Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry Author: Wilfred Owen Editor: Greg Johnson and Thomas R Arp Version/number : 15th ed Publisher: Cengage Learning Date Published: 2011 Page: 241

Owen, Wilfred. "Anthem for Doomed Youth." Perrine's Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry, (<italicized)edited by Greg Johnson and Thomas R. Arp, 15th ed., Cengage Learning, 2011, p. 241.

How do you write your conclusion

Restate thesis and summarize main ideas 1. Suggest how and why the aspect of the work you have discussed is important to the work as a whole (5-6 sentences)

What is the citation an example of: Glass, Arnold L. and Mengxue Kang. "Dividing Attention in the Classroom Reduces Exam Performance." Educational Psychology,(<italicized) vol. 38, no. 6, 2018, Taylor & Francis Online,doi:10.1080/01443410.2018.1489046.

Selection from a scholarly journal found on an online database

For the book, magazine, critical article/journal/newspaper article posted online; what should you do after writing the MLA formatting on the notecard

Skip lines in between the lines when writing the designated MLA formatting

Thesis Statement

TELLS THE READER WHAT TO EXPECT 1. It is a plan for the paper which connects the central idea (the one to be demonstrated or proven) and the major divisions in the order in which you will present them 2. Somewhere in the first paragraph HOW IT IS WRITTEN: 1. Your thesis statement should be specific a) it should cover what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence 2. The thesis statement usually appears at the end of the first paragraph of a paper 3. Your topic may change as you write, so you may need to revise your thesis statement to reflect exactly what you have discussed in the paper

What is the format for the 4 x 6 notecards

TOP LEFT CARD: Topic of card TOP RIGHT CARD: a) author (first name, last name) b) title FIRST LINE: quote, paraphrases, or unusual fact SKIP LINE AFTER QUOTE AND PUT THE PAGE NUMBER

What are the core elements of MLA citation (in order they should appear)

The elements should be followed by the correct punctuation marks, also shown below. 1. Author. 2. Title of source. 3. Title of container, 4. Other contributors, 5. Version, 6. Number, 7. Publisher, 8. Publication date, 9. Location.

What is the purpose of the bibliography cards

The purpose of these cards is to show your sources and prepare you to type these sources onto your bibliography page

Title of Source

The title of the source follows the author's name, after the period. 2. The title should be in italics or quotation marks depending on what type of source it is. 3. A BOOK, WEBSITE, OR LARGER WORK SHOULD BE IN ITALICS 4. A PERIODICAL ARTICLE, POEM, WEBPAGE, OR SHORTER WORK SHOULD BE IN QUOTATION MARKS

What must the 4 x 6 note cards contain

These cards must contain citations you will use in your paper: 1. exact quotes by literary experts 2. paraphrases of an idea said by a literary expert 3. unusual facts found a) facts that are not common knowledge or facts that you find in only one or two sources

What are the catalogs? What are the four ways to search

USE WATTERSON'S CATALOG OR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY'S 4 WAYS TO SEARCH: 1. Author a) Put in the name or pseudonym 2. Title a) exact title and the author's name 3. Subject heading a) hardest to use b) help people who don't know what they are looking for 4. Key Words a) Like Google search because it does a general search of every field b) narrow search words 1) --History and criticisms 2) --Criticism and interpretation 3) --biography (never use)

What is the research question

WHAT AM I TRYING TO FIND OUT (thesis statement) a) most important question 1. Need to know what question I am trying to answer 2. Keep it in front of your mind (stay focused) 3) 3 part research questions

Put the information into a book with an editor: Author: Horace Walpole Editor: Nick Groom Title: The Castle of Otranto: A Gothic Story Publisher: Oxford UP Date Published: 2014.

Walpole, Horace. The Castle of Otranto: A Gothic Story.(<italicized) Edited by Nick Groom, Oxford UP, 2014.

Put this information in a book with one author citation: Date Published: 1964 Author: Robert Penn Warren Book: All the King's men Publisher: Harcourt

Warren, Robert Penn. All the King's Men (<italicized). Harcourt, 1964.

Why are we writing a paper

We want you to think, process, and reflect

What is citation an example of: "Allergic Asthma Triggers to Watch For." WebMD,(<italicized) 1 Jan. 2018, -asthma-17/avoid-asthma-triggers.


What should your thesis statement consist of

Write your thesis statement, consisting of a central idea and three divisions 1. The divisions are the evidence from the story that will prove your thesis statement a) they are like topics 2. Each Thesis division has 3 subdivision topic sentences that SUMMARIZE THE FIRST POINT NEEDED TO SUPPORT THE DIVISION

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