MNA2100 - Chapter 9
Which of the following reactions to personal loss typically occurs in the emotional standstill stage?
Slipping backward to an earlier stage of growth; it can be either temporary or permanent.
The last of three general steps in the acceptance of personal loss. This is where "experimenting" and "completion" take place.
OD Interventions
Training tools that teach members of the organization how to solve the problems they face.
In the ________ stage of the seven stages of personal change, the mind keeps the sufferer from accepting reality fully and completely.
Logical incrementalism is most successful when it is used
to bring a well-designed plan into general acceptance.
Lewin Change Model
A workplace change model with three steps: unfreezing the status quo, making changes, then refreezing to the previous work mode.
Which of the following statements is true of the force field analysis model?
According to this model, the status quo is presented like a battlefield being fought for by two armies.
Which of the following is one of the seven stages of personal change?
Bottoming Out
Quality Circles
Bring employees and managers together to brainstorm and find ways to improve quality and performance.
In which stage of logical incrementalism is the trial balloon procedure used?
Broadcasting a general concern or idea without details
Organizational Change
Change that a group of people must learn to accept and implement.
________ is the first stage of personal change.
Emotional standstill
Which of the following statements is true about kaizen?
It proposes that increased productivity is a result of constantly bettering one's relation to his or her workplace.
Seven Major Life Changes
Loss, separation, relocation, a change in relationship, a change in direction, a change in health, and personal growth.
Force field analysis
A model in which the status quo is like a battlefield being fought for by two armies: the driving forces and the restraining forces.
Logical Incrementalism
A model that acknowledges that bringing about changes in a large organization is usually time-consuming and complicated.
Organizational Development (OD)
A planned, companywide, systematic method of achieving change in an organization.
OD Change Agent
A company's formal change agent, often an outside consultant who specializes in planned change.
Neutral Zone
A transition phase in which uncomfortable feelings of "helplessness" and "bottoming out" may take place before recovery begins.
Which of the following is the first stage of the logical incrementalism model?
General concern
Involves employees' participation and feedback in operational and change decisions, and encourages active communication among top managers and workers. A literal translation of the term is "to become good through change."
Which of the following statements is true of the refreezing step of Lewin's change model?
It is during this stage that the company must ensure that the new behaviors actually become new norms or standards on the job.
Who developed the force field analysis model?
Kurt Lewin
________ is the step of Lewin's change model in which the actual organizational changes are made.
Moving to another condition
In the context of the seven stages of personal change, identify a mistake made by a person who has entered the neutral zone when dealing with personal loss.
Sharing too much emotion with other people
The first of three general steps in the acceptance of personal loss. This is where "emotional standstill," "denial," and "anger" take place.
In the context of the helplessness stage of personal change, what is the state of mind of a victim who has lost a loved one to death?
The victim is still suffering and is afraid to bottom out into total despair.
Japanese companies using the kaizen approach have been successful at implementing change because
employees are actively involved in making operational and change decisions.
Refreezing is seen as an unrealistic concept in today's business because
environmental and technological changes are everyday realities.
Employees resist change because
they often choose how they see and hear data, and ignore information that challenges the stability of their world.
An organizational development (OD) intervention is best described as a
training tool that teaches members of an organization how to solve their problems.
According to Lewin's change model, for any change to occur in an organization, first the
individuals working for the company must be convinced that a change is essential.
Holmes-Rahe Readjustment Scale
A tool that measures the relative impact of many kinds of changes, which are rated from 100 to 0 on the basis of their intensity and the adjustment problems they can create.
Seven Stages of Personal Change
Emotional standstill, denial, anger, helplessness, bottoming out, experimenting, and completion.
Who developed the logical incrementalism model?
James Brian Quinn
Which of the following is a danger associated with the seven-step personal recovery process?
People may think that they should passively allow the steps to happen to them.
Which of the following is true of a person in the helplessness stage of personal change?
The person enters a neutral zone, which is a temporary state of loss.
Change Agent
The person responsible for an organizational change effort.