MNGT 202 Final Exam

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The job classification system is a quantitative job evaluation procedure that determines a job's relative value by calculating the total points assigned to it.


The performance threshold in incentive plans is the name given to the amount awarded to an employer.


Connecting rewards to organizational performance ensures

fairness and focuses employees on the organization.

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), employers must do all of the following EXCEPT

fire employees who have been injured or have become ill due to work-related factors

Efforts to design high-performance work systems in line with vertical fit issues, such as competitive challenges and company values, help in

focusing the design on strategic priorities.

There is reason to believe that pay secrecy can do all of the following EXCEPT

generate feelings of commitment

The purpose of a profit-sharing plan is to

give employees the opportunity to increase their earnings.

The employees at Wegners Market are threatening to strike. To counter this threat, the weapon Wegners would most likely wield is

the legal right to hire replacement workers.

ShamRoth's approach to international business is to try to achieve both local responsiveness and global efficiency. ShamRoth can best be characterized as a(n) __________ corporation.


A provision that requires employees to join the union as a condition of employment is called

union agreement

ViviTech wanted to implement a high-performance work system that would establish ways to increase innovation and efficiency, decrease costs, improve processes, and provide something unique to customers. Which criterion was ViviTech focusing on?


Marissa wants to get a job overseas. In order to do so, she will need to obtain a(n) __________ from the government of the country in which she seeks employment.

work permit

Carmen, a new supervisor, wants to correctly document the poor performance of an employee. Whic h of the following actions would she NOT have to perform?

Conducting a current performance appraisal of the employee

The union representing the workers at Wegners Market wants to strengthen its position by exercising its bargaining power. One way it could do this is by


If a supervisor suspects that a subordinate has a severe drinking problem, the action to be avoided is

confronting the employee with his or her alcoholism during the first meeting and threatening dismissal if the employee does not seek help

The biggest challenge with competence-based pay is

developing appropriate measures of skills and competencies

Equity theory is also known as

distributive fairness

A task force has been created at KyoTek to explore the possibility of entering into various international markets. As part of this team, Jon is responsible for analyzing market and trade cycles and currency fluctuations in the targeted regions. Jon is researching __________ factors.


The Social Security insurance program is funded by

employee contributions with matching employer contributions

The primary concern to the employer regarding workplace romance is

employer liability

A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a group of physicians who establish an organization that guarantees the quality of health care provided by a health maintenance organization (HMO).


An advantage of flexible benefit plans is that if employees make poor selections and do not use their benefits, it saves the employer money.


Because of the increased danger to their reproductive systems, it is legal to bar women from positions that have been shown to be of high risk.


Beth and Jon both work at TynsCorp. Beth just gave birth to a baby, while Jon and his wife just adopted a child. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, Beth is eligible for 12 workweeks of unpaid leave, but Jon is not.


Employee costs for medical services provided by a health maintenance organization (HMO) vary according to the type of service and how often the employee needs it.


Generally, an employee stock ownership plan is more likely to serve its intended purposes in privately held companies than in publicly held ones.


In an attempt to thwart efforts to unionize, the management at SignalCorp announced a new benefits plan including an additional 5 days of paid leave that would be implemented if employees voted against the union. SignalCorp is not allowed to do this.


Larissa is a manager at SignalCorp. During the recent labor organizing drive, she was overheard expressing negative opinions regarding unions and the officials who ran them. Her comments were illegal.


Managers can help employees with emotional problems by taking on the role of a psychologist and trying to diagnose an employee's condition.


Pay-for-performance programs have little, if any, effect on employee productivity.


Ric was on leave from TynsCorp under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Now that he is ready to return to work, TynsCorp must provide him with a job, but it can be at lower pay or with fewer benefits than what he had before if that is the only position available.


Some states provide rights to employees that are lesser than those provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act.


The European Union (EU) was established to facilitate free trade with the United States.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can develop rules and standards only when petitioned by other agencies such as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).


The agency responsible for enforcing the Wagner Act is the Department of Labor.


Using the point method of job evaluation requires that managers

compare job requirements against degree descriptions

The most common cost-of-living adjustments are __________ percent per hour for each .3-point or .4-point change in the consumer price index (CPI).


Currently, union membership is approximately __________ of American workers.

10 percent

In most profit-sharing plans, about __________ of the net profit is shared.

20 to 25 percent

Today, about __________ of households nearing retirement have 401(k)-type of accounts.


Which of the following complaint procedures is a unionized employee likely to use

A grievance procedure

Fred is in an employee association. Which of the following might he belong to?

American Nurses' Association

For real wages to increase, which of the following must be true?

An employee's wage increase must be greater than the increase in the consumer price index (CPI)

A company that is outlining its strategy and vision of the future is at which step in implementing a high-performance work system?

Build a case for change

ViviTech has implemented a high-performance work system that was designed around team processes and capabilities that cannot be transported, duplicated, or copied by rival firms. Which of the following criteria drove this design?

Difficult to imitate

Under the employment-at-will doctrine, who can terminate an employment relationship?

Employees or employers

Steve's feedback regarding his work and the support he receives is almost always reliable. The fact that he is quite accurate in evaluating his own performance suggests that he is most likely in which job situation?


Which system of job evaluation are raters using when they take cards that list the duties and responsibilities of the job and arrange them in order of the importance of the jobs?

Job ranking

The Social Security Administration administers the __________ program.


Kim was an office supplies sales rep with Clip'n'Save. She recently changed employers and now works for OfficeJoe. The prices at OfficeJoe are much better, and she could save her former customers a lot of money on the exact same products. What provision prevents her from contacting her old customers for six months?

Nonpiracy agreement

Employees who want to unionize to get the opportunity to fraternize with other employees who have similar concerns are motivated by

Social and status needs

Which act covering most private-sector employers prohibits certain unfair labor practices, such as a union's refusal to bargain in good faith or a union persuading an employer to discriminate against an employee?

The Taft-Hartley Act

One of the sales managers at BidSystems was injured while playing softball with colleagues after work. Which of the following is true under OSHA?

The case is not to be recorded.

The CFO at Robix has been incentivized with a stock option that can only be exercised after a three-year vesting period. This is known as

a golden handcuff

Polaroid allows employees the opportunity to try out retirement with a leave program, or gradually reduce their work hours as they approach retirement age. This is an example of

a preretirement program.

Employer-sponsored child care programs and elder care programs are similar because

both programs try to maintain or increase productivity by assisting employees with their responsibilities outside the workplace.

Trixie is a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service. She is in a union. Her union is

an industrial union

An implied employment contract:

an result from statements spoken to an employee by an employer

Luis is a third-party neutral who resolves labor disputes. When he issues a final decision, both sides must accept it. Luis is


To enhance the degree of rareness in employee skills and abilities, organizations should develop competencies in their employees that

are not equally available in the labor market

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, exempt employees

are those employees not covered by the overtime provisions of the Act.

An employee exhibiting any of the following EXCEPT __________ may be showing workplace violence warning signs.

chronic fatigue

MuniMed is an organization of physicians and other health care professionals that provides health care services to subscribers on a prepaid basis. MuniMed is a

health maintenance organization (HMO).

HR Scorecards can be used to diagnose

horizontal fit and vertical fit

Team incentive bonuses may be paid out in all of the following ways EXCEPT by distributing it

on the basis of individual performance appraisal.

TynsCorp wants to get input from its employees regarding its benefits package. The most common way to do this would be to use

opinion surveys.

Recommendations for minimizing the negative effects of video display terminal use do NOT include

place monitor at a 45% angle to reduce glare

Eric is a French expatriate working in Canada. He receives a portion of his pay in Canadian dollars to cover his day-to-day expenses and a portion of his pay in Euros to safeguard his earnings from changes in inflation or foreign exchange rates. This type of pay plan is known as

split pay

A global HR information system facilitates coordination between world units but is difficult to put in place.


A number of HVAC companies in the region are concerned about the entrance of unions into their markets, as they feel this will raise their costs, which will then be passed on to the consumer. As a way to keep unions out, these companies have created a list of job applicants who are known to be union supporters. All the companies have access to the list, and they update it as appropriate. This activity is illegal.


Domestic managers may not be able to understand an expatriate's experience.


Employers refer to the area from which they obtain certain types of workers as the labor market.


ExerEnterprises is considering several countries in which to open new facilities. The leading country under consideration requires that there be a representation of labor on the board of directors. The country ExerEnterprises is considering is Germany.


In an environment of shared information the richest communication occurs face to face


Incentive plans can create an organizational environment of shared commitment since individuals contribute to organizational success.


It is increasingly common for employees to quit or resign from their jobs because of the intolerable acts of their employers leaving them with no other choice.


It is the arbitrator's responsibility to ensure that each side receives a fair hearing.


Jane has been accused of violating a certain rule at KyoTek. She has demanded due process, which is essentially the right to tell her side of the story.


Jolee's is a fairly small company. It employs 75 people. Of those, 62 are full time, working 40 or more hours a week, and the rest are part time, working 20-25 hours a week. Because of legislation that went into effect in 2014, Jolee's must offer employees health insurance or else pay a penalty to the government.


Kylie is a carpenter. As a skilled worker, the union that Kylie is a member of is a craft union.


One advantage to health reimbursement accounts is that employees do not have to pay taxes on the amounts they are reimbursed under an HRA.


Piecework may be inappropriate where technology changes are frequent.


Robix has an employee stock ownership plan. In this plan, the employees own shares of stock, but they do not actually buy them.


Stan is nearing graduation with a degree in engineering, specializing in ergonomics. He is interested in researching health and safety issues as a career. While he could stay in academia, he may want to explore job possibilities at NIOSH. T/F


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can adjust penalties upward and downward.


The consumer price index tracks the change in price over time of a "market basket" of goods and services.


TynsCorp misled its employees about certain health benefits that were available in their plan. TynsCorp included the benefits as a way to attract new recruits in key positions while limiting the total number of employees who actually tried to use the benefit as a way to keep costs lower. The employees can sue TynsCorp under ERISA.


Union officials have begun to meet with employees at SignalCorp to explore the possibility of unionization. This is the first step in unionizing.


When ViviTech embraced a high-performance work system, supervisors saw their roles change as there were fewer layers of management and a focus on team-based organization.


XLTek, a German company, operates in South Korea. South Korea is the host country.


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