MO2 Practice Exam

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Goldman's Emotional Intelligence is most similar to: 1. Existential Intelligence 2. Visual Intelligence 3. Interpersonal Intelligence 4. Naturalistic Intelligence 5. IQ


IQ tests are attempts to measure 1. Spatial Intelligence 2. The physical size of your brain 3. g 4. Emotional intelligence 5. Interpersonal intelligence


Maintenance rehearsal is 1. Remembering how to fix things 2. Linking ideas to places that we have been 3. Repeating things over and over 4. Forming associations with other meaningful things 5. Grouping things together into meaningful units


Short-term memory stores information for a duration of up to 1. 5 mins 2. 15 secs 3. Unlimited 4. 0.2-0.4 secs 5. 30 secs 6. 2 days 7. 3-4 secs


Stereotypes are an example of 1. Priming 2. Elaborative Rehearsal 3. Accessibilty 4. Maintenance Rehearsal 5. Schemas


The participants that gave up the most quickly were the ones who 1. Had the lowest self-esteem 2. Had a drink 3. Had the smallest changes in their glucose levels after the first task 4. Practiced controlling their emotions 5. Had the biggest change in their glucose levels after the first task


What is g? 1. A specific type of intelligence test 2. Your mental age divided by your chronological age 3. A unit of measurement for the size of your brain 4. A hormone that influence brain development 5. Your overall intellectual ability 6. The 7th form of intelligence


Which of the following was NOT true regarding Gailliot's (2007) studies? 1. Some participants watched a video of animals in a slaughter house 2. Some participants watched a comedy show (e.g., The Tonight Show with Jay Leno) 3. The researchers administered sugary drinks to some participants 4. The researchers gave some students a figure-tracing task 5. Some participants were asked to go off their diet


When our mind is occupied with effortful tasks we are under cognitive ___ 1. Incongruence 2. Dissonance 3. Weight 4. Consistency 5. Load 6. Confusion

5. Load

Mark is great at brain teasers and Sudoku puzzles.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

Another term for thinking about thinking is _____


There are different IQ tests that are used for people of different ages. True or False?


Amilio is fluent in several languages.

Verbal-linguistic Intelligence

Fill in the blanks with the three processes of long-term memory: In order for memory to help us it needs to--- information into long-term memory, --- it for later use, and--- it when we need it later.

encode store retrieve

"The process of transferring information from STM to LTM involves the ___ or consolidation of information."


(Gailiot's study) Controlling emotional reactions caused 1. A decrease in serotonin 2. No change in glucose 3. A decrease in glucose 4. An increase in glucose 5. An increase in serotonin


Gailliot's (2007) suggests that the best way to fuel your willpower is to consume 1. A lot of salt 2. Grain Alcohol 3. Protein and complex carbs throughout the day 4. A lot of refined sugar and soda 5. Protein and complex carbs at the end of the day


A psychologist wants to explain why the confirmation bias might exist. The psychologist says that we may be rejected by others if we reject information generally believed to be true. This psychologist is most likely drawing on what theoretical perspective? 1.Sociocultural psychology 2. Social Cognitive psychology 3. Sociobiological psychology 4.Personality psychology 5. Psychoanlytic psychology


Based on what you have learned about state-dependent memory, which of the following might you do when you study for the next exam? 1. Study in the classroom that you will take the exam in 2. Get very drunk 3. Study in your room 4. Study with the music playing 5. Study in the library


Miller's Magic Number suggests that our short-term memory has a capacity of using ___ items. 1. 5-9 2. 1-3 3. 7-11 4. 3-5 5. 12-20


Modern IQ tests are scored by 1. The number of correctly answered questions compared to the average number answered correctly by other people his or her age 2. The number of questions out of 200 answered correctly in the allotted time. 3. Feel the bumps on your head 4. Your mental age divided by your chronological age 5. The physical size of your brain


The cocktail party effect demonstrates motivation determining allocation because 1. We subconsciously detect things that we think might be important to pay conscious attention to 2. We pay more attention to attractive people at a party 3. It is hard to pay attention to what people are saying when you have had a few alcoholic beverages 4. We get hungry when we see other people eating snacks 5. People automatically speak louder when they think that what they are saying is important


Which of the following would be an example of metacognition? 1. Realizing that you feel sad each time you see birds 2. Making judgments about people based on a first impression 3. Telling a friend what your favorite movie is 4. Wearing an outfit again because the last time you wore it you received several compliments 5. Reacting automatically to a loud, scary sound


Which of the following is true about the Clever Hans phenomenon? (more than 1) 1. Clever Hans Communicated by stomping 2.Clever Hans was a professor 3.Clever Hans was a horse 4.Clever Hans was a dog 5.Clever Hans could do math like a human

1 and 3

Which of the following is true about the experiment by Schneider and Shiffrin (1977)? (can be multiple) 1. They asked participants to detect whether a specific letter appeared on the screen 2. They gave participants false feedback about verbal abilities 3. The results showed that automatic processing is always superior to controlled processing. 4. They asked participants to pronounce words 5. The results showed that automatic task performance was not impeded when participants completed the conscious task at the same time

1 and 5

Match each example with the appropriate mnemonic 1. I learned to say "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally" to help me remember whether, in a mathematical formula, what order to do things (e.g., anything in parentheses should be done before exponents or multiplications). 2. I learned to recall ROYGBIV to help me remember the order of colors in a rainbow. 3. I can remember all of the items on my list of groceries if I imagine each one hidden somewhere in my house (e.g., there is bread in my sock drawer and my bathtub is full of milk.) 4. The word "pai" in Portuguese means "father" in English. "Pai" sounds like "pie" so it helps me to remember the definition by thinking about the fact that my father loves eating pie. 5. To remember my ATM pin number (7124) I remember that "The seven dwarfs met one princess to take her our for dinner."

1. Acrostic 2. Acronym 3. Loci-method 4. Keyword method 5. Chaining

Match each of the following with the appropriate memory issue. 1. Is it possible that the old address of the house Igrew up in is still somewhere in my brain, but no matter how hard I try I cannot recall it. In this case, I've forgotten because of ___. 2. I feel bad because I can't remember the name of the person I'm talking to. When she introduced herself I was distracted by an argument that two other people were having. In this case, her name was not effectively encoded in memory because of ___. 3. I used to know all of the names of the presidents when I was in Middle School. Since then, however, most of that information was not maintained and no longer exists anywhere in my memory. In this case, I've forgotten because of ___. 4. It is hard to remember the name of a particular actor at first. However, when my friend starts listing other movies he's been in, his name finally pops into my mind. Initially I had a hard time remembering his name because of ___. 5. At the bottom of the OpenPSYC article on forgetting and amnesia there is an optional review activity with movies clips and trailers. Watch the clip labeled "C" 6. At the bottom of the OpenPSYC article on forgetting and amnesia there is an optional review activity with movies clips and trailers. Watch the clip labeled "A"

1. Disorganization 2. Interference 3. Decay 4. Insufficient Priming 5. Retrograde Amnesia 6. Anterograde Amnesia

Match each of the following to the appropriate level of memory 1. Has the capacity to store memories of your favorite songs when you were young 2. Information is stored for 3 to 4 seconds 3. Information is stored for a duration of 0.2 to 0.4 seconds 4. Is limited by a capacity of about 7 items at one time

1. Long Term 2. Sensory-echoic 3. Sensory-Iconic 4. Short term

Match each to the appropriate type information stored within long-term memory 1. I can still remember how to ride a bike, even if I couldn't describe it to you. 2. The general category of information I can consciously recall that is related to bicycles. 3. I remember the first time that I rode a bike without training wheels on... and the fact that I crashed a minute later. 4. I know the specific differences between a racing bike and a mountain bike.

1. Procedural 2. Declarative 3. Episodic 4. Semantic

Match each with the appropriate characteristic of emotional intelligence 1. The ability to function well in a group by communicating effectively and resolving disagreements. 2. The ability to identify and acknowledge your own personal strengths and weaknesses. 3. The ability to read and understand other people's thoughts and emotions.

1. Social Skills 2. Self Awareness 3. Empathy

The population's average IQ is------ and to be considered "gifted" (according to modern descriptions) you need to earn an IQ of at least ----(enter the numerical values from the table)

100 130

The most commonly administered IQ test was designed by 1. Gall 2. Wechsler 3. Binet 4. Freud 5. Roarshack


Tulving's Encoding Specificity Hypothesis provides an explanation for the state-dependent memory effects that researchers have observed. The concept relates well to what you have already learned about the three processes of memory and its organization. If you are trying to remember a fact that you have learned, which of the following statements accurately describes what is happening in your memory? 1. It is always easier to remember information when intoxicated because alcohol make it easier for the brain to encode, store, and retrieve information without the interference of schemas. 2. Contextual information (where you are, how you feel) becomes encoded as part of the schema you have about the fact. During recall, that context can acts as a prime and increase the accessibility of the schema, making it easier to recall. 3. Priming the fact increases the subconscious motivation to get back into the context you were in when you learned it. 4. It is always harder to remember information when intoxicated because alcohol interferes with encoding and recall. 5. It is always harder to remember information when intoxicated because alcohol forces the brain to separate contextual information from the schema that you have about that fact.


Which of the following is true regarding ego depletion( more than 1) 1. People have less self-control early in the day 2. Making choices exhausts resources 3. Taking a break does not influence judicial decisions 4. People have less self-control at the end of the day 5. You can replenish cognitive resources by sleeping

2 4 5

The network of information that I have about football would be: 1. Priming 2. Maintenance rehearsal 3. Schema 4. Elaborative Rehearsal 5. Sterotype


We need our motivation to determine allocation because 1. We only use 10% of our brains 2. We get more intelligent when we care about something 3. We have limited cognitive resources so we need to use them on what is most important to us at the time 4. If we do not use all areas of our brain it will start to shrink 5. If we do not consciously try to use our resources we will not be capable of intelligent thoughts


What are heuristics? 1. A drug that enhances memory 2. The process by which we make our most accurate and reliable decisions 3. A mental shortcut for making decisions 4. The mental superpowers held only by the most intelligent people 5. A chemical that your brain releases to help you make decisions


According to Baumeister, draining your cognitive resources is known as 1. Weakening willpower 2. Glucose deficiency 3. Ego Depletion 4. Lack of self-control

3. Ego Depletion

Binet's initial approach to calculating an IQ was 1. The number of correctly answered questions compared to the average number answered correctly by other people his or her age 2. The number of questions out of 200 answered correctly in the allotted time 3. The physical size of your brain 4. Your mental age divided by your chronological age 5. Feel the bumps on your head


Elaborative rehearsal is a process that attempts to: 1. Role-play being in a dramatic presentation of the material 2. Explain a concept many times in exactly the same way so that you can remember it 3. Integrate procedural memories with declarative memories to create new memories 4. Connect information from one schema with information in another schema 5. Rehearse over and over again information so that you can remember it


Frank is a University of Maryland student at a party in DC. Which example illustrates the "cocktail party effect?" 1. Frank paid more attention to attractive people he didn't know yet 2. Frank has a few drinks and finds it difficult to pay attention to others 3. Frank has a few drinks and finds it easier to pay attention to others 4. Frank heard someone nearby say "I'm a Terp" and turned his head to listen more to that conversation, as it was relevant to him. 5. Frank became thirsty when he saw other people drinking


How can you increase the total amount of elements that your short-term memory can hold? 1. Critique 2. Extrapolate 3. Synergize 4. Chunk 5. Ecological Attention


IQ tests are useful for predicting 1. Creativity 2. All these are predicted by IQ 3. Interpersonal Skills 4. Academic success 5. None of these are predicted by IQ


Which of the following is true about the Kruglanski et al. (2002) studies? (more than 1) 1. Participants reviewed job applications 2. Participants rated the quality of two essays 3.Participants admitted that they had discriminated against people based on race and attractiveness 4. Participants rated the quality of fabric samples 5. Participants were unaware that their ratings were biased by other motivations

4 5

The article on state-dependent memory discusses specific research findings. Based on that specific article, select all of the true statements: 1. Researchers used puppies and insects to make people happy or sad and found that recall was higher when tested in the same mood as the information was learned. 2. Studying in a noisy environment always had a negative impact on recall, regardless of noise levels in the testing room. 3. Studying in a quiet environment was always the best way to study, even if the testing room was going to be noisy. 4. In Goodwin et al.'s study, participants who learned information while intoxicated were able to remember more of it later if they were intoxicated. 5. In Goodwin et al.'s study, participants who learned information while intoxicated were able to remember more of it later if they were sober 6. Researchers used music to make people happy or sad and found that recall was higher when tested in the same mood as the information was learned. 7. The effect was also successfully demonstrated by having people learn and recall information either on land or under water. 8. The effect was also successfully demonstrated by having people learn and recall information either on land or in an airplane.

4 6 7

The explanation on the results screen of the Stroop task explained that for many of us, the act of ___ has become an automatic process that is hard to suppress. 1. Pressing buttons 2. Saying the word out loud when we see it 3. Checking the spelling of a word for errors 4. Reading the word 5. Looking at ads on a website

4. Reading the word

Researchers have found that the brain needs ___ to power complex psychological thought and behavioral control (e.g., controlling your emotions, completing a challenging task). 1. Adrenalin 2.Pheromones 3.Testosterone 4.Sugar 5.BIle

4. Sugar

Imagine yourself taking your first PSYC 100 exam in our classroom. Based on what you have learned about state-dependent memory, which of the following might help you earn the "A" you are aiming for? 1. Just focus on getting the worksheets done as quickly as possible, you'll have plenty of time to practice answering the learning objective questions the day before the exam. 2. Regularly practice answering the learning objective questions in a busy, noisy place that stimulates your brain with everything going on around you. 3. Regularly practice answering the learning objective questions with music or a TV playing the background 4. Regularly practice answering the learning objective questions only after having several alcoholic beverages (even though you would never show up intoxicated on exam day) 5. Regularly practice answering the learning objective questions in the classroom where you will take the exam.


Rachel has experience as a ballerina and gymnast and has very precise control over her movements.

Body kinesthetic intelligence

Our tendency to notice and remember information that is consistent with our existing beliefs is called the _____ bias.


After completing the Stroop Task the response screen explains that most people respond faster and more accurately to the ___ trials Congruent Incongruent


Gardner's theorizing on multiple intelligence leads him to argue that there is conclusive evidence that different people have different learning styles (not just preference, but that people actually learn in different ways). True or False?


Chris enjoyed building things with Legos as a child and now creates very intricate structures. What type of intelligence is this?

Spatial-visual intelligence

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