Mod. 9 - Section I (Male Reproductive System)

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____ is a condition of NO living sperm in the semen.


VARICOCELE affects which side of the spermatic cord more?


Testicular torsion represents a surgical emergency that, if left untreated, can lead to ____ of the testis (a- = no, without; -trophy = development).


Condition of no living sperm in the semen


combining root form for glans penis


____ is a penile disorder, which is an inflammation of the glans penis, caused by an overgrowth of either yeast or bacteria.



benign prostatic hyperplasia characterized by the enlargement of portions of the prostate gland

The ___________ glands lie just below the prostate gland and secrete fluid into the urethra.


Human papilloma virus (HPV) causes genital warts, also called ____, which can lead to _____

condylomata cancer.

mass of erectile tissue

corpus spongiosum

Cryptorchidism is also known as ___


Combining form for "hidden"


When one or both of the testes fail to descend, the condition known as ___


-trophy =


Vas deferens is also known as

ductus deferens

Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCTs) are germ cell tumors that contain ____ stem cells. The four types of NSGCTs include: (1) (2) (3) (4) Which one is malignant?

embryonal The four types of NSGCTs include: (1) embryonal carcinoma, (2) yolk sac tumor, (3) choriocarcinoma, and (4) teratoma. Teratomas in the testes are malignant.

The first stage of SYPHILLIS is called ____ , which is accompanied by the appearance of a _____ which is a red, bloodless ulcer on the external genitals.

primary syphilis chancre



Ejaculatory ducts are short tubes that begin at the base of the ____ ____, pass through the gland, and end in the ____ _____ of the urethra

prostate gland prostatic portion

removal of the prostate gland


— is an instrument used to excise prostatic tissue in TURP (transurethral resection of prostate)


Transillumination is shining a light source through the __________ to identify the fluid-filled mass (hydrocele).

scrotal tissue


the FUNCTIONAL tissue of an organ as distinguished from the connective and supporting tissue.

Phim/o =

to muzzle

Diagnosis of hydrocele is made by ___


methods of treating PROSTATE CANCER include:

- Prostatectomy - Hormonal Chemotherapy (coz prostatic cells depend on ANDROGENS to grow) - Surgical excision of testicles (castration) to reduce production & secretion of hormones that stimulate malignant cell growth. - Cryogenic surgery (cryosurgery) which destroys cancerous cells using extreme cold (cry/o). Cryosurgery can kill cells that are hard to reach even in a radical prostatectomy.

Suffix for hormone is


___ is an abnormal condition of the sperm characterized by a lack of formation or emission of semen


THE NUMBER OF SPERM PRODUCED ASSOCIATED WITH MALE INFERTILITY: A) ____ is the complete lack of semen. B) ___ is the lack of sperm cells in the semen. C) ____ is a condition of low sperm count.

A) Aspermia B) Azoospermia C) Oligospermia

SUMMARY OF PENILE DISORDERS: A) ---, a condition in which the prepuce cannot be retracted; B) ____ , an inflammation of the glans penis; and C) ____ , a congenital disorder in which the urinary meatus is on the underside of the penis.

A) phimosis B) balanitis C) hypospadias

Nonsurgical methods for treating BPH include: A) ___ B) ___. NON surgical methods involve removing excess prostatic tissue but not the____ prostate gland.

A) transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) B) and transurethral needle ablation (TUNA) ENTIRE

A decrease in the urinary stream, urgency, blood in the urine, incomplete emptying of the bladder, and infection as a result of urinary retention are symptoms of ____

BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia

Which one of the following conditions is a congenital disorder? a. phimosis b. balanitis c. hypospadias

C) Hypospadias

What is the most prevalent STD in the US today?

Chlamydia -- caused by bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis

This sexually transmitted infection is not caused by a bacterium. Chlamydia Gonorrhea Herpes genitalis Syphilis

Herpes genitalis

Medical term for "genital wart"


What is the most common congenital testicular condition called?

Cryptorchidism OR Cryptorchism (same thing)

___ = physician performed a finger palpation of the prostate gland through the rectum.

DRE = digital rectal exam

Sperm cells contineu to mature where


____ _____ is caused by type II herpes simplex virus (HSV) and results in ulcerative lesions that come and go at irregular intervals.

Herpes genitalis

Tightly coiled tubes above each testis =


difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection is called ___

Erectile dysfunction (impotence) (ED)

GU =

Genitourinary genit/o = reproduction urin/o = urine

TESTICULAR NEOPLASMS are categorized as either _____ or __________.

Germinal / Seminomatous OR Nongerminal / Non-seminomatous

An overlap of erectile tissue at the tip of the penis forms the slightly bulging structure called the ______,

Glans penis

Gonorrhea is a common STI that is caused by ____ bacteria


Indications of the infection _____ include urethritis; painful urination; a mucopurulent urethral discharge; and itching, burning, or pain around the urethral opening. As with chlamydia, a gonorrheal infection is often asymptomatic.


What STI results in inflammation of the genital tract mucosa?


What STI causes condylomata?


___ ____ ____ , an infection of the skin and mucous membranes, usually shows up as a genital wart, or condyloma, in the anogenital region; it can cause related cancers in both men and women.

Human papilloma virus (HPV)

____ is a congenital disorder in which the external opening of the urethra—the urinary meatus—is on the undersurface of the penis, involving the penoscrotal surface area (pen/o + scrot/o + -al = pertaining to penis and scrotum). This disorder, too, can interfere with the flow of urine. Surgery can easily correct this condition.

Hypospadias (-spadias = slit, fissure)

If Cryptorchidism OR Cryptorchism isn't corrected before puberty, it becomes a risk factor for _____ & _____.

Infertility & Testicular Cancer

What forms the connective & supportive tissue of the testes?

Interstitial (Leydig) cells

What manufactures the hormone TESTOSTERONE

Interstitial (Leydig) cells

Gonorrhea, caused by the Gonococci bacterium, can lead to ______ urethral discharge.



Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors

Urethritis that is not caused by an STI is referred to as ____ urethritis.

Nonspecific urethritis (NSU)

Removal of ENTIRE prostate gland =


The abbreviation showing blood was analyzed for a marker or antigen to recognize prostate cancer =


External, diamond-shaped area between scrotum & anus is


____ occurs when a boy (usually age 4 years or older) with an uncircumcised penis cannot retract his foreskin (prepuce) behind the head of his penis (phim/o = to muzzle)., i.e. condition of constricted foreskin. This condition can obstruct the flow of urine and can also lead to infection when secretions accumulate under the foreskin.


Male sex cells (spermatazoa) also secrete several hormones, the important being ____ & ____, which stimulates the development of male characteristics.

androgen & testosterone

The gland that secretes an alkaline substance into the urethra that protects sperm from urethral and vaginal acidity and enhances sperm motility is the:

Prostate gland

Which abbreviation is for a test for syphilis? PVP RPR STD DRE


Each testis divided into 200+ cone-shaped lobules containing tiny coiled tubules known as

Seminiferous tubules

What structure(s) carry(ies) sperm out of the testicle?

Seminiferous tubules

What is the parenchyma of the testes?

Seminiferous tubules (because they perform the essential work of the testes)

male hormone =


absence of testicles


Where are SPERM CELLS formed? What is this formation/development called?

Sperm cells: - formed along LINING OF TUBULES - SPERMATOGENESIS

___________ contains the blood vessels supplying the testis and epididymis.

Spermatic cord

What is another name for a single sperm cell?


_______ _________ involves the twisting of the spermatic cord, which contains the blood vessels supplying the testis and epididymis. This condition, most often seen in adolescent boys, is characterized by severe pain and acute swelling.

Testicular torsion

What is the essential structure of the male reproductive system & why?

Testis / testicle. Because sperm cells are produced here.

_____ is an abnormal condition of the sperm characterized by a lack of formation or emission of semen.


The ___ is the innermost structure of the penis


In men, the presence of CHLAMYDIA may be indicated by ____ , which is recognized by painful or burning sensation on urination and urethral discharge. Signs of the infection in women include frequent and/or painful urination and cervical discharge. The disease is often asymptomatic.

Urithritis (gonorrhea also caused urithritis)

Another disorder other than testicular torsion that is commonly found in adoslescent boys is


— is an enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord


_____ are a common cause of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality in men, which can cause infertility. Not all, however, affect sperm production.




Sperm Cell The sperm cell is approximately __A__ of an inch long and resembles a tadpole in its appearance. It consists of a head, a cylindrical midpiece, and an elongated tail region. The tail region consists of a hairlike projection called the (B), which aids the cell's motility. Within the head, or __C__, of the sperm is the __D__, the carrier of genetic information. Although approximately __(E)__sperm cells are released into the female reproductive tract with each ejaculation, only __(G)__ to ___ actually reach the ovum, and only one can penetrate and fertilize a single egg.

a) 1/500 inch b) flagellum (pl. flagella) c) acrosome d) nucleus e) 300 million f) 50 to 100

A SUMMARY OF TESTICULAR CONDITIONS: a) ___ occurs when one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum before birth. b) _____involves the twisting of the spermatic cord, which can lead to atrophy of the testis. c) A ___ is the enlargement of the veins of the spermatic cord. d) ___is inflammation of a testicle. e) A _____ is an accumulation of fluid in the scrotum. f) ____ is inflammation of the epididymis.

a) Cryptorchidism b) Testicular torsion c) varicocele d) Orchitis e) hydrocele f) Epididymitis

PROSTATECTOMY approaches: a) b) c)

a) Retropubic approach b) Perineal approach c) Suprapubic Prostatectomy

A) ___ approach = 6-inch incision below the umbilicus allows the removal of the prostate gland, along with pelvic lymph node dissection. B) ___ approach = prostate is removed through an incision between the anus and scrotum (minimizes visible scarring, although a separate incision is required if lymph nodes need to be removed also) C) ____ prostatectomy = abdominal incision above (supra-) the symphysis pubis. D) _____approach = several 1-inch incisions with a larger one made for the actual removal of the prostate from the body

a) Retropubic approach b) Perineal approach c) Suprapubic Prostatectomy d) Laparoscopic approach

BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) may be SURGICALLY treated by: a) ____ or b) _____


Prostate gland (prostat/o) lies under the bladder near the rectal wall. It is a (a)____ shaped _(b)____ gland approx. the size of a chestnut, and encircles the __(c)__ portion of the _(d)___. The prostate gland secretes an __(e)___ substance, as part of the seminal fluid, helps protect the sperm from __(f)__ & __(g)__ acidity and enhances sperm __(h)___.

a) donut b) exocrine c) upper d) urethra e) alkaline f) urethral g) vaginal h) motility

Bulbourethral glands = are 2 round, pea-sized _(a)___ glands that lie just below the _(b)___ gland. Similar to the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland, the bulbourethral glands secrete a fluid into the urethra that helps __(c)__ sperm & contribultes to the ____ of the male sex cells.

a) exocrine b) prostate c) transport d) survival

During fertilization, if more than one egg is traveling through the ___(A)______ when sperm cells have been deposited there, ______ (b) ___ may occur.

a) fallopian tube b) multiple fertilizations

HYDROCELE may be caused by: a) b) c)

a) inflammation of the testis, or b) epididymis, or c) poor lymph drainage

Seminal vesicles are 2 saclike structures. They are glands that produce thick yellowish substance that serves to __(a)__ the sperm, and together w/ the sperm cells & secretions from the prostate, form __(b)__ .

a) nourish b) semen (semin/i)

The _(a)___ are glands that secrete seminal fluid, which, when combined with sperm and secretions from the prostate gland and ---(b)-- glands, form semen. Semen then enters the _(c)___ ducts and is discharged from the __(d)____ during ejaculation. The penis is the passageway for semen during ejaculation and for urinary elimination. It consists of three cylindrical masses of erectile tissue. The __(e)____ is the sensitive bulbous structure at the _(f)____ end of the penis. The foreskin, or __(g)___ , covers the glans penis. This is removed in a circumcision.

a) seminal vesicles b) bulbourethral c) ejaculatory d) urethra e) glans penis f) distal g) prepuce

Eventually the _(a)__ are released into the lumen of each ___(b)___ tubule. From there they are transported into the _(c)__ through a system of small ducts.

a) spermatozoon b) seminiferous c) epididymis

Examples of NONsurgical method to treat BPH: a) _____ (TUMT), heat capable of destroying excess prostatic tissue is delivered to a designated area using a device called a _______. b) ______ (TUNA) uses low-level radiofrequency energy to eliminate hyperplastic growth. c) In addition, a variety of ____ have been approved for the relief of BPH symptoms.

a) transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) Prostatron. b) Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA) c) medications

head of a sperm cell


word root for "male"


One of a pair of comma-shaped, tightly coiled tubes in which sperm cells continue to mature is called the __________.


The __________ carries sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deferens


____ is the elongated cordlike structure located along the posterior border of the testis.


inflammation of the epididymis =


What is another term that means prepuce?


Herpes ____ is a chronic infection caused by the type II herpes simplex virus (HSV II) and is usually transmitted by sexual contact.


Causes of developing ORCHITIS other than mumps are usually bacterial, including sexually transmitted diseases such as ____ OR ____ . Bacterial orchitis that results from epididymitis is called ____.

gonorrhea or chlamydia epididymo-orchitis.

zo/o =

living animal

Orchitis is associated with the virus that causes ____


GERMINAL NEOPLASMS arise from _____ , or germ, cells in the ______. Approximately 90% of testicular carcinomas are ___ cell (germinal) cancers.

neoplasmic, testes germ


oligospermia (olig/o = scanty).

Fixation of the testicles (to correct cryptorchidism)


At least 1/3 of men who contract mumps after puberty develop ____.


____, which is the inflammation of one or both testes, occurs in adolescence and adulthood.


GU tract or system is an organ system made up of __

organs related to the production & excretion of URINE & REPRODUCTION *The two are grouped together because of: - proximity - common embryologic origin - use of common pathways (eg. male urethra in the male genitourinary tract)

Testicular torsion is characterized by severe ____ and ____.

pain & acute swelling

Indications of secondary syphilis, usually several months later, include _____ eruptions or_____ papules, hair loss, swelling of the lymph nodes, and bone and joint pain.

papulosquamous eruptions, or erythematous papules

When phimosis develops in an uncircumcised adult who was previously able to retract his foreskin, it is nearly always attributable to a ____cause.


condition of constricted foreskin


Another name for TRANSURETHRAL RESECTION (TURP) is________ , or ________ PVP.

photo-selective vaporization of the prostate OR green-light therapy (PVP)

Identical twins are always of the same sex and closely resemble each other in their _______ , _______ , and ________ characteristics.

physical, psychologic, mental

____ is the fold of skin covering the tip of the penis (foreskin)


medical term for foreskini


gon/o =


combining form for "seminiferous"


The ____________ are glands that secrete fluid into the vas deferens.

seminal vesicles

Vas deferens eventually enters the base of the prostate gland to join with the ____ _____ & to form the ejaculatory duct.

seminal vesicles

A _____________ is a germinal tumor that forms in the seminiferous tubules


In identical twins, during the early stages of embryonic development, the ovum splits into equal halves, each of which give rise to a ______ ______.

separate fetus

Identical twins are produced from a ____ ____ ovum, usually with one placenta & two _____ ______.

single fertilized amniotac sacs

____ cells contain 1/2 of the genetic material that forms each living being.


male reproductive cell =


What is semen?

sperm & seminal fluid

Word root for sperm cells

spermat/o sperm/o

Fraternal twins develope when two different ______ fertilize tow different ova (sing. ovum). They have separate placentas & are no more similar than siblings from different pregnancies.


Male sex cells are called

spermatazoa (sing. spermatazoon)

Testicular torsion, which is a twisting of the _______ ______, can lead to atrophy of the testis attached to that cord. That is because when this cord is twisted, its blood vessels, which feed into the testis, are pinched, cutting off the blood supply to that ____.

spermatic cord testis

what is the plural form of "spermatazoon"?


syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a ____ , which is a spiral-shaped bacterium. It is characterized by distinct stages that mark its progression.


The choice of care depends on the ___ of the cancer, which is based on tumor ---- AND -----.

stage tumor VOLUME & SPREAD

word root for supportive tissue


-cele means

swelling, mass

In _____ syphillis, damage to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems may occur, and the disease may lead to death if not treated.


late stages of the disease SYPHILLIS is known as ____

tertiary syphilis

Word roots for "testis" / "testicle" (4):

test/o orch/o orchi/o orchid/o

An adjective that means pertaining to the male gonad is


Because the _____ passes through the prostate gland, an enlarged prostate can compress the urethra and obstruct urinary flow.


The ___ serves as a passageway for semen during ejaculation & for urinary elimination.


Combining form for varicose veins


The duct that carries spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct is known as the ____________.

vas deferens

The combining form for the vas deferens is:


The procedure to reverse Jim's sterilization procedure when his second wife wanted children is called






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