Modern Masonry by Clois E. Kicklighter and Timothy L. Andera
Door Schedule symbol on blueprints
A circle with number inside
Window Schedule symbol on blueprints
A hexagon with letter inside.
Lines (geometry)
A horizontal line is a level line. A vertical line is plumb line and is perpendicular means that the line forms a 90 degree angle, or right angle, with respect to another line.
Working Drawings
A set of drawings contain: Site plan Foundation plan Floor plan Elevations Electrical plan Mechanical plan Construction details
A structural member placed over an opening in a wall used to support the loads above that opening. Steel lintels should be supported on either side of the opening for a distance of a lest 4". Reinforced concrete lintels should have a minimum bearing of at least 8" at each end. Slight movement often occurs at the location of lintels. For this reason, control joints are often located at the ends lintels.
Trapezoid (area calculations)
A=(B+C)/2 X H
Adjustable ties
Adjustable assemblies are available in ladder and truss styles
Mason's Line
Any Straight wall longer than about 4' is usually laid to a line laying block too close to the line(crowing) should be avoided. Stay a line width(1/16") away from the line so you do not risk moving the line, which would destroy its usefulness as a reference guide
Pier and Panel Walls
Are composed of a series of relatively thin panels 4" thick, Which are braced by masonry piers
Modular Unit
Based on a measurement of 4"
Building Material symbols
Block: lines running down a rectangle with dots everywhere inside. Face Brick: lines running diagonally inside the rectangle Finish Board: curve lines resembling wood inside the rectangle
Laying Concrete Block Walls
Blocks are nominally 8" X 8" X 16". Actus; Size is 7_5/8" X 7_5/8" X 15_5/8" A 5/8" diameter bar is usually used for a 3/8" concave mortar joint. A 1/2" square bar is used for making a 3/8" V-joint
Grade MW brick
Brick that is used where there may be exposure to temperatures below freezing.
Type T. Brick (industrial Floor Brick)
Brick with a high resistance to thermal and mechanical shock.
Type M Brick (industrial Floor Brick)
Brick with a low absorption rate, limited mechanical shock resistance, and high resistance to abrasion
Type H. Brick (industrial Floor Brick)
Brick with a resistance to chemicals and thermal shock.
Grade MW(Sand-Lime Brick)
Bricks may be exposed to freezing conditions, but not to water saturation.
Placing Concrete
Concrete should not be allowed to drop freely more than 3' or 4'.
Concave Joints
Created by first striking off the excess mortar on a joint, and then running a steel jointing tool with a concave surface to compact the mortar, creating a concave appearance to the joint.
Framing Plan
Designed to show, in detail, the framing required for a roof, floor or other framed area.
Dimensioned Stone, or ashlar, is cut stone of specific dimensions.
Cleaning Failures #2
Failure to properly use chemical cleaning solutions. Improperly mixed or overly concentrated acid solutions can etch or wash out cementitious materials from the mortar joints
Cleaning Failures #3
Failure to protect windows, doors, and trim. Many Cleaning agents, particularly acid solutions, have a corrosive effect on metal frames, the solutions may cause pitting of the metal or staining of the masonry surface and trim materials, such as limestone and cast stone. If mortar is on window glass, metal tools or strong chemicals can scratch or etch the glass. sand in the mortar can also scratch the glass.
Cleaning Failures #1
Failure to thoroughly saturate the brick masonry surface with water before and after application of chemical or detergent cleaning solutions. Saturation of the surface prior to cleaning reduces the absorption rate, permitting the cleaning solution to stay on the surface rather the be absorbed
Grouting brick and block walls: Bond the wythes of masonry together transfers stress from the masonry to the reinforcing steel when lateral forces are present Increases the cross-sectional area of the wall to aid in support of vertical loads and lateral shear loads.
Hardware Cloth (Mesh Wall tie: MWT)
Hardware cloth is metal fabric that adds extra bonding strength, usually where one block wall butts up against another wall.
Roof Plan
Included if the roof is complex or not clearly shown on other drawings. Sometimes the roof features may be shown as part of the site plan.
Block or stack bond
Is purely a pattern bond. All vertical joints are aligned. Since the bond lacks the strength that other bonds provide, it is usually bonded to the backing with rigid steel ties
Is stone that consists of broken fragments of irregular shapes and textures.
Veneered Walls
Its own weight only and is anchored, but not bonded, to the backing.
Masonry Saws
Masonry saws is composed of blades that vary from 6" to 24" in diameter and are about 1/8" thick. this tool is used to cutting brick and concrete block.
Mixing time depends on the following speed of the machine size of the batch condition of the mixer
Moistening the subgrade prevents rapid loss of water from the concrete when pavements, floors, and similar flat work are being placed. Treating forms with oil or a release agent facilitates their removal after the concrete has hardened
Re-tempering Mortar
Mortar should be used and placed in final position within 2 1/2 hours after mixing to avoid hardening due to hydration.
Scale and Dimensions
Most drawings are drawn at a particular scale. Residential floor planes, elevations, foundation plans are generally drawn at 1/4"=1'-0" scale.
Machine Mixing
Most mortar mixers have a capacity from 4 cu. ft. to 7 cu. ft. and have a rotating spiral or paddle-blade design with a tilting drum.
Safety Programs
OSHA requires companies to provide certain safety programs
Ready mixed should be continuously agitated after mixing and until placement to prevent segregation.
Weep Holes
Should be placed at the base of the cavity and at all other flashing levels
Fireplace design
Single face Two face adjacent Two face opposite Three face
Bonds and Patterns
Stretcher soldier header wythe
Flemish Bond
The bond Consists of alternate headers and stretchers in each course
Circle (geometry)
The circumference of a circle is the distance around it. A semi-circle is equal to half the circumference. An arc is any portion of the circumference.
Climactic Conditions
The ideal temperature of mortar is between 60 degrees F and 80 degrees F Heating the mixing water and heating the aggregate are two of the easiest methods of raising mortar temperature. Antifreeze materials should not be used to lower the freezing point of mortar. Such large quantities would be required that the mortar strength and other properties would be seriously impaired
The property of hardening mortar that holds masonry units together
Rough Cut Joint(Flush Joint)
The simplest joint to make. It is made by holding the trowel flat against the brick and cutting in any direction. The Joint is not compacted and leaves a small hairline crack
Cutting Plane Lines
These are heavy lines used to indicate where the object has been sectioned to show internal features
Unit Ties
They are rectangular ties, Z ties, and corrugated ties
Control Joints
They should be sealed with caulking compound after the mortar has been raked out to a depth of 3/4"
Types of Portland cement
Type I- General purpose cement that is suitable for all applications where the special properties of the other types are not required Type II- Modified Portland cement. Cement that produces less heat due to hydration and can resist sulfate attack. Type III- High early strength Portland cement. Cement that produces high strength quickly, usually in a week or less Type IV- Low heat Portland cement. Cement used when the heat generated by hydration must be kept low and when a slower developing strength is not objectionable
U.S. to Metric conversions
Volumes: 1 cu. in. = 16.39 cu. centimeters 1 cu. ft.= 0.02832 cu. meter 1 cu. yd. = 0.7646 cu. meter
Construction Joints
a bulkhead is a piece of material that prevents the concrete from moving past a certain point in the form
Type N mortar
a medium strength mortar suitable for general use in exposed masonry above grade.
a method used to widen a wall by projecting out masonry units to form a ledge or shelf. Begin the corbel course by projecting headers out 3/4" beyond the course below.
Solid Masonry Units
a solid masonry unit is "one whose cross-sectional area in every plane parallel to the bearing surface is 75% or more of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane."
Joint Raker
a tool used to remove a portion of the mortar from the joint just before the mortar hardens
Type K mortar
a very low strength mortar. It is best used in interior non-load bearing partition walls where high strength is not needed
an excellent sill material that can be used on exterior masonry walls.
Batter Boards
are boards and stakes that locate and preserve the building lines during excavation and construction
False Joints
are cut into the stone or panel to create a pattern resembling a true masonry joint
V-shaped joints
are formed by striking a joint to remove excess mortar, then running a V-shaped steel joint tool to compact the mortar.
Wall Ties
are strips of metal or metal wire used to tie masonry wythes together or to tie masonry veneer to a concrete frame of wood frame wall
Dimension lines
are thin lines used to show size or location of a feature of the structure. They may be placed outside or, if there is sufficient space, inside the object.
Extension Lines
are thin lines used to show where a dimension line ends. They extend from portion of the object past the dimension line about 1/16".
Grade SW Brick
brick that is highly resistant to frost action
Grade NW(Sand-Lime Brick)
bricks that may be exposed to light frost action with very little moisture present.
Chimney Construction
chimney wall must be at least 4" thick for residential structures. The walls must be lined with approved fire clay flue lines not less than 5/8" thick
Spread Foundations
consist of elements such as walls,pilasters columns, or piers that rest on a footing.
Chases and Recesses
fromed by masons as the wall is built. Chases are generally located on the inside of the wall and vary in size from 4" to 12" in width Recesses reduce the wall thickness and strength and are usually limited to one-third the thickness of the wall
Section Lines
general section lines are usually drawn at 45 degree and about 1/16" to 1/8" apart.
English Bond
has alternate courses of stretchers and headers
Type M mortar
has high compressive strength and somewhat greater durability than other mortar types.
Grade SW(Sand-Lime Brick)
includes brick that can be exposed to freezing temperatures and water saturation
Brick Hammers
is a hammer designed to both drive nails break or chip stone or masonry units.
Composite Walls
is a multi-wythe wall that is designed to act as a single member when subjected to loads
Cavity Walls
is a two-wythe wall that allows each wythe to react independently to stress. cavity walls usually consists of two walls separated by a continuous air space that is at least 2" wide.
is a white powder or salt-like deposit on masonry walls, which is caused by water-soluble salts.
is an igneous stone that is hard and durable. Is excellent as a crushed rock.
is an isolated elements with horizontal dimensions measured at a right angle from the thickness dimension, that does not exceed three times the thickness dimension. The height of a column is least three times its thickness
Raked Joint
is made by removing some of the mortar while it is still soft
Raft Foundation
is made with reinforced walls and floor cast into single unit.
Control Joint
it creates a plane of weakness in concrete masonry. In conjunction with reinforcement or joint reinforcement, a control joint controls the location of crack due to volume changes resulting from shrinkage and creep.
Joint Movement
limestone products have a low coefficient of expansion, however, a 100' Long wall exposed to a temperature variance of 130 degrees will move 7/16". In the case of a 100' long wall, seven 1/4" expansion joints can be incorporated into the wall, allowing 1/16" movement of each 1/4" joint.
Extruded Joint (weeping joint)
made by squeezing out the mortar as the unit is laid.
Type S mortar
mortar is a medium high strength mortar
refers to the application of a coating of mortar
Weathered joint
requires care since it must be worked from below. It is a compacted joint that readily shed water.
Retarding Admixtures
retarders can be used when it is desirable to offset rapid setting up(hardening) of concrete due to hot weather
Five Basic Bonds
running bond consists of all stretchers and is used largely in cavity wall and veneer wall construction
Foundation Plan
shows the foundation walls and their sizes and materials. it may also give information about the excavation,reinforcing materials, special wall construction procedures, waterproofing, and supporting structures such as footings, and piles.
Thermal Mass
the characteristic of heat capacity and surface area capable of affecting building thermal loads by storing heat and releasing it at a later time.
the chemical reaction between water and cement that sets and hardens the cement, progresses very slowly below 40 degrees F
the covering at the top of a wall. The cap and coping may be a single unit or multiple units. caps and copings may be made of brick, precast or cast-in place concrete,stone,metal, or terra cotta.
Expansion Joints
the movement of the outer brick wythe due to thermal and moisture expansion can be greater than the movement in solid or composite walls exposed to the same environment For this reason, it is recommended that expansion joints be provided through the outer wythe of the cavity wall on each side of an external corner where the walls are 50' or more in length
Short Break Lines
these lines are heavy lines used when part of the object is shown broken away to reveal a hidden feature.
Tie placement/joint reinforcement
ties should be 3/16" in diameter or #9 gauge wire and placed in every 4 1/2 sq. ft. of wall space when the cavity is no more than 4" Full bedding of the bed joint and placing the wall tie in the mortar 5/8" from either edge of the masonry unit
Hollow masonry Units
unit is brick with less than 75% solid material in its net cross-sectional area in any plane.
Type FBX brick
used for general use in exposed exterior and interior wall and partitions where a high degree of perfection is required. This Brick Must be uniform in color and size.
Adhesion Ceramic Veneer
usually produced in thin sections. It is held in place without metal anchors by a mortar backing. Thickness is ordinarily 1".
Placing on Hardened Concrete
where concrete is to be placed on hardened concrete or rock, a layer of mortar, 1/2" to 1" thick, is placed on the hard surface.