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using the task view button

A new feature in Windows 10 is the ability to create multiple Desktops. You can create a Desktop for the different areas of your life. You can use one for work files and another for more personal tasks. The Task View button gives you quick access to all your open windows in your current Desktop as well as allows you to switch between different desktops on your computer. To work in Task view: 1.Click the Task View button on the left side of the Taskbar. 2.The active windows in the current Desktop are displayed. Click a window to make that window active. 3.To create a new Desktop, click the New desktop button. 4.To switch to another Desktop, click the Desktop's thumbnail at the bottom of the screen.

connecting to a network tips and tricks

Click the Connect automatically check box to connect automatically to this wireless network next time you start your computer. If you are traveling with a laptop, you can quickly disable your Internet connection by clicking the Airplane mode button at the bottom of the Network panel.

using the quick access list

Go to page content Using the Quick Access List The Quick access list displays commonly opened folders for quick, one-click access to files on your computer. Some items in the Quick access list are pinned to the list, meaning they will always display in the list until they are unpinned. By default, the Desktop, Downloads, Documents, and Pictures folders are pinned to the Quick access list. Below the pinned items, you will see frequently accessed folders. These are the folders you most often view in File Explorer. If you find yourself always opening a specific folder, you may want to pin the folder to the Quick access list. To pin a folder to the Quick access list: Select the folder you want to pin (either in the Quick access list or in the file list). On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Pin to Quick access button. To unpin a folder, right-click the folder and select Unpin from Quick access.

moving files and folders another method

To copy a file, you can also: Right-click the file you want to move and select Copy on the menu. Press Ctrl + C on the keyboard. To cut a file, you can also: Right-click the file you want to move and select Cut on the menu. Press Ctrl + X on the keyboard. To paste a file, you can also: Right-click the file you want to move and select Paste on the menu. Press Ctrl + V on the keyboard.

creating new folders and subfolders another method

To create a new folder, you can also: -Right-click an empty area of the file list, point to New, and click Folder. -Press Ctrl + Shift + N.

deleting files and folders another method

To delete a file or folder, you can also: -Right-click the file or folder and select Delete on the menu. -Select the file, and then press the Delete key on the keyboard.

working with apps tips and tricks

To return to the Start menu from the list of all apps, click the Back button.

connecting to a network tell me more

When you connect to an unsecured wireless network, your computer may be exposed to dishonest or unscrupulous computer users who may try to capture information such as what web sites you visit, documents you open, or even what you type on the keyboard. If you are connecting to a public wireless connection that is unsecured, be very careful. If at all possible, you should only connect to security-enabled wireless networks.

signing out and locking the computer tell me more

if you sign out of your account and you have apps running, you will be prompted to save your work before Windows closes the apps

changing document properties tips and tricks

Changing the attribute on a file to "read only" is a good way to prevent accidental changes being made to a file you consider to be final.

opening files from file explorer another method

another method To open a file, you can also: Double-click the file. Right-click the file and select Open. To open a file using a program other than the default, you can also right-click the file you want to open, click Open with..., click the More apps link, and select the application you want to open the file in.

understanding the settings window another method

another method To open the Settings window, you can also click the Action Center icon on the right side of the taskbar and select All settings in the Quick access section.

working with zipped files tell me more

if you are zipping a folder, windows will name the zipped folder with the same name. if you are zipping several files, windows will name the zipped folder with the same name as the first files in the list.

using the quick access list tell me more

tell me more In past versions of Windows, the Favorites list included many of the same shortcuts that are now part of the Quick access list. The Favorites list is still part of the Windows operating system, but is now hidden by default.

pinning items on the taskbar tips and tricks

tips & tricks Be selective about how many and which items you pin where. If you pin too many items, you may have problems locating the ones you access most often. Only pin apps that you access on a regular basis to the taskbar.

opening files from file explorer tips and tricks

tips & tricks By default, the Open menu will display a list of recommended programs for the file's type. If the application you want to open the file with is not on the Open menu, click Choose default program... A pop-up displays asking how you want to open the file. Click the More options link to display additional applications to use.

selecting multiple files tips and tricks

tips & tricks If you have selected too many files, you can press Ctrl on the keyboard and click a file to deselect it.

renaming files and folders tips and tricks

tips & tricks If you want to group files together, you should give them file names beginning with the same string of characters. One way to do this is to select several files and rename them at once with the same name. Windows 10 will add a (2), (3), etc. to the end of the file names and your files will be grouped together when the file list is sorted by name.

using the quick access list tips and tricks

tips & tricks To remove a folder from the Quick access list, right-click the folder and select Remove from Quick access. Removing a folder from the list will prevent it from showing up in the Quick access list, even if you are using the folder often.

using the task view button tell me more

When you make system changes, such as changing backgrounds or pinning items, the system changes will be applied to all the Desktops not just the active one.

moving files and folders tell me more

Drag and drop allows you to easily move files and folders. To drag a file or folder: 1.Select the file you want to move. 2.Without releasing the mouse button, move your mouse until it is over the location where you want the object to reside. The folder or drive will highlight and a pop-up information window will appear. 3.Read the information in the pop-up window to confirm the location you are copying to. 4.Release the mouse button. The object has been moved or copied.

navigating folders using file explorer

Files on your computer are organized into folders (just like files and folders in a filing cabinet). Folders can contain other folders (called subfolders), which in turn can contain additional subfolders. The Navigation pane in File Explorer displays the drives and folders on your computer in a hierarchical view called a tree. You can expand or collapse each branch of the structure, making it easy to navigate through the contents of your computer. To open a folder from the Navigation pane: If necessary, click the arrow next to the folder name to expand the branch and then click the folder. Click the arrow next to the folder name again to collapse the branch.

working with windows

Have you ever wondered why the Windows operating system is called Windows? When you launch an app it opens in what is referred to as a window. Each window is a self-contained working environment for that app. You can have multiple apps open and consequently multiple windows open at the same time. Although the contents of the windows differ, the shell of each window have the same basic features: -Minimize —hides the window from view, but does not close the app. The app button is still active on the Windows taskbar. Click the button on the taskbar to display the window again. -Maximize —resizes the app window so it fills the screen. When the window is maximized, the window cannot be moved around the screen and the Maximize button is replaced with the Restore button. -Restore —reduces the size of the window to allow for moving it around on the screen. When the window has been restored, the Restore button is replaced with the Maximize button. -Close —closes the app so it is no longer active on the taskbar. -Title bar—the bar across the top of the window. It typically displays information about the currently active content in the window (such as a filename). If the window appears in the restored state, you move the window around on the screen by clicking and dragging the title bar. Snap is a feature in Windows 10 that allows you to display two windows side by side. This can be helpful when copying and pasting content from one app to another (for example, copying a table of numbers from a Word document into an Excel workbook. To use Snap: 1.Click and drag the active window to the right side of the screen. 2.When the mouse reaches the right side, you will see an outline of the window. Release the mouse button. 3.Windows displays the active window in a vertical layout that fills the right side of the screen. 4.On the left side of the screen, Windows displays small previews of all the currently open apps. Click an app to have it fill the left side of the screen.

moving files and folders tips and tricks

If you move a file to a new folder where a copy of that file already exists, Windows will ask you if you want to Replace the file in the destination (overwrite the original file with the version of the file you are pasting), Skip this file (leave the original file and don't paste the newer version), or Compare info for both files (you can then choose to keep one or both versions of the file). If you copy and paste a file within the same folder, Windows will append the pasted file with - Copy to differentiate the two files.

deleting files and folders

If you no longer need a file or folder, you can remove it from your computer by using the Delete command. When you delete a file or folder from your hard drive, it is placed in the Recycle Bin where it will be temporarily stored until you remove it from your computer permanently. To delete a file or folder: 1.Click the file or folder you want to delete to select it. 2.On the Home tab, in the Organize group, click the Delete button.

shutting your computer down and putting it to sleep

If you want to power down your computer, but still keep your apps and windows open, you should put your computer to sleep. Using the Sleep command puts your computer in a power saving mode, but does not fully turn off your computer. When you press your computer's power button, Windows will start up in a matter of a few seconds, maintaining the state it was in when you put the computer to sleep. To put your computer to sleep: Click the Start button. Click Power and select Sleep. Windows will power down the computer. To "wake" your computer, press the power button on your computer. Windows will resume in the same state as you left it. It is important to properly turn off your computer when you are finished working. Never unplug or turn off your computer using the power button on the computer's case while Windows is running—doing so may corrupt files on your hard drive. Always turn off your computer using the Shut Down command. Shutting Down your computer closes all open windows and apps. Shutting down does not save your work, so it is important to save any files you have been working on before shutting down. To shut down your computer: Click the Start button. Click Power and select Shut down. Windows will close all open windows and apps and power off the computer. To start up your computer, press the power button on your computer. Windows will start up again, but none of your previously open apps or windows will be open.

using the action center

The Action Center displays important notifications about your computer, including system updates and security risks. It also displays when you have received a new message and other app notifications. The lower part of the Action Center displays the Quick actions. These buttons give you direct access to some of the most popular apps. With a single click you can bring up the Settings window or turn off the Bluetooth connection on the computer. You can even adjust the screen brightness and place your computer in Airplane mode from the Action Center. To use the Action Center: 1.Click the Action Center icon on the taskbar. 2.Read any notifications that appear at the top of the panel. 3.Click a Quick action to turn the feature on or off or to open the app.

changing the document properties another method

To open the Properties dialog for a file or folder, you can also: On the Home tab, in the Open group, click the Properties button arrow and select Properties. Right-click the file or folder and select Properties from the menu. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Properties icon. Press Alt + Enter on the keyboard.

navigating folders using file explorer tips and tricks

The Windows 7 operating system emphasized organizing files and folders in Libraries. Windows 10 hides the Libraries on the Navigation pane by default. To show the Libraries in the Navigation pane, right-click an empty area of the Navigation pane and select Show Libraries.

working with apps tell me more

When people use the term "app", they are typically referring to mobile apps. These are the applications available through the Windows Store. Other "desktop" applications, can be purchased and downloaded from the software product's Web site. Desktop applications typically are more full features than mobile apps.

pinning items on the taskbar

When you "pin" an app to the taskbar, that app's button will be displayed until you remove it, or "unpin" it. Pinning apps is helpful for accessing apps that you use often and need quick access to. You can pin items to the taskbar, giving you one click access to a app. To pin an item to the taskbar: Right-click the app you want to pin. Select Pin to taskbar from the menu that appears. The taskbar by default includes pinned icons for the Edge browser, File Explorer, and the Windows Store. If you do not want these apps to be pinned to the taskbar, right-click the icon of the app you want to unpin, and select Unpin from taskbar from the menu.

using the taskbar

When you are working with multiple apps and windows, you may find it difficult to move between windows to find what you need. The taskbar acts as a kind of remote control for your computer. It allows you quick and easy access to apps, active windows, and system settings for your computer. By default, the taskbar appears along the bottom of your screen, and is always visible unless you choose hide it. The taskbar can be customized to appear however you like, but by default the taskbar contains the following areas: -The Start button—clicking this button displays the Start menu, giving you access to all apps and files. -Cortana—Window's virtual assistant for searching for items on your computer and on the Internet as well as assisting with productivity. -Task View button—Button for switching between different Desktops. -Buttons for apps and windows—when a app is open, it is represented by an underlined button on the taskbar. When a app is the current active window, its button appears with a different color background. Roll your mouse over a button on the taskbar to view thumbnails of currently opened files. Roll your mouse over a thumbnail to display that window full screen. Click a thumbnail to make the window active. -Notification area—gives you access volume controls, network and wireless connections, the Action Center, and the computer's clock. Click the Show hidden icons button to display the background apps running on your computer.

deleting files and folders tips and tricks

When you delete files from drives other than your hard drive, they are not sent to the Recycle Bin. They are permanently removed. So, be careful when deleting files from a network drive or a removable disk.

using the taskbar tips and tricks

-Clicking the app's button a second time will hide the windows previews. -You can control the behavior of the taskbar in the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties dialog. To open the dialog, right-click an empty area of the taskbar and select Properties on the menu. Here you can change the behavior of the taskbar including, locking the taskbar and changing the appearance of the taskbar.

renaming files and folders

A file name is a unique identifier for a file. It is comprised of two parts: the name and the extension. The name should briefly describe the contents of the file, and can contain up to 260 characters. The extension typically includes three or four characters and tells Windows which application or applications are best suited for opening the file. (The file extension is usually hidden in the file list.) To rename a file or folder: Click the file or folder name once to select it. Click the name again. Type the new name for the file or folder and press Enter.

connecting to a network

A network connects two or more computers, allowing them to communicate with each other and share resources. Computers on a network can be physically connected through cables or they can communicate through wireless technology. Wireless networks have become very common. Most home networks use wireless technology to allow multiple computers to share the same Internet access, without having to install network cables throughout the house. Wireless networks are also widely available in public places such as libraries and coffee shops. If you have a laptop computer with a wireless network adapter, it is important to know how to connect to different wireless networks. To connect to a wireless network: 1.Click the Network icon in the Notification area of the taskbar. 2.Click a network name in the list that appears. 3.Click the Connect button. 4.In the Enter a network security key box, type the security key. 5.Click Next to connect to the network.

working with Apps

An app (short for application) is a program designed for a specific purpose. Apps include everything from games to social media apps to tutorials to productivity software. Some apps are free, but others you will need to pay for. Microsoft-certified apps can be purchased and downloaded from the Windows Store. The All apps menu in Windows 10 includes all apps that have been installed on your computer, including apps downloaded from the Windows store and programs installed from other sources, such as a product's web site. To launch an app from the Start menu: 1.Click the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen and click an app name or tile on the menu to open it. 2.If you do not see the app you want to open, click the All apps button at the bottom of the Start menu. 3.The All apps menu displays. All the apps installed on your computer are listed alphabetically. Scroll the list of apps and click the app you want to open.

searching using cortana

Cortana is Windows 10's personal virtual assistant. Cortana can help you perform a variety of tasks from organizing your appointments to tracking a package online to finding files or apps. The more you use Cortana the more personalized and customized your experience becomes. If you have installed a lot of apps it can be difficult to find what you need on the Start menu. Use Cortana to quickly scan your computer for apps, settings, and files on your computer as well as return results from the Internet and Windows Store. To search for information using Cortana: Click the Cortana button in the lower left corner of the screen next to the Start button. Type your search text in the Ask me anything box. As you type, Cortana will narrow the search results. Select the item you want from the results that appear.

opening files from file explorer

Opening Files from File Explorer You can open a file directly from the File Explorer window. When you open a file from the File Explorer window, Windows looks for the application associated with the file type, and then opens the file in that application. To open files from File Explorer: Click the file to select it. On the Home tab, in the Open group, click the Open button. You can also select a file and click the Open button arrow and select the program you want to use to open the file.

moving files and folders

The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands are used to move files and folders from one location to another. Copying an item will leave the original file in its original location, whereas cutting an item will move the item from its original location to the location where you paste it. To use cut, copy, and paste to move files and folders: 1.Select the file or folder you want to move. 2.On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the Copy or Cut button. 3.Navigate to the folder you want to move the file to and click the Paste button. To use the Copy to command to copy a file to a folder, on the Home tab, in the Organize group, click the Copy To button and select a folder. To use the Move to command to move a file to a folder, on the Home tab, in the Organize group, click the Move To button and select a folder.

understanding the settings window

The Settings window allows you to customize the behavior of your computer, including changing the computer's display, adding devices, controlling network settings, and adding accounts. The Settings window is organized into categories and tasks. First select the category you want to work with, and then select the specific task you want to accomplish. To open the Settings window: Click the Start button. Select Settings. Click a category to display a new window with the tasks for that category. The Settings categories include: System—allows you to control display settings, notifications, power and sleep options. Devices—allows you to view and connect to devices such as printers, scanners, mice, keyboards, and other devices. Network & Internet—allows you to turn Wi-Fi on and off, connect to networks, switch to Airplane mode, and connect to a VPN. Personalization—allows you to change the background, colors, and theme for the computer. Accounts-allows you to create and manage user accounts. Time & language—allows you to control the time, region, and language for the computer. Ease of Access—allows you to control accessibility features in Windows 10. Privacy—controls how apps access your computer, including the camera, microphone, contacts, and calendar. Update & security—gives you easy access to common maintenance programs to keep your computer running smoothly including Windows Update, Windows Defender, Backup, and Recovery.

using the show desktop button

The Show desktop button minimizes all open windows with one click. This is very helpful when you have several windows open, and need to quickly access part of the desktop, such as the Recycle Bin. To minimize all open windows using the Show desktop command, click the plain button on the far right side of the taskbar. Peek is a feature that allows you to view your desktop without actually committing to minimizing all your open windows. Rest your mouse over the Show desktop button and you will see all your open windows fade and become transparent. Move your mouse away from the Show desktop button to restore your open windows.

using the start menu

The Start menu gives you quick access to all the files, apps, and settings on your computer. At the top right side of the Start menu, you will see the current user's account name and icon. Below the user's account information, you will see a list of most used and recently added apps. Below the list of apps, you will see options for opening the File Explorer to manage files, the Settings window for changing computer preferences, and the Power button, which allows you to shut down or restart your computer. The right side of the Start menu displays app tiles. Some tiles are static and display the app's icon. Other tiles are "live" tiles. These tiles are constantly displaying new information that is being streamed through an app's tile. Examples of live apps include weather, sports, and news apps. You can add an app tile to the Start menu by pinning that app. To pin an app to the Start menu: Click the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen to display the Start menu. Right-click an app name in the Most Used list. Select Pin to Start. A tile for the app now appears on the right side of the Start menu.

changing document properties

The file properties of a file include information such as the file location, the size of the file, when it was created, and when it was last modified. Properties also include file attributes—characteristics of the file that limit it to "read only" (preventing changes to the file) or hide it. To change the document properties for a file: 1.Click the file to select it. 2.On the Home tab, in the Open group, click the Properties button. 3.In the dialog, modify the document properties and click OK.

working zipped files

The zip feature in Windows allows you to combine and compress multiple files into a single zipped folder. This makes it easier when trying to send several files through e-mail. You can choose to zip up a folder containing files or select several files to add directly to a zipped folder. To zip a folder or files: 1.Select the folder or files you want to zip. 2.Click the Share tab. 3.In the Send group, click the Zip button. To access the files in a zipped folder, simply double-click the zipped folder. You can then open any of the files as you would in File Explorer. If you will be using the files, it is a good idea to copy the files out of the zipped folder and into another folder on your computer.

working with windows another method

To minimize, maximize, restore, or close a window, you can also right-click the title bar of the window and select an option. To maximize or restore a window, you can also double-click the title bar.

Creating new folders and subfolders

Too many files in one location can become difficult to manage. To better organize your files, you can create new folders and subfolders. Each new folder you create should contain related files, and be named according to its contents. To create a new folder: 1. On the Home tab, in the New group, click the New folder button. 2.Type the name of the folder in the text box and press Enter.

working with zipped files tips and tricks

When you select a zipped folder, the Compress Folder Tools contextual tab displays. This folder contains commands for extracting the files in the folder, including the Extract All button. Clicking the Extract All button will extract the zipped files into a new uncompressed folder.

creating new folders and subfolders tips and tricks

Windows does not allow two subfolders within the same parent folder to have the same name. However, you can have folders with the same name if they have different parent folders. For example, a folder named Finance might have subfolders for each year (2010, 2011, etc.). Those folders may have subfolders with the same names (January, February, etc.).

connecting to a network another method

You can also connect to a network from the Settings window: 1.Click the Start button and select Settings. 2.In the Settings window, click the Network & Internet category. 3.On the Wi-Fi screen, select the network you want to connect to.

selecting multiple files

You could move files one at a time, but if you want to move multiple files to the same location, then you should select all the files you want to move and move them with one command. When a file is selected, the background of the file in the file list is shaded. If you are working on touch-enabled devices, you will also see a check box next to the file name. Files with a checkmark are selected, while files that do not have a checkmark next to them are not selected. To select multiple files that appear in consecutive order in the file list: Click the first file you want to select. Press and hold the Shift key on the keyboard and then click the last file in the list. The first file you clicked, the last file you clicked, and all the files in between are now selected. To select multiple files that do not appear in order in the file list: Click the first file you want to select. Press and hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and then click the next file you want to select. Only the two files you clicked are selected.

using the action center another method

another method If you have a touch device running Windows 10, you can swipe from the right side of the screen to display the Action Center.

searching using cortana another method

another method If you have voice activation for Cortana enabled, you can also use voice commands to search using Cortana. Start by saying "Hey, Cortana" and then following up with what you want to search for.

using the quick access list another method

another method To pin a folder to the Quick access list you can also: Right-click the folder (either in the Quick access list or in the file list). Select Pin to Quick access on the menu that appears.

pinning items on the taskbar another method

another method To pin an app to the taskbar, you can also right-click the app on the Start menu, point to More, and select Pin to taskbar.

renaming files and folders another method

another method To rename a file, you can also: On the Home tab, in the Organize group, click the Rename button. Right-click the file and select Rename from the menu.

using the show desktop button another method

another method You can also right-click an empty area of the taskbar and select Show the desktop to quickly display the desktop.

selecting multiple files another method

another method You can select multiple files by clicking and dragging across the files you want to select.

renaming files and folders tell me more

tell me more A file name can contain any letter from A to Z and any number from 0 to 9. In addition, a file name can contain any of the following special characters—space ( ), tilde (~), exclamation point (!), at sign (@), number sign (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), caret (^), ampersand (&), parentheses (), underscore (_), hyphen (-), and apostrophe ('). A file name cannot contain the following special characters—asterisk (*), colon (:), backslash (\\), vertical line (|), forward slash (/), question mark (?), greater than sign (>), and less than sign (<).

searching using cortana tell me more

tell me more Cortana is more than just a search engine for your computer and the Internet. Cortana can perform a number of other tasks to help with productivity including adding appointments to your Outlook calendar, setting reminders, getting directions, and setting alarms. Cortana can also play music and check the current weather. She can even tell you a joke. Try typing "Tell me a joke" in the Ask me anything box and see what Cortana comes back with.

using the start menu tell me more

tell me more In Windows 8, Microsoft replaced the familiar Start menu with the Start screen which overlaid the Desktop and used tiles for accessing apps. The Windows 10 operating system welcomes back the Start menu to the user interface. The Windows 10 Start menu is a combination of the old Start menu from Windows 7 and the live tiled Start screen from Windows 8.

selecting multiple files tell me more

tell me more The Select All command allows you to select all the files in a window with one command: On the Home tab, in the Select group, click the Select All button. Press Ctrl + A on the keyboard to select all the files in a window.

understanding the settings window tell me more

tell me more The Settings window replaces the control panel as the primary way for adjusting your computer's settings. The control panel is still available as a desktop app, but the Settings window provides a simpler more streamlined approach to working with your computer's settings.

deleting files and folders tell me more

tell me more When you delete a folder from your computer, all the contents of the folder are also removed. You will be prompted by Windows to verify that you want to delete the folder and all its contents. Clicking Yes removes the files.

using the action center tips and tricks

tips & tricks Click Collapse to reduce the number of tiles displayed in the Quick actions section to a single row of tiles.

using the show desktop button tips and tricks

tips & tricks Click the Show desktop button again to restore your windows.

searching using cortana tips and tricks

tips & tricks If Cortana is not enabled, you will see the Search the web and Windows icon (a magnifying glass) instead of the Cortana button. To enable Cortana, click the Search the web and Windows icon and click the Settings icon (a gear) under the Home icon on the left side navigation bar. Click the first toggle switch to the "on" position and click the Use Cortana button to activate Cortana. If you do not want to use Cortana, you can disable Cortana by clicking the Cortana button on the taskbar, clicking the Notebook icon under the Home icon, clicking Settings and clicking the first toggle switch to the "off" position.

shutting your computer down and putting it to sleep tips and tricks

tips & tricks If you have a laptop computer, you can change your computer's settings to either go to sleep or shut down when you close your computer's lid. Your computer will start up faster after having been put to sleep rather than having been shut down. When your computer is asleep the power button on the outside of your computer will change state - either blink or turn yellow.

using the start menu tips and tricks

tips & tricks To remove a tile from the right side of the Start menu, right-click the tile and select Unpin from Start. To change the size of tiles on the Start menu, right-click a tile, point to Resize, and select an option. If you do not want live content to display on a tile, right-click the tile, point to More, and select Turn live tile off.

working with zipped files another method

to create a zipped folder, you can go also right-click the folder or files you want to zip, point to send to, and select compressed (zipped) folder

signing out and locking computer

when you are not at your computer, it is a good idea to secure it so others cannot access it. One way to secure your computer is to sign out of your user account. When you sign out of Windows, you are logged out of your account, all open apps are closed, and the Lock screen displays. You will then need to bypass the Lock screen and re-enter your password on the Log in page to access your account. To sign out of your account: 1. Click the username at the top of the start menu 2. select sign out The other way to secure your computer is to lock it. When you lock your computer, you are logged out of your account and the Lock screen displays. You will then need to bypass the Lock screen and re-enter your password on the Log in page to access your account. Unlike signing out of your account, when you lock your computer, all your apps remain open, so there is no need to save your work beforehand. To lock the computer but remain signed in to the user account: 1. click the same user name at the top of the start menu 2. select lock

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