Module 23 Sleep Patterns and Sleep Theories

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After age 5, _____ of children continue to wet the bed and by age 10 ____

15%; 95%

New borns sleep _____ of the day


At what age do we begin to shift form being owls to larks

20 years old

by morning we have spent ____ to ____ percent of the night or about ____ minutes in REM sleep

20% to 25%; 100

how many hours is our modern wake and sleep cycle? What is the blame for the change

25 hour cycle; artificial lighting

For _____ of kids, either a parent or relative also wet the bed.

3 our of 4

How long is slow wave N3, the first sleep cycle of the night

30 minutes

_____ percent of people report rarely or nevery having dreams they remember the next morning


How many hours do we spend dreaming in a year

600 hours

In the US and Canada, adults averaged _____ hours per night

7 to 8

Of those say they can't remember their dream, more than ____ percent of the time they will recall a adream after being awakened during REM sleep


We cycle through 4 distinct sleep stages about every _____ minutes


In what stage do kids often wet the bed

End of N3

How is the hypothalamus involved in sleep?

In response to decreasing light the hypothalamus' suprachiastmatic nucleus causes the pineal gland to increase production of melatonin, leading you to sleep.

The random, sudden starteled movement of a body part, also happening during this pre-sleep stage

Myoclonic jerks

At what stages do we finally say we have fallen asleep?


The brain waves associated with REM sleep are most similar to those of


Do we remember when we fall asleep


Why might I have trouble focusing in the 6th hour class

Our body temperature dips for a time in early afternoon

If you are asleep and your loud snoring stops, you are most likel in ____


What happens to your eyes in REM sleep

They dart around in momentary bursts of activity behind closed lids

Why do we yawn?

To reduce brain metabolism and it stretches your neck muscles which increases your heart rate adn alertness

How does sleep protect us

We are not nocturnal creatures, we aren't built for night time activities.

Paradoxial sleep

Your body is internally aroused, with walking-liking brain activity, yet asleep and externally calm.

What happens to your heart in REM sleep

Your heart rate rises

Thinking is sharpest adn memeory is most accurate when we are at our daily peak in.....?

circadian arousal

Our bodies roughly synchronize with the 24 hour cycle of day and night through a biological clock called what?

circadian rhythm

If I am totally awake my brain should be emitting ____ waves


From 5 to 7 million kids wet the bed some or most nights--- with twice as many _______ wetting their bed than ______

boys; girls

What happens during SWS that helps athletes

produces the human growth hormone necessary for muscle development


sensory experiences without sensory stimulation

What is the biggest factor that determines the amoutn of sleep a person truly needs

sleep patterns may be genetically influenced

N3 issue: Some of these children ____________________ that their brain doesn't get the signal that their bladder is full.

sleep so deeply

The rhythmic bursts of brain activity that occur during NREM 2 sleep are called

sleep spindles

sleep feeds creative thinging by helpign us to think ____ and see_____

smart; connections

Why is it so hard to wake up in January and February

the lack of bring light causes melatonin to still be produced thus we feel sluggish and tired

when is the worst time for athletes to practice and why

early mornign workouts are ill advised because they increase the risk of injury and rob athletes are valueable sleep.

sleep improves athletic performance. Well rested athletes have ______________ and ________________

faster reaction times, more energy and a greater endurance

REM sleep and NREM2 sleep help athletes how

helps strengthan the neural connections that build endring memories, including muscle memory

During this timefram you may experience _____________ like feeling as if you are falling or hearing someone call your name.

hyphogogic hallucinations

The majority of bedwetting is _______


What happens to your breating in REM sleep

it becomes rapid and irregular

How does sleep help us recuperate

it helps restore and repair brain tissue.

How does sleep restore and rebuild our fading memories of the day's experiences? What age group is helped the most?

it strengthens and stabilizes neural memory traces; older adults

How are our sleep patterns cultually influenced

modern lighting, shift work, and social media and other diversions

When you take age into account who is naturally a lark and who is naturally an owl?

older adults; teens and young adults

With the approach of night due to our circadian rhythm, our body temperatures begin to....?


how does sleep support growth

during deep sleep, the pituitary gland releases a growth hormone which sis necessaryy for muscle development.

Sleeping a lot gives resting neurons time to repair themselves, while prusing or weakening __________

unused connections

After several minutes you enter that twilight-type state of almost asleep as your body continues to relax and...

your brain switches to alpha waves.

Why don't you move during REM sleep

your brainstem blocks messages from the motor cortex

Scientist have even located some of the specific gens that lead to ___________________

delayed nighttime bladder control (on chromosome 13,12,8)

The large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep are called...?

delta waves

What happes to the length of NREM 3 and REM as the night's sleep progresses

Deep NREM 3 sleep grows shorter adn dissappers. The REM and NREM2 sleep periods get longer

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