Module 3

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Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

Fido bit only one mail carrier; please don't punish him.

Explain the error and correct the sentence. Handwriting must be legible.Paddy, after being left at the groomer for an entire day, arrived home with his fur neatly shaved and his nails expertly clipped.

After being left at the groomer for an entire day, Paddy arrived home with his fur neatly shaved and his nails expertly clipped.

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

The children were delighted by the monkeys swinging wildly through the trees.

Select the closing paragraph that is more effective, satisfying readers and summarizing the main idea.

The most underused and valuable real estate in the country may be the hidden spaces currently paved for sprawling parking lots. Many planners and architects believe that by rethinking the uses for this land, communities can be revitalized. Although it will require both developers and local governments to think more creatively about their projects, Americans must demand thoughtful development that replaces asphalt parking lots and limits sprawl.

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

To become a respected politician, a candidate must administer campaign funds carefully.

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

When I was a graduate student, I was responsible not only for my school work but also for a part-time job.

Identify if the sentences that use commas correctly. An incorrect sentence may be missing commas or may need commas deleted. (3 pts each)Contrary to popular belief birds are not light eaters. They eat seven times their body weight a day, making the phrase "eating like a bird" a misnomer.


Explain the error and correct the sentence. Handwriting must be legible.When family members begin to feud, Mark would rather hide away in his cabin in the woods than becoming involved and taking sides.

Mark would rather hide away in his cabin in the woods when family members begin to feud, than becoming involved and taking sides.

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. Celebrities, who wanted to be in Edison's first films flocked to the New Jersey labs to be photographed.

Celebrities who wanted to be in Edison's first films flocked to the New Jersey labs to be photographed.

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change.Auguste Lumière and his younger brother Louis made movies out of ordinary life—for example, a train arriving at a station.

Auguste Lumière and his younger brother, Louis, made movies out of ordinary life—for example, a train arriving at a station.

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. Edison having little faith, that motion pictures would catch on, did not take out an international patent on his motion picture camera and projector.

Edison, having little faith that motion pictures would catch on, did not take out an international patent on his motion picture camera and projector.

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. Georges Méliès needing more time to tell a story started making movies, that were twelve to fourteen minutes long.

Georges Méliès, needing more time to tell a story, started making movies that were twelve to fourteen minutes long.

Identify if the sentences that use commas correctly. An incorrect sentence may be missing commas or may need commas deleted. (3 pts each)Frank who lived in China for 10 years can speak Mandarin with an authentic accent.


Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

After sweating in the D building through the summer, I am ready for winter.

Select the opening paragraph that more effectively engages readers and states a thesis.

As long as there have been dress codes in school there have been students testing the limits of what is appropriate. While testing high school dress codes is nothing new, some current students are defying rules by challenging gender norms for clothing. In response, some schools are working to accept students who experiment with gender norms, while other schools struggle with what is acceptable. For example, some openly gay students have been sent home or disciplined for dress that was not deemed appropriate for their gender. Schools that discipline these students for violating dress codes may be found to be suppressing student free speech or political expression.

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Assange also wanted to insure that, once the video was posted online, it would be impossible to remove. He told me that WikiLeaks maintains its content on more than twenty servers around the world and on hundreds of domain names. (Expenses are paid by donations, and a few independent well-wishers also run "mirror sites" in support.) Assange calls the site "an uncensorable system for untraceable mass document leaking and public analysis," and a government or company that wanted to remove content from WikiLeaks would have to practically dismantle the Internet itself.From:Khatchadourian, Raffi. "No Secrets: Julian Assange's Mission for Total Transparency." The New Yorker, 7 June 2010, Accessed 21 June 2016.The article was reprinted online without page numbers.

Assange makes sure that videos on WikiLeaks cannot be deleted, using multiple servers and backup sites in locations around the world. His goal is to make WikiLeaks documents impossible to trace or censor and to make the system impossible to dismantle (Khatchadourian).

After waking up with a 103 degree fever and a sore throat, Lucy called in sick to work and made an appointment to see the doctor.


Identify if the sentences that use commas correctly. An incorrect sentence may be missing commas or may need commas deleted. (3 pts each)Drivers who change lanes without signaling are a menace on the highway.


Identify if the sentences that use commas correctly. An incorrect sentence may be missing commas or may need commas deleted. (3 pts each)Sheila was looking forward to impressing her new in-laws, so she planned an elaborate steak and lobster dinner for them.


Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

I may need to study for an upcoming test, but I often find it easier to sit and watch Dr. Who than to get out my books.

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. In 1895, the Lumière brothers Auguste and Louis, invented their own motion picture camera as well as a projector.The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. In 1895, the Lumière brothers Auguste and Louis, invented their own motion picture camera as well as a projector.

In 1895, the Lumière brothers, Auguste and Louis, invented their own motion picture camera as well as a projector.

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. Through a Kinetoscope, a box with a peephole on top, a viewer could watch a 30-second Edison film.

No change

Select the closing paragraph that is more effective, satisfying readers and summarizing the main idea.

In the debate over media violence and its effects on youth, studies are often contested and complex. Although the goal of this research is to find causes in order to reduce violence in our culture, violent media should more accurately be described as one factor among many. Addressing aggressive children's inability to interact successfully with other people may be a more fruitful approach. As Maggie Cutler points out, "However strong media influences may be, real life is stronger" (689).

Select the opening paragraph that more effectively engages readers and states a thesis.

In the race to realign college sports leagues in 2010, the only losers were the fans. As universities publicly considered severing deep rivalries and beloved traditions, the loyalty of fans of college sports was taken for granted. Although the officials in charge of negotiations claimed to have other criteria, the schools involved joined new leagues or stayed put only after carefully calculating national television exposure and revenues for their football teams. While the schools involved made smart business decisions, followers of college sports should remain skeptical about how much the commissioners of these leagues care about average fans.

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

John told the doctors that he had been bitten by a swarm of fire ants and that he had ended up in the emergency room.

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:The original vision of charter schools in 1988, when the idea was popularized, was that they would be created by venturesome public school teachers who would seek out the most alienated students, those who had dropped out or those who were likely to do so. The teachers in these experimental schools would find better ways to reach these students and bring what they'd learned back to the regular public school. The fundamental idea at the beginning of the movement was that charter schools would help public schools and enroll students who needed extra attention and new strategies.From:Ravitch, Diane. "Why I Changed My Mind." The Nation, 14 June 2010, pp. 20-24.The passage appears on page 22 of the article.

Ravitch notes that originally charter schools were supposed to reach at-risk students with better strategies and creative teachers. These teachers would then also find ways to share these innovations with more traditional public schools (22).

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. The Frenchman, Georges Méliès (1861-1938) came up with the idea of telling a story in a movie.

The Frenchman Georges Méliès (1861-1938) came up with the idea of telling a story in a movie.

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is. [An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist.] For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life. Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

competition to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life. Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, [called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places.] Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

main entrance, called the Siq, is

The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. Eadweard Muybridge a father of cinematography used many still cameras to photograph a moving animal and then projected the stills in sequence to reproduce the motion.

Eadweard Muybridge, a father of cinematography, used many still cameras to photograph a moving animal and then projected the stills in sequence to reproduce the motion.

Explain the error and correct the sentence. Handwriting must be legible.With supper in the crockpot, the kids at a friend's house and my husband mowing the lawn, I sank into my chair to finish my book.

I sank into my chair to finish my book while supper was in the crockpot, the kids were at a friend's house, and my husband mowed the lawn.

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Paul Revere's ride is perhaps the most famous historical example of a word-of-mouth epidemic. A piece of extraordinary news traveled a long distance in a very short time, mobilizing an entire region to arms. Not all word-of-mouth epidemics are this sensational, of course. But it is safe to say that word of mouth is—even in this age of mass communications and multimillion dollar advertising campaigns—still the most important form of human communication.From:Gladwell, Malcolm. The Tipping Point. Little, Brown, 2002. The passage appears on page 32.

According to Gladwell, "a word-of-mouth epidemic" is best exemplified by Paul Revere's famous ride during which he warned his neighbors of the imminent attack by the British. His warning spread quickly across the countryside. Not all examples are so dramatic, but even today, with vast sums spent on advertising, "word of mouth is ... still the most important form of human communication" (32).

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

After working for a year, Ben returned to school and signed up for four classes.

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

Although she was a licensed M.D., Libby had to deal with patients who expected her to help them to the bathroom, set the t.v. channel, and get them coffee.

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. [The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic.] The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life. Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

Arab tribe, the Nabateans, who

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Because of physiological and behavioral differences, exposures among children are expected to be different from exposures among adults. Children may be more exposed to some environmental contaminants, because they consume more of certain foods and water per unit of body weight and have a higher ratio of body surface area to volume than adults. Equally important, rapid changes in behavior and physiology may lead to differences in exposure as a child grows up.From:Child-Specific Exposure Factors Handbook (Final Report). United States Environmental Protection Agency, Sept. 2008, Accessed 5 Nov. 2009.The passage appears on page 1-1.

In its handbook, the United States Environmental Protection Agency sets out factors for assessing children's exposure to various contaminants and pollutants. Children are more vulnerable to chemicals than adults because they consume more food and water as a proportion of their body weight. Children's exposure to environmental pollutants through their body surface area may be significantly higher than that for adults. And as children grow and behaviors change, their exposure also changes (1-1).

Identify if the sentences that use commas correctly. An incorrect sentence may be missing commas or may need commas deleted. (3 pts each)Susan was so anxious over her impending job interview that she got lost on her way to the meeting, and arrived 20 minutes late.


The following sentence may contain comma errors that deal with a nonessential or essential element. Remember that nonessential elements require commas but essential elements do not. Select the answer option that has no comma errors; or, if the original sentence is correct, select No change. Inventors, who wanted to design a true motion picture camera competed to introduce the first one.

Inventors who wanted to design a true motion picture camera competed to introduce the first one.

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Unlike the staggered luncheon sessions I observed at Walton High, lunch was served in a single sitting to the students in this school. "It's physically impossible to feed 3,300 kids at once," the teacher said. "The line for kids to get their food is very long and the entire period lasts only 30 minutes. It takes them 15 minutes just to walk there from their classes and get through the line. They get 10 minutes probably to eat their meals. A lot of them don't try. You've been a teacher, so you can imagine what it does to students when they have no food to eat for an entire day. The school day here at Fremont is eight hours long."From:Kozol, Jonathan. The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America. Crown Publishing Group, 2005.The passage appears on page 176.

Kozol observes the strain on Fremont's students at lunchtime, when all of the 3,300 students in attendance are served in one 30-minute meal period. One teacher calculates that the extended walk to the cafeteria and long food lines create a 10-minute window for students to eat. What often results is that many students go all day without a meal (176).

Choose the item that expresses the though logically and clearly. (This section is a combination of parallel structure and modifiers) (3 pts each)

Martha really hopes to understand Calculus I before she takes Calculus II.

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Some recent studies have explored the existence of behavior in toddlers that is "altruistic" in an even stronger sense—like when they give up their time and energy to help a stranger accomplish a difficult task. The psychologists Felix Warneken and Michael Tomasello have put toddlers in situations in which an adult is struggling to get something done, like opening a cabinet door with his hands full or trying to get to an object out of reach. The toddlers tend to spontaneously help, even without any prompting, encouragement or reward.From:Bloom, Paul. "The Moral Life of Babies." The New York Times Magazine, 9 May 2010.The passage appears on page 47.

New studies reveal that toddlers engage in altruistic behavior. Bloom reports on experiments in which toddlers, without external prompts, came to the aid of a stranger struggling with a physical task (47).

Select the opening paragraph that more effectively engages readers and states a thesis.

News reports surface regularly that feature a driver who uses a GPS navigation gadget, follows turn-by-turn directions obediently, then crashes. Some of these drivers, caught up in following visual or verbal GPS instructions, forget that any map can contain flawed information. Others may be distracted from the world outside by the visual displays themselves. New research questions whether drivers focused on maps and directions are prepared to handle the unexpected on the road. Even as more people drive with the assistance of computer devices, safe drivers must be active, alert, and mindful of surroundings.

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. [It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade]. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life. Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

No revision is necessary.

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. [For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade.] The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life. Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

No revision is necessary.

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Scientists say juggling e-mail, phone calls and other incoming information can change how people think and behave. They say our ability to focus is being undermined by bursts of information.These play to a primitive impulse to respond to immediate opportunities and threats. The stimulation provokes excitement—a dopamine squirt—that researchers say can be addictive. In its absence, people feel bored.From:Richtel, Matt. "Hooked on Gadgets, and Paying a Mental Price." The New York Times, 7 June 2010, Accessed 21 June 2016.The article was accessed online, in a version that appeared without page numbers.

Researchers explain that we erode our ability to focus when we expose ourselves to constant e-mail, messages, and other bits of information. These stimuli excite the brain but can become addictive, so that we become bored when the stimuli are removed (Richtel).

Read the following passage and the information about its source. Then decide which paraphrase of the passage conveys the important information while avoiding plagiarism.Original source:Thomas Jefferson had made it unmistakably clear to Lewis and Clark that their foremost objective was to find "the direct water communication from sea to sea formed by the bed of the Missouri & perhaps the Oregon." But in his detailed letter of instructions to Lewis, Jefferson devoted more words to the Indian nations than to any other topic. Not only was Jefferson intensely curious about the tribes, he wanted Lewis and Clark to wean their loyalties away from the despised British traders and enfold them into the orbit of American trade and commerce.From:Jones, Landon Y. William Clark and the Shaping of the West. Hill and Wang, 2004.The passage appears on pages 130-31.

Thomas Jefferson's instructions to Lewis and Clark laid out their main goal, which was to find a water route west to the Pacific Ocean. Jefferson's letter, however, also made clear his great interest in the Indian nations they would meet and his secondary objective: Lewis and Clark should work to persuade Indian nations to trade with Americans and not the British (Jones 130-31).

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life. Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. [Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.] Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

disasters, primarily

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that [the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life.] Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

equality, and

The paragraph contains several errors in the use of commas. Decide if the underlined selection needs to be revised or if it is correct as is.An international competition, to identify a new Seven Wonders of the World, named the ancient city of Petra as a finalist. For nearly a thousand years, Petra thrived as a prosperous center of trade. The city is located in western Jordan, near its border with Israel. Petra remained nearly forgotten for a millennium until nineteenth-century travelers rediscovered the site. It became even better known to tourists after the city was featured in the 1989 film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The city was built by an Arab tribe the Nabateans who developed a writing system that became the basis of written Arabic. [The Greek historian, Strabo, indicated that the Nabateans were a peaceful people who detested slavery, governed with a sense of equality and respected women in political life.] Petra is located in an area surrounded by mountains that made the city relatively easy to defend: the main entrance, called the Siq; is such a tight and twisting gorge that only two camels can pass through in some places. Unfortunately, natural disasters primarily earthquakes in the fourth and sixth centuries, brought ruin to the ancient city.Which option below would be an acceptable revision of the underlined selection?

historian Strabo indicated

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