Module 3 - Learning from others and reviewing the literature

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Writing the RRL

1. Identify key terms 2. Locate the literature 3. Critically evaluate and select the literature 4. Organize the literature 5. Write a literature review


A systematic, explicit, and reproducible method for identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners Written summary of journal articles, books, and other documents that describes the past and current state of information on the topic of your research study. -to justify your choice of research qestion, theoretical or conceptual framework, and method; -to establish the importance of the topic; -to provide background information needed to understand the study; -to prove researchers' familiarity with significant and/or up-to-date research relevant to the topic; and -to establish your study as one link in a chan of research that is developing knowledge in your field.

Basic principles of ethical practices

A. Avoid causing harm B. Respect individual autonomy C. obtained informed consent from participants

Rules for writing literature review

A. Define the topic and audience B. Search and re-search the literature C. take notes while reading D. Keep the review focused, but make it of broad interest

Importance of RRL

A. Knowledge multiplier: to add knowledge to existing knowledge B. Knowledge Mapping: to situate the research with existing knowledge C. Knowledge referencing: to attribute and cite other sources of knowledge


A. No storyline in the manuscript; one paragraph is not related to another. One literature is not linked to another B. Asymmetry of literature: literature used are concentrated only in one part C. When a literature are just enumerated; no connection at all among them.

Good RRL

A. The cited literatures interact with one another using the literature review techniques B. Balanced use and distribution of literature cited in all chapters of the manuscript C. Allow for a storyline of the manuscript, where the paragraphs are properly connected to one another.

Characteristics of materials cited

A. The materials must be as recent as possible, may be 10 years back B. Materials must be as objective and unbiased as possible C. Materials must be relevant to the study

Functions of RRL

A. To provide justification of the study B. to provide rationale of the study as well as the reasons of conducting the study C. To identify gaps, problems, and needs of related studies

Running head in APA format


APA format

American Psychological Association - common formatting style for essays and papers in the social sciences. List of references should be in order by: alphabetical by first author's last name

Secondary sources

Anything that describes, interprets, evaluates, or analyzes information from primary sources.

Primary sources

Anything that gives direct evidence

Types of literature reviews

Argumentative Integrative Historical Methodological Systematic Theoretical

Locating literature

BOOKS - 5 y/o publication at most, w/well-cited references on educational theories, principles, methods, etc. JOURNALS - 5 y/o, must come from legitimate source ONLINE SOURCES - Elsevier, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, Google scholar

Ethical writing

Clear, accurate, fair, and honest while doing your research work.


Combining 2 or more elements to form a new whole. In literature review, the "elements" are the finding of the literature you gather and read; the "new whole" is the conclusion you draw from those findings.

Website APA

Corporate/Group Author: Corp/Group/Organization's Name. (Year webpage was last updated/published, Month Day if given). Title of page: Subtitle (if any). url Individual Author: Author's Last Name, First Initial. Second Initial if Given. (Year webpage was last updated/published, Month Day if given). Title of page: Subtitle (if any). Website name. url Unknown Author: Title of page: Subtitle (if any). (Year webpage was last updated/published, Month Day if given). Name of Website. url

Process of synthesis

Gather literature that addresses research question Review literature and take notes: describe, summarize, analyze, and identify key concepts Synthesize literature: compare & contrast, critically evaluate, interpret, so that you can draw conclusion.

Argumentative review

It examines literature selectively in order to support or refute an argument, deeply imbedded assumption, or philosophical problem already established in the literature

Integrative review

It is a general review of the existing literature as a systematic process which it usually involves both quantitative and qualitative studies.

Methodological review

It is a peer review process of applying expert knowledge of acceptable criteria to determine whether a research protocol is sufficiently meritorious to proceed.

Book APA format

Last name, First initial. (Year). Title (ed). Publisher. Doi/url.

Journal Article APA format

Last name, First initial. Author's middle initial. (Year, month). Article title. Journal Name, Volume(issue), page number(s). Ganun rin sa online ver., kaso wala page numbers, tapos may DOI.

Secondary sources example

Literature review that cites the study Article analyzing the novel Textbook summarizing the philosopher's ideas

In-text citation APA

One author: Johnson (2020) Two authors: Smith and Jones (2019) Three or more authors: Carlson et al. (2018) Group Author: University of Winconsin (2019) Narrative Citations Smith (2019) demonstrated how to "..." (p. 112). Smith (2019) shared these facts, too. Smith and Lee (2019) located.. Parenthetical Citations This fact was also shared in other sources (Smith, 2019). The authors proved the facts were true (Smith & Lee, 2019). This book is true (Effective Management, 2019). This article is true ("Effective Management," 2019) Furthermore, the research "..." (Smith, 2019, para. 4). Furthermore, the research "..." (Smith, 2019, Emergencies section). Furthermore, the research "..." (Smith, 2019, Emergencies section, para. 4).

Primary sources examples

Paintings & art installations Physical objects Social media posts Official documents and records Letters & diaries Photographs and video footage Recordings of speeches


Published and unpublished research such as thesis, dissertation, and research proceedings are sources of materials that are included in this section.

Purpose of Synthesis

To draw conclusions about the findings in the literature so you can identify how the literature adresses your research question.

Systematic review

Uses systematic methods to collect secondary data, critically appraise research studies, and synthesize findings quantitatively or quantitatively.


is the most widely recognized and one of the most serious violations of the contract between the reader and the writer.

E-book citation APA

With DOI: Author Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Year). Title of e-book in sentence case. Publisher name. DOI/URL Example: Clark, M. & Phelan, J. (2020). Debating rhetorical narratology: On the mimetic aspects of narrative. The Ohio University Press. *link* W/o DOI: Author Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Year). Title of e-book in sentence case. Publisher name. Republished: Author Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Year Published). Title of e-book in sentence case. Publisher Name. DOI or URL (Original work Published Year) Ex: Wells, H.G. (1992). The war of the worlds. Project Gutenberg. (Original work published 1898) Translated: Author Last Name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Year Published). Title of e-book in sentence case (First Initial Last Name of Translator, Trans.). Publisher Name. DOI or URL Ex: Yoshimoto, B. (2015). Kitchen (M. Backus, Trans.). Grove Atlantic.

Literature, articles, books, journal, magazines, etc.

Written works collectively, especially, those enduring importance, exhibiting creative imagination and artistic skill which are written in a particular period, language and subject.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

common formatting style for essays and papers in the social sciences. e.g. B. Black Hearts Bleed Red. Dir. Jeri Cain Rossi. Mary Magdalene Films, 1992.

Theoretical review

help establish what theories already exist, the relationships between them, to what degree the existing theories have been investigated, and to develop new hypotheses to be tested.

Historical review

is to place research in a historical context to show familiarity with state-of-the-art developments and to identify the likely directions for future research.

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