Module 9 and 10
What causes uplift
-Thickening of the crust through compression
-can be high gradient -high sediment load , variable discharge multiple channels Seperated by sand gravel bars
What causes subsidence
-thinning of crust result in isostatic Subsidence and a decrease in elevation Accumulation Of sediments and weighting Of the top of the crust causes further Subsidence
What is Orogensis
A mountain building process
Valley's are
A valley is gentley sloping Sidewalls that form where rocks sediments are more erodible In mountains , river eroded valleys are usually V shaped
What is an appropriate definition of an anticline
An arch shaped fold where the oldest rocks are in the center
Thrust faults
Angle less than 35 degrees , places older rocks on top of younger Common at leading edge f eoegenic deformation Shortens and thickens mountail belts
Riparian zone
Area at or next to viverbanks .
Accreted Terranes
Areas of crust on a subducting ocean plate that are too thick Cannot subduct and instead can get accreted to the margin Of a continent Examples : island arcs , seamounts , oceanic plateus
Strike slip
Block moves parallel to fault plane Strike
Dip Slip
Blocks move parallel to dip of fault
Channel paterns
Braided Anastomosing Meandering
Two major deformation
Brittle rock breaks by fracturing ... occurs in the shallow crust Ductile deformation by flowing + folding occurs @ higher Pressure + temp in deeper Crust
If you build a house in an area flooded last year by a " 100 - year " flood , what is the probability that a 100 - year " flood will occur this year ?
in straight channels highest Velocity is in the of the channel at or near water surface
Compression is the dominant Stress in
Convergent boundaries + orogenesis
What kind of deformation occurs during continental rifting
Crustal stretching and thinning
Which two geological processes listed below can lead to isostatic uplift
Crustal thickening and erosion
A _________ stream network is the monst common occuring in flat lying strata , whereas a ______ stream network is associated with tilted strata in valley
Dendrtic , trellis
Development on deltas is at risk for
Development Subsidence
Deformation results in
Displacement , Rotation , Distortion
Strike Slip faults
Fault motion is parallel to the Strike of the fault Usually vertical w / no hanging wall- footwall
What is Detachment fault
Fault that is horizontal and forms as a result of a system of normal or reverse faults merging at depth
What is the distinction between faults and joints
Faults are fractures with displacement and joints are fractures without displacement
Suspended load
Fine particles ( Silt / clay ) in water
What kind of sedimentary basin forms at the edge of a mountain belt as a result of loading of the crust by the weight of the mountains
Foreland basin
Fractures with offset
Fractures without offset
General term for sediment deposited by moving water
Which feature is most likely to be associated with a fold and thrust belt
Horizontal compression vs Shear
Horizontal compression - causes rocks to buckle Shear causes rocks 2 smear out
Increasing water depth=
Increased shear stress
How do the horizontal motions of the plate Icad to vertical motion of uplift or subsidence ?
How does the conversion of natural settings to urban settings affect movement of water precipitated onto the land ?
It increases surface runoff
Flood plain
Low relief area adjacent to river Chanel
Meandering Channel Pattern
Lower gradient Substrate Soft and easily eroded Broad valley evolue during times of flood - momentum increases during flood and erodes the outside bank
Foliation develops _____ to _____ motion
Parallel , shear Common in deep detachment faults
Dip is ________ to strike and measured ___________
Perndicular , downward
Plunging vs non plunging fold
Plunging has a hinge that is inclined (like a half a circle) Non plunging is horizontal hinge (Straight)
Hydrologic cycle Process
Precipitation - evaporation - infiltration Yon off - transpiration
What causes uplift
Replacing lithospheric mantle with hot asthenosphere , early stages of continental rifting , delamination of lithospheric mantle.
Fluvial Sediment-
Sediment in or deposited by a Stream system .
Shaped like upright bowl exposes younger rocks in center
What controls Stream competence ?
Shear stress increases W / increasing Water depth + increased slope Shear stress must overcome friction + conesion to move a particle
Sliding Past
-deposition occurs where
Slope / water depth decreases LOSS OF velocity Causes deposition .
If base level rises
Stream gradient + energy lessen leading to deposition
What controls capacity
Stream power
Strike vs Dip
Strike- Horizontal intersection w / a tilted Surface Dip angle of the surface down from Horizontal
Structural geology
Structural Study of rock deformation
Compactation and decay of organic matter causes
Type of deformation depends on
Temp + Pressure
Which is an appropriate definition for stream competence ?
The largest size sediment the stream flow can transport .
How would a stream profile be expected to respond to an increase in stream power ?
The stream profile would adjust down via erosion
How would a stream profile be expected to respond to a rise in sea level ?
The stream profile would adjust up via deposition
Which of the trends shown at right illustrates how the discharge varies along the course of a stream
Trend 2 blue
Reservoir residence time =
Volume / rate of exchange ( flux )
What is the definition of isostatic equilibrium in the context of the lithosphere and asthenosphere ?
When the lithosphere has dispced a mass of athenosphere = to the mass of the lithosphere
What is the name for the cycle of opening and closing ocean basins
Wilson cycle
drainage basin
a Area that drains into a Stream
a fold like carpet draped over a Star Step
a fold that opens upward like . a trough youngest rock is in the center of the Structure
a fold with an apperance of overturned bowl that exposes older rocks in its center
Hydrologic cycle
a summary of the Circulation of earths water supply through different reservoirs
Stream power is
ability for a stream to do work . It is commonly measured by multiplying shear Stress times the average velocity
amount of water that flows through a channel
In a bedrock Stream
availibility of sediment may be limited
Competence Capacity both
change W / discharge .
Oblique Slip-
components of Both strike and dip
deep part of a channel where most flow occurs .
A Stream must lose paver to enter state Of
Tension is dominant in
divergent trifting Streches + thins material causing extension
Stream runoff Sculpts landscapes through
erosion deposition
fabric Planar metamorphic
passive flow- fold
form in hot , soft , ductile rock at high temp
form when a stream entersstanding water Stream divides into a fan of distributaries Water velocity Slows + Sediment drops out
Delivery of sediment to a stream is a
function of drainage basin slope + climate
Tension - Normal fault
hanging wall moves down relative to footwall
discharge _________downstream in a Stream drainage network in
increasing slope =
increasing Shear stress
Which of the following processes of the water cycle transfers water into the groundwater reservoir ?
Bed load
large particles roll , slide allong bottom ...
What are folds
layers sent by plastic flow
Flexural slip fold
layers slide past one another
total friction is ______ in deep narrow channels and_______in wide shallow Streams
least , greatest
Dissolved lood-
lons from chemical Weathering
Sediment load .
material moved by running Water
maximum clast size transported
maximum load transported
Anastomosing Channel Pattern
multiple channels low gradient Vegetated banks More stable than braided Example Gulf Coast ( FL , Iouisiana )
in curved channels , fastest velocity is near the
outside bank
Mountain uplift is driven by
plate tectonics Convergent Plate boundaries Continental Collisions Rifting
Reverse + thrust faults
ranging wall moves op relative to footwall
Subsidence makes deltas more vulnerable to
sea level vise + storm flooding
shape change in shape caused by deformation Streaching (Pulling apart Shortening squeezing )
Two types of stress
tension- Hanging wall moves clown the fault Slope lengthening an area Compression hanging wall moves up the fault slope Shortening an area
the balance between the gravity forces polling down and bouyant forces Polling up .
Shear is dominant in
transform boundaries doesn't thicken or thins crust
visibe when fault intersects surface . fault zones with breccia erode
Increases in discharge increase _________ + ________
water depth + competence