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two - bisect, biennial

10. C: Cells come after tissues and are followed by molecules and then atoms at the very bottom of the hierarchy. Muscles are types of tissues, so muscles do not have a separate place in the hierarchy but instead fall within the types of tissues

10. Organized from high to low, the hierarchy of the human body's structure is as follows: organism, organ systems, organs, tissues. Which of the following comes next? a. Molecules b. Atoms c. Cells d. Muscle

9. C: In respiration, food is used to produce energy as glucose and oxygen that react to produce carbon dioxide, water and ATP.

9. Which of the following is not a product of respiration? a. carbon dioxide b. water c. glucose d. ATP

13. B: The word earlier is an adverb that modifies the verb tried and answers the adverb question when? The word call is part of the infinitive (i.e. noun) phrase to call. The word could is a helping verb that accompanies the verb get. The word phone functions as a noun in this sentence.

I tried to call Lisle earlier, but I could not get her on the phone. 13. Which of the following words functions as an adverb in the sentence? a. call b. earlier c. could d. phone

22. B: The word capacity is a noun in this context, so answer choice B is correct. Because the word functions as the object of the preposition, the options of verb and adverb cannot be correct. Answer choice D is incorrect because the word capacity is not a pronoun in any context.

Irish politician Constance Markiewicz was the first woman elected to the British House of Commons, but she never served in that capacity due to her activity in forming the Irish Republic. 22. The word capacity functions as which of the following parts of speech in the sentence above? a. Verb b. Noun c. Adverb d. Pronoun


among, between - intercede, interrupt


excessive, over - hypercritical, hypertension

Complex Sentences

has one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. Examples: Although he had the flu, Harry went to work. Marcia got married after she finished college.

Simple Sentences

have one independent clause with no subordinate clauses. A simple sentence can have compound elements (e.g., a compound subject or verb). Examples: Judy watered the lawn. (Singular Subject & Singular Predicate) Judy and Alan watered the lawn. (Compound Subject: Judy and Alan)


having, showing - separate, desolate


quality, state, result - magnitude, fortitude

7. B: Sesamoid bones are embedded in tendons. Choice D, vertical bones, is not a major bone type. Long bones contain a long shaft, and flat bones are thin and curved.

7. Which of the following bone types is embedded in tendons? a. Long bones b. Sesamoid bones c. Flat bones d. Vertical bones

7. C: The correct plural form of tempo is tempi. This word has an Italian root, and thus follows the pattern of other, similar words that end in -i in their plural form. Note also that tempo, meaning time, is simply the Italian form of the Latin tempus. (Recall the Latin expression tempus fugit, or "time flies.") Other Latin-based nouns ending in -us also take the -i ending when made plural: octopus > octopi, syllabus > syllabi, etc.

7. Which of the following nouns is the correct plural form of the word tempo? a. tempo b. tempae c. tempi d. tempos

8. A: A triple beam balance would be used to measure the mass (in grams) of the gum in this experiment. An anemometer is used to measure wind speed. A hot plate is used to heat liquids. A microscope is used to magnify microscopic particles or organisms.

8. You and a lab partner will be completing a scientific experiment measuring the mass of chewed gum after one-minute chewing increments. Which lab equipment will you most likely use? a. Triple beam balance b. Anemometer c. Hot plate d. Microscope

9. B: The cilia are the tiny hairs in the respiratory system that are responsible for removing foreign matter from the lungs. The cilia are located within the bronchial tubes, but it is the cilia that have the responsibility for removing inappropriate materials before they enter the lungs.

9. Which element within the respiratory system is responsible for removing foreign matter from the lungs? a. Bronchial tubes b. Cilia c. Trachea d. Alveoli

Words Ending with y or c

- The general rule for words ending in y is to keep the y when adding a suffix if the y is preceded by a vowel. If the word ends in a consonant and y the y is changed to an i before the suffix is added (unless the suffix itself begins with i). eg: - pay becomes paying (keep the y) - bully becomes bullied (change to i) - bully becomes bullying (keep the y because the suffix is -ing)

Words Ending with ceed, sede, or cede

- There are only three words in the English language that end with -ceed: exceed, proceed, and succeed. - There is only one word in the English language that ends with sede: supersede. Most other words that sound like sede or ceed end with cede. eg: · concede, recede, and precede

Hypotheses are

- educated guesses about what is likely to occur, and are made to provide a starting point from which to begin design of the experiment. - may be based on results of previously observed experiments or knowledge of theory, and follow logically forth from these.

2. B: The prefix pro- from Latin means before, earlier, prior to; for or forward; or front. Prefixes come at the beginnings of words. Suffixes come at the ends of words; and pro- does not mean good, on top of, or over (A). The Greek prefix eu- means good, the Latin prefix supra- means above, and the Latin prefix super- can mean over and above, among other meanings. Prefixes and suffixes are both affixes (C); however, pro- does not mean after, behind, or in back of. The Latin prefix post- means after or behind, and retro- means back or backward. Pro- does not mean against, under, or below (D). Sub- means under or below; anti- means against.

2. In the words proactive, progress, and projecting, pro- is a(n) _______ and means _______. a. suffix; good/on top of/over b. prefix; before/forward/front c. affix; after/behind/in back of d. prefix; against/under/below

3. A: The nervous system is the body's communication center. The body uses the respiratory system to breathe, and blood is transported by the circulatory system. The digestive system breaks down food for the body.

3. Which item below best describes the primary function of the nervous system? a. The nervous system is the center of communication in the body. b. The nervous system is primarily responsible for helping the body breathe. c. The nervous system transports blood throughout the body. d. The nervous system helps the body break down food

5. C: Cause-effect words. Signal words give the reader hints about the purpose of a particular passage. Some signal words are concerned with comparing/contrasting, some with cause and effect, some with temporal sequencing, some with physical location, and some with a problem and its solution. The words since, whether, and accordingly are words used when describing an outcome. Outcomes have causes.

5. Since, whether, and accordingly are examples of which type of signal words? a. Common, or basic, signal words b. Compare/contrast words c. Cause-effect words d. Temporal sequencing words

5. D: The immune system helps the body avoid, detect, and eliminate infections. A healthy immune system should not, however, create infections.

5. Which of the following items is NOT a primary function of a healthy immune system? a. The immune system helps the body avoid infections. b. The immune system detects infections. c. The immune system eliminates infections. d. The immune system creates infections.


all, everywhere - omniscient, omnivore


quality, state - greatness, tallness

10. C: The pulmonary artery carries oxygen-depleted blood from the heart to the lungs, where CO2 is released and the supply of oxygen is replenished. This blood then returns to the heart through the pulmonary vein, and is carried through the aorta and a series of branching arteries to the capillaries, where the bulk of gas exchange with the tissues occurs. Oxygen-depleted blood returns to the heart through branching veins (the femoral veins bring it from the legs) into the vena cava, which carries it again to the heart. Since the pulmonary artery is the last step before replenishment of the blood's oxygen content, it contains the blood which is the most oxygen depleted.

10. Of the following, the blood vessel containing the least-oxygenated blood is: a. The aorta b. The vena cava c. The pulmonary artery d. The capillaries

11. B: To determine the average number of neutrons in one atom of an element, subtract the atomic number from the average atomic mass. For Bromine (Br), subtract its atomic number (35) from its average atomic mass (79.9) to acquire the average number of neutrons, 44.9.

11. On average, how many neutrons does one atom of bromine (Br) have? a. 35 b. 44.90 c. 45 d. 79.90

12. A: The number of protons is the same for every atom of a given element and is the element's atomic number: in this case, 30 for Zinc (Zn).

12. On average, how many protons does one atom of zinc (Zn) have? a. 30 b. 35 c. 35.39 d. 65.39

12. B: The brain is part of the nervous system.

12. The brain is part of the: a. Integumentary system b. Nervous system c. Endocrine system d. Respiratory system

The next step is to test that hypothesis by

experimentation. - This often requires the scientist to design a complete experiment. - The key to making the best possible use of an experiment is observation. Observations may be quantitative, that is, when a numeric measurement is taken, or they may be qualitative, that is, when something is evaluated based on feeling or preference. - This measurement data will then be examined to find trends or patterns that are present.


feminine - waitress, duchess


filled with, marked by - thankful, zestful

To add a suffix to words ending with the letter e,

first determine if the e is silent. - If it is, the e will be kept if the added suffix begins with a consonant. - If the suffix begins with a vowel, the e is dropped. eg: - age becomes ageless (keep the e) - age becomes aging (drop the e)


first, early - primitive, primary

Once the problem has been defined, it is necessary to

form a hypothesis. This educated guess should be a possible solution to the problem that was formulated in the first step.

Data tables should be

formed, and meticulous (tỉ mỉ), detailed data should be collected for every trial.


from - depart

Its and It's

Its is a pronoun that shows ownership. Example: The guitar is in its case. It's is a contraction of it is. Example: It's an honor and a privilege to meet you. Note: The h in honor is silent. So, the sound of the vowel o must have the article an.

15. D: An adverb modifies a verb, and in the sentence, the word well modifies the verb did by indicating how Jacob did with his speech. The word worried is a verb. The word about is a preposition. The word but is a conjunction

Jacob had been worried about the speech, but in the end he did well. 15. Which of the following words functions as an adverb in the sentence? a. worried b. about c. but d. well

Knew and New

Knew is the past tense of know. Example: I knew the answer. New is an adjective that means something is current, has not been used, or modern. Example: This is my new phone.

Nouns Ending in f or fe

Most nouns ending in f or fe are pluralized by replacing the f with v and adding es. The following are examples: · knife becomes knives; self becomes selves; wolf becomes wolves. An exception to this rule is the word roof; roof becomes roofs

Nouns Ending in o

Most nouns ending with a consonant and o are pluralized by adding es. The following are examples: · hero becomes heroes; tornado becomes tornadoes; potato becomes potatoes Most nouns ending with a vowel and o are pluralized by adding s. The following are examples: · portfolio becomes portfolios; radio becomes radios; cameo becomes cameos. An exception to these rules is seen with musical terms ending in o. These words are pluralized by adding s even if they end in a consonant and o. The following are examples: soprano becomes sopranos; banjo becomes banjos; piano becomes pianos

Exclamation Marks

Exclamation marks are used after a word group or sentence that shows much feeling or has special importance. Exclamation marks should not be overused. They are saved for proper exclamatory interjections. Examples: We're going to the finals! | You have a beautiful car! | That's crazy!


in the style of, like - picturesque, grotesque


in, into - intrude, invade


in, on, of, up, to - abed, afoot

Scientific laws are

statements of natural behavior that have stood the test of time and have been found to produce accurate and repeatable results in all testing.


suggesting, like - churlish, childish

Perhaps the most important skill in science is that of observation. Scientists must be able to

take accurate data from their experimental setup or from nature without allowing bias to alter the results.

A paragraph of narration

tells a story or a part of a story. Normally, the sentences are arranged in chronological order (i.e., the order that the events happened). However, flashbacks (i.e., beginning the story at an earlier time) can be included.

If a word ends with c and the suffix begins with an e, i, or y,

the letter k is usually added to the end of the word. eg: - panic becomes panicky - mimic becomes mimicking

Ideally, an experiment should be controlled so that all of the conditions except

the ones being manipulated are held constant. - This helps to ensure that the results are not skewed by unintended consequences of shifting conditions. - A good example of this is a placebo group in a drug trial. All other conditions are the same, but that group is not given the medication.

Positive controls are

the variables that the researcher expects to have an effect on the outcome of the experiment. - A positive control group can be used to verify that an experiment is set up properly.

An exception to this rule occurs when the word ends in -ce or -ge and the suffix -able or -ous is added;

these words will retain the letter e. eg: - courage becomes courageous - notice becomes noticeable


through, across, apart - diameter, diagnose

Lastly, scientists must be able to

communicate their results and their conclusions.


one, single - monogamy, monologue


position - internship, statesmanship

All other factors in the experiment such as

pressure, amount of stirring, type of solvent, type of solute, and particle size of the solute are the constants.

Every experiment has several variables; however, only one variable should be

purposely changed and tested. - This variable is the manipulated or independent variable. - As this variable is manipulated or changed, another variable, called the responding or dependent variable, is observed and recorded

Gathered data must be arranged in such a way that it is

readable and readily shows the key results.


result, action - refreshment, disappointment

The greatest scientific progress is made when scientists are able to

review and test one another's work and offer advice or suggestions


right, straight - orthogonal, orthodox


same, equal - homogenized, homonym


state, condition - accuracy, privacy


state, condition - manhood, statehood

-ity (-ty)

state, quality, condition - acidity, civility, twenty


state, rank, condition - serfdom, wisdom

-sion (-tion)

state, result - revision, expedition

11. D: This is a compound-complex sentence because it contains two independent clauses plus dependent clauses. A simple (A) sentence is a single independent clause. A complex (B) sentence consists of one independent clause and one dependent clause, such as "After she went to the party, she went home." A compound (C) sentence consists of two independent clauses connected by a conjunction, like "She went to the party, and then she went home."

"Nancy also felt that the party was too crowded, but the hosts, who relied so much on her, would have been hurt if she had not attended." 11. What type of sentence is the sentence above? a. Simple b. Complex c. Compound d. Compound-complex


through - perceive, permit


war, warlike - bellicose


well, good - benefit, benefactor


with, together, very - commotion, complicate


within - intramural, intrastate


without, lacking - atheist, agnostic


worker, follower - monopolist, socialist

23. B: Hemoglobin is a type of protein found in the red blood cells of all mammals.

23. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, making oxygen available for cell use. What is hemoglobin? a. an enzyme b. a protein c. a lipid d. an acid

The adjective Every and compounds: Everybody, Everyone, Anybody, Anyone

Every day passes faster than the last. (Singular Subject: Every day. Singular Verb: passes) Anybody is welcome to bring a tent. (Singular Subject: Anybody. Singular Verb: is)

Indefinite Pronouns: Either, Neither, and Each

Is either of you ready for the game? (Singular Subject: Either. Singular Verb: is) Each man, woman, and child is unique. (Singular Subject: Each. Singular Verb: is)

Collective Nouns

The family eats at the restaurant every Friday night. (The members of the family are one at the restaurant.) The team are leaving for their homes after the game. (The members of the team are leaving as individuals to go to their own homes.)

Who, Which, and That as Subject

This is the man who is helping me today. He is a good man who serves others before himself. This painting that is hung over the couch is very beautiful.

Time and Space Prefix

a-in, on, of, up, to abed, afoot ab-from, away, off abdicate, abjure ad-to, toward advance, adventure ante-before, previous antecedent, antedate anti-against, opposing antipathy, antidote cata-down, away, thoroughly catastrophe, cataclysm circum-around circumspect, circumference comwith, together, very commotion, complicate contra-against, opposing contradict, contravene de-from depart dia-through, across, apart diameter, diagnose dis-away, off, down, not dissent, disappear epi-upon epilogue ex-out extract, excerpt hypounder, beneath hypodermic, hypothesis inter-among, between intercede, interrupt intra-within intramural, intrastate ob-against, opposing objection per-through perceive, permit peri-around periscope, perimeter post-after, following postpone, postscript pre-before, previous prevent, preclude pro-forward, in place of propel, pronoun retro-back, backward retrospect, retrograde sub-under, beneath subjugate, substitute super-above, extra supersede, supernumerary trans-across, beyond, over transact, transport ultra-beyond, excessively ultramodern, ultrasonic, ultraviolet

Negation Prefix

a-without, lacking atheist, agnostic in-not, opposing incapable, ineligible non-not nonentity, nonsense un-not, reverse of unhappy, unlock


above - overbearing, oversight


above, extra - supersede, supernumerary


across, beyond, over - transact, transport


act, condition, fact - acceptance, vigilance


act, manner, doctrine - barbarism, socialism


act, state, quality - warmth, width


action, result, state - union, fusion


action, state, result - occupation, starvation


equal - equivalent, equilibrium


after, following - postpone, postscript


against, opposing - antipathy, antidote


against, opposing - contradict, contravene


against, opposing - objection


all, entire - panorama, pandemonium

Participial phrases

are made of a participle and any complements or modifiers. Often, they come right after the noun or pronoun that they modify. Examples: Shipwrecked on an island, the boys started to fish for food. Having been seated for five hours, we got out of the car to stretch our legs. Praised for their work, the group accepted the first place trophy.

Predicate Nouns

are nouns that modify the subject and finish linking verbs. Example: My father is a lawyer. Father is the subject. Lawyer is the predicate noun.


down, away, thoroughly - catastrophe, cataclysm

Comparing two things

draws attention to their similarities and indicates a number of differences. When authors contrast, they focus only on differences. Both comparisons and contrasts may be used point-by-point or in following paragraphs.

Words Containing ie or ei, and/or Ending with e

Most words are spelled with an i before e, except when they follow the letter c, or sound like a. eg: - piece, friend, believe (i before e) - receive, ceiling, conceited (except after c) - weight, neighborhood, veil (sounds like a)

19. C: The word sacrilegious indicates a violation of sacred expectations, and wearing white to a funeral would be something that would violate the sacred expectations of many. The other answer choices are spelled incorrectly, particularly sacreligious, which spells the word with the correct spelling of religious. This is not correct, as the spelling is adjusted when joined to the other root.

Wearing white to a funeral is considered by many to be _____. 19. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence? a. sacrelegious b. sacriligious c. sacrilegious d. sacreligious


are words that share the same spelling, and they have multiple meanings. To figure out which meaning is being used, you should be looking for context clues. The context clues give hints to the meaning of the word. For example, the word spot has many meanings. It can mean "a place" or "a stain or blot." In the sentence "After my lunch, I saw a spot on my shirt," the word spot means "a stain or blot." The context clues of "After my lunch..." and "on my shirt" guide you to this decision


back, backward - retrospect, retrograde


backward, again - revoke, recur


bad, poorly, not - malfunction, malpractice


bad, poorly, not - misspell, misfire


before, previous - prevent, preclude

Miscellaneous Prefix

belli-war, warlike bellicose bene-well, good benefit, benefactor equi-equal equivalent, equilibrium for-away, off, from forget, forswear fore-previous foretell, forefathers homo-same, equal homogenized, homonym hyper-excessive, over hypercritical, hypertension in-in, into intrude, invade magn-large magnitude, magnify mal-bad, poorly, not malfunction, malpractice mis-bad, poorly, not misspell, misfire mor-death mortality, mortuary neo-new Neolithic, neoconservative omni-all, everywhere omniscient, omnivore ortho-right, straight orthogonal, orthodox over-above overbearing, oversight panall, entire panorama, pandemonium para-beside, beyond parallel, paradox phillove, like philosophy, philanthropic prim-first, early primitive, primary rebackward, again revoke, recur sym-with, together sympathy, symphony vis-to see visage, visible


beside, beyond - parallel, paradox


beyond, excessively - ultramodern, ultrasonic, ultraviolet

The same idea for scale holds true with time as well. When measuring the lifespan of a patient, the accepted measure is given in

days, months, or years.


death - mortality, mortuary


marked by, given to - religious, riotous


one - uniform, unity


to, toward - advance, adventure


previous - foretell, forefathers


forward, in place of - propel, pronoun

26. A: Choice A uses correct punctuation and a logical conjunction. The conjunction and connects two independent clauses (meaning that they can stand on their own as sentences), there must be a comma before the conjunction. Therefore, choices B and D are incorrect because they are missing this comma. While choice C does have a comma before the conjunction, it uses the conjunction but rather than and. But implies that the two clauses contradict each other. And is a better choice because the two clauses are connected and support each other.

(1) A lot of teens express themselves through fashion. (2) Since many teens start earning their own money, they can buy their own clothes and choose the fashions that they want. 26. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 1 and 2? a. A lot of teens express themselves through fashion, and since many teens start earning their own money, they can buy their own clothes and choose the fashions that they want. b. A lot of teens express themselves through fashion and since many teens start earning their own money, they can buy their own clothes and choose the fashions that they want. c. A lot of teens express themselves through fashion, but since many teens start earning their own money, they can buy their own clothes and choose the fashions that they want. d. A lot of teens express themselves through fashion but since many teens start earning their own money, they can buy their own clothes and choose the fashions that they want.

17. B: A comma and conjunction are correctly used to separate two independent clauses. Although choice A has the conjunction and, it is missing the required comma. Choice C is incorrect because no comma is required to separate an independent clause from a dependent clause. Choice D is incorrect because the comma creates a run-on sentence.

(1) The colonists refused to buy stamps. (2) They were determined to get the Stamp Act repealed. 17. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 1 and 2? a. The colonists refused to buy stamps and they were determined to get the Stamp Act repealed. b. The colonists refused to buy stamps, and they were determined to get the Stamp Act repealed. c. The colonists refused to buy stamps, and were determined to get the Stamp Act repealed. d. The colonists refused to buy stamps, were determined to get the Stamp Act repealed.

From these trends, the scientist will draw conclusions or make generalizations about the results, intended to predict future results.

- If these conclusions support the original hypothesis, the experiment is complete and the scientist will publish his conclusions to allow others to test them by repeating the experiment. - If they do not support the hypothesis, the results should then be used to develop a new hypothesis, which can then be verified by a new or redesigned experiment.

The rules for capitalization are:

1. Capitalize the first word of a sentence and the first word in a direct quotation Examples: First Word: Football is my favorite sport. Direct Quote: She asked, "What is your name?" 2. Capitalize proper nouns and adjectives that come from proper nouns Examples: Proper Noun: My parents are from Europe. Adjective from Proper Noun: My father is British, and my mother is Italian. 3. Capitalize the names of days, months, and holidays Examples: Day: Everyone needs to be here on Wednesday. Month: I am so excited for December. Holiday: Independence Day comes every July. 4. Capitalize the names on a compass for specific areas, not when they give direction Examples: Specific Area: James is from the West. Direction: After three miles, turn south toward the highway. 5. Capitalize each word in a title (Note: Articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are not capitalized unless they are the first or last word in the title.) Examples: Titles: Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful drama on love. Incorrect: The Taming Of The Shrew is my favorite. (Remember that internal prepositions and articles are not capitalized.) Note: Books, movies, plays (more than one act), newspapers, magazines, and long musical pieces are put in italics. The two examples of Shakespeare's plays are underlined to show their use as an example.

Reasons for starting a new paragraph include:

1. To mark off the introduction and concluding paragraphs 2. To signal a shift to a new idea or topic 3. To indicate an important shift in time or place 4. To explain a point in additional detail 5. To highlight a comparison, contrast, or cause and effect relationship

18. D: The lymphatic system, not the integumentary system, returns fluid to the blood vessels.

18. Which of the following does the integumentary system, the skin, NOT do? a. Protect internal tissues from injury b. Waterproofs the body c. Helps regulate body temperature d. Return fluid to the blood vessels

19. A: Groups of cells that perform the same function are called tissues

19. What are groups of cells that perform the same function called? a. tissues b. plastids c. organs d. molecules

8. A: In answer choice A, Aunt Jo is correctly capitalized, because aunt identifies a specific person. The word uncle is not capitalized in this sentence, because the uncle's name is not added. Answer choice B fails to capitalize Brother Mark, as the expression clearly identifies a monk. Answer choice C fails to capitalize Cousin Martha. Cousin should be capitalized, because the word identifies a specific individual. Answer choice D fails to capitalize Outer Banks, which is the proper noun for a region; answer choice D also incorrectly capitalizes Fall. Seasons are not capitalized.

8. Which of the following sentences follows the rules of capitalization? a. Kristia knows that her Aunt Jo will be visiting, but she is not sure if her uncle will be there as well. b. During a visit to the monastery, Jess interviewed brother Mark about the daily prayer schedule. c. Leah spoke to cousin Martha about her summer plans to drive from Colorado to Arizona. d. Justinia will be staying with family in the outer banks during the early Fall.

Sentence Fragments

A part of a sentence should not be treated like a complete sentence. A sentence must be made of at least one independent clause. An independent clause has a subject and a verb. Remember that the independent clause can stand alone as a sentence. Some fragments are independent clauses that begin with a subordinating word (e.g., as, because, so, etc.). Other fragments may not have a subject, a verb, or both. A sentence fragment can be repaired in several ways. One way is to put the fragment with a neighbor sentence. Another way is to be sure that punctuation is not needed. You can also turn the fragment into a sentence by adding any missing pieces. Sentence fragments are allowed for writers who want to show off their art. However, for your exam, sentence fragments are not allowed. Fragment: Because he wanted to sail for Rome. Correct: He dreamed of Europe because he wanted to sail for Rome.

25. D: Possibility 1 corresponds to a person with the TR gene combination, which means the person is tall with red hair.

A person with the T gene will be tall and a person with the S gene will be short. A person with the B gene will have black hair and a person with the R gene will have red hair. Now consider the Punnett square below. 25. What are the characteristics of the person with genes from possibility 1? a. Short with black hair b. Short with red hair c. Tall with black hair d. Tall with red hair

26. D: Refer to the complete Punnett square in the explanation for question 25. Possibility 4 corresponds to the SB pair of genes, which is short with black hair.

A person with the T gene will be tall and a person with the S gene will be short. A person with the B gene will have black hair and a person with the R gene will have red hair. Now consider the Punnett square below. 26. Which possibility would produce a short offspring with black hair? a. Possibility 1 b. Possibility 2 c. Possibility 3 d. Possibility 4


A phrase is not a complete sentence. So, a phrase cannot be a statement and cannot give a complete thought. Instead, a phrase is a group of words that can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. Phrases strengthen sentences by adding explanation or renaming something

Words Ending with ise or ize

A small number of words end with ise. Most of the words in the English language with the same sound end in ize. eg: - advertise, advise, arise, chastise, circumcise, and comprise - compromise, demise, despise, devise, disguise, enterprise, excise, and exercise - franchise, improvise, incise, merchandise, premise, reprise, and revise - supervise, surmise, surprise, and televise Words that end with ize include the following: - accessorize, agonize, authorize, and brutalize - capitalize, caramelize, categorize, civilize, and demonize - downsize, empathize, euthanize, idolize, and immunize - legalize, metabolize, mobilize, organize, and ostracize - plagiarize, privatize, utilize, and visualize (Note that some words may technically be spelled with ise, especially in British English, but it is more common to use ize. Examples include symbolize/symbolise, and baptize/baptise.)

Split Infinitives

A split infinitive occurs when a modifying word comes between the word to and the verb that pairs with to. Example: To clearly explain vs. To explain clearly | To softly sing vs. To sing softly Though still considered improper by some, split infinitives may provide better clarity and simplicity than the alternatives. As such, avoiding them should not be considered a universal rule.

Verb Tenses

A verb tense shows the different form of a verb to point to the time of an action. The present and past tense are shown by changing the verb's form. An action in the present I talk can change form for the past: I talked. However, for the other tenses, an auxiliary (i.e., helping) verb is needed to show the change in form. These helping verbs include am, are, is | have, has, had | was, were, will (or shall). Present: I talk Present perfect: I have talked Past: I talked Past perfect: I had talked Future: I will talk Future perfect: I will have talked Present: The action happens at the current time. Example: He walks to the store every morning. To show that something is happening right now, use the progressive present tense: I am walking. Past: The action happened in the past. Example: He walked to the store an hour ago. Future: The action is going to happen later. Example: I will walk to the store tomorrow. Present perfect: The action started in the past and continues into the present. Example: I have walked to the store three times today. Past perfect: The second action happened in the past. The first action came before the second. Example: Before I walked to the store (Action 2), I had walked to the library (Action 1). Future perfect: An action that uses the past and the future. In other words, the action is complete before a future moment. Example: When she comes for the supplies (future moment), I will have walked to the store (action completed in the past).

Verbals and Verbal Phrases

A verbal looks like a verb, but it is not used as a verb. Instead, a verbal is used as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Be careful with verbals. They do not replace a verb in a sentence. Correct: Walk a mile daily. (Walk is the verb of this sentence. As in, "You walk a mile daily.") Incorrect: To walk a mile. (To walk is a type of verbal. But, verbals cannot be a verb for a sentence.) A verbal phrase is a verb form that does not function as the verb of a clause. There are three major types of verbal phrases: participial, gerund, and infinitive phrases.

Affect and Effect

Affect can be used as a noun for feeling, emotion, or mood. Effect can be used as a noun that means result. Affect as a verb means to influence. Effect as a verb means to bring about. Affect: The sunshine affects plants. Effect: The new rules will effect order in the office.

Action Verbs and Linking Verbs

An action verb is a verb that shows what the subject is doing in a sentence. In other words, an action verb shows action. A sentence can be complete with one word: an action verb. Linking verbs are intransitive verbs that show a condition (i.e., the subject is described but does no action). Linking verbs link the subject of a sentence to a noun or pronoun, or they link a subject with an adjective. You always need a verb if you want a complete sentence. However, linking verbs are not able to complete a sentence. Common linking verbs include appear, be, become, feel, grow, look, seem, smell, sound, and taste. However, any verb that shows a condition and has a noun, pronoun, or adjective that describes the subject of a sentence is a linking verb. Action: He sings. | Run! | Go! | I talk with him every day. | She reads. Linking: Incorrect: I feel. Correct: I am John. | I smell roses. | I feel tired. Note: Some verbs are followed by words that look like prepositions, but they are a part of the verb and a part of the verb's meaning. These are known as phrasal verbs and examples include call off, look up, and drop off.

Indicate Time or Position

Certain words can be used to indicate the time and position of one thing in relation to another. Writers can use, for example, the following terms to create a timeline of events in an essay: above, across, afterward, before, beyond, eventually, meanwhile, next, presently, around, at once, at the present time, finally, first, here, second, thereafter, and upon. These words can show the order or placement of items or ideas in an essay


Conjunctions join words, phrases, or clauses, and they show the connection between the joined pieces. There are coordinating conjunctions that connect equal parts of sentences. Correlative conjunctions show the connection between pairs. Subordinating conjunctions join subordinate (i.e., dependent) clauses with independent clauses. Coordinating Conjunctions The coordinating conjunctions include: and, but, yet, or, nor, for, and so Examples: The rock was small, but it was heavy. She drove in the night, and he drove in the day. Correlative Conjunctions The correlative conjunctions are: either...or | neither...nor | not only... but also Examples: Either you are coming, or you are staying. | He ran not only three miles, but also swam 200 yards. Subordinating Conjunctions Common subordinating conjunctions include: after since whenever although so that where because unless wherever before until whether in order that when while Examples: I am hungry because I did not eat breakfast. He went home when everyone left.


Dashes are used to show a break or a change in thought in a sentence or to act as parentheses in a sentence. When typing, use two hyphens to make a dash. Do not put a space before or after the dash. The following are the rules for dashes: 1. To set off parenthetical statements or an appositive that has internal punctuation. Example: The three trees—oak, pine, and magnolia—are coming on a truck tomorrow. 2. To show a break or change in tone or thought. Example: The first question—how silly of me—does not have a correct answer.

25. B: The use of substantial in this sentence has a meaning that is closest to "considerable." The other choices are antonyms of substantial

Despite the important achievement of the election of our first African American president, the need for knowledge and education about African American history is still unmet to a substantial degree. 25. The word "substantial" most nearly means: a. base b. considerable c. minor d. trivial

6. D: Acceptable is the correct spelling of the word.

Donald considered the job offer carefully, but he ultimately decided that the low salary was not acceptible given his previous experience. 6. Which of the following is misspelled in the sentence? a. carefully b. decided c. salary d. acceptible

11. B: Answer choice B combines the sentences in the best way. The sentences are combined into a single sentence, and all of the details are still included. Answer choices A and D do a good job of combining the sentences, but still consist of more than one sentence. Answer choice C combines the sentences, but leaves out the part about how she "tried to find a way to attend both." There is no clear reason to leave this out, so answer choice C is not the best choice.

Fenella wanted to attend the concert. She also wanted to attend the reception at the art gallery. She tried to find a way to do both in one evening. She failed. 11. Which of the following options best combines these sentences? Consider both style and clarity when choosing a response. a. Although Fenella wanted to attend the concert, she also wanted to attend the reception at the art gallery, so she tried to find a way to do both in one evening. She failed. b. Fenella wanted to attend both the concert and the reception at the art gallery, but she failed to find a way to do both in one evening. c. Fenella failed to find a way to attend both the concert and the reception at the art gallery. d. Because Fenella wanted to attend both the concert and the reception at the art gallery, she tried to find a way to do both in one evening. Unfortunately, she failed.

Words Ending in able or ible

For words ending in able or ible, there are no hard and fast rules. eg: - adjustable, unbeatable, collectable, deliverable, and likeable - edible, compatible, feasible, sensible, and credible There are more words ending in able than ible; this is useful to know if guessing is necessary

Recursive Writing Process

However you approach writing, you may find comfort in knowing that the revision process can occur in any order. The recursive writing process is not as difficult as the phrase appears to you. Simply put, the recursive writing process means that the steps in the writing process occur in no particular order. For example, planning, drafting, and revising (all a part of the writing process) take place at about the same time and you may not notice that all three happen so close together. Truly, the writing process is a series of moving back and forth between planning, drafting, and revising. Then, more planning, more drafting, and more revising until the writing is complete.

16. C: Answer choice C correctly identifies that I is the first person and you is the second person. The order is also correct. The other answer choices either include an incorrect point of view or place the points of view in incorrect order.

I_ never know when you_ are joking about something. 16. What is the point of view indicated by the underlined words in the sentence? a. third; second b. second; first c. first; second d. first; third

Context Clues

Learning new words is an important part of comprehending and integrating unfamiliar information. When a reader encounters a new word, he can stop and find it in the dictionary or the glossary of terms but sometimes those reference tools aren't readily available or using them at the moment is impractical (e.g., during a test). Furthermore, most readers are usually not willing to take the time. Another way to determine the meaning of a word is by considering the context in which it is being used. These indirect learning hints are called context clues. They include definitions, descriptions, examples, and restatements. Because most words are learned by listening to conversations, people use this tool all the time even if they do it unconsciously. But to be effective in written text, context clues must be used judiciously because the unfamiliar word may have several subtle variations, and therefore the context clues could be misinterpreted. Context refers to how a word is used in a sentence. Identifying context can help determine the definition of unknown words. There are different contextual clues such as definition, description, example, comparison, and contrast. The following are examples: · Definition: the unknown word is clearly defined by the previous words. - "When he was painting, his instrument was a ___." (paintbrush) · Description: the unknown word is described by the previous words. - "I was hot, tired, and thirsty; I was ___." (dehydrated) · Example: the unknown word is part of a series of examples. - "Water, soda, and ___ were the offered beverages." (coffee) · Comparison: the unknown word is compared to another word. - "Barney is agreeable and happy like his ___ parents." (positive) · Contrast: the unknown word is contrasted with another word. - "I prefer cold weather to ___ conditions." (hot)

Plural Forms of Letters, Numbers, Symbols, and Compound Nouns with Hyphens

Letters and numbers become plural by adding an apostrophe and s. The following are examples: · The L's are the people whose names begin with the letter L. · They broke the teams down into groups of 3's. · The sorority girls were all KD's. A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words; they can be written with hyphens. For example, mother-in-law or court-martial are compound nouns. To make them plural, an s or es is added to the noun portion of the word. The following are examples: mother-in-law becomes mothers-in-law; courtmartial becomes courts-martial.

12. D: The context of the sentence indicates that Mara would feel great happiness

Mara enjoyed great felicity when her missing dog found his way home. 12. What does the word "felicity" mean in this sentence? a. Discomfort b. Anxiety c. Disbelief d. Happiness

Paragraph Length

Most readers find that their comfort level for a paragraph is between 100 and 200 words. Shorter paragraphs cause too much starting and stopping, and give a choppy effect. Paragraphs that are too long often test the attention span of readers. Two notable exceptions to this rule exist. In scientific or scholarly papers, longer paragraphs suggest seriousness and depth. In journalistic writing, constraints are placed on paragraph size by the narrow columns in a newspaper format. The first and last paragraphs of a text will usually be the introduction and conclusion. These special-purpose paragraphs are likely to be shorter than paragraphs in the body of the work. Paragraphs in the body of the essay follow the subject's outline; one paragraph per point in short essays and a group of paragraphs per point in longer works. Some ideas require more development than others, so it is good for a writer to remain flexible. A paragraph of excessive length may be divided, and shorter ones may be combined.


Parallel structures are used in sentences to highlight similar ideas and to connect sentences that give similar information. Parallelism pairs parts of speech, phrases, or clauses together with a matching piece. To write, I enjoy reading and to study would be incorrect. An infinitive does not match with a gerund. Instead, you should write I enjoy reading and studying. Be sure that you continue to use certain words (e.g., articles, linking verbs, prepositions, infinitive sign (to), and the introductory word for a dependent clause) in sentences. Incorrect: Will you bring the paper and pen with you? Correct: Will you bring the paper and a pen with you? Incorrect: The animals can come to eat and play. Correct: The animals can come to eat and to play. Incorrect: You are the person who remembered my name and cared for me. Correct: You are the person who remembered my name and who cared for me.

Special Note

Periods for Abbreviations An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Examples: 3 P.M. | 2 A.M. | Mr. Jones | Mrs. Stevens | Dr. Smith | Bill Jr. | Pennsylvania Ave.

Designing relevant experiments that allow for meaningful results is not

a simple task. Every stage of the experiment must be carefully planned to ensure that the right data can be safely and accurately taken.

Modes of Sentence Patterns

Sentence patterns fall into five common modes with some exceptions. They are: · Subject + linking verb + subject complement · Subject + transitive verb + direct object · Subject + transitive verb + indirect object + direct object · Subject + transitive verb + direct object + object complement · Subject + intransitive verb Common exceptions to these patterns are questions and commands, sentences with delayed subjects, and passive transformations

12. C: This version begins with a subject and verb and is followed by a clause. Choice A is incorrect because the words are out of order and don't logically follow the previous sentence. The sentence should begin with 'She says' because it is the school principal's opinion being expressed. This choice is also incorrect because it uses the words not appropriate instead of inappropriate. Choice B is incorrect because the clause "that students wear to schools" should come after the word outfits. Choice D is incorrect because the word order changes the meaning of the sentence by stating that any outfits are distracting and inappropriate.

She is saying that some of the students are wearing to school is being distracting and inappropriate. 12. What is the most effective way to rewrite the sentence? a. Some of the outfits students wear to school, she is saying, are distracting and not appropriate. b. The outfits are distracting and inappropriate, she says, that students wear to school. c. She says that some of the outfits that students wear to school are distracting and inappropriate. d. She says that it is distracting and inappropriate that students wear outfits to school.

Personal pronouns

Some pronouns change their form by their placement in a sentence. A pronoun that is a subject in a sentence comes in the subjective case. Pronouns that serve as objects appear in the objective case. Finally, the pronouns that are used as possessives appear in the possessive case. Subjective case: He is coming to the show. (The pronoun He is the subject of the sentence.) Objective case: Josh drove him to the airport. (The pronoun him is the object of the sentence.) Possessive case: The flowers are mine. (The pronoun mine shows ownership of the flowers.)

Exceptions to the Rules of Plurals

Some words do not fall into any specific category for making the singular form plural. They are irregular. Certain words become plural by changing the vowels within the word. The following are examples: · woman becomes women; goose becomes geese; foot becomes feet Some words change in unusual ways in the plural form. The following are examples: · mouse becomes mice; ox becomes oxen; person becomes people Some words are the same in both the singular and plural forms. The following are examples: · Salmon, deer, and moose are the same whether singular or plural.

Adjective Suffixes

Suffix Definition Examples -able (-ible) capable of being tolerable, edible -esque in the style of, like picturesque, grotesque -ful filled with, marked by thankful, zestful -ic make, cause terrific, beatific -ish suggesting, like churlish, childish -less lacking, without hopeless, countless -ous marked by, given to religious, riotous

Subjects and Predicates

Subjects The subject of a sentence names who or what the sentence is about. The complete subject is composed of the simple subject and all of its modifiers. The complete subject has the simple subject and all of the modifiers. To find the The answer is the complete subject. To find the simple subject, remove all of the modifiers in the complete subject. Examples: The small red car is the one that he wants for Christmas. (The complete subject is the small red car.) The young artist is coming over for dinner. (The complete subject is the young artist.) In imperative sentences, the verb's subject is understood, but not actually present in the sentence. Although the subject ordinarily comes before the verb, in sentences that begin with There are or There was, the subject follows the verb. The ability to recognize the subject of a sentence helps in editing a variety of problems, such as sentence fragments and subject-verb agreement, as well as the using the correct pronouns. Direct: John knows the way to the park. (Who knows the way to the park? Answer: John) The cookies need ten more minutes. (What needs ten minutes? Answer: The cookies) By five o' clock, Bill will need to leave. (Who needs to leave? Answer: Bill) Remember: The subject can come after the verb. There are five letters on the table for him. (What is on the table? Answer: Five letters) There were coffee and doughnuts in the house. (What was in the house? Answer: Coffee and doughnuts) Implied: Go to the post office for me. (Who is going to the post office? Answer: You are.) Come and sit with me, please? (Who needs to come and sit? Answer: You do.) Predicates In a sentence, you always have a predicate and a subject. A predicate is what remains when you have found the subject. The subject tells what the sentence is about, and the predicate explains or describes the subject. Think about the sentence: He sings. In this sentence, we have a subject (He) and a predicate (sings). This is all that is needed for a sentence to be complete. Would we like more information? Of course, we would like to know more. However, if this all the information that you are given, you have a complete sentence. Now, let's look at another sentence: John and Jane sing on Tuesday nights at the dance hall. What is the subject of this sentence? Answer: John and Jane. What is the predicate of this sentence? Answer: Everything else in the sentence besides John and Jane.

28. A: The form bear is correct in this context, because it suggests the right to carry or own arms. The form bare indicates an uncovered limb. The word barre is the French form of bar, and is typically used to describe a ballet barre where dancers train. The word baire is an alternative colloquial form that refers to a mosquito net in some parts of the United States

The Constitution mentions the right to _____ arms, but one common mistake is to spell this as though the Founding Fathers were ensuring the right to go sleeveless. 28. Which of the following words correctly completes the sentence? a. bear b. bare c. barre d. baire

Pronoun-antecedent agreement

The antecedent is the noun that has been replaced by a pronoun. A pronoun and the antecedent agree when they are singular or plural. Singular agreement: John came into town, and he played for us. (The word He replaces John.) Plural agreement: John and Rick came into town, and they played for us. (The word They replaces John and Rick.) To know the correct pronoun for a compound subject, try each pronoun separately with the verb. Your knowledge of pronouns will tell you which one is correct. Example: Bob and (I, me) will be going. (Answer: Bob and I will be going.) Test: (1) I will be going or (2) Me will be going. The second choice cannot be correct because me is not used as a subject of a sentence. Instead, me is used as an object. When a pronoun is used with a noun immediately following (as in "we boys"), try the sentence without the added noun. Example: (We/Us) boys played football last year. (Answer: We boys played football last year.) Test: (1) We played football last year or (2) Us played football last year. Again, the second choice cannot be correct because us is not used as a subject of a sentence. Instead, us is used as an object.

9. C: Acrimonious means "bitter" or "vitriolic," and is very similar in meaning to rancorous.

The discussion over the new park had begun well, but it soon descended into an acrimonious debate over misuse of tax revenues. 9. Using the context of the selection below, what is the meaning of the underlined word? a. shocking b. childish c. rancorous d. revealing

19. B: The context of the sentence suggests that the trauma of surviving the plane crash left long-term memories that haunted Johanna for many years. As a result, permanent is the best meaning of indelible. The other meanings make little sense in the context of the sentence. The only possible option is indirect, but there is nothing about the sentence to suggest that the nightmares are indirect impressions of a traumatic experience.

The experience of being the survivor of a plane crash left an indelible impression on Johanna, and she suffered from nightmares for years afterwards. 19. Which of the following best explains the meaning of indelible in the sentence above? a. candid b. permanent c. inexpressible d. indirect

14. B: Anthropology is the study of human culture. Cosmetology is the study of cosmetic techniques. Etymology is the study of word meanings. Genealogy is the study of family history. All of these words would indicate that the suffix -logy refers to the study of something. It cannot refer to a record, since that indicates something in the past, and the words in question describe activities that are ongoing. An affinity for something is not the same as a committed study of it, and each item in the question represents its own dedicated field. The suffix for "fear" is -phobia

The following words share a common Greek-based suffix: anthropology, cosmetology, etymology, and genealogy. 14. What is the most likely meaning of the suffix -logy? a. record b. study c. affinity d. fear

Words between Subject and Verb

The joy of my life returns home tonight. (Singular Subject: joy. Singular Verb: returns) The phrase of my life does not influence the verb returns. The question that still remains unanswered is "Who are you?" (Singular Subject: question. Singular Verb: is) Don't let the phrase "that still remains..." trouble you. The subject question goes with is.

26. D: Refer to the complete Punnett square in the explanation for question 25. Because male pattern baldness is recessive, the offspring would need the bb gene combination in order to inherit this trait. Therefore, any offspring with the B gene will have a full head of hair. Possibilities 1, 2, and 3 all have the B gene.

The next two questions are based on the following information. Let B represent the dominant gene for a full head of hair, and let b represent the recessive gene for male pattern baldness. The following Punnett square represents the offspring of two people with recessive genes for baldness 26. According to the Punnett square, which possibility would produce an offspring with a full head of hair? a. Possibility 1 b. Possibility 2 c. Possibility 3 d. All of the above.

Comparison with Adverbs

The rules for comparing adverbs are the same as the rules for adjectives. The positive degree is the standard form of an adverb. Example: He arrives soon. | She speaks softly to her friends. The comparative degree compares one person or thing to another person or thing. Example: He arrives sooner than Sarah. | She speaks more softly than him. The superlative degree compares more than two people or things. Example: He arrives soonest of the group. | She speaks most softly of any of her friends.

28. C: If the years leading up to the American Civil War are described as antebellum, and bellum means "war," the only possible meaning of ante- is "before." Antebellum, therefore, means "before war." The other prefixes do little to break the word down to a sensible meaning. "Again war" and "together war" are meaningless. "Good war" does nothing to explain why the pre-Civil War years were called antebellum, particularly when considering the atrocities of war that were soon to follow.

The years leading up to the American Civil War are often referred to using the term antebellum. 28. Based on the contextual usage of this word, what is the most likely meaning of the prefix ante-? a. again b. good c. before d. together


There are three moods in English: the indicative, the imperative, and the subjunctive. The indicative mood is used for facts, opinions, and questions. Fact: You can do this. Opinion: I think that you can do this. Question: Do you know that you can do this? The imperative is used for orders or requests. Order: You are going to do this! Request: Will you do this for me? The subjunctive mood is for wishes and statements that go against fact. Wish: I wish that I were going to do this. Statement against fact: If I were you, I would do this. (This goes against fact because I am not you. You have the chance to do this, and I do not have the chance.) The mood that causes trouble for most people is the subjunctive mood. If you have trouble with any of the moods, then be sure to practice


There are two groups of clauses: independent and dependent. Unlike phrases, a clause has a subject and a verb. So, what is the difference between a clause that is independent and one that is dependent? An independent clause gives a complete thought. A dependent clause does not share a complete thought. Instead, a dependent clause has a subject and a verb, but it needs an independent clause. Subordinate (i.e., dependent) clauses look like sentences. They may have a subject, a verb, and objects or complements. They are used within sentences as adverbs, adjectives, or nouns. Examples: Independent Clause: I am running outside. (The sentence has a subject I and a verb am running.) Dependent Clause: I am running because I want to stay in shape. The clause I am running is an independent clause. The underlined clause is dependent. Remember: a dependent clause does not give a complete thought. Think about the dependent clause: because I want to stay in shape. Without any other information, you think: So, you want to stay in shape. What are you are doing to stay in shape? Answer: I am running.


There are two main ways to use brackets: 1. When you need to place parentheses inside of parentheses, you use brackets instead of parentheses. Example: The hero of this story, Paul Revere (a silversmith and industrialist [see Ch. 4]), rode through towns of Massachusetts to warn of advancing British troops. 2. You can use brackets when you need to add material that is being quoted. Example: The father explained, "My children are planning to attend my alma mater [State University]."

There, Their, and They're

There can be an adjective, adverb, or pronoun. Often, there is used to show a place or to start a sentence. Examples: I went there yesterday. | There is something in his pocket. Their is a pronoun that shows ownership. Examples: He is their father. | This is their fourth apology this week. They're is a contraction of they are. Example: Did you know that they're in town?

4. D: The context suggests that Thomas Macaulay thought that people seldom apply wise sayings to avoid foolishness. The plural word in the sentence suggests the need for a plural synonym, so advice does not work. The word preferences does not make much sense in the sentence. While the statement itself is a quote - and wise sayings are usually quoted - the word quotes is not a synonym for apothegms, and is therefore not the best choice.

Thomas Macaulay once commented that "Few of the many wise apothegms which have been uttered have prevented a single foolish action." 4. Which of the following best explains the meaning of apothegms as it is used in the sentence? a. advice b. preferences c. quotes d. sayings

18. A: Obsequious means excessively obedient. To show deference means to be servile. The two are synonyms, although of differing degrees. Aggressive is almost an antonym. Reserved merely means shy while poorly dressed is beside the point completely.

Throughout the elegant dinner party, the man's guests couldn't help but notice he took inordinate pride in the flattery of even his most obsequious_ servants. 18. Which of the following substitutions best captures the meaning of the underlined word? a. showing deference b. poorly dressed c. reserved d. aggressive

To, Too, and Two

To can be an adverb or a preposition for showing direction, purpose, and relationship. See your dictionary for the many other ways use to in a sentence. Examples: I went to the store. | I want to go with you. Too is an adverb that means also, as well, very, or more than enough. Examples: I can walk a mile too. | You have eaten too much. Two is the second number in the series of natural numbers (e.g., one (1), two, (2), three (3)...) Example: You have two minutes left.

Another important skill is hypothesizing. Scientists must be able to

combine their knowledge of theory and of other experimental results to logically determine what should occur in their own tests.

Subjects Joined by Or and Nor

Today or tomorrow is the day. (Subject: Today / tomorrow. Verb: is) Stan or Phil wants to read the book. (Subject: Stan / Phil. Verb: wants) Neither the books nor the pen is on the desk. (Subject: Books / Pen. Verb: is) Either the blanket or pillows arrive this afternoon. (Subject: Blanket / Pillows. Verb: arrive) Note: Singular subjects that are joined with the conjunction or need a singular verb. However, when one subject is singular and another is plural, you make the verb agree with the closer subject. The example about books and the pen has a singular verb because the pen (singular subject) is closer to the verb.


Transitive verbs come in active or passive voice. If the subject does an action or receives the action of the verb, then you will know whether a verb is active or passive. When the subject of the sentence is doing the action, the verb is active voice. When the subject receives the action, the verb is passive voice. Active: Jon drew the picture. (The subject Jon is doing the action of drawing a picture.) Passive: The picture is drawn by Jon. (The subject picture is receiving the action from Jon.)


Use a period to end all sentences except direct questions, exclamations, and questions. Declarative Sentence A declarative sentence gives information or makes a statement. Examples: I can fly a kite. | The plane left two hours ago. Imperative Sentence An imperative sentence gives an order or command. Examples: You are coming with me. | Bring me that note.

Quotation Marks

Use quotation marks to close off direct quotations of a person's spoken or written words. Do not use quotation marks around indirect quotations. An indirect quotation gives someone's message without using the person's exact words. Use single quotation marks to close off a quotation inside a quotation. Direct Quote: Nancy said, "I am waiting for Henry to arrive." Indirect Quote: Henry said that he is going to be late to the meeting. Quote inside a Quote: The teacher asked, "Has everyone read 'The Gift of the Magi'?" Quotation marks should be used around the titles of short works: newspaper and magazine articles, poems, short stories, songs, television episodes, radio programs, and subdivisions of books or web sites. Examples: "Rip van Winkle" (short story by Washington Irving) "O Captain! My Captain!" (poem by Walt Whitman) Quotation marks may be used to set off words that are being used in a different way from a dictionary definition. Also, they can be used to highlight irony. Examples: The boss warned Frank that he was walking on "thin ice." (Frank is not walking on real ice. Instead, Frank is being warned to avoid mistakes.) The teacher thanked the young man for his "honesty." (Honesty and truth are not always the same thing. In this example, the quotation marks around honesty show that the teacher does not believe the young man's explanation.)

Link Dissimilar or Contradictory Ideas

Writers can link contradictory ideas in an essay by using, among others, the following words and phrases: although, and yet, even if, conversely, but, however, otherwise, still, yet, instead, in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, and on the other hand.

Subject-Verb Agreement

Verbs agree with their subjects in number. In other words, singular subjects need singular verbs. Plural subjects need plural verbs. Singular is for one person, place, or thing. Plural is for more than one person, place, or thing. Subjects and verbs must also agree in person: first, second, or third. The present tense ending -s is used on a verb if its subject is third person singular; otherwise, the verb takes no ending Number Agreement Examples: Single Subject and Verb: Dan calls home. (Dan is one person. So, the singular verb calls is needed.) Plural Subject and Verb: Dan and Bob call home. (More than one person needs the plural verb call.) Person Agreement Examples: First Person: I am walking. Second Person: You are walking. Third Person: He is walking.

18. D: The word affect is a verb in this context and is the correct usage within the sentence. The possessive pronoun your also correctly modifies children, so answer choice D is correct. All other answer choices incorrectly apply the words to the sentence.

We cannot allow the budget cuts to __________ the plans to improve education; the futures of __________ children are at stake. 18. Which of the following sets of words correctly fill in the blanks in the sentence above? a. effect; your b. affect; you're c. effect; you're d. affect; your

Nouns Ending in ch, sh, s, x, or z

When a noun ends in the letters ch, sh, s, x, or z, an es instead of a singular s is added to the end of the word to make it plural. The following are examples: · church becomes churches · bush becomes bushes · bass becomes basses · mix becomes mixes · buzz becomes buzzes This is the rule with proper names as well; the Ross family would become the Rosses.

Link Similar Ideas

When a writer links ideas that are similar in nature, there are a variety of words and phrases he or she can choose, including but not limited to: also, and, another, besides, equally important, further, furthermore, in addition, likewise, too, similarly, nor, of course, and for instance.

Words with the ai or ia Combination

When deciding if ai or ia is correct, the combination of ai usually sounds like one vowel sound, as in Britain, while the vowels in ia are pronounced separately, as in guardian. The following are examples: · captain, certain, faint, hair, malaise, and praise (ai makes one sound) · bacteria, beneficiary, diamond, humiliation, and nuptial (ia makes two sounds)


When two items are not equal to each other, you can join them by making the more important piece an independent clause. The less important piece can become subordinate. To make the less important piece subordinate, you make it a phrase or a dependent clause. The piece of more importance should be the one that readers want or will need to remember. Example: (1) The team had a perfect regular season. (2) The team lost the championship. Despite having a perfect regular season, the team lost the championship.

Conjugating Verbs

When you need to change the form of a verb, you are conjugating a verb. The key parts of a verb are first person singular, present tense (dream); first person singular, past tense (dreamed); and the past participle (dreamed). Note: the past participle needs a helping verb to make a verb tense. For example, I have dreamed of this day. | I am dreaming of this day.

Indicate Cause, Purpose, or Result

Writers may need to indicate that one thing is the cause, purpose, or result of another thing. To show this relationship, writers can use, among others, the following linking words and phrases: as, as a result, because, consequently, hence, for, for this reason, since, so, then, thus, and therefore.


When you talk about a person, place, thing, or idea, you are talking about nouns. The two main types of nouns are common and proper nouns. Also, nouns can be abstract (i.e., general) or concrete (i.e., specific). Common nouns are the class or group of people, places, and things (Note: Do not capitalize common nouns). Examples of common nouns: People: boy, girl, worker, manager Places: school, bank, library, home Things: dog, cat, truck, car Proper nouns are the names of a specific person, place, or thing (Note: Capitalize all proper nouns). Examples of proper nouns: People: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr. Places: Los Angeles, New York, Asia Things: Statue of Liberty, Earth*, Lincoln Memorial *Note: When you talk about the planet that we live on, you capitalize Earth. When you mean the dirt, rocks, or land, you lowercase earth. General nouns are the names of conditions or ideas. Specific nouns name people, places, and things that are understood by using your senses General nouns: Condition: beauty, strength Idea: truth, peace Specific nouns: People: baby, friend, father Places: town, park, city hall Things: rainbow, cough, apple, silk, gasoline Collective nouns are the names for a person, place, or thing that may act as a whole. The following are examples of collective nouns: class, company, dozen, group, herd, team, and public.

Synonyms and Antonyms

When you understand how words relate to each other, you will discover more in a passage. This is explained by understanding synonyms (e.g., words that mean the same thing) and antonyms (e.g., words that mean the opposite of one another). As an example, dry and arid are synonyms, and dry and wet are antonyms

Word Confusion

Which is used for things only. Example: John's dog, which was called Max, is large and fierce. That is used for people or things. Example: Is this the only book that Louis L'Amour wrote? Example: Is Louis L'Amour the author that wrote Western novels? Who is used for people only. Example: Mozart was the composer who wrote those operas.

Who or whom

Who, a subjective-case pronoun, can be used as a subject. Whom, an objective case pronoun, can be used as an object. The words who and whom are common in subordinate clauses or in questions. Subject: He knows who wants to come. (Who is the subject of the verb wants.) Object: He knows whom we want at the party. (Whom is the object of we want.)

Word Usage

Word usage, or diction, refers to the use of words with meanings and forms that are appropriate for the context and structure of a sentence. A common error in word usage occurs when a word's meaning does not fit the context of the sentence. Incorrect: Susie likes chips better then candy. Correct: Susie likes chips better than candy. Incorrect: The cat licked it's coat. Correct: The cat licked its coat

Words Ending in tion, sion, or cian

Words ending in tion, sion, or cian all sound like shun or zhun. There are no rules for which ending is used for words. The following are examples: · action, agitation, caution, fiction, nation, and motion · admission, expression, mansion, permission, and television · electrician, magician, musician, optician, and physician (note that these words tend to describe occupations)

Your and You're

Your is an adjective that shows ownership. 301 Example: This is your moment to shine. You're is a contraction of you are. Example: Yes, you're correct.

An effect can in turn be the cause of another effect, in what is known as

a cause-and-effect chain. e.g., As a result of her disdain for procrastination, Lynn prepared for her exam. This led to her passing her test with high marks. Hence, her resume was accepted and her application was approved.

Additionally, a set of data is usually needed for

a control group. - The control group represents the "normal" state or condition of the variable being manipulated. - Controls can be negative or positive.

Predicate Adjectives

are adjectives that modify the subject and finish linking verbs. Example: Your mother is patient. Mother is the subject. Patient is the predicate adjective


are affixes placed in front of words. For example, heat means to make hot; preheat, using the prefix pre-, means to heat in advance. Suffixes are affixes placed at the ends of words. The happiness example above contains the suffix -ness. Circumfixes add parts both before and after words, such as how light becomes enlighten with the prefix en- and the suffix -en. Interfixes compound words via central affixes: speed and meter become speedometer via the interfix -o-.


are phrases that have been overused to the point that the phrase has no importance or has lost the original meaning. The phrases have no originality and add very little to a passage. Therefore, most writers will avoid the use of clichés. Another option is to make changes to a cliché so that it is not predictable and empty of meaning. Examples When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Every cloud has a silver lining.


are used for additional information. Also, they can be used to put labels for letters or numbers in a series. Parentheses should be not be used very often. If they are overused, parentheses can be a distraction instead of a help. Examples: Extra Information: The rattlesnake (see Image 2) is a dangerous snake of North and South America. Series: Include in the email (1) your name, (2) your address, and (3) your question for the author.


are words that are pronounced in the same way, but they have different spellings and different meanings. It's easy to make a mistake and use the wrong word when writing. So, it's important to make sure you choose the correct word. Examples bare, bear for, four knot, not plain, plane stair, stare brake, break heal, heel know, no pour, poor steal, steel buy, by hear, here mail, male principal, principle toe, tow dear, deer hole, whole pair, pear right, write wait, weight flour, flower hour, our peace, piece son, sun waist, waste


are words that are used to stand in for a noun. A pronoun may be grouped as personal, intensive, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite, and reciprocal. Personal: Nominative is the case for nouns and pronouns that are the subject of a sentence. Objective is the case for nouns and pronouns that are an object in a sentence. Possessive is the case for nouns and pronouns that show possession or ownership. Intensive: I myself, you yourself, he himself, she herself, the (thing) itself, we ourselves, you yourselves, they themselves Relative: which, who, whom, whose Interrogative: what, which, who, whom, whose Demonstrative: this, that, these, those Indefinite: all, any, each, everyone, either/neither, one, some, several Reciprocal: each other, one another


around - circumspect, circumference


around - periscope, perimeter


away, off, down, not - dissent, disappear


away, off, from - forget, forswear

Amount Prefix

bi-two bisect, biennial mono-one, single monogamy, monologue poly-many polymorphous, polygamous semi-half, partly semicircle, semicolon uni-one uniform, unity

A noun clause is a dependent clause that

can be used as a subject, object, or complement. Noun clauses can begin with how, that, what, whether, which, who, or why. These words can also come with an adjective clause. Remember that the entire clause makes a noun or an adjective clause, not the word that starts a clause. So, be sure to look for more than the word that begins the clause. To show a clear connection to the independent clause, be sure that a noun clause comes after the verb. The exception is when the noun clause is the subject of the sentence. Examples: The fact that you were alone alarms me. What you learn from each other depends on your honesty with others.

-able (-ible)

capable of being - tolerable, edible

All other variables in the experiment must be

carefully controlled and are usually referred to as constants. - For example, when testing the effect of temperature on solubility of a solute, the independent variable is the temperature, and the dependent variable is the solubility.

A valid experiment must be

carefully controlled. - All variables except the one being tested must be carefully maintained. - This means that all conditions must be kept exactly the same except for the independent variable.


cause to be, become - deepen, strengthen


cause to be, treat with - sterilize, mechanize, criticize

The better an experiment is

controlled, the more valid the conclusions from that experiment will be. - A researcher is more likely to draw a valid conclusion if all variables other than the one being manipulated are being controlled.

In addition to proper control, it is important that the experiment be designed with

data collection in mind. - For instance, if the quantity to be measured is temperature, there must be a temperature device such as a thermocouple integrated into the experimental setup. - While the data are being collected, they should periodically be checked for obvious errors. - If there are data points that are orders of magnitude from the expected value, then it might be a good idea to make sure that no experimental errors are being made, either in data collection or condition control.

Absolute Phrases

is a phrase with a participle that comes after a noun. The absolute phrase is never the subject of a sentence. Also, the phrase does not explain or add to the meaning of a word in a sentence. Absolute phrases are used independently from the rest of the sentence. However, they are still a phrase, and phrases cannot give a complete thought. Examples: The alarm ringing, he pushed the snooze button. The music paused, she continued to dance through the crowd. Note: Appositive and absolute phrases can be confusing in sentences. So, don't be discouraged if you have a difficult time with them.


is a specialized vocabulary that is used among members of a trade or profession. Since jargon is understood by a small audience, writers tend to leave them to passages where certain readers will understand the vocabulary. Jargon includes exaggerated language that tries to impress rather than inform. Sentences filled with jargon are not precise and difficult to understand Examples "He is going to toenail these frames for us." (Toenail is construction jargon for nailing at an angle.) "They brought in a kip of material today." (Kip refers to 1000 pounds in architecture and engineering.)


is a verbal that is used as an adjective. The present participle always ends with -ing. Past participles end with -d, -ed, -n, or -t. Examples: Verb: dance | Present Participle: dancing | Past Participle: danced

Point of view

is the perspective from which writing occurs. There are several possibilities: · First person is written so that the I of the story is a participant or observer. · Second person is a device to draw the reader in more closely. It is really a variation or refinement of the first-person narrative. · Third person, the most traditional form of point of view, is the omniscient narrator, in which the narrative voice, presumed to be the writer's, is presumed to know everything about the characters, plot, and action. Most novels use this point of view.

Another example would be measuring the weight of a patient which would be given in

kilograms, while the measurement of a human heart would be given in grams.


lacking, without - hopeless, countless


large - magnitude, magnify


love, like - philosophy, philanthropic


make, cause - terrific, beatific


make, cause to have - glorify, fortify


many - polymorphous, polygamous

An adverb clause is a dependent clause that

modifies verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. To show a clear connection to the independent clause, put the adverb clause immediately before or after the independent clause. An adverb clause can start with after, although, as, as if, before, because, if, since, so, so that, unless, when, where, or while. Examples: When you walked outside, I called the manager. I want to go with you unless you want to stay.

A single effect can have

multiple causes e.g.. - Single effect: Alan has a fever. - Multiple causes: An unexpected cold front came through the area, and Alan forgot to take his multi-vitamin to avoid being sick.

A single cause can have

multiple effects e.g., - Single cause: Because you left your homework on the table, your dog engulfs the assignment. = Multiple effects: As a result, you receive a failing grade; your parents do not allow you to visit your friends; you miss out on the new movie and holding the hand of a potential significant other).


new - Neolithic, neoconservative


not nonentity, - nonsense


not, opposing - incapable, ineligible


not, reverse of - unhappy, unlock

-er (-or)

office, action - teacher, elevator, honor


one that does excessively - drunkard, sluggard

Double Negatives Standard English allows

two negatives when a positive meaning is intended. For example, "The team was not displeased with their performance." Double negatives that are used to emphasize negation are not part of Standard English. Negative modifiers (e.g., never, no, and not) should not be paired with other negative modifiers or negative words (e.g., none, nobody, nothing, or neither). The modifiers hardly, barely, and scarcely are also considered negatives in Standard English. So, they should not be used with other negatives.

Negative control groups are

typically thought of as placebos. - A negative control group should verify that a variable has no effect on the outcome of the experiment.


under, beneath - hypodermic, hypothesis


under, beneath - subjugate, substitute

29. B: The substance thymine cannot exist in RNA.

29. Which of the following cannot exist in RNA? a. Uracil b. Thymine c. Cytosine d. Guanine


An adjective is a word that is used to modify a noun or pronoun. An adjective answers a question: Which one?, What kind of?, or How many? . Usually, adjectives come before the words that they modify. Which one?: The third suit is my favorite. What kind?: The navy blue suit is my favorite. How many?: Can I look over the four neckties for the suit?


An adverb is a word that is used to modify a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Usually, adverbs answer one of these questions: When?, Where?, How?, and Why? . The negatives not and never are known as adverbs. Adverbs that modify adjectives or other adverbs strengthen or weaken the words that they modify. Examples: He walks quickly through the crowd. The water flows smoothly on the rocks. Note: While many adverbs end in -ly, you need to remember that not all adverbs end in -ly. Also, some words that end in -ly are adjectives, not adverbs. Some examples include: early, friendly, holy, lonely, silly, and ugly. To know if a word that ends in -ly is an adjective or adverb, you can check whether it answers one of the adjective questions or one of the adverb questions. Examples: He is never angry. You talk too loud.


An apostrophe is used to show possession or the deletion of letters in contractions. An apostrophe is not needed with the possessive pronouns his, hers, its, ours, theirs, whose, and yours. Singular Nouns: David's car | a book's theme | my brother's board game Plural Nouns with -s: the scissors' handle | boys' basketball Plural Nouns without -s: Men's department | the people's adventure

6. D: In the context of the sentence, it appears that Finlay's parents are attempting to coax him by promising a trip to his favorite toy store. Answer choice A makes little sense, as the sentence indicates Finlay's parents want him to participate in the recital. Answer choice B might work, but the promise of a trip to the toy store seems more like a reward than a punishment. Answer choice C makes no sense when added to the sentence in place of the word cajole

Finlay flatly refused to take part in the piano recital, so his parents had to cajole him with the promise of a trip to his favorite toy store. 6. Which of the following is the best definition of cajole as it is used in the sentence? a. prevent b. threaten c. insist d. coax

Plural Form and Singular Meaning

Some nouns that are singular in meaning but plural in form: news, mathematics, physics, and economics The news is coming on now. Mathematics is my favorite class. Some nouns that are plural in meaning: athletics, gymnastics, scissors, and pants Do these pants come with a shirt? The scissors are for my project. Note: Look to your dictionary for help when you aren't sure whether a noun with a plural form has a singular or plural meaning. Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, and Division are normally singular. One plus one is two. Three times three is nine


are extended examples that require several sentences. Well selected illustrations can be a great way for authors to develop a point that may not be familiar to their audience.

However, when one is asked for the diameter of a vein, the accepted measure is given in


However, when measuring the number of breaths that a patient takes, the accepted measure is given in terms of

minutes (e.g., breaths per minute).


upon - epilogue

Words Ending with a Consonant

- Usually the final consonant is doubled on a word before adding a suffix. - This is the rule for single syllable words, words ending with one consonant, and multi-syllable words with the last syllable accented. eg: - beg becomes begging (single syllable) - shop becomes shopped (single syllable) - add becomes adding (already ends in double consonant, do not add another d) - deter becomes deterring (multi-syllable, accent on last syllable) - regret becomes regrettable (multi-syllable, accent on last syllable) - compost becomes composting (do not add another t because the accent is on the first syllable)


- are only as good as our knowledge of the actual system. - will be discarded when new discoveries are made that show the model to be inaccurate. - can never perfectly represent an actual system, they are useful for simplifying a system to allow for better understanding of its behavior.

20. D: A comma and the conjunction and are required to combine the sentences. And is a better choice than but because the second sentence is a continuation of the first rather than a contradiction. Choices A and B are incorrect because the conjunction but doesn't fit the meaning of the sentences. Choice A is also missing the required comma. Choice C uses the correct conjunction, and, but is missing the comma.

(1) German cuisine is known for its hearty, meat and potato dishes. (2) Families often enjoy a rich Sunday dinner of roast meat, potatoes, and cabbage. 20. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 1 and 2? a. German cuisine is known for its hearty, meat and potato dishes but families often enjoy a rich Sunday dinner of roast meat, potatoes, and cabbage. b. German cuisine is known for its hearty, meat and potato dishes, but families often enjoy a rich Sunday dinner of roast meat, potatoes, and cabbage. c. German cuisine is known for its hearty, meat and potato dishes, and families often enjoy a rich Sunday dinner of roast meat, potatoes and cabbage. d. German cuisine is known for its hearty, meat and potato dishes, and families often enjoy a rich Sunday dinner of roast meat, potatoes, and cabbage

14. A: A comma should be used to separate the independent clause beginning with some members from the non-essential phrase beginning with which is. Choice B is incorrect because it is missing the comma. Choice C is incorrect because it incorrectly uses that instead of which. Choice D is incorrect because it uses a semicolon instead of a comma.

(1) Some members of the Sons of Liberty constructed a paper obelisk. (2) An obelisk is the same shape as the Washington Monument. 14. What is the most effective way to combine sentences 1 and 2? a. Some members of the Sons of Liberty constructed a paper obelisk, which is the same shape as the Washington Monument. b. Some members of the Sons of Liberty constructed a paper obelisk which is the same shape as the Washington Monument. c. Some members of the Sons of Liberty constructed a paper obelisk, that is the same shape as the Washington Monument. d. Some members of the Sons of Liberty constructed a paper obelisk; which is the same shape as the Washington Monument.

A theory

- is a statement of behavior that consolidates all current observations. - are similar to laws in that they describe natural behavior, but are more recently developed and are more susceptible to being proved wrong. - may eventually become laws if they stand up to scrutiny and testing.

A cause

- is an act or event that makes something happen, and an effect is the thing that happens as a result of the cause.

12. A: This is a tricky question; most of the time, veins carry deoxygenated blood and arteries carry oxygenated blood. However, in this case, the pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart and the pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs.

12. Which blood vessel carries oxygenated blood back to the heart? a. Pulmonary vein b. Pulmonary artery c. Aorta d. Superior vena cava

12. D: As the herd is apparently moving in unison across the highway, the collective noun herd is singular, and thus takes a singular verb. (If, however, the moose were stampeding at random, each moose in a different direction, the collective noun herd would be considered plural.) In answer choice A, the pronoun some can be either singular or plural, depending on the prepositional phrase that follows it. Because the phrase contains the singular fervor, the sentence needs a singular verb. (On the other hand, the phrase some of the people would require a plural verb, because of the plural people.) In answer choice B, Gary is the primary subject, and requires a singular verb, regardless of the phrase as well as his three children that sits between Gary and the verb. In answer choice C, the opening verb in this interrogative sentence is determined by whether the noun following the pronoun neither is singular or plural. In this case, the singular Robert requires that the opening verb be is. Note that if the order were reversed, the sentence would be correct with are: Are neither his parents nor Robert planning to see the presentation? This is fairly awkward, though, so the other form would be more common.

12. Which of the following sentences contains a correct example of subject-verb agreement? a. Some of the post-rally fervor have already died down. b. Gary, as well as his three children, are coming to visit later today. c. Are neither Robert nor his parents planning to see the presentation? d. We waited patiently while a herd of moose was crossing the mountain highway.

13. D: If the root meare means "to pass," and the word permeate means "to penetrate or pervade," the most likely meaning of the prefix per- is "through." This would yield a literal word meaning of "to pass through," which is similar in meaning to the original: "to penetrate or pervade." The phrase "to pass across" does not match the original Latin origins. Similarly, "to pass by" and "to pass with" are not consistent with the meaning of "passing through."

13. Based on the current definition of the word permeate "to penetrate or pervade," which of the following is the most likely meaning of the prefix per-? a. across b. by c. with d. through

13. C: The independent variable is the variable that is changed in the experiment in order to determine its effect on the dependent variable or the outcome of the experiment. The dependent variable results from the experimenter making only one change to an experiment that can be repeated with the same results. Mrs. Jones's class was comparing the effects of sugar and artificial sweetener on the overall color of cookies once they are baked; thus, the one thing that should be changed in the experiment is the sugar and artificial sweetener in the recipe. All of the other ingredients stay the same. For the experiment to be valid and not influenced by any other variables, the students should keep the temperature and baking time the same, as these could affect the color of the cookies as well.

13. Mrs. Jones's class conducted an experiment on the effects of sugar and artificial sweetener on the cookie recipe's overall color when baked. What would be the independent variable in the cookie experiment? a. The students should use the same ingredients in both recipes, but bake the cookies with sugar at 450 degrees and those with artificial sweetener at 475 degrees. They should increase the baking time on the artificial sweetener cookies, since the package instructs them to do so b. The students should use the same ingredients in both recipes, but increase the baking time on the artificial sweetener cookies, since the package instructs them to do so c. The students should use the same ingredients, same baking temperatures, and same baking times for both recipes d. The students should use the same ingredients and baking times in both recipes, but bake the cookies with sugar at 450 degrees and the artificial sweetener cookies at 475 degrees

13. B: In the lungs, oxygen is transported from the air to the blood through the process of diffusion. Specifically, the alveolar membranes withdraw the oxygen from the air in the lungs into the bloodstream. Osmosis is the movement of a solution from an area of low concentration to an area of higher concentration through a permeable membrane. Dissipation is any wasteful consumption or use. Reverse osmosis is a process for purifying a solution by forcing it through a membrane that blocks only certain pollutants.

13. What is the name of the process in the lungs by which oxygen is transported from the air to the blood? a. osmosis b. diffusion c. dissipation d. reverse osmosis

13. D: The semicolon correctly joins the two sentences. Answer choice A is incorrect, because it uses a comma splice to join two independent clauses. (To join two independent clauses, a comma needs to be accompanied by a coordinating conjunction.) The colon in answer choice B is incorrect because the information in the second clause does not clearly define or explain the previous clause. Answer choice C is incorrect because it offers no punctuation to separate the two independent clauses and thus creates more confusion than clarity.

13. Which of the following is an example of a correctly punctuated sentence? a. Beatrice is very intelligent, she just does not apply herself well enough in her classes to make good grades. b. Beatrice is very intelligent: she just does not apply herself well enough in her classes to make good grades. c. Beatrice is very intelligent she just does not apply herself well enough in her classes to make good grades d. Beatrice is very intelligent; she just does not apply herself well enough in her classes to make good grades.

13. C: Proximal means close to the trunk of the body.

13. Which of the following terms means close to the trunk of the body? a. Superficial b. Sagittal c. Proximal d. Distal

14. A: The parathyroid glands are six small glands that sit on top of the thyroid gland and regulate calcium levels by secreting parathyroid hormone. The hormone regulates the amount of calcium and magnesium that is excreted by the kidneys into the urine.

14. Which gland is responsible for the regulation of calcium levels? a. The parathyroid glands b. The thyroid glands c. The adrenal glands d. The pancreas

14. C: Mitochondria are often called the power house of the cell because they provide energy for the cell to function. The nucleus is the control center for the cell. The cell membrane surrounds the cell and separates the cell from its environment. Cytoplasm is the thick fluid within the cell membrane that surrounds the nucleus and contains organelles.

14. Which part of the cell is often called the cell "power house" because it provides energy for cellular functions? a. Nucleus b. Cell membrane c. Mitochondria d. Cytoplasm

14. A: The nucleus is the control center for the cell. The cell membrane surrounds the cell and separates the cell from its environment. Cytoplasm is the thick fluid within the cell membrane that surrounds the nucleus and contains organelles. Mitochondria are often called the power house of the cell because they provide energy for the cell to function.

14. Which part of the cell serves as the control center for all cell activity? a. Nucleus b. Cell membrane c. Cytoplasm d. Mitochondria

15. A: Cilia and flagella are responsible for cell movement. Ribosomes are organelles that help synthesize proteins within the cell. The cell membrane helps the cell maintain its shape and protects it from the environment. Lysosomes have digestive enzymes.

15. What are the cellular functions of cilia and flagella? a. Cilia and flagella are responsible for cell movement. b. Cilia and flagella synthesize proteins. c. Cilia and flagella help protect the cell from its environment. d. Cilia and flagella have enzymes that help with digestion.

15. B: Ribosomes are organelles that help synthesize proteins within the cell. Cilia and flagella are responsible for cell movement. The cell membrane helps the cell maintain its shape and protects it from the environment. Lysosomes have digestive enzymes.

15. What function do ribosomes serve within the cell? a. Ribosomes are responsible for cell movement. b. Ribosomes aid in protein synthesis. c. Ribosomes help protect the cell from its environment. d. Ribosomes have enzymes that help with digestion.

15. B: Answer choice B contains two independent clauses that are joined with a comma and the coordinating conjunction and. Answer choice A, though it contains a compound subject and a compound verb, is still a simple sentence. Answer choice C opens with a dependent clause, so it is a complex sentence. Answer choice D is a compound-complex sentence because it includes a dependent clause as well as two independent clauses.

15. Which of the following is a compound sentence? a. Tabitha and Simon started the day at the zoo and then went to the art museum for the rest of the afternoon. b. Tabitha and Simon started the day at the zoo, and then they went to the art museum for the rest of the afternoon. c. After starting the day at the zoo, Tabitha and Simon then went to the art museum for the rest of the afternoon. d. Tabitha and Simon had a busy day, because they started at the zoo, and then they went to the art museum for the rest of the afternoon.

15. A: In answer choice A, the subjective case pronoun who (rather than whom) correctly follows person. Additionally, the singular subject person is accompanied by the singular verb needs. In answer choice B, nobody is singular, and needs the singular his or her to follow it instead of their. In answer choice C, the use of one's is incorrect; it should be his, hers, or his or her. In answer choice D, however, the use of his or her is not correct because of the structure of the sentence. The mention of the plural Simeon and Ruth makes the plural their correct.

15. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. The person who left the trash in the hallway needs to pick it up now. b. Nobody needs to turn in their projects before the end of the month. c. Every new instructor should stop by the main office to pick up one's room key. d. Both Simeon and Ruth are generous with his or her time.

15. A: The large intestine's main function is the reabsorption of water into the body to form solid waste. It also allows for the absorption of vitamin K produced by microbes living inside the large intestine.

15. Which section of the digestive system is responsible for water reabsorption? a. The large intestine b. The duodenum c. The small intestine d. The gallbladder

16. B: The conclusion was that the amount of sunlight received by the plants was affecting their growth. The independent variable was the amount of light that was given to the plants and could have been manipulated by the experimenter by moving the plants or adding equal parts of light. No control was used in this experiment.

16. In your garden, you noticed that the tomato plants did better on the north side of your house than the west side and you decided to figure out why. They are both planted with the same soil that provides adequate nutrients to the plant, and they are watered at the same time during the week. Over the course of a week, you begin to measure the amount of sunlight that hits each side of the house and determine that the north side gets more light because the sunlight is blocked by the house's shadow on the west side. What is the name of the factor in your observations that affected the tomato plants growth? a. The control b. The independent variable c. The dependent variable d. The conclusion

16. B: Cells differentiate so that simple, less specialized cells can become highly specialized cells. For example, humans are multicellular organisms who undergo cell differentiation numerous times. Cells begin as simple zygotes after fertilization and then differentiate to form a myriad of complex tissues and systems before birth

16. What is the most likely reason that cells differentiate? a. Cells differentiate to avoid looking like all the cells around them. b. Cells differentiate so that simple, non-specialized cells can become highly specialized cells. c. Cells differentiate so that multicellular organisms will remain the same size. d. Cells differentiate for no apparent reason

16. C: Cellular differentiation is the process by which simple, less specialized cells become highly specialized, complex cells. For example, humans are multicellular organisms who undergo cell differentiation numerous times. Cells begin as simple zygotes after fertilization and then differentiate to form a myriad of complex tissues and systems before birth.

16. What is the process by which simple cells become highly specialized cells? a. Cellular complication b. Cellular specialization c. Cellular differentiation d. Cellular modification

16. B: Answer choice B correctly capitalizes Uncle Archibald, where Uncle refers to a specific name. The word cousin needs no capitalization, even when it refers to the name of a specific relative. (The only distinctions are when the word is used within a direct address or opens a sentence.) Similarly, mother and sister do not need to be capitalized unless they are the first word of the sentence or are part of a direct address.

16. Which of the following follows the rules of capitalization? a. Dashiell visited his Cousin Elaine on Tuesday. b. Juniper sent a card to her Uncle Archibald who has been unwell. c. Flicka and her Mother spent the day setting up the rummage sale. d. Lowell and his twin Sister look alike but have very different personalities.

16. A: This answer provides an example of a formal speech, lays out the steps to a solution in a concise manner, and utilizes the correct transition words.

16. Which of the following would belong in a formal speech? a. We all need to work together to make this school better. First, we need to organize a list of our issues. Then we need to form small groups to discuss them and find solutions. Finally, we need to implement those solutions. b. Our purpose is to work together to improve the quality of education at this school. Ideally, we need to organize a list of our issues. Secondly, we need to form small groups to discuss them and find solutions. Then, we need to implement some solutions. c. We all got to work together to make this school much better than before. First, we need to say what is on our mind. We got to form small groups to discuss them and find solutions. And, we need to talk about those solutions. d. It is possible for us to talk about the problems in school and solve them. Of course, we need to organize a list of our issues. For example, we should form small groups to discuss them and find solutions. Finally, we need to implement those solutions.

17. D: Meiosis produces cells that are genetically different, having half the number of chromosomes of the parent cells. Mitosis produces cells that are genetically identical; daughter cells have the exact same number of chromosomes as parent cells. Mitosis is useful for repairing the body while meiosis is useful for sexual reproduction.

17. How does meiosis differ from mitosis? a. Meiosis is used to repair the body. Mitosis is used to break down the body. b. Meiosis is used for asexual reproduction of single-celled organisms. Mitosis is used for sexual reproduction of multicellular organisms. c. Meiosis only occurs in humans. Mitosis only occurs in plants. d. Meiosis produces cells that are genetically different. Mitosis produces cells that are genetically identical.

17. C: Both meiosis and mitosis occur in humans, other animals, and plants. Mitosis produces cells that are genetically identical, and meiosis produces cells that are genetically different. Only mitosis occurs asexually.

17. How is meiosis similar to mitosis? a. Both produce daughter cells that are genetically identical. b. Both produce daughter cells that are genetically different. c. Both occur in humans, other animals, and plants. d. Both occur asexually.

17. B: The integumentary system includes skin, hair, and mucous membranes, all of which are responsible-in part, at least-for blocking disease-causing pathogens from entering the blood stream. The circulatory system distributes vital substances through the body. The lymphatic system sends leaked fluids from the cardiovascular system back to the blood vessels. The reproductive system stores bodily hormones that influence gender traits.

17. Which of the following describes one responsibility of the integumentary system? a. Distributing vital substances (such as nutrients) throughout the body b. Blocking pathogens that cause disease c. Sending leaked fluids from cardiovascular system back to the blood vessels d. Storing bodily hormones that influence gender traits

17. C: It is correct to pair a plural verb with a collective noun when that noun indicates a plural context. In answer choice C, it is clear that the faculty members are acting individually in their disagreement, so the plural verb makes sense. In answer choice A, the pronoun neither is singular, so the verb that accompanies it should also be singular. In answer choice B, the pronoun all is plural, so the accompanying verb should be plural. Similarly, in answer choice D, the pronoun both is plural, so the verb that accompanies it should also be plural.

17. Which of the following sentences contains a correct example of subject-verb agreement? a. Neither Jeanne nor Pauline like the dinner options on the menu. b. All of the council likes the compromise that they have reached about property taxes. c. The faculty of the math department were unable to agree on the curriculum changes. d. Both Clara and Don feels that they need to be more proactive in checking on the contractors

18. B: A decrease in a natural predator, such as a wolves, coyotes, bobcat, or wild dogs, would allow the population to become out of control. In a population of deer that has increased, there would be a natural decrease in a food source for the nutritional needs for the animals. Although deer have been known to share a human's developed habitat, it is often forced by reduced territory and food sources. An increase in hunting licenses would be used by local officials to try to control the population, helping to decrease the number of adults of breeding age.

18. In the suburban neighborhood of Northwoods, there have been large populations of deer, and residents have complained about them eating flowers and garden plants. What would be a logical explanation, based on observations, for the large increase in the deer population over the last two seasons? a. Increased quantity of food sources b. Decreased population of a natural predator c. Deer migration from surrounding areas d. Increase in hunting licenses sold

18. D: The parasympathetic nerves are active when an individual is either resting or eating. The sympathetic nerves are active when an individual experiences a strong emotion, such as fear or excitement. Feeling pain and heat fall under the responsibility of the sensory neurons. Talking and walking fall under the responsibility of the ganglia within the sensory-somatic nervous system.

18. When are the parasympathetic nerves active within the nervous system? a. When an individual experiences a strong emotion, such as fear or excitement b. When an individual feels pain or heat c. When an individual is either talking or walking d. When an individual is either resting or eating

19. C: Homophones are words that are pronounced the same, but differ in meaning. For example, a bride wears a 2 caret ring, but a horse eats a carrot

19. Caret, carrot and to, two and too share something in common. They: a. Are nouns b. Are monosyllabic c. Are homophones d. Represent things in nature

19. B: DNA is the primary carrier of genetic information in most cells. RNA serves as a messenger that transmits genetic information from DNA to the cytoplasm of the cell.

19. How do DNA and RNA function together as part of the human genome? a. DNA carries genetic information from RNA to the cell cytoplasm. b. RNA carries genetic information from DNA to the cell cytoplasm. c. DNA and RNA carry genetic information from the cell nucleus to the cytoplasm. d. DNA and RNA do not interact within the cell.

19. A: The integumentary system (i.e., the skin, hair, mucous membranes, etc.) coordinates with the circulatory system to remove excess heat from the body. The superficial blood vessels (those nearest the surface of the skin) dilate to allow the heat to exit the body. The hormonal influence on blood pressure is the result of the relationship between the circulatory system and the endocrine system. The urinary system is responsible for assisting in the regulation of blood's pressure and volume. The skeletal system is responsible for assisting in the development of blood vessels within the marrow.

19. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the circulatory system and the integumentary system? a. Removal of excess heat from body b. Hormonal influence on blood pressure c. Regulation of blood's pressure and volume d. Development of blood cells within marrow

20. B: After the blood has gone through the left atrium, it enters the mitral valve before entering the left ventricle.

20. Once blood has been oxygenated, it travels through the pulmonary veins, through the left atrium, and then through the ___________ before entering the left ventricle. a. Tricuspid valve b. Mitral valve c. Pulmonary arteries d. Aorta

20. C: Food enters the digestive system through the mouth and proceeds down to the stomach after mastication by the teeth. Once in the stomach, enzymes are secreted that begin to digest the specific substances in the food (proteins, carbohydrates, etc). Next, the food passes through to the small intestine where the nutrients are absorbed and then into the large intestine where extra water is absorbed.

20. The majority of nutrient absorption occurs in the: a. mouth b. stomach c. small intestine d. large intestine

20. A: A chloroplast is an example of a tissue. A liver is an organ, a mammal is a type of organism, and a hamstring is a muscle

20. Which of the following is an example of a tissue? a. chloroplast b. liver c. mammal d. hamstring

23. C: The best use of the International System of Units (SI) for this situation would be the use of the micrometer as it is the smallest unit of measurement provided and the scientist is using a microscope to view the insects.

23. There are three insects that are being compared under a microscope. As a scientist, you decide that measuring them would be an important part of recording their data. Which unit of measurement would best for this situation? a. Centimeters b. Meters c. Micrometers d. Kilometers

20. C: The word east in answer choice C is simply a directional indication and does not need to be capitalized in the context of the sentence. All other uses of capitalization are correct in the context of the sentences. The word South should be capitalized when it refers to a region of the United States (as indicated by the mention of Mississippi). The word East should be capitalized when it refers to the region of Texas. And the word north does not need to be capitalized when it is simply a directional indication (as in answer choice D).

20. Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of capitalization? a. For Christmas, we are driving to the South to visit my grandmother in Mississippi. b. Last year, we went to East Texas to go camping in Piney Woods. c. Next month, we will visit my Aunt Darla who lives just East of us. d. When my sister-in-law Susan has her baby, I will take the train north to see her.

21. B: The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system. They sit on the kidneys and produce hormones that regulate salt and water balance and influence blood pressure and heart rate.

21. The adrenal glands are part of the a. immune system b. endocrine system c. emphatic system d. respiratory system

21. D: Blood is cooled as it passes through capillaries surrounding the sweat glands. Heat is absorbed along with excess salt and water and transferred to the glands as sweat. Droplets of sweat then evaporate from the skin surface to dissipate heat and cool the body. The kidney, bladder, and liver are not involved in regulating body temperature

21. The part of the human excretory system most responsible for maintaining normal body temperature is the: a. Kidney b. Bladder c. Liver d. Sweat glands

21. C: After cell division, the daughter cells should be exact copies of the parent cells. Therefore, the DNA should replicate, or make an exact copy of itself, so that each daughter cell will have the full amount of DNA.

21. What process should the DNA within a cell undergo before cell replication? a. The DNA should quadruple so that daughter cells have more than enough DNA material after cell division. b. The DNA should triple so that daughter cells have three times the amount of DNA material after cell division. c. The DNA should replicate so that daughter cells have the same amount of DNA material after cell division. d. The DNA should split so that daughter cells have half the amount of DNA material after cell division.

21. D: Answer choice D has a plural subject, but is still a simple sentence. Answer choice A is a compound sentence, as it is composed of two independent clauses. Answer choice B consists of two independent sentences that are joined by a semicolon. (The punctuation is correct, and creates two simple sentences, not one.) Answer choice C contains a dependent clause, so it is a complex sentence.

21. Which of the following is a simple sentence? a. Ben likes baseball, but Joseph likes basketball. b. It looks like rain; be sure to bring an umbrella. c. Although he was tired, Edgar still attended the recital. d. Marjorie and Thomas planned an exciting trip to Maui.

21. D: Answer choice D correctly uses an apostrophe to indicate the possessive element within the sentence. Answer choice A incorrectly changes the plural word fairies into the possessive word fairy's. Similarly, answer choice B makes the plural historians possessive, and answer choice C makes the plural seasons possessive by changing it to the singular possessive season's. None of these words is possessive in the context of their respective sentences, so only answer choice D is correct

21. Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe? a. In one version of the story, there are seven fairy's invited to the christening, while in another version there are twelve fairy's. b. Some historians' believe that the number twelve represents the shift from a lunar year of thirteen months to a solar year of twelve months. c. Other historians claim that the symbolism in the fairy tale is more about nature and the shifting season's. d. Regardless of its meaning, the fairy tale remains popular and has been immortalized in Tchaikovsky's music for the ballet.

21. C: The word whom correctly indicates the objective case—as in "to hold him/her responsible"—so answer choice C is correct. The word who in answer choice A incorrectly indicates the subjective case. Similarly, answer choice B is incorrect because the word who is the subjective case (instead of the objective case) here. Answer choice D is incorrect because it incorrectly applies the objective whom instead of the subjective who.

21. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct? a. Krista was not sure who to hold responsible for the broken window. b. Krista was not sure whom was responsible for the broken window. c. Krista was not sure whom to hold responsible for the broken window. d. Krista was not sure on who she should place responsibility for the broken window.

22. D: The skin is a part of the integumentary system, along with the hair, nails, nerves, and glands. The skin controls fluid loss, protects deep tissues, and synthesizes vitamin D. The skeletal system (A) gives the body its bony supporting structure, protects vital organs, collaborates with muscles in body movement, stores calcium, and produces red blood cells. The muscular system (B) maintains posture, collaborates with the bones in body movement, uses energy, and generates heat. The lymphatic system (C) retrieves fluids leaked from capillaries and contains white blood cells, and parts of it support parts of the immune system.

22. A part of which body system controls fluid loss, protects deep tissues, and synthesizes vitamin D? a. The skeletal system b. The muscular system c. The lymphatic system d. The integumentary system

22. A: Genes are the molecular units that enable parents to pass hereditary traits on to their offspring. The blood, organs, and hair all contain the genes that makeup the offspring, but these are not basic molecular units.

22. What basic molecular unit enables hereditary information to be transmitted from parent to offspring? a. Genes b. Blood c. Organs d. Hair

22. A: Genes store hereditary information and thus allow hereditary traits to be passed from parents to offspring. Genes do not prohibit hereditary transmission, and genes are not known to enable any type of environmental factors.

22. What functions do genes serve in the relationship between parents and offspring? a. Genes enable hereditary information to be passed from parents to offspring. b. Genes prohibit hereditary information from being passed from parents to offspring. c. Genes enable environmental factors to affect parents and offspring. d. Genes serve no function in the relationship between parents and offspring.

23. D: Answer choice D contains two independent clauses, so it is a compound sentence, not a simple sentence. All of the other answer choices are simple sentences.

23. Which of the following is not a simple sentence? a. Agatha Christie was the author of more than sixty detective novels. b. Her most famous detectives were Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. c. She also wrote over fifteen collections of short stories about these detectives. d. Most readers favor Poirot, but Christie preferred Miss Marple.

23. B: Answer choice B is the clearest and the most concise. Answer choices A and C include more than one independent clause. As the statement can function as a single independent clause, this is unnecessary. Answer choice D works, but it is not the best option in terms of style, clarity, and concision. The coordinating conjunction with the added independent clause makes the sentence more unwieldy than answer choice B.

23. Which of the following sentences is the best in terms of style, clarity, and conciseness? a. Ava has a leap year birthday; she is really twenty, and her friends like to joke that she is only five years old. b. Because Ava has a leap year birthday, her friends like to joke that she is only five years old when she is really twenty. c. Ava is twenty years old, her friends like to joke that she is five because she has a leap year birthday. d. Although Ava has a leap year birthday, she is twenty years old, but her friends like to joke that she is five.

23. C: Answer choice C summarizes the ideas within the sentence simply and clearly. Answer choice A moves the ideas around to make them awkward instead of effective. Answer choice B creates a dangling modifier with the phrase without adequate protection, so it cannot be correct. Similarly, answer choice D makes this phrase a dangling modifier that makes the flow of thought awkward instead of clear

23. Which of the following sentences represents the best style and clarity of expression? a. Without adequate preparation, the test was likely to be a failure for Zara. b. The test was likely to be a failure for Zara without adequate preparation. c. Without adequate preparation, Zara expected to fail the test. d. Zara expected to fail the test without adequate preparation.

23. A: Both DNA and RNA are made up of 4 nucleotide bases. Both DNA and RNA contain cytosine, guanine, and adenine. However, DNA contains thymine and RNA contains uracil. Choice B is incorrect because DNA and RNA do not have the same 4 nucleotides, and choices C and D are incorrect because neither DNA nor RNA contains 6 nucleotides. Furthermore, DNA has a double helix structure, and RNA has a single helix structure.

23. Which statement most accurately compares and contrasts the structures of DNA and RNA? a. Both DNA and RNA have 4 nucleotide bases. Three of the bases are the same but the fourth base is thymine in DNA and uracil in RNA. b. Both DNA and RNA have the same 4 nucleotide bases. However, the nucleotides bond differently in the DNA when compared to RNA. c. Both DNA and RNA have 6 nucleotide bases. However, the shape of DNA is a triple helix and the shape of RNA is a double helix. d. Both DNA and RNA have a double helix structure. However, DNA contains 6 nucleotide bases and RNA contains 4 nucleotide bases.

24. A: The thyroid does not belong in this grouping. The pancreas, intestines, and stomach all play important roles in the digestive system. The thyroid is part of the endocrine system. It secretes hormones that help regulate the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and metabolism.

24. All of the following belong together except: a. Thyroid b. Stomach c. Intestines d. Pancreas

24. B: Our respiratory systems inhale air, of which oxygen is one component. From that inhaled air, the respiratory system delivers oxygen to the body. Through gas exchange, it then expels carbon dioxide (CO2) from the body as we exhale. The respiratory system obtains oxygen from the air we inhale; it does not create it, and it expels CO2 rather than absorbing it (C). We do not use our respiratory systems to exhale oxygen or inhale CO2 (D).

24. The respiratory system _______ oxygen and ________ carbon dioxide. a. inhales; exhales b. delivers; expels c. creates; absorbs d. exhales; inhales

24. B: The genotype describes a person's genetic makeup. The phenotype describes a person's observable characteristics. Among the choices, the CFTR gene refers to genetic makeup while the other choices all describe traits that are observable

24. Which of the following characteristics is part of a person's genotype? a. Brown eyes that appear hazel in the sunlight b. CFTR genes that causes cystic fibrosis c. Black hair that grows rapidly d. Being a fast runner

24. A: The pronoun all is plural, so it requires the plural verb are. The pronouns each and neither are singular and require singular verbs (not provided in answer choices B and C). The pronoun any can be either singular or plural depending on the context of the sentence. In this case, any suggests a singular usage, so answer choice D is incorrect with the plural verb.

24. Which of the following sentences contains a correct example of subject-verb agreement? a. All of the board members are in agreement on the issue. b. Each of the students were concerned about the test scores for the final exam. c. Neither of the children are at home right now. d. Any of the brownie recipes are perfect for the bake sale.

25. D: The name for a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies is an antigen. An antigen is any substance perceived by the immune system as dangerous. When the body senses an antigen, it produces an antibody. Collagen is one of the components of bone, tendon, and cartilage. It is a spongy protein that can be turned into gelatin by boiling. Hemoglobin is the part of red blood cells that carries oxygen. In order for the blood to carry enough oxygen to the cells of the body, there has to be a sufficient amount of hemoglobin. Lymph is a near-transparent fluid that performs a number of functions in the body: It removes bacteria from tissues, replaces lymphocytes in the blood, and moves fat away from the small intestine. Lymph contains white blood cells. As you can see, some of the questions in the vocabulary section will require technical knowledge.

25. What is the name for any substance that stimulates the production of antibodies? a. collagen b. hemoglobin c. lymph d. antigen

26. A: The immune system consists of the lymphatic system, spleen, tonsils, thymus and bone marrow.

26. Which group of major parts and organs make up the immune system? a. lymphatic system, spleen, tonsils, thymus, and bone marrow b. brain, spinal cord, and nerve cells c. heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries d. nose, trachea, bronchial tubes, lungs, alveolus, and diaphragm

26. D: While answer choice D is arguably the longest of the four sentences, it is actually a simple sentence. It contains a compound subject and a compound verb, but because it represents only one independent clause it still functions as a simple sentence. Answer choices A and B contain two independent clauses and are thus compound sentences. Answer choice C contains a dependent clause, so it is a complex sentence.

26. Which of the following is a simple sentence? a. Phillippa walked the dog, and Primula gave the dog a bath. b. Phillippa walked and bathed the dog, and Primula helped. c. Phillippa walked the dog, while Primula gave the dog a bath. d. Phillippa and Primula walked the dog and gave the dog a bath.

27. A: If an anaesthetic creates a temporary loss of feeling or sensation, and aesthet means "feeling," then an- must mean "without." Therefore, anaesthetic means "without feeling." The other prefix meanings do not create as clear a connection to the recognized meaning of the full word anaesthetic. To be "against feeling" makes little sense. To be "away feeling" is meaningless. To be "before feeling" would be appropriate to describe the moments before the anaesthetic wears off, but this is a qualification rather than a clear definition.

27. The word anaesthetic refers to medication that causes a temporary loss of feeling or sensation. Based on the meaning of the word in medical usage, which is the most likely meaning of the prefix an-? a. without b. against c. away d. before

27. B: Young people will respond to and better comprehend informal, friendly speech. However, you would not want to be too informal when addressing an educated gathering of college professors or a professional board of directors. Informal speech likely would weaken addresses made before such audiences.

27. Use of formal language would be LEAST essential when addressing which of the following audiences? a. a board of directors b. a grammar school class c. a gathering of college professors d. none of the above

27. A: The purpose of conducting an experiment is to test a hypothesis. Answer choices b, c, and d are steps in conducting an experiment designed to test a hypothesis.

27. What is the purpose of conducting an experiment? a. to test a hypothesis b. to collect data c. to identify a control state d. to choose variables

27. B: Interstitial fluid is found in the tissues around the cells; intracellular fluid is found within the cells. Fluid in the ventricles of the brain and down into the spinal cord is called cerebrospinal fluid. Cerebrospinal fluid bathes these sensitive tissues in a fluid that helps to protect them. Blood and lymph are the fluids that carry nutrients, oxygen, waste, and lymph material throughout the body.

27. Where is the interstitial fluid found? a. In the blood and lymphatic vessels b. In the tissues around cells c. In the cells d. In the ventricles of the brain

27. D: Answer choice D correctly arranges the ideas to reflect the most effective meaning of the sentence. All other answer choices place the ideas in such a way as to create confusion or incorrect punctuation instead of clarity.

27. Which of the following sentences is most correct in terms of style, clarity, and punctuation? a. The possible side effects of the medication that the doctor had prescribed for her was a concern for Lucinda, and she continued to take the medication. b. The medication that the doctor prescribed had side effects concerning Lucinda who continued to take it. c. Lucinda was concerned about side effects from the medication that her doctor had prescribed, so she continued to take it. d. Although Lucinda was concerned about the possible side effects, she continued to take the medication that her doctor had prescribed for her.

28. A: The tricuspid valve allows deoxygenated blood flow from the right atria to the right ventricle. The pulmonic valve opens to allow blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary system. The mitral valve allows oxygenated blood flow from the left atria to the left ventricle. The aortic valve allows oxygenated blood flow from the left ventricle to the rest of the body.

28. Name the valve that allows blood flow from the right atria into the right ventricle. a. Tricuspid valve b. Pulmonic valve c. Mitral valve d. Aortic valve

28. D: The prefix poly- means "many." A is incorrect because the prefix poly- does not mean "few." B is incorrect because the prefix poly- does not mean "several." C is incorrect because the prefix poly- does not mean "none."

28. What does the prefix poly- mean in the word polygon? a. few b. several c. none d. many

28. D: Plasma cells secrete antibodies. These cells, also known as plasmacytes, are located in lymphoid tissue. Antibodies are only secreted in response to a particular stimulus, usually the detection of an antigen in the body. Antigens include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Once released, antibodies bind to the antigen and neutralize it. When faced with a new antigen, the body may require some time to develop appropriate antibodies. Once the body has learned about an antigen, however, it does not forget how to produce the correct antibodies.

28. Which type of cell secretes antibodies? a. bacterial cell b. viral cell c. lymph cell d. plasma cells

29. A: A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction without becoming part of the net reaction. Therefore, chemical C increases the rate of the reaction between A and B. The catalyst does not change the chemicals within the reaction.

29. Chemical C is a catalyst in the reaction between chemical A and chemical B. What is the effect of chemical C? a. Chemical C increases the rate of the reaction between A and B. b. Chemical C decreases the rate of the reaction between A and B. c. Chemical C converts A from an acid to a base. d. Chemical C converts A from a base to an acid.

29. B: Phagocytes are specialized white blood cells that kill pathogens and initiate an immune response. They display the ingested pathogen to the B cells or memory cells which help the body "remember" the pathogen in the future

29. What are substances that stimulate adaptive immunity called? a. Peptides b. Phagocytes c. Prions d. Platelets

30. B: Smooth muscle tissue is said to be arranged in a disorderly fashion because it is not striated like the other two types of muscle: cardiac and skeletal. Striations are lines that can only be seen with a microscope. Smooth muscle is typically found in the supporting tissues of hollow organs and blood vessels. Cardiac muscle is found exclusively in the heart; it is responsible for the contractions that pump blood throughout the body. Skeletal muscle, by far the most preponderant in the body, controls the movements of the skeleton. The contractions of skeletal muscle are responsible for all voluntary motion. There is no such thing as rough muscle.

30. In which of the following muscle types are the filaments arranged in a disorderly manner? a. cardiac b. smooth c. skeletal d. rough

30. B: Enzymes are protein molecules produced by living organisms. Enzymes serve as catalysts for certain biological reactions.

30. What type of molecules are enzymes? a. Water molecules b. Protein molecules c. Tripolar molecules d. Inorganic molecules

31. C: Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland. One of the primary functions of melatonin is regulation of the circadian cycle, which is the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. Insulin helps regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Without insulin, the body is unable to convert blood sugar into energy. Testosterone is the main hormone produced by the testes; it is responsible for the development of adult male sex characteristics. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, performs a number of functions: It quickens and strengthens the heartbeat and dilates the bronchioles. Epinephrine is one of the hormones secreted when the body senses danger.

31. Which hormone is produced by the pineal gland? a. insulin b. testosterone c. melatonin d. epinephrine

31. A: Sweat glands are distributed almost all over the human body, in varying amounts. Their primary purpose is to help the body cool off. They are primarily concentrated in the axilla and perianal area but are present in high concentrations in the forehead, palms, soles, and groin. The back and the legs have much lower concentrations of glands.

31. Which of the following has the least amount of sweat glands? a. Back b. Palms c. Axilla d. Forehead

31. A: The hypothalamus controls the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. This part of the brain maintains the body temperature and helps to control metabolism. The adrenal glands, which lie above the kidneys, secrete steroidal hormones, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. The testes are the male reproductive glands, responsible for the production of sperm and testosterone. The pancreas secretes insulin and a fluid that aids in digestion.

31. Which structure controls the hormones secreted by the pituitary gland? a. hypothalamus b. adrenal gland c. testes d. pancreas

32. D: A covalent bond is one in which atoms share valence electrons. Within a water molecule, one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms share valence electrons to yield the H2O structure.

32. What type of chemical bond connects the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a molecule of water? a. Static bond b. Aquatic bond c. Ionic bond d. Covalent bond

37. C: The neurovascular structure found under each rib in descending order is the vein, artery, and nerve. When a procedure such as a thoracocentesis or chest tube needs to be performed, the medical professional should aim for directly over the rib in order to avoid damaging to these structures.

37. Which of the following best describes the structures found underneath each rib in descending order? a. Vein, nerve, artery b. Artery, Vein, Nerve c. Vein, artery, nerve d. Nerve, vein, artery

32. A: Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli, the minute air sacs on the interior of the lungs. The bronchi are large cartilage-based tubes of air; they extend from the end of the trachea into the lungs, where they branch apart. The larynx, which houses the vocal cords, is positioned between the trachea and the pharynx; it is involved in swallowing, breathing, and speaking. The pharynx extends from the nose to the uppermost portions of the trachea and esophagus. In order to enter these two structures, air and other matter must pass through the pharynx

32. Where does gas exchange occur in the human body? a. alveoli b. bronchi c. larynx d. pharynx

32. A: The midsagittal plane refers to a lengthwise cut that divides the body into equal right and left portions; it is also called the medial plane. The frontal or coronal plane refers to a cut that divides the body into anterior and posterior sections. The oblique plane is when a cylindrical organ is sectioned with an angular cut across the organ.

32. Which of the following best describes a section that divides the body into equal right and left parts? a. Midsagittal b. Coronal c. Oblique d. Frontal

33. C: The esophagus is the only structure that is not part of the respiratory system, it is part of the digestive system. The larynx houses the voice box; it also acts as a passageway for air to travel into the lungs. The trachea connects the larynx to the lungs. The trachea splits into the right and left bronchi, which divide into smaller passageways called the bronchioles.

33. All of the following belong together except: a. Trachea b. Bronchi c. Esophagus d. Larynx

33. B: Each gene must match to a protein for a genetic trait to develop correctly.

33. In the development of genetic traits, one gene must match to one ____________ for the traits to develop correctly. a. Codon b. Protein c. Amino acid d. Chromosome

33. B: A water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. Therefore the chemical formula for water is H2O. Also, the pH of water is 7.

33. Which of the following statements describes a chemical property of water? a. Water has a pH of 1. b. A water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. c. A water molecule contains 2 oxygen atoms and 1 hydrogen atom. d. The chemical formula for water is HO2.

34. C: In order to have accurate measurements, the use of a graduated cylinder would be best. A triple beam balance measures the weight of an object in grams. A flask and a test tube are used to contain a liquid while being heated or stored.

34. What lab equipment would most likely be used to measure a liquid solution? a. Flask b. Triple beam balance c. Graduated cylinder d. Test tube

34. C: For an experiment to be considered successful, it must yield data that others can reproduce. Answer choice a may be considered part of a well-designed experiment. Answer choices b, and d may be considered part of an experiment that is reported on by individuals with expertise

34. Which of the following is needed for an experiment to be considered successful? a. a reasonable hypothesis b. a well-written lab report c. data that others can reproduce d. computer-aided statistical analysis

34. B: Skeletal or striated muscles are voluntary muscles that help support the skeletal structures. Examples of striated muscles are the biceps, triceps, quadriceps, gluteus, and gastrocnemius muscles to name a few. Smooth or involuntary are involuntary muscles primarily found in the visceral organs such as the intestines, prostate, reproductive organs, bladder and trachea

34. Which of the following is not composed of skeletal muscle? a. Quadriceps b. Uterus c. Triceps d. Gastrocnemius

35. C: The atomic mass of an atom is approximately equal to the number of protons plus the number of neutrons. The weight of the electrons has little effect on the overall atomic mass.

35. An atom has 2 protons, 4 neutrons, and 2 electrons. What is the approximate atomic mass of this atom? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

35. C: The atom is negatively charged. Neutrons have no charge. Protons have positive charge and electrons have negative charge equal in magnitude to the positive charge of the proton. Because the atom has more electrons than protons, the atom has a negative charge.

35. An atom has 5 protons, 5 neutrons, and 6 electrons. What is the electric charge of this atom? a. Neutral b. Positive c. Negative d. Undetermined

35. D: The vertebral cavity (containing the spine) can be found in the dorsal cavity along with the cranial cavity (containing the brain). The ventral body cavity is divided into several subsections: the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. The heart is in the thoracic cavity, the stomach is in the abdominal cavity, and the testes are in the pelvic cavity.

35. Which of the following can be found in the dorsal cavity of the body? a. Heart b. Testes c. Stomach d. Spine

36. D: Solids with a fixed shape have a crystalline order that defines and maintains that shape.

36. Which of the following best describes the careful ordering of molecules within solids that have a fixed shape? a. Physical bonding b. Polar molecules c. Metalloid structure d. Crystalline order

36. D: T cells are a specialized type of white blood cells that play an important role in the immune response of all humans. They help destroy pathogens in the body and initiate the body's immune response to fight the infection. T cells are produced in the bone marrow, but they mature in the thymus gland.

36. Which of the following is true regarding T cells? a. They are only seen in those with leukemia b. They are a specialized type of red blood cell c. They mature in the thyroid d. They play a role in the immune response

36. C: The respiratory system's main role is to take oxygen, distribute it to the body's organs and tissues and excrete carbon dioxide. The major anatomical structures of this system include the nares, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, and diaphragm

36. Which system's primary function is to take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide? a. Cardiovascular b. Immune c. Respiratory d. Nervous

37. D: Ionic bonds are formed when electrons are transferred between atoms. For instance, the sodium and chlorine atoms in salt have ionic bonds because electrons are transferred from sodium to chlorine.

37. What type of bond is formed when electrons are transferred between atoms? a. Transfer bond b. Static bond c. Covalent bond d. Ionic bond

37. B: The diaphragm moves downward or contracts to increase the space in the thoracic cavity. This downward motion inflates the lungs and contracts the ribs. The heart's position does not change during inspiration or expiration.

37. Which of the following structures move downward during inspiration? a. Lungs b. Diaphragm c. Ribs d. Heart

38. B: The endoplasmic reticulum is the cell's transport network that moves proteins from one part of the cell to another. The Golgi apparatus assists in the transport but is not the actual transport network. Mitochondria are organelles ("tiny organs") that help in the production of ATP, which the cells need to operate properly. The nucleolus participates in the production of ribosomes that are needed to generate proteins for the cell.

38. Which of the following describes the transport network that is responsible for the transference of proteins throughout a cell? a. Golgi apparatus b. Endoplasmic reticulum c. Mitochondria d. Nucleolus

38. C: The atomic weight tells the mass of the element. In the table, B is the lightest element, weighing 11 atomic mass units, and O is the heaviest element, weighing 16 atomic mass units.

38. Which pattern below best describes the masses of the elements listed in the table? a. The elements are listed in random order, C being the heaviest element and N being the lightest element. b. The elements are listed in decreasing order, B being the heaviest element and O being the lightest element. c. The elements are listed in increasing order, B being the lightest element and O being the heaviest element. d. All the elements weigh the same, so the order is irrelevant.

39. A: The chromosomes separate during anaphase and move to the opposite ends of the cells.

39. During the anaphase of mitosis, the _________________, originally in pairs, separate from their daughters and move to the opposite ends (or poles) of the cell. a. Chromosomes b. Spindle fibers c. Centrioles d. Nuclear membranes

39. D: Antibodies are specialized proteins that are important to immune system efficacy. They are recruited by the immune system to identify and destroy foreign pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Each antibody has a unique target known as the antigen present on the invading organism. Once the antibody identifies its target it helps the immune system neutralize it.

39. What is the primary function of antibodies? a. Production of white blood cells b. Initiates gluconeogenesis c. Promotes the intracellular storage of lipids d. Facilitate the breakdown of antigens

39. B: The spleen's job is to filter the blood by removing dead or dying red blood cells as well as microorganisms. In humans it is found in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen lateral to the liver.

39. Which of the following is true regarding the primary function of the spleen? a. It produces bile to emulsify fats b. It filters microorganisms and other foreign substances from the blood c. It helps control blood glucose levels and regulates blood pressure d. It regulates blood clotting factors

40. C: Vaporization is the process of changing from a liquid to a gas. For instance, water vaporizes when boiled to create steam. Freezing is the process of changing from a liquid to a solid. Condensation describes changing from a gas to a liquid, and sublimation is the process of changing from a solid to a gas.

40. The process of changing from a liquid to a gas is called ________? a. Freezing b. Condensation c. Vaporization d. Sublimation

48. A: The hypothalamus is a tiny gland at the base of the brain. It helps regulate temperature, sleep, emotions, sexual function and behavior. During puberty it secretes hormones that stimulate the gonads which initiate sexual development.

48. What structure releases hormones that stimulate the gonads during puberty? a. Hypothalamus b. Midbrain c. Basal ganglia d. Hippocampus

40. A: The table reflects student scores for each quarter. The trend that can be seen in the graph is an increase in scores as the year progressed. The graph label mentions a test review, but there is not enough information about that to know if that is the reason for the scores changing.

40. Using the table below, what conclusions can be made about the students' scores? . a. The scores increased as the year progressed b. The girls did better than the boys on the test each quarter c. The test was about Math d. The scores were heavily impacted by the test reviews that were provided

40. A: Condensation is the process of changing from a gas to a liquid. For instance, gaseous water molecules in the air condense to form liquid rain drops. Vaporization describes changing from liquid to gas. Melting is the process of changing from solid to liquid and sublimation describes changing from solid to gas.

40. Which statement below best describes the process of condensation? a. Condensation is the process of changing from a gas to a liquid. b. Condensation is the process of changing from a liquid to a gas. c. Condensation is the process of changing from a solid to a liquid. d. Condensation is the process of changing from a solid to a gas.

41. C: The nurse wants to investigate her patients' body temperatures. A thermometer is the only tool in the list that will help measure the temperature of a person's body.

41. A nurse wants to investigate how different environmental factors affect her patients' body temperatures. Which tool would be the most helpful when the nurse conducts her investigation? a. Scale b. Yard stick c. Thermometer d. Blood pressure monitor

41. C: The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body which flows into the right ventricle. From there, the blood goes to the lungs where it becomes oxygenated. The left atrium receives oxygenated blood and pumps it to the left ventricle which distributes it to the rest of the body.

41. Which of the following lists the normal blood flow through the heart? a. Left ventricle, left atria, body, right ventricle, right atria, lungs b. Left atria, left ventricle, lungs, right atria, right ventricle, body c. Right atria, right ventricle, lungs, left atria, left ventricle, body d. Right ventricle, right atria, body, left atria, left ventricle, lungs

41. A: The right lung has three segments: upper, medial and lower. The left lung has two lobes: upper and lower. The lobes are further divided into segments. The right lung comprises ten segments: three in the right upper, two in the right medial lobe, and five in the right lower lobe. The left lung comprises eight segments: four in the left upper lobe and four in the left lower lobe.

41. Which of the following statements is correct about normal human lung anatomy? a. The right lung has three lobes; the left lung has two lobes b. The right lung has two lobes; the left lung has three lobes c. Both lungs have two lobes d. Both lungs have three lobes

42. A: The researcher should use statistical analysis to understand trends in the data. Different statistics tools can help manage and examine large data sets. The researcher would probably miss important correlations by looking at the individual data points, and eliminating most of the data would defeat the purpose of conducting the study. Simply staring at the data would not be helpful.

42. A scientific study has over 2000 data points. Which of the following methods is most likely to help the researcher gain usable information from the data? a. Use statistical analysis to understand trends in the data. b. Look at each individual data point, and try to create a trend. c. Eliminate 90% of the data so that the sample size is more manageable. d. Stare at the data until a pattern pops out.

42. B: Alveoli are air sacs found within the lung parenchyma and are not part of the cardiac system. The septum is dividing wall between the right and left sides of the heart. The heart has four chambers: the upper two chambers are the right and left atrium and the lower two chambers are the right and left ventricles.

42. All of the following belong together except: a. Ventricle b. Alveoli c. Atrium d. Septum

42. B: Walking is not controlled by the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary body processes such as heartbeat, blood pressure, respirations, digestion, metabolism, and elimination of toxins. Walking is controlled by the somatic system which helps control skeletal muscle voluntary control.

42. Which of the following functions is not controlled by the autonomic nervous system? a. Digestion b. Walking c. Heartbeat d. Temperature regulation

43. A: The physical expression—such as hair color—is the result of the phenotype. The genotype is the basic genetic code.

43. A(n) _______________ is the physical and visible expression of a genetic trait. a. Phenotype b. Allele c. Gamete d. Genotype

43. B: The evidence says that every child in a certain family suffers from autism. All of these children have genetic commonalities. Therefore, autism may be genetic. The evidence does not mention whether the children died from autism. Therefore, no conclusion can be drawn that autism may be lethal. Furthermore, the sample size of the evidence is much too small to suggest that autism is related to traditional nuclear family structures

43. Every child in a certain family suffers from autism. Based on this evidence, what possible conclusion can be drawn about autism? a. Autism may be lethal. b. Autism may be genetic. c. Autism is related to traditional nuclear family structures. d. No conclusion can be drawn based on this evidence.

44. D: Longer life expectancy could be explained by any or all of the alternatives presented. Advances in medical technology, basic cleanliness, and vaccines could all help people live longer in the 21st century.

44. The average life expectancy in the 21st century is about 75 years. The average life expectancy in the 19th century was about 40 years. What is a possible explanation for the longer life expectancy in the present age? a. Advances in medical technology enable people to live longer. b. Knowledge about how basic cleanliness can help avoid illness has enabled people to live longer. c. The creation of various vaccines has enabled people to live longer. d. All of the statements above offer reasonable explanations for longer life expectancy.

44. B: The endocrine system is made up of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, and testicles. They secrete hormones which help regulate mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, and sexual function and reproductive processes.

44. Which system's primary function is to release hormones? a. Cardiovascular b. Endocrine c. Integumentary d. Immune

44. D: Decreased mortality during childbirth could be explained by any or all of the statements presented. Safer cesarean sections, health monitoring tools, and hand washing could all improve a woman's chances of surviving childbirth.

44. Women were more likely to die in childbirth in the 18th century than in the 21st century. What is a possible explanation for why women are less likely to die in childbirth in the present age? a. Doctors are better equipped to perform cesarean sections. b. Doctors have more tools to monitor mothers during childbirth, so complications can be detected much earlier. c. Doctors wash their hands well to avoid transferring germs and infections. d. All of the statements above offer reasonable explanations for decreases in mortality during childbirth.

45. A: A scientific argument should discuss outcomes that are objective and measureable, such as blood pressure, energy level, and overall health. The other choices present arguments that are subjective and based on emotions instead of facts.

45. A dietitian wants to convince a patient to lose weight. Which statement below best communicates a scientific argument that justifies the need for weight loss? a. Losing weight can lower blood pressure, increase energy level, and promote overall health. b. Society tends to treat overweight people unfairly. c. Members of the opposite sex are more interested in people who maintain a healthy weight. d. Losing weight is easy to do.

45. C: A scientific argument should be based on measurable and observable facts such as the patient's current symptoms and health history. Discussing the patient's appearance or the doctor's feelings does not communicate a scientific argument. While insurance may be a factor in most healthcare systems, the status of the patient's insurance does not communicate a scientific argument that justifies the need for the test

45. A doctor needs to convince his boss to approve a test for a patient. Which statement below best communicates a scientific argument that justifies the need for the test? a. The patient looks like he needs this test. b. The doctor feels that the patient needs this test. c. The patient's symptoms and health history suggest that this test will enable the correct diagnosis to help the patient. d. The patient has excellent insurance that will pay for several tests, and the doctor would like to run as many tests as possible.

45. D: The heart is located in the thoracic cavity. The thoracic cavity extends from the neck to the diaphragm, which divides the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Some of the major structures contained in the thoracic cavity are the ribs, heart, lungs, mediastinum, trachea, and the esophagus.

45. The heart is located in which of the following areas? a. Pelvic b. Abdominopelvic c. Abdominal d. Thoracic

46. C: Conducting this investigation may reveal a group of people who need higher quality medical care. Asking wealthy people for money does not help the researcher learn more about their quality of medical care. Although helping healthy people to stay healthy is important, helping those with poor medical care is more critical.

46. A researcher wants to investigate the relationship between family income and quality of medical care. Which statement provides the best reason to conduct this investigation? a. The researcher can learn more about wealthy people and ask them for money. b. The investigation can help target healthy people so that they can remain healthy. c. Results of this investigation may identify a group of people who do not receive quality medical care so that these people could receive better medical treatments. d. There is no reason to conduct this investigation

46. C: The number of 7 is the "breaking point" between basic and acidic. Above 7 solutions are considered basic; below 7 solutions are considered acidic. For instance, milk, with a pH of 6.5, is actually considered acidic. Bleach, with a pH of 12.5, is considered basic.

46. A substance is considered acidic if it has a pH of less than which of the following? a. 12 b. 9 c. 7 d. 4

46. C: Interferons are members of a larger class of proteins called cytokines. Cytokines are specialized proteins that carry signals between cells. Interferons are proteins that are produced by cells infected by pathogens such as viruses. They signal neighboring cells to produce antiviral proteins which help prevent the spread of infection.

46. Which of the following is a protein that interferes with virus production? a. Lysozyme b. Prion c. Interferon d. Keratin

47. B: Bartholin's glands also known as greater vestibular glands play a role in female reproduction. The Bartholin's glands lie on either side of the vaginal opening. They produce a mucoid substance, which provides lubrication for intercourse

47. Which of the following best describes the primary function of Bartholin's glands? a. Secretes hormones that help the body respond to stress b. Provide lubrication for the vagina c. Helps control growth and development of the body d. Stimulate the development of T cells

47. B: The trachea is anterior or ventral to the esophagus. The trachea is separated from the esophagus by the epiglottis, which is a flap of cartilage that covers one while the other is in use. The trachea's proximal portion is connected to the larynx and the distal portion splits off into the right and left bronchi.

47. Which of the following choices best describes the location of the trachea in relation to the esophagus? a. Lateral b. Anterior c. Posterior d. Dorsal

47. D: Humans have three layers of skin called the epidermis, the dermis, and subcutaneous fat. Epidermis is the top layer of the skin, the dermis is the second layer, and subcutaneous makes up the bottom layer. The epidermis does not contain blood vessels.

47. Which of the following does not contain blood vessels? a. Hyperdermis b. Hypodermis c. Dermis d. Epidermis

48. B: All of the answers use the System of International Units (SI) of measurement with the exception of gallons. A liter is the measurement of a liquid. Grams are a unit of measurement for the weight of an object, which would be measured on the triple beam balance. Meters measure length.

48. A triple beam balance would show the units of measurement in which form? a. Liters b. Grams c. Meters d. Gallons

48. D: Diseases of the thyroid gland can directly alter the normal function of the heart causing symptoms and resulting in significant complications. Increased levels of thyroxine can cause tachycardia. Low levels of thyroxine can cause bradycardia. Significantly elevated levels of thyroid hormone, seen in thyroid storm, can cause atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrest.

48. Mildly elevated levels of thyroxine will do what to the heart rate? a. Stop the heart rate b. No effect c. Decrease the heart rate d. Increase the heart rate

49. D: The somatic nervous helps control skeletal muscle voluntary control. The automatic nervous system controls involuntary functions in the body like breathing. The autonomic nervous system had two subdivisions: the sympathetic nervous system which controls "fight or flight" response, and parasympathetic nervous system which controls "rest and digest" functions.

49. Which nervous system controls voluntary motor movement? a. Parasympathetic b. Sympathetic c. Autonomic d. Somatic

49. B: The transverse plane separates the body into equal upper and lower portions. The oblique plane is when a cylindrical organ is sectioned with an angular cut across the organ. The midsagittal or medial plane refers to a lengthwise cut that divides the body into equal right and left portions. The frontal or coronal plane refers to a cut that divides the body into anterior and posterior sections.

49. Which of the following best describes a section that divides the body into equal upper and lower portions? a. Coronal b. Transverse c. Oblique d. Median

49. D: Of the given structures, veins have the lowest blood pressure. Veins carry oxygen-poor blood from the outlying parts of the body to the heart. An artery carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the peripheral parts of the body. An arteriole extends from an artery to a capillary. A venule is a tiny vein that extends from a capillary to a larger vein.

49. Which of the following structures has the lowest blood pressure? a. Arteries b. Arteriole c. Venule d. Vein

50. C: RNA has several roles, one of which is to act as the messenger and deliver information about the correct sequence of proteins in DNA. The ribosomes do the actual manufacturing of the proteins. Hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen work to create the bonds within DNA. And far from having a double helix shape, RNA has what would be considered a more two-dimensional shape.

50. Which of the following best describes one of the roles of RNA? a. Manufacturing the proteins needed for DNA b. Creating the bonds between the elements that compose DNA c. Sending messages about the correct sequence of proteins in DNA d. Forming the identifiable "double helix" shape of DNA

50. C: The larynx also known as the voice box, contains the vocal folds that produce the sounds of speech and singing. It is a hollow, tubular structure connected to the proximal aspect of the trachea

50. Which of the following functions would be most affected by laryngeal damage? a. Blinking b. Walking c. Singing d. Hearing

50. C: Of the four heart chambers, the left ventricle is the most muscular. When it contracts, it pushes blood out to the organs and extremities of the body. The right ventricle pushes blood into the lungs. The atria, on the other hand, receive blood from the outlying parts of the body and transport it into the ventricles. The basic process works as follows: Oxygen-poor blood fills the right atrium and is pumped into the right ventricle, from which it is pumped into the pulmonary artery and on to the lungs. In the lungs, this blood is oxygenated. The blood then reenters the heart at the left atrium, which when full pumps into the left ventricle. When the left ventricle is full, blood is pushed into the aorta and on to the organs and extremities of the body.

50. Which of the heart chambers is the most muscular? a. Left atrium b. Right atrium c. Left ventricle d. Right ventricle

51. C: By repeating the experiment, the researcher could determine whether the instance of the bacteria swimming away from the chemical was simply due to chance. Observing the same results would allow the researcher to make conclusions with more certainty, and statistical analysis would help determine the significance of the data. Researchers must report all data (A), and reaching a conclusion is a vital part of any experiment (B). Adding a new chemical would completely change the experiment, so it would not be helpful (D).

51. A researcher is studying the response of bacteria to a certain chemical. In three experiments, the bacteria swim towards the chemical, and in one experiment the bacteria swim away from it. What would be the most appropriate next step for the researcher? a. Report only the first three experiments. b. Report all the experiments, but refrain from making any conclusions. c. Repeat the experiment several more times and apply a statistical analysis to the data. d. Repeat the experiment, adding a new chemical to determine its effect on the bacteria.

51. B: Catalysts alter the activation energy during a chemical reaction and therefore control the rate of the reaction. The substrate is the actual surface that enzymes use during a chemical reaction (and there is no such term as substrate energy). Inhibitors and promoters participate in the chemical reaction, but it is the activation energy that catalysts alter to control the overall rate as the reaction occurs.

51. Which of the following do catalysts alter to control the rate of a chemical reaction? a. Substrate energy b. Activation energy c. Inhibitor energy d. Promoter energy

51. A: The cerebrum is the part of the brain that interprets sensory information. It is the largest part of the brain. The cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres, connected by a thin band of tissue called the corpus callosum. The cerebellum is positioned at the back of the head, between the brain stem and the cerebrum. It controls both voluntary and involuntary movements. The medulla oblongata forms the base of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for blood flow and breathing, among other things.

51. Which part of the brain interprets sensory information? a. Cerebrum b. Hindbrain c. Cerebellum d. Medulla oblongata

52. C: A vaccination is a way of acquiring active artificial immunity, where an antigen is deliberately introduced into an individual to stimulate the immune system. Vaccines contain dead or dying pathogens which are not enough to cause an infection, but allow the immune system to "remember" the pathogen and become immune to it.

52. A vaccination is a way of acquiring which type of immunity? a. Passive natural immunity b. Active natural immunity c. Active artificial immunity d. Passive artificial immunity

52. A: There are four different types of tissue in the human body: epithelial, connective, muscle, and nerve. Epithelial tissue lines the internal and external surfaces of the body. It is like a sheet, consisting of squamous, cuboidal, and columnar cells. They can expand and contract, like on the inner lining of the bladder. Connective tissue provides the structure of the body, as well as the links between various body parts. Tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and bone are all examples of connective tissue. Muscle tissue is composed of tiny fibers, which contract to move the skeleton. There are three types of muscle tissue: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. Nerve tissue makes up the nervous system; it is composed of nerve cells, nerve fibers, neuroglia, and dendrites.

52. How many different types of tissue are there in the human body? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10

52. C: Humans have three layers of skin called the epidermis, the dermis, and subcutaneous fat. Epidermis is the top layer of the skin, the dermis is the second layer, and subcutaneous makes up the bottom layer.

52. How many layers of skin do humans have? a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

53. C: Crossing the corresponding alleles from each parent will yield a result of BB in the upper right box of this Punnett square.

53. The Punnett square shown here indicates a cross between two parents, one with alleles BB and the other with alleles Bb. Select the correct entry for the upper right box in the Punnett square, which is indicated with the letter, x: a. Bb b. bB c. BB d. bb

53. B: The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin. The thickness of this layer of skin varies over different parts of the body. For instance, the epidermis on the eyelids is very thin, while the epidermis over the soles of the feet is much thicker. The dermis lies directly beneath the epidermis. It is composed of collagen, elastic tissue, and reticular fibers. Beneath the dermis lies the subcutaneous tissue, which consists of fat, blood vessels, and nerves. The subcutaneous tissue contributes to the regulation of body temperature. The hypodermis is the layer of cells underneath the dermis; it is generally considered to be a part of the subcutaneous tissue

53. What is the name of the outermost layer of skin? a. Dermis b. Epidermis c. Subcutaneous tissue d. Hypodermis

53. C: The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for lowering the heart rate. It slows down the heart rate, dilates the blood vessels, and increases the secretions of the digestive system. The central nervous system is composed of the brain and the spinal cord. The sympathetic nervous system is a part of the autonomic nervous system; its role is to oppose the actions taken by the parasympathetic nervous system. So, the sympathetic nervous system accelerates the heart, contracts the blood vessels, and decreases the secretions of the digestive system.

53. Which component of the nervous system is responsible for lowering the heart rate? a. Central nervous system b. Sympathetic nervous system c. Parasympathetic nervous system d. Distal nervous system

Compound-Complex Sentences

A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Examples: John is my friend who went to India, and he brought souvenirs for us. You may not know, but we heard the music that you played last night.

Direct Objects

A direct object is a noun that takes or receives the action of a verb. Remember: a complete sentence does not need a direct object. A sentence needs only a subject and a verb. When you are looking for a direct object, find the verb and ask who or what. Example: I took the blanket. (Who or what did I take? The blanket) Jane read books. (Who or what does Jane read? Books)

Prepositional Phrases

A phrase that can be found in many sentences is the prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun that is used as an object. Normally, the prepositional phrase works as an adjective or an adverb. Examples: The picnic is on the blanket. I am sick with a fever today. Among the many flowers, a four-leaf clover was found by John.


A preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun that shows the relationship between an object and another word in the sentence. Common Prepositions: about before during on under after beneath for over until against between from past up among beyond in through with around by of to within at down off toward without Examples: The napkin is in the drawer. The Earth rotates around the Sun. The needle is beneath the haystack. Can you find me among the words?

Pronoun reference

A pronoun should point clearly to the antecedent. Here is how a pronoun reference can be unhelpful if it is not directly stated or puzzling. Unhelpful: Ron and Jim went to the store, and he bought soda. (Who bought soda? Ron or Jim?) Helpful: Jim went to the store, and he bought soda. (The sentence is clear. Jim bought the soda.)

25. D: The words quick, available, and little are all adjectives in the sentence. Quick modifies review; available modifies housing options; little modifies choice. The word rent is part of the infinitive (i.e. verbal) phrase to rent.

A quick review of all available housing options indicated that Casper had little choice but to rent for now and wait for a better time to buy. 25. Which of the following words does not function as an adjective in the sentence? a. quick b. available c. little d. rent

Coherent Paragraphs

A smooth flow of sentences and paragraphs without gaps, shifts, or bumps will lead to paragraph coherence. Ties between old and new information can be smoothed by several methods: · Linking ideas clearly, from the topic sentence to the body of the paragraph, is essential for a smooth transition. The topic sentence states the main point, and this should be followed by specific details, examples, and illustrations that support the topic sentence. The support may be direct or indirect. In indirect support, the illustrations and examples may support a sentence that in turn supports the topic directly. · The repetition of key words adds coherence to a paragraph. To avoid dull language, variations of the key words may be used. · Parallel structures are often used within sentences to emphasize the similarity of ideas and connect sentences giving similar information. · Maintaining a consistent verb tense throughout the paragraph helps. Shifting tenses affects the smooth flow of words and can disrupt the coherence of the paragraph.

27. A: Turn it into an "if/then" statement. A formalized hypothesis written in the form of an if/then statement can then be tested. A statement may make a prediction or imply a cause/effect relationship, but that does not necessarily make it a good hypothesis. In this example, the student could rewrite the statement in the form of an if/then statement such as, "If the length of the string of the pendulum is varied, then the time it takes the ball to make one complete period changes." This hypothesis is testable, and doesn't simply make a prediction or a conclusion. The validity of the hypothesis can then be supported or disproved by experimentation and observation.

A student is conducting an experiment using a ball that is attached to the end of a string on a pendulum. The student pulls the ball back so that it is at an angle to its resting position. As the student releases the ball, it swings forward and backward. The student measures the time it takes the ball to make one complete period. A period is defined as the time it takes the ball to swing forward and back again to its starting position. This is repeated using different string lengths. The student formed the following hypothesis: Lengthening the string of the pendulum increases the time it takes the ball to make one complete period. 27. What correction would you have the student make to the hypothesis? a. Turn it into an "if/then" statement. b. Add the word "will" in the middle after the word "pendulum." c. Switch the order of the sentence so that the phrase about the period comes first, and the phrase about the string's length is last. d. No corrections are needed.

28. C: The mass of the ball. The mass of the ball is appropriately called a control variable for the experiment. A control or controlled variable is a factor that could be varied, but for testing purposes should remain the same throughout all experiments, otherwise, it could affect the results. In this case, if the mass of the ball was changed, it could also affect the length of the period. The length of the string is meant to be an independent variable, one that is changed during experiments to observe the results upon the dependent variable, which is the variable (or variables) that are affected. In this case, the period would be the dependent variable.

A student is conducting an experiment using a ball that is attached to the end of a string on a pendulum. The student pulls the ball back so that it is at an angle to its resting position. As the student releases the ball, it swings forward and backward. The student measures the time it takes the ball to make one complete period. A period is defined as the time it takes the ball to swing forward and back again to its starting position. This is repeated using different string lengths. The student formed the following hypothesis: Lengthening the string of the pendulum increases the time it takes the ball to make one complete period. 28. What would be an appropriate control variable for this experiment? a. The period b. The length of the string c. The mass of the ball d. The color of the ball


A writer's choice of words is a signature of their style. Careful thought about the use of words can improve a piece of writing. A passage can be an exciting piece to read when attention is given to the use of specific nouns rather than general ones. Example: General: His kindness will never be forgotten. Specific: His thoughtful gifts and bear hugs will never be forgotten. Attention should also be given to the kind of verbs that are used in sentences. Active verbs (e.g., run, swim) should be about an action. Whenever possible, an active verb should replace a linking verb to provide clear examples for arguments and to strengthen a passage overall. Example: Passive: The winners were called to the stage by the judges. Active: The judges called the winners to the stage. Revising sentences is done to make writing more effective. Editing sentences is done to correct any errors. Sentences are the building blocks of writing, and they can be changed by paying attention to sentence length, sentence structure, and sentence openings. You should add variety to sentence length, structure, and openings so that the essay does not seem boring or repetitive. A careful analysis of a piece of writing will expose these stylistic problems, and they can be corrected before you finish your essay. Changing up your sentence structure and sentence length can make your essay more inviting and appealing to readers.


After the introduction of a passage, a series of body paragraphs will carry a message through to the conclusion. A paragraph should be unified around a main point. Normally, a good topic sentence summarizes the paragraph's main point. A topic sentence is a general sentence that gives an introduction to the paragraph. The sentences that follow are a support to the topic sentence. However, the topic sentence can come as the final sentence to the paragraph if the earlier sentences give a clear explanation of the topic sentence. Overall, the paragraphs need to stay true to the main point. This means that any unnecessary sentences that do not advance the main point should be removed. The main point of a paragraph requires adequate development (i.e., a substantial paragraph that covers the main point). A paragraph of two or three sentences does not cover a main point. This is true when the main point of the paragraph gives strong support to the argument of the thesis. An occasional short paragraph is fine as a transitional device. However, a well-developed argument will have paragraphs with more than a few sentences.

Indirect Objects

An indirect object is a word or group of words that show how an action had an influence on someone or something. If there is an indirect object in a sentence, then you always have a direct object in the sentence. When you are looking for the indirect object, find the verb and ask to/for whom or what. Examples: We taught the old dog a new trick. (To/For Whom or What was taught? The old dog) I gave them a math lesson. (To/For Whom or What was given? Them)


An infinitive is a verbal that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. An infinitive is made of the basic form of a verb with the word to coming before the verb.


An interjection is a word for exclamation (i.e., great amount of feeling) that is used alone or as a piece to a sentence. Often, they are used at the beginning of a sentence for an introduction. Sometimes, they can be used in the middle of a sentence to show a change in thought or attitude. Common Interjections: Hey! | Oh,... | Ouch! | Please! | Wow!

Structural Analysis

An understanding of the basics of language is helpful, and often vital, to understanding what you read. The term structural analysis refers to looking at the parts of a word and breaking it down into its different components to determine the word's meaning. Parts of a word include prefixes, suffixes, and the root word. By learning the meanings of prefixes, suffixes, and other word fundamentals, you can decipher the meaning of words which may not yet be in your vocabulary. Prefixes are common letter combinations at the beginning of words, while suffixes are common letter combinations at the end. The main part of the word is known as the root. Visually, it would look like this: prefix + root word + suffix. Look first at the individual meanings of the root word, prefix and/or suffix. Using knowledge of the meaning(s) of the prefix and/or suffix to see what information it adds to the root. Even if the meaning of the root is unknown, one can use knowledge of the prefix's and/or suffix's meaning(s) to determine an approximate meaning of the word. For example, if one sees the word uninspired and does not know what it means, they can use the knowledge that un- means 'not' to know that the full word means "not inspired." Understanding the common prefixes and suffixes can illuminate at least part of the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

22. D: Answer choice D is a pronoun: the subjective case I. Answer choice A is a helping verb. Answer choice B is an adjective. Answer choice C is an adverb.

Anne-Charlotte and I will be driving together to the picnic this weekend. 22.Which of the following words functions as a pronoun in the sentence? a. be b. this c. together d. I


Articles are adjectives that are used to mark nouns. There are only three: the definite (i.e., limited or fixed amount) article the, and the indefinite (i.e., no limit or fixed amount) articles a and an. Note: An comes before words that start with a vowel sound (i.e., vowels include a, e, i, o, u, and y). For example, Are you going to get an umbrella? Definite: I lost the bottle that belongs to me. Indefinite: Does anyone have a bottle to share?

30. D: Enzymes are protein molecules that serve as catalysts for certain biological reactions. Enzymes are not acids or lipids. Enzymes are definitely relevant for living organisms and do not suppress reactions.

Fill in the blanks in this sentence: 30. Enzymes are ________ molecules that serve as _______ for certain biological reactions. a. Enzymes are irrelevant molecules that serve as suppressors for certain biological reactions. b. Enzymes are acidic molecules that serve as catalysts for certain biological reactions. c. Enzymes are lipid molecules that serve as catalysts for certain biological reactions. d. Enzymes are protein molecules that serve as catalysts for certain biological reactions

Types of Sentences

For a sentence to be complete, it must have a subject and a verb or predicate. A complete sentence will express a complete thought, otherwise it is known as a fragment. An example of a fragment is: As the clock struck midnight. A complete sentence would be: As the clock struck midnight, she ran home. The types of sentences are declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. A declarative sentence states a fact and ends with a period. The following is an example: The football game starts at seven o'clock. An imperative sentence tells someone to do something and ends with a period. The following is an example: Go to the store and buy milk. An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark. The following is an example: Are you going to the game on Friday? An exclamatory sentence shows strong emotion and ends with an exclamation point. The following is an example: I can't believe we won the game!

Misplaced Modifiers

In some sentences, a modifier can be put in more than one place. However, you need to be sure that there is no confusion about which word is being explained or given more detail. Incorrect: He read the book to a crowd that was filled with beautiful pictures. Correct: He read the book that was filled with beautiful pictures to a crowd. The crowd is not filled with pictures. The book is filled with pictures. Incorrect: John only ate fruits and vegetables for two weeks. Correct: John ate only fruits and vegetables for two weeks. John may have done nothing else for two weeks but eat fruits and vegetables and sleep. However, it is reasonable to think that John had fruits and vegetables for his meals. Then, he continued to work on other things.

24. A: Someone who is committed to personal grooming is likely to be fussy, and this is the meaning of the word fastidious. The word lazy makes little sense in the context of the sentence. No doubt some of Poirot's activities are both old-fashioned and hilarious, but neither of these words fit the context of the sentence, and thus cannot be synonyms for fastidious.

Hercule Poirot is remembered not only for his genius in solving mysteries, but also for his fastidious habits and his commitment to personal grooming. 24. Which of the following best explains the meaning of fastidious as it is used in the sentence? a. fussy b. lazy c. old-fashioned d. hilarious

Nouns Ending in y or ay/ey/iy/oy/uy

If a noun ends with a consonant and y, the plural is formed by replacing the y with ies. For example, fly becomes flies and puppy becomes puppies. If a noun ends with a vowel and y, the plural is formed by adding an s. For example, alley becomes alleys and boy becomes boys.


If you want to write a sentence, then you need a verb in your sentence. Without a verb, you have no sentence. The verb of a sentence explains action or being. In other words, the verb shows the subject's movement or the movement that has been done to the subject. Transitive and Intransitive Verbs A transitive verb is a verb whose action (e.g., drive, run, jump) points to a receiver (e.g., car, dog, kangaroo). Intransitive verbs do not point to a receiver of an action. In other words, the action of the verb does not point to a subject or object. Transitive: He plays the piano. | The piano was played by him. Intransitive: He plays. | John writes well. A dictionary will let you know whether a verb is transitive or intransitive. Some verbs can be transitive and intransitive

26. B: For the sentence to read correctly, it must be clear that someone is leaping into the saddle when the horse bolts. In its original form, the only party identified in the sentence is the horse, and a horse cannot leap into a saddle. Answer choice B includes the mention of a second party (an unnamed he), who does the leaping as the horse does the bolting. Answer choice A creates an amusing picture, but it fails to make sense of the original sentence. Answer choice C is an interesting take on the sentence, but it places the action of the sentence in an odd order. It is more likely that the bolting occurred immediately after the leaping, and not the other way around, as indicated in answer choice C. (One cannot exactly leap into a saddle after the horse has already taken off.) Answer choice D is technically correct in terms of the information it provides, but it turns a single sentence into two sentences, and it incorrectly joins them with a comma splice.

In Modern American Usage, Wilson Follett noted the following example of a dangling modifier: "Leaping to the saddle, his horse bolted." 26. Which of the following sentences removes the dangling modifier from the above sentence while retaining style and clarity? a. His horse bolted as it leaped to the saddle. b. When he leaped to the saddle, his horse bolted. c. His horse bolting, he leaped to the saddle. d. He leaped to the saddle, his horse bolted.

43. B: Based on the evidence, the most likely explanation for fly larvae in the spoiled food is that flies laid their eggs in the food. When the food was left out in the open, the flies had access to it and laid their eggs. However, when the food was in a sealed container, the flies could not lay their eggs in the food. Hence, the spoiled food in the sealed container had no fly larvae

Many years ago, people believed that flies were created from spoiled food because spoiled food that was left out in the open often contained fly larvae. So a scientist placed fresh food in a sealed container for an extended period of time. The food spoiled, but no fly larvae were found in the food that was sealed. 43. Based on this evidence, what is the most likely reason that spoiled food left out in the open often contained fly larvae? a. The spoiled food evolved into fly larvae. b. Since the food was left out in the open, flies would lay eggs in the food. c. Fly larvae were spontaneously generated by the spoiled food. d. People only imagined they saw fly larvae in the spoiled food.

Comparison with Adjectives

Some adjectives are relative and other adjectives are absolute. Adjectives that are relative can show the comparison between things. Adjectives that are absolute can show comparison. However, they show comparison in a different way. Let's say that you are reading two books. You think that one book is perfect, and the other book is not exactly perfect. It is not possible for the book to be more perfect than the other. Either you think that the book is perfect, or you think that the book is not perfect. The adjectives that are relative will show the different degrees of something or someone to something else or someone else. The three degrees of adjectives include positive, comparative, and superlative. The positive degree is the normal form of an adjective. Example: This work is difficult. | She is smart. The comparative degree compares one person or thing to another person or thing. Example: This work is more difficult than your work. | She is smarter than me. The superlative degree compares more than two people or things. Example: This is the most difficult work of my life. | She is the smartest lady in school.

Noun Suffixes

Suffix Definition Examples -acy state, condition accuracy, privacy -ance act, condition, fact acceptance, vigilance -ard one that does excessively drunkard, sluggard -ation action, state, result occupation, starvation -dom state, rank, condition serfdom, wisdom -er (-or) office, action teacher, elevator, honor -ess feminine waitress, duchess - hood state, condition manhood, statehood -ion action, result, state union, fusion -ism act, manner, doctrine barbarism, socialism -ist worker, follower monopolist, socialist -ity (-ty) state, quality, condition acidity, civility, twenty -ment result, action refreshment, disappointment -ness quality, state greatness, tallness -ship position internship, statesmanship -sion (-tion) state, result revision, expedition -th act, state, quality warmth, width -tude quality, state, result magnitude, fortitude

Verb Suffixes

Suffix Definition Examples -ate having, showing separate, desolate -en cause to be, become deepen, strengthen -fy make, cause to have glorify, fortify -ize cause to be, treat with sterilize, mechanize, criticize

14. D: In question 14, the parenthetical statement includes information that is useful - in this case the years of Franz Joseph I's reign - but does not fit into the flow of the sentence. The writer has chosen to include the years of Franz Joseph I's reign in parentheses, instead of using a dependent clause along the lines of "...the reign of Franz Joseph I, who ruled from 1848 to 1916." The parentheses provide information that the reader would likely want to know without interrupting the flow of the sentence. There is nothing about the parenthetical remark to indicate that the numbers refer to the pages of a book; instead, the numbers make much more sense as dates. The information in answer choice B is essentially implied; if the empire collapsed after his reign, it is safe to say that 1916 marks the date of its collapse. But, this is not really the purpose of the parentheses. The purpose is to offset useful information without interrupting the flow of the sentence. It is likely that all of the information in the sentence came from one source, so the parentheses do not indicate outside material in this case.

The Hapsburg rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire effectively ended with the reign of Franz Joseph I (1848-1916). 14. Which of the following best explains the purpose of the parentheses in the sentence? a. to indicate the page numbers in the book where this information might be found b. to tell the reader when the Austro-Hungarian empire collapsed c. to identify information that was located using another source d. to set off useful information that does not fit directly into the flow of the sentence

17. D: Within the context of the sentence, it seems as if "quid pro quo" means something like "if I do something, then I will be rewarded with something good." Choice A is not a good choice because it says "if I don't do anything, I will get something good." Choice B is inappropriate because money is not mentioned. While choice C might seem like a good choice, the phrase is not put in another way to talk about what people deserve as much as it talks about what people should do or how they should behave. Choice D is the best choice because "something for something" implies the sort of exchange described in the passage.

The Western perspective expects moral actions to be quid pro quo; to put it another way, a Westerner assumes that if he or she does something considered "good," then he or she should and will be rewarded. 17. Based on the passage, "quid pro quo" most likely means: a. "something for nothing." b. "good merits money." c. "to each his own." d. "something for something."


The colon is used to call attention to the words that follow it. A colon must come after an independent clause. The rules for colons are as follows: 1. Use a colon after an independent clause to make a list Example: I want to learn many languages: Spanish, French, German, and Italian. 2. Use a colon for explanations or to give a quote Examples: Quote: The man started with an idea: "We are able to do more than we imagine." Explanation: There is one thing that stands out on your resume: responsibility. 3. Use a colon after the greeting in a formal letter, to show hours and minutes, and to separate a title and subtitle Examples: Greeting in a formal letter: Dear Sir: | To Whom It May Concern: Time: It is 3:14 P.M. Title: The essay is titled "America: A Short Introduction to a Modern Country"


The comma is a punctuation mark that can help you understand connections in a sentence. Not every sentence needs a comma. However, if a sentence needs a comma, you need to put it in the right place. A comma in the wrong place (or an absent comma) will make a sentence's meaning unclear. These are some of the rules for commas: 1. Use a comma between a coordinating conjunction joining independent clauses Example: Bob caught three fish, and I caught two fish. 2. Use a comma after an introductory phrase or an adverbial clause Examples: After the final out, we went to a restaurant to celebrate. Studying the stars, I was surprised at the beauty of the sky. 3. Use a comma between items in a series. Example: I will bring the turkey, the pie, and the coffee. 4. Use a comma between coordinate adjectives not joined with and Incorrect: The kind, brown dog followed me home. Correct: The kind, loyal dog followed me home. Not all adjectives are coordinate (i.e., equal or parallel). There are two simple ways to know if your adjectives are coordinate. One, you can join the adjectives with and: The kind and loyal dog. Two, you can change the order of the adjectives: The loyal, kind dog. 5. Use commas for interjections and after yes and no responses Examples: Interjection: Oh, I had no idea. | Wow, you know how to play this game. Yes and No: Yes, I heard you. | No, I cannot come tomorrow. 6. Use commas to separate nonessential modifiers and nonessential appositives Examples: Nonessential Modifier: John Frank, who is coaching the team, was promoted today. Nonessential Appositive: Thomas Edison, an American inventor, was born in Ohio. 7. Use commas to set off nouns of direct address, interrogative tags, and contrast Examples: Direct Address: You, John, are my only hope in this moment. Interrogative Tag: This is the last time, correct? Contrast: You are my friend, not my enemy. 8. Use commas with dates, addresses, geographical names, and titles Examples: Date: July 4, 1776, is an important date to remember. Address: He is meeting me at 456 Delaware Avenue, Washington, D.C., tomorrow morning. Geographical Name: Paris, France, is my favorite city. Title: John Smith, Ph. D., will be visiting your class today. 9. Use commas to separate expressions like he said and she said if they come between a sentence of a quote Examples: "I want you to know," he began, "that I always wanted the best for you." "You can start," Jane said, "with an apology."

25. B: The sentence indicates that the connections Miss Marple makes are seemingly extraneous. However, the sentence also states that she uses this information to solve mysteries. This would suggest that the word extraneous means irrelevant. Answer choice A indicates the very opposite of what the sentence implies. Answer choice C makes little sense in the context of the sentence. Answer choice D would work but for the adverb seemingly; this indicates that the connections appear to be irrelevant, but are actually not. With seemingly in the sentence, the meaning completely changes if useful is added in place of extraneous.

The elderly Miss Marple, on the other hand, is remembered for solving the mysteries she encounters by making seemingly extraneous connections to life in her small village. 25. Which of the following best explains the meaning of extraneous as it is used in the sentence? a. sophisticated b. irrelevant c. diligent d. useful

Ellipsis Marks

The ellipsis mark has three periods (...) to show when words have been removed from a quotation. If a full sentence or more is removed from a quoted passage, you need to use four periods to show the removed text and the end punctuation mark. The ellipsis mark should not be used at the beginning of a quotation. Also, the ellipsis should not be used at the end of a quotation. The exception is when some words have been deleted from the end of the final sentence. The following sentence provides an example: "...Then he picked up the groceries...paid for them...later he went home...."

18. D: The sentence suggests that the scholar was very knowledgeable about his subject matter; it is just that his presentation went over the students' heads. The word authentic suggests an external guarantee of correctness, which makes little sense in the context of the sentence. The word arrogant might be accurate, except that there is nothing in the sentence to suggest the guest speaker deliberately spoke over the students' heads. It is simply that his knowledge was not presented effectively given the audience. Finally, there is nothing in the sentence to suggest that the guest speaker was faulty in any way. Rather, he knew so much that he failed to connect with an audience that was less knowledgeable.

The guest speaker was undoubtedly an erudite scholar, but his comments on nomological determinism seemed to go over the heads of the students in the audience. 18. Which of the following best explains the meaning of erudite in the sentence? a. authentic b. arrogant c. faulty d. knowledgeable

The scientific method of inquiry is a general method by which ideas are tested and either confirmed or refuted by experimentation. The first step in the scientific method is

formulating the problem that is to be addressed. It is essential to define clearly the limits of what is to be observed, since that allows for a more focused analysis.

24. B: The context of the sentence suggests that Mrs. Vanderbroek would not be delighted about any changes to her routine. Thus, answer choice B makes the most sense. Answer choice A has promise, but it does not exactly fit the meaning of the sentence. It is not that Mrs. Vanderbroek would be incapable of accepting change, but rather that she would not welcome it. Answer choices C and D indicate Mrs. Vanderbroek's overall response to changes, but they do not work as synonyms for the word amenable.

The housekeeper Mrs. Vanderbroek had a fixed daily routine for running the manor, and was not particularly amenable to any suggested changes. 24. Which of the following best explains the meaning of amenable as it is used in the sentence? a. capable b. agreeable c. obstinate d. critical


The hyphen is used to separate compound words. The following are the rules for hyphens: 1. Compound numbers come with a hyphen Example: This team needs twenty-five points to win the game. 2. Fractions need a hyphen if they are used as an adjective Correct: The recipe says that we need a three-fourths cup of butter. Incorrect: One-fourth of the road is under construction. 3. Compound words used as adjectives that come before a noun need a hyphen Correct: The well-fed dog took a nap. Incorrect: The dog was well-fed for his nap. 4. To avoid confusion with some words, use a hyphen Examples: semi-irresponsible | Re-collect |Re-claim Note: This is not a complete set of the rules for hyphens. A dictionary is the best tool for knowing if a compound word needs a hyphen.

25. D: Because male pattern baldness is a recessive gene, the offspring would need the bb gene combination in order to inherit this trait. Possibility 4 corresponds to the bb gene combination.

The next two questions are based on the following information. Let B represent the dominant gene for a full head of hair, and let b represent the recessive gene for male pattern baldness. The following Punnett square represents the offspring of two people with recessive genes for baldness 25. According to the Punnett square, which possibility would produce an offspring with male pattern baldness? a. Possibility 1 b. Possibility 2 c. Possibility 3 d. Possibility 4


The semicolon is used to connect major sentence pieces of equal value. Some rules for semicolons include: 1. Use a semicolon between closely connected independent clauses that are not connected with a coordinating conjunction. Examples: She is outside; we are inside. You are right; we should go with your plan. 2. Use a semicolon between independent clauses linked with a transitional word. Examples: I think that we can agree on this; however, I am not sure about my friends. You are looking in the wrong places; therefore, you will not find what you need. 3. Use a semicolon between items in a series that has internal punctuation. Example: I have visited New York, New York; Augusta, Maine; and Baltimore, Maryland.

38. D: The atomic number equals the number of protons and the number of electrons in an atom. Since Be has an atomic number of 4, it has 4 protons and 4 electrons. H has the fewest protons and electrons, as denoted by its atomic number of 1.

The table below contains information from the periodic table of elements 38. Which pattern below best describes the elements listed in the table? a. The elements are arranged in order by weight with H being the heaviest atom and Be being the lightest atom. b. The elements are arranged in order by electron charge with H having the most electrons and Be having the fewest electrons. c. The elements are arranged in order by protons with H having the most protons and Be having the fewest protons. d. The elements are arranged in order by protons with H having the fewest protons and Be having the most protons

22. C: The word you is always second person, and it is either singular or plural depending on its context. In the sentence provided, the teacher is speaking to a class, and the class is likely to be made up of more than one person. Therefore, the you in the sentence is second-person plural. The other answer choices identify the wrong point of view, and answer choices A and D incorrectly identify the word as singular.

The teacher spoke firmly to the class: "If you want to succeed in this course, be willing to work hard and turn in work on time." 22. Which of the following points of view is indicated by the underlined word in the sentence? a. first-person singular b. third-person plural c. second-person plural d. third-person singular

8. D: If Beryl knew something instinctively, it is safe to say that her mother's warning was not stated outright. Therefore, answer choice D is the best option. Answer choice A makes little sense. Answer choice B makes sense only if Beryl suspects her mother does not care whether or not she smokes. Answer choice C has a meaning that is the opposite of the one implied in the sentence.

The warning against smoking may have been tacit, but Beryl instinctively knew that her mother wanted her to avoid picking up the habit. 8. Which of the following is the definition for tacit? a. complicated b. empty c. wordy d. unstated

20. D: The sentence is confusing because of the poorly worded conditional statement and the grammar necessitated by the indirect speech. In addition, a pronoun is placed before its antecedent. The correct answer solves all three problems by putting the speech in quotations and restating the conditional statement.

Unless she were to study harder, the student feared she would fail out of the university during her exams. 20. Which of the following is a correct revision of the ambiguous sentence above? a. Unless the student had fear that she would fail out of school, she wouldn't study harder. b. The student said, "she will fail out of the university unless she studies during her exams." c. The student was afraid that she should study harder before failing out during her exams. d. "If I don't study harder before the exams," the student fretted, "I will surely fail out of school."

Compound Subjects

You and Jon are invited to come to my house. (Plural Subject: You and Jon. Plural Verb: are) The pencil and paper belong to me. (Plural Subject: pencil and paper. Plural Verb: belong)

Once all the data have been gathered, they must be

analyzed. - The way in which this should be done depends on the type of data and the type of trends observed. - It may be useful to fit curves to the data to determine if the trends follow a common mathematical form. - It may also be necessary to perform a statistical analysis of the results to determine what effects are significant. - Data should be clearly presented.


are a group of letters, placed behind a root word, that carry a specific meaning. Suffixes can perform one of two possible functions. They can be used to create a new word, or they can shift the tense of a word without changing its original meaning. For example, the suffix -ability can be added to the end of the word account to form the new word accountability. Account means a written narrative or description of events, while accountability means the state of being liable. The suffix -ed can be added to account to form the word accounted, which simply shifts the word from present tense to past tense. Sometimes adding a suffix can change the spelling of a root word. If the suffix begins with a vowel, the final consonant of the root word must be doubled. This rule applies only if the root word has one syllable or if the accent is on the last syllable. For example, when adding the suffix -ery to the root word rob, the final word becomes robbery. The letter b is doubled because rob has only one syllable. However, when adding the suffix -able to the root word profit, the final word becomes profitable. The letter t is not doubled because the root word profit has two syllables. Spelling is not changed when the suffixes -less, -ness, -ly, or -en are used. The only exception to this rule occurs when the suffix -ness or -ly is added to a root word ending in y. In this case, the y changes to i. For example, happy becomes happily. Certain suffixes require that the root word be modified. If the suffix begins with a vowel, e.g., -ing, and the root word ends in the letter e, the e must be dropped before adding the suffix. For example, the word write becomes writing. If the suffix begins with a consonant instead of a vowel, the letter e at the end of the root word does not need to be dropped. For example, hope becomes hopeless. The only exceptions to this rule are the words judgment, acknowledgment, and argument. If a root word ends in the letter y and is preceded by a consonant, the y is changed to i before adding the suffix. This is true for all suffixes except those that begin with i. For example, plenty becomes plentiful.


are bridges between what has been read and what is about to be read. Transitions smooth the reader's path between sentences and inform the reader of major connections to new ideas forthcoming in the text. Transitional phrases should be used with care, selecting the appropriate phrase for a transition. Tone is another important consideration in using transitional phrases, varying the tone for different audiences. For example, in a scholarly essay, in summary would be preferable to the more informal in short. When working with transitional words and phrases, writers usually find a natural flow that indicates when a transition is needed. In reading a draft of the text, it should become apparent where the flow is uneven or rough. At this point, the writer can add transitional elements during the revision process. Revising can also afford an opportunity to delete transitional devices that seem heavy handed or unnecessary. Transitional words and phrases are used to transition between paragraphs and also to transition within a single paragraph. Transitions assist the flow of ideas and help to unify an essay. A writer can use certain words to indicate that an example or summary is being presented. The following phrases, among others, can be used as this type of transition: as a result, as I have said, for example, for instance, in any case, in any event, in brief, in conclusion, in fact, in other words, in short, on the whole, and to sum it up.

Gerund Phrases

are built around present participles (i.e., -ing endings to verbs) and they are always used as nouns. The gerund phrase has a gerund and any complements or modifiers. Examples: We want to be known for teaching the poor. (Object of Preposition) Coaching this team is the best job of my life. (Subject) We like practicing our songs in the basement. (Object of the verb: like)

Run-on Sentences

are independent clauses that have not been joined by a conjunction. When two or more independent clauses appear in one sentence, they must be joined in one of these ways: 1. Correction with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Incorrect: I went on the trip and I had a good time. Correct: I went on the trip, and I had a good time. 2. Correction with a semicolon, a colon, or a dash. Used when independent clauses are closely related and their connection is clear without a coordinating conjunction. Incorrect: I went to the store and I bought some eggs. Correct: I went to the store; I bought some eggs. 3. Correction by separating sentences. This correction may be used when both independent clauses are long. Also, this can be used when one sentence is a question and one is not. Incorrect: The drive to New York takes ten hours it makes me very tired. Correct: The drive to New York takes ten hours. So, I become very tired. 4. Correction by changing parts of the sentence. One way is to turn one of the independent clauses into a phrase or subordinate clause. Incorrect: The drive to New York takes ten hours it makes me very tired. Correct: During the ten hour drive to New York, I become very tired. Note: Normally, one of these choices will be a clear correction to a run-on sentence. The fourth way can be the best correction but needs the most work.

Infinitive Phrases

are made of an infinitive and all complements and modifiers. They are used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Examples: To join the team is my goal in life. (Noun) The animals have enough food to eat for the night. (Adjective) People lift weights to exercise their muscles. (Adverb)


are morphemes that are added to words to create related but different words. Derivational affixes form new words based on and related to the original words. For example, the affix -ness added to the end of the adjective happy forms the noun happiness. Inflectional affixes form different grammatical versions of words. For example, the plural affix -s changes the singular noun book to the plural noun books, and the past tense affix -ed changes the infinitive or present tense verb look to the past tense looked.

When measuring the total height of a patient or finding the length of an extremity, the accepted measure is

given in meters.


half, partly - semicircle, semicolon

Compound Sentences

have two or more independent clauses with no dependent clauses. Usually, the independent clauses are joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction, or they can be joined with a semicolon. Example: The time has come, and we are ready. I woke up at dawn; then I went outside to watch the sun rise.

Dangling Modifiers

is a verbal phrase that does not have a clear connection to a word. A dangling modifier can also be a dependent clause (the subject and/or verb are not included) that does not have a clear connection to a word. Examples: Dangling: Reading each magazine article, the stories caught my attention. Corrected: Reading each magazine article, I was entertained by the stories. In this example, the word stories cannot be modified by Reading each magazine article. People can read, but stories cannot read. So, the pronoun I is needed for the modifying phrase Reading each magazine article. Dangling: Since childhood, my grandparents have visited me for Christmas. Corrected: Since childhood, I have been visited by my grandparents for Christmas. In this example, the dependent adverb clause Since childhood cannot modify grandparents. So, the pronoun I is needed for the modifying adverb clause.

Free Writing

is a form of brainstorming, but the method occurs in a structured way. The method involves a limited amount of time (e.g., 2 to 3 minutes) and writing everything that comes to mind about the topic in complete sentences. When time expires, you need to review everything that has been written down. Many of your sentences may make little or no sense, but the insights and observations that can come from free writing make this method a valuable approach. Usually, free writing results in a fuller expression of ideas than brainstorming because thoughts and associations are written in complete sentences. However, both techniques can be used to complement the other.


is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that is used to give more information about the verb in the sentence.


is a technique that is used to find a creative approach to a subject. This can be accomplished by simple free-association with a topic. For example, with paper and pen, you write every thought that you have about the topic in a word or phrase. This is done without critical thinking. Everything that comes to your mind about the topic, you should put on your scratch paper. Then, you need to read the list over a few times. Next, you look for patterns, repetitions, and clusters of ideas. This allows a variety of fresh ideas to come as you think about the topic.


is a verbal that is used as a noun. Gerunds can be found by looking for their -ing endings. However, you need to be careful that you have found a gerund, not a present participle. Since gerunds are nouns, they can be used as a subject of a sentence and the object of a verb or preposition.


is a word or phrase that is found in informal writing. Unlike slang, colloquial language will be familiar to a greater range of people. Colloquial language can include some slang, but these are limited to contractions for the most part. Examples "Can y'all come back another time?" (Y'all is a contraction of "you all" which has become a colloquialism.) "Will you stop him from building this castle in the air?" (A "castle in the air" is an improbable or unlikely event.)

Appositive Phrases

is a word or phrase that is used to explain or rename nouns or pronouns. In a sentence they can be noun phrases, prepositional phrases, gerund phrases, or infinitive phrases. Examples: Terriers, hunters at heart, have been dressed up to look like lap dogs. (The phrase hunters at heart renames the noun terriers.) His plan, to save and invest his money, was proven as a safe approach. (The italicized infinitive phrase renames the plan.) Appositive phrases can be essential or nonessential. An appositive phrase is essential if the person, place, or thing being described or renamed is too general. Essential: Two Founding Fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson served as presidents. Nonessential: George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, two Founding Fathers, served as presidents

Cause and effect

is an excellent device used when the cause and effect are accepted as true. One way that authors can use cause and effect is to state the effect in the topic sentence of a paragraph and add the causes in the body of the paragraph. With this method, an author's paragraphs can have structure which always strengthens writing.


is an informal and sometimes private language that is understood by some individuals. Slang has some usefulness, but the language can have a small audience. So, most formal writing will not include this kind of language Examples "Yes, the event was a blast!" (In this sentence, blast means that the event was a great experience.) "That attempt was an epic fail." (By epic fail, the speaker means that his or her attempt was not a success.)

A cause-and-effect relationship

is not always explicit, but there are some terms in English that signal causes, such as since, because, and due to. - Terms that signal effects include consequently, therefore, this lead(s) to.

A process paragraph

is related to time order (i.e., First, you open the bottle. Second, you pour the liquid, etc.). Usually, this describes a process or teaches readers how to perform a process.


make comparisons between items that appear to have nothing in common. Analogies are employed by writers to provoke fresh thoughts about a subject. These comparisons may be used to explain the unfamiliar, to clarify an abstract point, or to argue a point. Although analogies are effective literary devices, they should be used carefully in arguments. Two things may be alike in some respects but completely different in others.

A descriptive paragraph

makes a verbal portrait of a person, place, or thing. When specific details are used that appeal to one or more of the senses (i.e., sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch), authors give readers a sense of being present in the moment.

From the largest objects in outer space to the smallest pieces of the human body, there are objects that can come in

many different sizes and shapes. - Many of those objects need to be measured in different ways. - So, it is important to know which unit of measurement is needed to record the length or width and the weight of an object.

Scientific models are

mathematical statements that describe a physical behavior.


may be defined as the writer's attitude toward the topic, and to the audience. This attitude is reflected in the language used in the writing. The tone of a work should be appropriate to the topic and to the intended audience. Some texts should not contain slang or jargon, although these may be fine in a different piece. Tone can range from humorous to serious and all levels in between. It may be more or less formal, depending on the purpose of the writing and its intended audience. All these nuances in tone can flavor the entire writing and should be kept in mind as the work evolves.

An adjective clause is a dependent clause that

modifies nouns and pronouns. Adjective clauses begin with a relative pronoun (who, whose, whom, which, and that) or a relative adverb (where, when, and why). Also, adjective clauses come after the noun that the clause needs to explain or rename. This is done to have a clear connection to the independent clause. Examples: I learned the reason why I won the award. This is the place where I started my first job. An adjective clause can be an essential or nonessential clause. An essential clause is very important to the sentence. Essential clauses explain or define a person or thing. Nonessential clauses give more information about a person or thing. However, they are not necessary to the sentence. Examples: Essential: A person who works hard at first can rest later in life. Nonessential: Neil Armstrong, who walked on the moon, is my hero


out extract, - excerpt

Question Marks

should be used following a direct question. A polite request can be followed by a period instead of a question mark. Direct Question: What is for lunch today? | How are you? | Why is that the answer? Polite Requests: Can you please send me the item tomorrow. | Will you please walk with me on the track.

8. D: Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac are all types of muscle tissue. Adipose is not

8. Which of the following is not a type of muscle tissue? a. Skeletal b. Smooth c. Cardiac d. Adipose

the researcher

- must determine exactly what data are needed and why those data are needed. - should know in advance what will be done with those data at the end of the experimental research. The data should be repeatable, reproducible, and accurate. - should be sure that the procedure for data collection will be reliable and consistent. - should validate the measurement system by performing practice tests and making sure that all of the equipment is correctly calibrated and periodically retesting the procedure and equipment to ensure that all data being collected are still valid.


-are statements that are taken to be fact without proof for the purpose of performing a given experiment. - may be entirely true, or they may be true only for a given set of conditions under which the experiment will be conducted. - are necessary to simplify experiments; indeed, many experiments would be impossible without them.

The data-analysis process requires the twin skills of

ordering and categorizing.

7. A: The parathyroid gland is located in the neck, directly behind the thyroid gland. It is responsible for the metabolism of calcium. It is part of the endocrine system. When the supply of calcium in blood diminishes to unhealthy levels, the parathyroid gland motivates the secretion of a hormone that encourages the bones to release calcium into the bloodstream. The parathyroid gland also regulates the amount of phosphate in the blood by stimulating the excretion of phosphates in the urine

7. Where is the parathyroid gland located? a. neck b. back c. side d. brain

2. A: The word independent is an adjective that modifies the word state, describing what kind of state the kingdom of Gwynedd was. The words century, government, and control are all nouns in this context

The Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd existed as an independent state from the early 5th century, when the Romans left Britain, until the late 13th century, when the king of England took control of Wales. 2. Which of the following functions as an adjective in the sentence above? a. Independent b. Century c. Government d. Control

Words Ending in ance or ence

The suffixes ence, ency, and ent are used in the following cases: · the suffix is preceded by the letter c but sounds like s - innocence · the suffix is preceded by the letter g but sounds like j - intelligence, negligence The suffixes ance, ancy, and ant are used in the following cases: · the suffix is preceded by the letter c but sounds like k - significant, vacant · the suffix is preceded by the letter g with a hard sound - elegant, extravagance If the suffix is preceded by other letters, there are no clear rules. For example: finance, abundance, and assistance use the letter a, while decadence, competence, and excellence use the letter e.

10. B: A control is a variable in the experiment that has not been changed by the experimenter but is subjected to the same processes as the other tested components. Plants are usually provided only water; these are being tested against bleach, salt, and diet soda, all of which are not regularly used to water a plant. The control acts as a reference point for comparison of the results,

Your class is competing with another class to determine who has the best plant color. Your class decides to test a couple of solutions to determine which would be best for overall plant color before competing. The class decides to water the plants once a week with 200 mL of the following solutions: water, diet soda, 1% bleach solution, and a 1% salt solution. All plants are placed in the window that receives the recommended amount of light. After a month of testing, your class notices that only two plants are alive, but one of those two does not look healthy. 10. What is the control, if any, in this experiment? a. There is no control in this experiment b. The control is the water c. The control is the diet soda d. The control is the amount of sunlight provided to the plants


from, away, off - abdicate, abjure

10. D: This transition word shows that Mr. Shanbourne waited for a while and then decided to talk to Alberto about his behavior. Choice A is incorrect because the word however implies that the following sentence will contradict what came before. Instead, sentence 2 is a culmination of Alberto's behavior. Choice B is incorrect because the word actually is also a transition used to show a contrast between the two sentences. Eventually is a better transition word because it shows that the sentences are sequentially related. Choice C is incorrect because furthermore implies that the following sentence will present additional proof about a point

(1) I zoned out in class, turned work in late, talked out in class, and handed in assignments after the due date. (2) Every time, Mr. Shanbourne just nodded. 10. What transition should be added to the beginning of sentence 2? a. However b. Actually c. Furthermore d. Eventually

1. D: The revision in D removes a number of pronouns that lack clear antecedents. It also removes the need for the use of the subjunctive by placing the speech in quotations

1. Tanya told her sister to tell her boyfriend Joe to call her as soon as he got home. Which of the following is a correct revision of the ambiguous sentence above? a. "Tanya," told her sister, "tell Joe to call your boyfriend as soon as Joe gets home." b. Her sister told her boyfriend Joe to call Tanya as soon as she got home. c. Tanya's sister was told by her, "Joe should call me when he gets home." d. Tanya said to her sister, "Tell your boyfriend Joe to call me right after he gets home."

1. B: There are six steps in the scientific process, the fifth of which is "Analyze the results" (the results of the experiments that were conducted in step four). The results of step four must be analyzed before reaching the final step, "Develop a conclusion."

1. The first four steps of the scientific method are as follows: I. Identify the problem II. Ask questions III. Develop a hypothesis IV. Collect data and experiment on that data Which of the following is the next step in the scientific method? a. Observe the data b. Analyze the results c. Measure the data d. Develop a conclusion

1. C: The circulatory system circulates materials throughout the entire body. The heart is part of this system, since it is responsible for pumping blood that carries these materials. The kidneys are part of the urinary system. The lungs belong to the respiratory system, and the stomach is part of the digestive system.

1. Which item below is part of the circulatory system? a. Kidneys b. Lungs c. Heart d. Stomach

1. A: The circulatory system circulates materials throughout the entire body. The heart, blood, and blood vessels are part of the circulatory system. The kidneys, however, are part of the urinary system.

1. Which of the following items is NOT part of the circulatory system? a. Kidneys b. Heart c. Blood d. Blood vessels

1. c. Syllabi The word syllabi is the correct plural form of syllabus. The other answer choices reflect incorrect plural forms. Specifically, syllabus does not change the form at all, and the Latin root of syllabus would require some change. At the same time, syllaba—while an accurate plural for some words with Latin roots—is incorrect in this case. And syllabis is a double form of the plural, so it cannot be correct.

1. Which of the following nouns represents the correct plural form of the word syllabus? a. Syllabus b. Syllaba c. Syllabi d. Syllabis

1. A: Semicolons are used to separate items in a series when those items contain internal commas, such as in a listing of cities and states. Answer choice A correctly demonstrates this. Answer choice B places the semicolon between the city and its state, instead of between each listing of the city and its state, and this is incorrect. A comma is always used to separate a single instance of a city and a state. Answer choice C separate the items in the series with commas, but this creates confusion for the reader, since there are already commas between each city and its state. Answer choice D places commas between each item in the series, but fails to include the necessary comma between each city and its state

1. Which of the following sentences shows the correct way to separate the items in the series? a. These are actual cities in the United States: Unalaska, Alaska; Yreka, California; Two Egg, Florida; and Boring, Maryland. b. These are actual cities in the United States: Unalaska; Alaska, Yreka; California, Two Egg; Florid, and Boring; Maryland. c. These are actual cities in the United States: Unalaska, Alaska, Yreka, California, Two Egg, Florida, and Boring, Maryland. d. These are actual cities in the United States: Unalaska Alaska, Yreka California, Two Egg Florida, and Boring Maryland

10. B: Answer choice B demonstrates a comma splice, which is the use of a comma to join two independent clauses. Note that however is not a conjunction, and cannot join two sentences like other coordinating conjunctions (e.g., and, but, or, etc.) can. Answer choice A correctly uses a semicolon between the independent clauses. Answer choice C correctly uses a period between the independent clauses. Answer choice D correctly uses a comma and the coordinating conjunction but to join the independent clauses.

10. Which of the following sentences does NOT use correct punctuation to separate independent clauses? a. Anne likes to add salsa to her scrambled eggs; Gordon unaccountably likes his with peanut butter. b. Anne likes to add salsa to her scrambled eggs, however Gordon unaccountably likes his with peanut butter. c. Anne likes to add salsa to her scrambled eggs. Gordon unaccountably likes his with peanut butter. d. Anne likes to add salsa to her scrambled eggs, but Gordon unaccountably likes his with peanut butter.

10. C: In answer choice C, the word empress does not need to be capitalized, because it is not being used as a title. Instead, it is simply a description of Maria Theresa's role as empress over Austria. Answer choice A incorrectly capitalizes the word family twice. Answer choice B fails to capitalize the word empire in Holy Roman Empire. Answer choice D incorrectly capitalizes province, which is not being used as a proper noun in the sentence.

10. Which of the following sentences follows the rules of capitalization? a. One major conflict in the Seven Years' War occurred between the Prussian Hohenzollern Family and the Austrian Hapsburg Family. b. The Hapsburg family was considered to be the rulers of the Holy Roman empire. c. At the start of the war, Maria Theresa was the empress of Austria and was strengthening Austria's military. d. Frederick the Great of Prussia had recently acquired the former Austrian Province of Silesia.

11. A: The suffix -ism here suggests a doctrine that is followed, whether that be the doctrine of polytheism (a religious doctrine), communism (a social doctrine), or nationalism (a political doctrine).

11. The following words all end in the same suffix, -ism: polytheism, communism, nationalism. Considering the meaning of these three words, how does the suffix -ism apply to all of them? a. Doctrine b. Condition c. Characteristic d. State of being

11. D: The myocardium is the layer of the heart that contains the muscle fibers responsible for contraction (Hint: myo- is the prefix for muscle). The endocardium and epicardium are the inner and outer layers of the heart wall, respectively. The pericardium is the sac in which the heart sits inside the chest cavity.

11. Which layer of the heart contains striated muscle fibers for contraction of the heart? a. Pericardium b. Epicardium c. Endocardium d. Myocardium

11. B: Anterior means toward the front of the body.

11. Which of the following terms means toward the front of the body? a. Superior b. Anterior c. Inferior d. Posterior

2. B: This sentence best conveys the information without using too many words (choice D) or having an awkward construction (choices A and C).

2. Choose the sentence that most effectively follows the conventions of Standard Written English: a. Wilbur and Orville Wright were two brothers, and they tested their prototype airplane on a beach in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. b. The two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, tested their prototype airplane on a beach in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. c. Testing their prototype airplane on a beach in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, were the two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright. d. The beach in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina was where the two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright, came and tested their prototype airplane.

2. D: The two types of measurement important in science are quantitative (when a numerical result is used) and qualitative (when descriptions or qualities are reported).

2. What are the two types of measurement important in science? a. quantitative and numerical b. qualitative and descriptive c. numerical and scientific d. quantitative and qualitative

2. B: The digestive system helps the body process food. The stomach, mouth, and esophagus all participate in food digestion. The brain, however, is part of the nervous system.

2. Which item below is NOT part of the digestive system? a. Stomach b. Brain c. Mouth d. Esophagus

2. D: The digestive system helps the body process food and the stomach is the only item in the list that helps the body with digestive functions. The spine is part of the skeletal system, the brain is part of the nervous system, and the lungs are part of the respiratory system.

2. Which of the following items belongs to the digestive system? a. Spine b. Lungs c. Brain d. Stomach

3. A: Regardless is a transitional word that indicates contrast between the previous idea(s) or point(s) and the following one(s). Others include nonetheless, even so, and however. Furthermore (B) is a transitional word that indicates sequence. Others include moreover, besides, also, and finally. Subsequently (C) is a transitional word indicating time. Others include thereafter, immediately, previously, simultaneously, so far, presently, since, soon, and at last. It may appear (D) is a transitional phrase indicating concession. Others include granted that, of course, and although it is true that. Transitions can also indicate place, examples, comparison, cause and effect, repetition, summary, and conclusion. These all enhance coherence by connecting ideas and sentences.

3. Among the following transitional words or phrases, which one indicates contrast? a. Regardless b. Furthermore c. Subsequently d. It may appear

3. D: Prefixes, appearing at the beginning of base words to change their meanings. Suffixes appear at the end of words. Prefixes are attached to the beginning of words to change their meanings. Un+happy, bi+monthly, and re+examine are prefixes that, by definition, change the meanings of the words to which they are attached

3. Bi, re, and un are: a. Suffixes, appearing at the beginning of base words to change their meaning b. Suffixes, appearing at the end of base words to enhance their meaning c. Prefixes, appearing at the beginning of base words to emphasize their meaning d. Prefixes, appearing at the beginning of base words to change their meanings

3. C: The chart shows two specific changes: snowfall levels from November to April and sunny days from November to April. Based on the chart alone, the only information that can be determined is that the fewest sunny days coincide with the months that have the heaviest snowfall. Anything further reaches beyond the immediate facts of the chart and moves into the territory of requiring other facts. As for answer choice D, it uses the word "relationship," which is not required in the question. The question only asks for what can be concluded.

3. The chart above shows the average snowfall in inches for a town on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, during the months November through April. Which of the following can be concluded based on the information that is provided in the chart? a. April is not a good month to go skiing in the Upper Peninsula. b. Snowfall blocks the sunshine and reduces the number of sunny days. c. The fewest sunny days occur in the months with the heaviest snowfall. d. There is no connection between the amount of snowfall and the number of sunny days

3. A: The sinoatrial (SA) node is the natural pacemaker of the body. If the SA node is damaged or malfunctions, the impulse travels down the electrical conduction system to a group of cells further down the heart. This is called the atrioventricular node which will then take over as the pacemaker.

3. Which of the following structures is the natural pacemaker of the heart? a. Sinoatrial node b. Submental node c. Atrioventricular node d. Scalene node

3. D: Research papers are formal exercises that should not include several types of speech used in informal spoken settings. Colloquialisms are non-standard forms of language, such as "ain't," or slang, like "dude." Contractions represent the words as they sound in speech, so "do not" is formal whereas "don't" is informal. Relative pronouns are necessary in grammar. In the phrase "The boy who I met...," "who" is a relative pronoun.

3. Which of the following types of language are not appropriate in a research paper? a. colloquialisms b. contractions c. relative pronouns d. both A and B

4. A: Tachycardia is a faster than normal heart rate at rest. A healthy adult heart normally beats 60 to 100 times a minute when a person is at rest. Apnea is the absence of respirations. Bradycardia is a slower than normal heart rate. Tachypnea is the presence of rapid respirations.

4. What is the name of a condition where the heart rate is 118 beats per minute (bpm)? a. Tachycardia b. Apnea c. Bradycardia d. Tachypnea

4. D: The epiglottis covers the trachea during swallowing, thus preventing food from entering the airway. The trachea, also known as the windpipe, is a cylindrical portion of the respiratory tract that joins the larynx with the lungs. The esophagus connects the throat and the stomach. When a person swallows, the esophagus contracts to force the food down into the stomach. Like other structures in the respiratory system, the esophagus secretes mucus for lubrication.

4. What is the name of the structure that prevents food from entering the airway? a. trachea b. esophagus c. diaphragm d. epiglottis

4. C: When a plural word is made possessive, the standard rule is to place the apostrophe after the final s, as in jurors'. Answer choice C correctly demonstrates this. Answer choices A and D place the possessive apostrophe within meals (meal's and meals'), and these forms of the word do not make sense within the context of the sentence. Answer choice B places the possessive apostrophe before the final s, as in juror's, which indicates only a single juror. This form is incorrect in the context of the sentence.

4. Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe? a. Lyle works for the courthouse, and among his responsibilities is getting the jurors meal's. b. Lyle works for the courthouse, and among his responsibilities is getting the juror's meals. c. Lyle works for the courthouse, and among his responsibilities is getting the jurors' meals. d. Lyle works for the courthouse, and among his responsibilities is getting the jurors meals'.

4. C: Answer choice C is correct, because the quotation is a standard quotation (requiring double quotes) as well as a question. Additionally, the question mark belongs inside the quotation marks. Answer choice A correctly places the question mark inside the quotation marks, but the use of single quotes is incorrect for standard quotations. Answer choice B is incorrect, because it places the question mark outside the quotation marks. Answer choice D uses the layered quotes, which are unnecessary in this case, since the sentence presents only one quotation instead of more than one.

4. Which of the following sentences shows the correct use of quotation marks? a. Grady asked Abe, 'Did you know that an earthquake and a tsunami hit Messina, Italy, in 1908?' b. Grady asked Abe, "Did you know that an earthquake and a tsunami hit Messina, Italy, in 1908"? c. Grady asked Abe, "Did you know that an earthquake and a tsunami hit Messina, Italy, in 1908?" d. Grady asked Abe, " 'Did you know that an earthquake and a tsunami hit Messina, Italy, in 1908'?"

4. D: The respiratory system uses the lungs, diaphragm, trachea, and bronchi to help the body breathe. The nervous system is the body's center of communication. The circulatory system transports materials through the body, and the digestive system processes food.

4. Which of the following systems is primarily responsible for helping the body breathe? a. Nervous system b. Circulatory system c. Digestive system d. Respiratory system

5. B: A complex sentence contains a single independent clause in addition to a dependent clause. Answer choice B opens with the dependent clause Before Ernestine purchases a book and ends with the independent clause she always checks to see if the library has it. Answer choice A is a simple sentence, as it has no dependent clause. Answer choice C is a compound sentence, because it has two independent clauses. Answer choice D is also a simple sentence, although it has a compound subject.

5. Which of the following is a complex sentence? a. Milton's favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs, along with a side salad and garlic toast. b. Before Ernestine purchases a book, she always checks to see if the library has it. c. Desiree prefers warm, sunny weather, but her twin sister Destiny likes a crisp, cold day. d. Ethel, Ben, and Alice are working together on a school project about deteriorating dams

5. B: The pads that support the vertebrae are made up of cartilage. Cartilage, a strong form of connective tissue, cushions and supports the joints. Cartilage also makes up the larynx and the outer ear. Bone is a form of connective tissue that comprises the better part of the skeleton. It includes both organic and inorganic substances. Tendons connect the muscles to other structures of the body, typically bones. Tendons can increase and decrease in length as the bones move. Fat is a combination of lipids; in humans, fat forms a layer beneath the skin and on the outside of the internal organs.

5. Which substance makes up the pads that provide support between the vertebrae? a. bone b. cartilage c. tendon d. fat

5. A: The immune system helps protect the body from bacteria, viruses, infections, and other elements that could cause illness. The digestive system breaks down food for the body. The urinary system helps the body expel liquid waste.

5. Which system helps fight illness? a. Immune system b. Digestive system c. Nervous system d. Urinary system

6. B: The human body has 5 types of bone. The spine and hips are irregular bones because they do not fit the other major bone types, which are long, short, flat, and sesamoid. Choice A, curvy bones, does not describe one of the major bone types

6. The spine and hips belong to which of the following bone types? a. Curvy bones b. Irregular bones c. Flat bones d. Long bones

6. C: Cell layers and cell shape are the criteria for classifying epithelial tissue.

6. The two criteria for classifying epithelial tissue are cell layers and ___________. Which of the following completes the sentence above? a. Cell composition b. Cell absorption c. Cell shape d. Cell stratification

6. A: The human body has five types of bones: long bones, short bones, irregular bones, flat bones, and sesamoid bones. While bones may be dense, this is not a major category of bones in the body.

6. Which item in the following list is NOT one of the major types of bones in the human body? a. Dense bone b. Long bone c. Short bone d. Irregular bone

6. A: Answer choice A includes all of the correct elements of punctuation needed to make this sentence clear and readable. In particular, there is a colon after the phrase "the following items for his class"; this indicates that a series of items will be listed. As these items do not contain internal commas, they may be separated by commas, so the rest of the punctuation in answer choice A is correct. Answer choice B uses a comma instead of a colon in front of the introductory phrase, making the series of items difficult to distinguish. Answer choice C uses semicolons instead of commas between the items in the series. The semicolons are not necessary, and make the sentence more confusing to read instead of clearer. Answer choice D uses a dash, which is not a correct way to introduce a series of items.

6. Which of the following demonstrates correct punctuation? a. Graham still needs the following items for his class: a sable brush, soft pastels, a sketchbook, and an easel. b. Graham still needs the following items for his class, a sable brush, soft pastels, a sketchbook, and an easel. c. Graham still needs the following items for his class: a sable brush; soft pastels; a sketchbook; and an easel. d. Graham still needs the following items for his class - a sable brush; soft pastels; a sketchbook; and an easel.

7. C: Most bones in the limbs are long bones, including the thighs, forearms, and fingers. The ankles, however, are not long bones because they do not have a shaft that is longer than it is wide.

7. Long bones are one of the five major types of bone in the human body. All of the following bones are long bones, EXCEPT a. Thighs b. Forearms c. Ankles d. Fingers

8. D: There are 11 organ systems in the human body: circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, and urinary.

8. How many organ systems are in the human body? a. 12 b. 15 c. 9 d. 11

9. A: Only answer choice A is a simple sentence. It contains an opening phrase, but as this is a phrase instead of a dependent clause, the sentence is simple. Answer choices B and D contain a dependent clause, which makes these sentences complex. Answer choice C contains two independent clauses, which make the sentence compound.

9. Which of the following is a simple sentence? a. Following the French and Indian War, Spain gave up Florida to England. b. England returned part of Cuba to Spain, while France gave up part of Louisiana. c. France lost most of its Caribbean islands, and England gained dominance over them. d. Because every nation lost something, no clear victor was declared.

9. A: Correct punctuation requires a comma after both city and state when both fall within the sentence, even when the city and state fall within an opening dependent clause that has a comma after it. All answer choices that do not have a comma after the state as well as the city are incorrect. Answer choice C is incorrect because it adds a comma after Oak for no clear reason as the name of the city in full is clearly Oak Ridge.

After living in Oak Ridge Missouri all her life, Cornelia was excited about her trip to Prague. 9.Which of the following best shows the correct punctuation of the city and the state within the sentence above? a. After living in Oak Ridge, Missouri, all her life, Cornelia was excited about her trip to Prague. b. After living in Oak Ridge, Missouri all her life, Cornelia was excited about her trip to Prague. c. After living in Oak, Ridge, Missouri all her life, Cornelia was excited about her trip to Prague. d. After living in Oak Ridge Missouri all her life, Cornelia was excited about her trip to Prague.

8. A: Of the answer choices, the only word that functions as a verb is fought. The word control is a noun in this sentence. The word trade functions either as an adjective to modify routes, or as a part of the single noun phrase trade routes. The word those functions as an adjective

During the Seven Years' War, England and France fought over the control of the North American colonies, as well as the trade routes to those colonies. 8. Which of the following words functions as a verb in the sentence? a. fought b. control c. trade d. those

7. C: Answer choice C offers the most effective combination of the sentences with the use of the conjunction but and the dependent clause starting with after. All other answer choices result in choppy or unclear combinations of the four sentences.

I'm usually good about keeping track of my keys. I lost them. I spent hours looking for them. I found them in the freezer. 7. Which of the following options best combines the sentences above to show style and clarity? a. I lost my keys, even though I'm usually good about keeping track of them. I found them in the freezer and spent hours looking for them. b. I spent hours looking for my keys and found them in the freezer. I had lost them, even though I'm usually good about keeping track of them. c. I'm usually good about keeping track of my keys, but I lost them. After spending hours looking for them, I found them in the freezer. d. I'm usually good about keeping track of my keys, but I lost them in the freezer. I had to spend hours looking for them.

7. C: Answer choice C combines all of the information in the passage into a single coherent sentence. Answer choice A inexplicably states that the French and Indian War did not occur in North America, but the passage does not indicate this. Instead, the passage notes that the French and Indian War was not an isolated conflict, that it did occur in North America, and that it was also part of the larger Seven Years' War Europe was fighting. Answer choice B contains correct information, but is choppy rather than fluid and coherent. Answer choice B is more than one sentence, and it lacks the style and clarity of answer choice C. Answer choice D contains correct information, but it fails to explain - as stated in the original passage - that the French and Indian War was actually part of the larger Seven Years' War. Answer choice D implies that the French and Indian War was unrelated to the Seven Years' War, which contradicts the passage.

The French and Indian War was not an isolated war in North America. It was part of a larger war that Europe was fighting. Europeans called it the Seven Years' War. 7.Which of the following options best combines the sentences? Consider style, clarity, and conciseness when choosing your response. a. The French and Indian War did not occur in North America but was rather a small part of the larger European war known as the Seven Years' War. b. What Europeans called the Seven Years' War was called the French and Indian War in North America. It was part of a larger war that Europe was fighting. c. The French and Indian War was not an isolated war in North America but was rather part of a larger war that Europe was fighting, known among Europeans as the Seven Years' War. d. While North America was fighting the French and Indian War, the Europeans were fighting a much larger war known as the Seven Years' War.

9. A: Salt would have acted as a dehydrating agent on the plants, causing them to dry out, and therefore, they would have died

Your class is competing with another class to determine who has the best plant color. Your class decides to test a couple of solutions to determine which would be best for overall plant color before competing. The class decides to water the plants once a week with 200 mL of the following solutions: water, diet soda, 1% bleach solution, and a 1% salt solution. All plants are placed in the window that receives the recommended amount of light. After a month of testing, your class notices that only two plants are alive, but one of those two does not look healthy. 9. Based on the results that were stated, what would be a logical reason for some of the plants dying with the salt solution? a. Salt caused the plants to begin to dry up, causing them to die. b. The salt did not affect the plants. c. The salt provided adequate nutrients for color. d. None of the above

A valid experiment must

be measurable.


before, previous - antecedent, antedate

5. A: The word piqued is the correct choice, and is used to describe a heightened interest in something. The word peaked would be appropriate to describe height or the highest reach (e.g., his blood pressure peaked, and then came back down). The word peke is frequently used to describe a Pekingese breed of dog; therefore, peked does not make sense in the context of this sentence. The word peeked would suggest someone looking around the corner to see something.

childhood reading of Tales from Shakespeare permanently _____ Helene's interest in studying the Great Bard. 5. Which of the following correctly completes the sentence? a. piqued b. peaked c. peked d. peeked

A skill that may be integrated with the previous two is

comparing. - Scientists should be able to compare their own results with other published results. - They must also be able to infer, or draw logical conclusions, from their results. - They must be able to apply their knowledge of theory and results to create logical experimental designs and determine cases of special behavior.

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