Representative money has value because it can be exchanged for a valuable good.
- Allows currency to be traded for a commodity such as gold or silver - Was used in systems involving a "gold standard" or "silver standard"
Types of money
- Commodity money - Representative money - Fiat money
Fiat money has its value guaranteed by a government.
- Has a value that is influenced by exchange rates - Can change in value because of government regulations
Commodity money has value because it is made with a valuable object.
- Often includes gold or silver. - Was the most common form of money in the past
Each nation's currency has a changing value relative to other currencies.
- This is referred to as a currency's exchange rate. - This value changes based on many factors.
In accounts:
- we can use credit or debit cards. - we can use store and transfer money using banks and financial institutions.
In hand:
- we use cash and coins.
a system relying on trade as opposed to money
a type of currency with value that is used to exchange for goods and services - Replaces the need to barter - Allows citizens to have a portable measure of value
he form of money, such as paper bills or coins, within a financial or economic system
the ability to quickly convert to cash
the circular movement of currency, cash money, within an economic system
to trade goods and services