Mongols and India

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Where was the Sepoy Mutiny and how many armies where there

England had 3 armies in India, one each in Madras, Bombay, and Bengal (Calcutta).

Who was Robert Clive

English militiaman stationed in Madras.

what happened duriing Jahangir's rule

English traders first came to India

What did Shah Jehan do

Expanded the empire and built Delhi.

During a famine what did MAHATMA GANDHI do

Gandhi led the people to refuse to pay the extra taxes imposed by the British.

which prime minister of Independant India was assasinated

Indira Gandhi

Became England's favorite drink when they began importing it from China.


Who are the Khanates

smaller units in the Mongolian Empire

India is the___ largest in area in the world.


Who was Babur, what did he do and where did he grow up

A descendent of Tamerlane, grew up in Afghanistan and started the Mogul or Mughal Dynasty that would rule India.

What event was held for Gandhi

A huge national funeral was held.

What Shah Jehan's reign called

"Mogul Golden Age of Culture".

The Indians didn't like the English and called them the ____

"Monkey People".

what does Genghis Khan mean?

"universal ruler".

How many dollars worth of jewels did Shah Jehan wear every day

$10 million

Russia - who was • Batu Khan and what did he do

(Genghis's grandson) led 60,000 men into Russia and settled Moscow.

MIDDLE EAST & PERSIA - who was Tamerlane

-The cruelest of the Mongol rulers. -He was not interested in ruling only in fighting and looting.

What are the 4 parts of the family tree?


THE ENGLISH IN INDIA - Within ___ yrs. England set up 2 more posts :_____ on the west coast & ____ in the northeast.

100 yrs; Bombay on the west coast & Calcutta in the northeast.

In what year with the help of the French, India seized what?

1756; seized the post at Calcutta.

What year was Gandhi's last imprisonment


CATHAY (CHINA) - Kublai was the 1st Mongol to __________ ____________

1st Mongol to appreciate farming.

India has the ___ largest in population in the world.


How long did it take Marco Polo to get to Kublai Khan's court

3 ½ years

How did Gandhi die

After breaking his fast, he went to his courtyard for prayer and was shot by a Hindu in a crowd that gathered.

Who was the greatest Mogul ruler

Akbar the Great

When did MAHATMA GANDHI return to India to begin his 30 yr. struggle for freedom/dignity for the Indians.

As WWI was beginning

Who was the Last of the strong Mogul rulers.


Who's kingdom did Akbar the Great Reconquer

Babur's kingdom

What were the Mongols called (hint, they lived in ___)

Called "People of the Felt Tents" b/c of the yurts they lived in.

Wher did Kublai send Marco on diplomatic missions to

China, Southeast Asia, and India.

What didn't The EIC allow at their trading posts.

Christian missionaries

CATHAY (CHINA) - Kublai conquered ??

Conquered China

Name the greatest river in India that is sacred to Hindus

Ganges River

What did Gandhi do that led to violence And what did he do after and why

He called for a one day national strike After which he fasted for 3 days to atone for his people and shame them.

What did MAHATMA GANDHI do at the start of WWI

He shaved his head, wore Indian garb, and traveled through the cities connecting with the people.


He united warring tribes of Mongolia.

Who was Humayun (Babur's son) and what did he do

He was a lazy ruler who fled when the Afghan ruler conquered his empire.

What is the national language of India


What was Gandhi's last fast for

Hindu-Muslim harmony.

What happened Immediately after Gandhi was killed and how many people died?

Immediately fighting began between the Hindus & Muslims & 1 million people were killed.

In what year did England start her 1st trading post and where

In 1619 and Madras, on the southeast coast of India.

In what year did the British government order the EIC to allow missionaries

In 1813

Where did Rudyard Kipling live and and write about life there.


Who are the Sepoys?

Indian soldiers in the British army -They had grievances: -Orders given in English -Insensitive to their religions

Who was the 2nd prime minister of Independent India. Who was her son killed by

Indira Gandhi, a terrorist.

What did India's tea taste like

It was bitter

Russia - Who defeated the Mongols and who became the 1st Czar of Russia?

Ivan III defeated the Mongols, and his son, Ivan IV (the Terrible), became the 1st Czar of Russia.

Who was Akbar's son who succeeded him.


Who was the 1st prime minister of Independent India and what two other things where he?

Jawaharlal Nehru Gandhi's friend and president of the Indian National Congress.

which Mongol was Visited by the Italian Marco Polo


CATHAY (CHINA) - who was The Great Khan

Kublai (Genghis's grandson)

Who studied Hindu literature, the Koran, and the Bible.


The people gave Mohandas GANDHI the name ______________ ______________ which means what.


who Followed the Great Silk Road to China when he was 17.

Marco Polo

What is the largest city of India


What where Problems to be dealt with in Independent India

Muslim rivalries Caste system Poverty & overpopulation

What is the capital of India

New Delhi

Where did the MONGOLS originally live?

Originally lived in Mongolia

How many people died in the black hole?

Overnight, 123 people died.

Who chartered the East India Company to establish trade with India

Queen Elizabeth I

who coined the phrase meaning that white men had the responsibility to civilize the "lower" races.

Rudyard Kipling

Who took 20 years to build a tomb, the Taj Mahal, for his favorite wife.

Shah Jehan

the Mongols' religion is ???

Shamanism - characterized by belief in an unseen world of gods

Shortly after what was the Peacock throne taken and under who's rule

Shortly after the English began to take over India, Aurangzeb

Who ruled the Indian states?

The English began to rule the Indian states.

Rudyard Kipling is famous for writing ________ ____________ _________

The Jungle Book

which Sepoy armies remained loyal to England.

The Sepoy armies in Madras and Bombay

What happened because of the fighting between Muslims and Hindus

The country split in two: India for the Hindus and Pakistan for the Muslims.

The Mongols are still __________,

They are still nomadic, but their capital, Ulan Bator, is a modern city.

What was the black hole? And how many people went there?

They placed 146 prisoners in the city prison, called the Black Hole.

Who is Rudyard Kipling

a British journalist

MIDDLE EAST & PERSIA - • Known as the ilkhanate, was a breakaway from the _____________ ________________

a breakaway from the Mongol Empire

Khan's War Tactics - what is Pretend Retreats

abandoned camps and returned to attack the city people who came to loot.

What was Akbar the Great fascinated by

all religions

When he got there what title did Kublai give Marco Polo

an official in the kingdom

Khan's War Tactics - what is Siege Warfare

arrow fired over walls, food prevented from entering cities, gunpowder filled bamboo rockets launched

Why did the Sepoys refused to load rifles ?

b/c the cartridges were greased with meat.

Shah Jehan ___________ India with all his __________

bankrupted, buildings

What did the English build in India when the modernized it

built railroads, schools, and infrastructure.

Who were Arrow Riders?

carried orders, messages, and reports between the khan and the camps

MIDDLE EAST & PERSIA - who was Hulagu (Genghis's grandson) and what did he do

he defeated the Arab Empire and conquered the Middle East and Persia.

Who was Robert Fortune

horticulturist hired by the EIC to steal tea seeds/plants from China

Huge tea plantations were planted where

in the Himalayas

What did Tamerlane (the Ilkhanite) do

led his armies into India in 1398 and destroyed Delhi.

What did Gandhi came down with that his wife died of


Queen Victoria was horrified by the __________ and revoked the _________ _________ and made _________ her colony.

mutiny, EIC charter, India

The Mongols were________________who valued ____________

nomads; horses

Gandhi Began a policy of _________were the Indians did what

non-cooperation where Indians dropped out of British schools and refused to do business with them.

Who was Pandita Ramabai and what did she do

one of Carey's converts; daughter of a Brahman (highest caste); started a mission for girls & women.

What did William Carey "Father of Missions" do while in India and how long was he in India

spent 40 years in India; translated the Bible; converted outcastes.

What did Queen Victoria call India

the "jewel in the British crown".

What did England want a piece of

the Asian trade.

Who invaded and took the Peacock Throne

the Persians

What is the Great Yasa

the khan's military, criminal, tax, and moral laws.

What did British officials try to crush and who did they repeatedly imprison

the rebellion and Gandhi

MAHATMA GANDHI seriously considered becoming a Christian but why didn't he

the way Christian Englishmen treated Indians stopped him.

What did the English do because the Sepoys refused to load rifles

they arrested the Sepoys and put them into labor camps.

What was Genghis Khan divine mission?

to conquer the world.

What is a Tumens?

units of 10,000 men the army was divided into.

The black hole had one hole for _______


Queen Victoria appointed a ___________ to represent her in India


What were Aurangzeb's two obsessions

war and Islam.

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