Mr Clemens Test 5

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Ahab marries her


Jeremiah 30-33 also called what

Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah

Jeremiah 31:31

Mosaic Covenant

Jeremiah says the new covenant will not be like what other covenant


King Josiah reinstitutes this feast

two golden calfs

built by Jeroboam to allow worship in northern kingdom


final king of Israel


first king of northern kingdom


first king of southern kingdom

Naphtali and Zebulum in Galilee

first two territories to be overtaken in Assyrian conquest

Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel

four major prophets of Old Testament scriptures

exiled and forced to worship false/pagan gods

happens to people of Israel when they are conquered by Assyrians


how is Elijah taken into heaven

a faithful husband and an adulterous wife

in Hosea's prophecy, what type of figures are Israel and God depicted


king of Assyrians when they invades Israel to capture Samaria

raises son from the dead

miracle Elijah works on Zarephath's son

Mt. Horeb

mountain Elijah flees to

Three ways Solomon violates the requirements of Deuteronomy for a king

multiplying horses for himself multiplying wives for himself increasing silver and gold for himself


name of northern kingdom


name of southern kingdom


nation overtakes Judah and destroys the temple


new covenant will be a restoration of what covenant


only prophet to use the term "new covenenant" in the Old Testament


people resettled in the northern kingdom


prophet consulted by Hezekiah for guidance


prophet that has a vision of a valley with dry bones


righteous king during the time of Assyrian conquest


river that Elijah and Elisha cross before Elijah is taken


succeeder of Elijah in prophetic office


succeeds Solomon as a king

new garden of Eden - peace

the imagery "the wolf shall dwell with the lamb" indicates what


translation of goyim other than nations


tribe that rose to prominence in northern kingdom and began tribe of Jeroboam


type of person God commands Hosea to marry

Queen of Sheba

visits Solomon from afar on account of his reputation for wisdom

God with us

what does Immanuel/Emmanuel mean

the wilderness/desert

where does God say he will take his people Israel in order to persuade them

Mt. Carmel

where does the showdown between Elijah and the Prophets of Ba'al take place

on the hearts of the people (instead of stone)

where will the new covenant be written


which prophet's book is also known as the fifth gospel


whom does God say he will place a shepherd over his people


wicked king of Judah that builds altars for pagan gods in the temple

Prophets of Ba'al

with whom does Elijah have a "sacrificial showdown"


worst king of Israel

930 BC

year Davidic Kingdom splits

722 BC

year that Assyrians deport inhabitants of Israel to northern kingdom

587 BC

year that Judah was destroyed


Isaiah speaks of a shoot coming from whose stump

I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be cleaned from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you

Ezekial 36:25-26

5th and 7th 5 - you shall not kill 7 - you shall not steal

God rebukes the Israelites in Amos 8 for breaking what two commandments and for what two grave sins


Hezekiah's son who succeeds him as king of Judah

Book of the Law

Hilkiah finds in the temple and brings to the king

the mother of the king (aka queen)

change in ruler in addition to king


denounces Ahab and his wife

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