Multiculturalism Midterm questions quiz

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1. Pick the best answers to fill in this statement: One important tenet of the culture of power is that "Those with power are frequently ____ aware of - or ___ willing to acknowledge - its existence. Those with less power are often ____ aware of its existence." a. Most, most, least b. Variably, variably, least c. Variable, variably, most d. Least, least, most

- Answer: D: "Those with power are frequently least aware of - or least willing to acknowledge - its existence. Those with less power are often most aware of its existence."

Learning more about one's own roots helps to shape which of the following skills that interventionists can use to help build bridges between themselves and families who come from different cultures? A. Culture-specific awareness and understanding B. Self-awareness C. Communication issues

- B. Self-awareness

True or False? The traditional Western view of knowing multiple languages is consistent with additive bilingualism rather than subtractive bilingualism.

- False. Actually, the traditional view is subtractive bilingualism because this view expects immigrants or newcomers to replace their old language with the new (English). Meanwhile in reality, additive bilingualism is much more advantageous as it holds that knowing two languages is better than knowing one.

Which of the following are factors that should be considered when describing or classifying language disorders? a. Etiology b. Timing of the disorder c. Comorbidity with other conditions d. All of the above

- d. all of the above

The ________ designation of a nouns as masculine or feminine in the language that you speak can effect how people think about things in the world.

- grammatical gender

While Mandarin and English speakers use ________ terms to talk about time, Mandarin speakers commonly use _________ terms.

- horizontal; vertical

After administering appropriate assessments, how does a clinician determine if a disorder exists? a. The child is unintelligible or shows reduced intelligibility to the native speakers of the same speech community. b. The child misarticulated phonemes that are produced the same in standard American English and the first dialect or first language. c. The child produces idiosyncratic patterns that are not representative of processes typically found in the first dialect, first language, SAE, or a factor of code-switching. d. The child produces phonemes that are different from SAE, but are produced in their first dialect.

-A, B, C

According to Delpit, what is the first step that teachers can take toward a more just society? A. Teachers should teach students the explicit and implicit rules of power enacted in classrooms. B. Teachers should primarily utilize indirect instruction in their classrooms. C. Teachers should acknowledge that issues of power do not exist in classrooms. D. Teachers should teach students that there are great opportunities for class mobility.

-A. Delpit's theory is that there is a culture of power which contains specific codes and rules. People with less power are most aware of the culture of power. In order to make the acquisition of power easier, teachers should teach students both the explicit and implicit rules of the culture of power. (page 287)

What do eye movements reveal about bilingual speakers? a. Language activation is not restricted to 1 language. b. Bilingual speakers adjust better to environmental changes. c. The speaker's first language is activated before their second language. d. Bilingual speakers do not experience linguistic competition.

-A. Language co-activation leads to linguistic competition, wherein the speaker may experience a "tip-of-the-tongue" state or name pictures more slowly. While answer B is true, eye movements (per the readings) are not connected to adjusting to environmental changes-

Describe the term additive bilingualism and highlight the importance of this perspective (Nieto 2000).

-Additive bilingualism focuses on highlighting that when bilinguals learn a second language, they are adding a new language rather than subtracting their existing one. Traditionally, it was believed that immigrants should exchange their native language for their new language. This perspective supports the view that two languages are better than one and can only make each individual stronger in their language development and communication with society-

According to Corine Meyer- Jennings, which of the following phonological variations may be found in Spanish influenced speakers which may affect how English is perceived and produced? a. Deletion of /r/ b. Use of dental consonant /t/ c. Use of nasalized vowels d. None of the above e. All of the above


What is cross-linguistic transfer? a. It is the potential influence that one language can have on another language within the monolingual speaker. b. It is the potential influence that one language can have on another language within the bilingual speaker. c. It is a solely positive transfer at the lexical-semantic level. d. It is a process that does not have significant limitations for younger children or for older individuals with impaired cognitive or language systems.

-B. Cross-linguistic transfer is the potential influence (which can be positive or negative) that one language can have on another language within the bilingual speaker. There can be substantial limitations on cross-linguistic transfer of skills in younger children or for older bilingual speakers who have impaired cognitive or linguistic skills-

Describe the importance of the BICS-CALP distinction.

-Basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) are those conversation skills that are achieved in highly contextualized situations and usually acquired between 1 to 2 years of constant experience in an L2 setting. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) is the language that occurs in academic settings that are decontextualized. This distinction is important for understanding that performance on different language-based tasks are considered a part of how L2 proficiency is developed-

ESL students acquire peer appropriate L2 conversational proficiency before peer appropriate academic language proficiency because: a. ESL students are talking to their peers who are at the same level of language proficiency as them b. Academic tasks are highly contextualized c. Peer conversation provides many types of cues, thus highly contextualizing the situation, which provides more feedback. d. The language used in academic tasks doesn't require a lot of cognitive demand.


In the study completed by McDonough et al. (2000), results suggest that English-speaking adults looked equally at familiar and novel scenes including tight and loose fit objects because: (Lera Boroditsky) a. English speakers equally prefer both categories of objects b. The English language has similar words for both loose and tight fit objects c. English does not have words that distinguish loose and tight fit d. English speakers did not properly train to the study


What is not a linguistic or cognitive advantage for bilingual individuals? a. Improved metalinguistic awareness b. Improved memory c. Increased naming speed d. Improved inhibitory control


Which of the following is not one of the conventional ways to assess language ability in developing bilinguals? (Kohnert Chapter 3) a) Compare the child's abilities in each language to monolingual peers that speak each language. b) Compare the child's ability in one language with his or her ability in the other language. c) Assess the child's ability to alternate between his or her two languages. d) Compare both separate and collective language systems bilingual peers of the same age and experience.


Which of the following would NOT be expected of typical language development of children who are simultaneous learners of two or more languages? a. Early milestone development that mirrors that of monolingual children b. Differences in language use that may lead to relative strengths in one language over another (e.g., academics) c. Neither of the two languages being comparable to monolingual norms by 3 to 5 years d. The breadth of words in a child's comparable being comparable to monolingual children if both languages are combined


Which of these is a reason that grammatical gender may be taken as meaningful? a. Grammatical genders assigned to names of objects may vary among languages. b. Assignment of grammatical gender to object names can be seen to be semantically arbitrary. c. Children learning grammatical gender rules in another language have no reason to believe that grammatical gender does not define a meaningful distinction between objects. d. All of the above.


Which of these is NOT an aspect of the "culture of power" discussed in Delpit's article? a. Issues of power are enacted in the classrooms. b. The rules of the power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who are in power. c. Those with less power are often least aware of its existence. d. If you are not already a participant in the culture of power, being told the rules of that culture makes obtaining power easier.

-C (Those with less power are often MORE aware of its existence)

Circle the following factor that does NOT influence development and maintenance of two languages: a) Timing of Languages (simultaneous vs sequential) b) Social Status of Language c) Gender d) Typologies (degree of similarity between L1 and L2)


Examples of __________________________, which may be used as strategies to turn the tables on the dominant population may include different emphasis on dialectal styles, ideas on and the use of time, and a rejection of another group's preference.

-Cultural inversion

Delpit discusses issues of power that have caused a communication block between liberal educational movements and non-white non-middle-class teachers and communities. Which of the following is NOT one of Delpit's aspects of power? a) Issues of power are enacted in classrooms b) There are codes or rules for participating in power; that is, there is a "culture of power" c) The rules of the culture of power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who have power. d) Those with less power are least aware of its existence.


What are some ways in which recent studies of how language affects thought ensure that their studies are methodologically rigorous and that their results are valid? a. Their tasks require an objective, correct measure. b. They use subjective measures in their testing. c. They compare performance of participants through measures that use the same language (e.g., Spanish and German speakers who are also proficient in English). d. A and C e. All of the above


What is a limitation common to studies of linguistic determinism, specifically grammatical gender affecting meaning of languages? a. Differences in comparisons between different languages only shows the effect of a language on thinking for that particular language. b. There's no way to know whether instructions and stimuli in studies are the same in different languages. c. Participants were asked to provide subjective judgement in studies, and participants could have consciously chosen to follow grammatical gender divisions in their language. d. All of the above


The grammatical gender distinctions of one's native language affect (mark all that apply): a. People's decision making b. Personification of nouns c. Rating of object characteristics d. All of the above

-D - all of the above

When learning about another culture, what is the best method to use when initially gathering culture-specific information? a. Learning the language of the culture because it provides you with access to more people of the culture. b. Having a cultural guide with which to discuss the history of the culture as it can provide an accurate description of the whole culture's beliefs and values. c. Entering the community by celebrating that culture's holidays and getting involved in community based projects as it increases your awareness and understanding of the culture. d. Read a variety of books including poetry, history, and fictions related to that culture as the reading may provide insight on the multiple aspects of the culture from an insider perspective.


What is the difference between high-context and low-context cultures? A. High-context cultures rely more on verbal communication while low-context cultures are more accustomed to nonverbal cues and messages. B. High-context cultures tend to be more formal and more reliant on hierarchies while low-context cultures are more informal and allow more quality of interaction. C. High-context cultures rely on history and shared experiences while low-context cultures have less knowledge and reverence for the past. D. All of the above E. B and C


While bilingual education has been shown to have more positive outcomes than monolingual education for children who are bilingual, there are some difficulties with implementation. Which of the following is a concern regarding bilingual education? a. Children are less motivated to stay in school following bilingual education b. Difficulties arise when one school has students from many different linguistic backgrounds (e.g., Spanish, Chinese, Polish, etc.) c. They are separated from monolingual classmates d. A and C e. B and C


According to Cummins, which of the following is true about the Interdependence principle? a. It can also be referred to as the common underlying proficiency principle b. It requires a linguistic proficiency in each language separately before cognitive skills can transfer between L1 and L2 c. Language aspects including pronunciations and fluency are not separate; thus proficiency in L1 transfer to their proficiency in L2. d. It implies that experiences with either language can promote the proficiency of various skills such as cognitive skills, higher-order thinking skills, and reading strategies in both languages. e. A & D f. A & C


True or false: Current research shows that bilingual children with LD fare worse than their monolingual peers with LD.

-FALSE. Bilingual children with LD do not fare worse than monolingual peers with LD. Moreover, bilingualism or experience with two or more languages doesn't appear to cause or worsen LD-

True or false: The best way to study the neurolinguistics of bilingualism is to discern if the same or different parts of the brain are associated with a bilingual speaker's first and second languages.

-FALSE. This approach is misleading, because bilingual language processing is affected by the task, the type of processing type, the methodology, and by the speaker's language history. One area of the brain is not responsible for language processing. Instead, it is a network of parts of the brain that work together, and research should be targeted to this network processing approach-

True or False The early phoneme development of African American English speakers differs from that of General American English speakers.


True or false: People who are a part of the dominant or mainstream culture will most likely have the greatest awareness of their culture and the ways in which their culture affects their perspectives and actions.


True/False: For bilingual children with LD, the underlying impairment will manifest in only one of the languages the child speaks.


True or False: Nonverbal behaviors are the same across all cultures. (Eleanor W. Lynch)

-False (Nonverbal behaviors differ across cultures)

True or False: the timing (age of acquisition) of different languages ultimately determines language proficiency.

-False - one must consider the context and of other factors (e.g., SES, input of each language, environment surrounding each language, etc.)-

True or False. According to Marian and Shook, research indicates that the brains of bilingual individuals show greater physical atrophy of certain brain regions and therefore demonstrate an increase in symptoms leading to an earlier diagnosis of Alzheimer's in comparison to monolinguals.


True or False- When working with families, it can be assumed that their concerns, priorities, and resources will be the same as other families with the same cultural background. ·

-False- Applying all culture-specific information gathered from both reading and experiences can lead to stereotyping. Be informed about the specific individual or family when considering culture-specific information-

In typical vocal development, reduplicated babbling occurs at 2 months. (Myers-Jennings) True/ False

-False- reduplicated babbling typically occurs at 6-10 months-

true or False: Bilingualism may contribute to declines in cognition due to excessive use of cognitive resources. ·

-False. Bilingualism contributes to cognitive reserve by recruiting other brain networks that can compensate for natural declines in cognitive function. Older individuals who are bilingual often experience cognitive benefits such as improved memory and executive control-

True or false: Black Americans are an example of autonomous minorities.

-False. Black Americans are an example of castelike minorities, because they were involuntary brought into American society through slavery and experienced structural subordination. Autonomous minorities are groups that are fewer in number-

True or False: Research indicates that cross-linguistic transfer always reflects interferences across languages. ·

-False. Cross-linguistic transfer can be negative but it may also have facilitative effects from one language to the other-

True or False: While language impacts aspects of human cognition including time and space, it does not impact aspects of cognition including shapes, substances, and objects.

-False. Evidence shows that language impacts all aspects of human cognition-

True or false: On average, immigrant students require two years to catch up to norms of their grade for academic skills in their second language. (Cummins)

-False. Immigrant students, on average, require five to seven years to reach norms for their grade in academic skills in their second language-

In Linguistic Relativity (Boroditsky, 2003), research has shown that there is a discrepancy between English speakers' and Korean speakers' ability to distinguish scenes that are variable by "space" relationships due to language differences. Select the best answer for the study findings: a. Prelinguistic infants cannot distinguish the difference between "loose fit" and "tight fit" and will develop this ability as they acquire language if they are exposed to a language like Korean. b. Prelinguistic infants cannot distinguish the difference between "loose fit" and "tight fit" and will develop this ability as they acquire language if they are exposed to a language like English. c. Prelinguistic infants can distinguish the difference between "loose fit" and "tight fit" and will develop this ability will develop this ability as they acquire language if they are exposed to a language like Korean. d. Prelinguistic infants can distinguish the difference between "loose fit" and "tight fit" and will develop this ability as they acquire language if they are exposed to a language like English.

Answer: C

1. According to Nieto, the two way bilingual education program model, can be described as: a. A comprehensive long term model in which instruction is given in L1 and L2 is learned as a second language. b. The most common model for bilingual education in which student are mainstreamed as soon as they are ready to benefit from the L2 language based curriculum. c. A program which consist of learning only the L2 with no L1 instruction until the student can function in a regular L2 environment. d. None of the above e. A & B

Answer: D.

True or False According to studies done on spatial thinking, reference frames and distinctions determined by one's language does not impose important constraints in their spatial thinking.

Answer: False

Examples of deeper levels of cognitive/academic processing as described by Cummins include all of the following except: A. Organizing elements by breaking a whole into parts B. Use of abstractions in concrete situations C. Judging the adequacy of ideas or material for a given purpose D. Synthesizing elements into a coherent whole


Which dialect is characterized by deletion of the copula (e.g., she tall), substitution of f/θ in the final word position and deletion of /r/? a) Latin American English b) African-American Vernacular English c) Asian-American English d) Creole English


Which of these is NOT true about bilingual children with suspected or confirmed LD? a. Bilingualism does not cause LD b. Bilingual children with LD only need one language to be successful in their different communicative environments c. Bilingual children who have LD can learn two different languages, despite the impairment d. Proficiency in each language of the bilingual child with LD will vary, depending on experiences and opportunities

B - Bilingual children need two languages to be successful in their different communicative environments because of personal, social, educational, and vocational factors.

Discuss a study that shows that language affects how people think about time.

Boroditsky, 2001 showed that language affects how people think about time. In Mandarin, time is discussed in vertical and horizontal terms. In English, time is discussed in only horizontal terms. This study showed that Mandarin speakers were able to be primed to think of time in horizontal terms by being shown a horizontal array and then being asked if April comes before May (horizontal terms). They were faster to answer yes, after being shown the horizontal array.

Bilingualism provides a means of fending off a natural decline of cognitive function True Who proposed the idea that thought is shaped by language and is pervasive across many aspect of human cognition? a) Sapir b) Levinson c) Whorf d) Carroll


Which is the definition of immigrant minorities? (Ogbu) a. Those who are victims of prejudice but not stratification. b. Those who lack persevering academic effort. c. Those who have moved more or less voluntarily to their host society for economic, social, or political reasons. d. Those who immigrate because they are a minority in their country of origin.


Which of the following is not a part of the cognitive process of language proficiency? a. Knowledge b. Analysis c. Grammar d. Evaluation


Which of these statements is true? (Kohnert Ch 4) a. Bilingualism exacerbates underlying language delays and disorders. b. The underlying language disorder in bilingual children will only be present in the child's L2. c. Bilingualism does not exacerbate or cause language disorders. d. Bilingual children with language disorders only need one language to be successful in their communicative environments.


1 Which of the following is not a type of bilingualism? a) Developing bilingualism b) Sequential bilingualism c) Responsive bilingualism d) Simultaneous bilingualism

C, responsive bilingualism

Which is not an appropriate strategy to use when working with an interpreter? a) Learn basic words and phrases in the family's language. b) Avoid technical jargon, colloquialisms, idioms, slang, and abbreviations. c) Address your remarks and questions to the interpreter. d) Speak slowly and clearly, but not more loudly.

C. Address your remarks and questions to the interpreter

1. The "iceberg" metaphor adapted from Roger Shuy (1978, 1981) in John Cummins' article, Language Proficiency, Bilingualism, and Academic Achievement (1984) explains that: a. All languages have hidden elements below the surface that some people will never be able to access b. Only L2 language teaching explores the most informal aspects within a language c. Most language teaching (whether L1 or L2) focuses on the more formal aspects of language rather than the aspects dealing with semantic and functional meaning d. The aspects of language which best help people develop a second language are pronunciation, basic vocabulary, and grammar

C. Most language teaching (whether L1 or L2) focuses on the more formal aspects of language rather than the

According to Nieto, why is limited English proficiency a "tremendous disadvantage" for language minority students? a) Academic concepts cannot be effectively taught in languages other than English. b) Students will be bullied for speaking a minority language, which presents an obstacle to learning. c) In their education, emphasis is primarily placed on learning English instead of on learning academic content. d) Teachers have difficulty understanding these students when they speak in class.

C. While English-speaking students are acquiring important academic skills, children that speak a minority language are being required to place all of their efforts into learning English.

When meeting with an interpreter, which of the following steps should you take to prepare them prior to interaction with the family that requires interpretation (select all that apply). A. Outline the major goals and purposes of the contact or session with the family B. Provide the interpreter with all personal information related to client C. Reinforce the importance and gravity of the interpreter's role in the situation D. Establish the important points that should be made E. Inform of potentially sensitive areas that will be discussed F. Review specific terms that will be used

Correct Answers: A, D, E, F (Lynch)

The notion that language shapes thought is associated with which of the following researchers? a. Noam Chomsky b. Mikhail Bakhtin c. Benjamin Whorf d. Roman Jakobson

Correct answer = c (Benjamin Whorf)

True or False: There is limited evidence available at this point, but this evidence shows that bilingual children with LD tend to have more difficulty with language over the course of their lives than age-matched monolingual children with LD.

Correct answer: FALSE

Using what you know from this article and the Iceberg diagram visual for surface and deeper levels of language proficiency, identify which of the following areas of language would be considered BICS (basic interpersonal communicative skills) rather than CALP (cognitive/academic language proficiency): a) Synthesis b) Semantic Meaning c) Evaluation d) Application

Correct answer: d

When testing bilinguals, consideration must be given as to which language should be used when obtaining _______ ______.

-Informed Consent

Language appears to influence one's understandings of time, numbers, colors, and events thus leading to the idea that cognition is an interaction between ____________________ and _______________________.

-Linguistic processes and nonlinguistic representations-

True or False: Phonological impairment is a term used to describe errors that extend across a class of speech sounds or distributional patterns.

-Phonological processes

According to Kohnert, which category of language measures deemphasizes prior language knowledge and experience?

-Processing-dependent measure (can also be referred to as language-based processing measure

Boroditsky et al. (2003): "Sex, Syntax, and Semantics" True or false: Facets of grammar that differ across languages can influence people's thinking about objects, including descriptions of objects, understanding similarity between pictured objects, and remembering correct names of objects


T/F: according to Weinreich, there are 3 ways that bilinguals lexico-semantic systems are organized: coordinate, compound, or sub-coordinative.


True or False An immigrant student's ability to alternate between two different (home and school) but not oppositional cultural frames of reference without crisis of identity, greatly enhances the chances of the immigrant student to succeed academically in school.


True or False: references (e.g., up for North and down for South) and distinctions of one's native language impose constraints on how one thinks about space.


True or false: Monolingual English-speaking teachers of bilingual students can support students' use of their native languages at school.


True or false: People who are bilingual tend to perform better than people who are monolingual at activities that require inhibitory control or switching between two tasks.


True or False: Those who are in power within a culture are typically less aware that the power exists at all. a.

-True - this may come from the fact that those in power are not willing to admit it as this admission can be very uncomfortable. But those are not in power are often acutely aware of the culture that holds the power and what that power may be-

True or false: Ogbu argues that minorities' response to their subordination and exploitation produces both group and personal attributes which include psychological states.

-True. These aforementioned psychological states discourage minorities from maximizing the effort they put forth in academic settings, which leads to low achievement. He calls this "Low Effort Syndrome."

Which of the following are behaviors exhibited by nonminority immigrants within the school systems? Mark all that apply. a. Nonminority immigrants tend to equate education with acculturation. b. Nonminority immigrants are often labeled as "low effort" in academic settings. c. Nonminority immigrants strive to assimilate to the dominant culture and therefore excel in academic settings. d. Nonminority immigrants tend to behave one way at school and one way at home due to the belief that the school system promotes acculturation.

-a, c, d

Observing a bilingual child at home and recording the vocabulary the child naturally used in each language while playing is an example of: a. descriptive research b. experimental research c. longitudinal research d. cross-sectional research


Which of the following has been suggested as a cognitive benefit of bilingualism? (Marian & Shook 2012) a. Enhanced performance on the Stroop task b. Enhanced ability to switch between two tasks c. Increased neuronal activity in the brain stem in response to sound d. Positive effects on attention and conflict management e. All of the above

-all of the above

Which of the following would be expected of a person who is bilingual vs. monolingual? Select all that apply. a. A bilingual person is more likely to have faster naming times. b. A bilingual person is more likely to perform better in a task that requires conflict management (e.g., a Stroop task). c. A bilingual person is more likely to perform better at switching between tasks. d. A bilingual person is less likely to have tip-of-the-tongue states. e. A bilingual person is less likely to show effects of cognitive aging.

-b, c, e Source- Marian & Shook (201

A bilingual speaker alternating between Vietnamese and English within one sentence is an example of: a. cross-linguistic transfer b. code-switching c. simultaneous bilingualism d. none of the above


The hypothesis that proposes that different languages shape the way speakers think about concepts such as space, time, substances, and objects in different ways is called: a. linguistic objectivity b. linguistic relativity c. native language hypothesis d. cognitive language hypothesis


Which of these is NOT a likely improved ability that bilinguals may have over monolinguals? a. Metalinguistic Awareness b. Memory c. Creativity d. Naming

-d (Bilinguals are considered to have increased naming difficulty)

Which of the following is not one of the five aspects of power identified by Lisa Delpit? a. Issues of power are enacted in classrooms. b. There is a culture of power. c. The rules of the culture of power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who have power. d. If you are not already a participant in the culture of power, being told explicitly the rules of that culture makes acquiring power easier. e. Those with power are frequently most aware of its existence. Those with less power are often least aware of its existence.


Languages may differ in which of the following ways? a. Use of grammatical distinctions between objects and substances b. Descriptions of time c. Descriptions of spatial relations d. Categorization of objects into grammatical categories e. All of the above ·

-e. All of the above

Of the following four patterns listed below, identify which one is an inaccurate pattern in AAE (African American English) when AAE and GAE (General American English) are compared. a) Stopping of word initial interdentals (that - dat) b) Word final consonant cluster reduction (i.e. Trust - trus) c) Substitution of Th for /f/ in word final position (surf to surth) d) R deletion (i.e. Sister to sist)

-for th

Which of the following is evidence against a strict Whorfian view of language? 1-Native English speakers trained to use vertical special terms to talk about time showed the same bias in thinking about time as Mandarin speakers 2-Spanish and German speakers rated grammatically gendered objects similar to pictures of people of corresponding genders 3-Korean-speaking adults distinguished between tight and loose fit scenes, but English speakers did not. 4-Mandarin speakers were faster to confirm that march comes earlier than April when shown a vertical array, whereas English speakers were faster to confirm this when shown a horizontal array.

1-Native English speakers trained to use vertical special terms to talk about time showed the same bias in thinking about time as Mandarin speakers

1. What aspect of language does BICS involve? a. Knowledge b. Comprehension c. Application d. All of the above


Teachers should be familiar with all of the following kinds of knowledge related to their language minority students EXCEPT: a) Ability to adapt curriculum for students whose first language is other than English b) Competence in pedagogical approaches suitable for culturally and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms c) Ability to communicate effectively with parents of diverse language, culture, and social class backgrounds d) The number of family members and/or relatives who have immigrated to the United States


What is NOT an approach to teaching language minority students? a.) Understanding second language acquisition b.) Developing additive bilingual perspective c.) Fostering native language literacy d.) Developing a subtractive bilingual perspective


Which of the following are characteristics of African American Vernacular English (AAVE)? a. Deletion of nasal consonant in word-final position with nasalization of proceeding vowel b. Stopping of word-initial interdentals c. Word-final cluster reduction (especially when one of the two consonants is an alveolar) d. All of the above


Which of the following are the characteristics of speech production in simultaneous bilinguals? a. Overgeneralization of rules from L1 b. The use of telegraphic speech c. Echolalia d. None of the above


Which of the following might you consider when assessing phonological patterns of children from culturally and linguistically diverse populations? a. The examiner's own dialect in the assessment b. Identifying test items that can be used to elicit nonstandard responses c. Identifying dialectical patterns that are unique to the child's speech community d. All of the above


According to Lynch, which of the following is NOT one of the four most effective ways of learning about other cultures? a) Learning through studying and reading about the culture b) Talking and working with individuals from the culture who can act as cultural guides or mediators c) Participating in the daily life of another culture, and ship and getting involved in community projects d) Watching actors portrayal of various cultures in the media e) Learning the language of another culture

D. Watching actors portrayal of various cultures in the media

2. Phonological impairments are... a. Delays in the acquisition of permissible sounds or sound patterns that are used contrastively in the ambient language. b. Delays in the acquisition of words used to understand and communicate during early child. c. Impairments caused by difficulties acquiring literacy scared.

Delays in the acquisition of permissible sounds or sound patterns that are used contrastively in the ambient language.

What are phonological impairements

Delays in the acquisition of permissible sounds or sound patterns that are used contrastively in the ambient language.

List two of the profound implications that population changes due to immigration have for education in the United States.

1. Approaches and programs to teach language minority students need to be expanded 2. Qualified personnel to appropriately staff and teach bilingual programs is in demand

List four aspects of human cognition that have been proven to be influenced by language:

1. Space 2. Time 3. Objects 4. Substances

List three cognitive advantages to bilingualism:

1. Strengthened system of executive function 2. Better performance within activities that require conflict management, such as the Stroop task 3. Better ability to switch between tasks

In order for schools to create excellent learning environments for language minority students, they should prioritize the following characteristics, except: 1. A school-wide vision of excellence that incorporates students of limited English proficiency 2. Teachers who speak the majority language as well as the languages of the language minority speakers 3. The creation of a community of learners engaged in active discovery 4. Well-designed programs to develop both the English and native language skills of language minority students. (Nieto)


· To determine if a phonological disorder exists, what are some questions that should be answered to help decide if a phonological disorder does truly exist? 1) o What sounds does the child produce and are they used correctly or not? 2) o What syllable shapes does the child produce? 3) o What phonological contrasts are present in the child's spontaneous speech output? 4) o What phonological rules are active in the child's system? 5) o All of the above ·


Which of the following is not true of bilingual and multilingual language speakers? A. Knowing more than one language can increase speed and accuracy in naming tasks. B. Older bilingual people tend to have improved memory and executive control as compared to monolingual speakers. C. Bilingualism correlates with higher gray matter volume in the left inferior parietal cortex. D. Individuals who know more than one language tend to perform better on tasks that require conflict management. (Marian)


What should be considered when selecting participants for a bilingual research studies? Select all that apply. (Marian 2008) a. Age of acquisition b. Manner of acquisition c. Geographical limitations d. Proficiency


In which ways can lexical relativity be viewed? (Circle all that apply) a. Lexical level b. Morphological level c. Syntactic Level d. Grammatical Level


What is an alternation model of schooling? a. A model that encourages a discontinuation of one's previous cultural and linguistic background and assimilation to the dominant culture. b. A model that encourages participation in two different but not oppositional cultures simultaneously. c. A model of teaching that encourages bilingual children to be taught only by bilingual teachers. d. A model that suggests the best method to teach bilingual students is to pull them out of the classroom and have one on one work with a bilingual aid.

A model that encourages participation in two different but not oppositional cultures simultaneously.

How can we support a bilingual child's performance in L2 in school? (Cummins) A. Provide meaningful context to academic material taught in L2 B. Teach L2 in context-reduced situations C. Teach academic subject areas in L1 D. A&B E. A&C F. B&C

A&C—context embedded language is easier for children to understand and contributes to context reduced language proficiency. Teaching lessons in L1 helps build underlying proficiency in the subject that reaches both L1 and L2.

While BICS is defined in terms of the manifestation of language proficiency in everyday communicative contexts, CALP is defined in terms of the manipulation of language proficiency in decontextualized ______________ situations.


. What are some important things to do when teaching a bilingual classroom? (Nieto)

Allow for and encourage the use of native languages in the classroom in classroom discourse and content instruction ○ Monolingual teachers can learn their students' language (or at least common vocabulary terms) ○ Aides who speak the second language can help during instruction or discussion ● Use a bilingual/bicultural education model—language and culture are intertwined, and the culture in power is inevitably transmitted via use of its language, so use the language and culture of other languages spoken in the classroom to enhance learning ● Do not place time limits on bilingual instruction (though 3 years is the "norm" for transition ESL programs, longer periods of time such as 5-7 years may be necessary) ● Meaningful integration—do not completely segregate bilingual programs from the rest of the school.

What are the ways used to conventionally describe language ability or proficiency in developing bilinguals? a. Comparing the child's abilities in L1 and L2 relative to their monolingual peers of both languages b. Examining within-speaker comparisons c. Compare the separate and collective language system to age-matched and experience matched peers d. Compare the child's use of their first language to a monolingual peer's use of the second language e. All of the above

Answer: A, B, C

(Ogpu) True or False: Inferior education provided to immigrants and the lack of opportunity for immigrants are two potential factors that negatively affect school performance of immigrant minorities.


. True or false: Teachers are in an ideal position to attempt to gain the unique perspectives of each student by learning to give their words complete attention, by understanding one's own power, even if that power is from the majority.


1. True or False? Research has found that family income is linked to the amount of input a child receives, which has a significant effect on language development.


For children with LD, the underlying impairment will manifest in both languages. True/fasle


Research has demonstrated that when a bilingual person uses one language, the other is active at the same time. Words are activated with auditory input regardless of the language to which they belong to. True/False


T/F: The term additive bilingualism refers to a framework for understanding language acquisition and development as adding a new language rather than subtracting an existing one.


True or False Code-switched language input does not delay language acquisition in bilingual children.


True or False If a child has conceptual knowledge of a concept in one language, then the child will have an easier time acquiring the concept in a second language. Cummins, page 8


True or False: Immigrants or those who regard themselves as immigrants tend to do better in school than indigenous minorities. (Ogbu)


True or False: When assessing a bilingual or multilingual child for a phonological disorder, it is important to incorporate both formal and informal measures to examine consonants and vowels as well as phonological patterns.


True/False: Bilingualism serves as a protective mechanism against some cognitive declines associated with aging, such as Alzheimer's.


a. True or False: Some studies have demonstrated that inanimate objects are perceived as masculine or feminine depending on grammatical gender in an individual's language.


t/f Primary cultural differences are not a part of boundary-maintaining mechanisms and are less resistant to change in contact situations.


· Reading: Typically Developing Children Learning One or Two Languages. Ch 3.- Kohnert 2. When bilingual children have developmental language disorders, the impairment typically will manifest in ________ a. L1 b. L2 c. Both languages

· Answer: C

Diagnosing a child who speaks African American Vernacular English with a speech or language disorder based on their articulation differences (d/th; final consonant deletion) is an example of (Delpit): ● Issues of power enacted in classrooms or ● Issues of the "culture of power" Why?

● Issues of the "culture of power" This implies that there is one "right way" to speak—that of "standard" English—and if one does not speak in this way, then they have a disorder that needs to be fixed. If one does not participate in the rules of that culture, then they need to be taught how.

Dr. Marian discusses the advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal research and cross sectional research within the study of language intervention. Explain which one she prefers and state one advantage and one disadvantage of it.

Dr. Marian prefers longitudinal research during intervention studies. She states that by using the same group of participants the researcher can pretest/post them and can focus on clinical, educational, behavioral, or cognitive intervention. An advantage of longitudinal research is that it minimizes "between-group differences. One disadvantage is that it takes a long time to conduct therefore a higher chance of participants dropping out of the study, moving away, etc.

True or False: For bilingual children with LD, the underlying impairment will manifest itself in L2, but not L1.


True/False: Immigrant minorities are MORE likely than non-immigrant minorities to perceive school as a process of assimilation into the dominant group.


True/False: Language minority children acquire L2 academic skills more rapidly than L2 conversational skills.


t/f People's thinking about objects is solely impacted by the person exposure to their language's grammar.


Grammaticality in language can only affect how people think about things in the world when gender is systematically (rather than arbitrarily) assigned to objects (i.e. table, fork) in a given language.

False, because Grammaticality in language can affect how people think about things in the world when gender is arbitrarily assigned to objects (i.e. table, fork) in a given language.

True or false: Non-word repetition tasks are an example of an experience-dependent measure


T/F: Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) refers to the manipulation of languages in decontextualized academic situations.

False. This definition refers to cognitive/academic language proficiency (CALP)

True or false, based on Marian & Shook (2012): Studies have shown that brains of bilingual people with Alzheimer's Disease experience less physical atrophy than those of monolinguals who have Alzheimer's as evidenced by bilinguals with Alzheimer's maintaining cognitive functions and cognitive reserve in comparison to that of monolinguals with Alzheimer's.

False. While bilinguals with Alzheimer's tend to have less deterioration that monolinguals with Alzheimer's in cognitive functions like memory and executive control, they actually exhibit more physical atrophy in regions associated with Alzheimer's Disease than the monolingual counterparts which would suggest you might expect more deterioration than is actually observed in this population.

True or False: Monolingual speakers are better than bilingual speakers at switching between two tasks.

False—Bilingual speakers are better at switching between tasks. As stated in the text, an example of this is bilingual speakers switch more rapidly between categorizing objects by color to categorizing them by shape—better cognitive control to switch more rapidly.

What is the best way to assess vocabulary size in a young bilingual child?

If possible, the therapist should assess the child's vocabulary in both languages. The therapist should assess the number of conceptual representations a child has in both languages, not the number of lexical labels known. For example, if the child knows the word "gato" in Spanish and the word "cat" in English, the child has one conceptual representation for a small, purring animal but two lexical labels for that animal. This would count as one vocabulary item, not two.

1. Which of the following is not a potential advantage of bilingualism: (Marian & Shook 2012) a. Improved naming skills b. Improved executive function skills c. Improved memory d. Improved language-learning skills

Improved naming skills

What is a transitional bilingual program and why are transitional bilingual programs inadequate for students with limited English proficiency?

In a transitional bilingual program, content information is taught in a student's native language while the student is learning English as a second language. Once the student is deemed proficient in English or after a specific time limit, typically three years, they are transitioned out of the program and receive all instruction in English. The challenge with this model is that students may have proficiency in English for basic interpersonal communication, but not have proficiency in English for academic learning in an all English environment. Transitioning students out of a supported program when they do not have the necessary English language skills for academic success is setting them up for failure in an academic environment.

What is the difference between independent variable and dependent variables? Give an example.

Independent variables are what are being manipulated and dependent variables are what are being measured. If you were interested in how language proficiency influences reading speed, you may want to design an experiment in which bilinguals with varying proficiency levels are asked to read text passages. In this case, language proficiency is the independent variable and reading speed is the dependent variable

Why is it important to conduct culturally appropriate assessments and treatment? (Myers-Jennings)

It is important for many reasons, but here are a few: Different dialects/languages have different phonological repertoires, so you may consider phonological differences as a "disorder" in a young child who speaks a different dialect when in actuality, it is not a part of their repertoire and therefore not something they have learned yet Phonological development is different between children who speak different dialects (certain sounds may come in at different times depending on your dialect), so you want to consider if a particular sound is typically developed at the time of assessment before deciding whether or not they have a phonological disorder. We want to emphasize contrast, not correctness (for example, voice onset time is different in Spanish than English, so a Spanish speaker may pronounce /p/ with less aspiration than we may consider "correct" for an English speaker, but if it is intelligible and a contrast between their /b/ and /p/ exists, it is not "incorrect."

Explain the two continuums that are expressed within Figure 2.2: The Range of Contextual Support and Degreee of Cognitive Involvement in Communicative activities.

One continuum defined in the figure represents the range of contextual support for expressing or receiving meaning: "context-embedded vs. "context-reduced". The second continuum is representative of the specific communicative task that is being considered, divided by "cognitively undemanding" vs. "cognitively demanding".

"Speech community" refers to the speech pattern of a particular group. List two factors that may affect a groups "speech community".

Potential answers: age, length of time in the United States (or any country), frequency with witch a language is spoken at home, social status in the community, sound system of the first language, etc.

Give two examples of how issues of power are enacted in the classroom.

Power of the teacher over the students; power of publishers over textbook; creators of curriculum over what is taught in the classroom; power of an individual to determine what is "normal" intelligence. Source: Delpit

1) What are three ways an interventionist can learn about different cultures?

Reading about the culture, speaking to members of the culture, and learning the language of the culture

Sandra is a new CF SLP at a rehabilitation hospital. One of her newly admitted patients is a native speaker of Arabic and doesn't know English. Before her first session with this patient, Sandra made sure to learn as much about this patient's language and culture, and she requested an Arabic interpreter who works for the hospital. During the session, she made sure to speak clearly but not more loudly, looking at the interpreter as she spoke to make sure her point got across. She also made use of visual materials written in Arabic during the session. Question: What mistake did Sandra make during this speech therapy session? Why?

Sandra should not have looked at the interpreter as she spoke; instead, it is advised that, when working with an interpreter, the clinician looks at the patient/family in order to observe nonverbal communication and establish rapport. However, it would still be important for cultural norms for eye contact to be kept in mind. (Lynch, 1998)

What are two ways in which a person can learn about other cultures?

Short answer, possible answers: 1. Study and read about the culture. 2. Talk and work with individuals from the culture who can act as guides. 3. Participate in daily life and activities of another culture. 4. Learn the language of another culture. Lynch (1998)

Describe one example of how language may influence thought.

Some languages assign a grammatical gender to an inanimate object. When speakers of these languages are asked to name adjectives to describe an object, they tend to use adjectives that are grammatically linked to the assigned gender of the object , even when the task is done in English, a language that does not assign grammatical gender to objects. While this suggests that grammatical gender has subtle influences on thinking, it is difficult to determine how this impacts overall thought processes.

2. Which correctly describes the findings of neurological activation in a bilingual adolescent compared to a monolingual adolescent conducted by Marian & Shook. a. Stronger neural response to a sound was found in bilingual adolescents b. Weaker neural response to a sound was found in bilingual adolescents c. No difference between monolingual and bilingual listeners was found.

Stronger neural response to a sound was found in bilingual adolescents

Describe the Dual Iceberg Representation of Bilingual Proficiency.

The "dual iceberg" model suggests that there are common underlying proficiencies in conceptual and linguistic knowledge that support the overall linguistic proficiency in both languages. Supporting the growth and development of these underlying proficiencies in L1 will promote development in L2, given opportunity and experience with L2. For example, development of reading and writing strategies in L1 will transfer to reading and writing skills in L2, in a supported environment.

According to Delpit's theory on the "culture of power," why do children from middle-class homes tend to do better in school than those from non-middle class homes?

The culture of the school is based on the culture of the upper and middle classes; thus they carry the codes or rules of power.

What are some major language-based limitations of conducting studies about linguistic relativity/determinism:

There are a couple of possible limitations. First, the results may be limited to the specific language, and they may not be true of non-linguistic thoughts. Second, there is no 1:1 translation between any two languages. Therefore, the different groups of participants may be receiving slightly different instructions, which can impact the results depending on the question being asked. Finally, the task at hand may drive some participants to consciously use the boundaries of their language to drive their decisions during the task. For example, in a study determining whether gendered language affects judgments of words, a participant who does not know how to decide may consciously use the gender of the object; in other words, an underlying gendered representation of the word may not be driving their choices, but a conscious knowledge of the word's grammatical markers may be.

Experience with two different languages does not in any way cause LD. True/False


Findings of research have found that people's thinking about objects is influenced by the grammatical genders their native language assigns to the objects' names. True or False


TRUE or FALSE: Language co-activation occurs when a listener hears a word that couple map onto words in either language.


TRUE or FALSE: Language-based processing tasks aim to deemphasize the effect of prior experience or exposure to certain language units.


Thinking for speaking differs from language to language and influences other types of thinking. True / false


True or False Individual's mental representations of objects are influenced by the grammatical genders given to objects by a language (Boroditsky, 2003).


True or false. Minorities who consider themselves immigrants do relatively well in school compared to minorities who appear to be indigenous or subjects of former colonial territories.


According to Lynch, which of the following is NOT one of the four most effective ways of learning about other cultures?

Watching actors portrayal of various cultures in the media

Name at least 3 questions that should be asked to determine if a phonological disorder is present in a child with more than one dialect. (Myers-Jennings) ·

What sounds does the child make and are they used correctly or not? · What syllable shapes does the child produce? · What phonological contrasts are present in the child's spontaneous speech? · When the child has failed to preserve contrasts in his/her speech output, what factors seem to be involved? · What phonological rules are active in the child's system?

Short answer: What should be taken into account when using standardized phonological assessments to assess children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds?

When scoring, the child's dialect should be taken into account; dialectical phonological differences are not disorders and therefore shouldn't be marked as errors (Myers-Jennings, p. 184-185). It is preferred for standardized tests to include children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in their original samples.

Which of the following is a characteristic of African American Vernacular English (AAVE): (Circle all correct answers): a. Stopping of word-initial interdentals b. Deletion of /r/ c. Producing clusters d. Deletions of nasal consonant in word-final position with nasalization of the preceding vowel

a b d

What did Levinson (1996) test in Dutch and Tzeltal people as evidence of linguistic relativity? a) Absolute reference system vs. relative reference system b) Vocabulary for tight space fit vs. loose space fit. c) Special terms for time d) Grammatical distinctions between objects and substances

a) Absolute reference system vs. relative reference system

True or false: when a bilingual person hears a word in a language, only other words of the same language are activated.

a) False

What connection was found between grammatical gender and memory? a) Participants were more likely to remember the name of an object if it matched the gender of the object in their native language b) Participants were more likely to remember the name of an object if it did not match the gender of the object in their native language c) Participants were more likely to remember the name of an object if the name could be either a male or female name d) No connection was found between grammatical gender and memory

a) Participants were more likely to remember the name of an object if it matched the gender of the object in their native language

2) What is considered the major difference in language development between bilingual children with learning disabilities and their typically developing peers?

a) The pace of language development is slower for bilingual children with LD

ESL students acquire L2 conversational proficiency faster than academic proficiency because: a. conversations involve more context-embedded situations b. academics involve more context-embedded situations c. conversations involve context reduced situations d. ESL students don't acquire L2 conversational proficiency faster than academic proficiency


How can understanding the effects of cross-linguistic transfer help determine if a bilingual child has an underlying language disorder? (Kohnert Ch 3)

a. Can help separate between expected errors based on the differences of the two languages and errors consistent with a language disorder.

In typical language development, children should be understood most of the time by unfamiliar listeners before age 3.

a. False* *Correct answer → Mostly intelligible to familiar listeners by age 4, 90-100% intelligible to unfamiliar listeners by age 5

t/f In her article, Developing Cross-Cultural Competence, Eleanor W. Lynch states that self-awareness is the first step on the journey toward becoming part of a high-context culture.

a. False* *Correct answer → cross-cultural competence

List at least 3 things that teachers should be familiar with regarding knowledge related to their language minority students. (Nieto - any variation of these would count towards full points)

a. Familiarity with first and second language acquisition b. Awareness of sociocultural/sociopolitical context of education for language minority students c. Awareness of the history of immigration in the US (attention to language policies and practices throughout history) d. Knowledge of the history and experiences of specific groups of people (those who are residents of the city, town, and state where they are teaching) e. Ability to adapt curriculum for students whose first language is one other than English f. Competence in pedagogical approaches suitable for culturally and linguistically heterogeneous classrooms g. Experience with teachers of diverse background and ability to develop collaborative relationships with colleagues that promote the learning of language minority students h. Ability to communicate effectively with parents of diverse language, culture, and social class backgrounds

What is ASHA's position regarding children with limited English proficiency and being diagnosed with a communication disability

a. The child must have limited competence in both English and the language that the child more frequently speaks (also correct = English Dialect is not considered a disorder)

A framework for understanding language acquisition and development as adding a new language rather than subtracting an existing one is known as? a. English Language Learner b. Additive bilingualism c. Minority Speaker Anxiety d. Bilingualism


Hernandez et al. (2000) studied bilingual children's brains in an fMRI study of picture naming in both Spanish and English. Her finding demonstrated: a) Bilingual children only activated brain regions in the language networks of the brain b) Bilingual children activated prefrontal regions of the brain in addition to the language networks of the brain c) Bilingual children showed no difference from monolingual children in terms of brain activation d) Brain activation was wider spread in monolingual children


Inhibitory control is defined as: A) a technique to investigate which brain regions are activated when bilingual people perform tasks B) the ability to ignore competing perceptual information and focus on relevant aspects of the input C) the efficient utilization of break networks to enhance functioning during aging D) the ability to recognize language as system that can be manipulated and explored


Which of these is not true? a) Bilinguilism does not cause developmental language disorders b) Reverting to monolinguilism will benefit a bilingual child with a developmental language disorder c) Bilingual children with developmental language disorders can learn two languages d) The relative level of proficiency of a bilingual child with a developmental language disorders varies with opportunity and experience.

b) Reverting to monolinguilism will benefit a bilingual child with a developmental language disorder

Which of these is not a characteristic of A.A Vernacular English? a) Deletion of /r/, for example /sɪstʌ/ for /sɪstɚ/ b) Substitution of b/v and b/ð c) Word final consonant cluster reduction, for example /tɛs/ for /tɛst/ d) Substitution of f/θ and f/ ð

b) Substitution of b/v and b/ð

Late talkers are included in which umbrella of disorders a. Autism b. Primary Development Language Disorders c. Mutism d. Aphasia


1. In her article, Sex, Syntax, and Semantics (2003), Boroditsky discusses the relationship between grammatical gender and memory as follows: a. Russian-speaking participants remembered object-name pairs better when the gender of the proper name was consistent with the grammatical gender of the name of the object, but English-speaking participants did not b. Participants remembered object-name pairs better when the gender of the proper name was consistent with the grammatical gender of the name of the object (in their native language) c. Participants remembered object-name pairs better when the gender of the proper name was the opposite of the grammatical gender of the name of the object (in their native language) d. There was no significant difference between the speakers of either language with regard to the effect of grammatical gender of their native language and memory

b. Participants remembered object-name pairs better when the gender of the proper name was consistent with the grammatical gender of the name of the object (in their native language)

Which of the following is not a critical element in building cross-cultural competence according to Cross: a. Self-Awareness b. Acceptance c. Knowledge of information specific to each culture d. Skills that enable the individual to engage in successful interactions.

b. acceptance

All teachers should be familiar with the following kinds of knowledge related to their language minority students except: a) Awareness of the history of immigration in the United States b) Knowledge of the history and experiences of specific groups of people c) Linguistic proficiency in their students' first language(s) d) Ability to adapt curriculum for students whose first language is not English

c ???? look up

Which of the following statements correctly describes current evidence for variability in minority academic achievement? a) Minority groups do better in academic achievement than non-dominant groups b) The lower academic achievement of the minorities is proportionate among minority groups c) The lower academic achievement of the minorities is transitory among others and almost nonexistent among other minority groups

c) The lower academic achievement of the minorities is transitory among others and almost nonexistent among other minority groups *The above incorrect statements, corrected to be true statements: a) Minority groups do less well in academic achievement than non-dominant groups b) The lower academic achievement of the minorities is disproportionate and persistent only among some minority groups

Which of the following is not correct about linguistic diversity in the United States? a. The number of language minority students has increased significantly. b. Language diversity is often viewed as troublesome in the classroom c. U.S. language policies and procedures are uniform. d. There are disputes about bilingual education


Which of the following is not one of the 5 aspects of power discussed in Delpit's article? a. Issues of power are enacted in classrooms b. The rules of the culture of power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who have power c. All those who have power are likely to abuse it at some point in their life d. There are codes or rules for participating in power


Which is not a characteristic of African American Vernacular English? a) Word-final consonant cluster reduction (e.g., tes' for test) b) Substitution of /I/ for /e/ before nasals (e.g., pin for pen) c) Deletion of /r/ in the initial position (e.g., 'ed for red) d) Deletion of nasal consonant in word-final position with nasalization of preceding vowel (e.g., moo' for moon)

c. Deletion of /r/ in the initial position (e.g., 'ed for red)

In Lisa Delpit's article, The Silenced Dialogue: Power and Pedagogy in Education Other People's Children, which of the following is not an aspect of power she proposes: a. The rules of the culture of power are a reflection of the rules of the culture of those who have power. b. There are codes or rules for participating in power; that is, there is a "culture of power" c. Issues of power are enacted at birth. d. Those with power are frequently least aware of its existence. Those with less power are often most aware of its existence.

c. Issues of power are enacted at birth. (C) is the correct answer (Correct information: "Issues of power are enacted in the classroom.")

'All of the following are literacy related skills involved in the common underlying proficiency except: a. Conceptual knowledge b. Higher order thinking skills c. Common experience d. High IQs


(Neto) In order for teachers to provide the highest quality teaching instruction to minority language students, the teacher should have knowledge on which of the following: a) familiarity with first and second language acquisition b) awareness of sociocultural context of education for language minority students c) knowledge of history and experiences of specific groups of people d) all of the above


Bilingual Education is controversial because: a. It represents the class and ethnic group interests of traditionally subordinated groups b. It lends itself to a political issue because it is concerned with the relative power or lack of power of various groups in our society. c. Students can learn their native language while learning English d. Options A and B


The following information is important for clinicians to understand in order to make less biased phonological assessments in children except: a. Information on particular languages and their dialects b. Sensitivity and knowledge of linguistic influence on a child's speech c. The social characteristics of a child's community d. The clinician must speak a dialect of the child they are assessing


Which of the following does language influence? a. Evidence regarding space b. Human cognition c. People's understanding of others minds d. All of the above e. None of the above


Which of the following is not an example of cultural beliefs that can potentially influence clinical practice: a. interdependence versus independence b. cooperation above competition c. authoritative versus permissive childrearing d. identification versus membership with a culture


Which is an example of a veiled directive? a) Get your coat and backpack from your locker. b) Sit up straight with your feet on the floor. c) Line up at the door. d) Try to do your best work.

d) Try to do your best work.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of African American Vernacular English (AAVE)? a) Deletion of /l/ in word-final abutting consonants b) Deletion of /I/ c) Stopping of word-initial interdentals d) Substitution of /b/ for /v/


Which of these is NOT a characteristic of African American Vernacular English? a. Word-final consonant cluster reduction b. Deletion of nasal consonant in word- final position with nasalization of preceding vowel c. Deletion of /r/ d. No labiodental or interdental


How can you achieve cross-culture competence? a. Neglect our own culture to be someone else's b. Lower our defenses c. Watch a movie about stereotypes d. Have a flexible mind e. Both B and D


Which of the following are internal and environmental factors that can influence the development and maintenance of two languages? · a) age · b) developmental state · c) social status · d) input context · e) all of the above


Which of the following is NOT a way to gather culture-specific information? a. Learn through studying and reading about the culture b Talking and working with individuals from the culture who can act as cultural guides or mediators c. Participate in the daily life of another culture d. Learn the language of another culture e. Insult somebody and learn from it


T/F: By asking Spanish and German speakers to rate similarity of pairs of unlabeled pictures, Boroditsky, Schmidt, and Phillips (2002) showed that grammatical gender did not affect nonlinguistic tasks.


True or False: When bilinguals' brains are analyzing speech output their brain typically only activates one language? Marian


True/False: Those with power are frequently most aware of its existence; however, those with less power are often least aware of its existence.


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