MUS Exam 1

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A set of two rows of steel bars, struck by metal or acrylic mallets, making a bright ringing tone


A set of variously sized metal tubes suspended on a heavy frame sounding similar to church bells

Transverse Flute

A side blown air pipe that was often made of wood


Bowl shaped drums played in sets tunable by pedals

A. Emphasize some beats more than others B. Suggest a particular meter.

A succession of varying length of notes may A. Emphasize some beats more than others B. Suggest a particular meter. C. Negate the steadiness of the beat D. Make some notes louder than others




Because beat number one is where crds most often change, as well as where rhythmic and melodic patterns most often begin, it is also referred to as the _________.


A buzzy sounding instrument using double reed


Large, round metal discs that may be crashed against each other for a metallic splash of sound

Compound Meter

Meters in which the primary beat is divided into halves are called simple meters. Meters in which the primary beat is divided equally into thirds is called_______.

English Horn


A. Legato: moving without any silence between consecutive notes. B. Staccato: separated and short

Select the accurate descriptions for legato and staccato articulations. A. Legato: moving without any silence between consecutive notes. B. Staccato: separated and short C. Legato: separated and short D. Staccato: moving without any silence between consecutive notes.

An Interval

The distance between two pitches is referred to as________.


The statement of a melodic idea first by one voice and then immediately by another is called ________?

Tone color

Timbre may also be referred to as __________.

Chamber Ensemble

What is the general term for a small performing group, usually without a conductor, in which only one person is assigned to each part?


What is the organization of beats into regular groups called?

The Key Signature

What is the set of sharp signs or flay signs that follow the clef sign?

A Chromatic Scale

What is the type of scale that uses the twelve tones of the octave called?

A. American is a triple meters because it has a downbeat on every third beat B. Music in a quadruple metere trends to sound similar to music in a duple meter

Which are true statement regarding meters? A. American is a triple meters because it has a downbeat on every third beat B. Music in a quadruple metere trends to sound similar to music in a duple meter C. In a duple meters, beat is a weak beat and beat two is strong beat C. In duple meters, beat one is weak and beat two is a strong beat D. Mary Had A Little Lamb is in a triple meter because every third beat is accented

C. The tonic triad is normally used at the end of a composition to provide a sense of closure D. The tonic triad's roots, or beginning note, is scale degree number one

Which are true statements concerning the tonic triad? A. The tonic triad is the most dissonant tried of all B. The tonic triad is composed of three notes: do, re, and mi C. The tonic triad is normally used at the end of a composition to provide a sense of closure D. The tonic triad's roots, or beginning note, is scale degree number one

-Binary form has two sections, which may or may not be repeated. -Binary form has two sections which may or may not be equal length. -Binary form may repeat one of its sections without repeating the other one.

Which are true statements regarding binary music?

-Polyphony may be composed of differing melodies which compete for the listener''s attention -Polyphony is also correctly referred to as contrapuntal texture

Which are true statements regarding polyphony?

-The altered notes in an minor melody tend to create different character from a melody in a major key -To lower any of a major scale's white key is notating a minor scale, flat sign must be used

Which are true statements regarding the minor scale?

-The key of a piece of music will identify its central pitch, scale type and tonic chord -Key and tonality are similar two different terms which means the same thing

Which are true statements regarding tonality and key?


two pieced of wood usually hinged at one end, which create a loud "crack" when slapped together


A circular wooden frame with one head, and metal jingles held in place by thin posts


A double reed instrument with an air bag and a drone pipe

Snare Drum

A two headed trim the lower head of which has metal or nylon wires stretched against it

Bass Clarinet



In harmony, a combination of tones that is state and whose sound has a sense of arrival or resolution is referred to as __________.

Loudness or softness of sound

In music, dynamic level refers to the ________.

The speed of the beat

In music, tempo is________.


In music, the flow of sound through time is called_______.

Woodwind and brass instruments

In the 1800's technology had improved the quality and expanded the range of ______.

A half step

In western music, the smallest possible distance between any two different notes is called______.

Ternary Form

In which type of musical form is there a musical statement then contrasting statement then a return to the first musical statement?


One way of accenting a note is to make it _____ than the notes around it.




Precursor of the modern flute, an end blown whistle with finger holes

Unity and variety

The essence of musical form lies in the presence of _________.


The melodic and harmonic construction of music around a central tone towards which other tones gravitate is called______?

Percussion section

The most growth in the orchestra of the 19th century occurred in the ________.


The unexpected accent of an "offbeat" note is called_________.


True or False The minor scale is different from the major scale because it takes some of the major scale's notes and raises them.


True or False Both unison and the octave are intervals in which the two notes have the same letter name.


True or False In western music changing key is a way to strengthen listeners interest in longer musical selections.

Plucking, striking, and bowling

Which of the following are possible wast to play string instruments?

Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Tuba

Which is the correct from highest to lowest pitch range of the modern brass family instruments?

Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass

Which is the correct order from highest to lowest, for the four primary modern bowed string instruments?


Which letter combinations represent acceptable examples of binary form in music?

Harp Psaltery and Guitar

Which of the following are commonly used modern plucking string instruments?

A. Irregular meters include those with five or seven beats per measure C. Irregular meters are less common than duple, triple, and quadruple meters.

Which of the following are true statements about irregular meters? A. Irregular meters include those with five or seven beats per measure B. Irregular meters are most often found in music of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries C. Irregular meters are less common than duple, triple, and quadruple meters. D. Irregular meters and compound meters are the same thing.

B. Dissonance in music created momentum because of its tendency to resolve to consonance C. Dissonance refers to sounds that clash against each other and produce a sense of tension

Which of the following are true statements regarding consonance or dissonance? A. Consonance refers to sounds that clash against each other and produce a sense of tension B. Dissonance in music created momentum because of its tendency to resolve to consonance C. Dissonance refers to sounds that clash against each other and produce a sense of tension

-The cello's range is lower than that of the violin and viola audits timbre is also deeper -The double bass may be referred to by a few other names, including string bass

Which of the following are true statements regarding the modern bowed string instrument?

A. A series of notes that add up to a recognizable whole C. A serious of notes arranged in a creative order with a specific rhythmic character

Which of the following could be used to define a melody? A. A series of notes that add up to a recognizable whole B. A group of simultaneous notes which sound good together C. A serious of notes arranged in a creative order with a specific rhythmic character D. A rhythm flowing through time

A group for various instruments from instrumental families

Which of the following descriptions of an orchestra is most accurate?

A measure

Which of the following is a group of fixed number of beats?

Flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon

Which of the following is a list of four modern woodwind instruments typically found in the orchestra?

-More complex accompaniment -Change in a few of the melody's notes

Which of the following may occur in variation section in theme and variations form?

B. Higher pitches are notated higher on the staff than are lower pitches D. Pitch is related to how fast something vibrates

Which of the following statements about pitch is true? A. Pitch is a measure of how loud a sound is B. Higher pitches are notated higher on the staff than are lower pitches C. Increasing how fast something vibrates creates a lower sounding pitch D. Pitch is related to how fast something vibrates


Which of the following terms refers to simultaneous tones, or pitches, in music?

Lute, Psaltery, Harp

Which of the following were popular plucked string instruments prior to 1750?


Which percussion instruments in use prior to 1750 was originally tuned solely by adjusting screws or bolts around its edges?


Which pitch succession is an example of a melodic leap?

-The french horn and tube all uses vales to alter their pitch -The cornet is brass instrument which is very similar to the trumpet

Which statement are true regarding modern brass instruments?

B. The terms diminuendo and decrescendo are synonymous, and both indicate that the music should become gradually softer C. A diminuendo means that the music should become gradually softer D. Composers indicate a gradual increase in dynamic level with a crescendo

Which statement regarding gradual changes in dynamic level are true? A. Composers indicate a gradual increase in dynamic level with a decrescendo B. The terms diminuendo and decrescendo are synonymous, and both indicate that the music should become gradually softer C. A diminuendo means that the music should become gradually softer D. Composers indicate a gradual increase in dynamic level with a crescendo

A. If you start on a C and play every white note until the next C, you will be playing a C major scale C. A C major scale has the range of one octave, if limited to eight consecutive notes

Which statement regarding major scales and pitch range are true? A. If you start on a C and play every white note until the next C, you will be playing a C major scale B. A piano's pitch range refers to the total distance between its loudest and softest pitches C. A C major scale has the range of one octave, if limited to eight consecutive notes D. If you start on a C and play every black note and white note until the next C, you will be playing a C major scale

A. Phrases may end with a degree of finality at a melodic resting point called a cadence B. Some cadences are incomplete, while other cadences are complete D. A theme is a melody which serves as a structural element and may be restated or varied

Which statement regarding melodic construction are true? A. Phrases may end with a degree of finality at a melodic resting point called a cadence B. Some cadences are incomplete, while other cadences are complete C. A sequence is the exact repetition of a melodic pattern D. A theme is a melody which serves as a structural element and may be restated or varied

-The last A section does not have as long as the first A section -The last A section may have some slight changes from the first A section

Which statements are true regarding ternary form in music?

A. The tonic arpeggio, like an arpeggio based on any notes , is a chord played or sung one note at a time B. The tonic arpeggio is used at the beginning of the melody of the star spangled banner

Which statements concerning the tonic arpeggio? A. The tonic arpeggio, like an arpeggio based on any notes , is a chord played or sung one note at a time B. The tonic arpeggio is used at the beginning of the melody of the star spangled banner C. The tonic arpeggio is composed of the first five notes of the major scale D. The tonic arpeggio is dissonant, but the tonic triad is consonant


Which texture may be defined as a single melody, without the presence of harmony, regardless of the number of type of performers?


Which texture may be defined as two or more melodies of similar interest performed simultaneously?


Which texture may be described as consisting of one primary melody supported by accompanying harmony?

-To indicate the meter, traditionally with the right hand -To indicate dynamic levels, traditionally with the left hand -To indicate points in the music where instruments should enter, traditionally with the left hand

Which the following are typical duties of a conductor?

-The modern orchestra started to develop at about this time -The piano became widely popular by 1750, essentially replacing the harpsichord

Why is the year 1750 a reasonable date to mark the division between older and more modern instruments?


a set of two rows of wooden bars, struck by hard mallets for a brittle sound

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