Muscular System

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The _________ of skeletal muscle play the same role as dense bodies in smooth muscle.

Z discs

a bundle of actin and myosin myofilaments within a muscle cell is called _________

a myofibril

The web between your thumb and palm consists mainly of ________ muscle

adductor pollicis

slow oxidative muscle fibers have all of the following except ______. -an abundance of myoglobin -an abundance of glycogen -high fatigue resistance -a red color -a high capacity to synthesize ATP aerobically

an abundance of glycogen

muscle cells must have all of the following properties except _________ to carry out their function? -extensibility -elasticity -autorhythmicity -contractility -conductivity


Which of the following has the least in common with the other four? - vastus intermedius - vastus lateralis - vastus medialis - rectus femoris - biceps femoris

biceps femoris

Ejaculation results from the contraction of the ________ muscle.


The word _____ in a muscle name indicates a function related to the head


Which of the following muscle proteins is not intracellular? -actin -myosin -collagen -troponin -dystrophin


The ______ muscle, named for its skeletal attachments, originates on the coracoid process of the scapula, ends on the humerus, and adducts the arm


The major superficial muscle of the shoulder, where injections are often given, is the _______.


Smooth muscle cells have ________, whereas skeletal muscle fibers do not

dense bodies

a feature found in smooth muscles but lacking from cardiac muscle is ________

dense bodies

The _______ muscle, named for its two bellies, opens the mouth.


Within a given muscle, which of these connective tissues is deepest? - fascicle - aponeurosis - perimysium - epimysium - endomysium


The prime mover of spinal extension is the __________

erector spinae

Any muscle that moves the toes by the belly in the leg would be considered a/an __________ muscle of the the foot


unitary smooth muscle cells can stimulate each other because they have _______

gap junctions

Which of these is not a suprahyoid muscle? - genioglossus - geniohyoid - stylohyoid - mylohyoid - digastric


The most medial adductor of the thigh is the long, slender _______.


If a muscle has the word hallucis in its name, it must cause movement of the _____.

great toe

The three large muscles on the posterior side of the thigh are collectively known by the colloquial name of ______ muscles.


As its name implies, the ______ nerve controls several muscles of the tongue.


The _____ and _____ are hip flexors that originate on the pelvis and lumbar vertebrae and converge on a shared tendon that ends on the lesser trochanter of the femur.

iliacus, psoas major

The thyrohyoid muscle attaches to the thyroid cartilage of the ________.


Which of these muscles of the pelvic floor is the deepest? - superficial transverse perineal - bulbospongiosus - ischiocavernosus - deep transverse perineal - levator ani

levator ani

The abdominal aponeuroses converge on a median fibrous band on the abdomen called the _________

linea alba

The interosseous muscles lie between ________

metacarpal bones

Skeletal muscle fibers develop by the fusion of embryonic cells called __________.


Muscle contains an oxygen-storage pigment called __________.


Thich myofilaments consists mainly of the protein __________


The region where a motor nerve fiber meets a skeletal muscle fiber is called a/an _____________.

neuromuscular junction or motor end plate

Which of the following muscles could you most easily do without? - flexor digitorum profundus - trapezius - palmaris longus - triceps brachii - tibialis anterio

palmaris longus

A wave of contraction passing along the esophagus or small intestine is called ____________.


ACh receptors are found in ______

postsynaptic membrane folds

The _____ produce(s) lateral grinding movements of the jaw.


The patella is embedded in the tendon of the ________ muscle

quadriceps femoris

Which of the following muscles is an antagonist of the erector spinae? - semispinalis thoracis - rectus abdominis - quadratus lumborum - trapezius - splenius capitis

rectus abdominis

Which of the following muscles does not extend the hip joint? - rectus femoris - gluteus maximus - biceps femoris - semitendinosus - semimembranosus

rectus femoris

Connective tissue bands called ________ prevent flexor tendons from rising like bowstrings.


Which of these actions is not performed by the trapezius? - extension of the neck - depression of the scapula - elevation of the scapula - rotation of the scapula - adduction of the humerus

rotation of the scapula

a feature found in skeletal and cardiac muscle but lacking from smooth muscle is ________


Which of these is not in the anterior compartment of the thigh? - semimembranosus - rectus femoris - vastus intermedius - vastus lateralis - sartorius


Muscle with the best fatigue resistance can be expected to consist mainly of the ______ type of muscle fibers.

slow oxidative

Both the gastrocnemius and _____ muscles insert on the heel by way of the calcaneal tendon.


Which of these muscles is an extensor of the neck? - external oblique - sternocleidomastoid - splenius capitis - iliocostalis - latissimus dorsi

splenuis capitis

The ______ muscles diverge like a V from the middle of the upper thorax to attachments behind the ears.


Acetylcholine is released from organelles called ______________.

synaptic vesicles

Which of these muscles does not contribute to the rotator cuff? - supraspinatus - infraspinatus - subscapularis - teres major - teres minor

teres major

Pronation of the forearm is achieved by two muscles, the pronator ______ just distal to the elbow and the pronator ________ near the wrist.

teres, quadratus

Parts of the sarcoplasmic reticulum called ___________ lie on each side of a T tubule

terminal cisterns

Both the hands and feet are acted upon by a muscle or muscles called ______

the abductor digiti minimi

A muscle that aids in chewing without moving the mandible is _________

the buccinator

The triceps surae is a muscle group composed of _______

the gastrocnemius and soleus

the calcium needed for skeletal muscle contraction comes from ________

the sarcoplasmic reticulum

All of the following muscles act on the vertebral column except - the serratus posterior superior. - the iliocostalis thoracis. - the longissimus thoracis. - the spinalis thoracis. - the multifidus.

the serratus posterior superior

The largest muscle of the upper back is the ________.


To activate the contraction of skeletal muscle, calcium ions must bind to the protein _________.


The anterior half of the perineum is a region called the _________.

urogenital triangle

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