Music Appreciation

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A theme is normally shorter than a motif


Feudal society flourished during the Renaissance period.


The abbreviation SSATTB for mixed chorus means 1st soprano, 2nd soprano, alto, 1st tenor, 2nd tenor, baritone


Which composer succeeded in remaining employed by his patron for thirty years and was well-loved by the musicians he led? Haydn Beethoven Mozart none of the above


Who is the "Father of the Symphony?"


_______________ is considered the master of counterpoint in Baroque music.


the period of artistic history from about 1600-1750, when the highly ornamental, expressive style of art, literature, and music flourished in Europe


Which medieval composer wrote a theory paper on the importance of new rhythms? Guillame de Phillipe Philippe de Vitry Guillame de Machaut none of the above

Philippe de Vitry

any technique that aids memory

mnemonic device

a thin piece on an instrument that's vibrated by air to create sound


The art of speeding up and slowing down the tempo of a piece in order to add emotion is called __________ .


A harp is an instrument with strings that is located in the percussion section of the orchestra.


the abbreviation for "without opus number"




a person who leads an ensemble


movement by steps in melody


Playing the __________ involves scraping two metal disks together

crash cymbal

Which of the following is not a traditional Puerto Rican instrument? maracas cuatro guiro crwth


a Welsh stringed instrument


a taut membrane stretched over the open end of a drum and beaten to produce sound


The word mezzo is mainly used in associated with _____ articulation dynamics timbre subito


the degree from loud to soft in music


an additional piece played after a concert


an octave that is tuned in 12 equal tones to avoid unpleasant sounds

equal temperament

What is the initial statement of the theme in sonata-allegro form called? exposition recapitulation development coda


the first statement of the theme in sonata-allegro form


In which category of music would you find a song typically sung while working? ethnic popular folk art


The organizational structure of a piece of music is its _____ phrase form consequent introduction


Suites were typically _____ works. vocal dance keyboard instrumental dance sacred dance

instrumental dance

Which of the following is not a shared characteristic of most cultural music? universal theme pattern instruments function


Jose heard a song on the radio as he was flipping between stations. He immediately remembered that his brother, Juan, played that piece on his guitar. Jose's response was _______ emotional physical intellectual none of the above


material that precedes the main section or movement


A _____ is used to strike percussion instruments drumhead keyboard mallet bow




Which of the following is not an accurate nickname for the Baroque Era? Age of Discovery Age of Humanism Age of Theater Age of Reason

Age of Humanism

In spite of his deafness, _____ continued to compose and perform through the last ten years of his life. Haydn Beethoven Mozart both b and c


Finish this quote: "_____ affects music, and music affects _____." Instruments Culture Heritage Universal theme


Baroque composers wrote very few large-scale sacred vocal pieces.


Music participation is most rewarding when you are the performer


Only those who perform music professionally can have a true appreciation for music


The term "baroque" still holds a somewhat negative connotation today.


With the downplay of emotion in Classical music, music from this period doesn't usually exhibit the traits necessary for enduring quality


What took place during the Classical Era that improved basically every area of life? Age of Enlightenment Industrial Revolution the discovery of oxygen American Revolution

Industrial Revolution

A single composer may write classical pieces of many different styles and sounds


the period of artistic history from about 1820-1900, characterized by a highly emotional, imaginative style


Which of the following occurred during Romantic times? Age of Enlightenment Second Industrial Revolution American Revolution Age of Humanism

Second Industrial Revolution

an improvised passage allowing a soloist to show his virtuosity


a small unstaged opera-like work with a secular or sacred theme


music written for small ensembles for an intimate setting

chamber music

A _____ is most like a madrigal in theme and voicings. chant proper chanson mass


a secular French polyphonic song set to poetry


Martin Luther significantly popularized the _________ form.


a vernacular hymn


a piano-like instrument with a very small keyboard


Choose the terms that describe timbre mezzo clear harsh brilliant soft

clear harsh brilliant

verses sung to the same tune interspersed with chorus using a different tune (ABAB...)

contrasting verse-chorus form

Artistic patronage __________ in the Romantic era.


Artistic patronage ___________ in part because of Classical period public concerts.


a large category of works in similar form or style


The philosophy of _________ exalts man, the mind, and creativity.


multiple voice texture of independent melodies incorporating phrase imitation, which was predominant in Renaissance music

imitative polyphony

Which of the following characterizes Renaissance music? imitative polyphony often printed religious in nature mainly instrumental

imitative polyphony often printed religious in nature

theatrical play with stock good and evil characters in which the hero always saves the day


the main tune in a piece of music


Choose the inventions of the Baroque era. eyeglasses mercury barometer harvester microscope pressure cooker printing press slide rule

mercury barometer microscope pressure cooker slide rule

a traveling musician




a grand staged drama put to music


During the Baroque era, instruments were further honed and developed, so they became easier to _____ and _____. hear play tune buy

play tune



The center of musical development during the Medieval period was _____. feudalism individual religion societal



string quartet

Instruments in an orchestra are typically divided into what four categories? strings percussion oboes trombones woodwinds brass

strings percussion woodwinds brass



an electronic keyboard capable of multiple instrument sounds


____________ means a conscious appreciation for the arts


Choose the term below that you would not find as a musical part of the Medieval mass. Kyrie Gloria Credo Sanctus Agnus organum

Agnus organum

accompaniment in which the triads are played as broken chords in a root-5th-3rd-5th pattern

Alberti bass

A piece of music in the key of B flat major is based on the ___________ scale.

B flat major

the period of artistic history from about 1750-1820, characterized by orderliness


American authors _____ and _____ embraced nature and the individual in their works about frontier life. Keats, Wordsworth Cooper, Harte Cooper, Byron Harte, Keats Coleridge, Wordsworth

Cooper, Harte

Analyzing responses to music holds little value for the non-musician


Expression is not necessarily an important tool for communicating most music effectively


Feudal society gave equal educational and artistic opportunities to men and women alike.


Medieval and Renaissance motets both incorporate multiple languages within a single piece.


None of the four forms could ever be changed or omitted in a large-scale instrumental work of Classical style.


Who wrote "Canzon in Double Echo," a piece dubbed the first instrumental 'surround sound' music? Luther Ockeghem de Vinci Gabrieli


During the Eisteddfod festival, Welsh performers and composers receive awards for: art poetry prose dance music

art prose music

a concert vocal solo with piano

art song

the initial attack of a note


A(n) _____________ shape in a melody incorporates pitches that mainly rise or become higher.


A _________ is most effective performing in smaller, more intimate settings because of the ensemble size and musical style

chamber ensemble

an order of chords

chord progression

Which of the following was not a scientific advancement or invention in the Romantic era? telephone hypodermic needle electric lightbulb telegraph cotton gin

cotton gin

the combining of two or more melodies coherently to create musical harmony without the help of chords


the theory that certain melodic, harmonic, or rhythmic patterns would invoke certain human emotions

doctrine of affections

The _____ is the lowest pitched orchestral stringed instrument cello violin harpsichord double bass

double bass

The movable-type printing press was _____ than previous printing methods. harder faster slower more expensive


a numbering system that indicates bass harmony

figured bass

an accidental that lowers a note's pitch 1/2 step


the organizational structure of music


ancestor of the modern piano, capable of a wide range of dynamics




a form in which themes are introduced and imitated in counterpoint style


Which section of the orchestra is considered the foundation because of its unique timbre? strings brass percussion woodwinds


Feudalism was based on _____ and military protection. land ownership money religious power artistic ability

land ownership

smooth, connected articulation


words sung to music


Italian secular polyphonic song most famous during the Renaissance


Which of the following is not typical of Medieval music? monophonic or polyphonic often not written down religious in nature mainly instrumental

mainly instrumental

Which element does not belong in this list? Characteristics of Baroque Music vocal minor tonality contrast mainly religious

mainly religious

a stick used to play an instrument



minuet and trio

Medieval music is characterized by _________ tonality.


Medieval education was typically provided by _____ to the _____. serfs, clergy kings, nobility nobles, knights monks, nobility

monks, nobility

a texture characterized by a solo voice with instrumental accompaniment


Which vocal textures were preferred during the Baroque period? monody homophonic polyphonic none of the above

monody homophonic

the texture of a single tune in all parts


Which types of texture have a single, clear melody? monophonic polyphonic homophonic resolution

monophonic homophonic

The texture of medieval music is typically _____ or _____. monophonic homophonic polyphonic

monophonic polyphonic

The composer Machaut helped establish the _____ form in Medieval music. organum motet polyphonic plainchant


Which style of polyphony uses a borrowed chant and arranges several new melodies and texts above and unrelated to the chant?


a short musical idea that recurs throughout a piece


an individual section within a longer musical work


The Doctrine of the Affections, which was widely used in Baroque music, stated that _____. music should invoke a certain emotion or mood music should never affect the emotions music should elicit several moods at once music is inherently emotional

music should invoke a certain emotion or mood

artistic style of the Classical period characterized by elegance, form, and balance


Which of the following was not a factor in the gradual shift from Classical to Romantic philosophy? Second Industrial Revolution new love for the arts dissatisfaction with political revolutions new focus on religion

new focus on religion

The ___________ is a double-reed woodwind


Which of these genres use a libretto? opera prelude oratorio concerto

opera oratorio

a musical work (also Op.)


a large group of people playing instruments usually including strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion


the art of writing for orchestra




first polyphonic music, in which other voice parts are added to a plainchant




What single word best expresses the Baroque arts? man religion patron ornament


A(n) _____ is an instrumental piece that typically introduces an opera. counterpoint oratorio overture program music


What dynamic would mostly likely be used for soothing spa music? ff mf subito mp p


a person or institution who hired and paid an artist for personal use


short, clipped articulation


Which genre was most important to the Classical era composers? concerto symphony opera sonata


Which type of expression deals with the unique sound of a person singing? timbre legato dynamics articulation


sound quality unique to a particular voice, instrument, or group


The ____________ of classical music refers to the fact that it lasts beyond the time period in which it was written

timeless appeal

Which of these instruments has the highest range? cello French horn flute timpani



to pay attention consciously to sound

Which of the following is not a good reason for studying music appreciation? to enjoy music to play an instrument better to increase your knowledge of basic musical elements to learn about music in different cultures

to play an instrument better


to sense sounds around you with the ear

The _____ is known for its difficult passages, stunning scale work, and a propensity to highlight a performer's virtuosity. sonata toccata oratorio fugue


The _____ is the "home key" of a scale where all other pitches must come to rest key dominant leading tone tonic


A _____ is a type of chord that consists of three pitches on consecutive lines or spaces monophony chord triad natural


What were the three famous Classical composers sometimes called? "The Viennese School" "The Fathers of Classical Music" "The European Big Three" none of the above

"The Viennese School"

The place where an event is performed is called a ___________


a place where an event is performed


Harmony concerns mainly _____ pitch relationships horizontal pleasant vertical dissonant


Which of the following would not be appropriate when performing a Baroque keyboard fugue? vocal ensemble improvisation organ terraced dynamics

vocal ensemble

Which of the following ensembles has the fewest members? orchestra vocal quartet symphonic band men's chorus

vocal quartet

Which of the following behaviors should you avoid at a formal classical concert? walking down the aisle to videotape leaving between musical pieces waiting for the house lights before exiting arriving early

walking down the aisle to videotape

an instrument played by blowing air through it

wind instrument

Choose the main instrument sections represented in a Classical orchestra. woodwinds trombones strings keyboards brass percussion

woodwinds strings brass percussion

If you were analyzing a Renaissance piece and found a quick, rapid rhythm accompanying the word "running," you would call it ______ polyphony harmony word painting madrigal

word painting

using melody, harmony, or rhythm to show the meaning of musical text

word painting

a sense of patriotism and devotion to one's own country


all verses sung to the same tune (AAA...)

simple verse form

What time period do we call the Renaissance era?450-1450 1450-1600 1450-1850 450-1600


Which dates represent the span of the Baroque era? 450-1600 1400-1600 1600-1850 1600-1750


A composition written on which date would most likely be written in Classical style? 1559 1859 1759 1659


Which of the following can be true of ternary form? ABA B theme in the same tonality as the A theme AABA three part form characterized by stanzas

ABA AABA three part form

Which of these expression markings would be the most likely to be included on a Romantic composition? Adagio Adagio dolente Adagio allegro Allegro

Adagio dolente

Which of the following would not help you analyze a melody? Look at the pitches. Decide if the melody follows conjunct or disjunct movement. Look for a motif of some kind. Determine an instrumental ensemble appropriate for the melody

Determine an instrumental ensemble appropriate for the melody



Choose the correct statement. The Medieval and Renaissance eras differ only slightly in philosophy and education. Exploration and discovery were prevalent in the Renaissance. Renaissance art was mainly used for religious purposes. Education was available only to the rich during the Renaissance.

Exploration and discovery were prevalent in the Renaissance.



_____ participate in music through actual performance Managers Musicians Audiences Recording engineers




Subsequent eras of history follow one another precisely with little overlap of trends. Subsequent eras of history follow one another precisely with little overlap of trends. The Renaissance period precedes the Baroque period. The Medieval period spans the longest time in human history. The Romantic era follows the Classical era.

Subsequent eras of history follow one another precisely with little overlap of trends.

Explain briefly why the Baroque period is sometimes called "The Age of Theater."

The Baroque period is sometimes called "The Age of Theater" because theatrical dramas developed better stage designs, new machinery, special effect and also in popularity.

Consonance and dissonance are both necessary for a vibrant, balanced harmonic sound


Drums are main instruments in African music


Mozart was the first composers to try a freelance music career instead of patronage employment.


Which of the following would not be an appropriate use of subito? subito p a gradual change from mezzo forte to forte a quick jump from very loud to very soft all of the above are correct uses of the word

a gradual change from mezzo forte to forte

Which artistic category was not prevalent during Medieval times? visual arts literary arts performing arts all of the arts were prevalent

all of the arts were prevalent

Patricia was studying for a test while listening to her iPod. The volume was low, but soon Patricia began to sing along with the song. She stopped reading her notes and began to tap her pencil and move to the beat of the song while she sang. In this example, Patricia's listening progressed from passive to _____



theme and variations

As a transitional composer, ________ led the way to the Romantic style of classical music.




Choose the true statement. Handel wrote the opera Messiah in just 24 days. Vivaldi composed Messiah in Italy. Bach's concerto Messiah features a solo violinist. Handel's Messiah is a sacred oratorio.

Handel's Messiah is a sacred oratorio.

Which composer carries the title "prince of music?" Josquin Palestrina Dufay de Prez


The language of learning was _______ during the Medieval era.


Who has been called the "True Renaissance Man" for his work in a variety of fields? Michelangelo William Harvey William Shakespeare Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

the period of artistic history before 1450, characterized by religious emphasis and themes


_____________ played the most vital musical role in Medieval music.


The mass includes two categories of text. Which section of text is always unchanging, no matter the calendar day or music used? Festival Day Ordinary Organum Proper


music of the mass with unchanging text


Which of the following is not a Renaissance composer? Guillame Dufay Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina Philippe de Vitry Josquin des Prez

Philippe de Vitry

music of the mass with text that changed depending on the occasion


the period of artistic history from about 1450-1600, when artistic style moved away religious themes to a more man-centered focus


sacred polyphonic choral piece for four+ voices in a simple, imitative style set to a single text

Renaissance motet

Which of the following had an effect on the Renaissance arts? Roman architecture fascination with the human body feudal system increased education

Roman architecture fascination with the human body increased educatiom

Choose the true statement. Romantic composers disregarded all of the Classical forms. Romantic composers felt that Classical "rules" for music were meant to be tested, stretched, and sometimes disregarded. Romantic composers craved order and balance in their music. Romantic composers wrote mainly small, quiet orchestral pieces for a small orchestra

Romantic composers felt that Classical "rules" for music were meant to be tested, stretched, and sometimes disregarded.

A basso continuo is provided by a keyboard and low stringed instrument playing the figured bass accompaniment.


Brass instruments are a part of the wind category of instruments


Composers began to gear their music toward a less virtuosic audience in the Classical period.


Organum was first developed by religious singers adding another melody directly above the chant and mirroring the chant line.


The Romantic era was foreshadowed by the German literary movement called "Storm and Stress" that focused on emotionalism and the individual.


The careful cataloging and preservation of the major Baroque composers' works has provided recognizable tonality and understandable harmonies for modern-day listeners.


The piccolo came to be included regularly in the orchestra during the Romantic period.


With the study of classicism, Renaissance culture gradually shifted toward more human-centered thinking called humanism, in which the human mind and individual creativity came to be valued.


the period of artistic history from about 1900-2000, with a style characterized by embracing new ideas and throwing off constraints

Twentieth Century

Although all three significant Baroque composers created concertos, _____ is considered the master of the concerto. Vivaldi Bach Handel Vivaldi and Handel


Which composer had the nickname the "red priest" because of his early vocation and the color of his hair? Handel Vivaldi Bach none of the above


A Renaissance chorale cannot be _____. in Latin secular strophic a and b

a and b

_____ is a favored Baroque vocal texture Monody Harmony Homophony a and c a and b

a and c

(accel. ) a gradual quickening of tempo


A ________________ is an instrumental part added to enhance the main performer


The Alberti bass is a type of __________ played in a broken triad pattern of root-5th-3rd-5th.


instrumental music that supports the main part(s)


human emotions


If you lived in the Renaissance, where would you be most likely to sing a madrigal? after a dinner party during a mass at a funeral never since madrigals are for instruments

after a dinner party

Baroque society was _____ than that of the Renaissance or Medieval periods. wealthier healthier more concerned with social rules all of the above

all of the above

In which musical elements do we see the Classical characteristics of balance and/or order? melody form rhythm harmony all of the above

all of the above

What areas of life and society changed so radically during the Classical period that this time came to be known as the "Age of Revolution?" politics philosophy industry all of the above

all of the above

a pair of musical phrases that complement each other in rhythm and harmony

antecedent and consequent

Which composer(s) were born into musical families? Handel Vivaldi Bach a, b, c b and c

b and c

a large group of instruments usually including woodwinds, brass, and percussion


An alto singer reads music in the ____________ clef.


Which voice part represents the lowest male voice? alto baritone bass tenor


a Baroque figured-bass part, usually played by a keyboard instrument and a low string instrument

basso continuo

the flared end of an instrument


In which form will the A theme move from tonic to dominant to prepare for the B theme? contrasting-verse form ternary form strophic form binary form

binary form

two-part structure (AB)

binary form

A conductor is responsible for ______ keeping time for the ensemble interpreting louds and softs both a and b neither a nor b

both a and b

In which period of music history would you not find a dynamic marking of pppp? Baroque Renaissance Romantic all of the above both a and b

both a and b

What trait could you find in Renaissance music that you would not find in Classical music? polyphony secular style mainly sacred both a and c

both a and c

a wood and horsehair tool used to play many stringed instruments


Which ensembles below would not use strings within the group? woodwind quintet brass duet symphony orchestra wind ensemble

brass duet woodwind quintet wind ensemble

transitional material connecting two sections


Which instruments are held between the knees because of their size? ello piano double bass harp

cello harp

Which term literally means "to sing" and is therefore a vocal genre? sonata opera cantata toccata


a borrowed chant that was the basis for a new composition

cantus firmus

The _____________ was an improvised section of a concerto that showed off the soloist's abilities.


tones outside of the given key, that typically move by half steps


Which of the following is not a brass instrument? trombone tuba trumpet clarinet


the lead violinist in an orchestra


an instrumental work showcasing a soloist or small ensemble, with orchestral accompaniment


The _____ phrase "answers" the antecedent with a similar rhythm and harmony. strophic ternary bridge consequent


a school that specializes in one of the fine arts


a pleasant, stable harmonic sound


an unsettled harmonic sound that wants to resolve to consonance


the middle section of the sonata-allegro form that expands the theme


Which elements are key to Romantic philosophy? emotion logic imagination individualism

emotion imagination individualism

A Baroque patron was someone who _____. paid to see an opera employed personal musicians or artists wrote music developed etiquette rules

employed personal musicians or artists

music characteristic of a particular culture

ethnic music

What is the term for a "fascination with far-off countries and cultures?" exoticism colonialism naturalism nationalism


fascination with far-off countries and cultures


Which one of the following is a characteristic of Romantic music, but not one of the three key characteristics? experimental emotion extremes expression


Which dynamic style was most favored in the Classical period? terraced dynamics few dynamics gradual dynamics none of the above

gradual dynamics

The general size of an orchestra in the Romantic era and the number and variety of its instruments became _____ than that of a Classical orchestra. greater less


Cities and trade ___________ during the Renaissance period.


notes or chords that accompany a melody


the texture of predominant melody accompanied by harmony


Which of these instruments has strings but is not considered a traditional stringed instrument? piano viola bass drum xylophone



piano sonata

Which instrument has the highest range? flute piccolo bassoon tuba


Plucking a stringed instrument may be done with the fingers or a _____ bow pick mallet manual


a small plastic tool used to pluck a stringed instrument


One of the ways the church taught the peasants was through _____. prolific schools private tutoring pictures and scenes built into church architecture giving away hand-copied books

pictures and scenes built into church architecture

When harmonies in a piece of music include several, independent melodies occurring simultaneously, we categorize the music as _____. polyphonic in texture having antecedent & consequent phrases quadruple in meter a solo piece.

polyphonic in texture

A ________ often introduced a fugue.


What invention forever changed education and learning in the Renaissance period? telescope wheel printing press drama theater

printing press

pitches a given instrument can comfortably play


Philosophical thought tended toward __________ at this time.


the final section of the sonata-allegro form in which the theme(s) are restated


In the Classical period, _____ music was no longer dominant. secular orchestral solo religious nationalistic


Medieval and Renaissance musical styles are predominantly _____. instrumental secular monophonic religious


a mass to honor the dead


Romantic harmony can be described as _____. rich often dissonant only major only minor using chromaticism

rich often dissonant using chromaticism

an artistic style that combined Baroque and Classical elements




Which form has a repeating A section that is interspersed with other material? binary rondo sonata-allegro minuet


a form with a recurring A section interspersed with other sections


Although musical patronage still existed from the church during the Renaissance, who else began to hire personal musicians? middle class royalty monks none of the above


flexible hurrying or slowing of tempo to add emotion


Which accidental raises a pitch by a half step? natural sharp flat none of the above


What similarities do Mozart and Beethoven share? showed musical talent at a young age European concert tour at a young age had a father that pushed him to excel popular during his lifetime

showed musical talent at a young age had a father that pushed him to excel popular during his lifetime

Sudden volume changes are known as __________ dynamics.


abrupt volume changes

terraced dynamics

Which internal sections of sonata-allegro form are in the tonic key? theme a of the exposition theme b of the development theme b of the recapitulation coda theme c of the development

theme a of the exposition theme b of the recapitulation coda

Which form is accurately labeled A A1A2A3A4 ? minuet and trio rondo theme and variations ternary

theme and variations

Which form is typically the slowest in tempo? sonata-allegro rondo minuet and trio theme and variations

theme and variations

a Puerto Rican small four-string guitar


At the end of a concert, performers will often give a(n) _____ to an appreciative audience biography acoustics encore applause


the distance between two pitches


The notation used to extend pitches beyond the normal staff is called a(n) _____ treble clef interval ledger line bass clef

ledger line

a motif that represents a particular character, feeling, or idea


passive listening

listening to music while doing something else

the forward movement of music in time and the basis for "keeping time" in music


In order to use your knowledge effectively in a music listening environment, you'll need to listen carefully for: rhythm patterns your heart beat unassociated noises tempo beat

rhythm patterns tempo beat

Shannon comes home from work with a pounding headache. Loud, blaring music greets her as she walks in the door. If Shannon has to listen to the music for long, her _____ response will probably be a continued headache, and her _____ response may be anger or tears intellectual, emotional emotional, physical physical, intellectual physical, emotional

physical, emotional

a Chinese pear-shaped four-string instrument


high or low musical tone


Which part of the program gives background information on the music? program guide biography personnel list program notes

program guide

the __________ lets you know the order in which the music will be performed

program guide

True appreciation involves knowledge of the subject,____________value, and thoughtful observation

recognition of

Brazilian dance music of African origin


The _____ culture does not typically use a stringed guitar-type instrument Puerto Rican African Mexican China


Choose the cultures that display the Latin American enthusiasm for dance Scotland Mexico Wales Brazil

Mexico Brazil

______________ is the overall sound impression of a piece of music


During passive listening to music, a person is actually concentrating on something other than the music


The music of each culture has a unique pattern of tonality


To appreciate classical music, you must embrace its aesthetic qualities, that is, its artistry and beauty


Vocal production in any given culture could be affected by environmental or technological factors


incidental listening

hearing music

Which of the following is not part of the definition of classical music? artistry historical universal timeless


the main lights above the audience

house lights

Which of the following could hinder a study of classical music? listening carefully persevering to acquire a taste immediately rejecting pieces you dislike participating

immediately rejecting pieces you dislike

Which of the following is not a required characteristic of a well-written melody? variation in pitch shape lyrics phrase


Music can be called a ___________ device because it can help you remember things easily


the set of symbols used to write music down

music notation

To become a better musician, Sasha plans to play his trumpet in a local community orchestra. With this step, Sasha will enhance his musical experience by __________


Bob recently made a phone call that required fifteen minutes of hold time. Luckily, the hold music was a piece he recognized, but after just a couple of minutes he tucked the phone under his chin and began to answer his e-mail. Bob was using __________ listening while he waited


feel-good chemicals released in the brain


Hearing and listening both involve a mental awareness of sounds occurring around you


a Mexican instrumental group that plays traditional music

mariachi band

a small meter pattern separated by bar lines


the portion of the human brain responsible for emotions


Which behavior is only considered proper between musical pieces in a classical concert? applause leaving for the restroom talking loudly cheering

applause leaving for the restroom

In which of the following instances in which music is playing would you be the least likely to use incidental listening? attending a concert waiting to see the eye doctor eating dinner at a wedding reception shopping at a clothing store

attending a concert

Which of the following is not one of the three basic elements of music? melody beat rhythm harmony


a steady pulse in a regular pattern


Which part of a classical program gives background information on the musicians? program guide biography personnel list program notes


Which of the following is a physical response to music? slapping your knee singing along both a and b neither a nor b

both a and b

A tempo marking of presto indicates (a) very quick ____________


A _______________ encourages audience participation through imitation of a lead singer

call and response

a song style where leader is imitated by a chorus

call and response

What would an appropriate emotional response be to a slow, soothing piece of music? conducting furiously picturing a waterfall calm attitude after a hard day researching the composer of the song

calm attitude after a hard day

Music for art's sake with aesthetic qualities is typically ___________ music


Which tips below can help to create the best music listening environment possible? closing your eyes eating a snack concentrating repeating sections of the music

closing your eyes concentrating repeating sections of the music

A tie ____________ ; a dot

combines the values of two notes; adds one half the value of the note

Music from which of the following cultures has a 5-tone tonality? African Mexican Chinese American


Which of the following cultures characteristically uses only five tones in their melodies? African Mexican Chinese Brazilian


Choose a common misconception about classical music Classical music is written throughout history. Classical is slow and boring. All classical music sounds the same. Choices b and c Choices a, b, and c

Choices b and c

Only musicians and those in a music career can fully participate in the musical experience


You must really like a piece of music in order to appreciate it


_____ listening requires little mental involvement through which a person registers he or she's hearing anything at all Passive Incidental Active Engaged


In which country would you hear music accompanied by a cuatro? Wales India Puerto Rico Africa

Puerto Rico

Which cultural aspect does this type of song best portray? A German polka dance vocal production the people's heritage a societal entertainment ritual cultural attitude

a societal entertainment ritual

Which term indicates a return to the original speed of the music? ritard a tempo tempo beat

a tempo

return to the original tempo

a tempo

a venue's capacity for good sound quality


Musical pitches are _____ named after the first seven letters of the alphabet written on a five-line, four-space staff the building blocks of melody all of the above none of the above

all of the above

Which of the following behaviors should you refrain from in a classical concert? chewing gum loudly exiting in the middle of the performance finding your seat after the concert has begun none of the above all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following will almost undoubtedly hinder engaged listening? talking to another student watching someone else play a computer game drawing a picture

all of the above

movement by leaps in melody


Under which category of experiencing music would this example belong? researching the time period in which a piece of music was written

exploring music

engaged listening

giving full mental attention to music

a Puerto Rican instrument made from a hollowed gourd and played by scraping


The _____ is the smallest interval in Western music half step third sixth octave

half step

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Level HiE - Reading Plues: The Mermaid Miracle

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Chapter 33 PrepU: Assessment and Management of Patients with Allergic Disorders

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