Music Exam 2 part 3: the Baroque Era

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Who composed Orfeo and was also recognized for having solidified early experiments with music dramas into the genre now called opera? a. Monteverdi b. Purcell c. Handel d. Puccini


Bach uses a hymn originally written by ________ as the basis for his Reformation Cantata. a. Martin Luther b. Philipp Nicolai c. Machaut d. Pop Gregory

Philipp Nicolai

Dramatic contrasts of forte and piano are typical of the Baroque era.


The organ uses multiple keyboards.


On which epic poem was Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas based? a. Milton's Paradise Lost b. Homer's Odyssey c. Homer's Iliad d. Virgil's Aeneid

Virgil's Aeneid

Which of the following characterizes music after 1600? a. Music performers developed virtuosic skills. b. Opera was developed. c. Musicians explored intense emotions. d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

A concerto usually consists of five movements


An oratorio is a dramatic, staged work with elaborate scenery and costumes.


Barbara Strozzi was an international sensation as an opera singer.


Baroque trumpets had valves.


Purcell's Dido and Aeneas was first performed in a public opera house.


Which Baroque era individual is known for mathematics? a. Newton b. Galileo c. Descartes d. Copernicus


The most well known native-born English composer of the Baroque was: a. George Frideric Handel. b. Thomas Morley. c. Henry Purcell. d. Oliver Cromwell.

Henry Purcell

Which of the following is Handel's most famous oratorio, frequently performed today? a. Julius Caesar b. Israel in Egypt c. Samson d. Messiah


Bach's last demonstration of contrapuntal mastery was: a. The Art of Fugue. b. A Musical Offering. c. The Well-Tempered Clavier. d. the Brandenburg Concertos.

The Art of Fugue

Luther and his followers created weekly hymns known as: a. sorrow songs. b. congregational tunes. c. chorales. d. choruses.


Who was the most famous and most prolific Baroque composer of concertos? a. Vivaldi b. Purcell c. Handel d. Bach


The first performance of Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas took place at: a. the Royal Opera in London. b. the Metropolitan Opera. c. a girls' school in London. d. La Scala in Milan.

a girls' school in London

Which of the following characterizes the Baroque era? a. an age of reason b. an era of intense religion c. an era of absolute monarchy d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

The instrumental form based on the contrast of two dissimilar bodies of sound is called a: a. symphony. b. sonata. c. suite. d. concerto.


The "Hallelujah Chorus" is the climax of the Christmas section of Messiah.


The Baroque concerto is written for a solo instrument with a continuo accompaniment.


The Baroque era was an age of political freedom and democracy.


The advantage of the harpsichord was its ability to produce crescendos and diminuendos.


The allemande is a French dance.


The aria "When I am laid in earth" is accompanied by continuo only.


The church officially sponsored Handel's Messiah.


The concerto first developed in France in the late 1600s.


The harpsichord is the featured solo instrument in Spring, from The Four Seasons.


The sarabande is a German dance.


The term baroque originally meant serenity and balance.


The three main keyboard instruments of the Baroque were the harpsichord, organ, and piano.


Today, Baroque music is played exclusively on modern instruments.


The _____ is a keyboard form based on the principle of voices imitating each other. a. fugue b. prelude c. suite d. toccata


The ______ is a keyboard instrument whose strings are plucked by quills. a. organ b. piano c. harpsichord d. clavichord


The Baroque period witnessed a shift in musical texture to: a. monophony. b. polyphony. c. homophony. d. heterophony.


Why is the music for Handel's Water Music marked by lively rhythms and catchy melodies? a. It was performed outdoors on barges. b. It mimicked the sound of the ocean. c. It was written during a time of war. d. It celebrated a royal marriage.

it was performed outdoors on barges

Dido sings her famous lament in Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas just prior to: a. marrying Aeneas. b. killing Aeneas. c. killing herself. d. leaving with Aeneas.

killing herself

A type of English entertainment combining music, poetry, and dance was called: a. tragédie lyrique. b. monody. c. masque. d. oratorio.


The ideas and music of the Florentine Camerata led directly to the development of: a. opera. b. the Mass. c. the symphony. d. the concerto.


Dido's Lament from Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas is composed: a. over a ground bass. b. in the style of imitative counterpoint. c. in the ternary form common to the genre. d. in the ritornello form of the period.

over a ground bass

Instrumental music endowed with literary or pictorial associations, as in Vivaldi's Four Seasons, is known as: a. program music. b. absolute music. c. opera. d. cantata.

program music

The vocal style in opera that imitates the natural inflections of speech and is designed to deliver dialogue is called: a. recitative. b. aria. c. chorus. d. madrigal.


An oratorio includes which of the following? a. elaborate scenery b. recitatives c. costumes d. acting


The alternation between orchestral refrains and virtuosic outbursts by the soloist(s) is known as: a. ritornello form. b. da capo form. c. oratorio form. d. sonata form.

ritornello form

The musical interludes heard between scenes of an opera are called: a. overtures. b. sinfonias. c. arias. d. recitatives.


The stories for oratorios are generally drawn from: a. Greek mythology. b. the Bible. c. medieval history. d. contemporary life.

the Bible

The group of early Baroque writers, artists, and musicians whose aim was to resurrect the musical drama of ancient Greece was known as: a. the Italian madrigalists. b. the Florentine Camerata. c. the Freemasons. d. the Notre Dame school.

the Florentine Camerata

The artificially created male soprano or alto voice that dominated opera was known as: a. the castrato. b. the contralto. c. the Camerata. d. the continuo.

the castrato

Antonio Vivaldi was known as "the red priest" for: a. his political affiliations. b. his violent temper. c. the color of his hair. d. none of the answers shown here

the color of his hair

A chorale is a hymn tune associated with the followers of Martin Luther.


Amateur music-making at home was popular during the Baroque era.


An opera is a drama that is sung.


An oratorio includes recitatives, arias, and choruses.


Antonio Vivaldi composed over 200 concertos for solo violin.


Bach's cantata Wachet auf ("Sleepers Awake") is based on a well-known Lutheran choral tune written by Philipp Nicolai.


Baroque composers used dissonance for emotional intensity and color.


Baroque music often features a steady, vigorous beat throughout.


During his lifetime, Johann Sebastian Bach was known primarily as a great organist.


During the Baroque era, some boy singers were castrated to preserve the high register of their voices, allowing them to sing high-pitched operatic roles.


During the Baroque era, women began entering the ranks of professional musicians, both as composers and as performers.


Handel was a composer and an entrepreneur.


In seventeenth-century England, the masque was a popular type of aristocratic entertainment that combined vocal and instrumental music with poetry and dance.


J. S. Bach is the culminating figure of the Baroque style and one of the giants in the history of Western music.


One of the most significant changes in music history occurred during the Baroque era: the transition from medieval church modes to major-minor tonality.


Religion remained a driving force behind power struggles in the Baroque era.


Ritornello form is the alternation between orchestral refrains and virtuosic solo passages.


Stradivarius, Guarneri, and Amati were famous makers of violins during the Baroque era.


The Alla hornpipe from Handel's Water Music is in A-B-A form.


The Baroque period was the first in which instrumental music was comparable in importance to vocal music.


The Four Seasons is considered program music.


The aria "When I am laid in earth" is unified by a descending chromatic-scale, ground bass.


The concerto is an instrumental form based on the opposition between two dissimilar bodies of sound.


The first public opera houses opened in Venice.


The jig (gigue) is an English dance.


The libretto for Handel's oratorio Messiah is a compilation of verses from the Bible.


The role of the chorus is especially important in the oratorio.


The standard Baroque suite consists of a variety of international dance types.


The strings of a harpsichord are plucked by quills.


The transition from Renaissance to Baroque was characterized by the change from polyphonic to homophonic texture in music.


Vivaldi lived in Venice, where he taught music at a girls' school.


Vivaldi's The Four Seasons is an example of program music.


Vivaldi's music contributed decisively to the development of violin style and technique.


Wachet auf ("Sleepers Awake") is in a standard three-part structure known as bar form.


The solo instrument in Spring, from The Four Seasons, is the: a. violin. b. viola. c. cello. d. harpsichord.


The approximate dates of the Baroque period are: a. 1600-1750. b. 1700-1800. c. 1550-1600. d. 1800-1900.


Which cultural center rejected Italian opera? a. France b. England c. Germany d. Austria


Which Baroque era individual is known for physics? a. Copernicus b. Descartes c. Spinoza d. Galileo


Lutheran chorales were originally sung in what language? a. Latin b. German c. English d. French


__________ was born in Germany and studied in Italy but spent much of his creative life in England. a. Bach b. Handel c. Purcell d. Scarlatti


The sacred cantata was an integral part of the: a. Catholic church service. b. Anglican church service. c. Lutheran church service. d. Pilgrims' church service in America.

Lutheran church service

Who was the librettist of Purcell's Dido and Aeneas? a. Josias Priest b. Nahum Tate c. John Milton d. John Donne

Nahum Tate

Which of the following is a well-known set of concertos by Vivaldi? a. The Four Seasons b. the Brandenburg Concertos c. Water Music d. Music for the Royal Fireworks

The Four Seasons

Which of the following is a set of forty-eight preludes and fugues by Bach? a. the Brandenburg Concertos b. A Musical Offering c. The Well-Tempered Clavier d. The Art of Fugue

The Well-Tempered Clavier

Vivaldi lived and worked in: a. Florence. b. Venice. c. Rome. d. Bologna.


Which of the following dance types was standard in a Baroque suite? a. allemande b. sarabande c. courante d. all the above

all of the above

During his lifetime, Johann Sebastian Bach held the position of: a. cantor of St. Thomas Church in Leipzig. b. court organist and chamber musician to the duke of Weimar. c. court musician to the prince of Anhalt-Cöthen. d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

The harpsichord is different from the piano because: a. it sometimes has two keyboards rather than one. b. its strings are plucked rather than struck. c. it is not capable of a wide dynamic range. d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

Which of the following describe(s) the chorale? a. Chorales were intended to be sung by the congregation. b. The chorale tune was placed in the soprano in four-part settings. c. Chorale texts are in German. d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

Which of the following national styles influenced the Baroque style? a. German polyphony b. French dance rhythms c. English choral song d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

Who is an example of a seventeenth-century violin maker? a. Stradivarius b. Guarneri c. Amati d. all of the answers shown here

all of the answers shown here

A highly emotional, artful song in an opera is called: a. an aria. b. a chorus. c. an ensemble. d. a recitative.

an aria

What is a toccata? a. a variation on a repeated harmonic pattern b. an improvisatory, virtuosic keyboard work c. a movement based on strict counterpoint d. a four-movement keyboard work containing a fugue

an improvisatory, virtuosic keyboard work

What is a ritornello? a. a repeated figure in the bass line b. the repetition of the A section in a da capo aria c. a recurring motive in an aria d. an instrumental refrain in an aria

an instrumental refrain in an aria

A drama that is sung is called: a. a madrigal. b. an opera. c. a cantata. d. a motet.

an opera

Handel's Messiah is an example of: a. an opera. b. a cantata. c. an oratorio. d. a masque.

an oratorio

Handel's Water Music is best described as: a. a symphony. b. a concerto grosso. c. an orchestral dance suite. d. a cantata.

an orchestral dance suite

The orchestral introduction heard at the beginning of an opera is called: a. an overture. b. a ritornello. c. an ensemble. d. a recitative.

an overture

The first era of Western music history in which instrumental music was a major focus for composers was the: a. Middle Ages. b. Renaissance. c. Baroque. d. Classical.


Women's roles in Baroque music: a. diminished in importance in comparison to the Renaissance. b. expanded into professional performance careers, including as opera singers. c. remained largely the same as in the Renaissance. d. totally dominated the musical scene.

expanded into professional performance careers, including as opera singers

A ritornello is the repetition of the A section in a da capo aria.


Bach completed just under 100 cantatas in his lifetime.


Chorales were intended to be sung by a trained choir.


Early operas, such as Monteverdi's Orfeo, were simple productions for intimate gatherings


Handel and J. S. Bach were close friends.


Handel wrote his oratorio Messiah over a period of four years.


Improvisation played little or no part in Baroque musical practice.


In opera, the lyric melodies that release emotional tension are called recitatives


Johann Sebastian Bach lived a short, unhappy life and had no children.


An important instrumental genre of the Baroque was a group of short dances, collectively known as: a. a recital. b. the dance suite. c. a symphony. d. a dance opera.

the dance suite

Basso continuo led to one of the most significant changes in music history, which was: a. the establishment of major-minor tonality. b. the use of church modes in opera. c. a dramatic shift in dynamics from one level to another. d. the use of polyphony in opera.

the establishment of major-minor tonality

Which of the following keyboard instruments were important during the Baroque? a. the harpsichord b. the piano c. the harpsichord and the organ d. the piano and the organ

the harpsichord and the organ

The text of an opera is called: a. the lyrics. b. the libretto. c. the script. d. the play.

the libretto

Later in life, Handel turned his efforts from the opera to: a. the cantata. b. the symphony. c. the Mass. d. the oratorio.

the oratorio

Johann Sebastian Bach was most famous in his day as a performer on: a. the harpsichord. b. the organ. c. the piano. d. the clavichord.

the organ

The keyboard instrument that uses various sets of pipes to create contrasting colors is: a. the harpsichord. b. the organ. c. the clavichord. d. the piano.

the organ

The typical solo concerto has _____ movements. a. two b. three c. four d. six


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