Music History Final-Test 3 Questions

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Music and art of the Renaissance shared what characteristic?

An interest in the individual

The Renaissance period is marked by an interest in what?

Ancient Greek culture

Luther believed strongly in the education and ethical power of music. This demonstrates his appreciation for the ideas of whom?

Ancient Greek writers

The painter of the Last Supper where Judas is on the opposite side of the table was whom?

Andrea del Castagno

Catholic compositions of the sixteenth century differed from earlier compositions how?

There were five to six voices instead of four

The form which contains a burden is what?


Cadences of the late fifteenth and early sixteenth century were marked by what?

Occasional use of full triads for the ending sonority

The fuller, darker sound of Ockeghem's music, compared to that of the previous generation, can be attributed to what?

Ockeghem's expanded lower range of voices

Michelangelo painted his Creation of Adam fresco where?

On the ceiling of a chapel in Rome

Byrd's music for the Mass was published in what?

The Gradualia

After 1477, the territories in the Low Countries became part of which political entity?

The Holy Roman Empire

Palestrina spent most of his career at institutions where?


Be able to identify augmentation in a musical excerpt asking the relationship between original melody and polyphonic setting

(hint: augmentation means make it longer)

Luther and his colleagues used what as sources for the new chorale repertory

Adaptations of Gregorian chant Existing german devotional songs Secular songs given new words Newly composed melodies They did NOT use existing latin motets

How many Psalms are there?


Cantilena is best defined how?

A freely composed, homorhythmic piece

Josquin's motets would most likely have been performed by what kind of group?

A small choir, with a few voices to a part

Point of imitation is defined as what?

A succession of imitative entrances

The primary audience for printed music were...

Amateur musicians throughout Europe and the Americas

Du Fay's early chansons sometimes include rapid subdivisions of the beat. This quality can be associated with his exposure to what musical style?

Ars Subtilior

Binchois was the most important composer where?

At the court of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy

Ockeghem's Missa Prolationem employs what compositional technique?


A mass in which all movements are based on the same pre-existing chant melody is called what kind of mass?

Cantus Firmus mass

What is the principle form of Lutheran church music?


In the Renaissance, most musicians also served as what?

Church officials

In Renaissance music, composers used cadences and contrasts of texture to make the musical structure of a composition clear. This is similar to what aspect of contemporary art?

Clarity of line and function in architecture

What were Renaissance music developments that paralleled art development?

Clarity of musical structure Expansion of range Focus on single tonal center Unique personal styles (All of the above)

In the Renaissance, secular music was composed by musicians who also...

Composed church music

Renaissance art, painting and sculpture did NOT have this attitude toward the human nude

Considered it shameful (it was NOT considered shameful)

A piece in which a new text, usually sacred, is added to preexisting music


By ca. 1450, the most important musical institutions in Europe were the chapels of the rulers of what two places?

England and Burgundy

In what way did the Hundred Years' War influence music?

English Composers spent time in France

Compared to the music of composers active va 1450-1480, such as Busboys and Ockeghem, the music of composers active ca 1480-1520 reveals a greater interest in what?

Fitting words to the text (I think this means words to music or music to text but whatever. That's what the answer says.)

During the Hundred Years' War, England was at war with what country?


For much of the Renaissance, musicians working in Italy had been trained where?

France, the Netherlands, or Flanders

Palestrina's Pope Marcellus Mass is an example of which mass type?

Free mass

What compositional feature distinguishes Ockeghem's and Busnoys' music from that of the preceding generation?

Frequent use of imitation

William Byrd's Sing Joyfully unto God is an example of what genre?

Full anthem

A Lied is a polyphonic setting of a secular text in what language?


This group, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in response to the Protestant Reformation, worked to convert Protestants and non-Christians to Catholicism

Jesuits, or the Society of Jesus

Describe Josquin's approach to text setting

He gave a new melody to each new phrase of text to make it clear

Why did Henry VIII establish the Church of England?

He wanted his marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled, but the pope refused

Which compositional technique used by Isaac can be traced to popular music in Italy?


The main textures for the Renaissance were...

Homophony and imitative counterpoint

The movement to embrace human knowledge was called what?


A mass that quotes more than one voice of a preexisting polyphonic work is called...

Imitation mass

Musical excerpt in which each voice starts on the same line measure by measure apart; describe that practice

Imitative counterpoint

The Missa Cuisvis toni is special why?

It can be sung in any mode

Describe the Catholic Church's response to Protestant criticisms of its music

It changed its musical practices only slightly

Fact about isorhythmic motet in early fifteenth century

It was considered old fashioned but was composed in honor of special occasions

Who was Luther's principal music collaborator?

Johann Walter

For which composer did Martin Luther have particular admiration?


Imitation in paired voices is a characteristic of which composer?


Which composer used solfege syllables to create the cantus firms for a mass?


This secular melody was among the most frequently used as the basis of a cyclic mass in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

L'homme arme

All voices were nearly equal and all were singable in what time period?

Late fifteenth and early sixteenth century

A full anthem is similar in style to what genre?

Latin motet

In the mid-fifteenth century, composers wrote what types of compositions?

Magnificats, Mass Ordinary movements, chansons, Motets They did NOT write madrigals in this time

This individual said, "Josquin is the master of the notes. They must do as he wills; as for the other composers, they have to do as the notes will."

Martin Luther

Who published "Wholesome" polyphonic music for young people, to "rid them of their love ditties and wanton song"?

Martin Luther

Photo of statue by Donatello of woman standing in relatively tattered clothes with her hands clasped in a prayer pose depicts whom?

Mary Magdalene

St. Peter's Basilica in Rome was designed by this artist


The composer who sang in the papal chapel and quoted Josquin in his masses


A mass in which all movements begin with the same motive is called...

Motto mass

Renaissance architecture can be characterized by what elements?

Open, light, and airy interiors

Josquin's Missa Pange Lingua incorporates this compositional technique


(Photo) painting of 3 buildings with people in front of it showing depth; be able to identify perspective


Renaissance painters achieved realistic effects through the use of what?

Perspective and treatment of light

A mass in which each movement is based on preexisting chant for that text

Plainsong Mass

In England, most composition in the early fifteenth century was what?

Polyphony on Latin texts

What did Martin Luther call his simplified order of service, intended for use by smaller congregations?

The German Mass

Ottavio Petrucci is known for what?

Publishing music using a three-impression method

Guillame de Fay worked in what cities?

Rimini, Rome, Cambrai, Florence He did NOT work in Paris

Giovanni Pierluigi de Palestrina spent his career in which city?


The Old Hall Manuscript contains what?

Sacred polyphony, including works of Dunstable

William Byrd wrote what types of music?

Secular songs Anthems Motets Instrumental music He did NOT write Chorales

Define partbooks

Set of books, one part to a book

The duke of Burgundy employed what kind of musicians

Singers for his chapel, organists, wind instrument players, and string instrumentalists

Adrian Willaert held the post of music director at this place

St. Mark's in Venice

Four voice texture as developed in the fifteenth century consisted of what parts?

Superius, Contratenor altus, Tenor, Contratenor Bassus

The Calvinist Church had its origins in which country?


Tuning all pitches of a keyboard to make thirds and sixths sound good is called...


This publication illustrates the early spread of Dutch Calvinism in the American Colonies

The Bay Psalm Book

Busnoys favored what form for his chansons?

The Formes Fixes, especially the Rondeau

The countenance angloise refers to what?

The english style of polyphony

The Renaissance period of music comprises roughly which centuries?

The fifteenth and sixteenth

As the Renaissance progressed, composers increasingly favored musical structures based on what?

The grammar and emotional content of the text

Renaissance writers echoed the ancient Greek idea that music should be a part of every citizen's education. An example of this is...

The increase in amateur music making

Ockeghem spent most of his career in the service of whom?

The kings of France

Development of an international musical style in the fifteenth century can be attributed to what?

The migration of composers between northern and southern courts

Characteristic of Catholic music in colonial latin America

The music of Morales and other Spanish composers was sung, as well as some original compositions in native languages

Describe the way the bassus voice of the late fifteenth century differs from that of the masses of Du Fay

The range is a fourth lower

The term burden refers to what?

The refrain of a carol

Describe the meaning of the term humanism

The study of things pertaining to human knowledge

Court chapels were significant for music history because...

They hired musicians for both sacred and secular music

The theorist who first described counterpoint that considered thirds and sixths consonances was whom?


The influence of the Italian canti carnaschialeschi on Isaac's music is evident when he writes what?

Tuneful melodies in the superius with other parts moving in similar rhythm

The composer who quoted his own motet in his Missa O Magnum Misterium is


Aeolian and Ionian modes were...

added to the modal system by Heinrich Glareanus

The English method of improvising polyphonic lines above and below a chant is called


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