Music Quiz 1

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Climax" is not really a musical term, though it describes the same idea. ... If the end of the song is a chorus it is often referred to as the "out chorus". When something — like a movie or piece of music — reaches its most important or exciting part, that's the climax. A climax is a high point. When you're on a roller coaster and you reach the highest point, that's the climax of the ride. This word is also used often in art and entertainment.


In linguistics, speech synthesis, and music, the pitch contour of a sound is a function or curve that tracks the perceived pitch of the sound over time.


In music the pitch of a note means how high or low a note is. The pitch of a note can be measured in a unit called Hertz. A note that is vibrating at 256 Hz will be caused by sound waves that vibrate at 256 times a second.


In music theory, a phrase (Greek: φράση) is a unit of musical meter that has a complete musical sense of its own,[5] built from figures, motifs, and cells, and combining to form melodies, periods and larger sections.


In music, a step, or conjunct motion, is the difference in pitch between two consecutive notes of a musical scale. In other words, it is the interval between two consecutive scale degrees.


In music, a subject is the material, usually a recognizable melody, upon which part or all of a composition is based. In forms other than the fugue, this may be known as the theme.


In music, an octave (Latin: octavus: eighth) or perfect octave is the interval between one musical pitch and another with half or double its frequency.


In music, the range, or chromatic range, of a musical instrument is the distance from the lowest to the highest pitch it can play.


In music, timbre (/ˈtæmbər/ TAM-bər, also known as tone color or tone quality from psychoacoustics) is the perceived sound quality of a musical note, sound or tone.


It is only useful or meaningful for musical sounds, where there is a strongly regular waveform. Frequency is measured as the number of wave cycles that occur in one second. The unit of frequency measurement is Hertz (Hz for short). A frequency of 1 Hz means one wave cycle per second.


Movement in larger intervals is called disjunct motion.


a sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.

Thematic development

is a musical technique in which a leitmotif, or theme, is developed by changing the theme by using permutation (transposition or modulation, inversion, and retrograde), augmentation, diminution, and fragmentation.

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