Music Theory: Unit 1

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single, vertical

Most barlines are a ..., ... line.

eighth note

Most times they are paired together.

G clef

The treble clef is also known as the '...'. This is because the curve in the clef encircles the second line of the staff, which is called a 'G' on the treble clef staff.

bar lines.

There are several types of ...

whole notes

These are notes that sustain over four beats of music. These notes sustain over the period of an entire measure.


Three beats


To help keep our place in music, beats are grouped into


an "..." may be added in front of the note to change the pitch of a semitone, or half-step.


distinguish a meter

note value

How long a note lasts is called ...

4/4 time signature

Also known as common time

whole rest

A ... also lasts four beats or an entire measure.

time signature

A ... in music is a symbol that is made up of two numbers one sitting at the top of the other.

final barline

A ... is a double barline with a thick second barline and marks the end of a piece of music.

quarter note

A ... lasts for 1 beat (a quarter of a whole note). The ... looks like a half note.

half rest

A ... lasts for two beats this means you don't play for two beats. It looks like an eight-side up hat.

double barline

A ... marks the end of a section of music.

rests,corresponding, Gara

A ... tells you when and for how long not to play anything. Every note value has a ... rest value. ... are the simplest and most common rhythmic values.

2, stem

A half note lasts for ... beats (half of a whole note.) A ... is added to the hollow circle to form the half note symbol.

¾, 3

A time signature ... means count 3 quarter notes to each bar. Again, the rhythms in each bar can be anything as long as they add to ... quarter notes.

4/4, 4

A time signature of ... means 4 (top number) beats per measure (bottom number) the quarter note gets 1 beat. That means all the notes in each bar must add up to 4 quarter notes. Any combination of rhythms can be used as long as they add up to ... quarter notes.


Each line and the space of the staff correspond to a musical pitch, which is determined by the ...


Even if there are other notes in the measure, the note that is preceded by a sharp or flat ... sharp or flat in that measure.


If a sharp or flat precedes a note at the beginning of a measure, that note ... sharp or flat of the measure.

natural sign

If the note is no longer supposed to sound sharp or flat, it will be preceded by a ...


Music is based in time. Most music has a steady, recurring pulse called the


Musical pitch is determined by a ...

ledger lines

... are used to notate pitches below or above the regular lines and spaces of the staff. 'Middle C," one of the first notes beginning music students learn, is located on a ledger line between the bass clef and treble clef staffs.

time signatures

... indicate the meter at the beginning of a piece of music.

quarter rest

... lasts for 1 beat. This means don't play for one beat. The ... looks like a squiggly line.


... only apply within the given measure. Measures are separated by bar lines, a thin, vertical, straight line that passes through the four spaces of the staff,

bar lines

divide the measures.

meter, six

is the division of beats into equal groups. This is a pulse made up of ... quarter notes.

Whole whole half whole whole whole whole half

major scale

sixteenth note

split the space of a quarter note into four exact sections. It looks like an eight note with an additional flag.

-what pitch to play -how long to hold it

Notes tell you two things: ... (where the note appears on the staff lines and spaces), and ...


Sometimes a composer or arranger may put a "..." natural (or sharp or flat) at the beginning of the measure. This is a friendly reminder that the previous accidental no longer applies.

Bass Clef

The ... is also known as the 'F-Clef' because the fourth line of the staff passes between the two dots. The note located on this line of the bass clef staff is an 'F.'

Treble Clef

The ... is used by instruments that have higher registers, like the flute, violin, and trumpet. The higher registers of the piano are notated in the treble clef as well.

bottom number

The ... tells us what note value is going to get 1 beat. Any note value can be the unit of measure or the note that gets 1 beat. So if it is four that means the quarter note gets one beat.


The element of time in a piece of music revolves around the

beat, one

The following note values are centered around the ... note which is the unit of measure or the note that receives ... beat.

staff, five lines, four spaces

The foundation of the written musical language is the ... It is made of ... and ...


The number on the ... tells us the amount of beats per measure. It tells whether the meter is in two, three, for, or more. This time signature shows that the meter is in two; there are two beats in every measure.


The steady pulse would be counted 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2. . .and so on. Beat ... always marks the beginning of the bar.

sharp sign

The symbol that looks like a pound sign or hashtag on a ... It indicates the note it precedes should be raised by a semitone.

eighth note

An ... lasts for half of a beat (an eighth of a whole note). The ... looks like a quarter note with a flag attached to the stem.

Bass Clef

As its name indicates, the ... is used by instruments with lower registers, like the cello.

bar lines

In musical notation these groups of beats are organized into measures (Also known as bars) and separated by ...

all rhythmic terminology

Since counting four beasts to a bar is the most common, ... is based on a bar containing 4 beats.

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