NASM Chapter 7 (Human Movement Science)

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The upper trapezius works with what muscle as a force couple to create upward rotation of the scapula?

Serratus anterior

How is an isokinetic muscle contraction best described?

contraction that occurs when the speed of movement is fixed and the resistance varies with the force exerted

What is the anatomical term that describes something positioned on the opposite side of the body?


Which type of exercise accommodates effort whereby the harder the individual pushes or pulls, the more resistance they feel, despite the movement speed remaining constant?


Which subsystem is responsible for providing both frontal plane mobility and stabilization of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex?

Lateral subsystem

Which muscle functions in a feed-forward mechanism in anticipation of limb movements?


What term is used to describe the concept of how the functioning of one body segment can impact other areas of the body?

Regional interdependence

Movements that take place within a joint and are not visible to the human eye may be classified in what way?


What type of muscle action would expend the highest amount of energy at a fixed resistance level over a comparable duration?


Which of the following muscles is primarily targeted when performing a biceps curl exercise with the thumb up?


During a squat, which muscle group isometrically contracts to prevent unnecessary thigh movement in the frontal plane?

Hip abductors

What is the anatomical term that describes something positioned above an identified reference point?


How should an eccentric muscle action be described?

The development of muscle tension during lengthening of the contractile tissue

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