NCTRC Practice Test 1.2

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12.To increase ability to refrain from hitting others I.functional intervention II.leisure education III.Recreation participation a.I B. II c.III d.I and II


DSM IV axis descriptions; which axis will the following info be reported? I. Axis I-clinical d/o II.Axis II-personality d/o; mental retardation III.Axis III-general medical conditions IV.Axis IV-psychosocial and environmental problems 35.substance related d/o a.Axis I b.Axis II c.Axis III D. Axis IV

I. Axis I-clinical d/o

14.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IVTR classifies which types of disorders? A.mental illness B.mental retardation C.cognitive impairments D.learning disabilities

A.mental illness

62.An adult with mental retardation has the ability to participate in some general recreation programs within the regular community based recreation program. When the TRS helps the client enroll in one of these programs, which of the following mainstreaming principles is being applied? A.normalization B.deinstitutionalization C.least restrictive environment D.discharge planning


63.One of the most typical ways to receive direct reimbursement for TR services is by "time units." This means that the pt is charged A.per time intervals (eg. per 15 minutes) part of the per diem rate the procedures performed the hospital's daily bed rate

A.per time intervals (eg. per 15 minutes)

57.Evaluation is conducted on specific individual programs in order to A.provide systematic info for future program decisions B.provide systematic info on client regression C.increase validity and reliability of client assessment procedures D.develop individual client tx plans

A.provide systematic info for future program decisions

80.the term "continuity of care" means that the A.tx team strives to provide predictable, connected, meaningful programs to clients B.client is transitioned from clinical to community settings C.client is involved in inclusive recreation services in the community with non-disabled peers D.specialist serves as a case manager throughout the client's length of stay at the facility

A.tx team strives to provide predictable, connected, meaningful programs to clients

89.Once Carlinda has met the sitting requirements for and passed the NCTRC exam, she must renew her certification every____ year(s) and recertify every ____year(s) to remain certified. A.5,10 B.1,5 C.2,6 d.1,2


64.The TRS is working with teenagers in a psychiatric inpatient program that is oriented toward Freudian psychology. One of the activities the TRS would recommend for the clients based on "sublimation of sexual urges" is A.crafts B.a dance C.gymnastics

B.a dance

16.A person who has a(n)_____ disorder may have limited, inflexible bx that inhibit his/her ability to interact with others and deal with certain aspects of his/her environment. A.circulatory B.attention deficit C.nervous d.orthopedic

B.attention deficit

1.If a person believes that he doesn't have adequate skills to play softball, and then generalizes the inadequacy to all physical activity, this person is exhibiting which of the following? A.leisure efficacy B.learned helplessness C.attributional leisure response D.intrinsic motivation

B.learned helplessness

58.The TRS was offered free tickets for the pts to attend a special performance of a play during the afternoon, but instead chose to have the pts pay and attend a night performance. The TRS was demonstrating which of the following mainstreaming principles? A.integration B.normalization C.least restrictive environment D.deinstitutionalization


22.In a psychiatric short-term unit, during a team meeting it is reported, "the pt is responding to medication and is stable for referral to day tx." Who would most likely make this statement during staffing? A.physiatrist B.psychiatrist C.psychiatric social worker D.psychiatric nurse


21.Which of the following assessments was designed to coincide with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM)? A.leisure Diagnostic Battery (LBD) B.Comprehensive Evaluation in Recreational Therapy Scale (CERT) C.Leisure Competence Measure (LCM) D.Leisure Activities Blank (LAB)

C.Leisure Competence Measure (LCM)

76.the TRS evaluated the 16-week summer programming sessions at 4 week, 8 week, 12 week intervals to gather which of the following types of program evaluation information? A.instantaneous time sampling B.quality assurance health care monitoring C.formative d.summative


75.the major difference between an acute care hospital and a physical rehabilitation center is the A.types of professionals found on the tx team's readiness for outpatient programs's medical stability and need for care D.level of professional accountability required by external accreditation standards's medical stability and need for care

65.Which of the following activities is MOST LIKELY to teach social skills to a group of at-risk youth? B.volleyball; cooperation and competition C.role plays of asking someone for assistance D.discussion on appropriate social skills in a variety of situations

C.role plays of asking someone for assistance

53.Which statement best describes an outcome of completing activity analysis? A.activities are referenced according to their difficulty B.the amount of time necessary for the client to acquire the skills is determined C.the skills necessary to perform the activity are identified D.the types of adaptations needed by clients are determined

C.the skills necessary to perform the activity are identified

68.Which of the following is an example of using "displacement" as a defense mechanism? A.not remembering that the event occured B.attributing the action or bx to another person C.using subordinate as scapegoat D.not acknowledging the magnitude of a stressful event

C.using subordinate as scapegoat

56.Which of the following is a formative program evaluation question? A.what unanticipated events or outcomes occurred in this program that were not part of the program plan? B.did the sequence of activities appear to be logical and appropriate? much time will be allotted for the program next time it is offered? D.are there enough resources for the remainder of the program?

D.are there enough resources for the remainder of the program?

46.Which of the following are typical parts of a diagnostic protocol? A.assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation B.subjective, objective, analysis, planning C.comprehensive program descriptions and specific program description D.client problems, assessment criteria, process criteria, and outcomes criteria

D.client problems, assessment criteria, process criteria, and outcomes criteria

70.A TRS is working with a group of adolescents who have mild mental retardation and hopes to improve their interactions with each other. She has decided to use positive reinforcement for each good reaction that occurs within group. The first thing the TRS should do is A.determine how often the target bx currently occurs B.determine what is a reinforcer C.reward each client whenever a good interaction occurs D.describe the target bx

D.describe the target bx

30.the symptoms of anorexia nervosa are A.refusal to eat, loss of hair, frequent vomiting B.binge eating, depression, weighing constantly C.secretive bx, hyperactivity, depression D.loss of 25% body weight, growth of fine body hair

D.loss of 25% body weight, growth of fine body hair

40.When choosing an assessment instrument, the TRS first needs to determine the instrument's A.reliability B.validity C.stability D.purpose


43.After administering the Leisure Diagnostic Battery (LBD), the TRS scored the client's subscales and found that the client had an external locus of control, among other findings. Which of the following client statements would confirm these assessment results? a."I am avery goal-oriented person" b. "I want you to make that decision for me" c."I am saving money to go on a vacation next month" d."I followed up on our conversation and I'm entering that writing contest next week"

a."I am avery goal-oriented person"

I.analyze the activity as it is normally engaged in II.when completing an activity analysis, rate the activity as compared to all other activities III.Analyze the activity, first, without regard for any specific disability group per se IV.analyze the activity with regard to the minimal level of skills required for basic, successful participation 42.Which of the following statements represent principles of activity analysis? a.I, II, III, and IV b.I, II, and III c.I and II d.II,III, and IV

a.I, II, III, and IV

5.Which of the following organizations allow for chapter affiliation by local groups of TRSs? a.National Therapeutic Recreation Society (NTRS) b.American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) c.Recreation Therapy Section (RTS) d.National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC)

b.American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA)

DSM IV axis descriptions; which axis will the following info be reported? I. Axis I-clinical d/o II.Axis II-personality d/o; mental retardation III.Axis III-general medical conditions IV.Axis IV-psychosocial and environmental problems 36.Post Partum depression a.Axis I b.Axis II c.Axis III D. Axis IV

c.Axis III

29.which of the following documents should be evaluated and updated on a regular basis? I. job announcement II.performance appraisal III.job description a.I b.II c.II and III d.I,II, and III

c.II and III

9.A TRS may use which of the following resources to determine a client's leisure interests? I. administration of an activity interest inventory to a client II. Interviews with the client regarding leisure interests III. Interviews with the client's family or significant others a.I and II B. I and III c.II and III d. I, II, and III

d. I, II, and III

19.A TRS should observe which of the following procedures when transferring an individual with a physical disability? I.asking how and what type of assistance is needed II.maintaining a firm grasp on the individual throughout all points of the transfer III.keeping the majority of the individual's weight as close as possible to the TRS's own body a.I and II b.I and III c.II and III d.I, II, and III

d.I, II, and III

82.Which of the following agencies is responsible for developing standards for facilities that serve individuals with spinal cord injuries, chronic pain, and traumatic brain injuries? a.American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) b.Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) c.Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) d.Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission (CARF)

d.Rehabilitation Accreditation Commission (CARF)

50.Which of the following assessments would be located in the category of Leisure Interests and Participation Patterns? a.General Recreation Screening Tool (GRST) b.Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS) c.Brief Leisure Rating Scale (BLRS) d.State Technical Institute Leisure Assessment Process (STILAP)

d.State Technical Institute Leisure Assessment Process (STILAP)

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