Neuroscience Chapters 1-10 Midterm

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In neurons, ___________ is also referred to as a nerve impulse. It is the principal way neurons send signals and is a means of long-distance neural communication. It occurs only in muscle cells and axons of neurons. They also do not decay over distance.

Action potentials

The redline in the center between the frontal and parietal lobes traditionally known as the separating line between motor from sensory function shown with a star here is called the:

Central Sulcus

Which of the following structures is most associated with balance:


The third and fourth ventricle are connected by the ____________

Cerebral aqueduct

The forebrain is made up of the following structures

Cerebral hemispheres the diencephalon

____________ is/are a cluster of capillaries that hangs from roof of each ventricle, close the pia mater and surrounding later of ependymal cells

Choroid plexus

The blood brain barrier is absent is some areas such as vomitting center and hypothalamus. What is the name of the "vomitting center"

Area Postrema

For neurotransmitter to be released at the presynaptic terminal there must be the entry of:

Calcium Ions

The parasympathetic ganglia are _________ to the organ they serve in comparison to the sympathetic ganglia:


Allowing only Na+ ions to freely move across the membrane of a neuron would result in:


_________ is a decrease in membrane potential (moves toward zero and above). Whereas, the inside of membrane becomes less negative than the resting membrane potential and the probability of producing impulse increases


By adding significant amounts of K+ to the extracellular solution around a neuron, what may occur to the neuron's membrane potential?


What cell type makes up cerebral spinal fluid?

Ependymal cells

___________ is the tough fibrous sheath around all fascicles to form the nerve


The stimulation of a neuron within the spinal cord in a patient with chronic pain resulted in an IPSP in the postsynaptic neuron. What type of neurotransmitter is the most likely to produce such an effect in the spinal cord?


When ions enter into a neuron, they create an electrical charge that dissipates over time. This type of electrical potential that can be excitatory or inhibitory and does not maintain its charge throughout the entire neuron is called:

Graded Potential

These channels open and close in response to physical deformation of receptors, as in sensory receptors:

Mechanically gated channels

Pyramids and Olives are landmarks on what structure?

Medulla Oblongata

Identify the correct order of the structures of the brain stem from inferior to superior (caudal to cephalad).

Medulla, Pons, Midbrain

An outpouching of the dura mater, csf but NOT the spinal cord is known as:


Which of the following is NOT an encapsulated nerve ending?

Merkel discs

The cerebral aqueduct is derived from ________


Which of the following is both a named primary vesicle and secondary vesicle in Neuroembryology?


The cerebellum is derived from the


Failure of proper neural crest migration will have the greatest impact on:

Myelination in the PNS

Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of stroke?

Myocardial infarction

The majority of receptors/ion channels in the nervous system need either a neurotransmitter or a change in voltage to become active. What receptor requires both a neurotransmitter and a change in voltage to be active?


What substances are known to block VEG-F?


Neurotransmitters are synthesized in the _______ or Pre Synaptic endings

Nerve cell bodies

The inability of a neuron to send information from its axon terminal to the nucleus would imply a problem with what protein?


One source of extrachoroidal CSFproduction is the:

ependymal cells

True or false. Peripheral nerves are not capable of regenerating


Some examples of tonic receptors are nociceptors and most proprioceptors. These are known to be ________ adapters.


Two point discrimination test would be an example of

Spatial discrimination

Which of the following is an Ascending tract?

Spinothalamic tract

Which of the following is responsible for touch, pain and temperature sensations of the body?

Spinothalmic tract

This space in the skull is normally present and filled with CSF

Subarachnoid space

Almost all sympathetic postganglionic axons release norepinephrine as their neurotransmitter. Most notable exception to this is _____ glands which release ACh.


_______ separates sensory & motor areas of the spinal cord & brain stem

Sulcus limitans

Which of the following structures mediates the visual startle reflex?

Superior Colliculus

Most CSF is resorbed from thesubarachnoid space into the:

Superior Sagittal sinus

The aspect of the nervous system that will increase the heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar in response to stressors is the:

Sympathetic nervous system

A middle-aged man has severe pain and skin lesions in the umbilicus region of his abdomen. A diagnosis of shingles (a herpes zoster virus that lives within the peripheral nerves) is made. What spinal nerve innervates the dermatome that contains the umbilicus?


Location of the pre-ganglionic sympathetic neurons for the gall bladder are located at the spinal levels:


Which of the following is NOT a primary vesicle?


Which of the following areas does not contain choroid plexus?

infundibular recess of the third ventricle

The type of cerebrovascular accident inwhich a small emboli blocks blood flow to a region of thebrain is called a(n):

ischemic stroke

Failure of the metencephalon to develop correctly will have the greatest effect on:

motor functions

The most common type of neuron in the CNS is


the majority of the neurons in the central nervous system are


The nervous system is made up of white matter and gray matter. What makes white matter appear white?


An infarct of the anterior spinal artery at the L4 level resulting in the loss of blood supply would result in:

Weakness in both legs, no Babinski's sign in feet, a loss of pain and temperature perception in both legs with normal touch sensation in both legs

Cells that play a direct role in regulating blood flow to active areas of the CNS are


A patient enters the emergencydepartment with an inability to move his left foot andlower leg. Upon examination the physician notices thathe cannot feel touch or pain sensations on the lower leftleg and foot. All other tests were normal including theright leg and foot. The prediction is that he has had ablockage of the blood supply to the central nervoussystem responsible for the left lower leg and foot. Whatarterial supply would account for the clinical signs?

right anterior cerebral arteries

Subsequent to a subdural hematoma, a patient experiences difficulty with voluntary eyemovement, that is, when at rest the right eye looks "down and out," as well as experiencing motor problems over the left side of the body. You suspect that the subdural hematoma has caused tentorial herniation, which has resulted in compression of the:

right side of the midbrain

Cells that are responsible for electrical insulation in the periphery are

schwann cells

A patient comes to the emergency department claiming that he can no longer determine where his arms are located even though the nurse tells him that his arms look normal. The patient's response to painful stimuli and tactile stimuli on both arms are normal. The most likely damage is to:

spindle fibers

Which of the following is an ascending tract

spinothalamic tract

A young motorist involved in an auto accident walks away, seemingly unharmed after a 40-mph head-on collision. Weakness and tingling begin 2 weeks after the accident, leading the individual to seek treatment at a medical clinic. Computed tomography reveals a massive crescent-shaped hematoma. Themost likely diagnosis is a(n):

subdural hematoma

The superficial veins drain the lateral surfaces of the cerebral cortex by way of the:

superior sagittal sinus

How many cranial nerves are there


Muscle spindles are innervated by what classification of nerve fibers?


There are ___ paravertebral ganglia in the sympathetic trunk (chain)


Normally adult CSF volume of 1-150 ml is replaced every

8 hours

There are ___ Cervical nerves and __ Cranial nerves

8, 12

_______________ is an active process of degeneration that results to the axon distal to the injury when a nerve fiber is

Wallerian Degeneration

Choose the equivalent pairing of terms with regard to terms of orientation in the brain.

An older patient with a cerebellopontine angle tumor is most likely to have deficits associated with which cranial nerve?

What type of neurotransmitter does not use intracellular vesicles for storage and release?


An artery that comes directly off the internal carotid artery, supplies many of the deep brainstructures including the internal capsule, and is commonly involved in cerebrovascular accidents is the:

Anterior Choroidal artery

The acute injury to a finger caused by hitting it with a hammer often results in ongoing pain that includes swelling and redness to the area surrounding the injury. What special properties of the nervous system contribute to the swelling, redness, and ongoing pain?

Axon Reflex of the Nociceptive fibers

How rapid an action potential moves along an axon is dependent on what two variables?

Axon myelination and axon diameter

A space-occupying lesion occupying the infratentorial compartment would have the greatest effect on:

Balance and equilibrium

The 2 vertebral arteries combine to immediately become the _______ at the level of the pons


Most of the cranial nerves are attached to the:


The slowest nerve conducting fibers of the body are the:

C Fibers

Failure of the rhombic lips to form properly will most likely lead to problems with:


"Which of the following is NOT considered a small molecule neurotransmitter? Small molecules are stored in small vesicles and are transported from the cell body to the pre synaptic ending by SLOW AXONAL TRANSPORT:


Which of the meninges is known as the pachymeninges/pachymeninx?

Dura mater

The nervous system is made from


The termination of acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter after it has been released from the presynaptic terminal includes:

Enzymatic Degradation by acetylcholinesterase

The acronym that is used in diagnosing a stroke:


Which of the following is responsible for vibration sense of the lower limbs?

Fasiculus Gracilis

The red nucleus and rubrospinal tract is known for:

Flexion Protection Reflex

The sympathetic nervous system is commonly referred to as the system that governs the _____response

Flight or fight

Extra cellular fluid has a ________ concentration of Na+ than ICF


Which of the following is not a part of the diencephalon?


A stillborn infant exhibited severe facial abnormalities and upon autopsy it was discovered that the brain lacked significant gyri and sulci. At this point, the most likely diagnosis is:


The word "_________________" means little man in Latin. But in neuroanatomy, the cortical _____________________represents either the motor or the sensory distribution along the cerebral cortex of the brain. The motor homunculus is a topographic representation of the body parts and its correspondents along the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe.


Inappropriate excessive pain perception or pain amplification is also known as


The inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) will ________ the post synaptic membrane.


Medications are used to help decrease neuronal activity in cases of uncontrollable neuronal excitability. What type of treatment would decrease neuronal excitability?

Increasing the voltage-gated Na+ channel refractory time

A patient is diagnosed with severe depression and is offered a drug that will increase levels of the biogenic amines in the nervous system. What is the most reasonable mechanism of action of the drug?

Inhibit the reuptake transporters for biogenic amines

Several Lobes of the adult cerebrum have opercular parts; the opercula cover the:


A hemisection lesion of the thoracic spinal cord (Brown-sequard) produces the following deficit:

Ipsilateral loss of voluntary motor activity below the level of the lesion

An individual who begins to lose the sense of vibration may have problems with:

Pacinian Corpuscles

The medical terminology for awareness of movement/ the ability to discriminate joint position, relative weight of body parts, and joint movement, including speed, direction, and amplitude is:


A physician would perform a spinal tap to test for meningitis where there is no spinal cord, to prevent damage. Between what vertebrae would there be no spinal cord?


Injury to the entire left side of the spinal cord at L2 would result in:

Loss of left leg touch and proprioception, loss of pain and temperature of the right leg, left leg weakness, and increased left leg reflexes

Which of the following differentiates into the peripheral nervous system?

Neural crest cells

During the second trimester of a pregnant 24 year old, abnormally high levels of alpha-fetoprotein are found in her blood. Such elevated levels may be indicative of what fetal abnormality?

Neural tube defect

Which of the following is NOT a primary germ layer?


Sensory information gains access to the nervous system by generating receptor potentials via specialized cells. In some cases the specialized cells themselves can convert the receptor potential to an action potential. What type of cells in the human body use these generator potentials?


These receptors are sensitive to pain-causing stimuli:


This law gives the relationship of voltage, current, resistance in the equation: Current (I)= voltage (V)/resistance (R)

Ohm's Law

What cell type makes the myelin sheath in the CNS?


The lining of the peripheral nerves also forms a barrier that allows for selective penetration of substances similar to the blood-brain barrier. What layer of the meningeal envelope produces this barrier?


Which of the following are known as the leptomeninges?

Pia and arachnoid

Place the meninges in proper order from deep to superficial

Pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater

This blood vessel supplies the lateral medulla oblongata:

Posterior inferior cerebellar artery

The Sodium-potassium pump (Na+/K+ATPase) stabilizes resting membrane potential to have more ________ on the inside of the cell


This tract is responsible for flexion protection of the upper extremity:

Rubrospinal tract

Nerves that are afferent in nature and are usually structurally more on the dorsal aspect of the body are associated more with:


Sensory innervation of the infratentorial compartment is provided primarily by:

Sensory innervation of the infratentorial compartment is provided primarily by:

Electrical Stimulation of the periaqueductal gray has been shown to cause the release of norepinephrine, glycine and this pain modulating substance:


"Sensitive to pain" means low pain ______


In a medullary stroke the tongue deviates __________ the lesion


The cervical vertebra are unique in the fact they have transverse foramina that contains the ______ artery


An older woman slips on the ice and smacks the back of her head on the sidewalk. What function/ characteristic is most likely to be compromised from an injury to the posterior aspect of the cerebrum?


The postganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic nervous system release _______________as a neurotransmitter to act at _________________receptors on organs.

acetylcholine; muscarinic

Communicating (nonobstructive)hydrocephalus may be caused by inflammation of the:

arachnoid villi

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a subdivision of white matter?

cell bodies

The closure of the rostral neuropore of the embryo is represented by the ___________ in theadult.

lamina terminalis

This set of arteries is responsible for providing nourishment and oxygenated blood to thelateral surface of the cerebral cortex:

lateral cerebral arteries

Cells of the nervous system that lay a role in injury and act like macrophages of the CNS are


The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is present in the following areas:

the arachnoid barrier and the endothelial cells within the brain parenchyma

An individual is seen at the medical clinic with the chief complaint of a headache subsequent to a fall, which left her unconscious for an unknown period of time. Since the fall, the patient reports progressive weakness and tingling over one side of her body. You believe it to be an epidural hematoma, likely caused by damage to:

the middle meningeal artery

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