New Egypt Quiz

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Although there are different speculations, King Tut is believed to be the son of who?


What did Amenhotep change his name to?


Which god did Hatshepsut say made her Pharaoh?


Egyptian writing system


What type of religion did Amenhotep III (3rd) have

a polytheistic religion. Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten changed it to a monotheistic religion

giant, mountain like tomb fro a pharaoh


Ramses II had many wives and how many children?


What dynasty was King Tut from?

18th dynasty

What dynasty was Ramses II from?

19th dynasty

How many years did Amenhotep rule as pharaoh before he changed his name?

5 years

How long Did King Tut rule?

9 years and dies unexpectedly. His death is still a mystery.

Which of the following is not true about the Battle of Kadesh? A King Muwasallis of the Hittite Empire had an upper hand in the beginning, but lost the battle in the end B It was a show down between Egypt and Hittite Empire C Ramses II led two brigades Amun and Ra and crushed the Hittite army at Kadesh D It was a fight over the control of Syria


Set of twin temples carved out of a mountain side dedicated to three gods Amun-Ra, Ptah, and Ra-Horakhty built by Ramses the Great

Abu Simbel which was built in Southern Egypt

Which king made all worship to only one god Aten and disbanded all the priests, temples and took funds from the treasuries for Aten?


Akhenaten wanted to be known as the Servant of who?

Aten the sun God

At what famous Battle did Ramses II fight Muwatallis?

Battle of Kadesh

After 285 BC, queens in Meroe shared power with the king-unlike Egypt. what were the Queens called?

Candace meaning Queen Mother

In order for the people to accept Hatshepsut, she had to do what>

Dress like a male pharaoh, even wore a fake beard

In early Kush, priests had the ultimate power as they were thought to speak to Amun and had the authority to do what?

Evaluate the health of the King and determine him unfit and the message was believed to be from Amun

Egyptian pharaohs were usually waht

First born male child of the pharaoh's favorite wife

Why historians called Ramses..Ramses the Great?

For restoring the sphinx, completing the temple at karnak, work on temple Abu Simel, built city with four temples and beautiful gardens. Great warrior

The main good Egyptians wanted from the Nubians was what


Piye ruled over his Kingdom in Nubia which was in Sudan, but he felt he was the true ruler of Egypt. He gathered a mighty arm and after a year of fighting, every leader in Egypt surrendered. In order for Piye not to kill them , the leaders did what??

Gave him their finest horses and jewelry in exchange for their lives.

Who was the first one to re-discover Abu Simbel?

Giovanni Battista Belzoni

Tuthmosis II (Aka Thutmose II) was Hatshepsut's What?

Half brother and later her husband

One of the few women to Egypt. Governed with her husband Thutmose II until his death and then ruled on behalf of Tuthmosis III (also known as Thutmose III) as coregent


This pharaoh made great efforts to restore trade relations that had been interrupted by the Hyskos invasion. She brought great economic advancements to Egypt and expanded trade routes.


This ruler built magnificent temples and restored old monuments. The arts and architecture thrived during her reign. Tomb located at the Valley of the Kings


This ruler valued the opinions of Egyptians and sought their support for decisions. Gave people who were loyal government positions. Her nephew removed her name from royal texts and monuments after her death because he wanted to show that she had interrupted the royal line of males.


Why did Tuthmosis II/Thutmose II name Tuthmosis III/Thutmose III as his successor?

Hatshepsut's ambitions to become pharaoh were revealed

Who was the first female Pharaoh? how long did she rule?

Hatshepsut...20 years

Who discovered King Tut's tomb? What year?

Howard Carter in 1922

Merore eventually disappeared why?

Invasions and conquer by Aksum. Eventually the farmland also turned to desert from overuse

Magnificent Hall built By Ramses the II or Great

Karnak at Thebes

The Great Pyramid at Giza was built for this pharaoh.


What King refused to obey when the priests said it was time for his rule to end in Kush?

King Ergamenes-he killed all the priests at the temple of Amun. This ended the rule of priests

After Piye conquered Egypt, he did something odd. what did he do?

Loaded up his riches and left back for Nubia, never to return again. He ruled from afar.

Whose death set off the rumor of King Tut's Mummy curse?

Lord Carnarvon

Where was King Tut buried?


The first king of Egypt, often credited with unifying the two kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt. Many people believe he may be the same person as Narmer.


During Hatshepsut's reign when Tuthmosis IIi/Thutmose III grew into a man, he married who?

Merira-Hatshepset-Hatshepsut's daughter

The people of Kush followed Egyptian practices but eventually gave way to new customs. Hieroglyphs were replaced by what new writing in Meroe?


belief in only one god


What was Hatshepsut's greatest achievement?

Mortuary Temple at Deir-el Bahri. She had her life story inscribed here.

King Tut's tomb taught us lots about ancient Egyptian life, but didn't tell us what?

Much about King Tut

the process of preparing a body for burial that culminates in wrapping the body in linen strips


Who did Ramses II refuse to extradite back to the Hittite Empire?

Mursili III

Do we know what happened to Hatshepsut after Tuthmosis III grew into a man?

NO, she disappeared and he had all references to her obliterated from monuments and walls.

This King also credited with unification of Upper and Lower Egypt and being the first king of a unified Egypt. Many people believe that Menes and Narmer may be the same person.


Who was Amenhotep or Akhenaten's Wife?


Did the CT scan in January 2005 prove that king Tut was murdered?


The kingdom of Kush was ruled by who


Mummified man wearing a white cone like headdress with feathers. Is the God of the dead and ruler of the Underworld. He was also the god of resurrection and fertility. Brother/husband of Isis.


What pharaoh ruled egypt the longest?

Pepi II

king of Egypt


Who was the black African from Nubia that was worried about Egypt not being great anymore after being divided up by selfish warlords?


belief or worship of more than one god


The God of the Sun. Man with hawk head and headdress with a sun disk. Most important of God of Egypt.


The Egyptians thought the pharaoh was a son of what god?

Ra the Sun God

Most successful Pharaoh during Egyptian recovery period from 1249 to 1213 BCE. Great warrior and fame from battlefield. Famous for restoring many buildings and monuments. Expanded Egyptian power.

Ramses II

Which pharaoh might have granted Moses in the Old Testament his freedom?

Ramses II

Who signed the peace treaty?

Ramses II and Hittite King Hattusili III

Ruled for 66 years

Ramses the II

Who did Hatshepsut supposedly love all her life?

Senmut the architect of Mortuary Temple

Hatshepsut took advantage of Tuthmosis III/Thutmose III youth and declared what to become Pharaoh?

That the god Amun had spoken to her and wanted her to rule. She later declared herself the wife of Amun.

Why was King Tut so famous although he only played such a small role in history?

The discovery of King Tutankhamen's tomb made him very famous because his tomb had not been robbed by thieves as most other pharaohs tombs had been. His tomb contained a brilliant gold mask of his face, jewelry and other treasures. Also, he was so young.

Which of the following is true about the treaty signed by Egypt and the Hittite Empire The peace treaty carried specific clauses for extradition Both sides confirmed that Ramses the Great initiated the peace talk Both sides agreed that it was Muwasallis that wanted to end the conflicts The treaty was written in two languages-Hieroglyphs and Arabic for the Hittite Empire

The peace treaty carried specific clauses for extradition

Ramses kept trying to win back Syria to no avail. Eventually Ramses and the Hittite King negotiated to stop invading each other's territories. They would also form an alliance. They would have to return refugees and criminals back to the country they came from. These 18 articles became known as what?

The world's first peace treaty

Akhenaten moved the capital to Akhetaten. Where was the capital before?


Lord Carnarvon was the Boss of Howard Carter. After the discovery of the tomb, Lord Carnarvon died as well as several others making people think what?

There was a mummy cuse

Nubian or Kush pyramids are diffferent from Egyptian pyramids. Why?

They are smaller only 20 to 90 feet on a side where the Great Pyramid was 756 feet

Much of Tut's power fell into the hands of two senior members of the royal court, Horemheb and Ay. What happened after Tut died? What did that make people speculate?

They became pharaohs and people thought that may have meant that Tut was murdered

How else were Kush pyramids different?

They have steeper sides and built almost 2000 years after those at GIza

A son of one of his lesser wives or a Nephew of Thutmose ( aka Tuthmosis II)

Thutmose III also known as Tuthmosis III

9 Year old son of Akhenaton that became pharaoh. He ruled on advice from priests and officials. Restored worship to many deities.


Who succeeded Akhenaten to the throne?


Tuthmosis II/ThutmoseII realized that his wife Hatshepsut wanted to be what? SO what did he do?

Wanted to make herself Pharaoh, so he named his Tuthmosis III to be pharaoh

Kush and Egypt

What are two eras?

government workers who carry out the policies of the country's leaders


used during the embalming/mummification process to hold the organs of the dead

canopic jars

a series of rapids and waterfalls along a river


Ergamemenes passed laws that made Meroe a separate what from egypt?

culture and Egyptian language, writing and art disappeared from Meroe

A series of rulers from the same family


a reed plant that grew wild along the Nile, used to make paper-like product with the same name


What was Amenhotep's relationship with his mother?

she was beloved to him

giant statue with the body of a lion and the head of a man that guard the pyramid complex at Giza


Ramses the Great or 2nd fought large battles against who? Who won?

the Hittites. Nobody, eventually the Hittite Empire asked for a cease fire. Although Ramses had defeated King Muwatallis on the battlefield, he did not secure Syria as he had wanted to do.

a government in which the same person is the political leader and religious leader


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