New Testament Survey Deep-Study Questions ( SECOND SET )

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2 Corinthians 3:1-3

"Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, as some do, letters of recommendation to you, or from you? You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all. And you show that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."

Galatians 2:21

"I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness were through the law, then Christ died for no purpose."

1 Corinthians 6: 9-11

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

What are the three pastoral epistles?

1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and Titus.

What did I suggest is the meaning of the 144,000 who are sealed in Revelation 7?

144, 000 is an aspect of numerology, it resembles all of the sealed, and the ones who are the new Israel as it is a great multitude of people who are marked by the Holy Spirit.

What is a "preterist" interpretation of Revelation?

A preterist interpretation means that you are the kind of person who when reading revelation, believe the events have already been fulfilled, specifically in the year AD 70. This is around the same date of the Jewish war which led to the destruction of the temple. Preterists are led to believe that skies darkening and judgement and the apocalypse is entirely happening during the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

Was 2 Corinthians Paul's second letter to that church?

After Paul stays in Corinth for a year and a half, he writes them a letter, however we do not have this first letter. A woman names Chloe reports to Paul stating that the people of Corinth are sleeping with their moms. Then the Corinthians write a letter to Paul, hinted that in 1 Corinthians ( not the first letter ), that Paul is answering to a letter the Corinthians wrote to him previously about offering food to idols. 1 Corinthians was a very heavy and it worried Paul because he wasn't getting a response back. Then Paul visits Corinth, but it was very painful. So then after he leaves from the painful trip, he writes another letter, the severe letter. Paul is saying "how dare you treat me this way" and so on, not a spiritually inspired letter but an emotional, and personal letter. However, he receives the silent treatment, and then calls on his friend Titus to visit Corinth and apologize about the severe letter on Paul's behalf. Titus reports to Paul that the Corinthians are remorseful and feel sorry about how they treated him and there is a chance of reconciliation. Paul is very happy and writes the fourth letter, 2 Corinthians. There is a rumor of 3 Corinthians but that is an example of pseudepigraphy.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

What is the name of the type of argument the author of Hebrews makes throughout?

An argument from lesser to greater. For example, let's say you were going to take organic chemistry as an elective for the next semester in college. However, in high school, you failed chemistry. What makes you think that you could take college chemistry if you didn't do so well in high school chemistry? Same thing with Hebrews, when the Israelites were freed from Egypt because of Moses, they started to rebel against him. God then put them in the wild for 40 years where they suffered and died. How much more great will the punishment be for rejecting Jesus and his covenant, compared to when the Israelites rejected Moses? It won't be worth converting back to Judaism and the consequence will be more severe.

What is the primary exhortation to the men in 1 Timothy?

Anger and quarreling. Paul addresses men who become angry and quarrel, telling them to focus on praying. This does not mean that women do not argue, but he is reminding men in particular.

Give two examples of the "calling" that Peter gives to his audience

Be holy as your heavenly father is holy Continue to submit to the governing authorities

Peter 4:12-13

Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.

Give 3 examples of some of the issues in the Corinthian church

Compromise issue: sexual immorality (such as incestry) that is not even tolerated by pagans, you claim to be a christian yet you commit acts of incest and compromise the entire gospel message, if you're christian and you sleep with your mom, then other outsiders will think that sleeping with your mom is okay because you are a follower of Jesus, The Corinth church then became tolerant of the sin around them, and became proud of their ignorance to people committing sexual immoralities. Paul asks "why should you be proud of sin? You should mourn". Further examples are clothing and modesty, offering food to idols, marriages, unmarried people, virgins. Conflict issue: division found in the church of Corinth, one group of people who follow John sit here, Paul followers over there. Christ is not divided, it's unified and so the church should be unified. There were a lot of lawsuits and church members suing one another for disagreements, the church appeared to be lawsuit happy and outsiders were led to believe that suing one another is what the church is all about. The behavior at the lord's supper was disrespectful, people would even skip out on meals topig out on food and wine and get drunk, but that is not what the lord's supper is about.

What were the two categories of issues going on in the Corinthian church? Explain what each one means.

Conflict: conflicts within the church, between the Christians in the church in Corinth, not conflicts between unbelievers and believers, but Christians and themselves Compromise: their actions and their sayings are completely opposite to their character, claiming that "I'm a Christian, I follow Jesus, I read the bible", but will lie, steal, commit adultery, compromising their own integrity

What was ancient Corinth known for?

Corinth had a massive temple dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite, a goddess of love, lust and fertility. There were sacrifices and worshipping in the temple, and many priestesses committed sexual immoralities and hosted orgies. The city was like a Vegas; notorious, had a bad reputation, and was like the sin city of the ancient world. It was so scandalous that the word "Corinthian" and being called one was a slur, not the best name to be called. Corinth was also economically rich because it was a port city and could charge whoever traveled through. Many people traveled to Corinth for better opportunities and job openings, which produced a lot of money.

Ephesians 2:8-10 teaches us something about the nature of "faith" and the nature of "works". What does it teach about these two concepts?

Ephesians 2:8-10 teaches that the nature of faith promises the nature of works. When you have faith and become a Christian, you will naturally share love and start producing spiritual fruit because that is just a promise of what comes out of following Christ.

To some, James and Paul appear to contradict each other on what issue?

Faith and good works. James believes that salvation is through good works, that faith without works is dead. While Paul believes that salvation is through faith and faith alone.

What is the occasion for this epistle? (Titus)

False teaching, the faith, doctrine, conduct and behavior of the church. Similar to 1 Timothy

James 2:26

For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.

Ephesians 2:8-10

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Philippians 1:21

For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Hebrews 3:14

For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.

What is the basic message of the "warning passages" in Hebrews? (hint: key verse)

Hebrews is telling people to watch themselves from an evil that lives in their heart, which could prevent them from following Christ. Regardless if you are persecuted, you need people in your life to encourage and cheer you on, and to share in Christ. If you are a real christian, you will come to share in Christ until the end. Persevere to the end and don't let this persecution pull you away from Christ, yes it is hard, but do not reject the covenant. Watch your heart, as Jesus is offering a better rest.

What does the key verse (Phil 1:21) have to do with humility?

If Paul were to choose between life and death it would be a tough call. He loves to do ministry, but his life is marked by suffering, rejection, people trying to kill him, prison and that remaining in flesh is necessary for the account of the people, of the Philippians. He would rather depart and be with Christ, and would be happy for this to end. Dying would be awesome for him, yet discouraging and sad for him. However, he hopes to live because it is beneficial to the Philippians and he will be with them and see their progress and so he would want to live for them, even when he would rather choose the option of death.

Explain the reason Paul can be joyful in both cases in Phil 1:21

If they let him go, he will be able to do his ministry. If he dies, he will get to see Jesus. This makes him happy because in a way he will still be with Christ.

Why is the intended audience of Ephesians debated?

In study bibles, there are footnotes that say in the earliest manuscripts there isn't an explicit mention of the audience and it's missing vital information because we do not have the original. Some later manuscripts show implication, but the date is debated as well because if Ephesians is a disputed epistle and Paul didn't really write it, then it could have been written at a later date.

According to James, Abraham was "justified" when he did what?

James explains that Abraham was justified by works, and his sins were wiped away when he offered his son Isaac to the altar.

What illustration does James use to explain what it means to be a "hearer" of the word but not a "doer"?

James explains that being a hearer and doer of the world will have different responses to the way one would look at themselves in the mirror. A hearer ( dried crusted thing on your cheek which you slobbered in your sleep ) will look at the mirror, disregard it and walk away to continue with their day. A hearer will forget what he saw in the mirror, in this sense the mirror is the Bible. When reading the Bible, does it reveal things about your own character and what you should work on? Or do you just close the Bible and forget whatever you read? A doer will read the Bible, look at themselves in the mirror, and improve/ respond to what they learn and want to change. A hearer will look at the mirror, shrug and everything they read from the Bible goes in one ear and out the other.

James' meaning on faith

James is saying, what good is it when you have faith but not works? James borrows the audience's definition of faith. To James, faith and works are separate puzzle pieces. What good is it if you have a faith puzzle piece but not a works puzzle piece? James is referring to a faith that has nothing to do with works. Can THAT faith, with no expression through works, can that faith save you? For example, what good would it be if you saw a homeless, hungry man and you went up to him saying "sir, I hope you have a full tummy today when you go to sleep." That would be so useless, what is the point of this?? If faith does not have works, then it is dead. James refers to dead faith, and that this type of faith, mental assent, is not enough.

Who is the author of James?

James is the half brother of Jesus. Jesus did have half brothers and sisters since his biological mother was Mary but not Joseph. For most of James' life he wanted nothing to do with Jesus, as Jesus' own family rejected him. Until, he witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection, then became a christian.

How would you summarize Hebrews in 3 words?

Jesus is better

What does it mean that "Jesus offers a better sacrifice"?

Jesus offers a better sacrifice because all your sins are forgiven; there is new birth, new nature, regeneration. Jesus' sacrifice can genuinely change the person, however animal sacrifices have no power to do so. Jesus can change you from the inside. When you pass by the temple, there's the blood and smell of burning animals, this is just a reminder that you were as sinful as you were yesterday. You could keep going to the temple and ask the priest for God to forgive you on your behalf, but what's the matter if you go there a month from now asking forgiveness for the same sin? Jesus offered himself once, and forgave all sins, this is why he doesn't come back all the time to do it all again.

What is the supreme example of humility given by Paul? Be specific.

Jesus. He doesn't let people bring him down and he only cares about if people are hearing about Jesus. He allows others to win, specifically those who seem him as a rival and want to be a better preacher than him.

What is the occasion and purpose of Revelation?

John is writing to the 7 churches, from the island Patmos. He writes to Christians who are being persecuted, and Revelation is created to encourage them. A loud voice told John to write what he sees in a book, then send it to the seven churches. It's like when you have a vivid dream and so you tell others about it, but it sounds crazy the more and more you talk. John's visions are like so. Likely, the last book of the Bible which was written.

Who wrote Revelation and from where?

John the Apostle who followed Jesus. The Son of Zebedee who also wrote 1, 2, and 3 John.

1 Timothy 4:16

Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Give two examples of "the hope" that Peter gives to his audience

Look to heaven! You might still suffer here on earth, but heaven is coming! Your faith is being strengthened in the middle of your suffering.

What is the primary exhortation to women in 1 Timothy?

Modesty. Paul addresses women who should dress respectively, this does not mean that men don't dress immodestly, rather he is reminding women in particular. A guest should not walk into a church and be confused if its a bar or a church.

Does Paul suggest to Timothy that he try to reconcile with the false teachers?

No, he tells Timothy that teaching a separate doctrine is bad and to charge the false teachers when they preach about a different gospel. There is no compromise or middle ground, and he shouldn't reconcile with false teachers. Get your doctrine right or leave. The false teachers should no longer teach anymore.

Is 1 Corinthians a disputed epistle?

No, scholars believed 1 Corinthians was genuinely written by Paul so it is undisputed

What does Paul do in Galatians 1-2? Why?

Paul ( really going thru it lol ) is defending his authorship because the Judiazers are instigating his apostleship. Before Paul can convince the Galatians, he must convince them that he is reliable. Firstly, he states that his gospel is independent and undistorted because he got it from Jesus and he teaches the same as James, John, Peter, all the disciples and Paul himself believe in the same gospel. So if Paul is wrong, then they're all wrong. His gospel was not received by a random guy on the street, he did not receive it from man but through a revelation of Christ. Later he meets the disciples, and he tells the Galatians that when he told the disciples what gospel he believed in, they agreed with it and so if the Galatians are questioning him then they are also questioning Peter, John, Jesus and so either he is right and the Judiazers are wrong and vise versa.

What is the difference between how Paul uses "faith" and how James uses "faith"?

Paul and James uses "faith" differently according to their audience. James believes that just saying "I believe in God" and having mental assent is not good enough, you have to do more. Paul believes that faith is a big embrace and having full faith in God will justify you and change your actions ( to do good works ). Paul's audience are legalists, people who are constantly thinking of the law, and who believe in the law about what not to eat or drink, and the more practical side of Christianity. James' audience are antinomians, people who are anti law, love that Christianity is a relationship, they only like certain parts of the Bible, and don't believe sin is that big of a deal because Jesus already died for them, so whatever. Antinomians don't like being told what to do. Distinguish the separate audiences of James and Paul.

What does Paul argue about the Old Testament law and the old covenant?

Paul argues that Christians are no longer under the Old Testament ( in opposition to what the Judiazers are teaching ) and that a person is justified through their faith in Christ not works of the law. He explains that is a person is declared righteous by keeping the law, then Jesus just wasted his time and his death would be in vain. Why would he have to die then? If you could just obey the law and be a good enough person to be saved? If the Judiazers are right, then Jesus died for no purpose. Paul is saying that Christians are no longer a part of the Old Testament covenant, that it was an expired package as soon as Jesus came to establish a new covenant to follow and new expectations to follow. A covenant is an agreement that God enters with humanity, such as the mosaic covenant, you are my people and I am your God, the covenant is a constitution, this is your part, and this is my part, I'm doing this and you should do that.

What two new relationships between Philemon and Onesimus does Paul emphasize?

Paul emphasizes reconciliation and partnership. He tells Philemon to receive Onesimus how he would to Paul, as in get a room ready, give him a meal, and to not accept Onesimus as a slave but as a beloved brother. It is noted that the conflict was of a financial aspect, and Paul explains that whatever Onesimus owes Philemon, should be put on his own personal account, and release the runaway. This goes to prove that christian relationships will look different from non-christian relationships.

Give at least two reasons why Paul is joyful

Paul is joyful because ( he is an unbothered king ) he understands that the Philippians have his back and he is not alone- joy in the partnership of the gospel. 2, despite being in jail, it actually served to advance the gospel. Paul is stuck in a cell and that just means he is able to spread the gospel to the guards who must watch over him. He says to not be discouraged because he can tell the whole guard about Jesus and he loves his position in jail, the Philippians should rejoice.

What is the occasion for this epistle? (2 Timothy)

Paul is writing his last letter, and he is aware that this letter to Timothy may be his last words. The letter is like a spiritual pep-talk before Paul dies, it is very emotional and raw. Paul knows that this is the end for him.

What illustration does Paul use for salvation in Ephesians 2?

Paul loves metaphors and explains that there is a before and after of salvation. However, most people tend to think highly of themselves before being a Christian, and Paul is like "um no bestie, like you were spiritually dead". People were dead in trespasses, as people were walking corpses, spiritual zombies, who followed the desires of the world. God made them alive and his motivating factor is love and mercy. God did not give salvation to those were spiritually alive, but he sees everyone as a walking corpse and wants to give them all a chance to be reborn through Jesus.

What appeal does Paul make to Philemon regarding Onesimus?

Paul makes a plea for Onesimus. He knows full well that he could play an apostle card and that he has a certain level of authority, however Paul does not choose to demand anything from Philemon. Instead, Paul explains that Onesimus is with him, and upon hearing his personal story as a slave and relationship with Philemon, Paul states "whose father I became in my imprisonment". It is likely that Onemisus became Christian while conversing with Paul; Onemisus must have brought him breakfast, bread, blanket and builds a relationship with Paul. He then sends Onesimus back to Philemon, and give him the letter which Paul wrote.

What does Paul mean when he says to the Corinthians that they are his commendation? (hint: key verse)

Paul means that the Corinthians are proof of his credibility check because if the gospel and the word which came from him was not true, then it wouldn't have changed their lives so much. He's like "you know why this whole thing is not a scam, is because of your own life, we met at this temple of Aphrodite, and we talked about jesus, and you were talking about how lifestyle is fruitless, but your life now is not the same as it was 5 years ago". If Paul was a fraud and this whole gospel thing and his ministry was fake, then their lives wouldn't change! The gospel is real and it changed their life, and so the Corinthians are his proof, "you are my evidence, look at whether your life has changed or not, and it has!" YOU SHOW THAT YOU ARE A LETTER OF CHRIST, you have the holy spirit! Because you heard the gospel, it's not fake, its not a sham, its fr be so fr

What does the key verse (Phil 1:21) have to do with joy?

Paul realizes the reality of his two options. To live is christ and to die is gain, if he is able to live in the flesh then it will be fruitful labor. He will get to travel, share the gospel and go to another city. If Paul dies, then he will be sent right to Jesus and either way it's a win-win situation and he is happy with both of these options. Joy and the expectations after death sustains his joy.

Explain one of the three main illustrations Paul gives Timothy to communicate endurance and perseverance.

Paul tells Timothy to expect suffering and to bear the responsibility and duty to the one who enlisted you, such as a soldier. Do not compromise, but have perseverance as a farmer, press righteously as an athlete and that signing up to be Christian ( like a soldier ) is signing up to suffer.

What tangible instruction does Paul give Timothy to help him persevere (hint: key verse)

Paul tells Timothy to keep the scripture and bible close. The Bible will keep you from sin, or sin will keep you from the Bible. Perseverance means being prepared to suffer and challenged, which will be hard but follow the scriptures and it will encourage you.

How does the key verse (1 Timothy 4:16) relate to the whole epistle?

Paul tells Timothy to watch also himself, his conduct and behavior to make sure it aligns with the doctrine of the church. He also says to care for the conduct and doctrine/ theology for the church as a whole, if he wants to care for them.

In Ephesians 4, Paul tells the Ephesians to "put off the old self" and "put on the new self" what does he mean by this and what is the significance of the illustration?

Paul uses a clothing metaphor, take off your jacket, put on your shoes, imagery of clothes- the new self to put off the old self, the clothes are habits, patterns of conduct, they are the things which believers do on a regular basis. Paul is saying look, we are walking around with different clothes and different patterns of behavior; figure out what you're wearing and realize that there are patterns of your manner that do not correlate with who you are. Put off your old self for a newer life, this is not how you should be walking :( Put on the patterns and habits that are your new self and to honor Jesus. Don't wear the hat that doesn't match the new self

Why is the authorship of Paul debated?

Paul's authorship is debated because scholars compare the writing style of Ephesians and it's original greek translation to Galatians, Romans and other works that Paul wrote. They came to the conclusion that it doesn't sound like Paul and so it is a disputed epistle, many are saying that it's false.

Who is the "Peter" of 1 Peter

Peter of the 12 who denied Jesus 3 times.

In your own words, explain the three things Peter tells Christians in their suffering.

Peter tells Christians to have hope. If they are crushed, anxious, stressed, depressed, the first this is encouragement. Peter does not give flimsy, lame hope. He is not like "don't worry, things are going to be okay" rather, he gives hope in things which cannot be taken away. Next, Peter reminds Christians of their calling to obey, even in suffering. Just because you are suffering, it does not mean you are not called to live a holy life, but live a life of obedience and things you need to do as a Christian. It's not okay to be a jerk because life sucks. Lastly, Peter tells them that a great example is Jesus. Jesus can really relate to his audience, because yes life is difficult when you feel alone. So look up to Jesus as an example on living a good life, even in the midst of suffering.

What is the main reason Peter writes this epistle?

Peter writes for christians who are suffering and being persecuted, just as the book of Hebrews. But unlike Hebrews, Peter is filled with encouragement and hope, it isn't as heavy as Hebrews.

What are the "Petrine Epistles"?

Petrine epistles are letters written by Peter.

What is the relationship between Philemon and Onesimus?

Philemon is the master to slave Onesimus. Onesmius is said to be a runaway slave because of some conflict, he never really felt safe. In the historical context, if you are a runaway slave, and you're caught in the Roman Empire, the punishment is death. Onesimus' options are limited, as he won't be able to get a job, and he has no friends or family. However, he has heard of this great Paul, and knows that his mater Philemon respects this well-known apostle. If Onesimus can find this Paul guy, perhaps he can get out of his situation as a runaway slave.

Give at least one of the possible reasons for why Paul is writing this letter

Since Paul is a missionary and always traveling, his friends support him with the financial aspect, and he just received a generous monetary gift from the Philippians so he is thanking them for the money. The other reasons is to address the conflict and division going on in the church in Phillip, there are two ladies with influential power, clashing in the church and this makes the congregation choose sides. Paul also would like to encourage the Philippians because he is in prison at the time and the Philippians are worried about him.

Philemon 1:17

So if you consider me a partner, receive him as you would receive me.

What are the two issues about the writing of Ephesians that are debated?

The authorship, intended audience and the date.

Where does "Revelation" get its name?

The book introduces itself in chapter 1, as it is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The word revelation in greek is apocalupsis. In English, you may think this greek word is Apocalypse, has a very dark annotation, it's the end of the world, the destruction. But apocalupsis really means revelation, it is not about the end of the world. Revelation is an uncovering, something that is going to be revealed, unveiling something that has not be clear before.

What literary "genre" did we say best describes this book?

The book is best described as a sermon, it comes in very emotional, strong and has applications. It is a dense book.

What was the main issue troubling the church in 2 Corinthians?

The church in corinthians were experiencing a lot of crises; incest in the church, food to idols, but the main issue was when the super apostles came to question Paul's reliability. The super apostles were warning the Corinthians to be wary of Paul because he used to persecute Christians and could be leading them away. This is why Paul's trip is so painful because the super apostles were there and clashing with him.

Who were the "false teachers" in Galatia?

The false teachers are Judiazers who are teaching that in order to be full christian, you have to study the Old Testament and keep Jewish law. The Galatians are being influenced by these false teachers who are distorting the gospel and having them turn to a different gospel, doing so is turning from God.

Does the false teaching at Ephesus pertain to conduct, doctrine, or both?

The false teaching pertains to the doctrine of the church. It is not about false teachers with minor disagreements, Paul is okay with differences within the church, but rather the teachers are conveying completely different messages from the Bible. For example, God did not create the earth, Jesus did not rise from the dead and so on, causing people to shipwreck their own faith.

What series of events do the seven seals represent?

The first four seals are the four horsemen; the white horse to conquer, the red horse to take away peace ( causing war ), the black horse for famine, the green horse for disease. The fifth seal shows those who were martyred for their faith in Christ. The 6th seal is a great earthquake, complete destruction of the world, stars are falling, God will create a new heaven and a new earth. The seventh seal unleashed peals of thunder, flashings of lightening onto earth. The seals represent Jesus' wrath when comes down to earth.

What is are the three main themes we discussed in Galatians?

The first important theme is the authority of the apostle Paul. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit and his writings ( such as Galatians, Romans, Ephesians, Corinthians ) carry the same authority as Jesus himself. It's not "I don't like what Paul says, but what Jesus says" when they have the same authority. The nature of the gospel. You receive the Holy Spirit by faith alone. Christians relationship to the law. It may or may not apply to you, but what does the new covenant say?

Who ends up opening the scroll in Revelation 5?

The lamb, who is symbolic of Jesus. The lamb is standing as though it had been slain covering in blood ( Jesus crucification and death ) with seven horns ( horns are representative of power and strength ) and the lamb had seven eyes ( all seeing nd all powerful ). The Lion of Judah and the lamb are the same- Jesus. God is the creator, Christ is the redeemer.

What is the main theme of this epistle? (Titus)

The main theme is that the false teachers are preaching lies and false things and they are teaching for selfish gain. Paul tells Titus to stand in contrast, in both teaching and conduct. Unlike the false teachers, Titus should teach the great gospel and also be respectable, kind, know humility and be selfless.

What did I suggest about the significance of the "seven spirits of God"?

The number 7 means perfection, totality and completion. The seven spirits of God are perfect, holy, symbolic of perfection. The Holy Spirit is just one of the seven spirits of God, and it is symbolic not literal.

What is the occasion for this letter?

The occasion is that the Galatians are abandoning their faith and turning from the gospel Paul taught, a gospel that is directly from Jesus and not twisted, and the Judiazers are hurting their spiritual growth/ faith.

What skill should pastors/elders have according to 1 Timothy?

The one skill is being able to teach. It is not enough for the pastor to be well, nice, likable guy because it is possible the sermon may be boring and the congregation loses interest. Pastors and elders need to have both the ability to teach, and a passionate character which will fit well the church.

In what way does 2 Corinthians teach us about the painful nature of Christian ministry?

The reality of being christian is treating other with dignity and kindness. In 2 Corinthians, Paul's emotions are up and down, he gets hurt, rejected, the cold shoulder, because being a christian is trying for people and sharing the love for other people. It also shows to have endurance, just as Paul refused to give up on the Corinthians even when they were disrespectful to him, he wants to keep trying and reconcile. Then, it displays how the Holy Spirit can transform your life, it has transformative power.

What is a "Catholic Epistle"?

The word catholic has nothing to do with Roman Catholicism. Rather, it has to do with universal, or a general context. This is not what Catholics believe, this is just universal belief.

What is the primary characteristic of elders/pastors in 1 Timothy?

Their character. Elders and pastors should be respectable, self-controlled and overall have a great moral of character. Many churches search for a pastor like they would search for a CEO; someone who has good people skills, who can manage and grow their church economically. However, Paul is more concerned with the character of the pastor, it doesn't matter if the can generate a lot of money or beneficial assets to the church.

Revelations 21:1

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.

Who is Philemon?

There are many question marks about who Philemon is, but it is speculated to be a wealthy Christian who lives in the city of Colossae. He is a part of gospel ministry, a faithful worker of Jesus, and he is so rich that he hosts church in his own house and the congregation is allowed to attend the building. It is later revealed that Philemon is a slave owner.

Titus 3:8

This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men.

What relationship does Timothy have with Paul?

Timothy is a disciple and the son of a Jewish woman believer. He is a teenager with a good reputation, and Paul meets his family then tells Timothy that he is doing missionary work. Paul asks Timothy if he is interested in that, and of course Timothy agrees to become a traveling companion. At some point Paul and Timothy split up, where Timothy is told to do ministry in Ephesus, while he is not an official pastor, but does have a religious role. Paul sees Timothy as his spiritual son and is very close to him. He thinks highly of Timothy and felt a fatherly bond with him, considering Paul had no family to harbor such a relationship.

What is Timothy doing when he receives this letter from Paul?

Timothy is at the church in Ephesus, who is having issues with false teachings.

Who is Titus and where is he when he receives this letter?

Titus is like Timothy, a young disciple who is pastoring at a city, Crete.

Is Philippians a disputed or undisputed epistle?

Undisputed epistle, many people agree Paul wrote it. Paul writes the letter, and Timothy is involved somehow, such as the signature at the bottom of the letter.

What are three characteristic features of apocalyptic literature? Explain each in one sentence in your own words. There are more than three, just pick three.

Visions: kind of like a dream, except you're away and the more you talk the more crazy you sound, John struggles to explain his vision so it may be difficult to understand Symbolism: candles, stars, rainbow, pregnant woman, dragon, beasts, trees all of which refer to something symbolic, do not interpret it too literally Numerology: symbolic numbers, such as 7, 6, 144, 000, 42 Angelology & Demonology: a lot of angels, demons, beasts, dragons which could be satan and so on

Who wrote the book of Hebrews?

We have no idea who wrote it, the author is unknown. Some people debate that it's Luke or Paul ( highly unlikely) and even by Barnabas but really we have no idea.

Paul's meaning on faith

When Paul says you are justified by faith, that means you have full confidence and trust in Jesus, then you are saved. Paul believes that faith is inseparable from works, that faith is about belief, conduct, doctrine and when you have faith then you will behave a specific way. Because faith incorporates works. For example, there was this guy who used to tight rope across the Niagara Falls, and he did many different stunts. He asked the watchers if they believed he could get across with someone across his back, and if anyone wanted to volunteer. No one volunteered however, despite them encouraging the man he could do it. Paul is saying, if you have confidence in Jesus ( such as agreeing to cross on a tight rope on someone's back ) and having confidence that you will make it, then it will justify and save you.

Had Paul visited Corinth before writing 2 Corinthians?

Yes, Paul ministered to Corinth and established a church to the people who have never heard of the gospel. It is confirmed in Acts 18 by Luke, that Paul leaves to visit Corinth and stays there for a year and a half with a friend who was in the tent-making business. Paul preached in the synagogue, and tried to persuade Jews and Gentiles about Jesus. He also talked about heritage and baptized them, then when he leaves began his set of letters to the Corinthians

Is Philemon a Prison Epistle?

Yes, Philemon is a prison epistle. Onemisus eventually finds Paul in prison.

Did Paul know the church at Philippi?

Yes/No?? because Paul is writing to the saints in Christ Jesus who are Philippi. Saints are people with the Holy Spirit, and is another word for people who follow Jesus.

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