Not Everything It Seems

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Based on the selection, what can the reader most likely conclude about interacting with the influencer world?

It can be quite enjoyable if you follow certain suggestions.

When you pull back the curtain on social media influencers, are they as real as they seem? What is the effect of the phrase pull back the curtain in this sentence?

It suggests that many aspects of the influencer world are more than what we see; there's more happening!

What is the author's point of view about the influencer world?

It's not as glamorous as it appears to be.

Who are influencers?

Post to any social media platform in exchange for compensation (likes, money, views) - Bloggers, vloggers, creating short videos

In the section "#Worldofinfluencers," the author claims that the impact of influencers has been somewhat positive. Which sentence from the selection best supports this claim?

There's a lot to admire about influencers, especially those who promote good ideas. (paragraph 5)

What is the author's purpose in the selection?

To argue that the influencer world has problems beneath the surface

What are two purposes of the section called "#Worldofinfluencers"?

To explain why influencers have power To describe what influencers do

Why does the author use headings throughout the selection?

To highlight the main ideas in each section

What is the author's purpose for writing this article?

To inform the reader about the reality of an influencer.

Choose the correct correlative conjunction to replace the underlined word in the sentence below. Influencers whether blog and vlog to get attention from the Internet community.


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