NTR 201 Chapter 10 study questions

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Entitlement program

A government program that provides cash, commodities, or services to all qualifying low-income individuals or households

Feeding America

A national network hunger-relief organization to which the majority of food banks belong.

Community Food Security

A situation in which all community residents obtain a safe, culturally acceptable, nutritionally adequate diet through a sustainable food system that maximizes self-reliance and social justice.

Food Recovery

Activities such as salvaging perishable produce from grocery stores

Compare food security levels to food insecurity levels

Figure 10-6 Food insecurity in the U.S steadily increased from 1999-2004, declined in 2005, and rose again in 2007.

What is the major cause of food insecurity in the U.S?


Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

Purpose introduce children to fresh fruits and veggies. Provides fresh and dried fruits and fresh veggies free to children nationwide in select schools in 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rice, and the Virgin islands.

Briefly Describe each of the federal Programs below (Use Table 10-4) including eligibility criteria/what services they provide/foods or services provided. SNAP: WIC: EFNEP: National School Lunch & Breakfast Program: Older Americans Act (OAA)Nutrition Program (a/k/a Elderly Nutrition Program): Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

SNAP-Supplemental nutrition assistance program. Purpose is to improve the diets of low-income households by increasing access to food/ food-purchasing ability. Direct payments in form of EBT. WIC-Addressing special nutritional needs of women and their young children. Purpose is to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age five who are at nutritional risk by providing nutritional foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care. Requirements: Pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, infants up to one year of age, and children up to five years old are eligible if they are individually determined by a qualified health professional to be in need due to nutrition risk or if they meet an income standard at ir below 185% of the poverty guidelines. EFNEP: The expanded food and nutrition education program. Purpose is to assist adults and youth with limited resources in acquiring the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and changed behavior necessary for nutritionally sound diets and to contribute to their personal development and the improvement of the total family diet and nutritional well-being. Adults participate in 10-12 or more lessons delivered by paraprofessionals or volunteers. They us a hands on learn doing approach imparting practical skills. Youth programs take various forms including nutrition education at schools as an enrichment of the curriculum: in after school care programs and through 4-h EFNEP clubs, day camps, community centers, residential camps, neighborhood groups, home gardening workshops. In addition to lessons on nutrition, food preparation, budgeting, and food safety. Youth topics may also include fitness, avoidance of substance abuse, and other related health topics. National school lunch and breakfast program- Assist states and provides nutritious meals free or reduced price lunches to eligible children. Schools receive cash subsidies and USDA commodities for each meal served. Children from households with income at or below 130% receive free meals. Students in households with income between 130-185% receive reduced price meals. Student above 185% pay full price for meals. Older Americans Act (OAA)Nutrition Program (a/k/a Elderly Nutrition Program): Improve the dietary intake and nutrition status of older participating adults and to offer them new opportunities for new friendships and create informal support networks. Congregate and home-de;ivered meals and other nutrition services. Nutrition education, screening, assessment, and counseling to identify older adults general and special nutrition needs, provided in a variety of centers such as senior centers, schools, and individual homes. Meals served must provide at least one third of the recommended intakes established by the food and nutrition board. Adults 60 years of age and older may participate. No means test for participation, however services are target to older people with the greatest economic or social need, with special attention given to low income minorities. Others who may receive aid may be a spouse of any age, disabled persons under 60 who reside in housing facilities, disabled persons who reside at home and accompany older persons to meals and nutrition service volunteers.

Who Are the Food Insecure in the United States. Briefly Describe each of the following: The Young: The working poor: Ethnic Minorities: Older Adults: Inner City and Rural Dwellers: Southern & Western States: Farmers: The homeless:

The working poor - A job that pays minimum wage does not lift a family above the federal poverty threshold. Many women live in poverty struggling to provide childcare while working for the minimum wage. The poor- The most compelling single reason for this food insecurity is poverty. The young- Over 14.7 million children lived in food-insecure households in 2013. Reasons include poverty, including poor housing, limited access to nutritious foods, and lack of medical care. Ethnic Minorities- The national data reveal marked disparity of hardship among racial and ethnic groups. Overall non-Hispanic black and Mexican American children are more likely than non-Hispanic white children to be poor, food insecure and in poor health Older Adults- large numbers of older people who cannot work and have no savings or families to turn to are facing rising bills for housing, utilities, food, and health care. Inner City and Rural Dwellers- The prevalence of food insecurity in household in the inner city and rural areas exceed that in suburbs and other metropolitan areas in 2013. Lack of adequate transportation and limited access to quality markets are problems. Southern and Western states- Farmers- changes in domestic economy have caused problems for producers as well as for consumers.U.S farmers lack control over the products they produce, the prices they must pay for supplies, and the prices they receive for their commodities. The homeless- Lack of food inadequate diet, poor nutrition status, and nutrition related health problems are problems among the homeless persons.

Paradox of food insecurity and obesity in America:

Those with insufficient resources to purchase adequate food can still be overweight for the reason below: The need to maximize caloric intake, The trade-off between food quantity and quality, and Overeating when food is available.

Briefly Describe what poverty guidelines are used for

Used for administrative purposes

Food Security

access by all people at all times to enough food for an active, healthy life

Food Insecurity

limited or uncertain ability to acquire or consume an adequate quality or sufficient quantity of food in socially acceptable ways


the harvesting of excess food from farms, orchards, and packing houses to feed the hungry.

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