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thank you notes when you are turned down

*it is a goof idea to send another thank you if you find out you were not selected for the position *anything you can do to network with the company is recommended

Mock interview

A stimulated interview used for practice

email thank you

an email thank-you note sent the day of the interview to show your immediate interest in the position.

Project confidence

•keep calm and project professionalism And confidence firing each and every innterview •use interviews for experience and networking, and let go having a personal stake in getting the job offer.

Types of interviews

•no directive or work sample interview -often used fields where the candidate needs to demonstrate his or her skills or wares; also know as a work sample interview •panel of group interview -takes place around a conference table, where a group of individuals will collectively ask the candidate questions; also known as a group interview •phone interview -conducted over the phone, usually before meeting the hiring manager in person

how to advance in the workplace

"the highest paid most successful executives use time differently than the average person. the think about it in advance. they allocate it in very small amounts. they think in 5, 10, 15 minute chunk of time" nrian tracy -the 5 minute rile *extra minutes between scheduled events to get work done on your to do list that doesnt require a large time commitment -avoid time wasters

if your emplyer doesnt use performance reviews

*ask ur supervisor if u can meet to discuss how u will be evaluated *be sure u understand what success looks like, as well as things ur boss wants u to avoid *ask if u can meet on a regular basis infomral, verbal feedback on ur review. *regardless of whether or not they fo review they need to give let u know u are meeting their expectations or not.

negotiate once u have the job

*asking for a raise -document ur sucecess -provide specific example of how u contributed to the organization *timing matters *turn the performance evaluation into a negotiation opportunity *know the industry standards -the compensation levels for different fields

ur goals

*do something daily that takes u towards ur goals *revist ur career goals daily and make a concerted effort to do one thing that takes u closer to them

career life balance

*take good care of urself so that u avoid burn out *let the follwoing tips assist u: -make time to play -use ur annual leav/vacation time -excercise -go to the doctor for annual check ups -volunteer -sleep and rest eat well and drink lots of water

making a professional impression

*take initiative -offer to do things that need to be done -ask questions *show confidence -dont be shy share ur ideas -make eye contact -listen more than u speak

tips to move ahead through appraisals

*take the performance reviews seriously *prepare for the perfomance appraisal *review and reflect *request clarification if any goal or comment in ur review is not clear to u *acknowledge areas u can improve *dont assumen ur supervisor is documenting ur success *highlight and document ur accomplishments *keep a file update with ur successes

job search rejection tips

*the following are ways to keep ur perspective inthe job search: -remind urself of the number of applications most companies receive for one open position. -remember it is a numbers game. u need to keep at it -tell urself "it is their loss" -have an expert in human resources or other professional review ur marketing tools to see what u can improve -work on ur interview skills -consider contacting a recruiter to help u search and prepare for interviews

Top 10 difficult questions

1)tell me about urself 2. what is ur personal situation? 3. What are ur strengths? 4. What is ur greatest weakness? 5. Why do you want to leave ur current job/ why did u leave ur current job? 6. What are ur plans for Th e future? 7. Why do ur want to work for us? 8. What would ur current employer (co-worker or boss) day about u? 9. Why should we hire you for this position over other qualified candidates? 10. What are u looking for in terms of salary?

Spontaneous phone interview

•occasionally happens without warning -if truly a bad time, politely ask to schedule a mutually agreeable time in the near future to visit about the position -this is a reasonable request and will allow your time to gather your notes as well as your thoughts

energy management

*consciously choosing how u use ur energy, allowing u to be efficient and effective *ok to step away, take a walk, eat lunch, etc

Second interview

-occurs after the initial interview and involves candidates who made the first cut and have been screened down to a small pool of people in which the company is truly interested -deeper questions -interviewer by •panel •supervisor •peers(s)-to determine if you fit into the culture

Phone interview

An interview conducted over the phone, usually before meeting the hiring manager in person

making a professional impression

Be an active listener -do not: *interupt *jump in with ur idea *cut others off within the conversation use names -if you forget someones name politely ask -use titles such as dr. when appropriate

Reticular Activating System (RAS)

the minds filter system for information

Conduct an mock interview

•one of the best ways to improve ur interview skills is to practice •provides ur with the perfect setting to convey ur skills in a controlled setting

Competencies that are typically assessed

•personality attributes •managrial/leadership abilities •administrative skills •interpersonal skills -communication, teamwork,approachability •technical skills •analytical skills •motivation skills •ability to focus •energy level

Self-worth in interviewing

•pointers for demonstrating a high self-esteem: -if you don't get the job, remind urself it is "not about you" -each interview is part of hammering away at the rock. We don't know which blow will shatter the rock or land the job , so hang in there -remember to use ur self talk if u don't get the job offer

making a professional impression

*have a positive attitude -this is the #1 determining factor for job success! *project profesionalism -act as if, fake it until you make it! *smile and shake hands -introduce urself to everyone u see and meet before they introduce themselves to u.

managing obstacles and frustrations

*interview process can be a blow to the ego -keep perspective, havinga good support system, and keeping ur sense of humor are all important during this time *send a thank u note even when u are not selected *work on improving ur interviewing skills, work on acquiring more skills, and keeping ur attitude positive

how to advance in the workplace

*meet and exceed expectations -you are creating your reputation *give more than you get *show up early &stay late *care about ur coworkers *share *be a part of the solution, contribute *avoid gossip-have ur own experience with each boss, co-workers,client, customer, etc

life long learning and goal setting

*set goals for professional opportunities and advancement *have a career management plan *expand ur toolbox, RAS, career coach 9.3 *use the power of visualization tool -visualization *using ur mind to form pictures of ur goals; foward thinking *the extra bit of effort tool, 212 degree the extra degree *professinalism growth and life long learning *have a mentor

moving foward through performance appraisals

*the goal of performance evaluations is to identify the employees' strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth in the company as well as establishing goals for the next year or next time frame *used to determine raises and promotions -find out when budgets are set so u know if u need to ask for a raise/promotion before u review

the two-step follow up procedure

*the interview is not over until the thank you note is sent *two thank you notes are better than one *thank you note strategy 1- the e thank you: an email thank you note sent the day of the interview to show your immediate interest in the position *thank you strategy 2-handwritten follow-up: follow the e thank you with a note sent though the mail, using different wording

navigate office politics

*those who think they will avoid office politics may fin themselves without a job *navigating office politics successfully will allow u to advance in ur career, while maintaingn ur integrity *in summary: -conncet with others, listen and make time for networking in ur office

workplace bullies

*victms/target -maybe strong or weak individual -male and female detrimental affects have emotional, physical and economic costs -severe anxiety -insomnia, depression -increases absenteeeism

managing and advancing a small business

*visit, and apply for ur emplyer id _find a system for organizing ur finances -get informed -another great website for the small business owner is -learn how to market urself and to add clients

•prove your answers

-give an example of the skills you outline •sell yourself •keep to the point •answe the problem questions •focus on the employer -it is about how you will benefit the employer, not what they can do for you

use the 70/30 rule

-states that if the job offer has 70% of what u desire(advantages) and less than 30% of what u dont want (disadvantages), then u may be in a ballpark of accepting -listen 70% and speak 30% of the time when negotiating, ask open ended questions and let them speak

Speed interview

-used to quickly screen candidates down to a smaller pool or for a large recruitment drive -5-15 minutes rapid fire interview -May result in a longer interview -30 second commercial is ideal in this type of interview -used when a company wants to make sure they haven't overlooked anyone because their resume didn't stand out

how to diplomatically ask for what u want

-word are very powerful and the ones u choose in negotiating make a difference -u want to explain how ur skills and experience are worth more -consider asking for a performnce review in three to six months with an option to increase ur salary and/or bonuses

List 10 ways to improve ur linkedin prfile (Essay for chap 9) thematic updates-a body of topics for study or discussion/pick ur theme for ur update(industry news, insider knowledge, inspirational, personal, advice) 2.makevur profile more than if resume -no incomplete profile. It is not just ur resume 3:no buzzwords-strategicx Calculating, decisive, judicious Leadership-Guidance,directorship, prominence 4.join a network greater than ur own 5test ur LinkedIn profile pic 6relevantvpeople a strategic liker-befriend other professionals u met like networking 8.add people and comment others post 9.request smart-message people u know. Not people u don't know or I'll be a spam also tell them why y want to connect with them 10.masterful networking-don't network with so many people. Meet new people once every month.

Standard or traditional interview questions The three-step formula for answering traditional questions

1.understand what interviewers are really asking 2.answer the question your answer with specifics


A three step acronym technique used to answer competency or behavior based interview questions; also know as SAR or PAR.

Competency-based interview

An interview based on the premise that your past employment behavior will dictate your future behavior in the new position; also known as a behavioral interview

Structured interview

An interview during which technical questions are asked in order to demonstrate that you have the specific knowledge or skills the employer is seeking

Standard interview

An interview during which the applicant is asked a variety of typical questions; also known as a traditional interview

Stress interview

An interview in which the applicant is made uncomfortable by a series of often rude questions. This technique helps identify hypersensitive applicants and those with low or high stress tolerance

nondirective interview

An interview often used in fields where the candidate needs to demonstrate his or her skills or wares; also known as a work sample interview

Second interview

An interview that occurs after the initial interview and involved candidates who made the first cut and have been screened down to a small pool of people in which the company is truly interested

Lunch or dinner interview

An interview that takes place during a meal and may be part of a daylong interview process or it may be the interview itself.

panel interview

An interview that usually takes place around a conference table where a group of individuals will collectively ask the candidate questions; also known as a group interview.

screening interview

An interview used to evaluate and narrow a large applicant pool also known as a prescreening interview for

career coach 8.1

Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe gratitude is an interesting and powerful coaching principle. When you are thankful for something before you get it, in this case a job offer, you are affirming the outcome you desire. Sending a thank you message following an interview is a good marketing tool as well as a manifestation tool. You are appreciating the fact that the hiring manager chose you to interview out of all of the candidates who applied. You appreciate the opportunity the interview gave you, and u appreciate the opportunity to land a job with the company. While you might not get the job offer, letting them know that you are grateful for the interview with them makes a difference. sometimes the candidate selected for the job does not work out and the company needs to find a quick replacement. Your effort of gratitude may be the one thing that sticks out in their mind form others they interviewed. The few minutes it takes to write and send a professional thank you is worth it.

Follow up

Review your interview Send an email thank you the day of the interview Send a regular postage mail(snail mail) thank you card that they will receive in a couple of days Send multiple thank you notes if you had a panel interview. I'm f this is not possible, send the thank you note to the hiring manager and ask him or her to extend your thanks to the panel Check the status of the job in a week or when the interviewer mentioned a decision would be made. Do not hound them, but by the same token, people like to hire people who are eager to work for them

Seven steps to a stellar interview:

Step 1-prepare for the interview Step 2-first impression Step 3-face to face interview Step 4-closimg Step 5-follow up Step 6-job offer and negotiation Step 7-making your decision

Competency-based/behavioral based interview questions

Three step acronym technique known as STAR (situation/task, action, result) 1.present the situation or describe the task 2.explain the action you took with examples to support it 3.deacribe what happened. WhT was the result of the action you took?

Questions to ask(essay and list 5)

What is a typical day like for this position? What areas are the highest priorities for this position that need immediate solutions or attention? What is the divisions management style? When do you plan on making a decision? Why is the position open? What are the avenues for advancement with this position? Do you offer assistance with professional development, training, or furthering an employees education? Is an advanced degree required, or preferred for promotions? Who would I report to? How is performance for this position measured? With your firm, is there an hourly quota that must be met each year? What other departments does this position interface(or cooperate) With and is there anything I should know about that role in connecting with these other parts of the organization?

Questions to avoid (might be areas to avoid)

What is the salary for this position? When will I get a promotion? How soon would I receive a raise? How much flex time is allowed? How much vacation time does the job offer? Do you do background checks/drug checks?

workplace burnout

americans are working longer hours and taking less vacation *common signs of burnout include: -changes in sleep habits -impatience with family and coworkes -cynicism -loss of sense of humor -plagued by chronic headaches, backaches or stomach trouble -emotionally drained

other questions to consider

ask if there is anythibng u can do before u begin working to get head start in ur job, such as reading recommended material or participating in any meetings? non-negotiables -the few items u musy have in order to take the job(2 or 3 things) *know them and be clear on them at this point -bring up anything important that u cannot reschedule during the negotiating

priority plan of action

before u leave -ask to see ur personnel file and for a copy -request that not speak ill of u to future employers -how will ur termination be documented? -recommendation letter negotiate a severance package -case-by-case *often 1-2 weeks for each year with the company *reguster for unemplyment -do this immediately *dept of labor website,careeronestop

Employees dont quit job, they quit bosses

bully bosses -supervisors that use covert or overt aggression to harm subordinates in the workplace *non bias workplace harassment status blind harrassment -persistent, unfair and irrational managing *16.8%

suggestions for professional email correspondence

cjeck your email several times a day answer promptly, within 24 hours or less acknowledge email and text messages you received make a clear subject line never write anything you dont want published use professional verbiage keep emails brief and clear spell and grammae check each email you send do not yell use puntuation properly use names save your email find out policy on auto fowarding

workplace bullies

constructive discharhe -0a termination of emplyement brough about by making the employee's working conditions so intolerable that the employee feels compelled to leave a few suggestions if in this type of situation -save all emails -document harrasment -avoid contact as much as posisble -document ur work

priority plan of action

contact ur creditors immdiately -if u are prompt and honest, they are more understanding update ur resume and references -refer to ur log of contacts -let people know ure actively looking target emplyment opportunities -50%-ideal job -40%socond choice job -10%seekin jobs that will keep u afloat in the meantime

making a professional impression

etiquette -social conversation and good manners netiquette -using manners, civility, and general rules of respectable communication online -netiquette conncets internst with etiquette

priority plan of action

firm up ur netowrk -create a new NBC hoem ur networking skills temporarily cut expenses and assess assets -survive less -sell or cash out assets -ask for financial help increase ur income -there are many creatvie ways to make home or by doing work for friends /family

chapter 9 Making a profesional impression

fit into the company culture -the norms, customs, attitudes, values, and ways of operating things to watch for include: -what types of jokes are told? -what are the company stories being shared? -what people are wearing? Is it a conservative office or more casual? -when do most employees arrive and leave? -do emplyees take scheduled breaks? -what do emplyees do for lunch?

roadblocks, side trips,a dn detours

get support know what to expect, to keep the trip less stressful have a plan b and c remeber the 11th hour principle -when things seem the bleakest in the job search, it is a good sign, as the tide generally turns at that point

learn more so u can earn more

go back to school take a night course seek out ur local career learning center every degree adds value to ur worth MOOCs

making a sound career decision

items u can negotiate: responsibilities, vacation time, insurance paid, signing bonuses, yearly bonuses, promised reviews with salary increases, office assistant, stock options/ profit sharing, 401k matched contribution level, relocation level, mileage reimbursement, toll fees paid, tuition reimbursement

if you dont ask

its a no anyway

managing job changes stress and life balance

job loss triage -using triage or prioritizing skills when downsizing or job loss occurs to ensure the situation is a temporary setback rather than a tragedy

how to turn down an offer successfully

keep in mind that networking is part of ur career tips on decling a job offer: -stay friendly and positve to all -be honest -gather more information -buy time -can u afford to turn them down? -decline professionally

Professional attire guide-men 2 •

little to no cologne •hair should be clean, neat and out of ur eyes. •no book bags or bulky briefcases •no gym, food, candy, or cigarettes. Refrain from smoking prior to the interview in the clothes your plan to wear. The interview can not legally ask you if you smoke but may smell it •you can a bottle of water •facial hair should be neat and trimmed •bring a offer portfolio with a legal pad and nice pen

making the right decision

making a decision, then make it the right decision write out the pros and cons of the offer before accepting it is important to follow ur instincts when evaluating an offer

applying the art of successful negotiation

once the hiring managers affirm that they are indeed offering u the job, then the negotiation process has begun ideally you want to the hiring manager to state the price

how to advance in the workplace

power over ur schedule "the top 3% of achievers leverage their abilities through effective planning." -daily to do list -prioritize

know ur rights

right to work states: -states that do not automatically give emplyees rights beyond what is protected by the US equal emplyment opportunity commision at will employment: -an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason except an illegal one, for no reason without incurring legal liability and vice versa

priority plan of action

self-care -u have plenty of time to be good to urself -workout, meditate, do things that make u feel goof that dont involve chemicals treat ur day as a workday -dont sleep in, be productive, looking for a job and feel like a full tikme job if u do it right headhunters and temporary positions -goof connctions -interraction with them is often like an interview *discussinf skills, strengths, providing ur marketing material

priority plan of action

temporaru setback -must remain positive -being angry &upset wont bring ur job back use foward thinking -visual the job u want -be careful how u speak of the situation-speak words of prosperity not lack actively seek supoort -you are much more than ur job, title, etc -get into social and professional functions

(essay chap 8)pick 5 to negotiate and why

tems u can negotiate:responsibilities, vacation time, insurance paid, signing bonuses, yearly bonuses, promised reviews with salary increases, office assistant, stock options/ profit sharing, 401k matched contribution level, relocation level, mileage reimbursement, toll fees paid, tuition reimbursement and why for each

career coach 8.5

the 70/30 rule states that if the job offer has 70% of what u desire(advantages) and less than 30% of what u dont want (disadvantages) then u may be in the ballpark for accepting. This also assumes that the most crucial factors, or nonnegotibale are in the offer, such as alary, and commute time. This sucess toll can be helpful when making career decisions. You can also use the 70/30 rule to see if u need to ask for something specific to make the offer work. another 70/30 rule in job negotiation is to listen 70 percent of the time and speak 30 percent of the time. ask open ended questions when u are negotiating and let the hiring manager speak.

dont sell the farm yet

when u take a postion u are often under a review period for thr firdt 3-6 montjs juggling offers -is usually a good problem -u can ask for more time to think over the offer. do not explain why; simply ask for an extension

key negotiation questions to ask

you want to gather more information before u accept ask the following -when would u like me to start? -how and when will my performance be reviewed? -what are the promotion opportunities with this position? -what are the benefits added to this position in terms of vacation, insurance, and other perks? -is there mileage reimbursement for commuters or parking benefits?

Other interview types

•Structured interview -an interview in which each job candidate receives the exact same questions •technical interview -technical questions are asked in order to demonstrate that you have the specific knowledge or skills the employer is seeking •if you don't have what they are looking for, focus on your assets -transferable skills -you're a quick study -you're willing to learn

During the phone interview:

•The interviewer will introduce him/herself •if you do not have the correct spelling of the interviewer name ask for it •listen to the questions and ask for clarification if needed •do not take call that comes in on calling-waiting •do not use a speaker phone even if the person interviewing you uses one •answer by providing specific examples and quantify when you can •don't walk around or multitask

Categories of illegal questions(def areas empires should avoid asking for essay)

•affirmations •age •arrest record •citizenship •disabilities/health •gender •height/weight •martial/family status •National origin/race •religion

Professional attire guide women 2

•apply little to no perfume, hairspray, or other scents that might offend or cause allergic reaction to others •a good rule of thumb is that if you could wear it to a club or bar, don't wear it to the interview •hair should be clean, neat, and out of your eyes •no book bag or bulky briefcases •no gum, candy, food, or cigarettes. Refrain from smoking prior to the interview in the clothes you plan to wear. The interviewer can not legally ask u if u smoke but may smell it. * you can take a bottle of water * •bring a padded portfolio with a legal pad and nice pen

Step 4:closing

•ask the right questions (pg. 206, 228( •do not ask about money or benefits until you get an offwe •ask for the job

Step 3: face to face interview

•belonging there -gives reasons why you are the right person for the job

Professional attire-women 1

•clean and pressed clothing •wear a pantsuit, or a jacket and coordinating knee-or calf length skirt •appropriate colors for interviews are black, grey, navy blue, tan, and brown. Pinstripes also work well, as long as they are small and conservative •tailored blouse in a color that complements your suit. A small print also might work, but stay away from trends , and stick to traditional styles and colors. •no dresses •leave ur purse in ur vehicle , or use a small purse

Professional attire guide-men 1

•clean and pressed clothing •wear a suit and tie, unless business casual is accepted. It is not recommended that you wear jeans to an interview •good for colors for interviews are black, gray, navy blue, tan and brown •silk necktie with a conservative pattern •nails should be short and clean •only a wedding band for college class ring •cover tattoos if possible

Professional attire guide women 3

•clear or neutral nail polish; stay away from red, pink, or any other bright colors •one set of conservative earrings •conservative watch •one ring per hand or less •conservative closed-toe shows; pumps are acceptable, but also high heels and stilletos •clean makeup that looks natural and fresh •skin tones for hosiery; no bare legs •cover tattoos if possible

Prior to the phone interview

•confirm the phone interview just as you should confirm a face to face interview •confirm who is going to make the call and confirm the time zone for the appointment •Gina a quiet place wheee you will not be interrupted during the inter lives •be prepared •take a few minutes to get cornered and use positive self talk for a succeful interview •dress up for the phone interview •conduct a mock interview with a friend to practice before the actual interview

Step 1:prepare for the interview

•do your homework •research the company -peruse industry trade magazines -ask others if they know anything about the company •make sure your voice message and phone etiquette is professional •contact the employee prior to the interview -always reconfirm the time and date

Creating ur professional image

•first impressions count! •business casual -attire that falls between jeans and a formal suit; each company defines what falls into this category

Self-worth in interviewing

•pointers for demonstrating a high self-esteem: -don't compare your insides to others outsides -focus in the works did in chapters 1 and 2 on your goals, skils, talents and abilities _know u are innately worthy of having what u want and of being treated with respect -smile -act as if the job is already urs -remember that the past is the past. Ur tomorrow starts at this moment. -if u don't have the skills u can acquire them.

Screening or prescreening interview

•screening interview -used to evaluate and narrow a large applicant pool; also known as a prescreening interview. -allows the hiring manager to determine if you can/should proceed to the next step. -in person or over the phone -generally conducted bu the outsourced hiring firm or HR, not the person/people you'd be working directly with -have your marketing materials handy!

Pre-employment/computerized testing

•screening tests can take place at the company, or more often, online. Types include the IQ or aptitude test, behavior-based test, honest and integrity, Personality test, drug testing, background check, or a test with a variety of objectives. -be prepared, these are becoming more common -their website may indicate whether or not they require these tests •sample test may even be available -treat this as part of the interview and send a thank you.

Other interview types

•stress interview -an interview with the goal of seeing how you actually handle stress in the workplace, rather than just asking you questions about how you handle stress -they will make you feel less like an interview candidate and more like an intruder or enemy -they will cause you stress by "grilling" and interrupting you -don't react •breathing, keep your cool •focus on answering the questions

Ending the phone interview

•thank the interviewer •ask for the job! •ask what the next step is in the selection process

Step 5:follow up

•thank you and handshake •review you're interview •send an email thank you the day of the interview •send a regular postage mail (snail mail) thank you card which they will receive in a couple of days •send multiple thank you notes if u had a panel interview. •check the status of the job in a week or when the interviewer mentioned a decision would be made. FOLLOW UP!!!

The seven interview steps :

•the interview is your opportunity to demonstrate what you can do for the company that is different and better than the other candidates •until you get the job offer, you need to remember that the interview is all about them. -you are the product ur selling

Step 1:prepare for the interview

•time the drive and plan for parking •test the technology •arrive 10-15minutes early •take the essentials and leave the rest in the car -pad, pen, resume, NBC(padded portfolio looks more professional) •waiting, remember to be polite to everyone you meet.

Step 2: first impression

•your image is determined in the first 15-30 seconds when the interviewer meets you •the handshake -reach out your hand and give a solid handshake with two pumps while looking the person in the eye •eye contact and skile •keep it comfortable •remove doubt or negative thoughts from your mind -"I am the greatest."-Muhammad Ali

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