Nursing 240: quiz reviews (don't cheat)

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A stool specimen from a child with diarrhea shows the presence of neutrophils and red blood cells. This is most suggestive of which of the following conditions?

Bacterial gastroenteritis

The nurse is caring for an infant whose cleft lip was repaired. Important aspects of this infant's postoperative care include which of the following?

Cleansing suture line, supine and side-lying positions, arm restraints

Which of the following is used to treat moderate to severe inflammatory bowel disease?


One of the clinical manifestations of chronic renal failure is uremic frost. Which of the following best describes this term?

Deposits of urea crystals in skin

A school-age child with diarrhea has been rehydrated. The nurse is discussing the child's diet with the family. Which of the following may be tolerated the best?

Easily digested foods

The nurse assesses the neonate immediately after birth. A tracheoesophageal fistula should be suspected if which of the following is present

Excessive amount of frothy saliva in the mouth

Which of the following is a major long-term problem for a child with cleft lip and palate?

Faulty dentition

Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for the child with acute glomerulonephritis?

Fluid volume excess related to decreased plasma filtration

Where are Wilms' tumors (nephroblastomas) located?


. Excessive vomiting can result in which one of the following in an infant with pyloric stenosis?

Metabolic alkalosis

Which of the following best describes acute glomerulonephritis?

Occurs after an antecedent streptococcal infection

Which of the following is the primary clinical manifestation of acute renal failure?


Which one of the following is an advantage of peritoneal dialysis?

Parents and older children can perform treatments

The parent of a child hospitalized with acute glomerulonephritis asks the nurse why blood pressure readings are taken so often. The nurse's reply should be based on knowledge of which of the following?

Acute hypertension must be anticipated and identified

The nurse is caring for an adolescent who has just started dialysis. The child seems always angry, hostile, or depressed. The nurse should recognize that this is most likely related to which one of the following?

Adolescents often resenting the control and enforced dependence imposed by dialysis

Acute diarrhea is often caused by which of the following?

Antibotic therapy

Constipation has recently become a problem for a school-age girl. She is healthy except for seasonal allergies, which are now being successfully treated with antihistamines. The nurse should suspect that the constipation is most likely caused by which of the following?


The nurse is caring for a child with Wilms' tumor. Which of the following is the most important nursing intervention preoperatively?

Avoid abdominal palpation

A 2-month-old breast-fed infant is successfully rehydrated with oral rehydration solutions for acute diarrhea. Instructions to the mother abour breast-feeding should include which of the following?

Continue breast-feeding.

A child is admitted with acute glomerulonephritis. The nurse would expect the urinalysis during this acute phase to show which of the following?

Hematuria, proteinuria

Which of the following is now recommended for the immunization of all newborns?

Hepatitis B vaccine

A young child is brought to the emergency room with severe dehydration secondary to acute diarrhea and vomitin. Therapeutic management of this child will begin with:

Intravenous fluids

Which of the following is the earlies clinical manifestation of biliary atresia?


Which of the following is a high-fiber food that the nurse could recommend for a child with chronic constipation


A histamine-receptor antagonist such as Tagamet or Zantac is ordered on an infant with gastroesophageal reflux. The purpose of this is to:

Reduce gastric acid production

Which one of the following is the viral pathogen that frequently causes acute diarrhea in young children?


Therapeutic management of most children with Hisrschsprung disease is primarily which of the following?

Surgical removal of affected section of bowel

A child has a nasogastic tube after surgery for acute appendicitis. The purpose of the NG tube is which of the following?

Prevent abdominal distention

A hospitalized child with nephrosis is receiving high doses of prednisone. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing goal related to this?

Prevent infection

Congenital defects of the genitourinary tract, such as hypospadias, are usually repaired as early as possible to do which of the following

Promote development of normal body image

Caring for the newborn with a cleft lip and palate before surgical repair includes which of the following?

Providing for satisfaction of sucking needs

Which of the following is the primary objective of care for the child with nephrosis?

Reduce excretion of urinary protein

The nurse notes that a child has lost 8 pounds after 4 days of hospitalization for acute glomerulonephritis. This is most likely the result of which of the following?

Reduction of edema

Which one of the following types of acute diarrhea may also have an associated upper respiratory tract infection


The diet of a child with nephrosis usually includes:

Salt restriction

Which of the following factors predisposes the urinary tract to infection?

Short urethra in young females

Which of the following should the nurse recommend to prevent urinary tract infections in young girls?

Wear cotton underpants

In a non-potty-trained child with nephrotic syndrome, the best way to detect fluid retention is which of the following?

Weigh child daily

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