NUTR 405 Final Exam

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How many of the amino acids required for healthy adults are considered indispensable because the body cannot make them and must get them from food?


What form of energy is required for the production of force by a muscle fiber?


What is the most common energy source for muscles and all other body cells?


What is the maximum amount of daily caffeine intake that does not have a negative effect on fluid balance?

a. 300 mg

Your friend, a male soccer player weighing 86 kg, is trying to determine how many carbohydrates should be consumed 2 hours before his soccer game. Based on his weight, how many grams of carbohydrate would you recommend for your friend 2 hours before the soccer game?

a. 86-344 grams

Which weight loss diet is best known as a carbohydrate-controlled diet?

a. Atkins diet

What is a recommended practice to ensure adequate mineral status?

a. Consume adequate kilocalories daily.

Ultra-endurance athletes want to ensure they are getting enough vitamins for proper antioxidant function. What do you suggest to them?

a. Consume fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to ensure a diet rich in antioxidant-containing foods.

Why do some vitamin supplements claim they provide energy?

a. Many B vitamins facilitate the production of energy.

What statement is true regarding dietary supplements and weight loss?

a. Most dietary supplements intended for weight loss are NOT effective, especially for long-term weight loss.

Your friend, a soccer player at your university, mentions she is working with a Registered Dietitian who works for the athletic department. What can we assume about an individual stating they are a Registered Dietitian?

a. This individual has completed nutrition courses, supervised practice (internship), and passed a national registration exam.

What term refers to exercise that primarily uses the oxygen-dependent energy system, oxidative phosphorylation?

a. aerobic

An increase in blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein, aggression, depression, reduction in testicle size, baldness, and growth of facial hair are side effect symptoms from using which supplement?

a. anabolic steroids

What foods would you recommend to an athlete who asked you about increasing their vitamin C intake to assist them in meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin C?

a. broccoli, oranges, and strawberries

What primary energy system would be used in a 100-meter sprint in track, a 40-yard sprint in football, the shot put, or a clean-and-jerk Olympic lift?

a. creatine phosphate

What are the three energy systems that replenish ATP?

a. creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis, and oxidative phosphorylation

What is nutrition periodization?

a. creating a nutrition plan that matches an athlete's training

How does physical activity play a role in decreasing the risk of diabetes?

a. decreasing insulin resistance

What stress hormone, secreted by the adrenal glands, is also known as adrenalin?

a. epinephrine

A Registered Dietitian has been working for her local college for the past 5 years and aspires to become a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics (CSSD). What requirements must this dietitian meet to become board certified in sports dietetics?

a. have at least 1,500 hours of sports nutrition experience and pass the board certification exam

What factor is most likely to increase an individual's risk of type 2 diabetes?

a. high sugar intake without weight gain

What is one potential negative effective of long-term, extreme dietary fat reduction?

a. inadequate replenishment of intramuscular fat

What is one potential negative effect of chronic inadequate fat intake and energy restriction?

a. inadequate replenishment of intramuscular fat stores

Which is the least nutrient-dense food?

a. licorice

What is most important to keep in mind when planning an athlete's dietary goals and intake?

a. phase of the training cycle due to changing energy needs

What type of body composition method uses air displacement to determine body volume and correlates well with underwater weighing to determine body fat mass?

a. plethysmography

When does hypokalemia occur?

a. substantial potassium loss without replenishment

Based on research, how are branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) effective?

a. supporting immune function

What level of physical activity do most individuals engage in whom have been diagnosed with hypertension?

a. typically sedentary most days of the week

What is the definition of orthorexia nervosa (ON)?

a. unhealthy obsession with healthy eating

Which vitamins are involved in antioxidant function?

a. vitamins E, C, and A

While all athletes are at risk of an eating disorder, which classification of sports can result in an increased emphasis on a thin appearance?

a. women's aesthetic sports where appearance is a part of the scoring

Which food is more nutrient dense in vitamin C? a. 1 cup of apple juice with 4 mg vitamin C per 120 kcal b. 1 cup of orange juice with 110 mg vitamin C per 72 kcal c. 1 cup of cherry cranberry juice with 62 mg vitamin C per 115 kcal d. 1 cup of grape juice with 60 mg vitamin C per 139 kcal

b. 1 cup of orange juice with 110 mg vitamin C per 72 kcal

What general guideline for dietary fat intake for active individuals would be appropriate for most athletes?

b. 1.0 gram/kilogram

After training and performance, what is the recommended fluid consumption per kg of body weight lost, beginning as soon after exercise as is practical?

b. 1.25-1.5 L

For most athletes, what is the recommendation for protein intake immediately after exercise?

b. 15-25 grams

Individuals should consume fluids containing carbohydrates and sodium after exercising continuously for how many hours?

b. 2 hours

How many days per week of resistance training is recommended for adults by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)?

b. 2-3 days

What is a good recommendation for athletes to understand with regard to alcohol intake?

b. Binge drinking the day prior to performance may impair next-day performance.

How does disordered eating differ from an eating disorder?

b. Eating is not considered "normal," but it does not fit the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder.

As activity levels increase, how does the major fuel source shift?

b. It shifts from fat to carbohydrate.

What is the name of the current graphic intended to communicate the basics of a healthy diet?

b. MyPlate

If a supplement contains 700 mg of magnesium, what is one of your concerns?

b. This is well above the tolerable upper intake level and puts a person at risk for toxicity.

When thinking specifically about vitamins, the phrase "food first, supplement second" refers to which of the following?

b. Try to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins through diet but take a vitamin supplement to cover any vitamins that may be lacking when the diet is not rich in vitamins.

Is it possible for athletes to meet their nutrient needs without taking a vitamin supplement?

b. Yes, the diet must be nutrient dense, calorically adequate, and varied.

What is the effect of fructose consumption on blood glucose levels?

b. a lower glycemic response as compared to the glycemic response to glucose

What are three ways athletes can maximize replenishment of their muscle glycogen stores after intense training sessions or a competitive event?

b. addition of protein, amount of carbohdyrate, and timing

Which three factors influence mineral absorption?

b. age, gender, and genetics

What should be the starting point of any successful nutrition plan for an athlete?

b. assessment

What are two factors associated with a lower percentage of body water?

b. being older and having a large amount of body fat

When individuals experience large, short-term energy deficits in kilocalories (kcal), what is the result?

b. body weight reduction occurs through fat and water loss

What is one possible strategy to increase resting metabolic rate?

b. building muscle mass

While thiamin needs may be greater in athletes because of their higher ATP production compared to nonathletes, their consumption of what type of high-quality foods with this macronutrient will more than meet the RDA for thiamin?

b. carbohydrates

The process of indirect calorimetry estimates energy expenditure by measuring what 2 components?

b. carbon dioxide and oxygen

What term used on food labels estimates the amount of certain nutrients needed each day?

b. daily value

United States Pharmacopeia,, and NSF (Certified for Sport) are examples of which of the following?

b. dietary supplement certification programs that ensure sound manufacturing practices by supplement companies

What two areas of the diet should an athlete focus on to assist them to increase their muscle mass?

b. energy and protein intake

If an athlete is in energy balance, what macronutrient recommendation should be determined last?

b. fat

Macronutrient recommendations for athletes, such as carbohydrates, are best expressed in what way due to the high amount of calories athletes need to consume?

b. grams/kilogram of body weight

Which adverse events happen when an athlete consumes a dietary supplement containing ephedrine?

b. headache, increased heart rate, and insomnia

Which dietary pattern is associated with less weight gain as someone ages?

b. high in fiber, whole grains, nuts, and dairy products

What should be an athlete's primary focus if their goal is to maintain skeletal muscle mass while losing weight?

b. high protein diet and resistance training

What accounts for gymnasts' above-normal bone mineral density, even when estrogen concentration and menstrual status are abnormal?

b. high-impact training

What condition results from increasing core temperature and deteriorating thermoregulatory control?

b. hyperthermia

Which part of the body receives a signal that causes feelings of hunger, which results in seeking out and consuming food?

b. hypothalamus

What is the most appropriate way for an athlete to increase his or her muscle mass?

b. increase strength training and maintain positive nitrogen balance

What are the two major factors in the development of metabolic syndrome?

b. insulin resistance and obesity

What metabolic waste product of anaerobic glycolysis can cause fatigue in an athlete?

b. lactate

What is the most common type of vegetarian diet, and what animal products are consumed when following this type of vegetarian diet?

b. lacto-ovo vegetarian; dairy products and eggs

As a person begins to exercise, there is a "lag time" between the onset of exercise and the ability of the aerobic energy system to fully meet the elevated energy requirement. What do we call this lag in oxygen consumption?

b. oxygen deficit

Competitive long-distance runners spend a portion of their yearly training time concentrating on running longer distances to improve their maximal aerobic capacity and endurance, and another portion of their training time running shorter distances at higher intensity to improve their speed. What is this training principle?

b. periodization

What component of total energy expenditure (TEE) is most variable?

b. physical activity

Which of the following does NOT represent a complementary protein? a. red beans and rice b. quinoa and stir-fried vegetables c. stir-fried tofu and rice d. corn tortillas and pinto beans

b. quinoa and stir-fried vegetables

What minerals do athletes lose in their sweat in potentially substantial amounts?

b. sodium, zinc, and selenium

Weight and body composition goals should be set upon which of the following?

b. sport, position played, and relative need for power and endurance

Where does the digestion of dietary proteins start in the body?

b. stomach

Most athletes consume ____.

b. sufficient amounts of protein because they consume enough calories

Why is it a challenge to maintain hydration during endurance events?

b. sweat rates that exceed gastric emptying and absorption rates

What is amenorrhea?

b. the absence or suppression of menstruation

With respect to Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), how would you compare an athlete's recommendation to a nonathlete's?

b. the same recommendations

After training or competition, why should an athlete consume both carbohydrates and proteins?

b. to build and repair muscle and resynthesize muscle glycogen

Which is the most effective intervention for enhancing performance?

b. training

What is the process of the amino group removal from the amino acid called, which allows the liver to make dispensable amino acids from indispensable amino acids?

b. transamination

What is the definition of exercise dependence?

b. unhealthy preoccupation with exercising

The creatine phosphate system is the predominant energy system during what type of exercise?

b. very high-intensity, short-duration

Which antioxidant vitamin has been the subject of the most research in studies of athletes?

b. vitamin E

Which athlete is more likely to be at higher risk for vitamin deficiency, because it is common for them to reduce their overall energy intake?

b. wrestlers

Anaerobic glycolysis is the predominant energy system during physical activities of what length?

c. 10 seconds to 2 minutes

A figure skater currently weighs 135 pounds with a current body fat percentage of 22 percent. Her desired body fat percentage is 18 percent. What is her target body weight in order to achieve this body fat percentage?

c. 128 pounds

What is the minimum amount of physical activity children and adolescents should engage in per day?

c. 60 minutes

Which dietary goal is a focus for decreasing an individual's risk for developing heart disease?

c. Balance between the different types of fats

Which statement about body weight is true?

c. Body weight does not provide any information about body composition.

Which of the following is true about mineral absorption?

c. Consuming an orange with a meal can increase iron absorption.

Rachel, a collegiate figure skater, wants to consume a higher protein intake but is worried about the effects on her kidneys and bones. How would you advise her?

c. High-protein diets are not associated with kidney dysfunction or excessive loss of calcium; therefore, she can consume a higher amount.

Your friend wants to eat healthier and reduce her risk of chronic disease development. Using the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommendations, what can you suggest to your friend?

c. Increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

You are a sports dietitian working with athletes at a local high school. An athlete comes to you and asks about dietary supplements to increase their vitamin intake. What would be your primary message regarding vitamin supplements for athletes?

c. It is unlikely your vitamin needs are significantly increased above the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) and a vitamin supplement may not be necessary, but a dietary assessment may reveal vitamin deficiencies.

How does RMR differ from basal metabolic rate (BMR)?

c. RMR is about 10 percent greater than BMR.

You are a new sports dietitian in a college athletic department and are developing protocols for measuring weight and body composition for your athletes. Based on the International Olympic Committees (IOC) Medical Commission recommendations, how would you recommend that coaches be involved in this process?

c. They should not be involved in determining ideal body weight or composition.

Which three vitamins are all involved in energy metabolism through oxidation-reduction reactions in the Krebs cycle?

c. Vitamins B1, B2, and B3

What does the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 provide to the public?

c. a definition of dietary supplements

Which sport or activity may be at increased risk for disordered eating and eating disorders?

c. ballet

What are the three interrelated factors of the Female Athlete Triad?

c. bone mineral density, energy availability, and menstrual function

What is a major disadvantage of anaerobic glycolysis when utilized at a high rate?

c. decrease in pH level

What is the primary goal for fluid consumption during exercise?

c. delaying dehydration to the extent possible

For both athletes and nonathletes, vitamin excesses that reach the tolerable upper intake level are most likely to be caused by what?

c. dietary supplements and fortified foods

What is a reliable and valid method of measuring energy expenditure up to a 3-week time period?

c. doubly labeled water technique

What is it called when a vitamin is lost during processing but added back?

c. enrichment

What are two factors that can affect an individual's sweat rate?

c. environmental conditions and training status of the individual

In many cases, the measurement of an individual's resting metabolic rate may not be possible. What could be an inexpensive alternative to determine an individual's RMR?

c. estimating RMR using prediction equations

What tissue is approximately 10 percent water?

c. fat

How do carbohydrate foods affect blood glucose and insulin secretion?

c. glycemic effect

What could an athlete monitor if they are tracking their weight every day and looking specifically at the day-to-day fluctuations?

c. hydration status

In order to avoid some of the negative psychological effects of dieting, based on current research what is the recommended focus when dieting?

c. improving your metabolic fitness

The heme portion of hemoglobin contains ______________, which carries oxygen inside the red blood cell.

c. iron

What results from stress induced by exercise, which stimulates the release of hormones, including epinephrine?

c. lipolysis

Which athlete would benefit the most from the ability of the body to oxidize fat during physical activity?

c. marathon runner

Muscle dysmorphia is most common in what type of individual?

c. men who believe that their muscles are too small despite well-developed musculature

What does the term "essential fat" mean?

c. minimum amount of fat necessary for proper physiological functioning

Shelly, a cross-country runner, is looking for a food product to eat after a training session with both carbohydrates and protein. Which food would you recommend?

c. nonfat milk

Immune response can be impaired if an individual consumes an inadequate intake of which minerals?

c. selenium and zinc

The application of nutrition and exercise physiology principles to support and enhance training, performance, and recovery is known as what?

c. sports nutrition

Which of the following is associated with a significant reduction in resting metabolic rate (RMR)?

c. starvation

The carotenoid beta-carotene is converted in the body to an active form of which vitamin?

c. vitamin A

Research supports the existence of anabolic window for protein synthesis after exercise. Based on this research, when should adequate protein be consumed after exercise or training?

c. within 0 to 2 hours

Before consuming sports drinks during an event, athletes should experiment with them during training because the content of what macronutrient can result in gastrointestinal distress?


Consuming carbohydrates and fats in sufficient quantities will protect protein from being used for energy. This process is known as ______________.


Based on scientific research, what dietary supplement is effective in conjunction with vigorous training for increasing lean body mass in athletes performing repeated high-intensity, short-duration exercise bouts?


How many carbohydrates should a basketball player consume during an hour-long game?

d. 0-30 grams per hour

Based on postcompetition urine analysis, what is the maximum urine caffeine concentration allowed by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)?

d. 15 mcg/mL

Cynthia, a 55-kg woman, is training to run a marathon. How many grams of carbohydrate does she need during periods of heavy training?

d. 330 to 550 grams per day

What percentage of the adult skeleton is formed by the end of adolescence, and what mineral plays an important role in bone health?

d. 95%; calcium

What is one advantage of using the plethysmography method to determine body composition?

d. It has good test-retest reliability.

Which enzyme is needed for fat digestion in the small intestine?

d. Pancreatic lipase

When exercise intensity is above 75 percent VO2max, which of the following is true with respect to food intake during exercise?

d. The rate of absorption of carbohydrate-containing fluids will be slowed, while the risk for gastrointestinal upset will be increased.

Your brother, a bodybuilder, is seeking your advice. He wants to gain more muscle by consuming 3.5 g protein/kg/day. How would you respond to him?

d. There is no scientific evidence that such a high intake of protein is more effective for increasing skeletal muscle size.

Assuming all are consuming a nutrient-dense diet, which athlete is likely to need a daily multivitamin?

d. a dancer whose calorie intake is low

How does regular aerobic exercise training increase oxidative capacity of muscle? a. by increasing the number of mitochondria b. by increasing the size of mitochondria c. by increasing oxidative enzyme activity d. all of these

d. all of these

As illustrated in the case study at the beginning of this chapter, the development of an eating disorder in a susceptible athlete can be most attributed to what factors? a. inappropriate eating and dieting behaviors b. training demands c. psychological stresses d. all of these are correct

d. all of these are correct

Sports nutrition recommendations for athletes build on what type of nutrition guidelines?

d. basic nutrition guidelines

Which amino acid supplement suggests an improved performance during multiple bouts of high-intensity exercise as well as a single bout of exercise lasting greater than 60 seconds?

d. beta-alanine

Some exercises stimulate the bones, such as running, which can increase what in the body?

d. bone mineral density

If David wants to increase his muscle mass, he should weight train and consistently consume an adequate amount of what two dietary factors?

d. calories and protein

What legal and ethical strategy has been shown to be effective for increasing performance in endurance athletes?

d. carbohydrate loading

What technique can endurance and ultra-endurance athletes utilize to avoid muscle fatigue by maximizing glycogen stores?

d. carbohydrate loading

When determining the nutrient needs for an athlete, you should consider the needs for these two nutrients first before assessing other dietary needs?

d. carbohydrates and proteins

What type of study focuses most on the analysis of a person or a particular situation?

d. case study

What is the purpose of determining an individual's respiratory exchange ratio (RER) ?

d. determine the proportion of energy coming from carbohydrates and fats

Iron deficiency anemia is most prevalent in which athletes?

d. distance runners and female gymnasts

What body composition measurement method uses low-intensity X-rays to scan the body and can also determine bone mineral density?

d. dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry

When determining nutrition goals, what is an inappropriate recommendation for athletes who are eating too much fast food?

d. eliminate fast food from the diet

What type of observational research studies a large group of individuals in a specific population, which may assist in identifying nutrition and exercise patterns in the population?

d. epidemiological study

Which hormone may be low in exercising women due to low energy intake, which can result in decreased bone formation?

d. estrogen

How does anorexia athletica differs from anorexia nervosa?

d. fat reduction is more related to performance than body image

Along with calcium and vitamin D, what other minerals are involved in bone health?

d. fluoride, magnesium, and phosphorus

A sports drink may cause bloating and gas in the colon if it contains too much of what type of sugar?

d. fructose

What type of solution occurs when the concentration of all solutes is greater outside than inside the cell?

d. hypertonic

What is the most important factor in determining if an athlete is exercising excessively?

d. individual's intent in doing the exercise

Which of the following are essential fatty acids?

d. linoleic and alpha-linolenic

Why is a low-carbohydrate diet NOT recommended for a healthy endurance athlete?

d. low glycogen stores, which would impair training and performance

What are the two factors to consider when determining dietary fat recommendations for an athlete?

d. macronutrient balance and total energy needs

What is the highest amount of oxygen that can be utilized by the body called?

d. maximal oxygen consumption

An athlete who is aware and diligent about replacing muscle glycogen after training, and thinks about but does NOT obsess over food, demonstrates what type of eating pattern?

d. normal eating

What food is primarily composed of fat and could contribute to an athlete's fat intake? a. white bread b. apple c. pasta d. olive oil

d. olive oil

Which dietary supplement may have a protective effect for athletes who experience exercise-induced bronchoconstriction due to asthma?

d. omega-3 fatty acids

For an athlete engaging in marathon running, which body system is predominantly involved in energy production?

d. oxidative phosphorylation

How can iron deficiency anemia impair athletic performance?

d. reducing VO2max as a result of decreased oxygen transport

What equivalent amount of cups of strong coffee within 2 to 3 hours of competition has been banned by several sports-governing bodies, including the NCAA, due to high levels of caffeine?

d. six to eight

An inverse relationship between body fat and performance is most likely to exist for what type of athlete?

d. ski jumper

A female athlete experiencing amenorrhea is at greater risk of what type of injury due to potential lower bone mineral density?

d. stress fracture

The protein hemoglobin is considered a transport protein, while the proteins of muscles and connective tissues are what type of protein?

d. structural

The hormone _______may be negatively impacted by chronic fat restriction.

d. testosterone

Hydrogenation results in the formation of this type of fatty acid?

d. trans

What is one form of insensible water loss?

d. ventilation

During what type of activity is oxidative phosphorylation the predominant energy system?

d. very long duration and low-intensity activity

Where would you naturally find dietary fiber?

d. whole grains

The needs of what nutrition component may be significantly different for athletes in training compared to lightly active individuals in the general population?


What term refers to chemical reactions that release energy?


Which macronutrient yields the largest amount of energy?


What one word best describes "normal" eating?


What does a person consume that is transformed into different chemical forms to be stored for later use or used for immediate energy?


When blood glucose drops, what is released to stimulate the release of glucose stored as liver glycogen?


Polysaccharides are made up of what?

glucose chains

In humans, energy conversion is transferred as what, making it the most acceptable way to study energy?


A deficiency or excess of what mineral impairs the immune system?


What is the SI unit of measure for energy?


What can be produced by cells that use glucose anaerobically?


Which hormone produced by fat cells is one of the important regulatory signals for long-term weight maintenance?


Which of the following is an anion involved in fluid balance?


What macronutrient is typically omitted from the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) when determining a person's source of fuel?


When is fat metabolized for energy most efficiently?


Which component makes up the largest proportion of total energy expenditure?

resting metabolic rate

What electrolyte is present in the largest amount in sweat and should be replaced during heavy sweating?


In nutrition science, how is the energy expenditure unit of measurement expressed?

thermal energy

What is the makeup of the disaccharide maltose?

two glucose molecules

What is the recommendation, in minutes per week, for adults engaging in moderate-intensity exercise?


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