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b. dry, brittle hair c. edema e. poor wound healing

Which are indications of protein-calorie malnourishment? Select all that apply. a. gingivitis b. dry, brittle hair c. edema d. spoon-shaped nails e. poor wound healing

a. calcium b. thiamin c. Vitamin B6 d. sodium

Which are required for a normal functioning nervous system? Select all that apply.q a. calcium b. thiamin c. Vitamin B6 d. sodium e. phosphorus

b. scurvy

Which disease is associated with a vitamin C deficiency? a. dysrhythmias b. scurvy c. pernicious anemia d. megaloblastic anemia

a. COPD c. cancer d. parkinson's disease e. major burns

Which disorders increase the client's metabolic needs? a. COPD b. hypothyroidism c. cancer d. Parkinson's disease e. major burns

a. poor wound healing b. dry hair d. weak hand grips e. impaired coordination

Which findings suggest malnutrition? Select all that apply. a. poor wound healing b. dry hair d. blood pressure of 130/80 d. weak hand grips e. impaired coordination

c. black beans d. whole-grain bread

Which food choices are high in fiber? Select all that apply. a. canned peaches b. white rice c. black beans d. whole-grain bread e. tomato juice

a. corn tortilla with black beans

Which food is appropriate for a school-aged child with celiac disease? a. corn tortilla with black beans b. pizza c. canned soup d. hot dogs

d. 2 large, poached eggs

Which food is high in Vitamin D? a. 1 cup steamed long-grain brown rice b. 6 medium raw strawberries c. 1/2 cup boiled Brussels sprouts d. 2 large, poached eggs

a. whole milk

Which food is recommended for a Vitamin D deficiency? a. whole milk b. chicken c. oranges d. dried peas

a. fortified milk

Which food promotes calcium absorption? a. fortified milk b. ripe bananas c. steamed broccoli d. green leafy vegetables

d. grilled salmon

Which food selection should be recommended for a client who adheres to Kosher dietary laws? a. baked pork chop b. cheeseburger c. ham and cheese omelet d. grilled salmon

b. soy cheese

Which food should be recommended to a client who is lactose intolerant? a. bread b. soy cheese c. luncheon meats d. instant mashed potatoes

b. 1/2 cup orange juice

Which food would aid in iron absorption for a client taking iron supplements? a. 1 baked potato b. 1/2 cup orange juice c. 1/2 cup low-fat milk d. 2 cups boiled green beans

a. hot dogs b. grapes c. bagels d. marshmallows

Which foods increase the risk of choking in toddlers? a. hot dogs b. grapes c. bagels d. marshmallows e. graham crackers

a. decreased metabolic demand

Which is associated with hypothyroidism? a. decreased metabolic demand b. weight loss c. increased heart rate d. diarrhea

a. lactose

Which is the carbohydrate found in milk? a. lactose b. sucrose c. maltose d. fructose

c. ice cream

Which item should be discouraged for a client with chronic pancreatitis? a. white rice b. broiled cod c. ice cream d. canned peaches

b. diaphoresis

Which of the followings would you expect from a client experiencing hypoglycemia? a. fruity breath odor b. diaphoresis c. ketones in urine d. polyuria

b. healthy weight

A body mass index of 21.2 is classified as: a. underweight b. healthy weight c. overweight d. obese

b. metabolic syndrome

Abdominal weight gain, elevated glucose, and elevated triglycerides are manifestations of... a. anemia b. metabolic syndrome c. heart failure d. hypertension

b. poached eggs

Which is appropriate for a Level 2 dysphagia diet for a client following a stroke? a. turkey sandwich b. poached eggs c. peanut butter crackers d. granola

Niacin (B3)

Aids in the metabolism of fats, glucose and alcohol

48 g

Calculate the protein needs for a young adult that weighs 132 lbs, given the recommendation of 0.8g/kg.

4 cal/g

Carbs and protein provide how many calories per gram?

a. soy c. cow's milk

Infants who react to which of the following foods typically outgrow the sensitivity? Select all that apply. a. soy b. wheat c. cow's milk d. eggs e. fish

Hypertension diet

DASH diet low sodium (1500 mg/day) high potassium high calcium

9 cal/g

Fats provide how many calories per gram?

c. vitamin B12

What medications would be expected to be prescribed for pernicious anemia? a. ferrous sulfate b. epoetin alfa c. vitamin B12 d. folic acid

a. client who has a wired jaw due to vehicle crash b. client who is 24 hour post op following TMJ repair c. client who has difficulty chewing due to oral surgery

For which of these clients is a blenderized liquid diet appropriate? a. client who has a wired jaw due to vehicle crash b. client who is 24 hour post op following TMJ repair c. client who has difficulty chewing due to oral surgery d. client who has hypercholesterolemia due to CAD e. client scheduled for a colonoscopy the next morning

Thiamin (b1)

Helps the body release energy from food, promotes normal appetite, and helps the nervous system

d. 10 weeks * 1 pound = 3500 calories

How long will it take a client to gain 10 lbs if the calorie intake is 500 calories more per day that required? a. 10 months b. 5 months c. 5 weeks d. 10 weeks

dysphagia diet

Level 1: pureed Level 2: mechanically altered - softened Level 3: advanced - near normal foods that are moist

Sources of Iron

Meat Fish Poultry Tofu Dried peas & beans Whole grains Dried fruit

a. calcium c. folic acid

Older adults have decreased absorption of which of the following? Select all that apply. a. calcium b. chloride c. folic acid d. magnesium e. phosphorus

25 g/day for women & 38 g/day for men

Recommended fiber intake

Dumping Syndrome diet

Sm. frequent meals, low fiber, high fat and protein Avoid liquids @ meal time lie down for 20-30 min after meal time

b. ground turkey c. mashed carrots e. cottage cheese

Which are considered appropriate for a mechanically soft diet? a. dried prunes b. ground turkey c. mashed carrots d. fresh strawberries e. cottage cheese

c. determine the client's intention to change current eating habits

What action should be taken first for a client who has a BMI of 29 and wants to lose weight? a. refer the client to a nutritionist b. discuss eating strategies with the client c. determine the client's intention to change current eating habits d. instruct the client to perform 30 min of vigorous exercise daily

a. a viral infection can trigger the onset of of DM1 c. DM1 usually occurs before age 30. e. regular exercise can reduce insulin requirements in DM1

What information should be provided to a client with a new diagnosis of DM1? a. a viral infection can trigger the onset of of DM1 b. alpha cells in the pancreas are damaged in DM1 c. DM1 usually occurs before age 30. d. DM1 is treated with oral antiglycemic medications e. regular exercise can reduce insulin requirements in DM1

a. reduce intake of spinach

What should be included for a client who has a calcium oxalate-based kidney stone? a. reduce intake of spinach b. decrease broccoli intake c. increase intake of vitamin C supplements d. limit consumption of purine substances

c. assist the client to use a straw to drink liquids. e. encourage intake of fluids between meals.

What should be included in the plan of care for a client who has mechanical fixation of the jaw after a motorcycle crash? a. thicken liquids to honey consistency. b. educate client about the use of a nasogastric tube c. assist the client to use a straw to drink liquids. d. ensure that the client receives ground meats e. encourage intake of fluids between meals.

a. monitor the client's weight daily b. encourage the client to comply with fluid restrictions c. evaluate intake and output e. monitor for constipation

What should be included in the plan of care for a client with ESKD? SATA a. monitor the client's weight daily b. encourage the client to comply with fluid restrictions c. evaluate intake and output d. instruct the client on restricting calories from carbs e. monitor for constipation

a. examine trends in weight loss b. review prealbumin finding d. add a micron filter to IV tubing e. use an IV infusion pump

What should be included in the plan of care for a client with a new prescription for peripheral parenteral nutrition? SATA a. examine trends in weight loss b. review prealbumin finding c. administer an IV solution of 20% dextrose d. add a micron filter to IV tubing e. use an IV infusion pump

a. carbs should comprise 55% of daily caloric intake c. you can add table sugar to cereals d. you can drink one alcoholic beverage with a meal e. use the same portion sizes to exchange carbohydrates

What should be included in the teaching of a client with DM2? a. carbs should comprise 55% of daily caloric intake b. use hydrogenated oils for cooking c. you can add table sugar to cereals d. you can drink one alcoholic beverage with a meal e. use the same portion sizes to exchange carbohydrates

b. Standard formula contains whole protein.

What should be included when teaching a client about continuous feedings and types of enteral nutrition formulas? a. Formula rich in fiber is recommended when starting EN. b. Standard formula contains whole protein. c. Hydrolyzed formula is recommended for a full-functioning GI tract. d. The high-calorie formula has increased water content.

a. consume 35 kcal/kg of body weight to maintain body protein stores b. take phosphate binders when eating protein-rich foods c. increase biologic sources of protein, such as eggs, milk, and soy d. increase protein intake by 50% of the RDA

What should be included when teaching a dialysis client about protein needs? a. consume 35 kcal/kg of body weight to maintain body protein stores b. take phosphate binders when eating protein-rich foods c. increase biologic sources of protein, such as eggs, milk, and soy d. increase protein intake by 50% of the RDA e. consume daily protein intake in the morning

a. Unpasteurized fruit juice is a common cause of foodborne illness.

What should be included when teaching about food safety and foodborne illnesses? a. Unpasteurized fruit juice is a common cause of foodborne illness. b. Store hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. c. The recommended cooking temperature for ground beef is 145 degrees F. d. The onset of norovirus is 5 to 7 days after exposure.

c. decrease potassium intake to 65 mEq/day

What should be recommended for a client who has AKI and is on hemodialysis? a. limit calcium intake to 2500 mg/day b. decrease total fat intake to 45% of daily calories c. decrease potassium intake to 65 mEq/day d. limit sodium intake to 4.5 g/day

b. offer 4 oz of fruit juice

What should the nurse do when taking care of a client with DM, is shaky and weak? a. provide subcutaneous insulin b. offer 4 oz of fruit juice c. give the client IV potassium d. administer IV sodium bicarbonate

b. check the client's capillary glucose level every 4 hours

What should you do for a client who is receiving TPN? a. administer 0.9% NaCl until TPN is available from the pharmacy. b. check the client's capillary glucose level every 4 hours c. obtain the client's weight each week d. change the IV tubing every 3 days.

c. return the bag to the pharmacy

What should you do if you notice a layer of fat floating in the IV solution bag when administering lipid emulsion? a. shake the bag to mix the fat b. turn the bag upside down on time c. return the bag to the pharmacy d. administer the bag of solution

a. administer 20% dextrose in water IV until the next bag is available.

What should you do when a client is receiving TPN via central line but the next bag of solution is not available yet? a. administer 20% dextrose in water IV until the next bag is available. b. slow the infusion rate of the current bag until the solution is available c. monitor for hyperglycemia d. monitor for hyperosmolar diuresis

a. restrict protein intake

What would be restricted for a client with stage 2 chronic kidney disease? a. restrict protein intake b. maintain a high-phosphorus diet c. increase intake of foods high in potassium d. limit dairy products to 1 cup per day

c. 27

Which BMI is considered overweight? a. 24 b. 30 c. 27 d. 32

c. recommending one's own favorite foods

Which action demonstrates ethnocentricity? a. asking the client what he likes to eat. b. notifying the dietitian to complete the menu c. recommending one's own favorite foods d. asking the client's family to fill out the menu

a. consult social services to arrange home meal delivery c. advise the client to purchase frozen fruits and vegetables d. recommend drinking a supplement between meals e. educate the client on how to read nutrition labels

Which actions should be included in the plan of care for a client with malnutrition being discharged home alone? a. consult social services to arrange home meal delivery b. encourage the client to purchase nonperishable boxed meals c. advise the client to purchase frozen fruits and vegetables d. recommend drinking a supplement between meals e. educate the client on how to read nutrition labels

c. encourage the client to tuck the chin when swallowing.

Which actions should be taken to reduce the risk of aspiration for client returning to an oral diet after a partial laryngectomy? a. request to have the client's oral medications provided in liquid forms. b. instruct the client to follow each bite of food with a drink of water. c. encourage the client to tuck the chin when swallowing. d. Consult the dietitian about providing the client with a thin liquid diet.

a. verify the presence of bowel sounds b. flush the feeding tube with warm water d. administer the feeding at room temperature e. inspect the tube insertion site.

Which are appropriate interventions when a nurse is administering bolus enteral feedings to a client w/ malnutrition? SATA a. verify the presence of bowel sounds b. flush the feeding tube with warm water c. elevate the head of the bed 20 degrees d. administer the feeding at room temperature e. inspect the tube insertion site.

a. graham crackers b. apple slices e. cheese cubes

Which are appropriate snack foods for a toddler? SATA a. graham crackers b. apple slices c. raisins d. jelly beans e. cheese cubes

b. dizziness d. hypotension e. diarrhea

Which are manifestations of dumping syndrome? SATA a. bradycardia b. dizziness c. dry skin d. hypotension e. diarrhea

b. client w/ Parkinson's

Which client is the highest priority to observe during meals? a. client w/ decreased vision b. client w/ Parkinson's c. Client w/ poor dentition d. client w/ anorexia

a. abdominal distention b. flatus d. occasional diarrhea

Which finding is expected of an infant who is lactose intolerant? SATA a. abdominal distention b. flatus c. hypoactive bowel sounds d. occasional diarrhea e. visible peristalsis

c. report of fever for 30 days

Which finding supports the diagnosis of HIV-associated muscle wasting? a. BMI 26 b. fecal impaction c. report of fever for 30 days d. report of high alcohol consumption

b. anemia c. tarry stools d. epigastric pain

Which findings should be expected from a client with peptic ulcer disease? a. steatorrhea b. anemia c. tarry stools d. epigastric pain e. swollen lymph nodes

b. yogurt

Which food has a honey-like thickness without adding a thickening agent? a. ice cream b. yogurt c. buttermilk d. cream of chicken soup

b. oatmeal d. canned peaches e. pretzels

Which foods would be recommended for a client recovering from pancreatitis needing a low-fat diet? a. ribeye steak b. oatmeal c. ice cream d. canned peaches e. pretzels

a. meat d. eggs e. milk

Which foods would benefit a client with B12 deficiency? a. meat b. flaxseed c. beans d. eggs e. milk

a. administer with an infusion pump c. flush the feeding tube every 4 hrs. d. reinstill the residual feeding into the stomach e. reassess tolerance if the residual volume is greater than the prescribed amount.

Which interventions should be included in the care plan of a client receiving enteral nutrition via continuous infusion? SATA a. administer with an infusion pump b. measure residual every 8 hrs. c. flush the feeding tube every 4 hrs. d. reinstill the residual feeding into the stomach e. reassess tolerance if the residual volume is greater than the prescribed amount.

c. vitamin B12

Which nutritional deficiency is associated with numbness of the hands and feet? a. folic acid b. potassium c. vitamin B12 d. iron

b. chicken broth e. cranberry juice

Which of the following are appropriate for a client who is just starting to eat after an appendectomy? SATA a. applesauce b. chicken broth c. sherbet d. wheat toast e. cranberry juice

b. discard feeding equipment after 24 hrs. d. label the unused portion of formula

Which of the following are appropriate interventions when preparing to administer intermittent enteral feedings to a client who has neuromuscular disorder? SATA a. fill the feeding bag w/ 24 hr worth of formula b. discard feeding equipment after 24 hrs. c. leave unused portions of formula at the bedside d. label the unused portion of formula e. elevate the head of the client's bed for 15 minutes after administration

a. carrot sticks with low-fat dip b. cheese and crackers c. unbuttered popcorn

Which of the following are healthy snack foods for teens? SATA a. carrot sticks with low-fat dip b. cheese and crackers c. unbuttered popcorn d. french friends e. hot dog

a. eat foods high in vitamin A b. add cruciferous vegetables

Which of the following are nutritional guidelines for cancer prevention? SATA a. eat foods high in vitamin A b. add cruciferous vegetables c. increase intake of red meats d. use saturated cooking oil e. consume refined grains

a. use peanut butter as a spread on crackers c. top fruit with yogurt d. dip chicken in eggs before cooking e. sprinkle cheese on a baked potato

Which of the following are ways to increase protein and calories in foods for cancer patients? a. use peanut butter as a spread on crackers b. add water in place of milk in soups c. top fruit with yogurt d. dip chicken in eggs before cooking e. sprinkle cheese on a baked potato

a. beans c. whole grains d. broccoli

Which of the following foods are high fiber that can assist in lowering LDL? SATA a. beans b. cheese c. whole grains d. broccoli e. yogurt

a. beans b. fish c. dairy products d. lean red meats

Which of the following foods are iron-rich? SATA a. beans b. fish c. dairy products d. lean red meats e. apples

d. wheat toast with peanut butter

Which of the following foods should be offered to a client following a vegan diet? a. bagel with cream cheese b. fried egg c. fruit with yogurt d. wheat toast with peanut butter

b. use plastic utensils

Which of the following interventions are appropriate for a client having difficulty eating due to inability to taste food (cancer patient)? a. avoid citrus juices b. use plastic utensils c. eat foods that are warm d. increase foods high in pectin

d. brown rice

Which of the following is a good choice for a high fiber, low fat diet? a. peanut butter b. peeled apples c. hardboiled egg d. brown rice

b. graham crackers

Which of the following should be avoided with celiac disease? a. potatoes b. graham crackers c. wild rice d. canned pears

c. preparation of foods using sodium

Which of the traditional Asian dietary patterns places the client at risk for hypertension? a. incorporation of plant based foods in the diet. b. consumption of raw fruits c. preparation of foods using sodium d. focus on shellfish in the diet

d. smoked fish

Which of these could cause a hypertensive crisis if the client is taking phenelzine? a. grapefruit juice b. dark green vegetables c. greek yogurt d. smoked fish

a. weight management b. lipid profile c. cultural needs e. personal preferences

Which ones should be incorporated into a dietary plan for a client with DM2? a. weight management b. lipid profile c. cultural needs d. sleep patterns e. personal preferences

d. I should consume low-fat dairy products.

Which statement indicates an understanding of dietary recommendations to lower blood pressure? a. daily sodium consumption should be 3,000 mg. b. I should consume foods low in potassium. c. My limit is three cigarettes a day. d. I should consume low-fat dairy products.

b. I need to read food labels when grocery shopping. c. I will stop eating frozen for dinners for lunch at work. d. I know that deli meats are usually high in sodium. e. I can refer to the AHA's website for dietary guidelines

Which statement indicates understanding of a low-sodium diet for hypertension? SATA a. I should select organic canned vegetables b. I need to read food labels when grocery shopping. c. I will stop eating frozen for dinners for lunch at work. d. I know that deli meats are usually high in sodium. e. I can refer to the AHA's website for dietary guidelines

b. Clients who practice orthodox Judaism do not eat meat with dairy products.

Which statement indicates understanding of culture and food? a. Clients who practice Roman Catholicism do not drink caffeinated beverages. b. Clients who practice orthodox Judaism do not eat meat with dairy products. c. Clients who are Mormon eat only the protein of animals that are slaughtered under strict guidelines. d. Clients who practice Hinduism do not eat dairy products.

B. I will avoid toasting my bread.

Which statement indicates understanding of managing stomatitis? a. I will try chewing larger pieces of food. B. I will avoid toasting my bread. c. I will consume more food in the morning d. I will add more citrus foods to my diet.

b. Regular insulin may be added to the TPN solution

Which statement is appropriate regarding medication compatibility and TPN? a. Use the Y-port on the TPN IV tubing to administer antibiotics b. Regular insulin may be added to the TPN solution c. Administer heparin through a port on the TPN tubing d. Administer vitamin K IV bolus via the Y-port on the TPN tubing.

c. Tub baths are allowed with this device.

Which statement is appropriate when discussing the use of a low-profile gastrostomy device for a child receiving enteral feedings? a. The device can be uncomfortable for children. b. Checking residual is much easier with this device. c. Tub baths are allowed with this device. d. Mobility of the child is limited with this device.

a. concentration of lipid emulsion can be up to 30% b. adding lipid emulsion gives the solution a milky appearance c. check for allergies to soybean oil d. lipid emulsion prevents essential fatty acid deficiency

Which statement is appropriate when teaching about fat emulsion added to total parenteral nutrition? SATA a. concentration of lipid emulsion can be up to 30% b. adding lipid emulsion gives the solution a milky appearance c. check for allergies to soybean oil d. lipid emulsion prevents essential fatty acid deficiency e. lipids provide calories by increasing the osmolality of the PN solution

Vitamin C

Which vitamin facilitates the absorption of iron?

soft (bland, low-fiber) diet

Whole foods that are low in fiber, lightly seasoned and easily digested raw fruits and vegetables, coarse breads and cereals, beans, and gas-forming foods are excluded

cancer prevention diet

adequate fiber 5 servings of fruits/veggies daily whole grains rather than refined or processed avoid meat prepared by smoking, pickling, charcoal and grilling consume polyunsaturated fats (fish / olive oil) limit alcohol consumption

full liquid diet

all clear liquids, milk, soups, vegetable and fruit juices, eggnog, plain ice cream and sherbet, refined or strained cereals, and puddings

165 degrees

chicken should be cooked to this temp

diverticulitis diet

clear liquids if acute exacerbation high fiber, low fat for prevention avoid foods w/ seeds or husks

Riboflavin (B2)

coenzyme to release energy from cells. sources: milk, meats, and dark leafy vegetables.

signs of dysphagia

drooling, pocketing food, choking, gagging, taking longer than 2-10 seconds to swallow food

Nutritional Risks for adolescents

eating and snacking patterns increased need for iron inadequate calcium intake dieting eating disorders adolescent pregnancy

standard formulas

enteral formulas composed of whole proteins, require functional GI tract

hydrolized formula

enteral formulas with partially digested protein peptides and free amino acids. used for clients with partially functioning GI tract

negative nitrogen balance

excretion exceeds intake occurs during illness, trauma, aging, malnutrition

iron deficiency anemia

fatigue, lethargy, pallor of nail beds, cold intolerance, headache, tachycardia

folic acid deficiency

fatigue, pallor, glossitis, irritability, diarrhea, no neuro symptoms

Sources of Vitamin B12

fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk

Vitamin B12

folate activation and RBC maturation sources: meat, shellfish, eggs, and dairy

mechanical soft diet

foods that require minimal chewing before swallowing - ground meats, canned fruits, softly cooked vegetables

Sources of Folic Acid

green leafy veggies, dried peas and beans, seeds, orange juice, cereals and breads fortified with folic acid

160 degrees

ground beef should be cooked to this temp as well as products that contain eggs

foods that are considered choking risks for toddlers

hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, grapes, raw carrots, celery, peanut butter, tough meat, and candy

330 in second trimester 452 during third trimester

increase in caloric intake during pregnancy

330 for 0-6 months 400 after 6 months

increase in daily caloric intake during breastfeeding

cancer therapy diet

increased caloric needs 25-35 cal/kg increased protein needs to 1.0 to 2.5 g/kg

8 to 10 months

infants can eat fish and poultry

6 to 8 months

infants can eat vegetables, fruits, or strained meats

4 to 6 months

infants should be eating iron-fortified rice cereal

positive nitrogen balance

intake of nitrogen exceeds excretion. body builds more tissue than it breaks down occurs during periods of growth

blenderized liquid diet

liquid and foods pureed to liquid form

CAD diet

low-fat low-cholesterol (under 200 mg/day) increased fiber and carbs increased omega-3 fatty acids exercise and weight management

insulin and heparin

may be added to parenteral nutrition solution

Pyridoxine / Vitamin B6

needed for cellular function and synthesis of hemoglobin, neurotransmitters, and niacin sources: meats, grains, legumes

vitamin B12 deficiency anemia

pallor, jaundice weakness, fatigue, glossitis, anorexia, indigestion, weight loss, frequent diarrhea/constipation, decreased concentration, paresthesia, decreased proprioception, poor muscle coordination, increased irritability, delirium

1,000 mg/day

recommended daily calcium intake for women

Heart failure diet

reduce sodium (2,000 mg/day) monitor fluid intake (restrict to 2L/day) increase protein to 1.12 g/kg small, frequent meals

kidney disease diet

restrict phosphorus protein restriction for clients with CKD restrict sodium restrict potassium limit meat intake to 4-6 oz per day limit dairy to 1/2 cup per day

145 degrees

roasts and steaks should be cooked to this temp

Decrease BMR

short, overweight body build starvation/malnutrition age older than 60 years amitriptyline (tricyclic antidepressant)

clear liquid diet

water, tea, coffee, fat-free broth, carbonated beverages, clear juices, ginger ale, and gelatin

9 to 12 months

when is an infant ready for chopped table foods?

Increase BMR

● Lean, muscular body build ● Exposure to extreme cold ● Prolonged stress ● Rapid growth periods (infancy, puberty) ● Pregnancy ● Lactation ● Physical conditioning prednisone, epinephrine, levothyroxine, ephedrine sulfate

a. whole almonds

1/2 cup of which food is the best source of magnesium? a. whole almonds b. chopped tomatoes c. raw spinach d. low-fat vanilla yogurt

d. grains

A client reports eating a slice of toasted white bread with butter, a banana, milk, and a cup of coffee for breakfast, grilled chicken, baked potato, and milk for lunch; an apple and cheddar cheese for snack; and 2 servings of chicken, 2 cups of steamed broccoli, and milk for dinner. Which food group is deficient? a. dairy b. vegetables c. fruits d. grains

a. erythropoietin

A client with ESRD reports fatigue. The hemoglobin is 8g/dL. Which medication is expected to be prescribed? a. erythropoietin b. erythromycin c. filgrastim d. calcitriol

c. provide more water with feedings

A client's urine has a specific gravity of 1.035 and they are receiving intermittent enteral feedings through an NG tube. Which action should the nurse take? a. deliver the formula at a slower rate b. request a lower-fat formula c. provide more water with feedings d. instill a lactose-free formula

d. baked chicken

A home health nurse is planning care for a client who is receiving chemotherapy and has neutropenia. Which of the following foods should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. soft-boiled eggs b. brie cheese with unpasteurized milk c. cold deli-meat sandwiches d. baked chicken

b. a client who is vegetarian d. a client who is pregnant e. a toddler who is overweight

A nurse in a provider's office is reviewing the medical records of a group of clients. Which of the following clients is at risk for iron deficiency? (select all that apply) a. a client who is postmenopausal b. a client who is vegetarian c. a middle adult male client d. a client who is pregnant e. a toddler who is overweight

c. determine the client's dietary preferences.

A nurse is caring for a client from the Middle East who has celiac disease. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform regarding the client's diet? a. provide foods prepared according to kosher dietary law. b. ask the kitchen to prepare grits to meet the client's dietary needs for grains c. determine the client's dietary preferences. d. prepare a diet tray that includes vegetable and barley soup

a. provide finger foods for the client

A nurse is caring for an older adult client who has dementia, gets up frequently to pace during meals, and eats sparingly. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? a. provide finger foods for the client b. offer food at fewer times each day to promote hunger c. administer a benzodiazepine medication to the client before meals d. assist the client to sit still during meals using soft restraints

b. I can have yogurt as a dessert.

A nurse is completing dietary teaching w/ a client who has heart failure and is prescribed a 2 g sodium diet. Which response indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. I should use salt sparingly while cooking. b. I can have yogurt as a dessert. c. I should use baking soda when I bake. d. I should use canned veggies instead of frozen.

d. pepsin

A nurse is planning an in-service training session for a group of nurses regarding the role of enzymes in digestion. Which of the following enzymes plays a role in the digestion of protein? a. amylase b. lipase c. steapsin d. pepsin

b. iron

A nurse is planning an in-service training session regarding nutrition. Which of the following minerals should the nurse identify as involved in oxygen transportation? a. zinc b. iron c. phosphorus d. magnesium

a. mix powdered skim milk into liquid milk c. add a slice of cheese to hot vegetables e. mix yogurt into fresh fruit.

A nurse is planning care for a client who is receiving chemotherapy and has a protein deficiency. Which of the following interventions should be in the plan of care? a. mix powdered skim milk into liquid milk b. add a raw egg to fruit smoothies c. add a slice of cheese to hot vegetables d. add honey to hot tea e. mix yogurt into fresh fruit.

b. grilled fish

A nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client who has chronic renal failure. Which of the following food choices by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. canned soup b. grilled fish c. pastrami d. peanut butter

b. the RDA defines the level of nutrient intake that meets the needs of healthy people in various groups.

A nurse is providing nutritional teaching to a group of clients. which of the following definitions for the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) should the nurse include in the teaching? a. the RDA is a comprehensive term that includes various dietary standards and scales. b. the RDA defines the level of nutrient intake that meets the needs of healthy people in various groups. c. the RDA defines the levels of nutrients that should not be exceeded to prevent adverse health effects. d. the RDA is the daily percentage of energy intake values for fat, carbohydrate, and protein.

d. "I should replace white bread with whole-grain bread."

A nurse is providing teaching about food choices to a client who has diabetes mellitus. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I will need to eliminate sweet desserts from my diet." b. "I should avoid using sucralose in my coffee." c. "I should consume alcohol between meals in moderation." d. "I should replace white bread with whole-grain bread."

d. Older adults need an increased amount of calcium.

A nurse is providing teaching about nutrition to an older adult client. The client asks," Don't I need the same amount of nutrients that I did when I was younger?" Which of the following responses should the nurse make? a. Older adults need less protein. b. Older adults need an increased amount of carbs. c. Older adults need an increased amount of iron. d. Older adults need an increased amount of calcium.

b. "I will eat more cold foods at meals rather than hot foods."

A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has COPD about maintaining proper nutrition. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching? a. "I will increase my fluid intake when I eat a meal." b. "I will eat more cold foods at meals rather than hot foods." c. "I will avoid high-fat foods like butter and gravies." d. "I will cook my meals instead of eating convenience foods."

b. 1/2 cup of hummus

A nurse is teaching a client who is beginning a vegan diet and is concerned about maintaining an adequate protein intake. Which of the following food servings should the nurse recommend due to the high amount of protein? a. 1/2 cup tomato soup b. 1/2 cup of hummus c. 2 tablespoons of peanut butter d. 1 cup penne pasta

b. 9

How many of the amino acids must be obtained from dietary intake? a. 6 b. 9 c. 11 d. 15

a. vitamin D c. calcium d. Vitamin B12

What do you need to ensure you are getting enough of when following a vegan diet? a. vitamin D b. fiber c. calcium d. Vitamin B12 e. whole grains

b. protein serves as an energy source when other sources are inadequate

What information should be included in an in-service about nutrition? a. fat breaks down into amino acids b. protein serves as an energy source when other sources are inadequate c. glucose breaks down into ammonia d. carbohydrates provide 9 cal/g of energy

b. consume 1,000 mg of dietary calcium daily

What instruction should be given to a young adult client with a history of calcium oxalate renal calculi? a. drink fruit punch or juice with every meal. b. consume 1,000 mg of dietary calcium daily c. take 1 g of a vitamin C supplement daily d. increase your daily bran intake

a. collard greens

What is a good calcium source for a pregnant client who is lactose intolerant? a. collard greens b. cottage cheese c. orange juice d. broccoli

a. I can snack on fresh fruit.

What is an appropriate understanding of a low-sodium diet to manage hypertension? a. I can snack on fresh fruit. b. I can continue to eat lunchmeat sandwiches. c. I can have cottage cheese with my meals. d. Canned soup is a good lunch option.

c. keep a diary of the foods your child eats each day.

What is the correct response to a parent concerned about their child being disinterested in certain foods? a. during this phase, feed your child anything that she will eat. b. Increase the amount of calories and water you child consumes. c. keep a diary of the foods your child eats each day. d. provide a large variety of fruit juices for your child to choose from.

a. digesting fats

What is the purpose of bile? a. digesting fats b. producing chyme c. stimulating gastric acid secretion d. providing energy

c. 1,000 mg

What is the recommended daily calcium intake for a client who is breastfeeding? a. 800 mg b. 400 mg c. 1,000 mg d. 2,000 mg

c. longer intestinal tract

What places an infant at higher risk of electrolyte imbalances compared to an adult with gastroenteritis and dehydration? a. less extracellular fluid b. reduced body surface area c. longer intestinal tract d. decreased metabolism rate

a. fats provide energy

What should be included in an in-service about nutrition? a. fats provide energy b. carbs repair body tissue c. fats regulate fluid balance d. carbs prevent interstitial edema

b. kosher diets have restrictions regarding how the food must be prepared.

What should be included in an in-service about various dietary practices? a. ovo-vegetarian diets exclude eggs b. kosher diets have restrictions regarding how the food must be prepared. c. macrobiotic diets are plant-based and exclude all animals and seafood. d. flexitarian diets exclude the consumption of dairy products.

d. wheat bread

What should be omitted for a person with celiac disease? a. cornflakes b. reduce-fat milk c. canned fruits d. wheat bread

a. slices of ripe banana

What should be recommended as finger foods for a child? a. slices of ripe banana b. popcorn c. hot dogs d. raw carrots

a. grilled chicken

What should be recommended to a client with a new diagnosis of cirrhosis? a. grilled chicken b. potato soup c. fish sticks d. baked ham

d. limit drinking liquids with food.

What should be recommended to a client with anorexia and nausea due to cancer treatment? a. serve foods at warm or hot temps. b. offer the client low-density foods c. make sure the client lies supine after meals d. limit drinking liquids with food.

c. eat yogurt with live cultures

What should be recommended to a client with constipation? a. use bismuth subsalicylate regularly. b. consume a low-fiber diet c. eat yogurt with live cultures d. use bisacodyl suppositories regularly

d. use gravies or sauces to soften food

What should be recommended to client undergoing radiation therapy for mouth cancer and reports a dry mouth? a. offer graham crackers b. avoid foods containing citrus c. rinse the mouth with an alcohol-based mouthwash before eating d. use gravies or sauces to soften food

d. coleslaw

What should be removed from a meal tray for a client that has been prescribed a low-fiber diet for diverticulitis? a. canned fruit b. white bread c. broiled hamburger d. coleslaw

a. protein

What should be restricting prior to dialysis for a client with chronic kidney disease? a. protein b. carbs c. calcium d. monounsaturated fats

a. It can be taken with grapefruit juice.

What should be taught to a client who has a new prescription for pravastatin to treat hyperlipidemia? a. It can be taken with grapefruit juice. b. It can be continued during pregnancy. c. It should be taken with the evening meal. d. Lab testing to monitor WBC count is required.

c. You don't have to give up pasta; just adjust the amount you eat.

What should you say to a client that "can't imagine" giving up pasta as they eat it every day? a. Let's discuss this with your doctor; giving up daily pasta may not be necessary b. Is there another favorite dish you can substitute c. You don't have to give up pasta; just adjust the amount you eat. d. You can use no-added-salt tomato products on your pasta

d. You should eat dry foods that are high in carbs when you wake up.

What statement is appropriate for a client who is 10-weeks pregnant and experiencing nausea and vomiting? a. You should eat foods served at warm temperatures. b. You should brush your teeth right after you eat. c. You should try to eat sweet foods when you feel nauseated. d. You should eat dry foods that are high in carbs when you wake up.

d. eat protein with each meal

What teaching should be included about management of dumping syndrome to a client who had a partial gastrectomy. a. consume at least 4 oz of fluid with meals b. take a short walk after each meal c. use honey to flavor foods such as cereal d. eat protein with each meal

a. You can suck on popsicles to numb your mouth

What would help with stomatitis of the mouth for a client who has AIDS? a. You can suck on popsicles to numb your mouth b. Season food with spices instead of salt. c. Avoid the use of a straw for liquids. d. Eat foods at hot temperatures

d. offer mints

What would help with the metallic taste in the mouth from radiation therapy? a. eat with metal utensils b. limit coffee c. avoid citrus foods d. offer mints

a. Let's discuss other foods that are also high in protein.

What would you say to a pregnant woman who practices Hinduism that believes eating animal products will cause her to miscarry? a. Let's discuss other foods that are also high in protein. B. Eating meat during pregnancy provides necessary protein and does not cause miscarriage. C. Why do you think that eating animal products will cause you to have a miscarriage? d. Your doctor is recommending what is best for you and your baby.

c. ask the client to think of a food the produces salivation

Which action should be taken when assisting a client who has dysphagia with eating meals? a. add water to soups for a thinner consistency b. encourage using water to clear the client's mouth c. ask the client to think of a food the produces salivation d. remind the client to rest after meals

b. drink 3.8 L of water throughout the day

Which instruction should be included for a client with a history of renal calculi? a. consume foods containing vitamin C. b. drink 3.8 L of water throughout the day c. suggest almonds as a snack d. limit sodium intake to 3 g per day

d. eat a source of protein with each meal

Which instruction should be included in the plan of care for a client with dumping syndrome? a. consume beverages with meals b. eat 3 large meals per day c. include high-fiber foods in the diet d. eat a source of protein with each meal

d. avoid salty foods

Which intervention is appropriate for a client who has AIDS and has developed stomatitis? a. rinse the mouth for chlorhexidine solution every 2 hrs. b. limit fluid intake with meals c. provide oral hygiene with a firm-bristled toothbrush after each meal. d. avoid salty foods

b. chicken salad *phenelzine is an MAOI and tyramine should be avoided

Which is an appropriate selection for a client taking phenelzine to treat depression? a. bologna on wheat bread b. chicken salad c. cheddar cheese and crackers d. pizza with pepperoni

a. decreased albumin

Which lab findings are expected from a client with protein-calorie malnutrition? a. decreased albumin b. elevated hemoglobin c. elevated lymphocytes d. decreased cortisol

c. BUN 25 mg/dL

Which lab value indicates a complication of enteral feeding that should be reported to the provider? a. sodium 143 mEa/L b. potassium 4.2 mEq/L c. BUN 25 mg/dL d. Glucose 185 mg/dL

a. chicken breast and corn on the cob

Which meal selection is appropriate for a low-cholesterol diet after an MI? a. chicken breast and corn on the cob b. shrimp and rice c. cheese omelet and turkey bacon d. liver and onions

c. amitriptyline

Which medication decreases the body's metabolic rate? a. prednisone b. levothyroxine c. amitriptyline d. epinephrine

a. sodium

Which nutrient regulates extracellular fluid volume? a. sodium b. calcium c. potassium d. magnesium

a. iron

Which nutrient should be increased during pregnancy? a. iron b. calcium c. vitamin e d. vitamin k

c. starch

Which nutrient will be affected by the lack of salivary amylase? a. fat b. protein c. starch d. fiber

b. Ask the client to identify the types of foods preferred.

Which of the following actions should a nurse plan to take first when teaching diet to a client who has DM? a. Obtain sample menus from the dietitian to give to the client. b. Ask the client to identify the types of foods preferred. c. identify the recommended range of the client's glucose level d. discuss long-term complications that can result from non-adherence to the dietary plan.

a. total carbs b. total fat c. calories e. dietary fiber

Which of the following are required on food labels? a. total carbs b. total fat c. calories d. magnesium e. dietary fiber

a. inactivity b. family history e. cigarette smoking

Which of the following are risk factors for osteoporosis? Select all that apply. a. inactivity b. family history c. obesity d. hyperlipidemia e. cigarette smoking

a. lactation b. prolonged stress d. puberty

Which of the following factors increase BMR? Select all that apply? a. lactation b. prolonged stress c. malnutrition d. puberty e. age older than 60

a. eggs

Which of the following foods is a source of complete protein? a. eggs b. cereal c. peanut butter d. pasta

d. add chopped hard-boiled eggs to soups and casseroles

Which of the following is recommended to increase protein density of meals for a client recovering from burn injuries? a. use sour cream instead of plain yogurt b. add honey to cooked cereals c. use salad dressing in place of mayo d. add chopped hard-boiled eggs to soups and casseroles

a. I should remove the skin from poultry before eating it.

Which of the following statements indicates an understanding of dietary teaching for heart disease and a low-cholesterol diet? a. I should remove the skin from poultry before eating it. b. I will eat seafood once per week. c. I should use margarine when preparing meals. d. I can use whole milk in my oatmeal.

c. protein builds and repairs body tissue

Which of the following statements should a nurse include when teaching about nutrients to a client? a. carbs transport nutrients throughout the body. b. fats prevent ketosis c. protein builds and repairs body tissue d. carbs help regulate body temperature

c. Vitamin C

Which of the following vitamin deficiencies causes scurvy? a. vitamin A b. Vitamin B3 c. Vitamin C d. Vitamin D

d. maintain a supine position after meals

Which of the recommendations should be given to a client with dumping syndrome following gastric bypass surgery? a. avoid foods containing protein b. drink liquids during each meal c. eat foods that contain simple sugars d. maintain a supine position after meals

c. lentils

Which one is an example of an incomplete protein? a. eggs b. soybeans c. lentils d. yogurt

a. progress toward limiting saturate fat to 7% of your total daily intake.

Which should be included in a class for adult women? a. progress toward limiting saturate fat to 7% of your total daily intake. b. good bowel function requires 35 g/day of fiber for women c. limit cholesterol to 400 mg/day d. normal functioning cardiac systems depends on B-complex vitamins

b. use a separate cutting board for poultry

Which should be included in the dietary teaching for a client who has AIDS? a. discard leftovers after 8 hours. b. use a separate cutting board for poultry c. thaw frozen foods at room temperature. d. store cold foods at 10 C (%0 F) or less

c. include 2.5 cups of vegetables in your daily diet

Which statement should be included when teaching about nutritious diets to a group of adult women? a. include at least 3 g of sodium in your daily diet. b. limit wine consumption to 230 mL daily c. include 2.5 cups of vegetables in your daily diet d. limit water intake to 1.5 L per day

b. eliminate simple sugars and sugar alcohols from the diet

Which strategy should be used to prevent dumping syndrome for a client who is postoperative following a gastrectomy? a. have the client drink plenty of water with meals b. eliminate simple sugars and sugar alcohols from the diet c. limit intake to 2 meals per day d. offer meals that are low in protein or protein-free

a. take allopurinol as prescribed b. exercise several times a week c. limit intake of foods high in purine

Which suggestions should be made to a client with gout a urolithiasis to prevent future uric acid stones? a. take allopurinol as prescribed b. exercise several times a week c. limit intake of foods high in purine d. decrease daily fluid intake e. avoid citrus juices

b. negative nitrogen balance

Which value indicates a client is in a catabolic state (using protein faster than it is being synthesized)? a. albumin of 3.5 g/dL b. negative nitrogen balance c. BMI of 18.5 d. serum prealbumin 12 mg/dL

d. K

Which vitamin interferes with warfarin? a. A b. D c. E d. K

a. illness b. malnutrition d. trauma

Which would cause a negative nitrogen balance? Select all that apply? a. illness b. malnutrition c. adolescence d. trauma e. pregnancy

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